Community Service Project-96-102
Community Service Project-96-102
Community Service Project-96-102
Community Service Project should be an integral part of the curriculum, as an alternative to
the 2 months of Summer Internships / Apprenticeships / On the Job Training, whenever there
is an exigency when students cannot pursue their summer internships. The specific
objectives are;
To sensitize the students to the living conditions of the people who are around them,
To help students to realize the stark realities of society.
To bring about an attitudinal change in the students and help them to develop societal
consciousness, sensibility, responsibility and accountability
To make students aware of their inner strength and help them to find new /out of box
solutions to social problems.
To make students socially responsible citizens who are sensitive to the needs of the
disadvantaged sections.
To help students to initiate developmental activities in the community in coordination
with public and government authorities.
To develop a holistic life perspective among the students by making them study
culture, traditions, habits, lifestyles, resource utilization, wastages and its
management, social problems, public administration system and the roles and
responsibilities of different persons across different social systems.
An evaluation to be done based on the active participation of the student and grade
could be awarded by the mentor/faculty member.
The final evaluation to be reflected in the grade memo of the student.
The Community Service Project should be different from the regular programs of
NSS/NCC/Green Corps/Red Ribbon Club, etc.
Minor project reports should be submitted by each student. An internal Viva shall also
be conducted by a committee constituted by the principal of the college.
Award of marks shall be made as per the guidelines of Internship/apprentice/ on the
job training.
A group of students or even a single student could be assigned for a particular
habitation or village or municipal ward, as far as possible, in the near vicinity of their
place of stay, to enable them to commute from their residence and return back by
evening or so.
The Community Service Project is a twofold one –
o First, the student/s could conduct a survey of the habitation, if necessary, in
terms of their own domain or subject area. Or it can even be a general survey,
incorporating all the different areas. A common survey format could be
designed. This should not be viewed as a duplication of work by the Village
or Ward volunteers, rather, it could be another primary source of data.
o Secondly, the student/s could take up a social activity, concerning their domain
or subject area. The different areas, could be like –
Marketing and Cooperation
Animal Husbandry
Revenue and Survey
Natural Disaster Management
Law & Order
Excise and Prohibition
Mines and Geology
Free Electricity
Drinking Water
Learning Outcomes
Positive impact on students’ academic learning
Improves students’ ability to apply what they have learned in “the real world”
B.Tech. Civil Engineering JNTUA R23 Regulations
Personal Outcomes
Greater sense of personal efficacy, personal identity, spiritual growth, and moral
Greater interpersonal development, particularly the ability to work well with others,
and build leadership and communication skills.
Social Outcomes
Reduced stereotypes and greater inter-cultural understanding
Improved social responsibility and citizenship skills
Greater involvement in community service after graduation
Career Development
Connections with professionals and community members for learning and career
Greater academic learning, leadership skills, and personal efficacy can lead to greater
Relationship with the Institution
Stronger relationships with faculty
Greater satisfaction with college
Improved graduation rates
Complimenting the community service project the students may be involved to take up
some awareness campaigns on social issues/special groups. The suggested list of
Common Programs
1. Awareness on RTI
2. Health intervention programmes
3. Yoga
4. Tree plantation
5. Programs in consonance with the Govt. Departments like –
i. Agriculture
ii. Health
iii. Marketing and Cooperation
iv. Animal Husbandry
v. Horticulture
vi. Fisheries
vii. Sericulture
viii. Revenue and Survey
ix. Natural Disaster Management
x. Irrigation
xi. Law & Order
xii. Excise and Prohibition
xiii. Mines and Geology
xiv. Energy
Role of Students:
Students may not have the expertise to conduct all the programmes on their own. The
students then can play a facilitator role.
For conducting special camps like Health related, they will be coordinating with the
Governmental agencies.
As and when required the College faculty themselves act as Resource Persons.
Students can work in close association with Non-Governmental Organizations like
Lions Club, Rotary Club, etc or with any NGO actively working in that habitation.
And also, with the Governmental Departments. If the program is rolled out, the
District Administration could be roped in for the successful deployment of the
An in-house training and induction program could be arranged for the faculty and
participating students, to expose them to the methodology of Service Learning.
A survey form based on the type of habitation to be prepared before visiting the
habitation with the help of social sciences faculty. (However, a template could be
designed for different habitations, rural/urban.
The Governmental agencies, like revenue administration, corporation and municipal
authorities and village secreteriats could be aligned for the survey.