Peh LP1-LP2
Peh LP1-LP2
Peh LP1-LP2
8. Improves sleep.
LP2 – Muscle and Bone-strengthening Activities
2. Chest Press
3. Arm Circles 1.
Oldest triathlete to complete Ironman world
championship is an 87- years old Japanese
named Hiromo Inada. – Guiness Book of
World Records
Participants are required to swim 3.86 km,
bike for 180.25 km, and run a full 42.19 km.
Inada started his career at 65 yrs old. Up to
date, he is preparing for the next
championship in Hawaii.
BONE STRENGTHENING EXERCISE FOR Aging is an inevitable process
BEGINNERS WebMD (2021) – Bone mass starts to
deteriorate at approximately age 30 and can
1. Squat Jumps lead to osteopenia.
Osteopenia – weakening and reduction of
bone mass
3. Overtime, bones lose mass and a more
complicated disease arise
Osteoporosis – makes bones thin and easy
to break
Sarcopenia – skeletal muscles gradually
lose muscle mass, strength, and function
Skeletal Muscles – muscles attached to the EXAMPLES!
bones, responsible for movements 1. Free weights – exercises that use
4. dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, etc.
Muscles and bones are part of 2. Weight machine exercises
musculoskeletal system – provides 3. Resistant band exercises
framework and structure to the body 4. Bodyweight exercises – squats, push-
Muscle, bones, connective tissue and fibers ups, planks, etc.
– allow you to perform essential movements
Standing, seating, walking, lifting, pushing,
pulling, etc.
“How Can You Avoid Muscle Loss As
Older adults who developed muscular You Age?”
skeletal diseases will find difficulty living - featured Gary Calabrese (Physical
independently and will be prone to bone Theraphist)
fractures and other injuries - according to Gary, young adulthood –
Better Health Channel,2015 – regular middle-aged are the best time to engage
physical activity focused on muscle and in muscle and bone strengthening
bone strengthening exercise can help delay exercise to preserve muscle and bone
process of aging. strength
Well-round fitness program involving
combination of aerobic and muscle and
MUSCLE AND BONES STRENGTENING bone strengthening exercises as wells as
ACTIVITIES balance and flexibility exercise can lead
to maximal health benefits and overall
A. Weight Bearing Activities fitness.
- physiological stimulus for bone metabolisma Consult a physician and a fitness expert
before engaging in physical activities
and bone formations
especially if you have special helath
- Wolff’s Law conditions.
- developed by Julius Wolff – German Nutrion plays a vital role in musculosketal
anatomist and surgeon fitness. Foods rich in protein, healthy
- if loading on the bone increases, the bone carbs, vitamins, minerals help build
will remodel itself to become stronger to muscle and bone strength.
withstand greater strength Commit to lifelong participation in fitness
EXAMPLES! - Active lifestyles – best investment that
1. Walking, jogging, and running can benefit your future life especially with
2. Stair, climbing, hiking, etc. love ones.
3. Jumping rope
4. Dancing
5. Basketball, volleyball, badminton,
soccer, etc.
B. Resistance Exercise
- strengthening training exercise that makes
muscle works against a weight of force
- increase muscle mass and strengthen