Peh LP1-LP2

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LP1 Aerobic Physical Activities

Aerobic Physical Activities earphones when listening to music during

your outdoor walking so you can hear
- Involve large muscle groups (arms and cars passing near you.
legs) and are continuous in nature. 4. Invite someone to accompany you as
- more structure type of physical activity having someone around you will keep
- aims to achive cardiovascular fitness and you motivated and get you going for a
other fitness goals longer duration of working exercise.
5. The WHO in their article Physical Activity
EXAMPLES OF AEROBIC PHYSICAL (WHO, 2020) recommends 150 – 300
ACTIVITIES mins. per week of moderate rigourous
intensity of physical activity to maintain
1. Walking ideal body weight. Integrating walking 0in
- underrated exercise yous exercise program is an ideal way to
help you achieve these recommended
- simple exercise can lead to several physical
and mental health benefits
- easiest and cost-effective way to sweat and
increase heart rate
2. Cycling

Extra Info! - active transportation

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular - Legislators recognized cycling as cheap and
Biology environmentally friendly transportation that
- engaging in briskwalking (moderate- promotes health consciousness and
intesity) has similar health benefits to physical fitness
vigorous – intensity running
- reduced risk for hypertension, heart Bicycle Friendly Communities Act
disease, and diabetes
- Bicycle Act of 2016 (House Bill no. 174)
- push for more bike lanes and call for
protecting bike enthusiast.
INTENSITY DESCRIPTION 1. Avoid wearing loose clothings as this can
Low I can talk and sing get caught on the chains of your bike.
2. If you plan to make cycling your regular
Moderate I can talk but I cannot sing
recreation invest in a quality helmet bike
Vigorous I have difficulty in talking lines reflective accessories
interchangeable or photochromic (light-
sensitive) glasses UV protection clothing
TIPS IN WALKING SESSION! and other protective gears.
1. Keep an upright yet relax posture while 3. Apply sunscreen if you plan to ride for
walking. Avoid slouching or leaning long hours during daytime. Hydrate
forward and allow your arms to swing yourself as Often as you need.
naturally. 4. Consult a doctor before engaging in
2. Wear comfortable and appropriate attire cycling as a recreation especially if you
for your walking sessions. A good pair of have existing health risk. Individuals
shoes that can give your proper support, having problems with vision balance or
flexibility, and cushioning will help in hearing may opt to choose a stationary
having a good walking experience. bike as an altemative aerobic exercise.
5. For beginners choose a flat road for your
initial riding sessions. Always begin with a
3. Lower down the volume of your
LP1 Aerobic Physical Activities
warm up (at least 5 to 10 minutes of slow slowly.
pedaling), then increase your speed 4. Do not skip cool down and stretching
gradually. After achieving your target ride exercise before you and your session.
duration, take an extra time to cool down 5. High impact steps are not ideal for people
by slowing down again before you full who have joint problems. Always choose
stop. the easy option when necessary.
6. Observe and follow the traffic laws 6. Enjoy and have fun. Hydrate yourself as
7. Choose less congested roads for a often as needed.
smoother ride and cleaner air to breathe
8. When planning for a long and challenging
ride (mountain biking or off-road biking)
condition your body first by training 4. Swimming
weeks or months before your target
schedule. You can join cycling enthusiast - safe for beginners
or a group of cycling expert to help you - gentle on the joints and bones
prepare for more challenging rides. - get overs muscle toning and stretching
effect on the body
- low impact activity that can increase heart
rate, enhance breathing efficiency, and
3. Dancing improve overall cardiovascular fitness.
- played a special role in human culture and TIPS FOR STARTING SWIMMERS!
traditions, and celebrations 1. Enrolling in swimming programs
- involves large muscle groups and have ensures that you Will have a safe and
rhythmic qualities – ideal for cardiovascular effective swimming exercise sessions.
2. Learning how to swim properly requires
Zumba Dance consistent practice. Commit at least three
Hanna (1995) – people engage in dance not only times per week of practice to master
as passion but to combat illnesses basic swimming skills.

- popular dance exercise 3. If you plan to pursue swimming as a

- routine inspired dance exercise recreation investing in swimming
- by Alberto Perez equipment (goggles, swimming caps,
- Zumba fitness (2012) – there are more than swimsuit, etc.) will help you have a better
12 million dance enthusiast in the world swimming
- fun and high energy cardio as it follows high
4. Follow pool and venue policies.
and low intensity interval dances such as
salsa, cha-cha, reggaeton, samba, etc. 5. Hydrate yourself as often as you should.
Avoid swimming during hot weather. Use
1. Consider health condition before starting
any physical workout.
2. Wear comfortable attire. Good pair of
shoes protects feet during performance.
3. Start your dance session with the warm
up. Practice at your own pace and
observe your body's response to the
intensity level of your workout. If you feel Any aerobic physical activity or exercise when
any uncomfortable feeling pause for a done regularly can give ylou the following health
while and let your body rest by breathing benefits.
LP1 Aerobic Physical Activities

1. Burn calories effectively resulting in

weight loss.

2. Makes your heart and lungs strong.

3. Increases endurance and energy level


4. Reduce risk to illnesses such as cancer,

hypertension, heart disease, and

5. Boost immune system and prolong life.

6. Reduce feelings of depression and


7. Improves attention focus and memory.

8. Improves sleep.
LP2 – Muscle and Bone-strengthening Activities


1. Sliding Forearm Exercise

3. Squat Girl Overhead Press Exercise

2. Chest Press


3. Arm Circles 1.
 Oldest triathlete to complete Ironman world
championship is an 87- years old Japanese
named Hiromo Inada. – Guiness Book of
World Records
 Participants are required to swim 3.86 km,
bike for 180.25 km, and run a full 42.19 km.
 Inada started his career at 65 yrs old. Up to
date, he is preparing for the next
championship in Hawaii.
BONE STRENGTHENING EXERCISE FOR  Aging is an inevitable process
BEGINNERS  WebMD (2021) – Bone mass starts to
deteriorate at approximately age 30 and can
1. Squat Jumps lead to osteopenia.
 Osteopenia – weakening and reduction of
bone mass
3. Overtime, bones lose mass and a more
complicated disease arise
 Osteoporosis – makes bones thin and easy
to break
 Sarcopenia – skeletal muscles gradually
lose muscle mass, strength, and function
 Skeletal Muscles – muscles attached to the EXAMPLES!
bones, responsible for movements 1. Free weights – exercises that use
4. dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, etc.
 Muscles and bones are part of 2. Weight machine exercises
musculoskeletal system – provides 3. Resistant band exercises
framework and structure to the body 4. Bodyweight exercises – squats, push-
 Muscle, bones, connective tissue and fibers ups, planks, etc.
– allow you to perform essential movements
 Standing, seating, walking, lifting, pushing,
pulling, etc.
 “How Can You Avoid Muscle Loss As
 Older adults who developed muscular You Age?”
skeletal diseases will find difficulty living - featured Gary Calabrese (Physical
independently and will be prone to bone Theraphist)
fractures and other injuries - according to Gary, young adulthood –
 Better Health Channel,2015 – regular middle-aged are the best time to engage
physical activity focused on muscle and in muscle and bone strengthening
bone strengthening exercise can help delay exercise to preserve muscle and bone
process of aging. strength
 Well-round fitness program involving
combination of aerobic and muscle and
MUSCLE AND BONES STRENGTENING bone strengthening exercises as wells as
ACTIVITIES balance and flexibility exercise can lead
to maximal health benefits and overall
A. Weight Bearing Activities fitness.
- physiological stimulus for bone metabolisma  Consult a physician and a fitness expert
before engaging in physical activities
and bone formations
especially if you have special helath
- Wolff’s Law conditions.
- developed by Julius Wolff – German  Nutrion plays a vital role in musculosketal
anatomist and surgeon fitness. Foods rich in protein, healthy
- if loading on the bone increases, the bone carbs, vitamins, minerals help build
will remodel itself to become stronger to muscle and bone strength.
withstand greater strength  Commit to lifelong participation in fitness
EXAMPLES! - Active lifestyles – best investment that
1. Walking, jogging, and running can benefit your future life especially with
2. Stair, climbing, hiking, etc. love ones.
3. Jumping rope
4. Dancing
5. Basketball, volleyball, badminton,
soccer, etc.

B. Resistance Exercise
- strengthening training exercise that makes
muscle works against a weight of force
- increase muscle mass and strengthen

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