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03 Welcome To
Email Marketing Vs Sms Marketing -
What’s Best For Your Business?
SMS or email marketing? In this ar-
ticle, we will breakdown the differ-
Clicks Magazine
ences between SMS marketing and
email marketing. We’ll explain each Thanks for checking out our 94th issue
strategy and demonstrate how they of Clicks, your online marketing resource
work, their benefits and drawbacks, when to use them, guide for small business. Each month
and whether you should hire the services of a digital we will be covering topics that resonate
agency for help. with local businesses just like yours.
connect with more customers online.
Why is page speed so significant?
If you want to build your business, you need
When it comes to the performance
of your website, page speed is vital. to market, it’s that simple. But you can lose
A shocking 90% of visitors will leave thousands of dollars if you don’t know what
a site if it takes longer than five sec- you are doing. So we urge you to take action
onds to load. The speed of a website has a significant with some of the strategies we recommend.
impact on user experience, SEO, and conversion rates.
Improving website performance is critical for attract- For a more “hands off” approach, we offer
ing visitors and keeping them engaged. Here are some affordable solutions that can deliver results.
steps that you can take with your developer to make We hope you enjoy this issue of Clicks and feel
your website load faster: free to reach out to us anytime.
For decades, email has been the preferred method for sending and receiving mass messages and
reaching audiences. Text (or SMS) marketing, on the other hand, is a quick, cost-effective way to
share promotions and updates with customers. So, which reigns supreme?
SMS or email marketing?
In order to figure out which strategy is right for your business you need to consider factors like:
cost, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, level of engagement, open rate, and ROI - just to
name a few.
In this article, we will breakdown the differences between SMS marketing and email marketing.
We’ll explain each strategy and demonstrate how they work, their benefits and drawbacks, when to
use them, and whether you should hire the services of a digital agency for help
So What Exactly Is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is mass-sending emails to people (leads or customers) on your e-mail list. The
people on your list have chosen to be there. You send emails to inform current and prospective
customers about new products, services, discounts, and special offers. Consider it a direct method
of communicating with your customers in which you have their permission to send them promo-
tional information. Your email list should be one of your most valuable business assets.
It is reasonably priced - With a $40 profit for for every $1 spent on email marketing it’s still the
best ROI in the game for over 2 decades.
Emails have the ability to be personalized to the recipient - Any reputable email marketing
expert will tell you that this feature enables you to connect with your audience, thereby increasing
the email marketing conversion rate.
The versatility of email is unlike any other marketing tool - You can use emails to provide
detailed product information, make brief announcements, send reminders, welcome new custom-
ers, announce special offers, follow up with leads, or simply say hello to your target audience.
It plays on user habits and intent – 44% of consumers check their emails at least once per day.
People open emails with specific intentions, such as looking for updates, product information, cus-
tomer service, and so on. This is why email marketing is so important.
Emails are an excellent way to increase traffic to your website - You can increase the num-
ber of website site visitors looking for your products or services by using targeted email marketing
services. Using targeted traffic increases the ROI of email marketing.
The Cons of Email Marketing
A crowded inbox makes it difficult to capture the attention of your consumer - Every day,
we all receive approximately 121 emails. When consumers sort through those emails on a daily
basis, it’s easy to put everything in the spam folder. In many cases your emails will end up in the
same folder as spam.
Emails can be prevented from inboxing – Email servers now have sophisticated filters. If your
email appears to be spammy, it may be blocked from reaching your recipient’s inbox. Any reputable
digital agency can assist you in crafting emails that are more likely to reach your target audience’s
People can easily delete or unsubscribe from emails - People may delete your emails or un-
subscribe from your list for any reason like if they see messed up graphics, poorly written headlines,
unreadable text, or blocked images or content that isn’t relatable to them.
What Exactly Is SMS Marketing?
SMS marketing is the use of text messages to communicate with customers. SMS, like email mar-
keting, is used to inform your audience about promotions, campaigns, updates, news, and more.
Before sending any promotional information, both SMS and email marketing ask for your audi-
ence’s permission. The CAN-SPAM Act and the Consumer Protection Act are the primary laws that
protect consumers from unsolicited SMS (TCPA). These rules and guidelines are followed by all
good SMS marketing examples.
SMS and email marketing are both owned channels. This means you can choose who receives
your emails or text messages. It also means you have control over the type of user experience your
customers will have.
1. Promotional SMS: These are SMS messages that are intended to raise brand awareness, pro-
mote products or services, and boost sales.
2. Transactional SMS: These are text messages that contain information that your customers
require, such as delivery updates, product specifications, and order information.
Pros and Cons of SMS Marketing
Here are some of the benefits of SMS marketing: response rate of up to 209 percent when com-
pared to social media, email, or even phone calls.
Your customers do not require internet - It’s
worth noting that 15% of Americans (52 million It has a high level of engagement - SMS, like
people) today have little or no internet access. email marketing, is a marketing channel with
This is a massive market that is beyond the higher levels of engagement than other lead
scope of any email campaign. generation strategies. higher engagement levels
suggests a higher SMS open rate.
It has a better response rate - On average,
text messages are read in three minutes. That’s a
It has a limited amount of content space - You It may erode customer trust - Customers can
have only 160 characters to work with. Deliv- easily lose trust with businesses that send them
ering powerful messages that short while still unwanted text messages or SMS that are poorly
packing a punch requires a pretty big vocabu- structured. Customers may become irritated if
lary. you send text messages at inconvenient or in-
appropriate times and It may also cause them
It’s more expensive - The cost of running an to opt out.
SMS campaign is higher than the cost of running
an email campaign.
What Is the Difference Between
SMS and Email Marketing?
Which is better: SMS marketing or email marketing? Consider the following:
Open Rate 98% 20%
With These 5 Expert
If you’ve watched any tv news broadcast lately, People will continue to look for products and
it’s no secret that the economic future is cloud- services online even if overall demand has re-
ed by uncertainties, with the COVID-19 epidem- duced, therefore your digital marketing efforts
ic still persisting, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine should not be shut down during a recession.
putting additional pressure on soaring interest
rates, and Chinese lockdowns potentially affect- In fact, this is likely the most useful marketing
ing supply lines. expenditure you can make during an economic
slump since it allows you to reach people who
Economists predict that the United States will are actively looking for what you have to offer or
enter a recession by late next year or early 2024 who most closely match your target audience.
as inflation ripples through the global economy.
With a recession on the horizon, businesses and Experts agree that a strong internet marketing
industry leaders are in uncharted territory. strategy is the smartest long-term investment
you can make to safeguard your company
Is digital marketing a good approach during an during a downturn in the economy. Reces-
economic downturn? sion-proof business marketing methods are
more important today than ever.
To put it simply, Yes!
If there is one thing that separates recession-proof businesses from the competition, it’s the fact
that they take action sooner, and start business planning for a recession before their competitors
Have you started making plans for a recession in your business? Follow these digital marketing tips
to better prepare your business for a recession and safeguard your brand:
Building and maintaining a strong online presence regardless of the economy is one of the founda-
tions of recession-proof companies. Maintaining a strong digital presence enables you to capture
a larger portion of the market if and when a recession occurs.
To stay top of mind with your target audience, invest in market research, create a mobile-friendly
website, hire a expert to help you with your search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click
(PPC) marketing.
With a recession on the horizon, establishing a stronger digital presence is even more important in
staying on potential clients’ radars online.
2. Do not reduce your marketing budget
During a recession, business owners must decide whether to reduce their marketing budget, sus-
pend marketing efforts, or double down on their digital marketing campaigns.
It may seem sensible to some to suspend marketing during a recession. Spending a lot of money
on digital marketing may seem counterproductive when revenues are down. Consider what took
place in 2020. Spending on digital marketing campaigns fell about the same time that 255 million
full-time jobs were lost globally. Due to lower ad earnings during the COVID-19 epidemic, even
Google had to cut its marketing budget by half.
So, why should you keep working on your digital marketing strategy and investing in digital mar-
keting services?
Businesses that continue to market throughout a recession are more likely to survive, according
to studies. During an economic downturn, many businesses reduce their advertising budget. This
is a opportunity to show that your business is stable even when things are hard. So continue your
digital marketing campaign efforts or, at the absolute least, dial them back slightly, but never fully
suspend them.
To keep business flowing, have a digital marketing strategy in place. If you decide to discontinue
your marketing efforts just know that it will be that much easier for your competitors to take a big-
ger slice of your customer pie.
3. It’s Time to Optimize Your Gather this info to create a data-driven strate-
Website... Now! gy. That way, you’ll know that any changes you
make to your website are more likely to affect
Check out your website. Is it generating leads for your bottom line.
your company 24 hours a day, or is there room
for improvement? If you’re not sure which parts 4. Maintain Your Social Media Efforts
of your website should be improved or updat-
ed, consult with a reputable digital agency - it’s During an economic downturn, many people
what they do! prefer to stay at home in order to spend less
and save more. This also implies that potential
Agencies normally will employ In-house con- customers spend more time on their mobile de-
version rate optimization (CRO) specialists who vices. This is an ideal time to use social media
perform in-depth website audits to evaluate marketing to attract new consumers and nur-
your website’s interactions and discover areas ture leads via your sales funnel.
you need to optimize to meet your goals.
Continuing your social media marketing during
Conversion rate optimization helps you make this time also ensures that your audience is
the most of your traffic by examining the data aware that your business is still present and ac-
from your website to improve the consumer ex- tive online. Whether you reduce the number of
perience. posts sent per week or your advertising budget,
a little can still go a long way to attracting new/
You will learn what pages are visited the most, existing customers.
where visitors spend the most time, which pag-
es receive the least engagement, cart abandon-
ment, and overall customer behavior.
5. Create Compelling Video Content
Certain web marketing approaches pay off tenfold due to their cost-effective, creative approach to
audience involvement. Video marketing is one such example.
Video marketing is still one of the most engaging ways to connect with your target audience and
deliver valuable information. It fosters trust and confidence in ways that text alone simply cannot.
Consider creating video content that is evergreen (always relative) and will continue to be useful
content for years to come. This ensures that your dollar goes further as opposed to spending more
on campaign-specific content.”
Share videos on your social media platforms. Request that customers create video testimonials for
you to use on your website. Allow followers to communicate with your brand and ask questions in
real time by live-streaming on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.
During a difficult time, Americans are more inclined to spend time online keeping up with friends
and current events. Video marketing is a wonderful way to engage with your target audience
where they spend the majority of their time and grow your customer base.
When done correctly, video marketing can be one of the most effective digital marketing ideas for
maintaining revenue during a slump.
Digital marketing is not like a light switch. You can’t just turn it on or off, it is a continuous process.
Even though the economy is struggling right now, you owe it to your team, organization, custom-
ers, and community to figure out how to source, sell, and optimize your business to get through
these uncertain times.
As a result, it is crucial that you begin improving your digital presence and investing in new digital
marketing methods that produce positive long-term benefits for your business.
We are currently living in the internet age, which means your business needs to evolve along with
it. Digital marketing can help you promote your company, brand, and products or services.
NOT UTILIZING SOCIAL MEDIA Help should be easy to find on your site so that
people know they can get it. This could be a
You might think you can get away with not us- Contact Us page, a virtual chat, a helpline, or
ing social media. I’m sorry to tell you that you’re other options. Just make sure that if someone
wrong! It’s an essential way to turn leads into visits your site, they can easily get help if they
customers. Spreading your content, reaching need it.
your audience, and engaging with users will
help you promote your business online. But
don’t try to do it all yourself; learn how a social
media manager can help.
According to a Retail Me Not poll, two-thirds of buyers made an unplanned purchase purely due
to a discount. Online discount coupons or limited-time deals are excellent pop-ups for your site,
particularly on the landing page or when visitors are about to abandon their cart.
Your web pages must load quickly and seamlessly in order to lower your bounce rate and boost
visitor engagement.
In this article, we’ll explain why it’s important, and show you how to measure it.
According to Google research, every second counts when it comes to page loading speed. In-
creasing loading times from one to three seconds increases the likelihood of a bounce (the visitor
leaving immediately) by 32%.
A shocking 90% of visitors
will leave a site if it takes lon- As page load time goes from:
ger than five seconds to load.
CDNs increase website speed by caching content in multiple locations around the world. CDN
caching servers are usually closer to end users than the host, or origin server. Requests for
content are routed to a CDN server rather than the hosting server, which may be thousands of
miles away and spread across multiple autonomous networks from the user. Using a CDN can
significantly reduce page load times.
Most webpages will necessitate multiple HTTP requests from browsers for various assets on the
page, such as images, scripts, and CSS files. Many webpages will necessitate dozens of these
requests. Each request necessitates a round trip to and from the server hosting the resource,
which can increase the overall load time of a webpage. Furthermore, because the resources
are loaded from multiple providers, a problem with one of the hosts may impact the webpage’s
ability to load quickly, or at all.
Because of these potential issues, the total number of assets that must be loaded by each page
should be kept to a minimum. A speed test should also help identify which HTTP requests are
taking the longest. For example, if images are slowing down a page’s load time, developers can
look for a faster image hosting solution (such as a CDN).
Caching is one of the most effective meth- There are several methods for caching your
ods for speeding up your website. Caching web pages. This can be done at the server lev-
saves copies of your website’s files, reducing el, which means your host will handle it for
the amount of work required by the server to you.
generate and serve a web page to a visitor’s
browser. Another option is to use a caching plugin,
such as W3 Total Cache, a free WordPress
By requiring the server to use fewer resources plugin that makes caching web pages simple.
to load a page, caching your web pages can After you’ve installed and activated it, go to
help reduce Time to First Byte (TTFB). General Settings > Page Cache and check the
Enable box.
Any scripted webpage elements loaded from cause a webpage to slow down or not load all
elsewhere, such as external commenting sys- at once (this is known as ‘content jumping’ or
tems, CTA buttons, or lead-generation popups, ‘layout shifting,’ and it can be especially aggra-
must be loaded each time a page is loaded. vating for mobile users).
Depending on the size of the script, this can
A redirect is a process of sending both visitors and search engines to a different URL than the
one they requested. Redirects increase page load time by a few fractions of a second, or even
whole seconds in some cases. Every second counts when developing a website that is opti-
mized for performance. Redirects are sometimes unavoidable, but they should be avoided if
Remember that every second your website takes to load increases the likelihood that your vis-
itors will leave. If your website is running slow, how long can you keep running your business
while losing leads? Is it time to speed things up?
Is Your Business
Do you need more leads and sales for your business? Have you
tried other marketing services and only been left disappointed?
Your Name,
Your Services
This is where you touch a bit more on some pain points briefly talk about the solutions your business offers,
and how you can help them reach their online goals!
Add your all to action and let them know what the next steps are going to be.