Scoring Rubric For Reporting - 094012
Scoring Rubric For Reporting - 094012
Scoring Rubric For Reporting - 094012
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1
Content Manifests full Manifests a good Manifests a good Manifests an Does not have any
Understanding understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of a understanding of
the assigned topic. the assigned topic. some parts of the few parts of the the assigned topic.
assigned topic. assigned topic.
Visual Aids Uses visual aids. Uses visual aids. Uses visual aids. Uses some visual Does not have
Visual aids are Visual aids are Visual aids are aids for the topic visual aids at all.
neat, readable, and somehow neat, somehow neat, and likewise some
it contains the readable, and it readable, and it images.
significant contains the contains the
information for the significant significant
topic. It has images information for the information for the
that supplement topic. It has images topic. Some
the report. that supplement subtopics have
the report. images that
supplement the
Preparedness The group is The group seems The group is The group did not The group did not
completely pretty prepared but somewhat seem at all prepare present.
prepared and has might have needed prepared, but it is to present their
obviously a couple more clear that rehearsal topic.
rehearsed for the rehearsals. is lacking.
Manner of The group shows The group shows The group is able The group is able The group is not
Answering the excellence in excellence but to answer some of to answer some of able to answer all
Queries answering the sometimes stutters the queries. the queries but of the queries.
queries hurled to when answering stutters when
them by the the queries of the speaking as if
audience. students. unsure of their