Emotional Intelligence and Level of Stress Among Caregiver of Special Needs Children
Emotional Intelligence and Level of Stress Among Caregiver of Special Needs Children
Emotional Intelligence and Level of Stress Among Caregiver of Special Needs Children
Volume 8 Issue 3, May-June 2024 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
The relevance of Emotional Intelligence as a new way human component involved, there is also EI in action.
to assess an individual is increasing rapidly since its Man being a social animal with thinking capabilities,
introduction in 1990s. Persons with high EI are said is driven by emotions such as happiness, hatred,
to have a clear idea about themselves, their needs, affection etc. which differentiate us from others.
strengths, downfalls, and is able to form good and Considerable contributions to the study of EI have
healthy relationships by managing all those emotions been made by Goleman and Mayer & Salovi, The
according to the situation and the environment, both Goleman model of EQ consists of 25 capabilities in
in their personal and work life. Wherever there is a five different dimensions – self-awareness, self
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regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. social intelligence, which was first coined by E.I.
According to him, EI is a skill which helps a person Thorndike in 1920. E.Q. is a type of social
to be control of his life by making right decisions intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's
through emotional awareness of the self as well as the own and others’ emotions to discriminate among
others and managing them with clear perception of them and to use information to guide one's thinking
the repercussions of his actions. In the view of and actions (Solvey and Mayer 1990). E.Q. persons
(Mayer and Salovi 2007) EI consists of mainly three are skilled in four areas– in identity using
parts which includes emotional perception, emotional understanding and regulation of emotions (Golman
facilitation and emotional understanding. Both the 1995) E.Q. is one's capacity to connect with others. A
aforesaid models relate to the identification, degree of E.Q. is awareness of one's own and other
recognition, expression, utilization, management of people's feeling such as sympathy, comparison
emotions with additional factors such as empathy, motivation and the ability to respond to pain and
concern etc. On a similar study of EI in students by pleasure appropriately (Goleman, 1995). In other
Urska Dobersek & Denise L. Arellano it was found words, we can describe E.Q. in such of way that
that student non-athletes have better EI than the "intelligence with emotions" is called emotional
student-athletes. Although extensive study is being intelligence. Recent research is strengthening the long
conducted in the EI and related topics, there hasn’t hold premise that the art of managing emotion
been significant attempt to relate students‟ EI with contributes a lot towards success. Research shows
their co-curricular activities such as sports, music, that IQ accounts for only 20% of person's success in
dance, art, photography etc. These activities have life (Stornberg, Wong, Wagner, Willioms and
impacts on a person’s behaviour, perception, abilities Hovarth, 1995) the balance can be attributed by
etc. Hence, attempts have been made in this study to Emotional Intelligence. The term Emotional
establish and relate between EI of students with co- Intelligence (EI) was made popular by Danial
curricular activities and without it. Goleman in his bestselling books 'Emotional
Education as such aspires for bringing about all round Intelligence' (1996) and 'Working with Emotional
development of child's personality which includes the Intelligence' (1998). The EI involves the ability to
physical, intellectual & social attributes. Mahatma monitor one's own and others' emotions, to
Gandhi rightly said, “Education is the all-round discriminate among them, and to use the information
development of one's body, mind & spirit”. But our to guide one's thinking and actions (Mayer and
education system is still very much focused on Salovey, 1993). The emotional intelligence (EI) at the
bookish knowledge and much concerned with most general level relates to the ability to recognize
cognitive aspect only. The affective and psychomotor and regulate emotions in one self and in The EI
domains are almost ignored. Often, the result of such involves abilities that may be categorized into five
incomplete or lopsided development produces dis- domains: self- awareness, managing emotions,
balance in a person, who cannot deal effectively with motivating one-self, empathy and handling
his or her individual or social life. To be increasing relationship. Thus, intrapersonal and interpersonal
instances violence, immorality, and other evils in the intelligence as proposed by (Gardner 1993),
society especially among adolescents highlight the essentially constitute the aspects of social intelligence
necessity of making fundamental changes in which have been included in EI in the form of self-
education system to make it more balanced to be awareness, empathy and handling relationship. EI
serving its real purpose. Thus, the biggest challenge involves the ability to reason using emotions and of
before the education system today is to be equipped it emotion to enhance the reason. Teaching adolescents
to deal with individual and social conflicts & read about their emotions and how they deal with others as
them peacefully by developing respect for themselves well as their own actions can be very helpful in their
as well as for others. Our formal education system struggles. Furthermore, to encourage a smooth
tends to lay emphasis on "learning to know" and to a transition from adolescence to adulthood, a good
lesser extent on "Learning to do" i.e., "learning to live understanding of emotions of adolescents is important
together" and "learning to be" should also be stressed in determining their psychological wellbeing. Here,
for the all-round development of an individual. These the concept of 'personal meaning' in life of
types of learning are the chief issues to be dealt with, adolescents can play a major role in relation to the
in today's educational structure. emotional intelligence of adolescent. (Wong 1998)
defines meaning in life as it refers "to making sense,
Emotional intelligence is the ability to adjust oneself order or coherence out of one's existence and having a
to a new situation. E.Q. has its roots in the concept of purpose and striving towards a goal or goals.
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Review of Literature students of engineering and management streams. A
(Masoume Kimiyayi, Saeed Daryaee 2008) the total 160 students of engineering and management
purpose of this study is to explain the relationship streams were surveyed and it was found that there is a
between spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence significant difference among these two streams. Some
with occupational performance the guidance school scope of future research has been also highlighted in
teachers' occupational performance in Shiraz this study. Key Words: Emotional Intelligence,
educational system organization (first area). The academic performance.
descriptive research method was co-relational. The
(Grace A Fayombo 2012) this study investigated the
study population in 5657 was that they were all the
relationships between e emotional intelligence and
teachers who were teaching at guidance schools in the
academic achievement among 151 undergraduate
educational year 2013-2014. Using cluster sampling,
psychology students at The University of the West
120 teachers were selected. In this study, King's
Indies (UWI), Barbados, making use of (Barchard
spiritual intelligence 24-item questionnaire,
2001) Emotional Intelligence Scale and an Academic
Shearing's emotional intelligence 33-item
Achievement Scale. Findings revealed significant
questionnaire and Paterson's occupational
positive correlations between academic achievement
performance 15-item questionnaires were used.
and six o f the emotional intelligence components and
According to the research of statistical methods for
a negative correlation with negative expressivity. The
data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics
emotional intelligence components also jointly
were used. Pearson correlation results indicated a
contributed 48% of the variance in academic
significant relationship between variables of spiritual
achievement. Attending to emotions was the best
intelligence, emotional intelligence and occupational
predictor of academic achievement while positive
performance. And on the other hand, there was a
expressivity, negative expressivity and empathic
significant relationship between the dimensions of
concern were other significant predictors. Emotion-
spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence and
based decision-making, responsive joy and responsive
distress did not make any significant relative
(Shahin Ebrahimi Koohbanani a, Reza Dastjerdi b, contribution to academic achievement, indicating that
Taghi Vahidi 2012) this research determines the academic achievement is only partially predicted by
relationship between Spiritual Intelligence (SI) and emotional intelligence. These results were discussed
Emotional Intelligence (EI) with Life Satisfaction in the context of the influence of emotional
(LS) among gifted female high school students in intelligence on care given of special needs children‟
Birjand. For this purpose, 123 students were selected academic achievement.
considering the Simple Sampling Method. The results
(Mohammad Hossein Moshref Javadi, Dr. Javad
revealed that there is generally no meaningful relation
Mehrabi, 2012) the main objective of the present
between SI and LS, but a meaningful relation
survey was to study the impact of emotional
between EI and LS does exist. The results of
intelligence and spiritual intelligence on
regression analysis showed that "Moral Virtue" in SI
organizational entrepreneurship. Statistical population
and "Appraisal & Expression of Emotion" and
of the survey includes employees working in
"Regulation of Emotion" in EI are meaningful
manufacturing companies of Sari County in 2011 that
predictors for LS. Also SI together with EI has a
one-hundred eighty seven (187) persons have been
meaningful relationship with LS.
studied as the research sample using simple random
(Dhani Shanker Chaubey, Dhani Shanker Chaubey sampling method and Wang and La's emotional
2012) in transforming students into business intelligence questionnaire and King's spiritual
professionals, academicians need to play a pivotal intelligence questionnaire. Validity of the model was
role by enriching students‟ knowledge and enhancing measured by structural equations modeling method
their emotional intelligence levels. EI skills have been and the relationship among variables was confirmed
strongly associated with dynamic leadership, based on results of path analysis. Results reveal that
satisfying personal life experiences and success in the emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence are
workplace. Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been effective on organizational entrepreneurship. Also
developed, adapted and embraced by the business research findings demonstrated that the research
world and very recently by academicians too. This model has a suitable goodness.
has resulted in demand for the incorporation of EI
(Indira Sharma, 2013) the increase interference of
competencies in University curricula to acquaint
human beings with Environmental processes has
students with EI skills. This paper has been taken up
created environmental crisis. To check and make
with the objective of identifying EI among the
aware to this problem and to develop environmentally
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responsible behaviour, environmental education is while emotional intelligence and religious orientation
made compulsory subject. The present scenario is both have significant negative association with
quite unsatisfactory as environment is deteriorating psychological distress. Results of multiple regression
further. An effort is made to know the role of showed that emotional intelligence and religious
emotional and spiritual intelligence on eco-friendly orientation have significant effect on psychological
behaviour of undergraduate student. The co relational distress. Moreover, emotional intelligence was a
research design was used to conduct study. Random better predictor of psychological well-being than
sampling technique was used to select 300 student of religious orientation, while religious orientation also
1st year of graduation from 3 degree college of Agra has significant predictive association with emotional
city, 150 male and 150 female. The result indicated intelligence.
that educational and spiritual intelligence are
(Rozita Jamaly, Afsaneh Sobhi, 2014) We aimed to
powerful predictor of eco-friendly behaviour of
investigate relationship between spiritual intelligence
undergraduates and both variables accounted for 55% and emotional intelligence with mental health of
variance in their eco friendly behaviour.
students of Islamic Azad University of Zanjan. The
(Arbabisarjou Azizollah 2013) the purpose of this population of this research was Students of Islamic
study is to study the relationship among emotional Azad University that 300 subjects were randomly
intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and academic selected as sample. The sample consisted of
achievement of students in the University of Isfahan. undergraduate academic degree, bachelor's and
The statistical population of this study includes all of master's degree requirements. Measures were General
the students in this university. A sample of 250 Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Emotional
students has been selected through random cluster Intelligence Inventory-(EQ-I) and Spiritual
sampling. The Spiritual Intelligence and Self-report Intelligence Scale (ISIS). To analyze data
Inventory and Trait Emotional Intelligence simultaneous multiple regression analysis method
Questionnaire have been used for collecting data. The (MANOVA) was used. The results showed that
results of this study revealed that there is a significant spiritual and emotional intelligence are overlapping
positive relationship between students' achievement on intervening example of intelligence, spiritual
with their emotional and spiritual intelligence. As the intelligence can r improve emotional intelligence. It is
results indicated, growth and promotion of the hoped that the findings for intervention in field of
emotional and spiritual intelligence can considered as spiritual and emotional intelligence can be useful and
methods for improving students' academic also by using these results, we hope to increase level
achievement. This can be promoted and revolted of mental health.
through a rich educational environment and leads to
(Maryam Keshtegar, Hossein Jenaabadi 2015) the
better educational performance in the academic
present study aimed to examine the relationship
among emotional intelligence, spiritual in- telligence
(Farva Mansoor Butt 2014) Present research explored and resilience of students at University of Zabol. This
the relationship among emotional intelligence, was a descriptive study using a survey method. The
religious orientation and mental health of care given statistical population of the current study included all
of special needs children. It was assumed that students at University of Zabol. Research instruments
emotional intelligence would be a better predictor of contained the Adult Resilience Scale developed by
psychological well-being than religious orientation. Hjemdal et al., the Trait Emotional Intelligence
To study the effect of religious orientation and Questionnaire designed by Petrides and Farnham, and
emotional intelligence on psychological distress and Spiritual Intelligence Inventory developed by King.
to investigate the role of level of stress in The sample included 354 care given of special needs
development of emotional intelligence were also focal children (188 females and 166 males) studying at
points of research. The purposive convenient sample University of Zabol in the academic year 2014- 2015,
included 209 students (89 men and 120 women) from selected through applying simple random sampling
GC University, Lahore, Pakistan. Beck Depression method. Data were analyzed in both discriptive
Inventory Positive and Negative Affectivity Scale (frequency distribution, frequency, and charts) and
Trait Anxiety Scale (Speilberger, Gorsuch, Emotional inferential levels (Pearson co-relation coefficient and
Intelligence Scale and Well-being Manifestation independent t-test). Results indicated that there was a
Measure Scale (Masse et al., 1998) were administered significant relationship between emotional
to the participants. Results indicated significant intelligence and spiritual intelligence. Moreover,
positive relationship among emotional intelligence, resilience was significantly and positively correlated
religious orientation, and psychological well-being with emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence.
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Additionally, no significant difference was found RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
between the overall resilience of male and female OPERATIONAL DEFINITION
students. Stress - stress has been directed towards the
(N. Saibani, M. I. Sabtu, Z. Harun, 2015) Emotional identification of variable believed to mediate between
intelligence quotient (EQ) plays an important role in stress and psychological and physical outcomes
influencing the development of students‟ learning and [Baun and Singer 1982, Jenkins, 1979]
academic. EQ has been identified as a medium for Emotional Intelligence - emotional intelligence is the
improving academic learning and academic grades ability to sense and understand one own emotion to
success throughout 4-year engineering degree express and regulate then appropriately and to use
programs. EQ such as the emotion management, them in the process of decision making Emotional
feeling, communication skill, and leadership are intelligence refer to the ability to perceive ,control
essential for a student in nurturing excellent and evaluate emotions.
performance as holistic. Therefore, this study aims to
establish and monitoring the EQ achievement among
The following objectives have been formulated for
the undergraduate students of the Faculty of
the present research proposal:
Engineering and Built Environment, University
1. To find out the relationship between emotional
Kebangsaan Malaysia.
intelligence and level of stress among Care given
The EQ scores were measured using the Malaysian of Special Needs Children.
EQ Inventory (MEQI) Test. The study began by
2. To study the level of emotional Intelligence
monitoring EQ achievements of a same cohort of
among Care given of Special Needs Children with
students at four consecutive years: Year 1
respect to gender.
(2010/2011), Year 2 (2011/2012) and Year 3
(2012/2013) and Year 4 (2013/2014). Results showed 3. To study the level of emotional Intelligence
that, the overall EQ scores have recorded a slight among Care given of Special Needs Children with
increase from 2010 to 2014. Self-Awareness, respect to domicile.
Empathy, Social Skill and Maturity are the domains 4. To study the level of level of stress among Care
that experience increment, while the other domains given of Special Needs Children with respect to
such as; Self-Regulation, Self-Motivation and Level gender.
of stress show slight decrease.
5. To study the level of level of stress among Care
(Shama Yahaya Bader Al Hadid 2015) This study given of Special Needs Children with respect to
aimed to know the viewpoint of faculty members at domicile.
the World Islamic Sciences & Education University
on the effect of emotional intelligence on students' Methodology
achievement, and also aimed to investigate the effect Methodology refers to the theoretical analysis of the
of gender, experience, qualification, academic rank methods appropriate to a field of study or to the body
on the point of view of faculty members The study of methods and principles particular to a branch of
sample consisted of 45 faculty members 21 males and knowledge. It is logic of scientific investigation. It
24 females from the World Islamic Sciences & means description, explanation and justification of
Education University. Means and standard deviations methods and not the methods themselves. When we
and t-test were used to analyze the results. The results talk of methodology of any social science, say of
showed that there were statistically significant psychology, we refer to method(s) used by
differences in the views of the faculty members on psychologists, e.g., survey method, case study
the effect of emotional intelligence on students' method, statistical method and so on.
achievement, also showed a statistically significant SAMPLE
differences at the level of significance in their views The sample for the present study was consisted of 100
attributed to the experience, as there are statistically caregiver of special needs children (50 male & 50
significant differences at the level of significance in female and 50 rural & 50 urban) caregiver of special
their views attributed to gender, and results also needs children. Further the sample is divisions of
showed the existence of clear statistically significant groups in terms of classes. The random sampling
differences in the views of the faculty members on technique was used, and the sample was collected.
the effect of emotional intelligence on students'
achievement due to the Qualification variable. DESCRIPTION OF THE TOOLS:
1. Emotional Intelligence: The Emotional
Intelligence Scale developed by Anokool Hyde,
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Sanjyot Pethe and Upinder Dhar shall be used to RESULT, INTERPRETATION AND
measure Emotional Intelligence of adolescent DISCUSSIONS
students. Table 4.1: Correlation coefficient between
Reliability: The reliability of the scale was Emotional Intelligence and Level of stress
determined by calculating reliability coefficient on a among Care given of Special Needs Children
sample of 200 subjects. The split-half reliability Level of stress P
coefficient was found to be 0.88, Emotional Intelligence -.342* .000
*p<0.01 level of significance
Validity: Besides face validity, as Alf items were
related to the variable under focus, the scale has high The above table shows Pearson correlation
content validity. It is evident from the assessment of coefficients for Emotional Intelligence and Level of
judges / experts that items of the scale are directly stress among Care given of Special Needs Children.
related to the concept of Emotional Intelligence. In Ranging from (r = -.342, p=0.00) and the correlation
order to find out the validity from the coefficient of are significant at 0.01 level. It is evident from the
reliability (Garrett, 1981), the reliability index was table that emotional intelligence is negatively
calculated, which indicated high validity on account correlated with level of stress among Care given of
of being 0.93. Special Needs Children.
The above table shows the overall frequency distribution level of emotional intelligence among Care given of
Special Needs Children. The above table shows that 7% have low emotional intelligence, 54% have average
emotional intelligence and 39% have high emotional intelligence among Kashmir Care given of special needs
Conclusions children. It can be useful not only for psychological
Despite of these limitations present study provides wellbeing of Kashmir Care given of special needs
very important and useful theoretical and practical children but also for development of emotional
implications. On the bases of findings, it is intelligence.
recommended that religious involvement of students
As a result, present study opens a new area of
should be appreciated and enhanced by teachers and
investigation regarding the role of level of stress in
parents of Kashmir Care given of special needs
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