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Akademika 88(3), September 2018:65-76


The Relationship between Task Factors and Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) Performance in the Printing Industry

Hubungan Antara Faktor Tugas dan Prestasi Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (KKP)
di Industri Percetakan

Mohd Nasir Selamat & Mukhiffun Mukapit

In Malaysia, studies had shown that the low workers performance occurreddue to Occupational Safety and
Health (OSH) related aspects such as occurrences accidents, absenteeism, higher level of sickness and stress
at work.The long run of this situation will effect organization performance and reduce the quality of work,
increase the cost of worker’s compensation and eventually troubling the development of organization. This
study examines the task factors related to work demand in enhancing OSH performance, measured in term of
occupational accident, occupational stress, sickness of workers and absenteeism focused in the Malaysian
Printing Industry.Two hundred and ninety-five respondents from several printing companies in Malaysia
were analyzed through distributed questionnaires. Three dimensions involved as independent variables to
measure task factors referred to quantitative demand, emotional demand and sensorial demand, while OSH
performance as dependent variables measured by occupational stress, occupational accident, absenteeism
and sickness.Higher work demand contributes to worker’s stress and accidents that leads to absenteeism
problem. Sickness problem confirmed result in influencing absent issues. Moreover, result concern related
behavioural aspect which attention should be given on the developing behavioural intervention in order to
enhance worker’s knowledge, attitude, and skill while performing their work.Changes related in practicing
Human Resource Management (HRM) aspect especially on OSH factors at work such as balancing working
hours, altering work condition and environment, enforcing ergonomic aspects, implementing OSH training
and safety culture, will help to ensure employees’ safety and health performance. Future research and
limitations of the study is discussed.

Keywords: OSH performance; task factors; quantitative demand; HRM practicing; printing industry

Di Malaysia, kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa prestasi pekerja yang rendah berlaku disebabkan aspek
berkaitan Keselamatandan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (KKP) seperti kejadian kemalangan, ketidakhadiran,
bertambahnya penyakit dan tekanan di tempat kerja. Keadaan yang berpanjangan ini akan mempengaruhi
prestasi organisasi dan mengurangkan kualiti kerja, meningkatkan kos pampasan pekerja dan akhirnya
mengganggu perkembangan organisasi secara keseluruhannya. Kajian ini mengkaji faktor-faktor tugas
yang berkaitan dengan permintaan kerja dalam meningkatkan prestasi KKP, yang berpandukan kepada
kemalangan pekerjaan, tekanan kerja, penyakit pekerja dan ketidakhadiran di Industri Printing Malaysia.
Dua ratus Sembilan puluh lima responden dari beberapa syarikat percetakan di Malaysia telah dianalisis
melalui soal selidik yang diedarkan. Tiga dimensi yang terlibat sebagai pembolehuabh bebas untuk
mengukur faktor tugas merujuk kepada permintaan kuantiti, permintaan emosi dan permintaan sensori,
sementara prestasi KKP sebagai pembolehubah bersandar diukur melalui tekanan pekerjaan, kemalangan
pekerjaan, ketidakhadiran dan penyakit. Permintaan kerja yang lebih tinggi menyumbang kepada tekanan
dan kemalangan pekerja yang membawa kepada masalah ketidakhadiran. Masalah penyakit juga dikatakan
mempengaruhi isu-isu ketidakhadiran pekerja. Selain itu, hasil kajian menyatakan penekanan kepada aspek
66 Akademika 88(3)

tingkah laku, perlu diberi perhatian bagi meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan kemahiran pekerja semasa
menjalankan kerja mereka. Penambaikkan amalan aspek Pengurusan SumberManusia (PSM) terutamanya
melibatkan faktor-faktor keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di tempat kerja seperti mengimbangi waktu
kerja, mengubah keadaandan persekitaran kerja, menguatkuasakan aspek ergonomik, melaksanakan latihan
KKP dan budaya keselamatan, akan membantu untuk memastikan prestasi keselamatan dan kesihatan
pekerja lebih terjamin. Penyelidikan masa depan dan batasan kajian turut dibincangkan dalam artikel ini.

Kata kunci: Prestasi keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan (KKP); faktor tugas; permintaan kuantiti; praktik
pengurusan sumber manusia; industri percetakan

emotional demand (the emotions and feelings
Work performance of an individual/ worker of workers while conducting their work). On the
improved by integrate him with the healthy working other hand, OSH performance refer to the several
environment and work place.and. In general, dimension which presenting the issues of OSH
workers’ performance defines as people’s best at work. There included occupational accident,
abilities in performing a job or task and regarded occupational stress, sickness and absenteeism.
with theirbehavioral outcome of an individual In general OSH aspects not only encourages an
(Heathfield 2011). In like manners, performance awareness of safety and health, but also promoting
of workers’ measured by worker’s output based a safety and health culture to entire workforce.
on their performance. (Sabine & Michael 2002). The concern of OSH aspect at work also to seeks
Hence, to improve worker’s performance at work and ensures that all everyone concerned, primarily
place, the need of support and sustain the maximum employers and workers, are more responsible in
degree of physical, mental, and social well-being their efforts to deliver and maintain a safe and
of individuals in all works it is significant (Archer, healthy workplace for the ever-growing labor force.
Borthwick & Tepe 2009). Moreover, OSH aspects play major roles in order to
Workers’ health and social well-being at work attain the highest degree of physical, mental, and
are very importance, numerous problem will occur social well-being of the workers in an organization’s
when ignorance of its. Organizational performance environment. Not surprisingly, another study
will decrease and some of worker’s talents will i.e., Salleh, Bakar & Keong (2008) considered
loss. Further to this, organizations with the OSH aspect as an important factor to improve the
greatest safety and health problems, environmental performance of organizations’ and workers’. A
problems, a bad facility, as well as poor working study by Seok et al. (2013) claimed occupational
environments will see a decline in their employees’ and near accident can be avoiding when system of
work performance (Selamat 2016), adding over safety and health management in a good practice
time to organizational costs.It is clear that further and awareness of worker on safe working practice.
discussion on the issues is needed, with the aim Thus, worker safety and health shows asignificant
of answering whether task factor leads to OSH role in achieving better performance, a broad
performance in Malaysian printing companies? understanding of the terms ‘safety’ and ‘health’
The balance theory defines task factors inspire workers and organizations to implement
are psychosocial work factors. Furthermore, OSH, irrespective of occupation. This situation had
these factors are included task elements, such happened in the printing industry which possibility
as job demand, job control, and job content of workers to involved with OSH problem were
(Smith &Carayon 2000). In addition, a study high.
by Carayon (2009), clarify task factors as task Since 1887, printing industry was established
demand factors which he divided/explain further as oldest production industry in Malaysia.
in to three elements.Firstly, quantitative demand Developed of printing industry give positive
(the quantities and capacities that workers will effect on dissemination knowledge, information,
encounter while doing their work). Secondly, communication and education. Even though in
sensorial demand (the concentration and sense Malaysia the state of communication technology
of workers in their work activities), and finally supports for dispensing the need for hardcopies,
The Relationship between Task Factors and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Performance in the Printing Industry 67

however it is not achievable since current media costs, and legal sanctions have significant insight
technology has not yet reached its full potential in printing industry.convey significant insight into.
and capacity. This is particularly true in terms of This study examines task factors related to work
the distribution of information through the use demand in enhancing OSH performance, measured
of magazines, newspapers, academic references, in term of occupational accident, occupational
exam papers, textbooks, and others. stress, sickness of workers and absenteeism focused
However, workers in the printing industry in the Malaysian Printing Industry.
still suffer several problems. Unsuitable working
environment for workers, including poor
workstation designs and heavy workloads, affect OSH PERFORMANCE
the ability of workers to perform as productively
as possible. Workers risk getting injured or The OSH pay much attention on the safe work
being involved in accidents at work. However, practices.The implementation of OSH not only
literatureshows that the issue of safety while enhanced worker safety and health on the job, but
conducting tasks and work in the printing industry also guides workers how to prevent potentially
is receiving attention. These safety issues need related threats.Owning to that, the OSH issues could
to address whichare the potential threats for the be given consideration in order to achieve a higher
workers in terms of OSH related problems. These performance.
are the major OSH related safety issues accidents, A study by Ludin (1994) claims that ‘safety’
hazardous exposure and back pain (Aziah 2003; is a pivot point whichgenerates positive sense of
Gundega et al. 2014). security in working environment. In addition, Chow
In the printing industry, production workers (1995) definessafety as the condition ofprotection
are tending to have greater work demands.The from danger, risk or harm of employees, properties,
workers physically exposed to exposing plates and and profit of an organization. Another aspect of
masking film, operating power tools, loading and safety, it may include worker perceptions towards
unloading materials likes papers and ink, tending work,their feelings, approaches of accomplishing
to machines, as well as mixing and placing ink, safety and prevention from incurring losses
water, alcohol, gummer and paper (Aziah 2003). (Selamat 2016).In further to safety, absence
Furthermore, greater work demands can affect of disease was wisely defined and classifiedis
workers’ psychological health and physical health. generally synonymous with the term ‘health’.
Formerly, these are the major challenges such Previous studiesdefine ‘health’ is not only the set
as stress, sickness, laziness and idly.In terms of of physical, mental and social well-being, but also
physical health, these changes affect negatively the absence of disease or infirmity (World Health
on their health performance such as, changing Organization1998 (WHO)) Archer, Borthwick and
time arrangements, differing work schedules Tepe (2009). Moreover, a study by Selamat (2016)
(randomized wok shifts), inconsistent working mentioned confirmed that to follow guideline of
hours, and overtime (Selamat 2016). According safety and health enable worker to avoid health
to Aziah (2003), these prevailing wicked and ill related problem which ultimately benefits both the
practices in printing companies should be prohibited worker as well as the organization.Further, Selamat
in Malaysia. These conditions are prevalent in (2016) emphasis to bring the OSH definition under
printing companies in Malaysia, where there is an scrutinizes, before commencing a discussion on
ever increasing demand for more work and abilities evaluation methods of OSH performance.
on the part of employees (Aziah 2003). There for In broader sense, the term safety and health
a study should be taken in order to assist printing used interchangeably to refer to OSH issues which
industry to overcome any OSH problems occurred are subject to use. For example, previous studies
due to increasing demand of work. show that the concept of OSH intervention is used
Based on the currently available literature, to access the safety and health matters i.e., the term
little exertion has been spent clarifying the concept personal protection equipment is a set of complete
of OSH performance in the workplace (Selamat health care items (gloves, glasses etc.) as well as
2016; Ahmadon et al. 2006; Sabine & Michael applying and evaluating safety and health (Donato,
2002). Furthermore, according to Bateman, King Enrico & Guido 2014). Henceforth, this study
and Lewis (1994) concluded that OSH related issues refers OSH for safety and health issues and vice
such as humanitarian considerations, financial versa.
68 Akademika 88(3)

In order to reduce the obstacles and to and cognitive demand, as well as repetitiveness
implement OSH in an organization, one need to and workload issues including shift work, working
implement good measurement system in place that hours, and other activities concerning tasks. Thus,
enable to identifies potential issues and facilitates task factors can be considered as the demand
proactive remedial actions. In addition, the OSH or requirement of individuals need in order to
performance should observe multiple aspects perform their work. Based on the Balance Theory,
to increase efficiency and effectiveness, such task factors can be defined as an aspect related to
as psychological, psychosocial, physiological demand of work that individual need to adapt while
aspects, and the physical environment (Selamat performing work.
2013). Later, these aspects should be blended with In terms of positive effect, task analyst
proactive remediation, organization development considered appropriate and succinct approaches
and organization’s missions and goals. and techniques to accomplish task as the main
Unanimously, the comprehensive knowledge and weapon of success. However, different individuals
implementation of OSH, is the most suitable way to accomplish their task by utilizing different
increase productive at workplace. approaches and techniques according to their
As a conclusion, OSH performance could play a skills, experience and capabilities, which demand
role in enhancing the concept of safety and health at more energy, efforts and time. The implementation
work. As mentioned by Carayon’s (2009) the safety of standard approach and technique enable to
and health issues contributed to the extension to the reduce efforts and save time and energy. A study
potential outcome for workers and organizations. by Mathis and Jackson (2006) indicate the specific
Thus, issues on the absenteeism, worker’s sickness, task refer specific knowledge, skills and abilities
occurrences occupational stress and occupational to achieve goals. Moreover, job description clearly
accident, would representing OSH performance; mentioned the most suitable person required with
which shows that if these issues could not give appropriate skills, knowledge and techniques
attention, it affected to the performances of workers (Mathis & Jackson 2006). From the organization
and organizational. perspective, task can be considered as the demand
or requirement of individuals need in order to
perform their work.
TASK FACTORS Considering the Balance theory, a task can be
defining as an aspect related to demand of work
In the workplace, the performance is evaluated on that individual need to adapt while performing
the basis of a task. Different task demands different work. Furthermore, Balance theory improves
skills and knowledge. Task analyst enlists all these workers’ quality of working life, the physical and
elements in a work system, which ultimately effect mental health as well as stress at work (Carayon
on the task/performance, such as job control, 2009; Smith & Carayon 1989). Balance theory
workload, job contents, rotation between tasks, also pinpoints the process which produces stress
job autonomy, challenges and opportunities, for workers such as, picking a wrong person for
(Carayon 2009). Besides, task effect either a key task, unhealthy environment, inappropriate
positive or negative effect on the job description technology and organizational misbehavior.
and physical demand (Smith &Carayon 1989). Moreover, Balance theory also discuss how to sort
In terms of negative effect, a study by Carayon out these issue with the role of OSH at the workplace
(2009) pinpoints the five major types of task which (Carayon & Smith 2000).
cause of poor performance. According to her, the Moreover, balance theory also enlarges
first is incorrect or incomplete instructions, second on concepts related to OSH at the organization
is competitive tasks. He considered distractions (Carayon & Smith 2000) which eventually raise the
as the third main reason, and changing priorities focus of attention on promoting and maintaining
and inadequate support from people, services or physical health, social well-being, as well as
equipment as fourth and fifth respectively. mental stabilityof theworkforces. Therefore, in this
A wide diversity of influences has been study, three task demand factors are referring to
studied, from content considerations such as job emotional demand, sensorial demand, and quantity
workload, which can be considered as emotional demands (Carayon 2009).
demand, sensorial demand, quantitative demand,
The Relationship between Task Factors and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Performance in the Printing Industry 69

Firstly, the quantitative demand refers to the method. Based on their study, self-reported causes
quantity and capacities workers encounter. To of work-related stress, and job satisfaction among
identify items to measure the quantitative demand a representative sample of vets. The Health and
of work, Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire Safety Executive Management Standards Indicator
(COPSOQ) was used. For example, how many Tool included a series of bespoke questions
hours an individual overtime, number of hours an embedded in a 120 items questionnaire, which
individual required to complete their work task assessed anxiety and alcohol consumption, positive
and overload. Secondly, the sensorial demand mental well- being, depressive symptoms, suicidal
which define as demand of the attentiveness and ideation, and work-home interaction. The result of
emphasizing of work activities. For example, the the study confirms that number of working hours
requirement of precise bird views in order to hand and professional mistakes were the main causes
the job, the level of accuracy, and the requirement of contributing to stress, which finally affects
for the constant attention when performing the task. worker’s performance.
Owing to that, researchers found that the sensorial Bottom line, many studies identify the
demand play a critical role in the printing industry relationship between task factors and OSH
at the making unit and design section. Finally, performance. Moreover, the task factors play as
emotional demand explained as a dimension of task an important role to enhance OSH performance,
demand; whichdeals with the worker’s emotion particularly on occupational stress, occupational
during the workplace. Furthermore, emotional accident and health of workers. Hence, to bring
demandarouses the psychological emotion due to major benefits to employee and organization,
having extra work burden as well as depression at organizational support need to organize better task
the workplace. or duties to their worker.
Kahya (2007) reported in his study, to
performing task in manufacturing companies, blue-
collar employees need different frequencies, level METHODOLOGY
and duration of the physical effort. In addition,
their need more energy to performing task but, lot Registrar of Companies (ROC) and Malaysian
of energy was waste and unproductivity because a Printers Association (MPA) are agencies were
static and awkward posture. In case of Malaysia, provided list population of printing companies
it is found that higher workloads, higher pressure to calculated. All the workers from 3162 printing
demands and long working hours contribute to companies was registered with Home Affairs
poor OSH performance (Ahsan et al. 2009; Selamat Ministry of Malaysia (2002),in Malaysia as
2016). According to Manshor, Fortain and Choy total 47,102 employees (Department of Safety
(2003) thehigher workloads directly contribute to Malaysia, DOSM, 2010) was choose as the research
workers enduring occupational stress. They further population.
mentioned the relationship between job workload For studying OSH performance, production
and OSH performance. According to them, in line who is involved in operations of production
manufacturing industries, where a high workload department in Malaysian printing companies was
demand is expected, as being very significant. used as the unit of analysis. Production line workers
Rauhala et al. (2007), provide the supporting included printing machines worker, binding and
argument. According to them, higher workload folding machines worker, and any other worker
demand leads to higher levels of sick-leave. related with production department/ unit.
Bottom line greater work demands have an effect Moreover, probability sampling was used in
directly on an individual health status. In addition, this study, were the populations have a known
High workloads cause to higher number of sick opportunity was chosen as sample. Exactly in this
leave and effect on other health related issues such study stratified random sampling used to assessing
as depression and general sickness. the population parameter and recognizing subgroup
Another study on workload and work-related of population. Hence, the list of employee in each
stress at United Kingdom has reported by Bartram, printing company was provided by the Human
Yadegarfar and Baldwin (2009). Cross-sectional Resource Department.
approach and questionnaire distributed via email In the current situation, the total number
to 3200 vets, based on stratified random sampling of production workers in printing industry still
70 Akademika 88(3)

unclear. To generate the appropriate number (2013) were adopted to measured sickness among
of sample from accurate number of production workers such as physiological, psychological,and
workers, an assumption is needed. From the first physical (Zafir et al. 2013). Each item was suitable
observation in the printing company found only for measuring sickness in this study with average
15percent to 20 percent people in administration Cronbach’s alpha of .60.
and another 80 percent involved in production. Moreover, there are four items regarding
From this assumption, researcher decided 80 absenteeism were presented. Absenteeism are the
percent of workers each company considered as habitual pattern of employees who absencefrom
production line workers and eligible for this sample duty with mostly without good reason. Personal
of study. Two hundred and ninety-five respondents problems, family problems, organizational
from several printing companies in Malaysia were problems and some no valid motive which adapted
analyzed through distributed questionnaires. from Harrison and Shaffer (1994), Bockerman
To suit the context of this study, a set of and Ilmakunnas (2008), Lidwall, Marklund and
questionnaires with five-point Likert scale was Voss, (2010) and Morgan et al.(1976) has indicated
adapted from certain approaches and element in the causes of workers not attend work. Workers
others studies to determine the relationship among feelings’ disturbed and worried at work because
task factors and OSH performance. from these problems. Another dimension was
In Table 1, occupational accidents were to measure are occupational stress. Measuring
measured by respondent to report any accidents occupational stress,it’s focus on work-related
while performing their work in the workplace. stress (perceived workload, role conflict, role
Study from Nikolaos (2010) discovered some ambiguity, and interpersonal conflict). Through
individual and organizations fail to report an the self-reporting psychological strain (anxiety,
accident. In this study to measure occupational depression,job dissatisfaction, and frustration)
accident, three different statement was designed. was measured. Therefore, by combining several
For example, to measure the severity of accidents items from previous studies was the best way to
experienced by workers, the statement “Rate measure occupational stress. The combination was
the severity of the impact of an accident at work used by Jex et al. (1992) in their study.Fourteen
that you experienced in the last six months” was items adopted from Jex et al. (1992) to measure
used. Furthermore,several items from Zafir et al. occupational stress.

TABLE 1. Questionnaire Structure for Measurement

Section Variables/Dimensions Num. Items Cronbach Alpha Sources

A OSH Performance 35
Absenteeism 1 Harrison and Shaffer (1994)
1 VandenHeuvel and Wooden
.601 (1995)
1 Bockerman and Ilmakunnas
1 Morgan and Herman (1976)
Occupational Accidents 3 .887 Nikolaos (2010)
Sickness 14 .614 Zafir et al. (2008)
Occupational Stress 14 .928 Jex et al. (1992)
B Task Factors 18
Quantitative Demand 18 .736 Mathias et al. (2006)
Sensorial Demand
Emotional Demand

C Respondent Background 9
The Relationship between Task Factors and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Performance in the Printing Industry 71

Furthermore, task factors weredefining as was 10.91 years (SD=8.97). In terms of education
the demand placed on workers while doing their level, 3.7 percent hold a bachelor or higher degree,
works. Task factor was categorized as quantitative 30.2 percent were graduated with a diploma
demands sensorial demands, and emotional or some technical or professional certification.
demands according to Carayon and Smith (2000). Nevertheless, 2 percent were only educated to the
Task factor will affect workers’ performance and primary school level and the majority of respondents
their health and safety. Copenhagen Psychosocial were 62.4 percent, received a secondary school
Questionnaire (COPSOQ) approach was adapted in education. Lastly, result from questionnaires show
this study. This approach was used byMatthias et only 34.9 percent had experienced an accidents and
al. (2006) to measure psychological stress at work. 65.1percent remaining not. Slipping, stumbling,
However, only three task demand (quantitative cutting of fingers and hand and legs being caught
demand, sensorial demand, and emotional demand) was cited more than 10 times in the types of
were used in current study. Based on previous accidents. These type of accidents still have effects
study these three demand is sufficient and suitable on worker’s performance althoughit seems like
to measuring overall task demand. minor accidents.
After several processes of factor analysis and
redevelop the hypothesis, only specific result was
RESULT AND DISCUSSION mentioned. First, reliability analysis from data
of 295 respondents was conducted to measure
From 420 sets of questionnaires only 295 or 70 consistency, accuracy and stability. Several items
percent were usable for data analysis. Another 125 in measuring OSH performance were assessed with
(30%) questionnaires were rejected due respondent Cronbach’s alpha coefficient with greater reliability
not complete answering the questions. For index were closer to 1. For example, sickness
example, researcher found most respondents failed with three items was represented as α =.614;
to fill the items consistently and as required in this absenteeism with three items was represented as
study, if respondent not filled more than five items, α =.600; occupational accidents with two items
questionnaire will be rejected and not included in was represented as α =.887; task factor - quantity
the final analysis. demands and sensorial demand (α = .736) and
Respondents below 20 years old (less 2%) were occupational stress with 16 items was represented
fewer in this study and the youngest respondent as α =.928. But, low loading and cross loading
aged 17. Meanwhile, the oldest respondents aged 58 value of emotional demand in this analysis, this
and range respondents aged 51 or older were about items were excluded from the further analysis.
6 percent. The mean of respondents aged was 35.34 Table 2 shows the result of the relationship
years (SD = 8.93). The aged 31-40 years’ (36.3%) between task factors and OSH performance.
respondents were majority, followed by the aged Definitely, from Multiple Regression Analysis
group 21 to 30 years’ (35.6%). The respondents Results show quantity demand (β = .51, p = .00)
aged between 41 to 50 were about 20.7percent. is positively significant towards occupational
Male were majority respondents of this study with stress, but result for sensorial demands (β = -.02,
87.5 percent (n = 258), compared to females at 12 p=.69) we’re not significant. Additionally, result
percent (n = 37). from relationship between task factors and OSH
Married respondents were more than half performance indicated only quantity demands is
with 68.1 percent, respondent with single status significant positive relationship to sickness (β =
29.8 percent, divorced were about 1.4 percent .24, p = .00). But sensorialdemands(β=.02,p=.71)
and widowed 0.7 percent. Malay is the majority not significant. Result on relationship of the
by ethnic in this study with 93.9 percent, while occupational accident showed sensorial demands
Chinese less than 2% and Indian more than 2 negatively significant (β = -.23, p = .00) nevertheless
percent. Meanwhile, 37.6 percent respondents had quantity demands were positively significant (β =
worked for five years or less in their company, 6 to .18, p = .00) toward occupational accident. From
10 years 18.9 percent. Meanwhile, both of 11 to 15 analysis also showed quantity demands (β = .19,
years and 16 to 20 years were less than 16 percent. p = .00), were positively significant towards
The result revealed 38 respondents (12.6%) had absenteeism. Besides that, variables sensorial
worked more than 20 years and the longest-serving demand was not significantly towards absenteeism
period were 40 years. The length of service mean (β = - .09, p = .12).
72 Akademika 88(3)

TABLE 2. Multiple Regression Analysis Results for the Relationship between Task Factors and OSH Performance
Occupational Stress Sickness Occupational Accidents Absenteeism ( β)
( β) ( β) ( β)
QuantityDemands .51** .24** .18** .19**
SensorialDemands -.02 .02 -.23** -.09
R2 .33 .10 .12 .06
F 2.83** 4.59** 5.66** 2.82**
Note: n = 295. *p ≤. 05, **p ≤. .01, ***p ≤ .001

OCCUPATIONAL STRESS This study also found that sensorial demand

had insignificant effects on sickness. The
Results has found that there is a significant concentration demanded by the work is not enough
positive relationship between task demand and to develop into sickness among workers. Moreover,
OSH performance. Specifically, these showed that the concentrated area of work in the industry is
quantitative demand to be positively significant observed to confine to those respondents who are
towards occupational stress. It is confirmed that working at the section of masking unit and design
increasing the number of tasks assigned to workers which offer more work burden related to sensorial
can result in increased stress, leading to poor aspects.Thus,too small an area and eventually
health. This finding is consistent with past studies, respondents could be a reason of the result.
which reported that an overload of work increases
worker’s stress (Ahsan et al. 2009;Salleh et al. OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENT
2008; Zafir et al. 2013).
On the other hand, sensorial demand has a Studies found that quantity demand has a significant
significant relationship to occupational stress, yet, positive relationship to accidents at work.As stated
in the opposite direction. This shows that when in previous studies, workers with various tasks and
work requires higher concentration and focus, the need to complete within a short period time prone
workers experienced less stress at work. Past studies to involve accidents (Saad et al. 2012; Zakaria et
have shown that when the work is challenging such al. 2012). Though, the results of the study stated
as in this highly required concentration in work, that sensorial demand had an insignificant effect on
work may be perceived to be pleasurable and non- occupational accidents at work. This resultmay be
monotonous. Moreover, monotonous work has due to the less of participants among respondents
been shown to lead to a stressful work (Ahsan et from the section of masking unit and design. At this
al. 2009; Jensen &MChintos 2007). In this work section requires workers to concentrate hard related
nature, workers may have accepted the nature of to sensorial aspects especially while performing
the work and perceived it as challenging and this masking plate task. On the other hand, when the
created less stress experienced. work is challenging such as in this highly required
concentration in work, work may be perceived to
SICKNESS be pleasurable and non-monotonous that eventually
avoids workers to involve with hazard and accident.
The result regarding the amount of task attributed Working in the happy mood was found to reduce
to worker’s probability to sickness are found, which injuries, hazard, as well as accident (Hwajin, Sujin
argued that the amount of work demands, relate to & Alice 2013; Selamat et al. 2013).
the amount of burden that would affect individual
physically and mentally. This result is similar to the ABSENTEEISM
other studies, which reported that sickness among
workers is elevated when the increase oftask burden From the study show absenteeism were positively
at work (Shaliza et al. 2009; Zafir 2009; Zafir et al. significant. Previous study showsconsistently with
2013). this finding which reported worker’s absenteeism
The Relationship between Task Factors and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Performance in the Printing Industry 73

were ledby task demand were cause tiredness, effect on absenteeism between workers. Only some
frustration, and a feeling of being overwhelmed respondents were involved with the task related
(Quick & Nelson 2008). Furthermore, when to sensorial demand and required the sensitivity
accident occurred in the workplace, a worker is not of the process while conducting their job, which
able to attend work due to getting medical certificate. eventually affect the final result of data analysis.
However, sensorial demand shows an insignificant

OSH Performance
Task Factors
Quantitative demands
Occupational stress
Sensorial demands
Occupational accidents

FIGURE 1. Research Framework


supported by Smith and Carayon (2009) research,
This study showed that quantitative demand and which a work factors are variables measured as
occupational stress had a significant positive an outcome of worker performance.This study
relationship. This suggests that the level of stress extends the traditional theory through integrating
must be observed since the result of the study new component to measuring safety in the balance
provides the amount of work allocated to the theory. Occupational accidents have added to
operators must be monitored to a certain work measuring worker outcome to widen the safety
of demand. Meanwhile, sensorial demand and issue.
occupational stress has a significant positive The findings of the data suggest opportunities
relationship, that mean level of operator sensitivity for futureresearch. First, future research could
must be monitored to control stress level of be focusing the study to other sectors to broader
worker’s. Therefore,in order improve worker generalizations. Furthermore, characteristic of
performance, higher management (line leader and ergonomics in printing company depend on nature
supervisor) must observing sensitivity that related of task and worker capabilities. Administrators and
to the task of workers. On the other hand, to prevent higher level of management might be interesting
the worker troubling, human resource managers to investigate.The issue of OSH problems at work
and executives should show a logical and analytical involving all workers in a company could be
in work allocation and to lead their performance. evaluated and proper solutionscreated.
The research framework has proposed in this Other suggestions, regarding the research
study confirm the theory on relationship between design of the study, the data collectiontactic
the variables. Empirical data and evidence could be extended to include in-depth interviews
on relationship between task factors and OSH with respondents. Measuring several factors,
performance were provided to convincing the like absenteeism, accidents at work and the level
findings. The findings on this study enhances the of participatory ergonomics should be useful
theoretical view, most on the issues of demand for further study. In addition, to clear reasons of
work factors and how it’s reflect on worker’s absenteeism, future researchers would study on
performance. The result also supports balance the sickness and having an unsuitable working
theory that proposed quantity demand are environment. In addition, multiple sources of data
contributes to the occurrence of occupational will be gathered for analysis of the OSH problem to
stress and sickness among workers. This finding enhance understanding and knowledge of thestudy.
74 Akademika 88(3)

Therefore, to extend the sample of the study, This in turn, will lead to increased investment
several industries could be involved to enhance in manufacturing, especially in the industries
the research. This involvement is to measure more related to printing companies at the national and
objectively and is valuable to research outcome and international level, thus also assisting to generate
field. Besides that, worker’s knowledge, attitude, more Malaysia’s national income.
and skill to perform work should be stressed with
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