School Newspaper 3

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1st edition

Join us in the 2023 school year recap!

Fresh Voices United!

In the ever-evolving In the school newspaper,

landscape of high school words, images, and ideas come ¡THE AIB TEA
life, a teacher's vision together to create a vivid RESOURCE
enlightens the creativity depiction of life within the JUST ARRIVED!
of the students in school. It serves as a bridge
Academia Internacional between the shy artist, the
And not just the hot
Boquete, taking the reins tenacious journalist, and the
gossip from around
of innovation by launching aspiring scribe, going beyond
the hallways... Stay
the School's first mere ink and paper. Its pages
tuned to get the
Newspaper Club, a platform breathe life into stories of
best advice of your
aimed at bringing together triumph, reveal hidden
aspiring writers, talents, and celebrate shared
photographers, and moments that make the school a
designers to captivate second home; Its purpose goes
readers with compelling beyond just news; it reflects
stories from within the the passions, challenges, and
school's bustling aspirations of the student
corridors. body.
Fran Dejud, Senior 12º
the seniors What are our s
As a student, you have both a
responsibility and an
opportunity to succeed.
Graduating is a thrilling
accomplishment that is sure to
evoke a range of emotions.
Despite the challenges and
obstacles that may have arisen
along the way, every student has
persevered with determination
and pushed through to reach this
momentous achievement.

During this fearless journey,

there have been moments of
nostalgia when leaving behind
the student life they’ve known,
but also a sense of anticipation
and expectation, wondering about
for what comes next. Graduation
represents perseverance and
bravery in overcoming challenges
and obstacles.

The journey was tough, but it

ultimately brought them
happiness. Throughout this time,
our seniors learned valuable
lessons on how to overcome each
difficulty encountered. Their
unique personalities and
perspectives were crucial in
propelling them forward in the
face of obstacles.

Being a senior is a significant

step in your life. Reflect on
your journey, appreciate those
who supported you, and embrace
new opportunities as you prepare
to change the world.
Jose Mira, 10º
seniors called?

You will never

guess the
backstory of the
You might have probably Back to the main
heard of this human-like question: why did the
animal. This year’s seniors decide on having
seniors chose Yetis as Yetis as their animal?
their animal, but why? Is Well, in reality, there
there any hidden meaning? is no real hidden
meaning, nor is there
Yetis are mysterious some history with the
creatures; according to animal. But we do believe
the legends, it is said that yetis are really
that yetis are like a mysterious, funny, and
bigger version of humans, mischievous, just like
meaning they have more our seniors.
giant hands bigger feet,
and are generally larger. Yetis are like a hidden
They have lots and lots gem, you don’t see them
of snowy white hair that in everyday life; you
covers their whole body. have to look for them so
It is like a fusion of a that you can find them,
man and a bear. You have get closer to them, and
probably heard of see for yourselves what
Bigfoot; It is similar to color they truly shine.
that. It is said that
Rosalina Ng, 9º
they live in the high
Himalayan mountains,
where Mount Everest is.

In some other news...

This year the school opens a brand new project... The AIB
Cafeteria! No more food from our favorita "Fonda" by
Steven. Stay tuned to learn about our feedback on the new
Introducing Got nothing to do after schooL?
the Rising
Stars of our JOIN AN
School In today's evolving Extracurricular representations
Newspaper world, the importance of allow students to explore their
Club: education extends far passions and talents behind
Francisco Dejud
beyond traditional textbooks and exams. By
Founding President & Director classroom learning. As participating in these activities,
Maria Alejandra león
Editor-in-Chief teachers, parents, and students gain a deeper understanding
Daniela Tovar
Managing Editor society at large, we must of themselves, their interests, and
Laura Taboada recognize the their capacities. They learn
Managing Editor
Elio Rodríguez significance of essential life skills such as
Managing Editor
astrid samudio extracurricular teamwork, time management, and
Section Editor activities in shaping leadership. Also, these activities
Ashley morales
Section Editor well-rounded students. allow students to form meaningful
Jimmy lin These representations relationships with people with
Jose mira include a diverse range similar interests. Basically, these
Sebastian Gómez of experiences that experiences contribute significantly
students engage outside to a student's personal growth and
Julio Ayala
Journalist of their academic development, nurturing their self-
Nicole Beitia
Journalist schedule. From sports and confidence and abilities.
Rosalina NG arts, to community
Lucio Galvez services and leadership
Gabriela Espinoza roles.
Lorenzo Coconi Jose Mira, 10º
Mariana Spiegel

You could be Part oF tHis


As you may know, the newspaper is a project

created by one of our favorite teachers, Ms.
Ivonne Rovira, with the help of a senior
student. Now that the Newspaper club has
been stablished by our teacher and
classmate, every generation must have their
own team!
Photography credits:
Be in the lookout for inscriptions to be
Mariana Spiegel, 11º
part of our beloved newspaper next year...
Jimmy Lin, 12º
You won’t regret it.


Our school has gained Collegiate World Series, and he Sela Barker, a junior
significant recognition shared his experience with us: student, participated in
nationally and “CWS was such an enriching The ISCL program, which
internationally thanks to experience; it helped me as a focuses on the ability to
the participation of guide for my life after school, help individuals with
multiple kids in different which, even though is scary, made differences who genuinely
programs. Here are some of me feel more secure about my need it. “It reminded me
their stories: future plans.” that not everything
revolves around what we
Francisco Dejud, or how But now, we have a lot more kids experience daily and that
many people call him Fran, representing us with NHI! Laura there’s a world outside
participated as a Taboada, Angelica Guerra, Julio waiting for us,” Sela
participant in the 2022 Ayala, Lia Castillo, and Midory shared.
Lorenzo de Zavala Youth Sanchez participated in the 2023
Legislative Session and American LDZ, playing essential TalenPro this year was
2023 Rocky Mountain roles in their program and beautiful for us! Senior
Collegiate World Series, bringing home nominations and student Isabella Malivern
as a staff member in the awards. shared her experience:
2023 American LDZ, and did Lorenzo Coconi, Lucas Peterson, “From the beginning,
an internship with the Angel Ayala, Sofia León, Erick Talenpro was never about
organization. Candanedo, Ericka Candanedo, Lisa winning for me, but about
Luis Canto, a senior Serrano, and Alex “Tony” Mou also finding my way out because
student, also participated participated in NHI’s Northeast for many years now I've
in the 2023 Rocky Mountain Great Debate. But this is not it. wanted to direct audiovis-
ual projects, but I always when starting their last year of
got stuck with ideas and high school.
never developed them. So, I
took the opportunity to Remember that you have the power
make my ideas a reality, to create your own opportunities.
with the kind assistance of If there's a particular interest
my friends, teachers, and or passion that isn't currently
family members like my mom, represented at our school, don't
who encouraged and hesitate to encourage us to
supported me always.” explore opening up a club for it.
Seek out like-minded students and
Our extracurricular form your own club. Don't let the
activities are great ways absence of a pre-existing group
to find your passions and prevent you from pursuing your
interest outside the interests and connecting with
classroom, and it helps as others who share them.
a guide for your plans
after high school, which is
Article written by
one of the main things Jose Mira, 10ª
seniors usually worry about Fran Dejud, 12º

Let’s dive into our school’s

sports league
Our sophomore Student, Daniel other boys of their age. These highest score
O'Donnell, won the election to leagues will be conducted annually passed, Los
represent AIB in the youth deputy in other schools with the same Arranca Mascaras Y
elections (Do not worry; we will objectives. Pichichis, the
cover it for you). He promised to The teams of the internal soccer team led by Jose
bring about several changes in the league were mixed and had to Pablo Pichichis
school, including introducing include at least 1 woman in their being champion 3-
internal sports leagues for teams. The teams that participated 1.
soccer, football, and basketball in the league were the following:
teams for AIB. Pichichis with the captaincy of The internal
Jose Pablo, Arsenal with the basketball league
O'Donnell shared that the primary captaincy of Diego Acuña, Los was a very
aim of this proposal is to Poninas with the captaincy of compe@@ve league
encourage students to relieve Gabriel Vargas, and Los Arranca by the par@cipa@ng
stress and have fun in a healthy Mascaras with the captaincy of teams that are:
manner through sports. Jeremy Lezcano. It was held on The Untouchables,
Additionally, the proposal aims to Wednesdays and Fridays at school Ayahuasca, Poninas
promote the AIB brand at the on the large field next to the and Black Mambas.
provincial level and encourage the preschool. In this competition, The matches took
school's students to interact with only the first 2 teams with the place at lunch.
The first round of matches The third and final
began with The Untouchables round began with The
facing off against Ayahuasca. Untouchables facing
The Untouchables won by a 7- Black Mambas. It was
point margin, and the MVP of an easy win for The
the match was Jordan Smith, Untouchables, who won
who scored 6 points. The by an 11-point
second match was a close game margin. Juan Puga was
between Black Mambas and named MVP with 10
Poninas, with Black Mambas points scored. In the
winning by just one point. second match, Poninas
However, the MVP of the match played against
was Sahid Gozaine from Ayahuasca, with the
Poninas, who scored 5 points. winner advancing to
the finals. Poninas
The second round began with won the match with a
the first match between Los 13-point difference,
Untouchables and Poninas. and Juan Pablo
Poninas won by a margin of 2 Sequera was named MVP
points, with MVP Sahid with 14 points. As a
Gozaine scoring 6. In the result, the final was
second match, Ayahuasca faced set between Los
Black Mambas and won by a Untouchables and
margin of 7 points. This was Poninas.
Ayahuasca's first victory,
with MVP Isaac Morales
scoring 7 points.

THE GRAND FINALE: The Untouchables VS Ponies

The highly anticipated day of All credit goes to Lia
the entire league had finally Castillo, a 10th A
arrived - the grand final. student, who organized
Both teams were excellent and the league and created
it was expected to be a high- an Instagram account
level match. The Untouchables to update everyone on
dominated the beginning of its progress.
the match but it was not
enough to overcome the
Poninas, who remained the
champions of the AIB
basketball league for another
year. Sahid Gozaine was named
the MVP, while Juan Pablo
Sequera from 10°B was
selected as the MVP of the Article written by
entire tournament. Sebastian Gómez, 10º
The rumOrs aRe TruE!
The seniors can’t stop singing!
It’s been a while since our school has done a musical, and
around the hallways, there is a rumor that the ‘seniors'
student board had been having a few meetings about retaking
the musicals... and not just any musical, but Teen Beach
Movie! The iconic Disney musical.

Most of high school, from freshmen to seniors, is involved

in this activity. And the excitement of all schools to see
how this turns out is highlightable. Those participating in
the musical have been practicing throughout the year for
almost 3 hours on Tuesdays and Fridays in our school’s
David Campus, AID. Sebastian Gomez, who plays Butchy, the
iconic biker gang leader, wanted to experience something
new, and the musical was the perfect opportunity. He says
he feels so comfortable in the cast that he isn't nervous
when performing. “I invite you all to join the musical next
year; join in because it is an unforgettable experience,”
Sebastian added for those interested in joining the play.

We believe the school is thrilled to see the interpretation

of this movie that I bet many of us grew up watching. I
know many people who learned all the songs and dances when
they were kids, including myself. And I am sure in the
audience many will remember those times dancing, singing
and laughing. We invite all of our readers to see this
production directed by our Seniors. Dates coming soon!
Article written by
Nicole Beitia, 10º


Join the cast! Rehearsing on tuesdays and thursdays.
Get more info at the office, or directly with the
Apparently, seniors had
a commitment of joining
the school’s band. AND
The senior’s have launched the musical dates: they did not even
Friday, October 20th 6:00pm bother to try! I guess
Saturday, October 21st 3:00pm, or 6:00pm they did not want to
Sunday, October 22nd, 2:00pm, or 5:00pm spend their thursday’s
Make sure you RSVP and get your ticket! evening with us...
There is stem week and
peasant week... but many
of you probably do not
Teams needed a positive
know that we have a
mindset! The games were
Language Week!
harsh. In the first game,
LANGUAGE teams had to grab as many
RALLY words from a poll and then
All of the grades categorize them on a
created teams to board.
And the last task awaits
represent their classes
them just as they head
in the competition! It
to the grand final.
sure was very difficult,
Writing a story with
as few of the best
random words!
students were teaming

After the students worked

together putting words on
the board, they ran to the
next stage of the game,
passing through hula Who will tHe Winner bE?
hoops. Then, they got to a
table where Ms. Giannina We must say we are so
was waiting for them to proud of our fellow
encounter a pretty tricky students. Be aware of
task... reading sentences, the winner announcement
not simple sentences, but next week!
tongue-twisted sentences!
AIB Language Department
Newspaper club
THE JUNIORS ARE Friendly reminder to our classmates! For election days,
GETTING INTO IT! make sure to bring your student ID, personal ID, driver’s
license, or passport for you to be able to vote. If you are
Our Juniors are just one
an international student, you can vote with your passport.
year away from graduation
and are well aware of it.

Throughout the school year, It's important to remember
they have been working on that the musical is not just
various sales campaigns.
In what direction about showcasing our

is our musical
Whether you need a grill or talents, but it's also about
a pair of socks, they've got working together as a team,
you covered. They are
putting in all their effort headed? building friendships, and
creating memories that will
to ensure they can throw a It's a sad truth that our last a lifetime.
fantastic prom party next senior students have had
year. much trouble in organizing We urge all students who
the school musical this have signed up for the
Although things seem year. However, it's not musical to take it seriously
relatively calm now, there entirely their fault. and attend rehearsals on
is always calm before the According to our inside time. Let's work together to
big comeback. Stay tuned to sources, the students who make this year's musical a
find out what they will have signed up to success and show everyone
bring for future activities! participate in the musical what we're capable of!
do not seem to be showing
any commitment to it. Do we not love
In fact, it's been reported dedication?
that even the main This year's elections have
characters have skipped a been a blast, thanks to the
whole month of rehearsals. senior student council!
This lack of dedication and Andrea Lachman, the
passion for the musical has charismatic President,
made it very difficult for Francisco Dejud, the
the seniors to organize and efficient Secretary, and Ana
choreograph the de León, the passionate
performances. Vocal, have worked
tirelessly to make sure
The musical is an essential everything runs smoothly.
event in our school From setting up the election
calendar, and it's room to collecting and
disappointing that many counting the votes, they
students are not taking it have been on top of
seriously. everything. We are
incredibly grateful for
their unwavering dedication
to our school!
Our seniors will leave a great Feeling
legacy... TACO sick or
TUESDAY! emotional?
Attention all students! You won't want to miss Taco Tuesdays,
It is essential to
the latest addition to the activities calendar. This new event
remember that
will surely be a hit, offering delicious buffet-style tacos for
seeking help is
lunch. The best part? Students can easily purchase these
always an option.
mouthwatering tacos at their designated stations in the
Whether you are
downstairs hallways.
But wait, it gets even better!
discomfort, such as
The presale for the tacos is
a headache or a
already underway, with classrooms
stomachache, or
being visited to take orders.
feeling emotionally
So, if you want to ensure that
drained, someone is
you don't miss out on the tasty
always available to
lunch options, be sure to place
help you. At our
your orders soon.
school, we have an
excellent system in
There are three different types
place called
of tacos to choose from,
"Apoyo," which
including chicken, steak, and
provides students
mixed tacos. The mixed tacos are
with the care and
definitely a crowd-pleaser,
support they need
offering a combination of chicken and steak for a delicious and
during those blue
satisfying meal. Make sure to mark your calendars and get your
taste buds ready for Taco Tuesdays!

If you need help,
contact Apoyo team.
They provide
Nutritious meals provided by tress, and improve their guidance and
school cafeterias are essential overall school experience. support to overcome
for students' overall well- Teamwork is the seasoning of challenges. You are
being and development. School AIB’s cafeteria, where not alone, always
cafeterias are essential in professionals work together to ask for help when
shaping young minds and bodies ensure the efficient needed.
by offering balanced and preparation and
healthy meals. A balanced diet delivery of delicious
provides the necessary energy meals to students.
for students to do their daily From the accountant
activities and contributes to to the kitchen staff,
their physical health and teamwork is essential
mental agility. When students at every level. Each
enjoy nutritious meals member of the team
together, it can enhance their has a specific role,
emotional well-being, reduce s-
whether it's buying ingredients, cooking, or
delivering meals, they must collaborate closely to FROM OUR
maintain the organization of everything.
Communication is critical, as the kitchen team must
coordinate cooking times, ingredients availability, to theiR
and portion control to guarantee that meals are
served hot and fresh. Teamwork in our school
cafeteria not only results in meals but also teaches Your efforts significantly impact the
the importance of different values and skills we’ve health and well-being of our
learned since childhood. For these reasons, we must students, and your
appreciate the kitchen staff that works tirelessly dedication doesn’t
to prepare our daily meals. Their commitment to go unappreciated.
providing nutritious meals to students often goes Thank you for the
unseen, yet it’s an integral part of the educational invaluable role
journey. The kitchen staff represents the value of you play in our
teamwork, collaborating continuously to ensure every educational community.
student is nourished and ready to face the day's Thank you so much for being
challenges. Their hard work not only fills stomachs part of our school community and for
but also fuels the dreams and aspirations of keeping us healthy and well-fed
countless minds. Article written by throughout our academic year.
José Mira, 10º


Hey there! Did you know that some of Don't be afraid to approach our school's office with
our talented students have taken the your ideas! They're always willing to listen and
initiative to create their own clubs support you in bringing something new and exciting to
this year? It's true! Fran Dejud AIB. Who knows, your club idea may inspire others to
founded the yearbook club, and Ana join, and you might even discover a new passion
de León started the "Operación yourself!
Sonrisa" club.
Creating a student board for your class is a great way
Joining a club is an excellent way to get involved and make a difference in your school
to explore your interests, learn new community. You don't have to wait until you're in 10th
things, and make new friends. It's grade to get started - why not start now? By creating a
also an amazing opportunity to student board early, you can ensure that your voice is
showcase your leadership skills, heard and that you have a say in important decisions
which can be a great asset when that affect your school. Additionally, graduating from
applying to colleges or future jobs. school can be expensive, so it's better to start
planning early. You can create a variety of clubs, such
At AIB, we believe in nurturing our as a yearbook club, an art club, a chemistry club, or
students' passions and providing even a dance club. So why wait? Get started today!
them with opportunities to grow and
develop. That's why we encourage all
of our students to start their own What will your
clubs if they have a particular
legacy be?
Daniel O'Donnell has been elected as the
representative and will hold the office
until 2025. He demonstrated confidence and
keen interest in socio-students' opinions
during his presentations. He is determined
to be the students' voice and improve their
educational experience.

He has taken the initiative by not only

including internal leagues in the school but
also planning to take his school to During the interview, he also discussed his
interschool competitions along with his new proposal of introducing a school nurse.
partner, the representative of the Beatriz This is an essential requirement, and while
Miranda de Cabal School. We can expect to our school is fortunate to have a nurse,
see AIB representing their colors in the official schools cannot always provide the
coming years. same benefits.

In addition, Daniel proposes introducing an Daniel is a young man genuinely interested

app that will allow students to order their in helping others, and we can assure you
meals from anywhere, thus avoiding crowds at that there will be significant improvements
the kiosk and improving the cafeteria for everyone.
experience. Article written by
Gabriela Espinoza, 11º


High school goes away, time ld enjoy every second of your ''school admissions'', a
is running out, and sooner last year; memories are part curious document that becomes
than you think you're going of us. If you don’t create ten times more stressful. You
to be a senior, something is enough, maybe in 10 years, must do your best to study,
going to change you, but here you will not remember the learn, and practice since
are some tips to get through experiences you had in the school admissions are
this new era in the best way same room at the same time as important to your future and
possible: 30 other students full of who you want to be.
dreams and achievements.
Don’t waste your time. A year Sign up for extracurricular
has 365 days, 525 600 Improve your academic level activities. If your academic
minutes, and 31 536 000 Last year can be stressful. record is just full of
seconds. It seems like a long Between the photo sessions, academic grades, you are in
time, right? The fact is that prom party, graduation, serious trouble. To get into
sometimes this period can be celebrations, school the best universities, add
shorter than our breaks activities, and hobbies, extracurricular activities to
between trimesters. You shou- there may be something called that transcript. An extracur-
ricular activity can be very positive; you learn more about a Your senior year ends
specific topic, meet new students, and even help people in need. up being the year of
celebration of an
Be the example. ''Example is not the main thing in influencing entire life at the
others. It is the only thing''. — Albert Schweitzer A senior is very school, a place where
similar to the older brother of the house; they are not the leading you learned to write,
authority, but they can change, advise, and influence others to be read, and, above all,
the best version of themselves. to improve as a
person. Every effort
Don't be afraid of change. Change can be terrifying, but what would led you to this
life be without a few changes? Being a senior feels different, from moment. You may be
the daily uniform at AIB to the activities you must organize for afraid of losing
everyone else. This is the final season of the TV show that starts things, but as Taylor
on your first day of school. Later, a new show will be created in Swift once said,
your life, and it may be different, but that won't make it bad or ''Everything you lose
worse. is a step you take.''

Article written by
Elio Rodríguez, 11º

wE aRe
a WeeK
The highly anticipated presentation
is just around the corner! According
to our sources, rehearsals have been
going great and the actors are in top
shape. We are thrilled to announce
the main characters of the play and
their respective actors:

- Ana Lucía de León as “Mack”

- Fran Dejud as “Brady”
- Erick Espinoza as “Rascal”
- Camila Monge as “Giggles”
- Gabriel Candanedo as “Tanner”
- Sarah Tedman as “Lela”
- Sebastian Gómez as “Butchy”
- Andrea Lachman as “Struts”
- Laura Taboada as “Cheechee”

We can't wait to see the musical next

week! Stay tuned for our full report.
Empowering Tomorrow's
Innovators: STEM Week at
AIB Focuses on Environmental
Projects with Recycled Plastic!
In a world grappling with environmental The students' projects will focus on
challenges, it is essential to instill a love for recycled plastic and the environment,
science and a sense of responsibility for the showcasing their talent, creativity, and
planet in our students from a young age. Academia dedication to positively impacting the
Internacional Boquete, a beacon of educational world. The event reinforced that the next
excellence, recently started the organization to generation of innovators and scientists is
its annual STEM Week, a week-long celebration of crucial in addressing complex
science, technology, engineering, and environmental challenges. Through
mathematics. This year's theme revolved around initiatives like STEM Week, we are
the environment, with a particular emphasis on nurturing a generation of informed and
projects that harnessed the potential of recycled responsible citizens who will lead the way
plastic. The event was a resounding success, in protecting our planet. Students, you
fostering the students' creativity, innovation, are the future. We are so excited for you
and environmental consciousness. to start your innovative projects. Good
STEM Week is an eagerly awaited event at AIB. It
provides a platform for students to showcase Some advice!
their creativity, scientific knowledge, and
problem-solving skills. The main goal of STEM When developing a STEM project focused on
Week is to generate interest in science and recycling, it's important to consider
technology, promote hands-on learning, and several key factors. First and foremost,
inspire students to think critically about real- it's essential to identify a clear and
world problems. This year, the school specific problem related to recycling.
administration, along with science teachers and Whether it's plastic waste, electronic
environmental clubs, decided to address the waste, or paper recycling, a well-defined
pressing issue of plastic pollution. Plastic problem sets the foundation for your
waste poses a significant environmental threat, project.
from clogging our waterways to harming wildlife.
To tackle this problem, students were encouraged Next, consider your project's potential
to focus on projects that used recycled plastic environmental, social, and economic
as the primary resource. impacts. How will your solution contribute
to sustainability, reduce waste, or
One of the most heartening aspects of STEM Week promote awareness?
is the awakening of environmental consciousness
among the students. Students engage in meaningful Lastly, effective communication and
projects and become more aware of their knowledge-sharing throughout the project
individual environmental footprint. Many pledge are crucial. Collaborating with others and
to reduce plastic use, promote recycling, and involving the community in your project
support initiatives to tackle plastic pollution. can amplify its impact.
The Teen Beach Musical of this year was a complete success, and the entire
school community is buzzing with excitement and applause as the curtains
close on a spectacular production. The actors and the behind-the-scenes
crew did a fantastic job, bringing the audience joy, laughter, and a touch
of nostalgia.

One of the standout features of this year's Teen Beach Musical was the
exceptional talent of the cast. The young actors delivered dazzling
performances that left the audience in awe. The chemistry between the
leads was electric, and their rendition of the beloved songs from the show
was flawless, leaving no doubt that they had been rehearsing tirelessly.
The characters' energy, charisma, and charm shone through, transporting
the audience to the sunny shores of a beachside paradise.

No Teen Beach Musical is complete without exhilarating dance numbers, and

this year's production exceeded all expectations. The choreography was
flawless, and the dancers executed intricate moves with precision and
grace. From classic beach party grooves to high-energy dance-offs, the
choreography added excitement and energy to the show.

This year's Teen Beach Musical was nothing short of a triumph. The
remarkable talent of the cast, the dazzling set design, impeccable
choreography, engaging storytelling, and unwavering community support came
together to create a sensational production. The audience left the theater
with hearts full of joy, reminded of the enduring magic of live theater.
Congratulations to all involved in this year's Teen Beach Musical, a
testament to our youth's power of dedication, passion, and boundless

A message from the Teen Beach Musical Crew:

Dear fellow students, we hope you enjoyed this year's show. As some of you
may already know, this is the first time in a long while that we have put
on a musical. In light of this, we encourage future students to take the
initiative and create their own musical productions. It is a truly unique
and rewarding experience. Thank you for all your support!
Enjoy The Show!
What do you know about
“Operación Sonrisa”?
In our country, “Operación Sonrisa” is an The missions extend beyond surgical
essential foundation in providing free surgeries interventions, including pre-operative and
and healthcare services to children and adults post-operative care and education
born with cleft lip and palate conditions. Since initiatives for healthcare providers.
its establishment in 1991, the foundation has These missions create smiles and
been delivering free, life-changing surgeries to meaningful experiences between patients
people across the country, contributing to the and volunteers, as a vivid example of the
health of many communities. “Operación Sonrisa” organization's global mission to create a
brings smiles to the faces of those it serves and world where every person has the right to
contributes to developing local healthcare smile.
equipment and infrastructure, leaving a lasting
positive impact on Panama's healthcare. If you wanna know more about this
fantastic club, do not hesitate to reach
Our school's “Operación Sonrisa” Club embodies out to our fellow Senior Ana Lucía de
the spirit of compassion and kindness to those in León, the president of the club in our
need. Committed to making a meaningful change in institution.
people's lives, the club serves as a platform for
students to unite and contribute to a noble
cause. Through various fundraising activities and
volunteer initiatives, the Operation Smile Club
not only raises funds for life-changing surgeries
but also educates the school community about the
challenges faced by individuals with cleft
conditions. The club promotes a sense of empathy
and unity, encouraging students to actively
participate in making a positive impact on the
lives of others.

“Operación Sonrisa” missions in Chiriqui and

Santiago, provinces of Panama, represent a deep
commitment to addressing the surgical needs of
individuals born with cleft lip and palate
conditions in these regions. These missions serve
as a way to bring together skilled doctors,
dedicated volunteers, and essential community
support. By providing life-changing surgeries,
Operation Smile transforms the physical
appearance of those with the condition and
improves their quality of life by creating
BOOKS INNOVATION 1. What you do to learn.
LEADERSHIP MATH 4. School name initials.
MIND STEAM 5. Physical activity that involves a
SCIENCE TEAMWORK series of rules.
THINKING YETIS 8. Subjects that mainly studies
10. Something you use to study.
M s.
2. The effort of many people to
achieve a goal by working together.
3. The place where the experiments
take place in.
6. The word from the second initial
of the abbreviation STEAM.
¿Who AM i? 7. Name of the 2023 senior
Whether you will study engineering, arts, music, or 8. Science, technology, engineering
theater does not matter. You will need my subject to and math.
survive in the real world.
I can teach more than one subject!
Do not miss out on the opportunity to be
I have been mentioned quite a few times throughout the part of the leadership programs of
National Hispanic Institute. Think about
You will find me in my cubicle in the corner of the it and contact:
[email protected] for more
CAN YOU GUESS WHO I AM? insight! You won’t regret being part of
such a great network for your future.
This article has been written by Ms. Ivonne Rovira and edited by Ms. Giannina Espinosa

Surviving in times of teaching? Any advice?

Are you a teacher? Have you ever asked yourself, why did I Experienced and non-
become a teacher? Is this what I want to do, teaching others? experienced teachers,
No worries, these and many more questions are common and normal you need to accept that
if you imagine becoming a teacher. Being a teacher implies everything will work
never stopping working, hours of sacrifice, and planning time for the best. It is not
(the most hated part of the process by some teachers). rare to feel
Additionally, you must add the good and bad day-to-day frustrated; it is
situations in a classroom: students who care and don’t give a accomplishing to give
minimum effort, moments of joy, and tension moments in which all you can give; it is
you want to leave and be left alone. This is part of the OK not to know
process: one day, you have the best plan ever, and nothing everything; it is
works as expected, and the next day, you don’t have any tolerable not to know
expectations, but the class results in the best class ever; how to solve a problem;
here is where you think that you love your job. it is acceptable to
receive help from our
Is planning the best method to have successful classes? best teachers, our
Planning is the best guide for a teacher; it is part of the students, and it is
process; however, it is advisable to be conscious that not understandable to love
everything in the planning becomes a reality. Everything is your students one day
waiting to be spun like a roulette; it can result in good, bad, and on other days not
regular, or excellent, it does not matter; what matters is that so much; at the end of
you as the model, the mediator, or facilitator of a class are each day, we are human
not only teaching but also learning from the process. Don’t beings who make
forget about planning, it is important, but be open to adapting mistakes and perfectly
to unpredictable events. know how to fix them.

Is teaching rose-colored? All things considered

Unquestionably, it is not. Be ready to face a real classroom The abilities you need
that you didn’t learn about in your preparation as a teacher. to be in charge of a
Better realistic than pessimistic. While studying to become a class are physical and
teacher, you read a lot, and you find advice and information mental. Your mind is
about the steps on how to be a good teacher; but each class is the best tool that will
unique and diverse at the same time, if your effort does not allow you to accept,
work at the first, second, or third try, it is not because you adapt, and change the
are in the wrong path of being a good teacher. The truth is unchangeable, and
that once you start accepting that not every student is going remember that you, as
to answer in the same way and that it is expected to have an the teacher, have the
odd class, you realize how important and mentally healthy it is power to change minds.
to live the teaching process with passion.
Thank you for reading this far. We spent Dear senior class, we sincerely hope
much time throughout the school year to that your trip was a memorable one. We
make this project happen. The aim of are delighted to witness another
this project was to encourage students generation transition into a new phase
to try something new and develop in life with confidence and courage. As
interests beyond the classroom. you embark on your next journey, we
extend our best wishes for your success
We hope that this project will create a and happiness. We eagerly anticipate
legacy that future generations will your return and look forward to
continue to work on, improving with each supporting you in any way we can.
We know that right now, things might be
The AIB SPECTATOR seeks to give a voice a little scary, especially with the
to our student community, and we hope to current situation in our country, but
have achieved that goal. we encourage you to not stop dreaming
about your future goals, learning, and
I want to express my gratitude to all expanding your knowledge. Feel free to
the students who contributed to this reach out to anyone you think might be
project. They put in a great deal of helpful to enrich your journey of
effort to generate the content, review gaining knowledge.
it, and make this initiative possible.
Our goal is to return in 20 years and
observe that the AIB SPECTATOR has its
own designated classroom, equipped with
computers and editing tools, where
students can continue to produce monthly
newspapers for our community.

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