School Newspaper 3
School Newspaper 3
School Newspaper 3
Our school has gained Collegiate World Series, and he Sela Barker, a junior
significant recognition shared his experience with us: student, participated in
nationally and “CWS was such an enriching The ISCL program, which
internationally thanks to experience; it helped me as a focuses on the ability to
the participation of guide for my life after school, help individuals with
multiple kids in different which, even though is scary, made differences who genuinely
programs. Here are some of me feel more secure about my need it. “It reminded me
their stories: future plans.” that not everything
revolves around what we
Francisco Dejud, or how But now, we have a lot more kids experience daily and that
many people call him Fran, representing us with NHI! Laura there’s a world outside
participated as a Taboada, Angelica Guerra, Julio waiting for us,” Sela
participant in the 2022 Ayala, Lia Castillo, and Midory shared.
Lorenzo de Zavala Youth Sanchez participated in the 2023
Legislative Session and American LDZ, playing essential TalenPro this year was
2023 Rocky Mountain roles in their program and beautiful for us! Senior
Collegiate World Series, bringing home nominations and student Isabella Malivern
as a staff member in the awards. shared her experience:
2023 American LDZ, and did Lorenzo Coconi, Lucas Peterson, “From the beginning,
an internship with the Angel Ayala, Sofia León, Erick Talenpro was never about
organization. Candanedo, Ericka Candanedo, Lisa winning for me, but about
Luis Canto, a senior Serrano, and Alex “Tony” Mou also finding my way out because
student, also participated participated in NHI’s Northeast for many years now I've
in the 2023 Rocky Mountain Great Debate. But this is not it. wanted to direct audiovis-
ual projects, but I always when starting their last year of
got stuck with ideas and high school.
never developed them. So, I
took the opportunity to Remember that you have the power
make my ideas a reality, to create your own opportunities.
with the kind assistance of If there's a particular interest
my friends, teachers, and or passion that isn't currently
family members like my mom, represented at our school, don't
who encouraged and hesitate to encourage us to
supported me always.” explore opening up a club for it.
Seek out like-minded students and
Our extracurricular form your own club. Don't let the
activities are great ways absence of a pre-existing group
to find your passions and prevent you from pursuing your
interest outside the interests and connecting with
classroom, and it helps as others who share them.
a guide for your plans
after high school, which is
Article written by
one of the main things Jose Mira, 10ª
seniors usually worry about Fran Dejud, 12º
Throughout the school year, It's important to remember
they have been working on that the musical is not just
various sales campaigns.
In what direction about showcasing our
is our musical
Whether you need a grill or talents, but it's also about
a pair of socks, they've got working together as a team,
you covered. They are
putting in all their effort headed? building friendships, and
creating memories that will
to ensure they can throw a It's a sad truth that our last a lifetime.
fantastic prom party next senior students have had
year. much trouble in organizing We urge all students who
the school musical this have signed up for the
Although things seem year. However, it's not musical to take it seriously
relatively calm now, there entirely their fault. and attend rehearsals on
is always calm before the According to our inside time. Let's work together to
big comeback. Stay tuned to sources, the students who make this year's musical a
find out what they will have signed up to success and show everyone
bring for future activities! participate in the musical what we're capable of!
do not seem to be showing
any commitment to it. Do we not love
In fact, it's been reported dedication?
that even the main This year's elections have
characters have skipped a been a blast, thanks to the
whole month of rehearsals. senior student council!
This lack of dedication and Andrea Lachman, the
passion for the musical has charismatic President,
made it very difficult for Francisco Dejud, the
the seniors to organize and efficient Secretary, and Ana
choreograph the de León, the passionate
performances. Vocal, have worked
tirelessly to make sure
The musical is an essential everything runs smoothly.
event in our school From setting up the election
calendar, and it's room to collecting and
disappointing that many counting the votes, they
students are not taking it have been on top of
seriously. everything. We are
incredibly grateful for
their unwavering dedication
to our school!
Our seniors will leave a great Feeling
legacy... TACO sick or
TUESDAY! emotional?
Attention all students! You won't want to miss Taco Tuesdays,
It is essential to
the latest addition to the activities calendar. This new event
remember that
will surely be a hit, offering delicious buffet-style tacos for
seeking help is
lunch. The best part? Students can easily purchase these
always an option.
mouthwatering tacos at their designated stations in the
Whether you are
downstairs hallways.
But wait, it gets even better!
discomfort, such as
The presale for the tacos is
a headache or a
already underway, with classrooms
stomachache, or
being visited to take orders.
feeling emotionally
So, if you want to ensure that
drained, someone is
you don't miss out on the tasty
always available to
lunch options, be sure to place
help you. At our
your orders soon.
school, we have an
excellent system in
There are three different types
place called
of tacos to choose from,
"Apoyo," which
including chicken, steak, and
provides students
mixed tacos. The mixed tacos are
with the care and
definitely a crowd-pleaser,
support they need
offering a combination of chicken and steak for a delicious and
during those blue
satisfying meal. Make sure to mark your calendars and get your
taste buds ready for Taco Tuesdays!
If you need help,
contact Apoyo team.
They provide
Nutritious meals provided by tress, and improve their guidance and
school cafeterias are essential overall school experience. support to overcome
for students' overall well- Teamwork is the seasoning of challenges. You are
being and development. School AIB’s cafeteria, where not alone, always
cafeterias are essential in professionals work together to ask for help when
shaping young minds and bodies ensure the efficient needed.
by offering balanced and preparation and
healthy meals. A balanced diet delivery of delicious
provides the necessary energy meals to students.
for students to do their daily From the accountant
activities and contributes to to the kitchen staff,
their physical health and teamwork is essential
mental agility. When students at every level. Each
enjoy nutritious meals member of the team
together, it can enhance their has a specific role,
emotional well-being, reduce s-
whether it's buying ingredients, cooking, or
delivering meals, they must collaborate closely to FROM OUR
maintain the organization of everything.
Communication is critical, as the kitchen team must
coordinate cooking times, ingredients availability, to theiR
and portion control to guarantee that meals are
served hot and fresh. Teamwork in our school
cafeteria not only results in meals but also teaches Your efforts significantly impact the
the importance of different values and skills we’ve health and well-being of our
learned since childhood. For these reasons, we must students, and your
appreciate the kitchen staff that works tirelessly dedication doesn’t
to prepare our daily meals. Their commitment to go unappreciated.
providing nutritious meals to students often goes Thank you for the
unseen, yet it’s an integral part of the educational invaluable role
journey. The kitchen staff represents the value of you play in our
teamwork, collaborating continuously to ensure every educational community.
student is nourished and ready to face the day's Thank you so much for being
challenges. Their hard work not only fills stomachs part of our school community and for
but also fuels the dreams and aspirations of keeping us healthy and well-fed
countless minds. Article written by throughout our academic year.
José Mira, 10º
Article written by
Elio Rodríguez, 11º
wE aRe
a WeeK
The highly anticipated presentation
is just around the corner! According
to our sources, rehearsals have been
going great and the actors are in top
shape. We are thrilled to announce
the main characters of the play and
their respective actors:
One of the standout features of this year's Teen Beach Musical was the
exceptional talent of the cast. The young actors delivered dazzling
performances that left the audience in awe. The chemistry between the
leads was electric, and their rendition of the beloved songs from the show
was flawless, leaving no doubt that they had been rehearsing tirelessly.
The characters' energy, charisma, and charm shone through, transporting
the audience to the sunny shores of a beachside paradise.
This year's Teen Beach Musical was nothing short of a triumph. The
remarkable talent of the cast, the dazzling set design, impeccable
choreography, engaging storytelling, and unwavering community support came
together to create a sensational production. The audience left the theater
with hearts full of joy, reminded of the enduring magic of live theater.
Congratulations to all involved in this year's Teen Beach Musical, a
testament to our youth's power of dedication, passion, and boundless