A320 Systems

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Flight deck and systems
briefing for pilots




Issue 4- February 2007

1. General
2. Flight Deck Layout
3. Electrical System
4. Hydraulic System
5. Flight Controls
6. Landing Gear
7. Fuel System
8. Engine Controls
9. Auxiliary Power Unit
10. Automatic Flight System
11. Environmental Flight System
12. Electronic Instrument System
13. Radio Management and Communication
14. Maintenance Centralized Fault Display System
15. Fire Protection
16. Ice and Rain ¨Protection
17. Oxygen
18. Information System

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1

1. General

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
A318 A319

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
A320 A321

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 General

A318-100 A319-100 A320-100 A320-200 A321-100

Span 34.10m 33.91m 34.10m

111ft 10in 111ft 3in 111ft 10in

Length 31.45m 33.84m 37.57m 44.51m

103ft 2in 111ft 123ft 3in 146ft

12.56m 11.76m 11.81m

41ft 2in 38ft 7in 38ft 9in

Fuselage 3.95m
Diameter 12ft 11in

Track 7.59m
24ft 11in
Max. pax 145 180 220
Max. FL 390

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
Typical Cabin Layout
A318 A320

Two-class Two-class

107 seats 150 seats

Single-class Single-class
117 seats 164 seats
High density
High density
180 seats (JAA)
129 seats
179 seats (FAA)

A319 A321
Two-class Two-class
124 seats 185 seats

Single-class Single-class
134 seats 199 seats

Single-class Single-class
High density High density
145 seats 220 seats

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
Design Weights – A318/A319/A320
Engine Maximum weights (kg) Operation limits

Model Manuf. Type MTOW MLW MZFW Mmo Vmo

A318-111 CFM CFM 56-5-B8 59 000 56 000 53 000

A318-112 CFM CFM 56-5-B9 (options: from (option: (option:
A318-121 PW PW 6122 61 500 up to 57 500) 54 500)
A318-122 PW PW 6124 68 000)
A319-111 CFM CFM56-5-B5
A319-112 CFM CFM56-5-B6
A319-113 CFM CFM56-5-A4
A319-114 CFM CFM56-5-A5 64 000 61 000 57 000
A319-115 CFM CFM56-5-B7 (options: from (options: (options:
A319-131 IAE V2522-A5 68 000 up to 62 500 or 58 500 or
A319-132 IAE V2524-A5 78 000) 74 000) 70 500) 0.82 350kt
A319-133 IAE V2527-M-A5
A319 CFM CFM56-5-B6/5-B7
Corporate Jet IAE V2524-A5/V2527-M-A5 75 500 62 500 58 500
A320-111 CFM CFM56-5-A1 68 000 63 000 59 000
A320-211 CFM CFM56-5A1/5-A3
A320-212 CFM CFM56-5-A3 73 500 64 500 61 000
A320-214 CFM CFM56-5-B4 (options: from (option: 66 (option: 60
A320-231 IAE V2500-A1 68 000 up to 000) 500 or
A320-232 IAE V2527-A5 77 000) 62 500)
A320-233 IAE V2527E-A5

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
Design Weights – A321
Engine Maximum weights (kg) Operation limits

Model Manuf. Type MTOW MLW MZFW Mmo Vmo

A321-111 CFM CFM56-5B1 83 000 73 500 69 500

A321-112 CFM CFM56-5B2 (options: (option: (option:
78000 or 74 500 or 70 500 or
A321-131 IAE V2530-A5 85 000) 75 000) 71 000) 0.82 350kt
A321-211 CFM CFM56-5B3
A321-212 CFM CFM56-5B1 89 000 75 500 71 500
A321-213 CFM CFM56-5-B2 (options: from (option: (option:
A321-231 IAE V2533-A5 78 000 up to 73 500 or 69 500 or
A321-232 IAE V2530-A5 93 000) 77 800) 73 800)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
Aircraft Design Specifications
Design Speeds Structural life (design aims)
The objectives for primary structure fatigue life are as
follows, based on average flight time of 1.25 hours:
VMO = 350 kt CAS - Structural endurance under normal operational
MMO = 0.82
conditions, allowing for repairs but not for the replacement of
MB = 0.76
major structural components or the introduction of an
VD = 381 kt CAS
uneconomic overall structural inspection . . . . . .48 000 flights
MD = 0.89 - Endurance of structurally significant items before the
VLO (landing gear) extension = 250 kt development of cracks detectable by detailed or special
VLO retraction = 220 kt detailed inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 000 flights
VLE (Landing gear extended) = 280 kt - Threshold for initial inspection . . . . . . . . . . 20 000 flights

Landing gear
The design aim is 60 000 landings.
Slat and flap design speeds Endurance corresponding to safe life operation in
Placard speed accordance with FAR and JAR requirements.
VFE kt (CAS)
Lever Function Config. A318/A319 A321 Cabin pressure
position No. A320
Max nominal operational
0 Climb/cruise/holding 0 - - 556 mb ±7 mb 8.06 psi ± 0.1 psi
differential pressure
1 Holding 1 230 230
Safety valve setting
1 Take-off 1+F 215 215 593 mb ± 7 mb 8.60 psi ± 0.1 psi
2 Take-off/approach 2 200 215
Max relief valve overpressure 9 psi
Take-off/approach 621 mb
3 Landing 3 185 195 Max negative differential
- 70 mb -1.00 psi
Landing pressure
Full Full 177 190

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.9

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
Aircraft Design Specifications
Fuel capacity (litres)

A318/A319/A320 A321
Total wing fuel = 15609 Total wing fuel = 15500
Center tank fuel = 8250 Center tank fuel = 8200
Total aircraft fuel = 23859 Total aircraft fuel = 23700

Pavement strength
Max ramp weight and max aft CG

Flexible pavement Rigid pavement
Cat A Cat B Cat C Cat D Cat A Cat B Cat C Cat D
A318 28 29 32 37 30 32 34 36
A319 32 33 36 42 35 37 39 41
A320 39 40 44 50 44 46 48 50
A321-100 45 48 53 59 51 54 57 59
A321-200 49 52 58 63 56 59 62 64

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.10

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
Ground Maneuvre Capability

Minimum turning radius



Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.11

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
Ground Maneuvre Capability

A320 A321

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.12

A318/A319/A320/A321 General
Ground Maneuvre Capability

The A318/A319/A320/A321 can be towed or pushed up
to a nosewheel angle of 95° from the aircraft center line
at all weights up to maximum ramp weight (MRW)
without disconnecting the steering.

Minimum turning radii (with tire slip) and minimum
pavement width for 180° turn are as illustrated on the
precedent pages

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.13

A318/A319/A320/A321 Introduction

The A318/A319/A320/A321 are narrow body, twin- Introduced for airline service in March 1988, the A320
engined, short / medium-range aircraft, the A318 being represents the largest single advance in civil aircraft
a shortened version of the A319, the A319 being the technology since the introduction of the jet engine and
shortened version of the A320, and the A321 being the results in a major stride forward in airline profitability.
stretched version of the A320.
A computer-managed system gives complete
They both offer an increased fuselage cross-section protection against excursions outside the normal flight
leading to an increased revenue potential through: envelope and greatly improves the man / machine
- Greater passenger comfort with wider seats and
- Greater overhead baggage volume
- Greater cargo capacity
- Wide-body compatible container capability
- Quicker turnrounds.

Advanced technology applied to aerodynamics,

structure, systems and powerplant offer reduced costs

- Unmatched fuel efficiency

- More accurate flight path control
- Reduced maintenance costs
- Increased reliability
- Reduced trouble-shooting time.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1.14

2. Flight Deck Layout

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Plan View

Capt. sidestick F / O sidestick

Capt. nav. bag

F / O nav. bag
4th occupant
seat (optional) CAPT F/O

3rd occupant seat


An observer seat aft of the pedestal offers maximum

visibility over all panels.

A fourth occupant seats is offered as an option.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck Layout – General Arrangement
Forward View
Ceiling light Reading light
Sun visor F / O boomset stowage
Assist handle F / O boomset jack panel
Rope stowage Normal checklist stowage

Cup holder
Air conditioning outlet
Roller sunblind Window control handle
Miscellaneous stowage
Waste stowage
Air conditioning outlet

Sidestick Flash light

Hand microphone Briefcase
Ashtray lighting
Operational manual Nosewheel
stowage steering ctl
Check list stowage Briefcase
Flight documents stowage Portable fire extinguisher
F / O quick donning oxygen mask
3rd occupant quick donning oxygen mask
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.4
A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck Layout – General Arrangement
Rear View

Right corner Left corner

Hat stowage
circuit breakers
Bulbs, fuses stowage
circuit breakers
Rain repellant bottle
Hand microphone
Hat holder
Coat stowage
Jack panel

Headset stowage
Portable Seat unlock
oxygen bottle
4th occupant seat
Full face mask
3rd occupant seat Life vest
Safety locker
Life vest
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.5
A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Pilot’s Field of View

Improved pilot vision

Wing tip axis
Aerospace standard 580 B

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.6
A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Pilot’s Field of View


Windows are designed to meet or exceed the

Aerospace standard 580 B.

Geometry :

- Windshield panels : Flat glass

- Lateral windows : Curved acrylic.

Clear surface of each window :

Windshield panel 0.52m2 each

Lateral sliding window 0.36m2 each
Lateral rear window 0.30m2 each
Flight deck total 2.36m2

This geometry improves external aircraft monitoring,

thereby increasing safety standards:

- Downward visibility in the pilot axis is 20°

- Wing tips visible from respective pilot stations.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Pilot’s Field of View

* All values are available for the entire A320 family

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Pilot’s Field of View
Landing Configuration

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.9

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Pilot’s Field of View
Landing Configuration

A318 A319

A320 A321

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.10

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Main Features
Control and indication panels in bold outline

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.11

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Main Features

The main features :

- Sidestick controllers which leave the main

instrument panel unobstructed

- Six display units (DU) interchangeable, switchable

and integrated into the same system architecture

The other features evolve directly from the concepts

introduced with the A300 / A310 family:

- Ergonomic layout of panels, synoptically arranged

according to frequency of use (normal, abnormal,
emergency) within easy reach and visibility for
both crewmembers
- Philosophy of panels (e.g., “lights out” philosophy
for overhead panel)
- Principles of presentation on information (“need to
know” concept)
- Monitoring of systems through an Electronic
Centralized Aircraft Monitor (ECAM)
- Coherent system of colour coding for EFIS, ECAM
and panel lights.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.12

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Sidestick Arrangement

Pitch control
Sidesticks are installed on the CAPT and F / O Height adjustment
forward lateral consoles.

An adjustable armrest to facilitate free wrist

movement is fitted on each seat.

The sidestick works against a spring force

proportional to the angular displacement.
Armrest memory position display
Sidestick includes :

- Radio communication trigger

- A take-over button for autopilot disconnection and
priority take-over.

Take-over button
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.13
A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Sidestick Operation

Moving the sidestick results in “setting the aircraft

trajectory” with a certain level of “g” for the requested
manoeuvre depending on the amount of sidestick

Movement is very precise since back lash and friction

are negligible.

Control of the flight path is performed by the

Electronic Flight Control System (EFCS) which links
the trajectory order with aerodynamic data to Sidestick released :
stabilize the aircraft and protect it from prohibited return to neutral
Sidestick released : Sidestick pushed
return to neutral

10 10

10 10
10 10

10 10
10 10

10 10

10 10

10 10

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.14

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Main Instruments Panels

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.15

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – CAPT and F/O Panels

The CAPT and F / O panels are mirror image of each Navigation Display offers three modes:
other ; both incorporate two side-by-side Display
Units (DU’s) : - ROSE mode (ILS, VOR or NAV): heading up,
aircraft symbol in screen center, with radar
- A Primary Flight Display (PFD) available,
- A Navigation Display (ND). - ARC mode: heading up, horizon limited to a 90°
forward sector, with radar available,
This arrangement facilitates: - PLAN mode: north up, display centered on
selected waypoint.
- A better visibility on all DUs in normal configuration
and in case of reconfiguration (PFD ND or ECAM Note : In ROSE-NAV, ARC, and PLAN modes, MAP
ND) data from FMS is presented.
- The possibility to install a sliding table (option) and
a footrest in front of each pilot.

Primary Flight Display includes the complete Basic

T with:

- Attitude
- Airspeed / Mach (with all upper ad lower limits)
- Altitude / vertical speed
- Heading
- AFS status
- ILS deviation / maker
- Radio altitude

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.16

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Centre Panel

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.17

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Centre Panel

The centre panel groups:

- Two DUs, one above the other, same size and

interchangeable with the CAPT and F / O DUs :

Engine Display (DU 1), showing:

- The main engine parameters : N1, EGT; N2 (CFM)

or EPR, EGT, N1, N2 (IAE)
- Thrust limit and command
- Total fuel
- The flaps and slats position
- Memo and warning.

System Display (DU 2) showing:

- Presentation of system synoptic diagrams

- Status of the aircraft (list of all operationally
significant items)

- Standby instruments

- Landing gear control and indications (including


- Clock

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.18

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Glareshield


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.19

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Glareshield

The Flight Control Unit (FCU) provides short-term

interface between the FMGC and crew for:

- Engagement of A / P, FD, ATHR

- Selection of required guidance modes
- Manual selection of flight parameters SPD, MACH,
ALT, VSPD, HDG or track.

The EFIS control panels for:

- Selection of desired ND modes (ROSE-ILS, -VOR,

ARC, PLAN) and ranges,
- Selection of baro setting.

The master warning, master caution, autoland and

sidestick priority lights.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.20

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Pedestal

Pitch trim wheel

Thrust and thrust

reverse control levers

Landing gear
extension handle

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.21

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Pedestal

In addition to the thrust levers and the engine control

functions, the main features on the pedestal are:

The Multipurpose Control and Display Units (MCDU)

for flight management functions and various other
functions such as data link, maintenance etc…

The Radio Management Panel (RMP) for tuning of:

all radio communications and the radio navigation as
a back-up to the normal operation through the Flight
Management and Guidance Computers (FMGC).

The electrical rudder trim.

A handle at the rear of the pedestal enables the

gravity landing gear function, to be operated easily
and rapidly.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.22

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck – Overhead Panel

Maintenance panel


breakers Spare
Pedestal light
rd th
3 and 4 occupant
air outlets

Spare FMS

Spare 3rd audio control

Fire controls
Eng 1 APU Eng 2 3rd RMP (option)
CP Hydraulics
Flight control Spare
Standby electrics Electrics Flight control
GPWS Cargo
heat Options
RCDR Air cond. Cargo smoke
Oxygen Vent
Calls Anti-ice Engine
Wiper Wiper

Cabin pressure
CVR microphone Internal lights and signs
APU control
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.23
A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Deck
Overhead Panel

The overhead panel is “single slope” and one inch

higher than on previous Airbus aircraft.

All controls on the overhead panel can be reached by

either pilot.

Two main zones are separated by protective padding :

- Forward zone:

- For most frequently used functions at the front of

the panel
- For system controls : arranged in three main
rows :
• Center row for engine related systems
arranged in a logical way
• Lateral rows for other systems

- Aft zone, not used in flight, mainly:

- For circuit breakers corresponding to essential

systems necessitating segregation
- For a small maintenance panel corresponding to
some systems not linked to the Centralized
Fault and Display System (CFDS).

The push-button philosophy is identical to that

already applied on existing Airbus aircraft.
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 2.24
3. Electrical System

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 3.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 Electrical System Architecture

The electrical power generation comprises: Two batteries, nominal capacity 23Ah each

Two engine-driven AC generators, nominal power - On ground : to provide an autonomous source

90kVA mainly for APU starting
- In emergency electricity configuration : to feed
One auxiliary power unit (APU) AC generator some equipment:
nominal power 90kVA • During RAT deployment
• When the emergency generator is not
One emergency generator nominal power 5kVA, available
hydraulically driven by the Ram Air Turbine (RAT), • When the RAT is no longer efficient:
automatically deployed in case of main generators → After landing gear extension for A320
loss with the old electrical configuration
→ On the ground for A318/A319/A321 or
One ground connector, power 90kVA. A320 with the new electrical configuration

DC network supplied via three identical Transformer / One static inverter to provide a source of AC power
Rectifier Units (TRU) : from the batteries.

- Two of them are normally used (TR1 and TR2)

- The third ESS TR is used:
• In emergency configuration (loss of main AC
• In case of TR 1 or TR 2 failure

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 3.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 Normal Electrical Flight Configuration

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 3.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 Normal Electrical Flight Configuration

In normal configuration, both normal AC systems are


Each engine-driven generator supplies its associated

AC BUS via its Generator Line Contactor (GLC).

AC ESS BUS is normally supplied from AC BUS 1 via

a contactor. This contactor allow to supply AC ESS
BUS with AC BUS 2, through the AC ESS FEED

DC BAT BUS (part of the DC distribution network) and

the DC ESS BUS are normally powered by the TR 1.

Two batteries are connected to the DC BAT BUS via

the Battery Charge Limiter (BCL).

Each battery has its own HOT BUS bar (engine / APU
firesquib, ADIRS, CIDS, ELAC 1, SEC 1, slide
warnings, parking brake etc).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 3.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 Abnormal Electrical Flight Configuration
Loss of main electrical generators – EMER GEN running

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 3.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 Abnormal Electrical Flight Configuration

In case of failure of one main generator, the failed

generator is automatically replaced by:

- The APU generator if available

- The other main generator with automatic partial
galley load shedding.

In case of total loss of all main generators, the RAT is

automatically extended and drives the emergency
generator via a hydraulic motor.

The EMER GEN supplies the AC ESS BUS and the

DC ESS BUS via the ESS TR.

Only the Upper ECAM DU remains powered by the

AC ESS BUS. It addresses the procedure to follow.

Alternate law becomes operative.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 3.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 Electrical – Control and Display
Control Panel

Batteries indication
System Display :
Buses indication
Transformer / Rectifier
ELEC system page
Normal configuration
Generator indication

Integrate Drive
Generator indications

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 3.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 Cockpit Circuit - Breakers
Circuit breakers (C / Bs) are constantly monitored and the
tripping of a C / B will be clearly indicated:

either through - Activation of a system warning Rear right panel

- A failure test
- An abnormal instrument configuration Secondary circuit breakers
(aircraft systems)
or, for C / Bs monitored by the ECAM system:

- Six zones have been defined

- Each time a C / B trips, the corresponding zone is

Overhead panel
Emergency circuit breaker

Primary circuit breakers

(electrical generation)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 3.9

4. Hydraulic System

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 4.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 Hydraulic System Architecture
NWS ***
NWS is supplied by green or yellow
hydraulic system, depending on :
** Basic Nose Wheel Steering system,or
*** Enhanced Nose Wheel Steering system

(*) only for A320 equipped with Load

Alleviation Function (LAF – refer to chapter 5).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 4.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 Hydraulic System - General

The aircraft has three fully independent systems: On ground:

Green, Yellow, Blue.
- Blue and Yellow systems can be pressurized by
Normal operation functioning description: electric pumps.
A handpump (operated from the ground on the
- Green and Yellow system are pressurized by an yellow system) facilitates manoeuvring of the cargo
engine-driven pump (one pump for each system) doors.
- Blue system is pressurized by an electric pump - Green/Yellow system can be pressurized by the
Abnormal operation description:

- If engine No. 1 is inoperative or Green pump has

failed : The Green system is pressurized by the
reversible Power Transfer Unit (PTU)
- If engine No. 2 is inoperative or Yellow pump has
failed : The Yellow system is pressurized by the
reversible PTU
- In case of dual engine failure or total electrical
power loss:
The Ram Air Turbine (RAT) will pressurize the Blue

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 4.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 Hydraulic - Control and Display

Control panel

System display : System label

System pressure
HYD system page
Power Transfer Unit
Yellow electrical pump
Engine pump
Fire valve position

quantity indication

TAT + 19 °C G.W. 60300kg

SAT + 18 °C 23 H 56

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 4.5

5. Flight Controls

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Advantages

The Electrical Flight Control System (EFCS) provides:

Safety improvements (stall / windshear / overstress /

overspeed protection)

Economical aspects

- Weight saving = Δ W > 200kg considering the

impact on AFS
A319/A320/A321 plus same weight
gain on wing structure due to
integration of load alleviation function
function (A320 only).

- Maintenance costs decreased

- Training costs decreased
- Production costs decreased

Improvements in handling and comfort

- Flight handling improvement

- New cockpit concept

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Controls Surfaces





Trimmable horizontal

Speed brakes
Roll spoilers
Lift dumpers

Load Alleviation Function

(only for A320 equipped
with LAF)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Controls Surfaces

Control is achieved through conventional surfaces

All the surfaces are hydraulically actuated

Roll and pitch control is electrical:

- Elevator
- Ailerons
- Roll spoilers
- Trimmable horizontal stabilizers
- Slats and flaps (single flap surfaces for A320, A319
and A318, double slotted surfaces for A321)
- Speedbrakes / ground spoilers.

Yaw control is mechanical:

- rudder (yaw damping, turn coordination and trim are

electrically ensured)

Mechanical back up:

- trimmable horizontal stabilizer

- rudder

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Command Principle

Commands Digital Electro / hydraulic

computers jacks

SECs (3)
orders Elevator
FACs (2) Stabilizer
Hyd. Spoilers
jacks Rudder
SFCCs (2) Slats
Slats/flaps Flaps

back up

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Computer
Flight control is achieved by three types of computer:

Two ELACs (Elevator Aileron Computer) to ensure

commands of :

- Elevators and trimmable horizontal stabilizer for

normal pitch control
- Aileron control

Three SECs (Spoiler Elevator Computer)

- Three computers achieve spoiler control

- Two of them are devoted to standby elevator and
stabilizer control

Two FACs (Flight Augmentation Computer)

Two computers which achieve:

- Electrical rudder control (yaw damping, turn
coordination of rudder and trim, and Rudder
Travel Limitation)
- Flight envelope function: characteristic speeds
computation for display on the PFD, and α floor

In addition

- Two SFCCs (Slats Flaps Control Computer)

- Two FCDCs (Flight Control Data Concentrator)
acquire data from ELACs and SECs and send them
to ECAM and CFDS.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.7

Classic and Fly-by-Wire (FBW) Controls Compared

Classic Flight Controls Fly-by-Wire Controls

Directly proportional relationship between pilot stick No directly proportional relationship between pilot stick
input and control surface position. input and control surface position.

Aircraft response depending on aircraft dynamics and Computers’ response to stick input modulating
flight envelope area coverage. servocontrolled jacks to satisfy:

Airworthiness and aircraft performance requirements - Normal, alternate or direct laws (pitch, roll and yaw
leading to increasingly complex system: axes),
- Optimized flight control characteristics (easy
- Variable artificial feel to modulate pilot forces with Handling, good stability),
flight conditions (efforts / g), - Improved safety :overspeed, stall, windshear,
- Hydraulically powered servocontrols, served manoeuvre and attitude protections.
autopilots, control wheel steering,
- Stall protection devices (stick shaker, stick pusher),
- Stability augmentation systems (Mach trim, speed
trim, angle-of-attack trim, roll and yaw damping).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 Law Description
Control Law Introduction
Flight through computers Mechanical back-up
Depending upon the EFCS status, the control law is : During a complete loss of electrical power the aircraft
- Normal Law (normal conditions even after single is controlled by:
failure of sensors, electrical system, hydraulic system - Longitudinal control through trim wheel
or flight control computer) - Lateral control from pedals

According to number and nature of subsequent

failures, it automatically reverts to:
- Alternate Law, or
- Direct Law. Overall Normal LAW schematic

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.9

A318/A319/A320/A321 Law Description
Normal Law – Flight Mode
Basic principle

• Highlights
- No direct relationship between sidestick and control surface
- The sidestick serves to provide command objectives
- Computers command surface deflections to achieve Normal
Law objectives (if compatible with protections)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.10

A318/A319/A320/A321 Normal Law Description

- Flight mode - Ground mode, take-off mode

• Pitch axis: Normal Law is the same for these phases, it establishes
Sidestick deflection corresponds to a vertical load factor the same direct relationship between pilot’s inputs and
demand. surface deflection which is speed dependent.

The Normal Law elaborates elevator and THS orders

• lateral axis: - Landing mode

Sidestick deflection corresponds to a roll rate demand • Pitch axis:

which is converted into a bank angle demand. The objective derived from a stick input is adapted from a
The Normal Law signal roll and yaw surfaces to achieve load factor demand to a pitch attitude demand.
bank angle demand and maintain it. • Lateral axis:
Pedal deflection corresponds to a sideslip/bank angle As per flight mode.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.11

A318/A319/A320/A321 Normal Law – Pitch Axis

Manoeuvre demand law as basic flight mode Medium-term flight path stability:

- Neutral speed stability with full flight envelope - Maintenance of parallel trajectory 1g in pitch even
protection after atmosphere disturbance.

Vertical load factor control proportional to stick Automatic pitch trim eliminating need to correct for
deflection : speed or configuration changes:

- Independent of speed, weight, center of gravity - Electric autotrim function holding elevator position
for constant flight path,
- Stick displacement : Nz = n Nz = n + 1g - Control surface autotrim function returning
elevators to the THS trail.
- Stick neutral : Nz = O Nz = 1g
Automatic elevator for bank angle compensation up to
Flight path stability instead of speed stability 33°.

- Control inputs are made to alter the flight path, not

to hold it.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.12

A318/A319/A320/A321 Normal Law – Pitch Axis

Adaptation of basic control law objectives to:

- Ground phase: ground mode

Direct relationship between stick and elevator

available before lift-off and after touch-down

- Take-off phase: take-off mode

For smooth transition, blend of ground phase law

and Nz command law over 5 seconds after lift off.

- Landing phase: flare mode

At 50ft the attitude is memorized as reference pitch


At 30ft this value is progressively reduced to 2°

nose down to induce gentle positive pilot action for
a conventional flare.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.13

A318/A319/A320/A321 Normal Law – Roll and Yaw Axes

Roll rate demand (15° / Sec max.) as basic flight Engine failure or aircraft asymmetry compensation
mode : consisting of:

Coordinated roll and yaw surfaces deflections: - If no pilot action:

• Stabilized sideslip and bank angle followed by,
- To achieve and maintain bank angle up to 33°, • Automatic rudder trimming to compensate
stick released asymmetric thrust
• Slowly diverging heading.
Bank angle protection above 33°:
- Recommended action:
- Positive spiral stability restored up to 67° inside • Zero sideslip target with pedals (take-off, go-
normal flight envelope around),
- Limit of 67° bank angle • Heading stabilization with stick input,
• Steady flight stick free / no pedal forces (rudder
Lateral control laws providing handling quality features trim).
such as:
Adaptation of basic control law objectives to:
- Bank angle resistance to disturbance, stick free,
- Precise piloting - Ground phase: ground mode
- Good turn coordination, • Direct relationship between stick and roll control
- Dutch roll damping, surfaces
- Sideslip minimization. • Rudder: mechanical control from pedals + yaw
damper function
Sidestick free with pedal deflection results in stabilized
sideslip and bank angle facilitating “de-crabbing” in Transition from ground to in-flight law (and vice
crosswind landings. versa)
Switching over in 5 second after lift-off or touch-down.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.14

A318/A319/A320/A321 Control Laws – Reconfiguration Logics

Normal law

Double self-detected ADR or IRS failure

or double (2nd not self-detected) ADR failure Triple IRS failure
or triple ADR failure or double radio-altimeter
or double ELAC failure failure (when landing gear
or triple SEC failure extended)
or double FAC failure
or double SFCC slat channel failure
or slats locked in clear and flaps >conf 1
or yaw damper failure
or double hydraulic failure (B+G) or Y+G)
or double aileron failure
or loss of all spoilers
or THS jammed
or emergency power supply or on BAT only
or sidestick fault
or one elevator loss

Alternate law Double (2nd not

IRS failure

Direct law
Crew action (identification of failed IRS), ELAC 1+2 reset
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.15
A318/A319/A320/A321 Alternate Law
Alternate Law

Flight mode as basic control laws:

- Pitch axis: as normal law, stick deflection to change Nz,

- Roll/yaw axes: a direct stick-to-roll surface relationship
which is speed, configuration, surface
availability dependent.
- Automatic pitch trim.

Loss of flight envelope protections except:

- Manoeuvre protection against excessive load factor

- Low speed stability
- Conventional aural stall and overspeed warning

Reversion of basic control law:

- Alternate law not being adapted to landing phase -

automatic reversion to direct law after landing gear

Automatic reconfigurations after loss of basic control law in

either axis.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.16

A318/A319/A320/A321 Direct Law and Mechanical Back-Up
Direct Law Mechanical Back-Up

Flight mode: Highly improbable operational necessity.

- Pitch/roll axes: direct stick to elevator or roll To sustain the aircraft during a temporary complete
control surface relationship. loss of electrical power.
- Yaw axis: control with the rudder pedals.
- The yaw damping and turn coordination functions Longitudinal control of the aircraft through trim
are lost. wheel. Elevators kept at zero deflection..
- Center of gravity, configuration and surface
availability dependent. Lateral control from pedals.

Manual trimming through trim wheel: Manual trimming through trim wheel:

- Amber message on PFD (“USE MAN PITCH - Red message on PFD (“MAN PITCH TRIM

Loss of all flight envelope protections:

- Conventional aural stall and overspeed warning.

Automatic reconfiguration after loss of basic control

law in either axis.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.17

A318/A319/A320/A321 - Pitch Control

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.18

A318/A319/A320/A321 - Pitch Control

Pitch control is provided by two elevators and the THS: The THS is actuated by a fail-safe ball screw-jack driven
- Elevator deflections 30° nose up - 17° nose down by two independently supplied hydraulic motors.
These motors are controlled either:
- THS deflections 13.5° nose up - 4° nose down.
- By one of the three electrical motors
Each elevator is actuated by two independent hydraulic - Or by mechanical trim wheel
servo controls. The two elevators are driven by Green The control wheels are used in case of major failure
and Yellow hydraulic jacks. (Direct Law or mechanical back-up) and have priority
over any other command.
In normal operation one servo control is active, the other
is damped. (i.e. jack follows the surface movement)

In case of failure on the active servo-jack, the damped

one becomes active and the failed jack is automatically
switched to the damping mode.

If both jacks are not being controlled electrically or

hydraulically, they are automatically switched to the
damping mode.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.19

A318/A319/A320/A321 - Roll Control


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.20

A318/A319/A320/A321 - Roll Control

Roll control is provided by one aileron and four spoilers

(spoiler 2 to 5) per wing:
- Aileron deflection is ±25°
- Spoiler max deflection is 35° (7° for spoiler 3 on A321)

Each aileron is powered by two independent hydraulic

servo controls.

In normal operation one servo control is active through

ELAC, the other is damped.

The system automatically selects damping mode, if both

ELACs fail or in the event of blue and green hydraulic low

Each spoiler is driven by a single servo control.

Each servo-jack receives hydraulic power from either the
green, yellow, or blue hydraulic system, controlled by the
SEC1, 2 or 3.

When a spoiler surface on one wing fails, the symmetric

one on the other wing is inhibited.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.21

A318/A319/A320/A321 - Yaw Control

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.22

A318/A319/A320/A321 - Yaw Control

Yaw control is provided by one rudder surface For A318 and A319:
- Rudder maximum deflection is:
• 20° on A320/A321
• 25° on A318/A319

The rudder is actuated by three independent hydraulic

servo controls, mechanically signaled from the pedals
and the yaw dampers actuators.

The deflection of the rudder and the pedals is limited as a

function of speed. The FACs control electric motors
coupled with a variable stop mechanism.

In manual flight, in normal conditions, rudder position is *On A318 : depending on the altitude, the Max rudder
controlled by the FACs. deflection may decrease slightly (by less than 1 degree).
Autoflight orders are processed by the FACs directly.
For A320 and A321:
Rudder trim is through electric motors driving the artificial
feel spring. They are controlled through the FACs.
Manual trim orders are received from a switch located on
the center pedestal.

On A318, Rudder Travel Limiter is also function of

altitude. (Optimization of rudder deflection)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.23

Performance comparison of sidestick/FBW and conventional controls

A300 flying testbed equipped with dual sidestick/FBW

system (left side) and control column conventional flight
control system (right side).

Two pilots twice flew each of the following three flight

conditions in well-specified and demanding experimental
circuits :

- Flight Director (FD) : FD and autothrottle system on,

- ILS (raw data) : FD and autothrottle system off,
- NDB (non-precision) : FD, autothrottle and ILS off.

The following measurements of recorded flight parameters

were calculated when appropriate and compared for flying
with the sidestick and conventional controls :

- Mean : average of 1 second values,

- Standard deviation : amount of variation around the
- Rate zero : number of sign changes per minute,
- Reversal rate : number of direction reversals per

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.24

Performance comparison of sidestick/FBW and conventional controls

Roll and pitch angles Roll, pitch and yaw rates

Standard deviation Standard deviation
Control Control
Conventional Conventional
4 Sidestick/FBW Sidestick/FBW

per Second

.5 .5
.4 .4

Roll Pitch Roll Rate Pitch Rate Yaw Rate

Acceleration Roll, pitch and yaw rates
Transitions through zero Transitions through zero
16 Control 19,2 Control
Conventional Conventional
Sidestick/FBW Sidestick/FBW
Transitions per Minute

per Minute

9 11,1
8 Transitions


.6 .2

Vertical Longitudinal Lateral Roll Rate Pitch Rate Yaw Rate

Acceleration Type

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.25

Performance Comparison : Major Results and Conclusions

All measurements of smoothness and stability

favoured the sidestick by a large margin:

- For roll and pitch angles and rates, standard

deviations and rate through zero were reduced
by 20% or more when flying with the sidestick,

- Accelerations in all three axes showed a large

reduction in standard deviation and rate
through zero when flying with the sidestick

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.26

Performance comparison of sidestick/FWB and conventional controls

N1 engine No.1 N1 engine No.1 Pitch trim + elevator

Standard deviation Reversal rate + aileron reversals
Any sidestick reversal

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.27

Performance Comparison : Major Results and Conclusions

All parameters related to fuel burn showed

significantly better values with sidestick:

- The sidestick/EFCS combination should

improve fuel economy through unnecessary
control surface movements and increased rear
C.G. limits.

Pilot control inputs were reduced by 50% or more

and the system still achieved much better overall

- Lower pilot workload should allow more time for

dealing with emergencies and managing flight

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.28

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Architecture

* *

* Load Alleviation Function (only for

A320 equipped with LAF)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.29

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Redundancy Aspects

Use of dissimilar redundancy

Two types of computer - Two ELACs to achieve aileron

control and normal pitch
- Three SECs to achieve
spoiler control and standby
pitch control

Different type of hardware computer

Each ELAC and SEC is divided into two units:

- One Control Unit (COM)

- One Monitoring unit (MON)

Four different softwares: ELAC COM + MON


Physical separation of hardware for COM and MON units.

In addition, mechanical back-up (through rudder and

stabilizer control) will ensure adequate control in case of
temporary loss of all electrical power sources including

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.30

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Electronic Protections

Self tests Other protections

Each computer is able to detect its own failures: Specific routes are dedicated to:
control signals
- Processor test (check sum, watchdog…) monitoring signals
- Electrical supply monitoring
- Input and output test Signals are linked:
- Wrap around of output to input. ELAC 1 and SEC 1 computers on one side
ELAC 2, SEC 2 and SEC 3 computers on the other
Inputs are monitored: side.

- By comparison of signals of the same type but ELAC and SEC computers are qualified in
sent by different sources convenience with DO 160 for electrical susceptibility
- By checking the signal coherence. test, the most severe category (Z) being applied.

- Wires are installed in metal shields in the exposed

- For each signal, wires are twisted.
- No signal grounding in the exposed areas.
- Computer inputs and outputs connected to
exposed wires are protected against the most
severe spikes.

This protection, combined with the precautions taken

in the software, ensure good protection against
lightning strikes and electromagnetic disturbances.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.31

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Flight Envelope Protection

Overspeed Protection

Design aims
To protect the aircraft against speed overshoot above

- Positive load factor demand automatically applied
when Vmo + 6kt or Mmo + 0.01 is reached.
- Speed limited to around Vmo + 16kt and Mmo + 0.04 Overspeed Note : OVERSPEED
ECAM Warning is
when full nose-down stick is maintained (pilot nose- protection provided at Vmo +4kt
down authority is reduced)
symbol or Mmo+0.006
Vmo/Mmo warning :
- Continuous repetitive chime
- Master warning light PFD
- Overspeed red message on ECAM
- Red and black strip along the PFD scale
speed scale
- Automatic AP disconnection
Bank angle limitation to 45°

On A318, the pitch trim is no longer frozen when aircraft is in

High Speed protection mode. (available on A320 with ELAC
THS is limited between the value it had at the entry in the High
Speed protection and 11° nose UP

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.32

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Flight Envelope Protection

AOA protection – principle

- When α becomes greater than α prot, the system

switches elevator control from normal mode to a
protection mode, in which the angle-of-attack is
proportional to sidestick deflection. Autotrim
stops, resulting in a nose-down tendency.

- If α reaches α floor, the auto-thrust system will

apply go-around thrust.

- The α max cannot be exceeded even if the stick

is pulled fully back.

- At α max + 4° an audio stall warning (cricket +

synthetic voice: “STALL STALL”) is provided.


- α prot is maintained if sidestick is left neutral

- α max is maintained if sidestick is deflected fully


- Return to normal law is obtained when sidestick is

pushed forward.

Amber strip on PFD indicates 1.13 Vs at take-off, or

1.23 Vs in other phases of flight.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.33

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Flight Envelope Protection

Manoeuvre Protection
Primary Flight Display
The objective is to limit the load factor so as to allow the
pilot to apply full sidestick deflection when high
manoeuvrability is required.

Load factor limits : + 2.5 g to –1 g in clean configuration

+ 2 g to 0 g flaps extended.

Attitude Protection
limitation (67°)
The objective is to complement AOA and high speed
protection in extreme conditions and in windshear.

Bank is limited to : 33° stick released

67° stick fully deflected.
Pitch is limited to : 30° nose up limitation (15°)
15° nose down.

If these limits are approached, the aircraft pitch and roll

rate decrease and stop at the limit.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.34

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Flight Envelope Protection

Windshear protection Load Alleviation Function (LAF) (only for A320)

Windshear protection is ensured by: - The load alleviation function is used in conditions
of turbulence in order to relieve wing structure loads
- SRS more
- Speed trend indication - The LAF becomes active when the difference
- Wind (speed and direction indication) between aircraft load factor and pilot demanded load
- Flight path vector factor exceeds 0.3 g, in which case the ailerons and
- High angle of attack protection the spoilers 4 and 5 are deflected symmetrically
- Windshear warning (optional). upwards

Low energy protection (basic on A318, A319 and - The LAF is no longer necessary for A321, A319 and
A321) A318 which benefit from a reinforced structure.

- An audio warning “SPEED, SPEED, SPEED” is

triggered to indicate to the crew that a thrust
increase is necessary to recover a positive flight
path angle through pitch control.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.35

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Flight Sidestick Coupling/Function

Priority lights in front of CAPT and F / O

Red Red
Green Green

Both sidesticks are coupled electronically to deal


- Simultaneous inputs
- Conflicts.

Full control is obtained by pressing and keeping

pressed the take-over button, thereby deactivating
the other pilot’s stick.

After pressing the take-over button for more than 40

seconds, it can be released without loosing priority.

When both pilots press their take-over buttons, the

last pilot to press will get the priority.

onside priority can be maintained throughout by

keeping the button pressed continuously for 40s.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.36

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Sidestick Priority Display Logic

Captain’s side First Officer’s side

Sidestick Annunciation Annunciation Sidestick

Take-over button Red

Sidestick deflected
depressed CAPT Green

Take-over button “Light off” Red

Sidestick in neutral

Sidestick deflected Take-over button
Green F/O pressed

Sidestick in neutral “Light off” Take-over button

Red arrow in front of Green light in front of

the pilot = loss of authority the pilot = authority when
opposite sidestick deflected
“PRIORITY RIGHT/LEFT” audio voice message when priority is taken.
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.37
A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Speed Brakes and Ground Spoilers
Speed Brakes Ground Spoilers
- Achieves by three surfaces (spoiler 2, 3, 4) - Achieves by spoilers 1 to 5
- When the sum of a roll order and a simultaneous - Preselection achieved:
speed brake order on either surface is greater than the • With control handle in the armed position and both idle
maximum deflection achievable, the symmetrical thrust selected, or
surface is retracted until the difference between both • With one idle thrust selected and one reverse thrust
corresponding surfaces is equal to the roll order. selected, or
• With speedbrakes still extended, CONF 3 or FULL
If engine power is above idle, the “SPEED BRAKE STILL selected, and both idle thrust selected (A318 only)
OUT” ECAM caution message is displayed.
- Maximal extension (50°) of all surfaces then
Speedbrakes are automatically retracted when : automatically achieved when wheels speed >72kt
- Selection of flaps configuration FULL for A320 (aborted take-off case), or the aircraft has touched down
and A319 (or 3 or FULL for A321) (landing case).
- AOA protection is active
- SEC1 and SEC 3 both have faults
- An elevator (L or R) has a fault (in this case,only
spoilers 3 and 4 are inhibited).
- At least one thrust levers is above MCT position RET RET
- Alpha Floor activation

On A318, there is no longer automatic speedbrake

retraction when configuration FULL is selected (to allow SPEED
steep approach) BRAKE 1/2 1/2
However, the “SPEED BRAKE STILL OUT” ECAM caution
will be triggered at landing for reminder


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.38

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS - Flaps and Slats Control

- Each wing has two flap surfaces and five slat surfaces
- The flaps lever selects simultaneous operation of the slats
and flaps.
- The five positions of the lever correspond to the following
surfaces positions and flight phases:

Position Slats Flats Flight phases ECAM

0 0° 0° Cruise
1 18° 0° Approach 1 FLAPS

10° 1+F
2 22° 15°(14°) 2
off Approach
3 22° 20° Landing 3
FULL 27° 35°* (25°) Landing FULL

* : 40° for A320 with IAE engine or A319 and A318

() : setting for A321

- Computed by FACs, retraction speeds are presented on

PFDs for:

• Minimum flaps retraction or F -speed,

• Minimum slats retraction or S -speed.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.39

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Controls


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.40

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Indications
ECAM upper display
EIS 1 = Cathode EIS 2 = Liquid Crystal
Ray Tubes (CRT) Displays (LCD)


Slat/Flaps indication modified on the upper

ECAM lower display
F / CTL page (ex: EIS1)

Spoilers / speedbrakes Hydraulic system pressure indication

Ailerons position

Ailerons actuators

Pitch trim position Computers

Elevator position

Yaw Control Indicators

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.41

A318/A319/A320/A321 EFCS Indications

Electronic Instrument System (EIS) 1 = CRT displays Electronic Instrument System (EIS) 2 = LCD

A318 EFCS indications changes

Rudder travel limiter position moves with

the speed and altitude changes

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 5.42

6. Landing Gear

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear

Main Features

Conventional diabolo or bogie (option) landing gear Elimination of microswitches by use of trouble-free
and direct-action shock absorbers. proximity detectors for position sensing.

Main gear retracts laterally and nose gear forward In case of loss of hydraulic systems or electrical
into the fuselage. power, a hand crank on the center pedestal allows to
extend the landing gear by gravity.
Electrically controlled by two Landing Gear
Control/Interface Units (LGCIU). The landing gear is designed to achieve a life of
60000 landings. Endurance corresponding to safe-
Hydraulically actuated with alternative free-fall/spring life operation in accordance with FAR and JAR
downlock mode requirements (no damage- tolerant concept).

Alternating use of both LGCIUs for each

retraction/extension cycle.

LGCIUs also control the operation of the door and

they supply information about the landing gear to
ECAM for display

When a LGCIU detects a fault in its own system, it

automatically transfers control of the landing gear to
the other LGCIU.
Resetting the landing gear control lever results in
transition to the other LGCIU

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.3

A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear – Basic Braking System

Auxiliary LP distribution line

To other side
dual valve


Accu Yellow
Green HP
selector valve

Control valve
parking brake
BSCU selector
To other gear

To other
Dual shuttle

To opposite
wheel Accumulator
Normal pressure
servo valve


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.4

A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear – Basic Braking System

The Braking and Steering Control Unit (BSCU) is a Alternate braking system without anti-skid (Yellow
fully digital dual-channel computer controlling the hydraulic system supply or Yellow brake power
following functions: accumulator):
- Hydraulically controlled by pedals through dual valve
- Normal braking system control - Brake pressure has to be limited by the pilot referring to
- Anti-skid control (normal and alternate) the gauges
- Auto brake function with LO, MED, MAX - No autobrake function.
- Nosewheel steering command processing - No anti-skid system
- Monitoring of all these functions

Emergency braking system (Yellow hydraulic system

Carbon disk brakes are standard. supply or Yellow brake power accumulator):
Normal system (Green hydraulic system supply): - Hydraulically controlled by pedals with brake pressure
indication on gauges
- Electrically signaled through anti-skid valves - No anti-skid control
- individual wheel anti-skid control
- Autobrake function Parking brake (Yellow hydraulic system supply or Yellow
- Automatic switchover to alternate system in event brake power accumulator):
of Green hydraulic supply failure.
- Electrically signaled
Alternate braking system with anti-skid (Yellow - Hydraulically controlled with brake pressure indication
hydraulic system supply): on gauges.
- Hydraulically controlled through dual valve
- Individual wheel anti-skid control
- No autobrake function.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear - Enhanced Braking System
With electrical alternate braking
system (basic on A318)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear - Enhanced Braking System

Braking philosophy is the same as for the basic braking Parking brake (Yellow hydraulic system supply or Yellow
system but alternate braking is fully electrical. brake power accumulator):
- Similar to basic braking design
Alternate braking system with anti-skid (Yellow hydraulic
system supply): Alternate Brake Control Unit (ABCU):
- Electrical orders are made by brake pedals, and are - Automatically tests all hydraulic components of the
provided to the Alternate Brake Control Unit (ABCU). alternate braking system at landing gear extension
- ABCU energizes the alternate brake selector valve to - Provides an ECAM warning, when the alternate braking
pressurize the yellow hydraulic circuit system is failed
- ABCU electrically controls the Alternate Servo Valve to
obtain the correct pressure for the related brakes.

Alternate braking system without antiskid:

- Electrical control provided by the ABCU independently
from the BSCU.
- Brake pressure is automatically limited to 1000 PSI by
ABCU, in order to protect wheels against blocking and
tire burst.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear – Anti-Skid Principle
Green H.P.

Pedals depressed Normal

autobrake activated Opening selector
gear retraction valve

Decel Decel Decel γ prog V prog
on on Vo γ prog
Aircraft speed at Vo
(wheel tachy.) Highest value
γ ir Vo - γ ir. t
Aircraft longitudinal On
Off Release order Normal
(ADIRS) Autobrake servo valve

Wheel speed


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear - Braking Principle

Anti-Skid System From touchdown a specific speed is computed based

on touchdown speed (wheels) and programmed
The anti-skid system produces maximum braking deceleration (low, medium, max). This programmed
efficiency by maintaining the wheels just short of an speed is compared with each wheel speed to generate
impending skid. a release order for closing the normal servovalve to
meet selected deceleration.
From touchdown, aircraft speed is computed based on
touchdown speed (wheels) and integrated If reference speed exceeds programmed speed
deceleration (ADIRS). This reference speed is (contaminated or iced runways) the former will take
compared with each wheel speed to generate a over for the anti-skid to modulate the normal servo
release order for closing the normal servo valve in valve.
case of skid exceeding 13%.
Enhanced autobrake system (basic on A318)
Brake pedals order results in opening this servovalve
also modulated by anti-ski closing signals. Enhanced autobrake function
- Enhanced accuracy in achieving the selected
Autobrake system deceleration rate
- Perfect level of comfort maintained
This system allows: - Enhanced pressure monitoring for all brakes (more
- To reduce the braking distance in case of an consistent temperatures in all brakes)
aborted takeoff
- To establish and maintain a selected deceleration MED deceleration is only controlled when the Nose
rate during landing, thereby improving passenger gear is on ground.
comfort and reducing crew workload.
Arming/engagement logics:
A/B MAX mode cannot be selected in flight and cannot
be engaged on ground below 40 kts.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.9

A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear - Nose Wheel Steering Principle

Rudder pedal


L One engine running
A and Towing lever
Auto pilot C Normal position
MLG Compressed

Green hydraulic supply
Or Steering servo
Yellow hydraulic supply * valve

* With enhanced Nose Wheel Steering system

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.10
A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear - Nose Wheel Steering Principle

Description Modifications:
- The hydraulic power supply has changed. The Yellow
The hydraulic system supplies pressure to the cylinder. hydraulic system has replaced the Green hydraulic
Electric signals from the Brake and Steering Control Unit system.
(BSCU) control it.
The BSCU transforms orders into nose wheel steering - The BSCU software has been modified due to changes
angle. of hydraulic power supply, associated logics and
monitoring have evolved.
Angles are limited : - Normal operating angle ± 75°
- Aircraft towing, steering angle ± 95° - Modified warnings associated to nose wheel steering
- Rudder pedals ± 6° on Yellow hydraulic system.

After take-off, an internal cam mechanism inside the

shock-absorber returns the wheels to center position and
the hydraulic supply is cut off at gear retraction.

Nose Wheel Steering changes due to the enhanced

Nose Wheel Steering system (basically fitted on A318):

- Avoid simultaneous loss of Normal braking and nose
wheel steering functions on a single hydraulic failure.
- Avoid loss of nose wheel steering function due to
ADIRU or LGCIU failure.
- Make the nose wheel steering function available after a
landing gear free fall extension.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.11

A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear - Display

Autobrake panel and gear position indicator

(System 1)

Tyre pressure
psi (optional)

LDG door Gear downlock

indication Brake pressure
Hottest brake
Anti-skid release Brake temp. °C (alternate system)
Ground spoiler indication

Wheel system page

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.12

A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear - Display
The enhanced Brake and Steering Control System and the new Electronic Instrument System with LCD
technology (EIS 2) instead of cathode ray tube (EIS1), involve new Brake Warnings and Indications. Both
enhanced systems are basic on A318.

Alternate braking is now fully monitored.

Warnings are more explicit and there is no need
for alternate braking before taxiing.

New Brake Warnings


Loss of the NORMAL brake mode


Complete loss of the ALTERNATE brake mode


Loss of all means of braking from pedals (park brake




Loss of alternate braking on one main landing gear.
→ If normal braking is also lost, the new “ASYMMETRIC
BRAKING” paper procedure must be applied


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.13

A318/A319/A320/A321 Landing Gear - Display
Example of Landing gear system page
with LCD ECAM (EIS 2)


Both green and

yellow hydraulics The ALT braking is
not available available thanks to
the accumulator
power supply

channels not

Both green and

yellow hydraulics

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 6.14

7. Fuel System

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 Fuel System - Ventilation

A318/A319/A320 A321

Surge tank Outer tank Inner tank Center tank Surge tank Wing tank Center tank

Vent valve

Vent valve

NACA intake NACA intake

Vent line Pressure relief outlets Vent line Pressure relief outlets
Flame arrestor Flame arrestor
Pressure relief Pressure relief
outlets outlets

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 Fuel System – Basic Layout

Total Fuel Capacity Ventilation

- Each tank is separately ventilated via surge tanks at

A318 / A319 / A320 each wing tip.
- The center tank is ventilated via the LH surge tank.
Two outer tanks 1 760 liters (1 408kg) - The surge tanks are opened to atmosphere via
flame arrestors and NACA inlets.
Two inner tanks 13 849 liters (11 079kg) - Vent valves ensure correct operation of the vent
One center tank 8 250 liters (6 600kg) system.
- Pressure relief outlets protect the tanks from over-
or under- pressure.

Two wing tank 15 500 liters (12 400kg)

One center tank 8 200 liters ( 6 560kg)
(Weight calculated with a density of 0.8)

An additional center tank (optional) increases the

total fuel capacity by: 2 992 liters (2 393kg) for
A318/A319/A320; 2 900 liters (2 320kg) for A321.

On the A319 Corporate Jet, up to 6 additional

center tanks can be added to increase the total
fuel capacity by up to 16 781 liters.

An additional volume of 2% is available for

expansion without spillage into the vent surge

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 Fuel System – Control and Monitoring

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 Fuel System – Control and Monitoring

The Fuel System is automatically controlled by the Fuel

Quantity Indication Computer (FQIC).

This computer assures functioning of the Fuel Quantity

Indication System (FQIS) and the two Fuel Level
Sensor Control Units (FLSCU).

FQIS and FLSCU provide:

- Fuel quantity measurement and indication
- Fuel transfer control
- Level sensing
- Fuel temperature indication
- Refuel/defuel control
- Signals to FADEC for IDG cooling control

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.6

A318/A319/A320 Fuel System – Engine Feed

Sequence valves Pump

Fuel recirculation


Defuel valve
Suction valve
ank (ground only)
22 nner t (gravity feed)
APU LP valve Cross feed valve
nk twin actuators
te r ta twin actuators
tan pump
u rge Transfer valves

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.7

A318/A319/A320 Fuel System – Engine Feed

A318/A319/A320 Definition

Fuel is delivered to the engines by means of booster


- Each tank is equipped with two identical booster

- Center tank feeds first, except during take-off and
fuel recirculation when center tank pumps are
switched off automatically.
- Wing tank pumps operate permanently at a lower
pressure than center tank pumps.
- Thus, when center tank pumps stop, engine feed
comes automatically from wing tank pumps.

Two electrical transfer valves are installed on each

They automatically open when the inner tank fuel
reaches a low level (about 750kg) for fuel to drain
from the outer to the inner tanks.

Fuel is recirculated automatically and transparently

to the crew:
It ensures the IDG cooling (CFM and IAE eng.) and
the engine oil cooling (IAE only) through a set of
valves controlled by the FADEC.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.8

A321 Fuel System – Engine Feed

Remote pick-up
(all pumps)
Sequence Center tank
Center tank
Fuel recirculation
transfer valves
system Pumps
Jet pumps

APU LP valve
(twin actuators)

Suction valve fuel pump
Valve twin actuators
22 (gravity feed)
(ground only)
Cross feed valve
26 i ng ta (twin actuators)
u rge
S Recirculation line

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.9

A321 Fuel System – Engine Feed

A321 Definition

The A321 fuel system has been simplified compared to

the A318/A319/A320:

Single wing tank in place of two cells wing tank,

suppression of the outer/inner tanks transfer valves.

Center tank transfer to wing tank in place of center

tank feed to engines:

When the transfer valves are open, fuel tapped from

the wing pumps flows into the center tank jet pumps.
It creates a depressurization which sucks the center
tank fuel into the wing tanks

- A transfer valve automatically closes when the

related wing tank is overfilled or when the center
tank is empty.

The fuel recirculation principle is identical to

A318/A319/A320, the recirculated fuel being
returned into the wing tank.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.10

A318/A319/A320/A321 Fuel System – Control and Display
A318/A319/A320 A321


Memo indications:
systems temporarily

A318/A319/A320 LOWER ECAM (EIS1)

(EIS2) A318/A319/A320 Fuel on board A321
Low pressure valve
Cross-feed valve

A318 indication

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.11

A318/A319/A320/A321 Fuel System – Control and Indications

No crew action is required for normal operation.


- Fuel data (quantity, temperature) are available

from a Fuel Quantity Indication (FQI) system
- Fuel quantity is permanently displayed on upper
- Fuel system synoptic on lower ECAM DU is
displayed according to ECAM logic
- Low level warning is totally independent from FQI.

Abnormal operations:

- Fuel feed sequence may be operated manually

- One or both engines may be fed from any tank
via cross-feed valve
- Gravity feed is possible from wing tanks.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.12

A318/A319/A320/A321 Fuel System – Refuel/Defuel

In cockpit (optional)

Refuel coupling
coupling and cap

Fuselage datum line Refuel Panel : Fuel quantity


Refuel valve


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.13

A318/A319/A320A321 Fuel System – Refuelling

Refuel/defuel control is performed from external
panels located in the fuselage fairing under the RH
wing within easy reach from the ground.

One refuel/defuel coupling is located under the RH


Identical coupling on LH wing is available as an


Refuelling is auto sequenced:

It starts with the outer tanks (A318/A319/A320) or A321

the wing tanks (A321).
If the selected fuel quantity exceeds the wing tank
capacity, the center tank is refuelled simultaneously.

Refuelling time at nominal pressure is approximately

25 minutes for all tanks.

Gravity refuelling can be achieved by overwing

refuelling points.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 7.14

8. Engine Controls

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls - FADEC

Thrust control is operated through Full Authority The system design is fault-tolerant being fully
Digital Engine Control (FADEC) computers which: duplicated, with “graceful degradation” for minor
failures (i.e. sensor failures may lose functions but not
- Command the engines to provide the best suited the total system).
power to each flight phase
- Automatically provide all the associated protection The engine shut-down rate resulting from FADEC
required: failures will be at least as good as today’s latest
-Either in manual (thrust lever) hydromechanical systems with supervisory override.
-Or in automatic (autothrust) with a fixed thrust
lever. FADEC is an electronic system which incorporates a
fully redundant Engine Control Unit (ECU) for aircraft
Engine performance and safety better than with equipped with CFM engine or Electronic Engine
current hydromechanical control system. Control (EEC) for aircraft equipped with IAE/PW engine
and an Engine Interface Unit (EIU).
Simplification of engine/aircraft communication
architecture. Each engine is equipped with a FADEC which provide
the following operational functions:
Reduction of crew workload by means of automatic
functions (starting, power management). - Gas generator control
- Engine limit protection
Ease of on-wing maintenance. - Engine automatic starting
- Engine manual starting
- Power management
- Engine data for cockpit indication
- Engine condition parameters
- Thrust reverser control and feed back.
- Fuel recirculation control
- Detection, isolation and recording of failures
- FADEC cooling

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls – FADEC Architecture

ECU* *
EEC * * *

* A318 only
* * CFM Eng
* * * IAE/PW Eng

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls – FADEC and EIU


One FADEC is located on each engine with dual The interface between the FADEC system and the
redundant channels (active and standby). Each channel other aircraft systems is mainly performed by the EIU
have separate 28V DC aircraft power sources to ensure through digital data buses.
engine starting on ground and in flight.
One EIU per engine is located in the avionics bay.
In addition dedicated FADEC alternator assures self
power above 15% N2 for CFM56 (15% N2 for IAE V2500, Care is taken to preserve systems segregation for
10 % N2 for PW 6000). safety and integrity.


- Dual redundancy for electrical input devices (ADIRS

1+2, TLAs, engine parameters).

- Dual redundancy for electrical part of control actuator.

- Simple system for hydromechanical parts of the control.

- Fault tolerance and fail operational capability.

- High level of protection against electromagnetic


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls – CFM56


N2 T25 PS12 PS12 PS3 Tcase T3

28 VDC data P0 N1

Alternator VSV HPT

Fuel CC

ck unit
Fuel PS13 P25 T5
T fuel flow

control Starter air Monitoring signals (optional)
valve / starter
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.6
A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls – V2500


N2 Pb P2 P5 P3 T4.9 T3
28 VDC data P0 N1

Alternator HPT
Fuel CC

ck unit
T fuel flow
P12.5 P2.5 T2.5

engine Starter air Monitoring signals (optional)
valve / starter
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.7
A318 Engine Controls – PW 6000


N2 PS2
28 VDC data P0 N1

Alternator HPT
Fuel CC

ck unit
T fuel flow
P2.5 T2.5

engine Starter air Monitoring signals (optional)
valve / starter
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.8
A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls – Thrust Control Schematic

CFM56 & PW6000

lever Manual
comput. mode mode
Fuel flow
N1 or
limit limitation
N1 limit
ADR tation

TLA out of N1 target

ATS range FMGC

ATS EIU Instinctive

or disconnect PB
ATS not active
Disengaged Actual N1

* CFM eng
** PW eng

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.9

A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls – Thrust Control Schematic


EPR Trottle
lever Auto Manual
comput. mode mode
+ Fuel flow
target - control
EPR EPR limitation or
limit limit
ADR and selec.
N1 mode
EPR target
TLA out of FMGC
ATS range
ATS EIU Instinctive
or disconnect PB
ATS not active
Actual EPR


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.10

A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls – Thrust Control Operations

Limited thrust parameters (N1 for CFM56 and PW6000, The thrust lever can only be moved manually (no
EPR for V2500) are computed by FADEC. servomotor): lever position not necessarily representing
engine thrust delivered
Selection of thrust limit mode is obtained directly by
thrust lever position : According to the thrust lever position, the FADEC
Six positions defined by detents or stops. computes:

- Thrust rating limit

- N1 (EPR) when in manual mode
- N1 (EPR) which can be achieved in automatic
mode (ATS)

Go Around (GA)
Max Take-Off (TO)
Max continuous (MCT) Mode selection Thrust
Flex. Take-Off (FLX) Max Climb (CL)
Thrust limit T.O/GA
Idle Thrust limit FLX TO/Max Cont
ATS max Reserve idle
operating range Thrust limit max climb
Max reserve
f (TLA)

Max continuous

Max reserve
Max take-off


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.11

A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls Indications (CFM56) on ECAM Upper DU

Transient N1 during A/THR

Appears when both
operation corresponding to FMGC
engines at IDLE (*)
demand to go to N1 target

Max N 1
Symbol corresponding to
the thrust lever position
Max permissibleN1
Flex temperature
(entered through MCDU)
N1 actual
N 1 rating limit
Thrust limit mode

Exhaust gas

EIS 1 = Cathode Ray Tubes displays

* Basic on A319/A321

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.12

A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls Indications (IAE 2500) on ECAM Upper DU
Appears when both
Transient N1 during A/THR
Symbol corresponding to engines at IDLE (*)
operation corresponding to FMGC
the thrust lever position
demand to go to EPR target

Thrust limit mode

Actual EPR
Flex temperature
(entered through MCDU)
1530 1500
FOB : 13000 KG
EPR rating limit
Exhaust gas S FLAP F



Max permissible N1
EIS 1 = CRT displays
* Basic on A319/A321

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.13

A318 Engine Controls Indications (CFM56 & PW6000) on ECAM Upper DU

Symbol corresponding to Appears when both

Max N 1
the thrust lever position engines at IDLE
Max permissibleN1

Thrust limit mode

N 1 rating limit

N1 actual Flex temperature

(entered through MCDU)

Exhaust gas

EIS 2 = Liquid Crystal Displays

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.14

A319/A320/A321 EIS Independent : after “clear” action

Start configuration

Oil quantity Engine vibration

Oil pressure Oil filter clog

After start configuration
Oil temperature ° Fuel filter clog

Start valve
Engine bleed °
TAT + 19 °C G.W. 60300 kg
pressure SAT + 18 °C
23 H 56

ignition Nacelle temperature

TAT + 19 °C G.W.
SAT + 18 °C 23 H 56

EIS 1 = CRT displays

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.15

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS 2 independent : after “clear” action

Start configuration

Fuel filter clog

Oil filter clog
Oil quantity Engine vibration
Oil pressure
Oil temperature
After start configuration

Start valve

Engine bleed
Nacelle temperature


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.16

A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls Indications on PFD : FMA

The following indications may appear on the PFD Flight

Mode Annunciator (FMA), in upper left corner:

ASYM : Only one thrust lever is set to CLB or

MCT position,

CLB : Flashing when aircraft above thrust

reduction altitude and thrust levers ASYM
not in CLB notch,

MCT : Flashing in case of engine failure if the

non-affected thrust lever is not set at

A-FLOOR : α -floor condition encountered,

TOGA LK : When leaving α -floor condition and

thrust still at TOGA

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.17

A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls - Thrust Reverse


Reverser deployment is selected by positioning

thrust lever into reverse area and by acting on
independent locking levers.

Thrust lever position below rev. idle modulates

reverse power.

Automatic engine idle is set in case of reverser


Automatic max. reverse power limitation versus

ambient conditions with full rearward thrust lever

Reverser status is displayed on ECAM upper DU.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.18

A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls - Start Configuration





23 H 56
G.W. 60300 KG
SAT + 18 °C


1 2


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.19

A318/A319/A320/A321 - EIS 2 - Engine Controls - Start Configuration




Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.20

A318/A319/A320/A321 Engine Controls - Start Procedure

Engine mode selection IGN/START

ECAM ENG page is automatically displayed on lower ECAM.

- Pack valves close (CFM and PW engines)

MASTER switch ON
- Start valve opens
- APU RPM increases
- N2 increases
- Oil pressure increases
- Pack valves close (IAE engines)

Depending on N2 values reached :

- Ignition starts
- HP fuel valve opens

When sufficient N2 value is reached :

- Start valve closes, ignition stops, APU RPM returns to normal, pack valve reopens.

Main and secondary parameters CHECK NORMAL

For abnormal conditions on ground :

FADEC automatically controls :

- Start abort in case of hot start, hung start or no light up.
- Automatic engine crank after :
- First start abort for IAE
- Any additional start attempts for CFM and PW.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 8.21

9. Auxiliary Power Unit

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 9.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 APU – Controls and Display
Overhead panel APU fire panel


External panel
(located in front of the nose gear bay )


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 9.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 APU

On ground, the APU makes the aircraft independent of

pneumatics and electrical sources by:
ECAM Lower Display:
- Providing bleed air for engine start and air APU system page
conditioning systems
- Providing electrical power to supply the electrical APU bleed
system APU generator
valve position
line contactor
In flight, provision of back-up power for electrical and APU bleed air
air conditioning systems, APU generator pressure
The APU may be started using either the aircraft
batteries, external power or normal aircraft supply. APU speed
APU starting is permitted throughout the APU start APU EGT

The APU is automatically controlled by the Electronic

Control Box (ECB) which is mainly acting as FADEC
for monitoring start and shut-down sequences, bleed
air and speed/temperature regulation.

Control and displays:

- On the overhead panel for APU normal operation

and fire protection
- On the ECAM for APU parameters display
- On the external panel, under the nose fuselage, for
APU shut down.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 9.4

10. Automatic Flight System

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS System Architecture
Yaw control


1 U

F engine 1
U engine 2

2 D


Yaw control
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.3
A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – AFS/FMS Integration
Flight Management Guidance and Envelope system

The flight management and guidance system (FMGS) • For operational convenience the FMGS offers two
performs navigation functions and lateral and vertical types of guidance concept:
flight planning functions. It also computes performance - Managed: automatic control of the
parameters and guides the aircraft along a pre-planned aircraft with regard to speed, lateral path and vertical
route. plan as computed by the FMGCs.
- Selected: manual control of the aircraft
• Composed of two Flight Management and Guidance with regard to speed and vertical plan (selected through
Computers (FMGC), this pilot interactive system FCU), lateral path (through FMGC or FCU).

- Flight Management for navigation, performance

optimization, radio navaid tuning and information
display management,
- Flight Guidance for autopilot commands (to EFCS),
flight director (FD) display and thrust commands (to

• Two FACs (Flight Augmentation Computer) provide:

- Rudder commands (yaw damping, rudder trim and

limiting, turn coordination, automatic engine failure
- Flight envelope and speed computation.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – System Interface

• Yaw damper Actuators for :
Landing gear rudder trim
• Rudder travel
yaw trim damper
Slats/flaps limiting rudder travel
• Rudder trim
ADIRS 1 • Flight envelope EIS (DMC 1, 2, 3)

RA 1



Clock FMGC 1
Radio navigation
Fuel • AP/FD/ATS auto tuning
• Cruise and land
Data modes EIS (DM 1, 2, 3)
base • Lateral nav.
loader ELAC-SEC
• Vertical nav.
• Performance
FADEC 1 FWC 1, 2
To FAC 1 To system 1
and FMGC 1 ECU
Side 1
To FAC 2 Side 2
FMGC 2 To system 2
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.5
A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – System Redundancy

Two FMGCs associated to two MCDUs provide a

redundant configuration.

The FMGS has three modes of operation

Normal mode operation: dual mode FM G C 1 FM G C 2
- Each FMGC makes its own computation
- One FMGC is MASTER – the other one is SLAVE
- Both MCDUs act independently (entries are
automatically recopied on the other MCDU and MCDU MCDU
applied to both FMGCs)

Independent mode
FM G C 1 FM G C 2
- Automatically operative if mismatch between
- Independent operation of FMGCs with associated
MCDUs. (Data insertion and display related to the
side concerned). MCDU MCDU
- One FMGC remains master.

Single mode FM G C 1

- One FMGC fails

- Either MCDU can be used to enter or display data
related to the remaining FMGC.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS Crew Interface
ND 1 control 1 control FCU ND 2 control

PFD 1 ND 1 ND 2 PFD 2

Guidance Navigation Navigation Guidance
display display display display

Thrust levers

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS Crew Interface
Two MCDUs on the central pedestal provide long-term
interface between the crew and FMGCs in terms of:

- Flight plan definition and display

- Data insertion (speeds, weights, cruise level, etc)
- Selection of specific functions (direct to, offset,
secondary flight plan).

One FCU with 2 or 3 independent channels on the

central glareshield to provide short-term interface
between crew and FMGCs.

Two thrust levers (one for each engine) linked to the

FMGCs and FADECs provide autothrust or manual
thrust control selection to the crew.
Two PFDs and two NDs provide visual interface with
flight management and guidance related data such as:

on PFD :

- FMGS guidance targets,

- Armed and active modes
- System engagement status

on ND :

- Flight plan presentation,

- Aircraft position and flight path,
- Navigation items (radio navaid, wind).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS Flight Guidance
Flight Control Unit (FCU)

Auto control HDG V/S

Speed / Mach white lights
Commutation Speed / Mach Auto control Vertical speed /
Heading / track Altitude
white lights Flight Path angle
window window window

AP / A / THR selection V / S or FPA
SPD or MACH HDG or TRK engagement selection
selection selection Mode engagement
Control the display of selected altitude
(in meters) on lower ECAM (permanent data)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.9

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS Flight Guidance

FCU function
The pilot can use two types of guidance to control the
aircraft in auto flight.
- Managed guidance : FCU windows display dashes and
the white dots next to those windows light up.
- Selected guidance : The windows display the selected
numbers and the white dots do not light up.

The FCU is the main crew interface for short-term

guidance with a single rule for the various control knobs:
FMA : Flight Management Annunciator :
- Pull + rotate = pilot input (selected guidance)
- Push = return to FMGS control (managed guidance)

As an example, a change of altitude can be achieved by a

double action on the FCU:

- Either by selection of a new altitude through the

FCU selector and validation of this new altitude
pushing this knob (managed guidance).
- Or byselection of a V/S through the FCU selector and
validation of this new V/S by pulling this knob
(selected guidance).

Actions on the FCU are displayed on the FCU as well

as on the PFD (Primary Flight Display) in the dedicated
FMA (Flight Management Annunciator) part.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.10

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – AP / FD Modes
Guidance Modes

Guidance Managed Selected


Lateral RWY
Vertical DES OP DES
SRS (TO / GA) Expedite (towards altitude
G/S selected on FCU but
FLARE managed speed)
FMS Computed FCU selected
Speed (ex: optimum)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.11

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – AP / FD Modes
Guidance Modes

Managed Guidance Selected Guidance

Take-off: Lateral:

- RWY : Automatic runway axis follow up - HDG/TRK : Heading or track

through ILS use
- RWY. TRK : Follow up of the memorized runway axis Vertical:
- SRS : Pitch guidance to maintain V2 + 10
- OP CLB/OP DES : Open modes for level changes
Climb/Cruise/Descent: with a fixed thrust and speed
held on elevator. FPLN
- NAV : Lateral guidance along the defined constraints are then ignored
F.PLN - EXPED : Level change with maximum
- CLB/DES : Vertical guidance respecting the F.PLN climb/descent
defined constraints - ALT : Altitude capture and hold
- APP NAV : Lateral guidance along a defined non - V/S-FPA : Vertical speed or flight path
precision approach angle track

Approach and landing:

- APPR : ILS approach (ILS beams capture and

track) and non precision approach
- LOC : LOC use only (capture and track)
- FLARE : Automatically performed around 30ft
- FINAL : vertical guidance along a defined non
precision approach
- ROLL OUT: aircraft guidance on the runway following
an automatic landing
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.12
A318/A319/A320/A321 A/THR – Controls and Display
T.O FLX T.O. REV Instinctive
G.A MCT A/THR disconnect
range IDLE Thrust levers
Reverse Reverse unlock

° ° °


- Blue when armed
- White when active

Illuminated green when

A/THR engaged
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.13
A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – Autothrust Function

Autothrust (A/THR) is part of FMGC

No mechanical linkage between levers and engines.

Thrust levers position is measured and transmitted to
the FADEC in digital form.


- either ensures thrust control depending upon

AP/FD modes (if these are engaged)
- or manages thrust to hold the current target speed
(if no AP/FD engaged)
- with A/THR engaged, no feedback is sent to the
thrust levers. The thrust levers do not move.

A/THR engagement status and thrust limit mode

depend upon thrust lever angle (TLA).
Thrust limit selection and computation are made by
the FADEC.

5 positions are fitted within the levers position range.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.14

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – Autothrust Function

0 0
Not engaged REV REV
Thrust levers


Engaged Not active

0 0
Thrust levers


Engaged Active
0 0 Both thrust levers at idle result in
REV REV A/THR disengagement
Thrust levers

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.15

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – Autothrust Function

Operational Rules

A/THR can be armed:

- Manually by pressing the A/THR pushbutton

- Automatically, by setting the thrust levers at TO/GA
or FLEX position.

A/THR becomes active if thrust levers are set between

CL (included) and IDLE (excluded) gates.
In this case, commanded thrust is limited by the thrust
levers position (except ALPHA-FLOOR activation).

A/THR not active (A/THR p/b on FCU extinguished)

& Pressing A/THR p/b on FCU activates A/THR
thrust levers within A/THR range

A/THR can be disengaged by:

Depressing the instinctive disconnect P/B on the levers

or depressing the illuminated A/THR P/B on FCU or
setting both thrust levers in IDLE gate.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.16

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – Autothrust Function
If the levers are in CLB gate and A/THR is disengaged In SPEED/MACH mode, the A/THR adjusts the
then: thrust in order to acquire and hold a speed or mach
- Thrust is frozen at its current value until thrust levers The speed or Mach target may be:
are moved out of the gate. - Selected on the FCU by the pilot.
THR LK amber message appear on PFD to warn the - Managed by the FMGC.
pilot that the thrust is locked.

If the levers are not in CLB gate when A/THR is In THRUST mode, A/THR commands a specific
disengaged then: thrust level in conjunction with the AP/FD pitch mode.
This thrust level is limited by thrust lever position.
- Thrust is not frozen but is set according to the lever

Engagement of A/THR mode depends on AP/FD

engaged mode:

AP/FD mode A/THR mode

Expedite Thrust
Descent/Climb Thrust/SPEED/MACH
SPD/Mach Thrust
final descent SPEED
Approach glide SPEED
flare Retard
TO/ GA A/THR Armed
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.17
A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – Autothrust Function
Autothrust Operation

Take-off performed :

- In TO limit mode if the levers are in TO/GA detent

- In FLEX TO limit mode if the levers are in FLX
TO/MCT detent provided a FLX temperature has
been entered on MCDU (take-off page). Lowest FLX
TO thrust is automatically limited to CL thrust.

Note : In both cases, this manoeuvre also engages

the flight director TO mode.

Once out of take-off (or go around), the nominal phases

in autothrust are always:
This is indicated to
- CL detent in twin engine situation
the crew by a CLB
or MCT message
- MCT detent in single engine situation
on PFD
- One lever in CL gate and the other out of this gate (in
twin-engine operation) causes the engines to be
regulated differently. ASYM amber message appears
on PFD

In approach, A/THR control depends on type of

approach (ILS, non precision) and vertical mode
selected on FCU.

If Alpha floor protection is activated, TO/GA thrust is

automatically applied whatever the lever position and
A/THR status are.
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.18
A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS Flight Envelope
Flight Envelope Protection

Envelope protection is achieved by computing

maximum and minimum selectable speed, stall warning,
low energy threshold, alpha floor signal and reactive
windshear detection. The FAC computes also
maneuvering speed, flap/slat retraction speeds.

Maximum speed (VMAX)

VFE of the next slat/flap conf. (VFE NEXT) Minimum flaps retraction speed (V3)

Minimum slats retraction speed (V4)

Vc trend
Maneuvering speed (VMAN)

Lower selectable speed (VLS)

Vα prot in normal law

(Vstall in alternate or direct law)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.19

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS Flight Management

Flight Plan Stringing Navigation

Flight plan definition by company route or city pair. Automatic guidance along flight plan from take-off to
approach and landing.
Departure and arrival procedures including associated,
speed/altitude/time constraints. Aircraft position determination.

Flight plan revision (offset, DIR TO, holding pattern, Aircraft position referenced to the flight plan.
alternate flight plan activation,…)
Automatic radio navaids selection.
Secondary flight plan creation similar to primary flight plan.
IRS alignment.

Ground speed and wind computation.

Optimum radio GPS and inertial sensor mixing.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.20

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS Performance Management
Flight Plan Aspects

Flight plan optimization, through the performance data

base, in terms of:

- Optimum speeds
- Optimum altitudes.

The computations are based on:

- Flight conditions (cruise level, weights, center of

gravity, meteorological data)
- Cost index
- Speed entered on the FCU or optimum speeds
computed by the FMS.

Performance predictions:

- Time, altitude, speed at all waypoints

- Estimated time of arrival, distance to destination,
estimated fuel on board at destination.

Advisory functions:

- Fuel planning
- Optimum altitudes and step climb.

Full vertical guidance related to flight plan predictions

from initial climb to final approach.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.21

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS - Lateral Navigation
Position Computation
Radio or GPIRS position (if GPS primary installed)

FMGC position


Mix IRS = mean IRS

IRS 3 GIPRS = GPS position integrity verified against IRS position

To see the
navaids used for
radio position

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.22

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS - Lateral Navigation

Position computation: The navigation modes may be:

- Before flight, the three IRSs are aligned are En route:

initialized: manually, semi-automatically via
database or automatically using the GPS position. IRS – GPS (if GPS installed)
- At take-off, the position is automatically updated to IRS – DME
the runway threshold IRS – VOR/DME
- In flight, position updating is computed using GPS if IRS only
installed, and radio navaids (DME,VOR, ILS)
In approach:
The FMGC position depends upon the IRS’s mean
position, the GPS and the radio position. IRS – GPS (if GPS installed)
Navigation mode selection: IRS – VOR/DME
- If the aircraft is equipped with GPS primary, the
FMGC uses GPIRS position in priority
- If the GPIRS position is not available or if the
aircraft is not equipped with GPS primary,
depending upon availability of navaids and sensors,
FMGC automatically tunes the best navaids to
compute the most accurate position.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.23

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS - Lateral Navigation
Accuracy Display



Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.24

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS - Lateral Navigation

FMGC provides the crew with lateral position and its

associated accuracy criteria which depend upon:

- FMGC Estimate Position Error (EPE)

- Zone currently flown (en route, terminal, approach)
- Required navigation precision (RNP).

If EPE ≤ RNP then HIGH is displayed on MCDU and

the computed positions may be used without

If EPE > AAAR then LOW is displayed on MCDU and

the position must be cross-checked with raw data
(ADF/VOR needles, DME reading).

Each time HIGH (or LOW) reverts to LOW (or HIGH)

the message NAV ACCY DOWNGRADED (or
UPGRADED) is displayed on NDs and MCDUs.

In GPS primary, the accuracy always comply with the

RNP (no navaid cross-checking is necessary).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.25

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS - Radio Navigation

System Architecture
Radio navaids are tuned for display and position
Tuning for display may be achieved in different ways : FM G C 2 VOR 1 FREQ
SIU / 128.50
115.70 /TGO
FM G C 1
- Automatic tuning (FMGC software) 075
( )

- Manual tuning through the MCDU RAD NAV page ( )/( )

- Manual tuning through the Radio Management Panel ( )

(RMP) in case of failure of both FMGCs or both MCDUs. 10E / 415.00 415.00 / 10E

FM G C 1 FM G C 2
The FMGS automatically tunes the radio navaids for
the computation of radio position.
Manual tuning has priority over autotuning



Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.26

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – Vertical Profile

Top of climb Top of descent


cruise Mach Transition Mach
Acc. Alt. Level segment ECON DES
Transition from
Climb speed to Mach speed Deceleration at 500ft/min
VR Acceleration by “At or below”
energy sharing Speed limit constraint
reduction “At or below” Deceleration
constraint in flight level

Take-off Climb Cruise 1000ft : VAPP


Descent Approach

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.27

A318/A319/A320/A321 FMGS – Vertical Profile

Take-Off: Approach:
From DECEL point a deceleration allows configuration
SRS control law maintains V2 + 10 up to thrust
changes in level flight.
reduction altitude where max climb thrust is applied.
V2 + 10 is held up to acceleration altitude (ACC LT). Approach phase is planned to reach approach speed
(VAPP) at 1000ft above ground level.

Energy sharing is applied for acceleration (70% thrust)

and for altitude (30% thrust) from ACC ALT up to first
climb speed. Max climb thrust is kept – Altitude
constraints are taken into account.


Steps may exist and/or may be inserted.


Top of Descent (T/D) is provided on ND.

From T/D down to the highest altitude constraint,
ECON descent speed is supposed to be held on
elevator and IDLE + Δ on thrust.
Then, if it is necessary to respect the constraint,
geometric segments will be followed and the speed is
adapted in consequence.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 10.28

11. Environmental Control System

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 ECS – System Schematic
Air Conditioning Pneumatic
ATA 21 ATA 36
To wing anti- Bleed air
ice regulation
Emergency ram air Pack 2
LP ground connection valves Eng 2
Cross-bleed valve
Non- Non-
return return Pack 1
HP ground-connection
Air generation valve valve
Air distribution
APU bleed
Recirculation fan Recirculation fan
Filter Mixer unit
Non-return valve Non- Filter APU control unit
regulating valve return
valve Bleed air
Hot manifold regulation

Trim air
valves Eng 1
Trim air Trim air
valves valves To wing anti ice Extraction

Flight Extraction
deck fan Fwd zone Aft zone
Electr Aft cargo comp. Safety
Fwd cargo com. *
comp. valves

Electr. vent Cabin Outflow

Cabin air
ambient air valve
Isolation valve Isolation valve

* For A319/A320/A321 only Trim air valve Pressure regulating valve

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.3

A319/A320/A321 - ECS - Air Conditioning

Aircraft without
enhanced air
conditioning system

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 - ECS - Air Conditioning - ACSC

Aircraft with enhanced air

conditioning system

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 - ECS - Air Conditioning
Control System
Pack Controller
General Each pack controller regulates the temperature of its
The air conditioning system provides temperature associated pack, by modulating the bypass valve, the
controlled air to 3 independent zones : Cockpit, FWD ram air inlet and outlet flaps.
cabin and AFT cabin. The air comes from the bleed The pack controllers also regulate flow by modulating
system via two independent air conditioning cooling the associated pack flow control valve.
packs. It is then mixed with recirculation air to ensure
good ventilation. Hot air may be added through three Zone Controller
trim air valves to ensure temperature adjustment. - The PACK FLOW selector allows to adjust the pack
flow for the number of passengers and for external
Functional description conditions.
Two pack flow control valves which are constant - The system delivers automatically high flow when:
volumetric flow regulating and system shut-off valves. - A single-pack operates
Pre-selected pack flow is adjustable to different levels. - The APU is supplying bleed air
- The Zone Controller sends a pressure demand signal
Packs ensure the cooling of the air coming from to both Engine Interface Units (EIU) in case of low
bleed system. bleed pressure.
- When the APU bleed valve is open, the zone
Pressure regulating valve acts as regulation and controller signals the APU ’s Electronic Control Box
shut-off valve for the balancing hot air to be regulated (ECB) to increase the APU flow output when any zone
by the Trim Air Valves. temperature demand cannot be satisfied.

Temperature regulation ACSC

Temperature regulation is controlled via: - This new controller merges the previously installed
- A zone controller and two pack controllers Pack Controllers and Zone Controller.
or - It will ensure exactly the same functions, but with
- Two Air Conditioning System Controllers (ACSC) improved reliability and reduced the maintenance costs
(system basic on A318) ( 2 boxes instead of 3).
- Both controllers include two redundant channels.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 - ECS - Pack Configuration
Pack Description Basic configuration

The bleed air is pre-cooled in the Primary Heat Exchanger,
then compressed in the Compressor of the Air Cycle
Machine, then cooled again in the Main Heat Exchanger.

The By-Pass valve regulates the temperature at pack

outlet depending on cockpit and cabin requirement.

Anti-Ice Valve avoids ice in exchangers and pipes.

- Anti-Ice valve allows fully pneumatic temperature backup
regulation (with Pneumatic Temperature Sensor) for
- Anti-Ice valve is automatically controlled by ASCS for

The Ram Air inlet and outlet flaps close during takeoff and
landing to avoid ingestion of foreign matter.
The emergency Ram Air inlet valve ventilates the cabin and
the cockpit to remove smoke, in case of packs failure
Ram Air Inlet and Outlet are driven to ‘minimum opening’ in
order to optimize the aircraft drag factor.

For the A319/320/321, the backup pneumatic sensors allow

regulation and safety functions for backup fully pneumatic
pack functioning.

For the A318, the ACSC can perform limited temperature

control by using battery power in case of loss of normal
electrical power. * ACSC configuration : pack controllers and zone controllers are
merged into the Air Conditioning System Controllers

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 ECS – Temperature and Flow Control
Pack and zone temperature control panel
Automatic temperature control selectors
Variable flow selector Flight deck

A318 A321 A319/A320

Cargo Control Panel

Avionics vent and fan control panel

A319/A320/A321* A318/A319/A320/A321
* FWD cargo heating is not available for A318

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 ECS – Temperature and Flow Control
System Display Cruise page (EIS 2)
Cruise page (EIS 1)

Cond page (EIS 1) Bleed page (EIS 2)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.9

A318/A319/A320/A321 ECS – Ventilation
Avionics bay
Open if T > 35°C in flight
Skin heat If T>12°C on ground
outlet bypass Skin heat
valve exchanger

Skin heat
Inlet Blower Evaporator Extract
valve fan

Ground valve
(optional) Skin heat exchanger
Air conditioning inlet Closed on
duct bypass valve ground

Condensor Cargo

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.10

A318/A319/A320/A321 ECS - Ventilation
Avionics ventilation Battery ventilation

Ventilation and cooling are provided to avionics and Ventilation is achieved by ambient air being drawn around
electronic equipment under digital control (AEVC: the batteries and then vented directly outboard via a venturi.
Avionics Equipment Ventilation Controller) and without
crew intervention. Lavatory & galley ventilation

Three main operational configurations are automatically Ventilation is achieved by ambient cabin air extracted by a
selected (depending on the flight phase): fan near the outflow valve.
• In flight, in normal configuration:
closed-circuit configuration. Air is cooled by Fwd and Aft compartment ventilation
means of an aircraft skin heat exchanger and circulated
by the blower and extract fans. Available as an option:
- For the A318 in the aft cargo compartment
• In flight, in abnormal configuration: only
in case of high temperature, air from the avionics bay is - For the A319/A320/A321 in either or both the
admitted and hot air is discharged by the extract valve forward and the aft cargo compartments
which is maintained half open.
- The heating is provided by hot air from the bleed passing
• On ground through a pressure regulating and shut-off valve and a trim
open-circuit configuration using outside fresh air air valve.
through opening of inlet and extract valves.
Or - For the forward cargo hold, the ventilation flow is provided
closed-circuit configuration at low temperatures by an extractor fan on ground and by the differential pressure
through a venturi as soon as the aircraft altitude is sufficient.

- For the aft cargo hold, the ventilation flow is always

provided by an extractor fan, and the airflow is blown near
the pressurization system outflow valve.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.11

A318/A319/A320/A321 ECS – Cabin Pressure Control
Unpressurized areas

Cabin pressure panel

Safety valves





Cabin pressure
controller 1

Cabin pressure
controller 2

3 motors TAT + 19 °C G.W. 60300 KG TAT + 19 °C G.W. 60300 KG

and gears SAT + 18 °C 23 H 56 SAT + 18 °C 23 H 56

Flap type outflow valve DU 2 CRZ page DU 2 press system page

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.12

A318/A319/A320/A321 ECS – Pressurization


The pressurization control system operates fully


Dual system (two identical Cabin Pressure Controller)

with automatic switchover after failure. Alternative use
for each flight. A single outflow valve is operated by one
of three independent electric motors. Two of these are
associated with automatic controllers.

In normal operation, cabin altitude and rate of change

are automatically controlled from FMGC flight plan data:
- Cruise FL, landing field elevation, QNH,
- Time to top of climb, time to landing.

In case of dual FMGC failure, the crew has to manually

select the landing elevation. The cabin altitude varies
according to field law.

In case of failure of both pressurization system auto-

controllers, the manual back-up mode is provided
through the third outflow valve motor.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.13

A318/A319/A320/A321 ECS – Pneumatic


High pressure air is supplied for:

- Air conditioning and pressurization
- Engine starting
- Wing anti-icing
- Water pressurization
- Hydraulic reservoir pressurization
- Rain repellent purge system

System operation is electrically monitored by two

Bleed Monitoring Computers (BMC), and is
pneumatically controlled.

A leak detection system is provided to detect any

overheat in the vicinity of the hot air ducts.

* If installed

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 11.14

12. Electronic Instrument System

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS – EFIS/ECAM Architecture



1 1 DU 1 2 2

DU 2

WARN ECAM control panel WARN

Inputs for EFIS displays : ADIRS, FMGC, FACs, FCU
ADFs, VORs, DMEs, ILS, Ras’ WXRs.
Input for ECAM display : FADEC, FQI, WBCs

DMC 1 DMC 3 DM 2



Aircraft systems sensors

Inputs for : Aircraft systems sensors
- red warnings Inputs for :
- system pages - amber caution
- flight phases - system pages

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - Components

Six identical Display Units (DU), including integrated For aircraft fitted with the EIS1 the Display Units are
graphics generator: Cathode Ray Tubes.
EFIS: For aircraft fitted with the EIS2 the DUs are Liquid Cristal
- Two primary flight displays (PFD) Displays
- Two navigation display (ND)
ECAM: Inherent advantages of the Liquid Crystal Display:
- One engine warning display (EWD) - Increased screen size of the PFD, ND and ECAM. The
- One system display (SD) usable surface of the screens is now 6”25 x 6”25
(compared to today’s 5”25 x 5”25).
Three Display Management Computers (DMC)
- Improved Display Unit contrast. LCD offers far better
- Generating images to be displayed on PFD, ND and contrast and stability throughout its lifespan.
- Digital data link to display units Optional equipment
- No.3 DMC may replace either No.1 or No.2 It is possible to fit an aircraft with an additional DU
software. This software allow to display video images in the
Two System Data Acquisition Concentrators (SDAC) DUs (example: TACS).

- Acquiring systems data for transmission of

caution/warnings to FWCs and systems condition to
- Operations not affected with either SDAC failure.

Two Flight Warning Computers (FWC)

- Generating alert messages, aural alerts and

procedural messages for display on ECAM
- Operations not affected with either FWC failure.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - Architecture


1 2


3 3

2 2


Display Management Computer Display Management Computer Display Management Computer

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - EFIS Arrangement

Primary Flight Display:

- Attitude
- Airspeed
- Altitude/vertical speed
- Heading
- ILS deviation/marker
- Radio altitude
- AFS status (FMA)

Navigation Display, three modes:

- ROSE mode (ILS, VOR or NAV): aircraft symbol in

screen centre, heading up with radar available
- ARC mode: aircraft symbol in lower part of the
screen, heading up with radar available
- PLAN mode: display centered on selected waypoint,
north up

Note: In ROSE-NAV, ARC and PLAN modes, map data

from FMS are presented

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - EFIS Control Panel
Capt. EFIS control panel

Options keys

ND mode

ND range
Control the display
of G/S and LOC
scales of the PFD

Control the display VOR/ADF selector

of the flight director
of the PFD

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - PFD: Climb – FMS Guidance
Normal AFS

ALT acquire armed

Selected altitude

Speed select index

Vertical speed
from FMGS or FCU
2000 ft minute

Actual airspeed
and speed trend

ECON speed range

Aircraft track
Altimeter baro/STD
Mach number setting display

Magnetic heading

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - PFD: Approach Configuration

Approach capability
and decision height
AP / FD and A / THR
engagement status

Selected altitude
VFE or actual
VFE of the next

Altitude indication

Minimum selectable speed

Alpha protection speed G / S and LOC scales
Alpha max speed and DEV indexes

Radio altitude
Outer marker “light”
ILS ident + freq
Altimeter baro
ILS – DME distance setting display

ILS course

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.9

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ND: ROSE / VOR Mode
Actual track Selected heading
True air speed

Ground speed

Lateral deviation

Elapsed time

DME distance Identification

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.10

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ND: ROSE / ILS Mode

Wind direction

Wind force

Glide deviation
Localizer deviation

Glide scale

M = manually

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.11

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ND: ROSE / NAV Mode



Distance scale


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 1212

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ND: PLAN Mode

Cross track

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.13

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ND: TCAS (optional)

Traffic advisory: Resolution advisory:


Proximate aircraft:


Off scale intruder

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.14

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ECAM
General Arrangement

The ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor) is ECAM (EFIS) colour symbology
used for systems operations
- Warnings : RED for configuration or failure
ECAM is based on the “need to know” concept. needing immediate action
System data is displayed only when required. - Cautions : AMBER for configuration or failure
needing awareness
- Data processing is fully automatic and, as such,
- Indications : GREEN for normal long term operations
does not require any additional crew action or
WHITE for titling and guiding remarks
BLUE for actions to be carried out
- Permanent display of engine control parameters : MAGENTA for particular messages, e.g.
Total fuel, flaps/slats, TAT, SAT, aircraft weight and inhibitions
CG, time.
ECAM arrangement

Upper DU

- Engine primary indication

- Fuel quantity information
- Slats/flaps position
- Memo/configuration data or warning/caution messages

Lower DU

- Aircraft system synoptic diagram or status messages

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.15

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ECAM Arrangement
ECAM Sound Symbology

Warning signal Condition Duration

Red warnings Permanent
repetitive chime
Single chime Amber caution 0.5 second
A/P disconnection by take-over pb 1.5 second
Cavalry change
A/P disconnection due to failure Permanent
Click Landing capability change 0.5 second (three pulses)
Cricket Stall Permanent
Intermittent buzzer SELCAL call Permanent
Continuous buzzer Cabin call Permanent
‘C’ chord Altitude alert 1.5 second or Permanent
Auto call-out Height announcement Permanent
(synthetic voice) below 400ft
Ground proximity
warning GWPS warning Permanent
(synthetic voice)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.16

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ECAM Upper Display


Primary engine

Flap / slats position

Fuel quantity indication


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.17

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ECAM Upper Display
The ECAM upper DU can provide the following
memo items for systems which can be use
temporarily and for which no dedicated
annunciator lights are provided.

Specific memos for take-off and landing are also

available when appropriate.



Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.18

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ECAM Lower DU

Cruise page Electrical system page with advisory

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.19

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ECAM Lower DU
The ECAM lower DU presents either (one of twelve)
system pages or status pages.

Selection of System page is:

- manual from the ECAM control panel, or

- automatic :
· in association with a warning/caution message,
· with an advisory pulse message when a
parameter drifts out of range
· according to flight phase.

12 available pages:

Air bleed,
Air conditioning,
Cabin pressurization,
Electrical power supply – AC / DC,
Flight controls,
Engine monitoring,
Doors / oxygen,
Braking (wheel, ground spoiler),

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.20

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ECAM System Pages
EIS 2 Cruise page Engine page Air bleed page Cabin pressurization page

Electric page Hydraulic page Fuel page APU page

Air conditioning page Doors/oxygen page Wheel page Flight controls page

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.21

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS - ECAM Lower Display – Auto Flight Phase


System APU**

Door Wheel Engine Cruise Wheel Door

* FLT S/F extended

2nd engine shutdown

1st engine TO power Phase 6 and altitude < 10000ft***
1st engine starded
Electrical power

5 minutes after
1500 ft

800 ft

80 kt
80 kt


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

* FLT CTL page replaces wheel page for 20 seconds when either sidestick is moved or when rudder deflection is
above 22°.
** APU page or EBG START page automatically displayed during start sequence.
*** 10000 or 16000 ft, depending on the MOD
Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.22
A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS– ECAM Lower Display
Status Page

The operational summary of the aircraft status after a

failure is displayed on the lower ECAM DU and includes:

(a) Postponable procedures not displayed on first page

(b) Limitations (speed, flight level…) (blue)
(c) Informations (green)
(d) Cancelled cautions or warnings (white)
(e) Inoperative systems (amber)
(f) Maintenance status (white)

a e

d f

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.23

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS – ECAM Control / Switching Panels


System page

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.24

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS– DUs Reconfiguration

Master warning (red)

Maser caution (amber)

Transfer Transfer

Reconfiguration capability : Single failure

Multiple failure

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.25

A318/A319/A320/A321 - ISIS
The standby instruments (horizon, airspeed and
altimeter) are replaced by one integrated Standby
Instrument System called ISIS
ISIS is basic on A318 and optional for the rest of
Single-Aisle aircraft.

Pt Pressure pipes Ps
Pt Ps

28VDC 34
(Emergency + 1
320 10 13
bus) 0
300 20
PFD/ND 8 00
280 10 Transfer 12
28VDC 5
(Emergency 260
bus) LS

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.26

A318/A319/A320/A321 - EIS

Independent Failure
Presentation Sequence

Example: electrical generator fault

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.27

A320 EIS – Independent Failure: Initiation
The following displays appear, provided no flight phase inhibition is active.
ECAM upper display ECAM lower display: ELEC page

Failure identification Corrective actions The corresponding system page appears automatically

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.29

A319/A320/A321 EIS – Independent Failure: after corrective action

ECAM upper display

EIS 1 ECAM lower display: ELEC page

Actions lines automatically cleared when ELEC page changes according to the corrective action
corresponding actions performed

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.30

A319/A320/A321 EIS – Independent Failure: after “clear”action

ECAM upper display

EIS 1 ECAM lower display


- Warning message is cleared - Status page appears automatically

- Memo comes back - When “clear” button is pressed again
flight phase system page comes back

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.31

A318/A319/A320/A321 - EIS

Primary / Secondary
Failure Presentation Sequence

Example: Blue hydraulic reservoir low air pressure

corrective action leading to primary
failure: Blue hydraulic system low

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.33

A318/A319/A320/A321 – EIS – Primary / Secondary Failure: Initiation

1st step : Independent Failure Detection

Upper Display EIS 1 Lower Display: HYD page

Failure identification Corrective action The corresponding system page appears automatically

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.35

A320 – Primary / Secondary Failure: after corrective action
2st step : after performing the corrective action

Upper Display EIS 1 Lower Display: HYD page

Display of resulting Resulting secondary The corresponding system page is

primary failure failure is displayed automatically updated

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.36

A318/A319/A320/A321 EIS – Primary / Secondary Failure: after “clear” action 1

3rd step : first “CLEAR”

Upper Display EIS 1 Lower Display: F / CTL page

Resulting secondary failure (spoiler fault and all actuator

blue press indications amber) related to primary failure
(Blue system low press)
- Warning message is cleared
- Memo comes back The system page corresponding to
the secondary failure is
automatically displayed

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.37

A319/A320/A321 EIS – Primary / Secondary Failure: after “clear” actions 2

4th step : second “CLEAR”

Upper Display EIS 1 Lower Display: status page

- Status page appears automatically after

second “clear”

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.38

A319/A320/A321 EIS – Primary / Secondary Failure: after “clear” actions 3

5th step : third “CLEAR”

Upper Display EIS 1 Lower Display: cruise page

Display of entire memo Status reminder - When “clear” button is pressed for the third
consecutive time, flight phase system
page comes back

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 12.39

13. Radio Management and

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 13.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 Radio Management Concept
Radio Management Panel (RMP)

Transfer function

Frequency selection
Radio COMM (two concentric
selection keys rotation knobs)

Isolation switch

Radio NAV back-up section

(when both MCDUs or FMGCs failed)

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 13.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 Radio Management Concept

Radio Management Panel (RMP) system provides:

- Crew control of all radio communication systems

- Back-up of the two FMGCs for controlling all radio
navigation systems

Basic installation includes:

- Two RMPs on pedestal

- Full provision for installation of a third RMP on
overhead panel

The ATC transponder is tuned by a separate

conventional control panel.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 13.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 RMP Architecture




DME 1 HF 1 HF 2 DME 2




Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 13.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 Radio Management Concept Architecture

Communication Tuning

Any radio communication system can be tuned from any of

two RMPs. In case of failure any RMP can take over from the
other one.

Navigation Tuning

Three different operating modes exist.

Automatic : VOR/DME, ILS and ADF are automatically

tuning controlled by the FMGS.

Manual tuning : for selection if a specific frequency

through the FMGS CDU without affecting
the automatic function of the FMGS.

Back-up tuning : when both FMGCs are inoperative or

when an emergency electrical source is in
operation, any NAV receiver may be tuned
by the crew from any RMP ; each RMP
controls on side receivers.

When one of both FMGCs is inoperative, the remaining one

controls all receivers.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 13.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 COMM – Audio Control Panel

Transmission keys Transmission keys

and SELCAL lights and CALL lights

Audio listening
and volume control

Public address
Interphone/Off audio listening and
/Radio switch volume control
PA key for boomset
oxygen mask or
hand microphone

Voice/ident SELCAL and CALL Radio nav audio listening

filter key reset key and volume control

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 13.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 COMM – Audio Control Panel

The audio integrating system provides the management of

all audio signals produced by and feeding the radio-
communications, radio navigation and interphone systems :

Basic installation includes :

- Three Audio Control Panel (ACP) – two on pedestal,

one on overhead panel
- One Audio Management Unit (AMU) in avionics bay
- One SELCAL code selector in avionics bay.

Provision exists for supplementary ACP’s

All selections and volume adjustments carried out by

crew through ACPs

All ACPs are fitted for maximum capacity (three VHF,

two HF, public address, calls, two VOR, two ADF, ILS
and provision for MLS).

Each ACP and associated AMU electronic card are fully

independent and microprocessor controlled.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 13.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 COMM – CIDS
Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) New Generation of CIDS
- Increase integration of the different cabin functions
CIDS allows to control: - New Basic-CIDS, not interchangeable to today CIDS
- Cabin and service interphone design (ICY 300)
- Passenger address and lighted sign
- New CIDS basic on A318
- Reading light and general cabin illumination
- Emergency evacuation signalling
- Lavatory smoke indication Principal Changes
- Passenger entertainment music and video - Integration of Vaccum System Controller (VSC) and
- Escape slide bottle pressure monitoring Smoke Detection Controller Unit (SDCU) in the new
CIDS director
CIDS Architecture - Evolution of display

- Two identical director units installed in the avionics bay

- A forward attendant panel for control of cabin systems
- Two types of Decoder/Encoder Units (DEU)
- Type A: installed on both sides of the cabin and
connected to the top-lines, which perform the
passenger functions.
- Type B: installed above the ceiling panels in the
cabin attendant areas and connected to the mid-lines,
which provide cabin attendant functions.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 13.9

A318/A319/A320/A321 COMM – CIDS

Current CIDS



Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 13.10

14. Maintenance Centralized
Fault Display System

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 14.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS)


Line maintenance of the electronic systems is based on the

used of a Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS).

The purpose of the CFDS is to give maintenance

technicians a central maintenance aid to intervene at
system or subsystem level from MCDU (located in the
cockpit :

- To read the maintenance information

- To initiate various tests.

Two levels of maintenance should be possible using the


- At the line-stop (LRU change)

- In the hangar or at the main base (troubleshooting).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 14.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 CFDS - Architecture
Aircraft Systems


General parameters:
- date / time
- flight No.
- aircraft identification
- flight phases

1 and 2



Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 14.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 CFDS - Architecture

Advantages of the CFDS Optional equipment

A revised maintenance concept provides a: - A multi-use printer

- A quick access recorder (QAR)
- Reduction of the duration of operations - An AIDS
- Reduction of the maintenance crew training time
- Simplification of technical documentation
- Standardization of the equipment
- Simplification of the computers which no longer
display any BITE ;

Integration of the CFDS

Integrated in the Maintenance and Recording Data

System (MRDS) comprising:

Basic equipment

- A Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit (CFDIU)

- A Digital Flight Data Recorder System (DFDRS)
with its interface unit and its Flight Data Recorder
- Two multipurpose CDUs (MCDUS) located on the

Note: The MCDUS can be used for : FMGS, MRDS

options (ACARS, AIDS).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 14.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 CFDS – Example of Use - 1

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 14.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 CFDS – Example of Use - 2

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 14.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 CFDS – Example of Use - 3

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 14.8

15. Fire Protection

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 15.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Fire Protection


A fire and overheat detection and extinguishing system is

installed for:
- Each engine
- The APU

Smoke detection and fire extinguishing systems are installed

- The cargo compartments
- The lavatories

Smoke detection is also installed in the avionics bay.

Portable fire extinguishers are installed in:

- The cockpit
- The passenger cabin

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 15.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Engine and APU Fire Protection
Engine fire system Overhead Panel Eng Fire push button

Agent push button

Test push button

Pedestal Panel

Fire light

External Power Panel

APU Fire light

APU shut off


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 15.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Engine and APU Fire Protection
Architecture Functions

Description Description

The engines and the APU are protected by a continuously When a sensing element is subjected to heat, it sends a
monitored dual-loop system. signal to the FDU. As soon as both loops A and B detect
temperature at a preset level, they trigger the fire warning
Loops A and B are mounted in parallel. Each consists of four system.
detectors, each located in:
- The engine fan sector Warning system is not affected by failure of a loop (break or
- The pylon nacelle loss of electrical supply).
- The engine core In case of failure of one loop, the second one secures the
- The APU aircraft.
Exact configuration depends on the engine type.
If the system detects an APU fire while the aircraft is on the
The associated Fire Detection Unit (FDU) uses ground, it shuts down the APU automatically and discharges
AND logic to signal a fire. It is connected to the ECAM and extinguishing agent.
to the CFDS for fault detection. In flight, The flight crew controls the discharge of the fire
extinguisher bottle, from the APU FIRE panel.

Extinguishing Fire Protection Controls

Each engine is equipped with two extinguisher bottles. The Engine fire push-button allows the aircraft systems
The APU is provided with a single-shot fire extinguisher (bleed, hydraulic, IDG systems) to be isolated from the
system. affected engine and the fire extinguisher bottle to be armed.
Fire bottle are equipped with an electrically operated squib The APU fire push-button allows the extinguishing system
for agent discharge. to be armed and the shut-down of the APU.
The discharge is controlled from the control panel or from The Agent push-button provides bottle discharge (ENG
the ground for the APU. FIRE pushbutton or APU FIRE having being pushed).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 15.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Avionics Bay and Lavatory Fire Protection
Avionics Bay System Lavatory System



* SDCU is integrated in the new CIDS on A318

** Flight Warning Computer

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 15.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Avionics Bay and Lavatory Fire Protection

Avionics Bay System Lavatory System

Smoke in the avionics bay is detected by a self- Smoke Detection

contained ionization type smoke detector. It is installed An ambient smoke detector is installed in the ceiling of each
in the extraction duct of the avionics ventilation system. lavatory.
Detectors are connected to the smoke detection data bus
The smoke detector signal makes the ECAM display a loop.
warning in the cockpit.
- On A319/A320/A321: smoke warnings are transmitted by
When it detects smoke for more than 5 seconds: the SDCU to the flight deck (ECAM) and to the cabin (via
- A single chime sounds. CIDS).
- The MASTER CAUTION lights, on the glareshield, light - On A318 and aircraft equipped with new CIDS system:
up. SDCU is integrated in the CIDS which transmits signal to the
- The ECAM displays a caution on the E/WD. FWC and generates indication in the cabin.
- The SMOKE light, on the EMER ELEC PWR panel,
lights up. Waste Bin Fire Extinguishing
- The BLOWER and EXTRACT FAULT, on the A fire extinguisher is installed in the waste bin compartment
VENTILATION panel, light up. in each lavatory.
Extinguishing agent is automatically discharged into the bin
when the temperature within the bin reaches 72°C.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 15.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Cargo Compartment Fire Protection
Push-button to test
smoke detectors
Lamp indicated

Lamp indicated
discharged bottle

Example of a
configuration ETOPS
A321 ETOPS with Fire
Extinguishing installed


Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 15.8

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Cargo Compartment Fire Protection
Cargo Compartment Fire Protection

Smoke detection and fire extinguishing system are not Description *

basically installed. They are customizable system.
- For the A318, A319, and A320 three extinguishing
Smoke detection nozzles, one in the forward hold and two in the aft hold, are
installed in ceiling cavities alongside the smoke detectors.
All aircraft are equipped with an addressable smoke
detection closed safety bus loop with centralized control - For the A321 there are 5 extinguishing nozzles, two in the
and monitoring by a SDCU. Ceiling mounted cargo forward hold and three in the aft hold.
compartment smoke detectors are connected to this bus.
Two guarded "discharge" push buttons and two "smoke
The detectors are controlled and operated as dual loop disch" indicators are provided, one of each for the forward
systems. Smoke in one cavity activates the cargo smoke and aft holds.
warning if both smoke detectors detect it, or if one smoke
detector detects it while the other is inoperative. The amber "disch" light illuminates when the bottle is
Smoke warnings are transmitted to the ECAM by the
SDCU. On operation of the relevant discharge button,
extinguishing agent is discharged into either the forward or
Fire Extinguishing aft cargo hold.

- To comply with class C cargo compartment requirements The fire extinguishing bottle sizes are :
basic configurations a single shot fire extinguishing bottle is - 630 cu in for the A318, A319, and A320
installed in the forward cargo hold to give 60 minutes - 800 cu in for the A321.
The contents of the bottle may be discharged into either * The equipment description correspond to a basic
the FWD or AFT holds thanks to nozzles. configuration, all these equipment are customizable.

- Different certification ETOPS are possible. It allows to

equip an aircraft with two fire extinguishing bottles.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 15.9

16. Ice and Rain Protection

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 16.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Ice and Rain Protection

The ice and rain protection system permits unrestricted

operation of the aircraft in icing conditions or heavy rain.

The three outboard leading edge slats of each wing and the
air intake of the engines are protected by hot air from the
bleed system.

The cockpit windows, the probes, and the drain mast

are electrically heated.

Wipers and when necessary, fluid rain repellent, remove rain

from the front windshield panels.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 16.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Wing Anti-Ice System
In flight, hot air from the pneumatic system heats the
three outboard slats (3-4-5) of each wing.
The hot air supply is regulated by a wing anti-ice
control valve for each wing.

One pushbutton controls the opening/closing of the two

valves (one for each engine).

On ground, the wing anti-ice system is inhibited, except

for test purpose. To prevent slat overheat the test is
automatically limited to 30 seconds.

If the system detects a leak during normal operation,

or if the electrical power supply fails, the affected side’s
wing anti-ice valve automatically closes

When wing anti-ice is selected, the N1 (EPR) limit is

automatically reduced, and the idle N1 (EPR) is
automatically increased.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 16.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Engine Anti-Ice System

Each engine nacelle is anti-iced by an independent

system that blows hot air taped from the High Pressure

One shut-off valve is controlled by a push-button for

each engine.

The valve automatically closes, if air is unavailable

(engine not running).

The valve automatically opens, if electrical power fails.

When an engine anti-ice valve is open, the N1 (EPR)

limit is automatically reduced. If necessary, the idle N1
may automatically increase for both engines in order to
provide the required pressure.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 16.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Cockpit Window Heat

Protection is provided for left and right front windshields

(fogging and icing), left and right sliding side windows
and fixed side windows (fogging).

Two independent Window Heat Computers (WHCs)

(one for each side), control and regulate the heaters.
The WHCs are connected to the ECAM and to the

On each side, temperature control for front windshield

and lateral windows are independent. One spare
temperature sensor is fitted on each window.

Controlled heating is provided:

- Automatically when at least one engine is running,or
when the aircraft is in flight.
- Manually, before engine start, when the flight crew
switches ON the PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pushbutton

Windshield heating operates at low power on ground

and at normal power in flight. The changeover is

Only one heating level exists for the windows.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 16.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Probes/Waste Water Lines/Drain Mast Heat
Probes Heating Waste Water Lines/Drain Mast Heating
Electrical heating protects: The lavatory/galley waste water drain masts are
- Pitot heads electrically heated to prevent ice formation.
- Static ports
- Angle-Of-Attack probes (AOAs) Heating is operative as soon as electrical power is
- Total Air Temperature (TAT) probes available.

Three independent Probe Heat Computers (PHCs) control Two heating power levels are available (low on
and monitor the captain probes, F/O probes and standby ground/high in flight).

The pitot, static and angle of attack probes are heated :

- Automatically when at least one engine is running,or
when the aircraft is in flight.
- Manually,when the flight crew switches ON the
PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pushbutton switch.

In emergency electrical configuration, the CAPT pitot

probe remains heated.

On the ground, the TAT probes are not heated and pitot
heating operates at a low level (the changeover to normal
power in flight is automatic).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 16.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Rain Removal System
Each windshield panel is provided with an
independently operated, electrically driven, two-speed
wiper system, controlled from the overhead panel.

Rain Repellent
A rain repellent system is installed to improve the
comfort of the flight crew in heavy rain.

The flight crew can spray a rain repellent liquid on the

windshields which eliminates the film of water on the
windshield and facilitates the removal water droplets.

Separate pushbuttons control rain repellent application

on each side of the windshield.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 16.8

17. Oxygen

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 17.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Oxygen System

The oxygen system consists of:

- A fixed oxygen system for the cabin
- A fixed oxygen system for the cockpit
- A portable oxygen system.

The oxygen system supplies adequate breathing oxygen

to the crew and passengers in case of depressurization or
presence of smoke or toxic gas.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 17.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Cabin Oxygen System

The cabin’s fixed oxygen system supplies oxygen to the

occupants, in case of cabin depressurization.

Chemical generators produce the oxygen.

Each generator feeds a group of 2, 3, or 4 masks.

Generators and masks are in containers above the
passenger seats, in the lavatories, in each galley and at
each cabin crew station.

A gaseous oxygen system may be installed, instead of the

chemical system. It consists of several interconnected
cylinders, located in the cargo compartment, that store the
oxygen and supply the latter to the masks containers in the

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 17.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Cabin Oxygen System

Each container has an electrical latching mechanism that

automatically opens to allow the masks to drop, if the cabin
pressure altitude exceeds 14 000 ft (+0, –500 ft).
The pilots can drop the masks at any time through the
MASK MAN ON pushbutton on the overhead OXYGEN
control panel.
Flight crewmembers can override the automatic control: a
manual release tool allows them to drop the masks manually
in case of electrical failure.
The PASSENGER SYS ON light of the OXYGEN panel
comes on.

When the masks are released, the passenger address

system automatically broadcasts prerecorded instructions
for their use.

The generation of oxygen begins when the passengers pull

the masks towards their seats.

The chemical reaction used for oxygen generation creates

heat. Therefore, smell of burning, smokes and cabin
temperature increase may be associated with normal
operation of the oxygen generators.

The masks receive pure oxygen under positive pressure for

about 15 minutes, until the generator is exhausted.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 17.5

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Cockpit Oxygen System

The cockpit’s fixed oxygen system consists of:

- One (or two, as installed) high-pressure cylinder in the
left-hand lower fuselage.
- One (or two, as installed) pressure regulator,
connected directly to the cylinder that delivers oxygen, at
a pressure suitable for users.
- Two overpressure safety systems to vent oxygen
overboard, through a safety port, if the pressure gets too
- A supply solenoid valve that allows the crew to shut off
the distribution system, controlled by the CREW SUPPLY
pushbutton switch on the OXYGEN overhead panel.
- Three (or four, as installed) full-face quick-donning
masks, stowed in readily-accessible boxes adjacent to
the crewmembers’ seats (one at each seat).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 17.6

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Cockpit Oxygen System

The crewmember squeezes the red grips to pull the mask

out of its box, and this action causes the mask harness to

As soon as the left flap door of the stowage box opens, the
mask is supplied with oxygen and, once it closes (mask still
supplied with oxygen), the “OXY ON” flag appears on the
stowage box.
A yellow blinker flowmeter, located on the stowage box,
flashes when oxygen is flowing.

A mask-mounted regulator supplies a mixture of air and

oxygen or pure oxygen, or performs emergency pressure
With the regulator set to NORMAL, the user breathes a
mixture of cabin air and oxygen up to the cabin altitude at
which the regulator supplies 100 % oxygen. The user can
select 100 %, in which case the regulator supplies pure
oxygen at all cabin altitudes.

The user can use the emergency overpressure rotating knob

to receive pure oxygen at positive pressure, which
eliminates condensation and prevents smoke, smell, or
ashes, from entering the mask. Pressing this knob
generates an overpressure for a few seconds. Turning this
knob generates a permanent overpressure.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 17.7

A318/A319/A320/A321 – Portable Oxygen System
Portable Oxygen System

The flight crew smoke hood on the left backside of the

cockpit, ensures the eyes and respiratory system protection
of one flight crewmember when fighting a fire and in case of
smoke or noxious gas emissions or cabin depressurization.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 17.8

18. Information System

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 18.1

A318/A319/A320/A321 – General

The information system manages the datalink System Architecture

communication and provides the crew with information
coming from the airline.

It consists mainly of an Air Traffic Service Unit (ATSU).

The ATSU manages:

- The Air-Ground communications
- The exchange of information between the aircraft and
the airline according to the Airline Operational Control
(AOC) applications defined in the ATSU.
- The information display via the MCDU.
- The appropriate warning for crew information.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 18.3

A318/A319/A320/A321 – ATSU
General Communication functions

The ATSU (Air Traffic Services Unit) has been introduced The ATSU communication function manages the Air-
to support emerging ATC datalink functions. Ground communications either:
- Automatically without pilot action,
The ATSU hosts functions that were previously in ACARS - Manually using MCDU pages and/or RMPs.
The pilot controls the communications through the COMM
ACARS router: MENU page on MCDU.
- To select communication media
- To manage interface with aircraft ACARS user systems

It also hosts:
- Specific airline applications (AOC software) which are
BFE in the ATSU, fully customizable
- ACARS MU look-alike
- To perform specific airline functions, such as :
- Delay
- Load sheet
- Fuel on board
- Gate assignment,... reports.

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 18.4

A318/A319/A320/A321 – AOC

AOC Applications

Two kinds of Airline Operational Control (AOC) - Aircraft Integrated Data System (AIDS)
applications are provided: The AIDS interface provides ATSU with the data for the
- Remote AOC applications embedded in systems following applications:
peripheral to ATSU (AIDS, CFDS, FMGC, CABIN - Aircraft Performance Monitoring (APM)
TERMINAL) - Engine Condition Monitoring (ECM)
- Hosted AOC applications uploaded into the ATSU. - APU Health Monitoring (AHM)

Remote Applications

- Flight Management System (FMGC)

The FMGC interface allows to access the following data :
- Wind data (F-PLN page)
- Takeoff data (uplink only)
- F-PLN initialization (uplink only)
- Pre-flight,post-flight report and ACARS print/program
(downlink only)

- Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS)

The CFDS interface allows to downlink the Post flight
report (on the ground) or current flight report (in flight).

Ref . STL 945.7136/97 – Issue 4 © Airbus 2007 18.5


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