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Forbidden Siren 2 Walk Through

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Forbidden Siren 2 Walkthrough

Siren 2 general/detail/info FAQ v.2.2. (23. 5. 2009) --------------------------------------------------Found out and compiled by AKheon See the end of the file for more information. Author's home site: http://akheon.wordpress.com/ -1. Intro and abbreviations: PC = Player character (the character you control) NPC = Non-player character (a sidekick or an enemy, for example) FPV = First Person View M1 = Mission 1 M2 = Mission 2 FMV = Full motion video

The first thing you see is the language menu. You have the chance to choose between the following languages: English - French - Italian - German Spanish. A short intro video in which a woman hums a strange tune in a tortured voice starts, breaking the calm. The main menu appears. Unlike in Siren 1, nothing interesting happens if you wait in the menu. The intro only repeats itself endlessly, there are no in-game demos or nothing of that sort. If you choose to load, nothing out of ordinary happens. You've seen this a thousand times before. If you choose to start a new game, things work out a bit differently from most games. First: brightness selector. Selfexplanatory, though notice that you can't cancel back to the main menu from this screen. Then, difficulty selection - a brand new feature to Siren. The different difficulties are as follows: Easy: Norm: Hard: enemies are laughably weak (or: you have a superior health) enemies stun easily (e.g. a barehanded attack can easily stun) there are less enemies enemies are not very aggressive or intelligent Shiryos/Yamirei spawn rarely if at all you get more weapons and ammunition you have really good stamina (can run c. 3 times more than on HARD) enemies are of an average stature default number of enemies present default weapons and ammunition you have less stamina enemies do more damage (or: you have a 'realistic' health) enemies do not stun easily (e.g. headshots are needed to stun) there are more enemies some enemies have new, better weapons enemies attack more fiercely enemies turn faster (may sound like a minor detail, but...) Shiryos/Yamirei spawn very quickly and in great amounts

some item placement is different you get less ammunition your aim worsens (and sniper sight is less controllable) you have even less stamina hints are abridged

The only other option you have is (aptly titled) "Options". From there you can manipulate some areas of your gaming experience to be. Let me just say you have a lot more options that you had in Siren 1, including the chance to switch audio language, use autosave and hints or turn a map marker on. The game will instantly kick in with a cutscene. Shu Mikami -03:00 (-3:45:12) "Tragedy" -------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 00:20:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 00:19:00 Overview: Ominous noises in a dark room. Is it a dream? Is someone - or a group of someones - breaking and entering? What is this 'it' they're trying to get? - The location is Aonoku Settlement, second floor of the Mikami house. - This level has no hints, objectives or checkpoints available. Shu Mikami: A 4-years old kid. Gameplay constraints: This level is unlike any of the rest. First of all, you are forced to remain in FPV, first person view. Secondly, you can't enter any of the normal menus. Thirdly, you can't run. Shu's room: This is the shortest level in the game. It's almost just like an interactive cutscene where you're only supposed to move for short ways before you can proceed. Notice there's an archive "Mermaid Princess Story" (017) available at the room's floor. There's also a drawer you can open, but it's completely empty. Other interesting things: - Shu will emit a scream even if you walk to the gruesome scene backwards or some way he couldn't possibly see what's there. He must've stepped on broken glass. Poor boy! Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Mamoru Itsuki's -07:00 (-7:00:07) "Bizarre". After that you receive three archive items: Voice Recorder (006), Mamoru's Company I.D. (007), and Akiko's Pendulum and Map (008).

Now you're at the Link Navigator. It is pretty easy to use once you get used to it. Press 'square' for more instructions for the Link Navigator, or practically anything else you'd need help for in this game. Don't worry, I won't leave you on your own... just yet. At the upper part of the screen you see info on the level, such as a list of the difficulties you have completed the level on (it matters when unlocking some bonuses of this game) and the level location. If you enter the 'Stage summary'-screen you will see a written summary (if you have completed the level once already) and also the mission's codename. Chance for actual level selection is only an illusion at the beginning of this game. You have but one new option every time you complete your previous level until some time later. But it might not be a bad thing for the beginning of the game to be a bit more straightforward for those new to the world of Siren. I'm rambling and must've bored you. And to think you've only completed one level of the entire game! Will you last 'til the end? The clock is ticking, ticking, ticking away... 0. List of contents: --------------------1. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Intro and abbreviations List of contents, about this FAQ, version history Tips & tricks & random info The level-by-level listings List of items Unsorted extra material Legal information, contact info, etc.

About this FAQ: Running in the vein of my Siren 1 FAQ, except more practical. More than a normal walkthrough, this is also a 'spoils list' pointing out all pickable items and special activities, also containing a list for all sorts of interesting stuff and glitches during the game. I will warn you about the dangers ahead and help you get the most out of your time, so it's a walkthrough in that sense. It's all about maximizing fun and minimizing time/frustration. Lesser objectives? This game has things called 'lesser objectives' which you must complete at some point during your normal missions in order to finish the game. They range from picking up an item to jumping through hoops all over the level (metaphorically). They are mentioned too, with brief instructions for completion.

How about spoilers? I generally don't mention what happens during cutscenes, but shocking events during normal gameplay will be explored somewhat. Try to play the levels yourself before resorting using this (or any) FAQ - this way you will have more fun and more surprises. Different difficulty levels? If this is your first time through you shouldn't try Hard. Simply put, you're going to die a lot in it if you don't know what you're doing. And getting out of the dark isn't always easy - f.e. the hints are heavily abridged on hard. In this guide I'm trying to accomodate info on all the difficulty levels. My method of research is this: I play a level through on easy and hard cataloguing the differences as I go. I think normal is very close to easy in enemy and item placement, the only truly different mode being Hard. If during a level something crucially different happens on hard, I put a "HARD note" to mention about it. About level order: As you know, this game's gameplay is not linear. I'm going to save writing space and frustration and set the levels by character, by row. Objectives and missions are listed first M1 then M2. Do a search to find the level you're interested in (or just browse). Version history: v. 2.2 (23. 5. 2009)

- added a few video demonstrations - corrected things File size: 300kt. v. 2.1 (1. 2. 2009)

- added a speed strategy for Ikuko's second level - added other small things File size: 299kt. v. 2.0 (20. 11. 2008)

- corrected and updated text File size: 298kt. v. 1.9 (6. 11. 2008)

- listed one new big glitch (at one of Yorito's levels) - added small stuff

- finished listing Normal Time Trial times File size: 297kt (yes, it's kt now. Quite a leap, eh?) v. 1.8 (3. 10. 2008)

- added strategies - finished listing HARD Time Trial times, all Normal times are still to come... File size: 291kb. v. 1.7 (15. 9. 2008)

- corrected info on a couple of places File size: 286kb. v. 1.6 (3. 9. 2008)

- corrected a couple of things - continued adding Time Trial times File size: 283kb. v. 1.5 (27. 7. 2008)

- corrected and added info - continued adding Time Trial times File size: 280kb. v. 1.4 (20. 7. 2008)

- corrected and added info - continued adding Time Trial times File size: 277kb. v. 1.2 (30. 6. 2008)

- added info File size: 271kb. v. 1.1 (22. 6. 2008)

- corrected info - added info File size: 269kb. v. 1.0 (15. 6. 2008)

- all known levels listed File size: 266kb. v. 0.8. (13. 4. 2008) - the first levels are listed

File size: 85kt. What to do in future versions? - Add rest of Time Trial times - Add rest of character speech - Add video demonstrations Siren 2 resources: -----------------For videos, there is nowadays a healthy selection to be found on the net. (disclaimer: most of the links below are not affiliated with this FAQ. But they're just THAT good to warrant a mention.) For Siren 1 & 2 playthrough videos, you'd do good to check out Surrealgamer. http://uk.youtube.com/user/Surrealgamer For speedruns and such, there are a few options available. Yingpotter's site: http://yingpotter.sakura.ne.jp/SIREN2/MOVIE.htm The vids in the upper column are for normal mode, the lower column is for constrained HARD mode runs (e.g. keeping Stealth, No Damage, e.g. bonuses on at all costs, leading to some very innovative solutions at times.) (NOTE: for some reason as of 2009 spring the site is down.) Shin's site: http://homepage3.nifty.com/shin3/yaricom/yaricom.htm Check out the column in the lefthand side for Siren 2. He mostly has HARD No-damage videos up, and about 4 speedruns. My vids: http://forbiddensirenfan.webs.com/speedruns.htm I completed a HARD time trial a while back, breaking a few records using a new running technique which helps save seconds in most levels. However, most of the time my goal was not perfection.

2. Tips & tricks & random info -----------------------------Most important stuff: --------------------Lesser objectives and archives: Once you've picked them up and seen the message which confirms you've taken them, you can exit the level or die and you still keep them, unlike in Siren 1.

Checkpoints: Most levels have a checkpoint or several checkpoints. As you know from other games, they are there to save your progress as you pass through a level. Most often when this happens you see a Sub-target message at the bottom of the screen, but it isn't required. When restarting from a checkpoint, your health and ammunition is replenished. Every enemy's route is resetted, meaning that if you were chased a moment ago, checkpoint retrying will lose the alert and everything will be back to normal again. Checkpoint restarts can also be used in places to skip doing various things in levels or to bring your sidekicks right next to you. This kind of sneaky activity is called "checkpoint abuse". Weapons you pick up from your enemies may disappear when retrying from a checkpoint. It depends on the weapon and level. Bullet amounts are always reset to some fixed amount, be it the level default or something lower. Mission 2: In these you enter the same level and situation but have to do something completely different to pass. Some other things may be different from M1 too, such as escort behaviour or items you can find. These things will be listed in this guide. When in a M2, you can't complete the level the M1 way - the game always prevents you somehow. The lesser objectives are usually shared with M1, so you can do them in whichever mission you like. Archives are not shared like this. Character sizes and differences: Every character in this game is roughly classifiable to these three types: - Adult male - Can climb things up to one's own height - Can wield automatic weapons - More stamina - Adult female - Can climb things half own height - Generally can't wield automatic weapons (e.g. female shibitos do not pick up rifles that are laying on the ground) - Running speed is a tad slower - Less stamina - Kid Can not pick up weapons or attack at all Practically no health Running speed is a tad slower Less stamina?

Special damage conditions: - Characters attacked from behind are dealt extra damage. - Crouched down characters are dealt extra damage (?). - Characters caught in a hunting trap are dealt triple damage. - Non-alerted enemies are dealt extra (triple or more?) damage. - Headshots deal extra (triple or more?) damage. - For some reason it doesn't seem that being in Sightjack while attacked would increase damage. More specialized stuff: ----------------------Feel free to skip these sections unless you want some clarification on a topic. New users might do best to go straight to level-by-levels from here. Animals: During several of the levels you see local wildlife around, cats or birds. They're there to only add atmosphere or scare you with their sudden noises. You can't shoot them or anything, in case you were wondering. Cars: A special feature available in 4 of the game's levels. It's a car you can use to move around, kill stuff or reach higher areas. No shibito becomes alerted of the car, only what's in and driving the car. You can pretty much drive by them and they won't notice you at all. When right next to the car, they are able to remove you from there. You will end up to the same side of the street as they are and they get to choke you for a bit. Snipers are more dangerous as they can actually kill you in the car by shooting through any of the windows. Some strange glitches like floating shibito corpses are possible to achieve with the car, but of specific techniques I'm not completely certain of. (I've heard something along these lines: wait for a shibito to try to climb on top of your car from behind, then start reversing towards him...) Interestingly, hitting a sidekick with your car repeatedly does not get him or her berserked. But it does damage as usual. Character speech: Your PC or his/her sidekick will make some comments out loud every now and then. This happens when stumbling upon an important item, at the beginning of the

level, etc. An useful thing to note is that though they're said at an average volume they do not attract enemies' attention. (at least it's never happened to me.) Enemies speak too, with different comments suiting different circumstances. If the speech is subtitled it means that the enemy in question is unique, such as a mini-boss or even ex-PC of yours. I list all the comments I know at the level-by-level sections. Crouching: You enter crouch by circle button. Unlike in Siren 1, you can run when crouching. It's slower than normal running, but still very useful. It enables you to get closer to the enemy without being seen or heard, great for stealth. Depending on your enemy's style of attack, it is actually possible to avoid a hit by croching at the correct moment. Unfortunately it is pretty difficult and in most cases it's not worth it. Escort/Sidekick: A NPC character who tags along at several of the levels. Computer A.I. controls them, and the sight isn't always pretty. You can control their behaviour in some levels using List Menu commands, but they appear in uncontrollable types too. In most cases they can't fend for themselves very well and their survival becomes a priority for you: if they die, you fail. However, unlike in Siren 1, they can now pick up weapons and attack too, so they're less of a burden to take care of. If you attack a sidekick four times, they say something disgruntled and then go berserk on your ass, following you very aggressively and trying to attack you whenever they can. They will not stop until an enemy harasses them, and even after the enemy has been dealt with, they may stay berserked. However, once they've attacked you just once, they stop and go back to being their normal, boring selves. Remember that not all sidekick can turn berserked. Attack them and see what happens. Some of your sidekicks will pick up weapons your enemies leave behind. They have an insatiable urge to do it. If there are two enemies attacking, and one of them dies and drops a weapon, they will first pick up the weapon and only

then continue to defend themselves. They will pick up the weapon so quickly you may not get a chance to compete with them. This is very annoying sometimes. Even if they already have a weapon in their hands they will greedily stare at the overleft weapons on the ground. Every one of your sidekicks can carry two weapons at once (just like you), but very few take advantage of this opportunity. Most only pick up one weapon and stick with it no matter how weak it is. Your sidekick has infinite ammo. Whenever equipped with a projectile weapon, s/he can use it endlessly and always find ammo with which to reload it. Your sidekicks have several different ways to react to your opponents. The most common reaction type is "passive": in it s/he will only attack when someone is strangling the PC, or rarely Shiryo or Yamirei, or even more rarely if they're attacked themselves. They generally can't fend off for themselves and are next to no use in a battle. Another reaction type is "self defense". In it the character will actively attack enemies who are attacking the PC or him/her. S/he will also pick up new weapons and s/he has the skill to upgrade inferior weapons to better ones if s/he happens to stumble upon one. A third type could be "stealth", e.g. for young Shu who can't do anything offensive. A fourth type is "strict routes", meaning that their pre-occupation is anything else but the enemies. An example of this type: Misawa at Yorito's first mission. There's a glitch with the "self defense" type and 'Wait'. If the sidekick is in the 'Waiting' state when a battle occurs, s/he will start fighting regardless of the 'Wait' state. After the fight s/he will run independently off to the nearest hiding location in a very erratic fashion, as if not capable of making up his/her mind. (possible at Soji's second level) For some reason your attacks do very little damage to sidekicks, even headshots. It's somewhat absurd to have to smack your sidekick around for 5 minutes before they croak, when your local shibito can down him/her in just several hits. This seems to work the other way around too. If your sidekick has a weapon, his/her hits do meager damage to you. There's a glitch with berserk and heights. A single 'Pull up' cancels a berserk mode. Doing this enough times while attacking your sidekick in between the pull ups (I'm not sure what exactly causes this), your sidekick calms down and never

again berserks. Convenient? Not? You taught him/her into submission, crushed his/her spirit, I guess. Flashlight: Available in most levels, it's a device for lighting up the area. It's more important in this game than in Siren 1 because there are so many enemies who are allergic to light. When a character dies, his flashlight turns off automatically. FPV: First-person view, a feature in this game. You access it by either R2 or the 'up' directional button. Unlike in Siren 1, you can play the levels all the way through in this mode - being able to run, attack, activate things, etc. Using R3 you can change the camera view (in most circumstances), and by depressing R2 you zoom. Hunting traps: You get to use these with one of the characters. Basically, they're traps which will momentarily immobilise anyone walking into them, be they you, your escort or the enemy. When someone becomes caught, he will drop his weapon. If you attack him while he's caught, you deal several times the normal damage to him. You can "cancel" traps which have not been triggered yet, which means that you pick them up from the ground and take them back with you - even traps that were set up by the enemies. Used traps break and become useless afterwards. Upon setting up (or canceling) a trap, it's important to remember that the trap is effectively set the instant you hear a sound effect. The animation itself continues for several seconds after that, but you can just cancel out of it by doing something else. For some reason Akiko will not activate a hunting trap if she walks into one. Ladder: A method for transportating up and down. There can be no more than one character on any ladder at any time. If another tries to get on the ladder, the first one will drop down. Sidekicks can't be put to wait on ladders. If you give them a 'Wait' command, they will first climb down before starting waiting.

Ledge mechanism: If you hit something which has its back or front against a ledge, it will lose balance and fall down to the ground. It will suffer extra damage from it, and can even die. 'It' could be even you! If you run at full speed towards a ledge, your character will make a frightened sound and stumble a bit. S/he will not fall down. Map: You access it with Select button. If you need help with it, press 'square' while in it. There's a small graphical glitch concerning locked doors. The game updates the door information only when the PC touches the door. This means if an enemy unlocks and opens a door which you earlier noted to be 'Locked', the map will not update and instead shows false information. The grid underlaying the map extends very long ways to all directions for no apparent reason. Try it out. Mind Control: A future character's special talent. When Sightjacking, you can with R3 start controlling the sightjacked character's moves. The Mind Controlled character can't run, pick up items, Sightjack, strafe, crouch, or do anything from List Menu. After Mind Control ends, the Controlled character will look around for a moment and then walk back to the location he started from. Unfortunately you can't Mind Control your sidekick... There's a glitch involving sniper sight and Mind Control. You can sometimes get the sniper vision stuck even after the Sightjack ends, showing you the world from the shibito's eyes until he gets hurt or dies. There's a glitch involving berserk and Mind Control. If you attack a sidekick four times with a Controlled character, the sidekick becomes, as usual, berserked. (and he says the usual comment too while doing it.) Unfortunately, as the Control ends the game doesn't register the enemy as 'you' any longer, and the sidekick hitting the enemy will not lose his berserked mood. This means that the sidekick will endlessly run after the enemy and attack him in berserk mode. After the enemy dies, the sidekick will stand still on his corpse and

dance eerily, until the enemy wakes up - then he just starts attacking again... I once got this state to end after having messed around enough, but still, if you get stuck in this it's fastest to retry. Video demonstration of the glitches, for those interested: 1, the three first parts of this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDMGLZdfXsY Saving: Quite self-explanatory by itself, but let me still tell you about some stats you see on your screen when you save. Levels cleared means basically how many of those slots in Link Navigator have you unveiled and finished. I think the max. amount you will ever get is 96, all levels, all endings, two bonus levels and one bonus cutscene. But I don't know the game inside out, who knows if there's still some big secret waiting to be found. Finished objectives refers to "lesser objectives", you know, the small stuff you have to do around the levels not related to the main objective in order to unlock later levels. However, it may be as well informed that the game contains some optional things to do which are not counted in the number here and of which the game doesn't even say a word. (for example, acquiring hammer and nails in Soji's second level to get a Spiked Bat later.) I think the number you will get here after finishing the game is 29, but again, it seems fishy it's an uneven number. Hmm... Shibitos (& Shiryos): Your main enemy type during this game. They are slow, grotesque humanoid creatures who have a narrow range of interests in their lives. Most importantly, they want to destroy you, though not as much as they wish to destroy the Yamibito. Not much of a consolation, but... When they receive enough damage they get knocked out, but they will in most cases eventually revive. Sometimes a Shiryo is needed for this. Read more in the next section. After you kill enough shibitos in a level, Shiryos appear. They usually appear in groups of 2 or 3, or one at a time but just very persistently. They will approach a dead shibito and on contact the shibito instantly revives. You will know when Shiryos have emerged when some black stuff flashes on the screen momentarily. They will appear in larger amounts depending on difficulty.

Like with sidekicks, it seems that if a shibito gets hit by someone else on his side 4 times he becomes berserked and will concentrate his efforts on revenging. Attacking shibitos while they're dead doesn't seem to prolong the time needed for them to revive. Just an interesting thing about Shiryos: just crouching and staying still will enable some characters to not get hit by their physical attacks. Shouting: An ability any humanoid character (even Yamibito and Shibito) have to attract the attention of other characters by making noise. Shooting with a gun is more effective, but for characters that don't have a gun, this is the way to go. Smoke candles: You get to use them with Yorito and Misawa at later levels. They are throwable or droppable objects which emit a flash of light and a lot of smoke when deployed. They do not work outdoors. Their effect lasts about half minutes. When an enemy (Yamibito) gets caught in its smoke, he will panic and start shooting randomly at different locations. During this time he will not be able to discern your location, but you may still get accidentally shot if you're in the way. Multiple smoke candles do not cancel each other out or something like that. But it's not likely their effect stacks either (other than graphically). Sniper sight: A mechanism in some type of rifles, enabling sniper action. During sniper sight, your character can't move or do a melee attack (or generally anything else not possible in weapon stance). Military characters can use sniper sight better the aim is more wobbly with other characters. During this state your character is "thinner" than normally, and is less likely to get hit. It's true. Another interesting stealth-related fact is that headshots make less noise than normal shots. If you kill an enemy with one clear shot to the head, the other nearby enemies remain oblivious to you. Stairs:

While running normally up a set of stairs it seems that most characters' running speed slows down, usually to the normal crouchrunning speed. While crouchrunning up the stairs similar kind of speed differentation happens, except with the most agile characters, who run stairs up crouching as fast as standing up. Just to mention a strange glitch: an attacked being can fall through a set of stairs. Happens extremely rarely (only once to me). If the stairs you are standing on are too steep, you may have difficulties in aiming at your opponent, especially if he's lower than you. Stamina: If you run or attack longer periods of time your character will get tired. During when he's tired his running and walking stance changes to a different, slower one, and your character makes noticeably gasping voices. This doesn't seem to affect your attack speed, though. Your stamina recovers during the time you are idle (on the ground) or sightjacking. Whether you shout or change weapons or do anything else from List Menu doesn't matter. So use the waiting period for doing something useful, since you can: sightjack the nearest enemy, prepare yourself, etc. Strangling: An attack used by nearly all enemies. Its basic properties include full homing capabilities (as long as the shibito is facing you and a feet away, he can grab you), escapability (your own actions measure how quickly you get out) and redundancy (you will see this tiresome attack 10000 times during your game). In effect the attack, when connecting, will slow you down heavily (enough for other enemies to do their own attacks to you) and deal light damage. The worst part is that during it's course you can't enter any of the menus. This means that if you feel your attempt at a level is going rapidly downhill and you wish to reset, you're deprived of that ability for another humiliating 3 seconds until you're finally free of the grab. Time Trial: It's a mode available once you've won a level, though only on Normal or HARD. In it the game measures how fast you pass through the level + the merits of passing the level without damage, without sightjacking, without discovery or without resets. Before you've completed a level on Time Trial you see a pre-set

time allocated for that level. It's what I call a "base Time Trial time" which you must beat in order to even get your times recorded in your save file. It's pretty easy on Normal, but sometimes very nerve-grating on HARD. You get a bonus video (and maybe something more?) by beating Time Trial. Wallram: If you approach a certain type of wall running, and have already ran a while, it's possible for you to wham right to it. This eats little time, nothing more. It's more likely for you to ram to a wall if you run at a slight angle than straight. Want to avoid a wallram but not lose any speed? That's easy, simply crouch and de-crouch in a quick succession once near the wall that's a threat. Another thing to note is that running over stairs resets the "wallram danger quota." Weapon stance: Entered with R1, available even without weapons in hand. Pressing X will enable you to attack opponent, though while in this stance many other moves are not available, such as sightjacking, crouching or 180 degree turning. When no enemy is around, you can't move in a normal weapon stance (other than strafing, which is done with L1). However, when an enemy appears and is close enough, the game auto targets him during weapon stance and the character can move more freely. There exists a glitch with barehanded auto targeting: during the time your opponent is attacking, the auto targeting loosens up somewhat and allows you to turn normally to some other direction. Even during this time your attacks will contact and hit the opponent, as if you were facing them (not sure to what extent, though). If you press L1 down when in a normal weapon stance, you enter a strafing weapon stance in which you can control your movement more easily. You can also move with it even if there are no enemies around. Weapons: The tools you can wield in self-defensive and offensive purposes. Unlike in Siren 1, you can pick up your enemies' weapons, though there are restrictions. It's both because of the different character types (female characters can't pick

up rifle-type guns) and because some weapons simply have a built-in limitation in regards to using it. (e.g. Military Shovel at Shigeru's second level can only be picked up by Shigeru) When a character dies, he or she drops the weapon they were wielding. A strange exception to this are some enemies whose weapons stay in their hands (Siren 1 style) when they die. This includes f.e. fishermen. I think this can happen to enemies because of a glitch too, though rarely. If you have no weapon equipped, your character can do a barehanded attack. It does no damage and it's pretty slow. Good for stunning opponents, perhaps, except on hard where enemies don't stun that easily. A strange thing is that if your PC gets attacked by this attack during Time Trial, the No Damagebonus is omitted, even though no damage is inflicted. Some characters, such as Yorito, are able to do something else than just a weak slap to their opponents while unarmed. They will actually use their fists and legs to punch and kick. Unfortunately even these upgraded attacks do very little damage, and you're always better off using a weapon (which they often conveniently do have with them). Almost every melee weapon has a chance for either a strong attack or a weak attack. The weak attack can continue into a 3-hit combo, with the last hit being a one which will knock the enemy backwards. The strong attack is nothing more than the last hit of this 3-hit combo. Useful if you instantly need to knock something backwards, to a trap or against a ledge for example. The third hit doesn't seem to do more damage than any of the other hits, though. In normal fighting it's almost always more useful to do the normal 3-hit combo. Note that strong attacks are not possible in barehanded mode. You can do melee attacks with guns too, but the power is not great and you can't do combos. As expected, military characters can do these attacks the fastest. For some reason your character runs faster when he has a rifle equipped (or so it seems). There are at least two weight classes of melee weapons, heavy and light. A heavy weapon is slower to wield but does more damage and has a better chance of stunning your enemies. The character usually wields them using both of his/her hands.

A rare glitch is "picking up nothingness". Basically, while trying to pick up a weapon you grasp nothing. This may happen if you press a button at a correct time while picking up something or if you try to pick up items on too different altitudes (such as on steep stairs). This doesn't happen when picking up other sort of items, only weapons. A tip for later levels and difficulties is simple yet very effective: count your bullets. Pretty much all the larger (and boss) enemies need more than one clip to kill, and you need to time your reload times correctly to survive the best. Yamibito: Enemies you encounter later in the game. They are like shibito, except... They are much quicker Their general demeanor is hyperactive They can see in the dark They revive a lot faster than shibitos Light stuns and hurts them Their A.I. is somewhat better

Sometimes when left alone, they spend time shooting at walls. Regardless of their quick-paced steps they run slower than any of your PCs, and only a bit faster than the Shibito. Attacking them while they're dead doesn't seem to prolong the time needed for them to revive. Yamirei: Small, snail-like dark creatures which spawn erratically during the later levels and are supposedly the life force of Yamibito. They can't be sightjacked, and they are one of the rare enemy types who don't have a strangling/biting attack. It seems they're quite agile and can travel almost wherever. For example, they can jump over chasms and climb as high as the PC's height. One thing they can't do is open doors, though. On HARD there exists a phenomena I like to call "raging Yamirei". In it a Yamirei simply starts attacking you repeatedly at such a rapid pace you can't make it stop - and it kills you. Especially if you don't have flashlight on or have your back against one. Specialized/esoteric:

--------------------Death animations: They last variable lengths in this game, depending on conditions of death. If you die many times in a row, the last deaths tend to resolve very quickly, under 1.5 seconds. If you suicide by jumping off a cliff with low health, the death tends to drags on, though for no reason. Movement methods & speeds: Research was made during adult Shu's first level, where you have Tsukasa with you. She follows Shu with a base speed slightly lower than Shu's normal walking speed, but she has a "keeping up" mechanism that consists of small forward nods. It's a sort of fixed mechanism the game uses to make her always catch Shu. I used different movement styles and counted the nods required to catch Shu as he moved. - The lower the amount nods needed, the slower the speed. - If the movement speed is slower than Tsukasa's base speed no nodding happens. - At movements only worth 1 nods, strict measuring becomes impossible. In effect the speed is just slightly faster than Tsukasa's normal speed (in varying amounts). From fastest to slowest: Running completely straight = 4.9 - 5.0 nods Running slightly wobbly = 4.1 - 4.2 nods Running exhausted = 2.8 - 3.0 nods Crouchrunning = 2.8 - 3.0 nods "Faux-gliding" = 1 nods (slightly faster than walking) Walking in weapon stance = 1 nods (slightly faster than walking) Walking = 1 nods Backwards walking = 1 nods (about 50% slower than normal walking) Exhausted walking = 1 nods (moves almost exactly as fast as Tsukasa) Strafing = 0 nods (Tsusaka is faster than Shu) Crouchwalking = 0 nods (Tsukasa is faster than Shu) Crouch strafing = 0 nods (Tsukasa is faster than Shu) There is some variation in speeds of different moves between the characters, but testing by nods can only (since only he has Tsukasa). This however gives a good idea other characters too (and what is most effective in regard (and speeds per se) be done with Shu on general speeds of to moving).

A general rule is that male characters are faster than female characters. The two military characters (Yorito and Misawa) seem the fastest and most agile in everything, including climbing and using weapons.

1. The level-by-level listings -----------------------------Note on reading: - For best clarity you should examine both entries for a level, because M2 entry assumes you are familiar with M1. - Lesser objectives can usually be done in both M1 and M2. But unless they're specifically only completable in M2, they're solely mentioned at M1 section. - Same goes with optional archives. Unless they're M2 exclusive, they're only mentioned in M1. - The listing of differences between M1 and M2 doesn't usually include the obvious ones such as "a different objective", etc. Mamoru Itsuki -03:00 (-3:50:52) "Encounter" ------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:20:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:44:00 M1: Reach the road to Uryuga Forest with Travelling Companion. Hints 1. In this stage, you'll learn basic moves like movement and attack. Hints 2. Play as Mamoru and complete the mission as instructed. Hard hints 1. Follow the instructions from on high. Overview: - Location: Yamijima Harbour. Weather: at night, rainstorm. - The level has two checkpoints: 1, when meeting the first shibito. 2, after breaking and entering the shack. - An in-game tutorial will guide you for the most part. - You can't sightjack in this level. - Optional archives "Kastori Weekly" (015) and "Turtle Jelly Noodles" (014). Both are at the "Pressure Mach. Room". Acquirable weapons: - Scantling (mandatory) - Gaff (dropped by the second shibito) (HARD-only) Mamoru Itsuki: You're now controlling a 20 years old journalist, Mamoru, who has nothing but a flashlight and his wits with him to survive. - He says "The boat... Those people?", "What's going on...?" or "This place...? Yamijima Island...?" at the start of the level. Forced tutorials: Striving to avoid an immensely steep difficulty curve, such as in Siren 1, the

developers decided to add tutorials here and there to help new gamers to get along. It has its goods and its bads. These tutorials are slow, and if you already know how to play, they're a bit redundant and in the way. During tutorials you can't move, or do many things at all. Just play along and they will end eventually. Here comes the first set. --- "Head towards the Bridge. Left analog stick: Move." --- "Look up at the light in front of the bridge. Right analog stick: Look around." --- "Use alternative camera views. R2: First-person view/zoom." "Cross the bridge, and head for the island." Before you head for the island, you might want to get acquainted with the controls a bit. And enjoy the view. Dolphin Pier: That water sure looks cold and uninviting. Go closer to look at it if you want, the path goes low enough for you to wet your legs and ass in it. A little more soaked clothes won't hurt now. When you're ready, continue the only way you can. --- "X: Jump." --- "Proceed further into the island." *Glitch alert!* Watch out for the righthand side of the stairs. If you run towards it, you may fall off the game map. --- "Check the map then go up the nearby stairs. SELECT button: Map" Before you get too high up the stairs, if you look far to the upper end of the stairs, you see a 'Shiryo' floating around. You can never get to it, because it disappears with a strange flash as you approach. But you will get a closer look at them in future levels. If you try to leave to any other directions, the game will complain: --- "You're going the wrong way. Go up the stairs." After the next cutscene has ran through, you have been CHECKPOINTed, and can continue from that spot instead of all the way from the level's beginning in case of failure. Note that you have the chance to return to checkpoint from the start menu too. A helpful tool in many situations. --- "Entering an enemy's detection area will trigger an alert/vibration ('Alert System')." "Always turn off flashlight during an alert. Square: Flashlight on/off." "Moving while crouching makes it harder for the enemy to spot you. Triangle: Crouch/stand."

"Turn off flashlight and proceed further in while crouching." Here you meet a shibito for the first time. He's completely harmless now, as he will not naturally move from where he is, and even if he's alerted, the tutorial will just restart patronizingly. You can't pass if you are not crouched or have the flashlight off, so do what the game says and get past him. --- "When the alert/vibration stops, it is safe to turn flashlight back on." "Proceed further in." --- "Use the ladder. X: Grab ladder." "Move to the right of the ladder and turn towards the building behind." If you try to go the wrong way: --- "You're going the wrong way." By continuing to where you have to: --- "There are points where you have a selection of Action Commands." "Select the 'Jump' Action Command here." "Move the left analog stick forward and press X to jump or X to go down." --- "Face left and jump off the building. X: Down." --- "Search the area around you for a weapon." "Weapons or items that you can pick up are slighly brighter on the screen." --- "Go to the door of the 'Materials Warehouse.'" --- "With your weapon, you can break windows." "X (while holding down R1): Attack." You indeed can't break down the window with just your bare hands. And you can't skip right to the next section by shouting either. Oh well... After the next cutscene is over, you've been again CHECKPOINT'D. Prepare yourself for another tutorial. --- "You can give commands to a companion." "You can leave a companion in a safe location and issue commands such as 'Run' or 'Hide'." "Press Triangle for the List Menu, select with the directional buttons up/down and press X." "Use the 'Wait' Action Command and put your companion on standby. Triangle: Open List Menu." If you fail to make Yuri 'Wait': --- "Use the 'Wait' Action Command." After choosing 'Wait':

--- "Explore your surroundings and find a way out of this area." Interestingly enough, it is not you who actually finds a way out, but instead a shibito appears and busts you an exit. --- "You can shout to distract enemies attacking your companion." "Select 'Shout' from the List Menu. Tringle: Open List Menu." If you are too slow, the shibito man inevitably notices Yuri and will go in and feast on her. You hear happy munching noises from inside the shack if this happens, a certain sign of embarrassing failure. Yuri will not however die until she gets bitten several times, so you're not in danger. You have plenty of time to 'Shout'. Just don't accidentally make her 'Run', because if Yuri steps out of the shack for a reason or another: --- "Have Companion standby in the Shack" And the tutorial will reset. Anyway, the point is to garner the shibito's attention. If you succeed (and it isn't difficult), this is what happens: --- "You can shake off a biting enemy with rapid jerks of the left analog stick." "When an enemy bites, quickly shake it off." --- "Attack the enemy using the same controls as when you broke the door's window." "For consecutive attacks, rapidly press X." "Defeat the enemy. X (while holding down R1): Attack." You must use the Scantling, since weaponless attacks do no damage at all. Once he's down, rejoice. He will never revive. HARD NOTE: another shibito is coming after you from the shack's ceiling. --- "Call your companion and escape from here." "Select 'Come here' from the List Menu. Triangle: Open List Menu." Sub-target: Head towards the 'Goal.' --- "Check the map and head towards the "Goal." SELECT button: Map." Let's take a moment here to discuss about your new tag-along, Yuri. Yuri Kishida: Your first companion character, or as I love to call them, Sidekicks. They're truthfully more sidekicks in this game than they were ever in the first one, being able to usually wield weapons and overall be useful too. Yuri for some reason never picks up any weapons, though. She only sometimes attacks enemies. She also has the peculiar trait of avoiding your flashlight's beam. In short her attributes are: - Manipulable (subject to List Menu commands and berserk) - Avoids light - Never picks up weapons - Attacks enemies passively

From now on I will start using these sort of attribute tables more and verbose descriptions less. Yuri Kishida's speech: - When you first meet her, she says "He's after me. Please, help." - When you exit the shack she sometimes says "No, help!" for an unknown reason. - When you approach the final area, she says "Looks like we can climb over this." - If you wait without doing anything, she says "I'm scared..." or "Is something wrong?" or "Tell me... What should I do?" - If you smack her around with your weapons, she says "Stop it! Stop it!" or "No! Help!" (in addition to trying to attack you back - it's the same for all your companions, called a 'berserk mode'.) - After you've pulled her up the cliff, she says "Thank you...", "I'm sorry..." or "Good... I'm up." Now to finish the level. --- "Turn right." --- "Go up the stairs. X: Up." --- "Go straight. Climb the high wall in the same manner." --- "You can quickly glance behind you by a quick flick down on the left analog stick." "Look behind you. Pull back on the left analog stick to do a quick turn." --- "A companion requires help to climb higher areas." "Go near the edge and pull up your companion. Triangle: Open List Menu." --- "Press the START button to open the Menu, select Other, then Help for more details." "Escape from the Harbour." Other interesting stuff: - Mamoru was in the cold water for about 4 hours before awakening. The boat crash happened at -07:00, remember? - The biggest wall breach in the game happens to be right at the beginning. This is only for having fun, you shouldn't go in or push anyone else in there in normal circumstances. Someone will get hurt. Basically, you approach the righthand wall near the upper end of the steps after doing a jump for the first time. Instead of slowing down and walking like the character always does when moving towards a normal wall, Mamoru will run. This means a breach is possible, and lo: he will get sucked in very smoothly in no time, and he will fall endlessly to the dark

endlessness of the Void. During your stay, Mamoru will slowly deteriorate and decompose into a swirling mass of pixels. Prolonged effect of gravity does that? Also, you can run and attack like normal. If you continue to run long enough, you won't see yourself in the game map any longer. The area will seemingly never end, though. Video demonstration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_lCmP7izno - You can glitch up the battle tutorial during when you have to 'Shout'. If you shout at the wrong time, the shibito will somehow miss both Yuri and Mamoru (his gaze being blocked by the door frame) and he stumbles back to where he came from, leaving Mamoru frozen inside the tutorial mode for a prolonged period. About 30 seconds later he will rush back and finally start to eat Mamoru, and only then do things progress as planned. Video demonstration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LINvRFp_4WU - At one point during the level you can hear a helicopter fly by. If Yuri is close by, she'll ask "What's that noise?" Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Yorito Nagai's -02:00 (-2:24:27) "Forced Landing" ---------------------------------------------------------------You receive the archive "Helicopter Transmitter" (020). Mamoru Itsuki -03:00 (-3:50:52) "Encounter" ------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:40:00 M2: Find medal. Lesser objectives: - Acquire an item in the 'Gold Mining Co.' Hints 1: Some weapons can be used to open new paths, commands to search for spots. Hard hints 1: Some weapons can be used as more than just weapons. Overview: - This level has one checkpoint: after you picking up Locker Key. - Optional archives: "Missing Person Poster" (012) at the Pier's water and "Yamigame" (013) at Turtle Pier. To get this, you must get to the end of the level under a certain time limit. You then receive it automatically. Acquirable weapons: - Scantling (mandatory) - Gaff (dropped by the second shibito) (HARD-only)

- Iron Pipe (mandatory) - Monkey Wrench (found from Gold Mining Co.) Differences from M1: - No tutorial at all. - Pacing is different. Sub-target: Acquire something that can be used as a weapon. You know the drill. Scantling is where it's always been. (though you can opt for the Monkey Wrench instead of it, if you want.) Sub-target: Acquire the 'Locker Key.' Sub-target: Acquire the 'Iron Pipe.' CHECKPOINT. Shibito appears, kill it. On HARD another is coming not too far behind. Go to Work Room via the room above it. Sub-target: Reach 'Turtle Hole.' After having climbed up, you can't go back down again. Yuri will not follow you, so you're alone for the rest of the level. It seems she just disappears, as you can't see her from where you are, and the shibitos do not pester her either. Oh, and you lost your Iron Pipe. "Exposition Medal" (016) added to archive. Yuri Kishida's new comments: - At the corroded floor, she says: "We might be able to break through here..." - At the broken ladder, she says: "We could climb this, if we had some footing..." - After having climbed the ladder, she says "Hurry back..." Other interesting things: - The red-clad shibito can't open the locked gate next to the Materials Warehouse (until the cutscene where he bursts it open). - On Kanae's level this place was in a relatively good shape. Now look at it... Mission accomplished! --------------------A movie stage: Kanae's 29 years ago "Washed Ashore" ---------------------------------------------------

Mamoru Itsuki 01:00 (0:01:08) "Vision" -------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:00:00

Base Time Trial time on HARD:


M1: Reach the road to Hidaru with Yuri Kishida. Lesser objectives: - Search 'Incl. Control Rm' & 'Blower M. Rm' Hints 1. In this stage, you'll be able to practice how to Sightjack. Hints 2. Someone's view can be a valuable tool. Direction, clarity can be important. Hints 3. Make sure to master the Lock and Quick Search functions as they are crucial. "Old Scroll-Chapter 1" (031) is added to the archive. Overview: - Location: The Yamijima Cold Dredge, now at night. - The level has two checkpoints. 1, as you enter the building. 2, as you get to the Steel Door. - The level starts with an in-game tutorial. - Optional archive: "Police Notebook" (032) inside Incline Control Room. Available weapons: - Fire Poker (in Storeroom or nearby) - Crowbar (at Incline Control Room) - Trowel (dropped by a shibito near Guardhouse) - Pickaxe (dropped by a shibito after the Steel Door) - Iron Pipe (dropped by a shibito after the Steel Door) - Hammer (dropped by a shibito after the Steel Door) (HARD only) Mamoru Itsuki: He lost all the weapons he collected from the last level, and now only has his flashlight. Don't ask me why. Yuri Kishida: She's around in this level too. Her behaviour hasn't changed at all. - Manipulable - Avoids light - Never picks up weapons - Attacks enemies passively Forced tutorials: Now it's the turn for sightjack. At this part of the level you can't yet sightjack anyone else but Yuri. --- "Sightjack." "Sightjack with L2." --- "Use the left analog stick to search views. --- "While holding on the left analog stick, look views with either X, Circle, Triangle or Square." --- "Unlock views by moving the left analog stick and press the button again to recall views." --- "Exit sightjack with L2."

--- "For verifying controls for Sightjack, press START button, Select Other, and Help." Sub-target: Infiltrate the Yamijima Gold Dredge. You won't get very far inside until a cutscene activates. After that you've been CHECKPOINTed as well. --- "When Sightjacking, use L1 to search for the view of the nearest enemy." Sub-target: Get past the front of 'Ore Processing Plant.' --- "Your position is a blue cross, your companion is a green one." If you alert the shibito by sound, the game will restart the tutorial: --- "You were too loud. Try to avoid being caught." If you alert the shibito by sight, the game will restart the tutorial: --- "You've been discovered. Try to avoid discovery." If you get past succesfully, another part of tutorial starts. --- "Sightjacking can provide you with hints for getting through a situation." "Sightjack the enemy in front of the door." Sub-target: Open the Dial Lock. The combination is random every time you play. You can skip opening the lock and go straight to the next area by just sneaking past this shibito, but doing this will leave you weaponless. Sub-target: Go through the 'Steel Door.' Inside the next room there is a Fire Poker for you to grab. HARD NOTE: the poker is inside the Storeroom instead. You may also encounter stray Shiryos here. Make note of the fact that if they ram into a nearby shibito, the shibito will instantly revive. As you enter through the door, an enemy will spot you - you can't avoid it. You are at the same moment CHECKPOINTed. --- "When sightjacking, use R1/R2 to search view of patrolling/battling enemies." Sub-target: Reach the road to 'Hidaru' with 'Yuri Kishida.' HARD NOTE: There's one additional shibito here, wielding a hammer.

Incline Control Room: Here you find a new weapon for yourself, the Crowbar. If you get to the upmost

floor and examine near the window, you will find an archive "Police Notebook" (032). Blower Machine Room: You get the Blower Machine Room key from the Guardhouse. To complete the lesser objective of this level there, you also need a crowbar, available from Incline Control Rm. Yuri Kishida's comments: - During the sightjack tutorial: "Close your eyes...", "Yes... Feel around with your senses." - When you get to the dial lock shibito, she says "Wait...", "If that thing opens it...", "...we might get the combination." - After you are discovered after the Steel Door, she says "Careful!" - When you're at the Incline Control Room, she says "This... this might be of some use." - The rest of what she says is the same what she has said on earlier occasions. End level: The actual exit is not far away, and you can use it even if you're chased. The only prequisite is that Yuri is close by. So when you're tired of this place, head there, open the door, and you're outta here. You see the correct place on your map. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Akiko Kiyota's -01:00 (-1:00:11) "Flashback" ----------------------------------------------------------Mamoru Itsuki 01:00 (0:01:08) "Vision" -------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 06:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:52:00 M2: Acquire hair ornament. Hints 1: Objects are not always visible. Look at unusual areas or look around with Sightjack. Hints 2: Break the glass panel on a door to open it but it will make a loud sound. Hard hints 1: The cat is staring. Overview: - This level has two checkpoints: 1, as you reach Steel Door. 2, after you've inserted the stone ball to the duct. - Optional archives: "UMA Encyclopedia" (034), examine the Stone Ball at the end of the level.

Available weapons: - Monkey Wrench (starts with) - Fire Poker (in Storeroom or nearby) - Crowbar (at Incline Control Room) - Trowel (dropped by a shibito near Guardhouse) - Pickaxe (dropped by a shibito after the Steel Door) - Iron Pipe (dropped by a shibito after the Steel Door) - Hammer (dropped by a shibito after the Steel Door) (HARD only) Differences from M1: - No tutorial at the start. - New items. Sub-target: Reach the 'Steel Door.' You don't need Yuri during this mission at all. Take her along only if you want to hear the comments she says or want company. There's a Stone Ball at Ore-Processing Plant. It might be the easiest to pick it up now (while you're at the start of the level) because you have to get it sooner or later. Examining it automatically yields the archive Stone Ball (033). Overall this is a very easy level. You already have a weapon from a previous level, so there's no need to go get the poker behind the locked doors. Sub-target: Find the 'Hair Ornament' near the 'Guardhouse.' If you happen to examine the duct where the Ornament is, the Sub-target changes. Sub-target: Trace the ventilation duct and inspect the last section. If you already had the Stone Ball, you do not receive this next Sub-target: Sub-target: Acquire the 'Stone Ball' in the 'Ore-Processing Plant.' Sub-target: Put 'Stone Ball' in the ventilation duct. Sub-target: Acquire 'hair ornament.' "Tomoe's Hair Ormanent" (035) added to archive. Yuri Kishida's new comments: - When picking up Stone Ball, she asks "What are you going to do with that?" - When examining the duct, she says "Something... Something's shining?" - When near the ventilation duct, she says "This looks like it might come off." - After removing the duct, she says "It's off... Now what?" - After having put the ball in the duct, she says "Was that a voice?" Other interesting things: - It seems there's the UMA animal the archive speaks of inside the vent. You

only hear it when the ball crushes it, but can you also see it at any point? Hard hint seems to indicate something about this. Update: yeah, you can sightjack it. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Tomoe Ohta's 01:00 (1:17:46) "Death Throes" (ominous, isn't it?) ---------------------------------------------------------"Tomoe's Diary" (043) added to archive.

Mamoru Itsuki 03:00 (3:45:28) "Maze" -----------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 06:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 04:50:00 "Scrap of History Book" (050) added to archive automatically. M1: Reach the Gate of Underworld. Hints 1: There are some things only Yuri can see, so take her to various locations. Hints 2: Watching the drawing may not always work. There are 3 hidden clues so listen carefully to each song. Also check Archive #50. Hints 3: Pay attention to #4, 'Imitate the head.' For #6 and #7, linking the location to the direction of the drawing is the key. Hard hints 1: No. 50 Overview: - Location: Yamijima Amusement Park, at night, at rain. Does the weather ever get any better? I guess not. - Checkpoint rememberes any instance of examining or activating a marker (excluding the last one of them). There are a total of 2 different locations you will return after retry, one at the Coffee Cup Ride's marker (available after you examine it) and one at the Ferris Wheel (available after you examine any marker beyond that.) - Optional archives: "Kasutori Special DVD" (051) at Park Rear Gate. Checkpoint notices: - Checkpoints activate instantly after you've solved the puzzle. No need to wait for a Sub-Target text to appear. - You can skip a lot of running around by using the checkpoints to travel. E.g. solve the marker at the Fountain. Now, instead of running back to the start of the level, you can just retry from the checkpoint. Available weapons:

- 9mm Handgun (starts with it, dropped by a military shibito after Ferris wheel, on HARD both Fountain military shibitos drop one) - DAIKIRI Saw (dropped by Tomoe Ohta) - Type 89 Assault Rifle Bayonet (dropped by a military shibito near Fountain, except on HARD) - Shovel (dropped by a military shibito near Custodian's Shack) Mamoru Itsuki: His inventory is his flashlight and a 9mm handgun (total of 9 bullets). Yuri Kishida: In this level her behaviour has an obvious difference: she will start singing and moving independently of you at certain locations. Things that will break her concentration: attacking her, having an enemy notice her, berserking her. (List Menu commands won't work.) After this goes on for a bit, she will stop and stare at seemingly nothingness. Now, sightjack her. You see a strange dreidellike object floating in air before you. (a marker) When you exit sightjacking mode Mamoru can see it by himself too and it can be examined. Yuri will not notice these markers if she's not actively following you. Check your List Menu to see if you have the option to make her 'Come Here' in case problems arise. - Manipulable - Avoids light - Never picks up weapons - Attacks enemies passively Sub-target: Open the 'Seven Gates to the Underworld.' Markers/'gates': At seven spots of this map there's hidden a 'gate'. You must sightjack Yuri who's staring towards it to get it to appear. After it's appeared, it can be examined and solved by turning the two sides correctly. It's puzzle solving, no more, no less. Yuri's songs will give you hints. Once you succeed, you see (as Mamoru sufficiently puts it) "a strange glow", and hear a supernatural sound whenever near that place. The gate activates the moment you exit the gate screen with the two parts correctly placed. You can activate them in any order you like. Remember though that you must reveal and examine the Coffee Cup Ride's gate the first thing you do or else Yuri will not react to the other gate. Note: the starting formations of the markers are half-random, which means that step-by-step instructions are not possible.

Coffee Cup Ride's gate: "Dance, maiden, dance..." "Wave the crown upon thy head..." "Watch the flames and dance..." The nearest one, also the most convenient to complete first. Solution: "flames" at lower panel, "crown" at upper panel. Park Front Gate's gate: "Dance, maiden, dance..." "Wave and shake thy necklace..." "Peek the water's surface and dance..." The second nearest one. You should sneak a bit so as not to arouse the attention of a nearby military shibito. This one is easy too. Solution: "ridges" at the lower panel, "amulet" at upper panel. Park Rear Gate's gate: "Dance, maiden, dance..." "Ring the bells upon thy earrings..." "Ask the winds and dance..." Tomoe Ohta is waiting and watching the Rear Gate, so you can't activate this one without taking care of her first. Try to hurry, because eventually Shiryos gather up and start pestering you. This one's easy too. Solution: "wind" at the lower panel, "earrings" with wind backdrop at the upper panel. Fountain's gate: "Dance, maiden, dance..." "Cast off the brooch upon thy chest..." "Imitate the head and dance..." At an annoying locale, where there's the two military patrollers. You don't have to alert the one near the gate at all, though it might be the safest to kill the mobile one. HARD NOTE: The mobile patroller wields a pistol instead of a bayonet. Solution: Upper panel is "two circles touching" with a flame backdrop, lower panel is "flames". Flower Bed's gate: "Sway, sway the arc..." "Thy bracelet beats the rhythm..." "Sway gently, eagerly awaiting the bird..." Isn't it strange? Most of the panels are empty. Anyway... Solution: Both of the panels are empty this time. Put two of the picture panels on one side and then turn the lower panel right.

Custodian's shack's gate: "Fly, fly, messenger bird..." "Shake free from thy jewelled girdle..." "Fly in search of soil..." You never have to disturb the shoveling shibito. Just be careful and hope Yuri just starts singing with haste. Solution: The panels form a "road" over which flies a bird. The last of the gates is not revealable until you've opened all the other ones. Sub-target: Reach the front of the 'Ferris Wheel.' Ferris Wheel's gate: "Dance, maiden, dance..." "Dance about, clad in robes divine..." "With the ark behind thee, dance..." Solution: Both of the panels are left empty. First combine the two pictures available and then turn the lower part right. The level will end with ominous singing lines from Yuri. "Dance every dance true and pure..." "Then shall the Seven Gates open..." Other Yuri Kishida's comments: - At the beginning of the level she says "I'll guide you... So listen carefully." or "Please... Do as my song says." or "This song... It'll take me to my mom..." - When meeting Tomoe Ohta, she says "It's her again..." - When examining Park Front Gate, she says "That's mom's... must be nearly there." (she sees a certain object on the ground beyond the gate) - After opening the first six gates, she says "Let's go to the Ferris Wheel." Other interesting stuff: - You can see white strings extending from the gates very high up in the air. - Tomoe Ohta has no real route during this level. She just stands still all the time when she's not alerted. - The mobile patroller near the Fountain runs all the time. I don't know why. He's in a hurry? Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Mamoru Itsuki's 05:00 (5:40:39) "Roar" -----------------------------------------------------

Mamoru Itsuki 03:00 (3:45:28) "Maze" -----------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 02:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:39:00 M2: Acquire a glimpse of Mother. Hints 1: Get through the gate. The object you need is beyond it. Hints 2: The item you need to find is in a location related to that object. Hints 3: Find the object that requires two previously acquired items. Hard hints 1: The objective is outside. Even a Shibito likes to play. Overview: - This level has 2 checkpoints. 1, when picking up Electric Ride Battery. 2, after having picked up the pliers. Available weapons: - 9mm Handgun (starts with it, dropped by Park Front Gate military shibito, dropped by Ferris Wheel military shibito) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by Flower Bed military shibito) - DAIKIRI Saw (dropped by Tomoe Ohta) Differences from M1: - No 'gates'. - Different shibito placement. - New items. - Tomoe has a route now, to your slight annoyance. An optional task of picking up two additional items begins: Sub-target: Acquire 'Small Change.' It's very close by, at the Ticket Machine. Sub-target: Search near the 'Ferris Wheel.' There's an Electric Ride Battery behind it. Sub-target: Distract the sniper near the Flower Bed. CHECKPOINT. This is a very simple task whatever you choose to do and whatever difficulty you are on. He turns periodically looking the other way, so you can just run up to him and shoot him. If you want to play around a little, utilize your Small Change and Battery on the Electric Ride to make it move and make noise. It will attract the sniper, who will proceed to not pay any attention to you for the rest of the level. Inside the Custodian's Shack you will find Pliers, the only item necessary for completing this level. Sub-target: Cut the chain on the 'Front Gate.' CHECKPOINT. Now it's only a question of backtracking to the Front Gate and opening it.

Archive "Mother's Scale" (052) automatically added to archive. Yuri Kishida's new comments: - When picking up Small Change "What did you pick up?" - When picking up Battery "What's it for?" - When hiding near fountain "The one with the gun... We have to draw him out." - After having activated the Electric Ride: "We have to hide! Hurry!" - When picking up Pliers: "Think you can use that?" Other interesting things: - Whenever you retry from the last checkpoint, a bird flies away. That's the strange sound, if you were wondering. Mission accomplished! --------------------Video stage, Yuri Kishida's 06:00 (6:00:00) "Pigeon's Return" ------------------------------------------------------------Archive "Old Scroll-Chapter 2" (062) automatically added to archive. Seeing this video, an important change in the gameplay occurs. You will start encountering new enemies, the Yamibito (and Yamirei) - they will in fact almost completely replace normal shibito.

Mamoru Itsuki 15:00 (15:04:44) "Hate" ------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 02:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:16:00 M1: Defeat Tomoe Ohta. Lesser objectives: - Acquire an item in the 'Second-Class Cabin.' (remember, there are two of 'em.) Hints 1: A strong weapon is placed somewhere unusual in the room with a hole. Hints 2: Closing doors behind you can help you avoid Yamirei. Hints 3: Head-on attacks are ineffective against Tomoe. Sneak behind her and make sure she doesn't respond to your flashlight. Hard hints 1: A head-on attack is ineffective. Overview: - Location: Bright Win. - Optional archives: "SN-AG1999 AGE MANIAC" (079) from Third-Class Cabin. - You will meet a new type of enemy in this level: Otsu-Yamibito. Available weapons: - Iron Pipe (starts with, dropped by patrolling Yamibito) - Deck Brush (found near Boat Davit) - 9mm Handgun (found from Entrance desk)

- Nightstick (dropped by patrolling Yamibito) - Type 89 Rifle (dropped by sniper near Third-Class Cabin) - Hammer (pickable from Engine Room, lowest floor) Mamoru Itsuki: A familiar character. His inventory is 36-99 9mm. Ammo, 30-90 5.56mm Ammo, Flashlight and Iron Pipe. - At the start he says "Come out... Beasts...", "What do you want...? Go away." or "Can't stand the light, can you?" Sub-target: Acquire a gun. The game considers you to have a gun if you're carrying either the Handgun or the Rifle. The handgun is got from the Entrance, but you need to be crouched in order to get the prompt for picking it up. (it's behind the desk) You need to get to the lower floors. Choose a route where you don't have to mess around with the sniper Yamibito (unless you want his gun). Tomoe Ohta: Her form has changed to something vaguely more unpleasant. She hops around and generally tries to attack you by doing a forceful prod, but she can also do a chewing/strangling attack. Her (and other similar Yamibito bosses') specialty is invulnerability from the front. A good strategy is to sneak behind her (with flashlight off) and shoot her to the back. She will die before she can turn towards you. If you nonetheless get her alerted, try to run behind her and shoot her in the back when your flashlight has stunned her. Tomoe Ohta's comments: - Random musings: "I wonder what the city's like...", "That hair ornament... It's very expensive you know." or "They... They'll never..." - When attacking Mamoru: "You've got nerve!", "Give me back the hair ornament!" or "You scum!" - When searching for Mamoru: "I won't be fooled, you know.", "You can't hide from me!" There's a phone inside Engine Control Room you can use to call the Engine Room. If you use it, the phone starts ringing inside Engine Room and Tomoe rushes to the lowest floor and starts watching at the phone. She's in no position to drop an extinguisher on her, but she can easily be sneaked upon this way. (though if there are other enemies around...) Fire extinguishers: Around the fighting grounds there are several fire extinguishers you can drop to the lower floors. They work like the Octopus Pots of an earlier mission: if they hit something, it dies/knocks out instantly. Tomoe's route includes stopping under the extinguishers pretty neatly, so if you see her at the lower

floors, you might want to try to take her out this way. Mission accomplished! --------------------Mamoru Itsuki 15:00 (15:04:44) "Hate" ------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 10:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 10:13:00 M2: Annihilate Yamirei and Yamibito. Hints 1: Yamirei are the Yamibito's life force so annihilate them first. That way the Yamibito can't resurrect. Hints 2: There's a switchbox that can control the lights located in each block of the ship. Hints 3: Use the Engine Room and Engine Control Room phones to distract the Yamibito. Hard hints 1: Connect the Engine Room to the Engine Control Room. Overview: - There are 4 checkpoints, one for each Sub-target. Checkpoint danger: Whenever you retry, you begin at Engine Control Room. Sub-target: Recover ferry's power in the 'Engine Control Room.' Note: ignore the humanoid enemies + Tomoe as long as possible, because you will have to kill them at the end of the level. If you kill them before that, they revive and you effectively have to kill them several times. For now the Yamirei are your only objective. Note 2: It's possible to manipulate the spawning of the Yamirei so that you have to run minimally. A great way to reset the situation is the checkpoint, not to mention that your ammo gets replenished too. Get to the power breaker switch at any cost, then turn it. If you're in trouble, feel free to use the checkpoint. Sub-target: Annihilate the Yamirei near the 'Engine Control Room.' Yamirei of the area are scattered around boorishly, but they die by themselves pretty quick thanks to the lighting. (just like Shiryo) Don't worry about Engine Room, you will have to return there later. Sub-target: Annihilate the Yamirei near the '1st Floor Cabin' There's a Yamibito sniper around (in some games he's at the Second-Class Cabin)

so watch out. This place is well lighted, so you have no worries. Run around and search and shoot the damn things. Sub-target: Annihilate the Yamirei near the '2nd Floor Cabin' This is easy too. A couple of corridors and a hall to clean up. Use sniper sight (if you have the rifle) so that you don't have to run so much. Sub-target: Annihilate the Yamirei in the 'Engine Room.' Use checkpoint to travel right next to the Engine Room. This Sub-target you can complete in conjunction with the next one too. HARD note: In the Engine Room there are two more Yamibito. One of them has 9mm Machine Pistol... Fortunately you can stun him with a fire extinguisher easily. (drop the one that's close to Control Room yet south on highest floor) Sub-target: Annihilate the Yamibito around the ferry. The final stage of the operation. Just move around a lot and use sightjack as your help in navigation. Watch out for the sniper near the 1st floor Cabins. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Mamoru Itsuki's 16:00 (16:58:59) "Resistance" -----------------------------------------------------------Mamoru Itsuki 22:00 (22:27:08) "Mad Laughter" --------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:20:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:08:00 M1: Reach the top of the tower with Ikuko Kifune. Hints 1: Ichiko is armed and dangerous so avoid detection. Don't block her, just run away. Hints 2: Don't attack Tomoe head-one. Use the flashlight and team up with Ikuko when battling. Hints 3: Watch your step when battling enemies. One fall could mean instant death. Hard hints 1: Avoid Ichiko. Watch your step. Overview: - Location is Pylon #4, chronologically the last time. The map of this level is a bit strange, with very few of the actual locations named. - This level has 1 checkpoint, after Ichiko has left. Available weapons:

- Hatchet (starts with) (if picked up earlier) - 9mm Handgun (starts with) - Golf Club (dropped by Ikuko) Mamoru Itsuki: His inventory is: Flashlight, Mekkoju (Tomoe Ohta), 9mm Handgun (with a total of 9-39 bullets and a Hatchet (if you picked it up earlier, I think). Ikuko Kifune: As a sidekick. She wields a golf club and a flashlight. At the start she can't be controlled, opting to blindly escape Ichiko. She sometimes stops and murmurs troubledly, saying some comment. During this time she stops, but she can be got to move again by attacking her gently (in most cases.) - Manipulable by List Menu commands and Berserk (half the time) - Attacks enemies Ikuko Kifune's comments: - At the start she says "First, let's head up!", "We have to get there first!" - If you wait needlessly, she asks "What's wrong?", "Hey! Are you alright?" or "We're running out of time." - If you attack her, she says "Stay away from me!" or "Stop it!" - During her pauses, she says "Can't... Lose...", "No!", "That was... bad.". - Meeting Tomoe, she says "What do you want?" - If Mamoru dies, she says "This can't be! No..." Sub-target: Escape from 'Ichiko Yagura.' Ichiko Yagura: She's not feeling any better at this hour either. Again, you are not supposed to fight her, rather just escape. (though she is defeatable under special circumstances. Read more in M2 section.) - Random musings: "I was so lonely... Under the sea.", "Soon... We'll all be together...", "I want to be with everybody... Soon..." or *sings* - While attacking: "Come on! Get up!", "Wake up, sis, sleepyhead!" - While searching: "Mommy... Where are you?" Much of the next part is random, because of the spawning Yamirei. Ichiko will shoot every single of the Yamirei that swarm around her, taking about 15 to 90 seconds. Meanwhile you're surrounded by Yamirei too, and must fight to fend them off and clear a path. Your destination is the Ohta's house's yard. You can't access it but your stupid collague Ikuko insists on doing this anyway, forcing along. You get a new Sub-target after all's clear and Ichiko has During these sections don't run too fast: otherwise Yamirei will between this way, you to tag left too. spawn

Mamoru and Ikuko, slowing her down and perhaps even causing the mission to fail. So what happens to Ichiko? She runs to the Crane and uses the door by it. After she's gone, the door locks behind her even though she doesn't even touch it, preventing all attempts to follow. Sub-target: Get inside 'Ohta's House.' CHECKPOINT. On HARD there are a lot of Yamirei in the way, and stairway right before Ohta's house, it's likely you have to Ikuko to follow you. She has a tendency to not only stop but also randomly stop to murmur. If you leave her too herself in trouble. ESPECIALLY at the beat them all to get and beat the enemy up, far behind, she gets

Go by the route near where Ichiko started from. After you jump down a chasm which only works if Ikuko is near, you're close to your destination. Tomoe Ohta: It's time for an exorcism! You can throw stealth out of window because while opening the door to her dwelling a cutscene activates and Tomoe is automatically alerted afterwards. Overall, it's not a hard fight. She's her usual self, and you even got Ikuko to help you out. Just beware that Ikuko dies easier than you - don't let Tomoe attack her too many times. Also keep in mind that Yamirei slowly fill the room, so try to be quick. The level ends afterwards. Mission accomplished! --------------------Mamoru Itsuki 22:00 (22:27:08) "Mad Laughter" --------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:24:00 M2: Reach the top of the tower with Ikuko Kifune. (the same as M1) Lesser objectives: - Acquire an item at the 'Ohta's House.' Hints 1: Ichiko is armed and dangerous so don't fight or block her, just run away. Hard hints 1: Run away from Ichiko. Overview: - This level has 1 checkpoint, after Ichiko has left. - Optional archives: "Ohta Family Code" (090) from Ohta's House. Differences from M1:

- Ohta House's front door is unlocked. - You get a better closure to this level's events... Mamoru Itsuki: His inventory is a hatchet, 9mm Handgun (with a total of 59 bullets) and flashlight. The level begins like in M1, but a dreadful surprise awaits near Ohta's House: Tomoe is waiting for you outside the house. Destroy her and the nearby Yamirei and then pick up another Annunaki Remains to complete a lesser objective. Sub-target: Reach the 'Crane Platform.' CHECKPOINT. There, wait a bit. Ikuko will say "This door... It might open." and then the crane becomes operable. Using it yields a CHECKPOINT and you advance to the level's next part. Now there's only a short length of running left. If you take the first stairs up whenever possible, you reach the end. Otherwise, you may very well reach Ichiko. Be careful and be quick. Remember that you must 'Pull Up' Ikuko at one part don't run off forgetting that. Other interesting things: - After riding the crane, Ichiko Yagura can be challenged and won. After you strike the finishing blow, the level ends to a new cutscene. As a reward you also get her sword for Ikuko to wield at final boss. - You can do the first part of this level using a different route. Run past Ichiko and go up the stairs, deal quickly with Tomoe. You meet up with Ikuko outside the house and can get to the next part of the level much sooner than normal. The bad part is that you skip doing something integral and none of the level's checkpoints work. But useful in a speedrun. - Another way to finish this level is by simply running to the crane without doing any of the longer routings. I don't know if this is a glitch or what, since it doesn't seem to work with my copy. (but I've seen f.e. the japanise do it.) - Ikuko doesn't seem to have any 'Pull up'-style comments. - An esoteric pull-up glitch I once managed to activate was this: I chose to 'Pull up' Ikuko, but then backed away from the ledge so that she wouldn't

be pulled up after all. Then I moved further away for a bit, then returned. She was stuck in a loop of doing one 180 degree turn after another... She stopped once I told her to 'Come here' again. - After riding the crane, you can try and defeat Ichiko. It's not easy, except on easy-mode. Nonetheless, you get her sword for Ikuko to use at the final level as a reward for victory. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Ikuko Kifune's -09:00 (-9:02:32) "Encounter" ----------------------------------------------------------The archive (005) plays in the background of this video. "Radio News" (005) added to archive.

Mamoru Itsuki 22:00 (22:59:27) "Collapse" ----------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 07:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 06:04:00 M: Defeat Mother. Hints 1: In this stage, you use the List Menu to switch between Mamoru and Ikuko. Hints 2: Use Ikuko's 'Mind Power' ability. To use it, Press R3 when Sightjacking. Hints 3: Succesfully use 'Mind Power' to briefly freeze Mother's movement, providing you with an chance (sic) to attack with Mamoru. Hard hints 1: Harm Mother. Overview: - Location: Singularity, first and last time chronologically. - This level has 1 checkpoint, after Kanae disappears from level. Available weapons: - 9mm Handgun (starts with) (Mamoru) - Annaki Remains (Horn) (after first CHECKPOINT) (Mamoru) - Hatchet/Shionagi (starts with) (Ikuko) (Shionagi appears instead of Hatchet if you defeated Ichiko at Mad Laughter) - Annaki Remains (Fang) (after first CHECKPOINT) (Ikuko) NOTE: You can technically get either of the Annaki weapons for either of the characters by simply attacking the other until they drop their weapon. This might be more trouble than it's worth, though. (thanks to ai00000 for inspiration) Mamoru Itsuki: His inventory is Annunaki Remains (Horn), 9mm Handgun and infinite ammo. Yeah! - Can't be manipulated by List Menu commands or berserk

- Attacks enemies - Follows a loose route - If you wait needlessly, he says "Got to stop that thing!" - After hitting Mother with Annaki, he says "Yes!" Ikuko Kifune: Her inventory is Annunaki Remains (Fang) and Hatchet. Aww! (though Shionagi is a possibility, as is acquiring TWO hatchets for no reason.) - Can't be manipulated by List Menu commands or berserk - Attacks enemies - Follows a loose route - At the start she says "Such... Hate!", "It's not the same as before!" - After hitting Mother with Annaki, she says "Is it working?!" Mother part 1: She flies up in the air and is unreachable other than at few select locations. She sometimes drops small, white "Yamirei" to the ground, who do their best to seek you and attack you. She can be distracted with Mind Control whenever, which is a good thing. She cannot be destroyed by regular means, so just let the level take its course and see what happens. HARD note: Mother is more active on this mode. Also, she drops her spawn in groups of 3. Try to attack them in groups, right after they've spawned; they're at their weakest at that point. Mamoru automatically tries to go to the highest cliff of the area at the start of the level if control is on Ikuko. This is not necessary at the beginning, because you only have to win time, but it doesn't harm you either. It might be the easiest to stay in control of Mamoru and shoot any spawning enemies, taking your time. HARD strategy: Stay ready to act with Ikuko: enter Sightjack and get Mother's sight in. Whenever she splashes out of the sky, stop her with Mind Control. There is no penalty for abusing and overusing Mind Control. This is useful even if Mother is not trying to attack you because this way she drops the white little enemies only one at a time. If the Control fails, do another instantly afterwards until it works. The next step of the fight starts after enough time has passed or Mother has been inflicted enough damage. (you can shoot her while she's in Mind Control) Sub-target: Protect 'Kanae.' Akiko/Kanae: After a while passes, Kanae enters the fray. She walks around aimlessly and is

searching for Shu. If she gets enough damage she dies, so do your best to not let that happen. For all intents and purposes, she's basically a sidekick whom you can't control or berserk. - At the start she says "I can hear Shu's voice..." - Random musings: "Shu... No more hiding... Come on out...", "Please, Shu... Forgive me, please...", "Shu, you're near, aren't you?", "Shu, where are you? Are you all by yourself?" Shu Mikami: You can hear his voice sometimes too. He is also (again) a mysterious white sightjackable sight floating around. - "Kanae? Is that you?", "Kanae! I've been looking all over for you!", "Kanae? I want to see you!" You needn't wait but for a few moments until you get a cutscene. Also, "Annaki" (092) is added to the archive. After that you've CHECKPOINTed and you have a shiny new pair of weapons. HARD strategy: I told you earlier to control Mother whenever she splashes out. You shouldn't do it any longer. Sure, it's possible to interrupt her at any time but as her next move she just repeats the attack you interrupted. So, because you're not trying to win time any more, you're just dabbling uselessly. Mother part 2: After this point she starts doing attacks in which she does a large arc towards the ground - sort of like a dive - but it's not very dangerous. You should try to attack her with your new weapons. You can do this by making her freeze right in front of the largest cliff of the area, you know, the one Mamoru is climbing whenever you are not controlling him, while Mamoru is on top of it. After she's hurt enough she will drop down from the sky to flap on the ground like a fish. This is your opportunity to attack her more. When time is right, you receive a prompt about using the Annaki remains on her. Do it, and a cutscene occurs. Later on you must do the same with Ikuko's weapon too. Keep in mind that the prompt will not appear unless you control Ikuko. Other interesting stuff: - The Annaki cutscenes are slightly different depending on whose Annaki you use first. - In your inventory, Mamoru sometimes has varying amounts of bullets in his

ammo pile. Rest assured that no matter the amount, you have unlimited bullets, and by reloading the number resets to a safe 99. - For some reason Ikuko started one fight having two hatchets in her inventory! When the Annaki Remains became a weapon, the second Hatchet simply disappeared... - Very amusingly, I finised one of my Kanae-protection phases with her in her death throes. She got too many hits, fell down on the ground... right as the cutscene of her self-sacrificial activated. Neat. - The small spawns die of one hit before they've fully materialized. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Mamoru 23:00 (23:59:59) "Last Moment" ---------------------------------------------------Archive "Photo of Shu and Kanae" (093) received. A video stage: Mamoru Itsuki's 24:00 (24:44:44) "Converging World" -----------------------------------------------------------------Enjoy the awesome ending credits music. "Letter to Ikuko" (096) added to archive.

Ikuko Kifune 08:00 (8:59:07) "Escape" ------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:50:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:01:00 M1: Escape from Yamijima Amusement Park with Mamoru Itsuki. Lesser objectives: - Acquire item in area past 'Park Rear Gate.' Hints 1: Ikuko can use 'Mind Power' to control enemies. To use it, Press the R3 button when Sightjacking. Hints 2: Actions like combat, 'Unlock', and 'Switch on' can be used when using 'Mind Power.' Hints 3: The Yamirei hate the light. Turning off the lights will activate them. In some cases, turning off the light can be useful. Hard hints 1: A new battle spawns from the darkness. Overview: - Location: Yamijima Amusement Park, last time chronologically. - This level has 3 checkpoints. 1, after you've succesfully hid from the police

shibito. 2, after you meet Yamirei. 3, after you reach the Coffee Cup Ride. - Optional archives: "Amusement Park Pamphlet" (063) from the billboard near Electric Ride. Also, there's a whole sidequest of two additional archives, "Mbembe Cola Bottle Cap" (065) and "Space Cold War Poster" (065). Read more below. - You will encounter a new type of enemy in this level, the Yamirei. Checkpoint notice: The last checkpoint will return you to Park Rear Gate. Available weapons: - Golf Club (picked up from Custodian's Shack) - Type 89 Assault Rifle Bayonet (dropped by the shibito at Custodian's Shack) - New Nambu .38 Calibre Revolver (dropped by the police shibito) - (there are rifles around but you can't pick them up) Ikuko Kifune: A new female character, and with a male sidekick to think of it. 18 years old dock worker. She has the Mind Power (though you can't use it before tutorial), as hints explained, but physically she's weak and gets tired very quickly. Mamoru Itsuki: First time as an escort. He acts as if hurt and moves more slowly than usual. - Manipulable by berserk - Does not pick up weapons. - Does not attack enemies. (what a dead weight!) EASY note: On easy, you can finish this level by just running to the Park Front Gate's exit. On other difficulties it's not advisable to try this. Forced Tutorials: It's been a while, hasn't it? --- "Ikuko's 'Mind Power' can control an enemy." "You can then use the controlled enemy to attack other ones or activate devices." "Control the Shibito ahead of you. When Sightjacking, press R3 to control enemies." Sub-target: Destroy the sniper near the Flower Bed by controlling an enemy. The game practically tells you what to do. This is very easy. After the sniper dies, Mind Control automatically ends. --- "Controlling an enemy will exhaust Ikuko. Her control cuts off if she's too tired." "Once control is released, the enemy will attempt to return to its place of origin."

"Find a spot to hide to avoid the returning enemy." If you botch up the Mind Control, you receive a message stating why. --- "No controlling patrolling/battling enemies. Also using Mind Control limits your actions" (or something along these lines) The Mind Controlled character can't run, pick up items, Sightjack, strafe, crouch, or do anything from List Menu. After Mind Control ends, the Controlled character will look around for a moment and then walk back to his starting location. Unfortunately you can't Mind Control your sidekick... Just run back from where the level started and you'll be fine. Once the shibito has returned to the bridge, sub-target changes. Sub-target: Acquire a weapon in the 'Custodian's Shack.' CHECKPOINT. As you approach the shack, a cutscene ensues. A new type of enemy approaches... (note: this cutscene also happens if you try to approach the Park Front Gate.) Yamirei: They are small, snail-like black beings that appear randomly, in amounts of one to five, hate light, do light damage and die easily. They are annoying and force you to move a bit more than usually. Think of these like Shiryos that are physical and can't bite you. There's a Golf Club you're supposed to pick up inside the Shack. There's a small puzzle here, again requiring Mind Control. You can't reach the shibito by shouting, so just do what you have to do, and then... Sub-target: Escape from 'Yamijima Amusement Park' with 'Mamoru Itsuki.' As you're trying to leave, another cutscene ensues. You've seen this happen before: the Yamirei and the Shibito are worst enemies and will kill each other if they meet. Turn around after the cutscene and you see them duel for a bit, but eventually the shibitos succumb because there are just too many of the Yamirei. The place becomes teeming with them. Oh, and CHECKPOINT. At this time you can do a sidequest of earning two more archives. First, you must go near the Fountain. Examine the table to receive (064), the bottle cap one. Go to Archive menu and examine it further. If it says you don't win, retry. Pick it up until you get one that reads you win. Then, backtrack to the Park Rear Gate and examine it to get (065) too. (Credits goes to RaccoonCityPD's FAQ without which I would've never found it out. But who knows where he found it out?)

Now it's just a matter of getting back to the Park Front Gate. Watch out for a military shibito with a rifle on your way back. This sniper just seems to sense you're coming, for no real reason, so if he's alive and well and near the gate, it's likely he snipes you dead. (though with luck you can pass pretty well to the exit.)The official solution to get rid of him is to Mind Control him and make him examine a breaker next to the stairs he's on. Once he's done it, Yamirei will appear around him more rapidly and his mind is elsewhere other than watching your characters. (though I never found out this was possible until I read about it, thanks again RaccoonCityPD.) Mamoru Itsuki's comments: - At the start he says "Got to hurry... before they... before they reach the surface.", "They must be stopped!" or "No... I've been... used..." - If you wait a bit, he says "Hey! Are you alright?", "What are you doing? We're running out of time! " or "Come on! We've got to hurry!" - When meeting police shibito, he says "Damn! One after another!" - At the last checkpoint he says "Now... Let's go!" - After picking up the Padlock Key he asks "What's wrong?" - If you attack him, he says "You monsters!" or a generic grunt. - If Ikuko dies, he says "What's wrong?! Pull yourself together!" Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Ikuko Kifune's 02:00 (2:13:33) "Spellbound" ---------------------------------------------------------"Ikuko's License" (044) added to archive. Ikuko Kifune 08:00 (8:59:07) "Escape" ------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:03:00 M2: Destroy all the stone markers. Hints 1: Destroy stone markers along the way. Hints 2: In certain areas, use 'Mind Power' to control the enemy. Hard hints 1: 'Mind Power' can open new paths. Overview: - Every broken marker and the Yamirei cutscene are remembered by a checkpoint. Checkpoint notice: During this level you will keep ALL weapons you manage to pick up from your opponents when retrying, PLUS you get full ammunition. Very nice with Nambu. Also, when retrying you're teleported to the Ferris Wheel. Use this to move around faster.

Available weapons: - Shovel (dropped by shibito near Custodian's Shack) - New Nambu .38 Calibre Revolver (dropped by police shibito near Flower Bed) - (there are rifles around but you can't pick them up) Differences from M1: - Markers are breakable - The relatively harmless police shibito has been replaced with a military rifle shibito. Sub-target: Acquire something that can be used as a weapon. *Major, major, major abusable glitch*: You can destroy the same marker again and again until you pass the level. After the first time of breaking the 'gate' it becomes invisible. Retry from checkpoint - the 'gate' is still invisible but now it's also re-breakable. For those wanting to complete the level the normal way, here are the instructions: First, mind control the sniper near Flower Bed. Go to attack the shovel shibito near Custodian's Shack. Sneak past the shibito you mind controlled as he returns (if he notices you, it's not too big a deal). Get the shovel, then break the nearest marker. Now you've succesfully got yourself a weapon and activated the first checkpoint. Things only get easier from here (and it doesn't matter if you die or not). Watch out the marker near the ticket booth. There's a sniper nearby, and as in M1, he has a tendency to notice Ikuko even if he doesn't actually sense her. At a seemingly random moment during this level you witness a familiar cutscene from M1: the Yamirei are emerging. After this they start to swarm in the level. Is the moment random? It seems to happen if at least one marker is destroyed AND a shibito tries to approach the ferris wheel OR enough time passes. If you want, you don't need to physically traverse to all of the marker locations. You can also mind control a shibito to do the dirty work. However, it seems that the marker near Park Rear Gate can't be shot from afar, so that's a problem you need to take care of yourself. Mamoru's new comments: - Whenever you break a marker, he says "Brilliant!", "Got to keep going!" or "Okay... next..." - After you're down to one marker, he says "Almost there!"

Other interesting things: - It seems the game purposefully prevents you from moving the sniper shibito at the bridge to the Coffee Cup Ride too much. Ikuko gets tired record breakingly fast. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Ikuko Kifune's 11:00 (11:48:46) "Separation" ----------------------------------------------------------"Ikuko's Yearbook" (068) added to archive. Ikuko Kifune 20:00 (20:19:42) "Yamibito" ---------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:11:00 M1: Destroy Shigeru Fujita. Lesser objectives: - Acquire item in the 'Mining Station Lounge.' - Acquire item on the 'Mine Tower Top Level.' Hints 1: With Shigeru now a Yamibito, you need to get ahold of an even more powerful weapon. Hints 2: Don't fight the Yamibito and the Yamirei together. Always defeat the Yamirei first. Hard hints 1: Find a new weapon. Overview: - Location: Pylon #4. A new location! - This level has 2 checkpoints. After you reach Mine Tower Storeroom and after you reach near the level ender (with a chasm you must jump over). - Optional archives: "Yamijima Folklore" (087) from Mine Tower Storeroom Checkpoint danger: You lose all weapons expect the Gold Club and 9mm Handgun when retrying. Acquired "Mekkoju (Shigeru Fujita)". Ikuko Kifune: - At the beginning of the level she says "I have to... stop them.", "My power... Even if I have to use it all." or "I refuse to let those monsters win." Acquired weapons: - Gold Club (starts with) - Type 64 Assault Rifle Bayonet (dropped by first Yamibito) - 9mm Handgun (found from Mine Tower Storeroom) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by Plaza Yamibito)

The Pylon is a large, twisted place with lots of stairs, a bit like the building world from Silent Hill 4. You may have some trouble navigating at first, the place is so big. And there are Yamirei everywhere, watch out. Also, if there are platforms without walls around them, beware: if an enemy attacks you you can fall off them and die instantly. After climbing stairs for a while, you see a platform with a Yamibito on it. You must go there. Search the walls for a doorway which has stairs down. Now you're at the "Mine Tower Top Level", where you can complete a lesser objective. Take again the steps leading down to get to a room with 9mm Handgun on a shelf. (you get extra bullets too, except on HARD.) You become CHECKPOINTed too. Oh, and there's an archive on the table. At the end of another down-leading staircase there's a locked door which you can unlock and enter. Behind that area there's a Yamibito with a 9mm Machine Pistol. Attack with your Handgun and afterwards switch to the Machine Pistol. There are two Tomoe-esque Yamibitos throttling about, but you only meet one to zero of them during this level - depending on if you want to complete a lesser objective (which you do want). First, you should've pushed a cabinet from the doorway with Yorito earlier (in "Joint Struggle"). Otherwise you can't enter the correct area. Second, you need to Mind Control or alert the Otsu-Yami inside the Lounge in order to get the locked door opened. After that it's just a matter of going in the room (Mining Station Lounge) and picking up the needed item: Crane Key. Shigeru Fujita: Your nemesis of this level, your ex-PC Fujita. He's a Yamibito now, and pretty dangerous as they come. He has some sort of Handgun with him, probably the Nanbu (only 5 bullets in). On HARD you die of two bullets he can shoot in a quick succession, so preferably never give him the opportunity to attack. He's in quite a small role in this level after all, occupying only one room. - Random musings: "Miserable... I feel so miserable.", "Having no place to stay can be really depressing." - During attacking: "If you think I'm going to be easy.", "How about letting me cuff you?" - During searching: "I knew there was a reason I hated stake-outs." or "Explanation reports for me if that guy gets away."

Other interesting stuff: - Surrealgamer encountered a glitch which would work extremely well in a speedrun, if it only could be reproduced stably at all! He descended the stairway leading to the 9mm Handgun room on HARD, and somehow the numerous Yamirei managed to push Ikuko over the stairway wall to the lower area with the armed Yamibito. This saves maybe 30 seconds of time in terms of pure navigation, but in effect it's less because this way your stamina will run out before your reach the end of the level and you will also need to defeat Shigeru with golf club only (instead of Handgun). Video demonstration: 1, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wxHQI1X6Cc Mission accomplished! --------------------Ikuko Kifune 20:00 (20:19:42) "Yamibito" ---------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:02:00 M2: Acquire camera. Hints 1: 'Mind Power' can be used to enter rooms and get past areas blocked by Yamibito. Hints 2: Keep in mind that a controlled enemy will attempt to return to its point of origin. Timing and location is important. Hints 3: The item you seek migth be visible to a Yamibito. Use Sightjack from a safe area. Hard hints 1: 'Mind Power' opens new paths. What you seek may be in sight. Overview: - This level has 2 checkpoints, the same as in M1. Differences from M1: - No Shigeru Fujita Sub-target: Acquire the 'Camera.' The beginning of the level is exactly similar as in M1. After you jump over the chasm later in the level, you know you're close to where things are about to take a different turn. Instead of going where you went previously, go to the locked padlock door behind which is Tomoe. Examine the door and choose to drop the Padlock Key. Then Mind Control her and have her unlock the door for you.

Now, the only thing left to do in this level is to stealthily enter the place and pick up the camera. It is right in front of the door. Mind Control Tomoe and transport her to the upper areas. Then go in and stealthily pick it up. 'Mamoru's Digital Camera" (088) added to archive. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Ikuko Kifune's 21:00 (21:39:01) "Compromise" ----------------------------------------------------------"Mamoru's Notebook" (089) added to archive.

Yorito Nagai -01:00 (-1:59:53) "Battle" --------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 02:25:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:33:00 M1: Reach the road to Uryuga Forest. Hints 1: In this stage, learn the basics of combat and how to attack with firearms. Hints 2: Follow Takeaki's commands and complete the mission. Hard hints 1: Follow Takeaki Misawa. Overview: - Location: Yamijima Amusement Park. Weather: rainy. - This level has only one checkpoint, right before the second tutorial part. - An in-game tutorial will guide you for the most part. - You can't sightjack in this level. - Optional archive: "Signboard Graffiti" (026) at the Ferris Wheel. Available weapons: - 9mm Handgun (starts with it), (dropped by fourth shibito in the level) - Type 89 Rifle (dropped by Okita), (mandatory) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by the Ferris Wheel shibito) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by the last shibito of the level) - Type 64 Rifle (with sniper specifications) (dropped by Takeaki Misawa) Yorito Nagai: A 21-years old Ground Self-Defence Force serviceman. His inventory consists of a L-shaped Flashlight and a 9mm Handgun (with 29 bullets). Takeaki Misawa part 1: Your sidekick... or if you put it more realistically, you're his sidekick. The tables have irreversibly turned in this game, where there are more dominative companions than ever. For now he will follow a pre-set route which is timed together with the tutorials. You can't give any commands to him. Interestingly, he will let you die if it gets to it, and none of the enemies seem to notice him - even if he's alone with them while you're away. This changes later during the level, and I will speak more of it then.

Shortly put, his attributes are: - Follows a pre-set route - Not manipulable by List Menu commands or berserk - Enemies will not react to him - Will not react to enemies Sub-target: Accompany 'Takeaki Misawa'. Forced tutorials: Only melee weapons have been covered so far, so here's a firearm tutorial too. --- "Attacking with a gun is basically the same as hitting with a weapon." "The longer you aim, accuracy improves. Accuracy lowers when the flashlight is off." "When you're out of ammo, select 'Reload' in the List Menu." "Defeat 'Hiroshi Okita.' While holding down R1, press X for rapid fire." If you try to leave the area either way before defeating Okita: --- "Defeat 'Hiroshi Okita.'" (and the tutorial resets) You can either shoot him or melee attack him to death. *Glitch alert!* Don't kill him right in front of the shack's door. The tutorial might get stuck. See the section "Other interesting stuff" for details. --- "Pick up 'Hiroshi Okita's' gun." If you fail to pick up his weapon before leaving, the tutorial will restart. The weapon you acquire is Type 89 Rifle. You also get 180 bullets to trickle away when and how you please. Yowza! (HARD NOTE: You only get a total of 60 bullets) --- "You automatically switch weapons when you pick up a new weapon." "You can hold up to two weapons at once." "To switch weapons, select 'Switch Weapon' from the List Menu." "Move according to Takeaki's commands." If you alert the next shibito before Takeaki tells you to: --- "The enemy is aware of you. Follow Takeaki's commands." Once you're close to Misawa, the next tutorial starts. Simultaneously you've become CHECKPOINTed. --- "Use R1 to ready your weapon and press the up directional button snipe the enemy." If you try to leave the area without killing him: --- "Defeat the enemy in front of the Ferris Wheel."

If you have a wrong weapon during this tutorial: --- "Switch weapon to 'Type 89 Rifle'." "The enemy is aware of you. Follow Takeaki's commands." After dealing with him, you can leave freely to the next area. But before you do, you might want to check out a signboard at the ferris wheel to acquire a new archive - "Signboard Graffiti" (026). Takeaki Misawa part 2: The shooting tutorial has officially ended, and during the rest of the level Takeaki heads stably towards the exit unless an enemy is shooting at him. He is a good shot, and if you don't feel like you're up to it, you can let him kill all the rest of the enemies. He will move on here regardless if you follow him or not, but not without stopping at places to wait for you to catch him. He first stops before jumping off the broken bridge. The second time he stops is at the locked gate. In short his new attributes are: - Follows a pre-set route - Not manipulable by List Menu commands or berserk - Attacks enemies - Never picks up weapons HARD NOTE: The last enemy is behind the gate instead of in front of it. --- "Some locks can be broken with weapons." "Face the lock, use R1 to ready your weapon and press Circle to strike with the butt." You can either shoot or rifle butt the lock broken. If you attack the lock while barehanded or with the pistol, you hear an audible "whop" when the hits connect, but the lock itself will never break. After it's broken, Takeaki will independently of you continue on to the upper end of the nearby stairs. Walk up to him and press X to finish the level. Takeaki Misawa's comments: - If you hesitate before attacking Okita, he'll ask "What's wrong?" - Once you've downed Okita he says "Let's move!" - At the checkpoint he says "Hey... Try to take him out" and afterwards "Move to the next one." or "Hurry up." - At the bridge he says "We'll go this way." - At the lock he says "Okay, break this thing." - At the end he says "Looks like we're in for some climbing." - If you die, he says "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Other interesting things: - If you kill Okita right in front of the shack's door at the level's start, Nagai might be, while picking up Okita's gun, in Misawa's route's way.

This may cause Misawa to stay inside the shack and start walking to a corner endlessly, causing you to get stuck. - If you alerted the second shibito on the level way too fast, before Misawa could run to where he eventually stops, he will sprint away for a moment after the tutorial resets. If he pushes Yorito on his way - pay attention to this - the tutorial gets stuck and you can't continue. This is because the game will not continue the tutorial unless Yorito is at a certain spot, and Misawa will push you away from that spot, and during tutorial you can't move yourself. A straight recipe for a disaster... Video demonstration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q-FAfO6Vos - The second shibito of the level is invincible until you've activated the tutorial. - None of the shibitos revive during this level. - Another entry inspired by ai00000's videos. If you aim and shoot carefully at Misawa's right arm, you get his weapon to drop off (eventually). He will run through the rest of the level unarmed, melee attacking your opponents pretty neatly. He will not pick up any weapons which are laying on the ground while on the way. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Mamoru Itsuki's -02:00 (-2:24:32) "Solicitation" --------------------------------------------------------------Yorito Nagai -01:00 (-1:59:53) "Battle" --------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 02:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:27:00 M2: Find pill. Lesser objectives: - Acquire an item near the Park Front Gate. Hints 1: It's best to use Sniper mode and attack without being seen. Hints 2: Head shots do a lot of damage, especially when attacking from an unseen position. Hints 3: In Sniper mode, zoom in/out by moving the right analog stick. Hard hints 1: Use Sniper mode. Overview: - This level has one checkpoint, after you pick up the Ticket Booth Key.

- Optional archive: "Takeaki's I.D." (025), found near Coffee Cup Ride. Checkpoint danger: When you retry, you return before the Ferris Wheel. Differences from M1: - No tutorial at the start. - Misawa's behaviour is different. - The shibitos respawn. - Access to more areas is possible. Weapons available: - 9mm Handgun (starts with) - Type 89 Rifle (dropped by Hiroshi Okita) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by the Ferris Wheel shibito) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by a Ferris Wheel shibito) (HARD ONLY) - Hammer (dropped by a patroller) - Type 64 Rifle (with sniper specifications) (dropped by Takeaki Misawa) Takeaki Misawa: He is practically a normal sidekick here, albeit a very ass-kicking sidekick with his weaponry and A.I. An interesting thing to note is how he secures your opponents are all dead by shooting them repeatedly after they're down. - Manipulable by berserk - Never picks up weapons - Attacks enemies New Takeaki Misawa's comments: - After you shoot Okita down, he says "Good! Now go ahead." - If you shoot him and berserk him, he says "Damn." or "Time for some evasive action." - If you try to get into the ticket booth without the key, he'll say "We're not getting anywhere without a key." HARD NOTE: There are two gun shibitos near the Ferris Wheel. Sub-target: Descend from the collapsed bridge. Sub-target: Search around the fountain. Sub-target: Find the 'Pill'. Before you do, examine the bench outside Coffee Cup Ride to get an archive. Other interesting things: - When you open List Menu you can see sidekick commands which are grey'd out. While Misawa is a more normal sidekick this time, he still can't be put to wait or anything like that... Mission accomplished! ---------------------

Yorito Nagai 02:00 (02:34:02) "Discord" --------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 06:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:27:00 M1 = Help Yuri Kishida escape from the ferry. Lesser objectives: - Acquire an item on the 'Forward Deck.' - Clear alternative route in 'Engine Cont. Rm' Hints 1: There's more than one way to save Yuri. Search carefully. Hints 2: The top of the ship isn't the only way out. Inspect the interior of the ship. Hints 3: To distract a Shibito that is in your way, break something nearby. Hard hints 1: There's a tear in the hull of the stranded ship. Overview: - Location is Bright Win. - This level has 3 checkpoints: 1, at Wheelhouse, 2, after saving Yuri, 3, after meeting Yuri. - Optional archives are "Heart-shaped Letter" (045) near Second-Class Cabin of the upper floor, "Tournament Announcement" (046) in the Second-Class cabin of the upper floor, "Passenger's Videotape" (047) at the Entrance reception desk, "Shikai News" (048) at Third-Class Cabin. Checkpoint danger: When retrying from the last checkpoint one of the doors to the Forward Deck will get locked, making it harder for you to reach your goal. Available weapons: - Type 89 Rifle (starts with it) - Type 89 Assault Rifle Bayonet (starts with it) - DAIKIRI Saw (dropped by Tomoe Ohta) - Cargo Hook (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Hunter's Sniper Rifle (dropped by a patrolling shibito near Second and Third class cabins (HARD only), dropped by a Starboard Deck patroller (x2 on HARD.)) - Hand Axe (dropped by Freight Room's shibito) Sub-target: Follow 'Yuri Kishida.' Yorito Nagai: Now a familiar character. He starts with a Type 89 Rifle (110 to 30 total bullets) and a Type 89 Rifle Bayonet. It does not take long for a cutscene to activate. A new shibito appears in the level... Tomoe Ohta: A character you probably recognize already. She wields an unique weapon, DAIKIRI

Saw, which IMO is not as good as your Rifle Bayonet. (and you aren't going to switch your rifle to this, are you?) She has a deceptively quick attack, so be careful. She also revives very quickly. Her route is elaborate, and she will eventually stumble upon Yuri if you don't kill her or hurry a bit. Yuri dies of only one hit, so be careful. Yuri's death animation in this case will be a special one: she's leaning against the wall when she falls down. This is a real scripted ending to this level which will take place if you let it. In other circumstances Yuri both dies differently and behaves differently before it. (and she doesn't die of just one hit.) If Yuri is not where she starts the level, Tomoe will not find her. In this circumstance she will continue her route on to the areas near Entrance, including walking past all three open cabins. After you kill enough Shiryos later in the level she will start following Yuri again, going through the Forward Deck and into where she is. So she will cause you trouble during this level, and it may not prove easy to get rid of her. Her taunts are all very unclear, though I did hear something about some strange hair ornament... After the cutscene Yorito's position has been changed and he utters one of these phrases: "Come on... Focus...", "Come on. Relax, will you?", "Do you think rank really matters anymore?" Yuri Kishida part 1: She's here, probably up to no good. She starts the level at Entrance stairs, watching around cautiously. You'll meet up with her later and she becomes a full-fledged escort, but for now she's away from you. She speaks to herself. "That girl... Don't know her... What's going on...?", "That girl doesn't give up..." or "Why are you following me...?" If Tomoe finds her she says "Ahh... More obstructions." right before she kills her. HARD NOTE: Door to Starboard Deck is open wide, meaning that snipers (yes, there are two of them) will see you as you emerge from the lower areas. Before you reach the Entrance, Kishida's location changes. She packs her things and moves to the ship's front. HARD NOTE: watch out for a sniper shibi at the corridor with both Second and Third class cabins. The door to the Forward Deck is locked (unless you came here really fast), so we have to reach Yuri some other way.

Sub-target: Cover 'Yuri Kishida' on the 'Forward Deck.' CHECKPOINT'D. Now you have a chance to play a spotlight minigame to kill Shiryos. If you don't want to manually fry them, you can just turn the large lights on to the area: they will all die by themselves. (you can do this from one of the consoles, from near where the phone is situated.) Additionally, you can break the Wheelhouse's windows with your gun and start shooting at the Shiryos. When enough Shiryos have died, Yuri will move out through the southern door and head to the Engine Control Room. Sub-target: Meet up with 'Yuri Kishida.' CHECKPOINT'D. The easiest way to get to Yuri is through Forward Deck. You might want to retry from a checkpoint so that the nearby door to there would start unlocked. (also complete the lesser objective I mentioned. The item is hard to find. It's close to one of the big obstacles on the north half of the Deck.) Yuri Kishida part 2: Now she becomes an actual sidekick. - Manipulable - Avoids light - Never picks up weapons - Attacks enemies passively All of Yuri's comments are the same as in earlier levels, except these: - If you wait idle long enough, she says "I'm scared.", "I'm scared when I'm alone." or "Is something wrong?" The following checkpoint activates as soon as you meet Yuri, usually at Engine Control Room. When retrying you will always start from Engine Control Room. (while you're there, complete the lesser objective by unlocking the other door.) Sub-target: Help 'Yuri Kishida' escape. CHECKPOINT. Your goal is at the Freight Room, where use the elevator because the shibito of the take the stairs to the lowest floor and shibito away from the elevator doors, then call there's a hull breach. You can't area is playing with its doors. So break a window to attract the it up.

Choose "Release Yuri" to finish the level. Other interesting things: - Once Tomoe entered the Forward Deck prematurely, while Yuri was still avoiding Shiryos, and killed her there. When I entered to the area with Yorito roughly

at the same time, the game lagged heavily. Never seen anything like it. - You can't call to Yuri when she's at Engine Control Room. I wish you could. - When retrying from a checkpoint, you hear the sound of reloading. - Using the elevator will ward off any berserk any sidekick should have towards Yorito. Mission accomplished! --------------------Yorito Nagai 02:00 (02:34:02) "Discord" --------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:37:00 M2 = Escape from the ferry with Yuri Kishida. Hints 1: There's more than one way to save Yuri. Search carefully. Hints 2: What Ichiko Yagura did in the past is the key to escaping the ship. Hard hints 1: A small boat. Differences from M1: - The emergency Boat Davit is useable. - Boat David is your goal. Otherwise it's EXACTLY the same as M1. On HARD this level will annoy you to tears. Killing the two snipers from near the Boat Davis is extremely annoying and frustrating. Especially since when retrying from the last checkpoint there are a total of 3-4 shibitos you must deal with, Tomoe, (a patroller) and the two snipers. If you don't hurry, the place will swarm with Shiryos, Yuri will get distracted, someone will revive... there are so many things that can go wrong regardless of which direction you try to approach the two snipers. You must be quick, accurate and merciless. - When on Boat Davis, Yuri says "With this...maybe we can get away..." Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Yorito Nagai's 03:00 (03:00:59) "Failure" -------------------------------------------------------"Yorito's I.D." (053) added to the archive.

Yorito Nagai 14:00 (14:45:29) "Rescue" --------------------------------------

Base Time Trial time on Normal: 05:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:05:00 M1: Save Ichiko Yagura. Escape from Houya. Lesser objectives: - Search location triggering childhood memory. Hints 1: When you can't get through a spot, find another route such as one that uses the car. Hints 2: Use the Smoke Candle well. In small spaces, it will limit visibility and blind Yamibito. Hard hints 1: Give up and run. Overview: - Location: Gold Mining Co. Housing at day but heavy fog. - This level has 2 checkpoints. 1, after you put car battery in. - Optional archives: "Time Capsule Map" (076) from Children's Park. Also "The Story Treasure Chest" (075) at B-303. Acquirable weapons: - 9mm Machine Pistol (starts with, dropped by A-building Yamibito x 2) - Type 89 Rifle (starts with) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by B-building Yamibito) NOTE: There are more, in varying amounts in different difficulties. Yorito Nagai: His inventory consists of 9mm Machine Pistol (with 10 ammo), Type 89 Rifle (with a total of 40-60 ammo), 3-5 Smoke Candles and (except on HARD, damn) flashlight. - At the beginning of the level he says "Ichiko... I've got to save her.", "Come on... Focus..." or "What do you think you're doing?!" Sub-target: Save 'Ichiko Yagura' in room 'A-304.' Before doing anything else, head to the Children's Park and examine the northern end to gain a new archive and complete a lesser objective. Optional sidequest: putting the car back in order. It doesn't start because of its deficient battery, but there is a way to get it to work: there's an extra battery at B-302. Pick it up and then try it. This is an easy thing to do but it isn't necessary for passing the level. You also get a free checkpoint. The game has already revealed to you where Ichiko is. Getting there is your biggest problem, but even that's not really that big a deal. You have smoke candles, sightjacking skills and your wits. You can do it. Also, if you dislike the ground level entrances for some reason, you can use the car to drive up to the A-Building's veranda and climb in that way. (HARD note: you will get

sniped by a B-Building Yamibito if you're careless. Look towards the stairway windows and shoot the culprit. You only see his head but that's enough.) There's a Yamibito right behind the A-Building's east entrance. On easier modes you can just open the door and your enemy will get stunned because of your flashlight. On HARD, you must use the other entrance. HARD note: I think there are more Yamibito on your way. This level will probably really piss you off. Just combine all your tricks of trade: blurring enemies' sight with Smoke Candles, try to use walls to your advantage and snipe them dead (this takes some luck though)... with flashlight and enemy reload period out (you heard me - your enemies will never have to reload) you're left with just a few straws. Try different routes. NOTE: You can't enter A-304 through the outer balcony, so that's out of the question. Breaker on the wall: There's a switch you can turn on or off. I'm not sure what use it is. Lights somewhere? If you're passing by you might as well turn it on. Ichiko Yagura: She's here but something's changed. She wields a 9mm Machine Pistol, is quite the killing machine, has infinite ammo and a poor, sadistic sense of humor. You're supposed to run away from her, and it is the recommended choice. However, there is a possibility to attack and knock her out as well. The only drawbacks with this plan is that it takes over 6 minutes of concentrated headshots/rifle butts and that Ichiko instantly revives afterwards. And you get nothing as a reward! Ok, maybe we will just agree to leave her alone. But that's not all. She runs after you and then starts moving around the level killing everything she comes into contact with. A way to avoid her following you is to hide behind the small wall to the right of you and wait for her to leave. If there are Yamibito on the way, she will slaughter them carelessly and you get a safe leave. Afterwards Ichiko will continue to visit the different apartment buildings and kill the Yamibito on her way. It's pretty amusing to look at for a while. They don't stand a chance... Ichiko Yagura's comments: - Random musings: "I... That time... The one that died...", "That woman... On the ferry...", "That time... I... I...", "That's right... In Noriko's

stomach..." or "Bracelet... That bracelet..." - Attacking comments: "Ah... This is fun!", "I said don't get in my way!" or "Hide-and-seek... Hide-and-seek..." - More random musings: "Don't leave without me.", "Why were we left behind?", "I want to be with everybody... Soon...", "I was so lonely... Under the sea." Move to any of the exits to pass the level. I recommend you not to use the north exit because there is at least one sniper that way. (He is not there at the beginning of the level. Go figure...) The exit you started from is as safe as it was at the start. (but use a safe route there, of course) Other interesting stuff: - None of the enemies never move during this level. You can shout behind doors, shoot them from where they can't harm you... they just jump giddily or do some other strange acts but never more. There is at least one exception, but that's not much. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Ichiko Yagura's 05:00 (5:54:58) "Truth" -----------------------------------------------------"Letter to Shigeru" (061) added to archive. Yorito Nagai 14:00 (14:45:29) "Rescue" -------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 05:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:32:00 M2: Bring back the memory of 'Ichiko Yagura.' Hints 1: Ichiko wanders around in search of a memento. Inspect the route she's travelled. Hints 2: Get the memento and return it unnoticed. She remembers her fall from a high place. Hard hints 1: A memory of falling. Something held in hand. Overview: - There are two checkpoints: 1, as you meet Ichiko. 2, as Ichiko notices the bracelet. Checkpoint notice: If you retry from the last checkpoint, Yorito is transported into B-303. Acquirable weapons: - 9mm Machine Pistol (starts with, dropped by A-building Yamibito x 2)

- Type 89 Rifle (starts with) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by B-building Yamibito) NOTE: There are more, in varying amounts in different difficulties. Differences from M1: - Better continuation of the Ichiko deal. - New item. The beginning of the level is the same as in M1. Sub-target: Acquire 'Ichiko Yagura's' memento. Right outside the A-building's west entrance, you find a Jasper Bracelet on the ground. Note that you can do this step before Ichiko starts wandering around (and it is the most convenient moment to do it). You must throw the Jasper Bracelet to the roof of B-Building. Access through the west side and examine the window. You get the chance to throw in the bracelet... Don't worry if you die now, this deed is saved by checkpoint. "Jasper Bracelet" (074) added to archive. Sub-target: Use the bracelet to distract 'Ichiko Yagura.' Next time Ichiko happens to visit near the B-Building's roof, she enters there (despite the fact the door was locked...) and the Sub-target changes. Sub-target: Re-unite with Ichiko Yagura. CHECKPOINT. The correct location is not far away or difficult to access. Ichiko Yagura's new comment: - When nearing her goal, she says "Mommy? ...Where are you?" Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Ichiko Yagura's 00:00 (00:51:08) "Simulacra" ----------------------------------------------------------"Shikai News" (030) added to archive.

Yorito Nagai 18:00 (18:05:01) "Joint Struggle" ---------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 05:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:56:00 "Atlantis Special Issue" (083) added to archive. M1: Reach the highest point of The Spider's Thread. Lesser objectives: - Clear altern. route at 'Mining Station 3F.' - Acquire item in the 'Office Bldg. Storage.'

Hints 1: Head-on attacks are ineffective against Tomoe. Sneak behind her and make sure that she doesn't respond to the flashlight. Hints 2: Make sure your companion is always safe. You can distract a Yamibito with 'Shout.' Hard hints 1: A head-on attack is ineffective. Overview: - The pylon #4. This place becomes pretty popular towards the end of the game. - Like in Siren 1, a level where two of the main characters co-operate. - There's 3 checkpoints. 1, after getting near Mining Station Roof. 2, after switching to Mamoru. 3, after jumping off from the top of the building - Optional archives: "Pylon Drawings" (084) found from Office Bldg. Acquirable weapons: - Type 89 Rifle (starts with) (Yorito) - 9mm Handgun (starts with) (Mamoru) - Hatchet (found from Office Bldg. Storage) (Mamoru) (lesser objective) - Type 64 Assault Rifle Bayonet (dropped by patrolling Yamibito) (Mamoru) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by Yamibito near Spider's Thread) Yorito Nagai: His inventory consists of a Type 89 Rifle (with a total of 120 bullets) and a flashlight. - If you sightjack him later in the level, he says "This is a waste of time...", "Evasive action?", "Argh, would you just get out of here?", "Come on, get out of the way!" or "Damn! Can't do a thing..." Mamoru Itsuki: Yeah, you're going to control two characters during this level, except at the very beginning where the other is effectively your sidekick. - Manipulable by List Menu commands and Berserk. - Assumedly attacks enemies, picks up weapons, pays his taxes, etc. - If you attack him, he says "Keep away!" or (euggh...) (not subtitled) - Once you start with him, he says "I'll stop them... No matter what.", "I won't let those beasts take over me!" or "It's... It's up to me." - Near the goal, he says "Almost there..." Sub-target: Reach the 'Plaza.' Sub-target: Get inside the 'Mining Station.' After you split ways you can't Sightjack Mamoru any longer. Now it's just you... Sub-target: Get on the roof of the 'Mining Station.' After getting up some stairs, you reach a locker pressed against a door. Push it out of the way to complete a lesser objective.

After you get up the long flight of stairs, you are CHECKPOINTed. No Subtarget is shown. Disappointingly soon after this you will switch the control to Mamoru. Sub-target: Climb the pylon using a route different from that of 'Yorito Nagai.' CHECKPOINT. You reach the area with Tomoe Ohta inside. Find a step of stairs that lead downwards and access Office Bldg. Storage to pick up a necessary hatchet. Ignore Tomoe or shoot her down. Sub-target: Find Yorito Nagai. CHECKPOINT. What happens if you don't try to save Yorito? The sniper he would've shot will shoot you as you go by the upper railings. Even if you survived this, the goal just says "Yorito is nowhere in sight..." and you can't pass. The option game recommends is doing a 'Shout', but for maximum efficiency you should show yourself to the sniper too - it's safe in this instance. If you wish to save a couple of seconds (and you trust your aim), you can shoot the sniper dead with your own Handgun when he appears (but this is taking an unnecessary risk). Now that the threat has passed, if it fancies you, sightjack Yorito and see how he traverses up the pylon, but sooner or later you too must... Sub-target: Climb the pylon. The only dangerous part is near the end, at Spider's Thread, where there's a Yamibito with 9mm Machine Pistol. When you see a sort of strange gatewayesque formation around the steel meshed road, watch out. But even on hard, in my games he has a tendency to run straight into my flashlight after which he can be shot down in peace. If you were fast enough, Yorito is not at the end of the road when you arrive. Wait a bit and the level ends. Other interesting things: - When Mamoru's part begins, his health is the same it was before Yorito and him split ways. A checkpoint retry will bring him to full health, though.

- A new, powerfully awesome glitch has been found. I don't know who discovered it, but I first saw it in ai00000's video in Youtube (linked by xAKheonx) Basically, the glitch starts as soon as you get to wield Mamoru's gun. There are many ways to get the gun out of Mamoru's grasp. Basically, he will drop it randomly when shot. It might be more likely if you shoot him to his right arm. It's not easy to do, especially since he will quickly pick it up again once it's down. Shoot him again if he tries to do something funny! What does the glitch do? While wielding the 9mm Handgun, Yorito's weapon stance is all wired out. He can't move forward, unless he was moving before pressing R1. Each different movement type, including crouch-movements which are normally out of reach during weapon stance, are useable, even if not easily activated - there seems to be some unstability involved. Yorito's posture is crooked and silly. Maybe Yorito caught germs from the previous weapon wielder, Mamoru... In If you access the stance while not moving, you will only be able to turn.

fact, that's what the character does automatically in this state. In running stances you can't turn without accessing this glitched auto-turn state, so the use of this glitch is quite limited. Just for fun, mostly. You can shoot with the gun, even though chances are you won't hit anything with Yorito's strange postures, and melee attacks are inaccessible (Yorito simply nudges, as if doing a small bow). Perhaps the best thing with it is the fact that during glitch running up or down the stairs, Yorito's speed is phenomenal! Try it out some time. Another strange thing is that you can in some circumstances access the in-game menu while running up or down the stairs while glitched. Normally you never could in a normal weapon stance. However, the effect of the glitch ends almost immediately once you open up the menu. See the second video for other small stuff. Video demonstration: 1, ai00000's video, where I first saw this: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=972xndxI1a8 2, expanded presentation (by me): http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rKkucJwJvnI Mission accomplished! ---------------------

Yorito Nagai 18:00 (18:05:01) "Joint Struggle" ---------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 08:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 04:19:00 M2: Destroy Tsuneo Ohta. Hints 1: Head-on attacks are ineffective against Tsuneo. When pursued, retreat and regroup. Maybe, if you can get behind him somehow.. Hard hints 1: A head-on attack is ineffective. Overview: - This level has 4 checkpoints. 1, after getting near Mining Station Roof. 2, after switching over to Mamoru. 3, after you drop down from Office Bldg. Roof. 4, after you receive the Mekkoju. Checkpoint danger: At least the last checkpoint will NOT restore your bullets inside your gun. Remember to reload before proceeding. Differences from M1: - Better continuation of the M1 deal - Yamibito placement is different - A boss fight! The start of the level is exactly the same as in M1, apart from one Yamibito. He's inside Office Bldg. and on HARD (maybe on other difficulties too) he has a Machine Pistol, so watch out. Near the Spider's Thread you get a cutscene in which a bunch of Mekkoju appear. You activate a CHECKPOINT. Tsuneo Ohta: Another one of these? Darn. - While attacking: "I've got quite a catch!", "Mine... All mine!", "They don't fool me!" - Idle: "Filthy thieves!" (there are certainly other comments too, but I haven't got them written up) The air is going to be intensely dark during this fight, so use Sightjack well. It's free of any darkness obscurity. The "easiest" way for a normal person is probably to just use stealth and attack from behind. Another, vastly faster way is to run around him and shoot him in the back whenever he gets stunned by your light. If you want to try this way out, remember that you can shine your flashlight to a direction by using R3. HARD note: He takes at least 19-20 bullets to die, depending on quickly you defeat him. (in most cases he will take over 25) Very tough guy. Mission accomplished!


Yorito Nagai 22:00 (22:28:44) "Blitz" ------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:54:00 M1: Destroy Hiroshi Okita. Lesser objectives: - Solve the mystery of the 'Time Capsule Map.' Hints 1: Search around the School where materials are left to find a tool to lift the car with. Hints 2: A Kou Yamibito is immuno to head-on attacks. Attack from behind. Avoid the detection of your light. Overview: - Level: Grade/Middle School. - This level has at least 1 checkpoint, after fixing the car. Available weapons: - Type 89 Rifle (starts with) - Military Shovel (dropped by nearby Yamibito) Yorito Nagai: Inventory is Type 89 Rifle (with a total of 60-120 ammo), L-Shaped Flashlight and (if you picked it up earlier) Time Capsule Map. - At the start he says "Look over here... You monsters!", "You're messing with the wrong man!" or "Don't piss me off or you'll be sorry!" Sub-target: Find the car. If you want to speed things up, don't go straight to the car to learn what to do next. Instead, backtrack and find a Floor Jack behind the nearby assorted boxes. (try those that are to the north of the circular building.) HARD note: The Floor Jack is on the other side of the place, requiring you to backtrack even more. HARD note: There's a total of three Kou Yamibitos around the level, one near the Floor Jack area. Time Capsule sidequest: Seems trivial, but it has to be done to pass the game. The archive 076 tells you the location of a treasure. (west and south from the Turtle Statue, in a foresty dead-end.) You need a shovel-type object to dig it up with (nearby Yamibito

carries a Military Shovel). Unearthing the Capsule gives you both an archive "Time Capsule" (091) and a completed lesser objective. Sub-target: Look for repair tools. You need two items: Floor Jack (read above how to get) and Toolbox (at the east side of Grade/Middle School). Sub-target: Repair the car. You need to have no-one alerted + no Yamirei can be near. Do what you have to... Sub-target: Climb the higher area behind the 'School.' CHECKPOINT. You get TNT. How curious! What will it be used for? Anyway, you can use the car now for a bit. Do what you want with it, then do what the game says and... Sub-target: Destroy 'Hiroshi Okita.' Hiroshi Okita: He never moves from his spot, so killing him is just a matter of staying out of his sight and sniping him. - Random musings: "This shell... It's totally useless...", "Yorito's a pretty cold guy." - While attacking: "Don't let them get to you!", "Give it everything!" - When searching: "Yorito! Where are you?", "Yorito! It's me!" Other interesting things: - You can kill the Kou Yamibito with your car if you like. Also, the Kou can drag you out of your car like normal Shibito can. - You can kill Okita by sniping him from the ground level, ending the level in record time. Another trick the japanise invented... Mission accomplished! --------------------Yorito Nagai 22:00 (22:28:44) "Blitz" ------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on NORMAl: 15:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 10:19:00 M2: Annihilate Yamirei. Destroy Hiroshi Okita. Hints 1: Ammo is limited. Use the car to take out all the Yamirei. Hints 2: Defeat Hiroshi to kill the Yamirei. Find a place with a view of the school's interior. You have the item you need.

Hard hints 1: Head for higher ground to get an extensive view of the school. HARD note: Most of the things are so different on HARD I've created an own section on it down below. Normal- and Easy-mode overview: - This level has a checkpoint for each stage of annihilation. Checkpoint info: As with Mamoru's similar level, abusing checkpoints is heartily recommended. Not only does it get the Yamirei to appear faster and in neater groups, you get your ammo rejuvinated and the car becomes repaired. But remember, every time you retry you end up at the Schoolyard. (another good thing) While fixing the car and picking up the parts, kill all the Yamirei you see. Now, especially on HARD, don't run so much as to get exhausted. Otherwise the Kou's will catch you and you can't do any stealth (necessary to fix the car). Sub-target: Destroy Yamirei in the 'Vacant Lot.' CHECKPOINT. Sub-target: Destroy Yamirei in the 'Schoolyard.' CHECKPOINT. Sub-target: Annihilate the Yamirei behind the 'School.' CHECKPOINT. While there, I recommend you also do the Flare Gun sidequest. Put the car against the wall as in M1, then get up the cliff. For defeating Hiroshi Okita (who's now at the Playground) you receive the Flare Gun. Not to be used as an actual weapon, though. Damn. You should, however, get Okita's gun from him, because he's too dangerous to be left with it. (but if you do, then don't retry during this level any more because he will get it back) Then go near the incinerator to get a prompt for shooting with it inside the school. Note: Playground Key is inside the incinerator. Get it on the way. Sub-target: Annihilate the Yamirei on the road in front of the 'Main Gate.' CHECKPOINT. This is probably the worst of the objectives, because the area is large and the little devils are all spread out. Drive a couple of laps with your car and then get out and run through the road once or twice. Now, if you hadn't killed the rest of the Yamireis that escaped the school, you receive another Sub-target notifying that you should. CHECKPOINT. Otherwise: Sub-target: Destroy 'Hiroshi Okita.' CHECKPOINT. If you deprived him of his weapon, he's easy as an apple pie. If not, he's somewhere random at the school area and he can kill you easily from afar. Be careful and Sightjack him to see what he's doing.

HARD walkthrough: Instead of any normal Sub-targets, you only get "Annihilate all the Yamirei", meaning that you can't abuse the checkpoints as easily. Stay in car, drive around like a madman, try to be careful. (generally: save bullets). If you happen to defeat the local Kou-Yami, get out of the car and wait a bit. The Yamirei will come to you in groups you can melee attack to death. Don't let them get behind you because they can kill you easily by attacking repeatedly and keeping you stunned. This level will take a long time, so hopefully you like driving over stuff a lot. There exists three checkpoints total on HARD. 1, as you repair the car. 2, as you pick up the Playground Key. 3, after Yamirei are dead. Some of the defeated Yamirei are remembered by checkpoints, but some are not (e.g. inside school Yamirei). Note that you have to normally. It's in the very back and chances are the local without unnecessary attention right. get the Floor Jack from a different place than of the vacant lot. Just run using the lighted road Kou will not even notice you. Getting the Toolbox is a bit harder. Sightjack and time your movements

Hiroshi Okita can see you easily through the Playground's gate, while you can't see him. Yamirei swarm around him. Try to sneak up on the door while he looks away, then open it, then quickly snipe Okita to death, then take care of Yamirei lest they take care of you. A cheaper, more efficient way is to simply memorize what his position behind the gate is after retrying from the checkpoint (it is ALWAYS the same), then shooting him without even seeing him physically. First deduce his location out using sightjack and Yamirei as visual cues, then target and shoot. If you waste your bullets, just retry from the checkpoint and try again. You will eventually learn to do this in a matter of seconds... It may be a very difficult and long task to find all the Yamirei. Try to listen to their sounds. All it takes is a one stray Yamirei for you to get stuck. After finally killing all, the sub-objective changes to destroying Okita. The good part is that after having destroyed all the Yamirei, none of your enemies will revive again. Well, even better is that on HARD you literally don't have to kill anyone else but Okita, saving you time.

The two most annoying places from which to annihilate all the Yamirei are the large road connecting Vacant Lot and school's back yard, and school's front yard. Remember that after you shoot with the Flare Gun new Yamirei spawn both behind AND front of the school. During one of my HARD playthroughs Okita wasn't there when I finally had killed all the Yamirei of the level. Every enemy was dead, sightjack menu was completely empty. The "nearest enemy" function showed nothing. What the hell could've made it happen? Fortunately the checkpoint restored Okita for me, so I didn't have to start all over again. Towards the end Okita tends to go to the school yard for some reason, so check there if you can't seem to find him. Overall on HARD this level has some glitches. Retrying from the second or last checkpoint cause some of the Yamirei to be reborn again, and e.g. in my case of disappearing Okita (after retrying), the Sub-target of "Destroy Hiroshi Okita" appeared twice: before the flare gun, and after the flare gun. Other interesting stuff: - You can see Yamirei watching you from inside the school. You can't shoot them because an invisible wall blocks the way. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Otoshigo's 23:00 (23:00:09) "Joy" -----------------------------------------------"Old Scroll-Chapter 3" (095) added to archive.

Yorito Nagai 23:00 (23:00:00) "Decisive Battle" ----------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on NORMAl: 02:20:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:06:00 M1: Defeat Takeaki Misawa. Hints 1: Better not to be discovered by Takeaki. Go back to basics, sneak bihnd then attack. Hints 2: Takeaki in now a Kou Yamibito that is very sensitive to light. To sneak up behind him, it's best to extinguish your light. Hard hints 1: Go for the back. Overview: - Location: Middle/Grade School, chronologically the last time.

- This level has no checkpoints. - Optional archives: "National Sports" (094) got by examining the ship. Available weapons: - 9mm Machine Pistol (starts with) - Type 89 Rifle (starts with) Sub-target: Defeat 'Takeaki Misawa.' Yorito Nagai: Inventory consists of 9mm Machine Pistol (a total of 25 bullets), Type 89 Rifle (with a total of 230 bullets). - At the start he says "Come and get it!" or "I can't stand that laughter!" A short and simple level. You can't leave the Vacant Lot because the game will transport you right back. But the Vacant Lot is perfect for this fight, so why fight against it? You can easily sightjack Misawa by just pressing L1 at the Sightjack menu. He's the only enemy in level, so it automatically tracks him. Takeaki Misawa: He is a Kou now too, very tough, excellent shooter and not prone to getting stunned by your light. Not a good thing. Basically, he starts the level from a random location each time. Throughout the level there are a couple of locations where he will stop for longer periods of time. They are your easiest chances of sneaking behind him and shooting him. Even on EASY you will need more than one string of bullets to finish him off, so be prepared to run once he manages to notice you. EASY note: He has a tendency to not follow you actively if he sees you. HARD note: his behaviour will turn more erratic and harder to predict. If you wait enough, Misawa will eventually search the lighthouse. He is very vulnerable when entering or leaving the place (depending on your location). If you're at the Lighthouse yourself, hide behind it and avoid him a moment, then shoot when he is leaving. Repeat once he comes back to search for you. Easy! Any of the long obstacles of the area will also do the trick. Shoot him from behind or alert him somehow, and when he follows you, you run behind the obstacle and go around it to him again. He in most circumstances is near but oblivious to you, open to more shots. The best spot you can abuse is one of his spawning locations: if he starts on the same driveway Yorito is on, you can shoot a couple of hails of bullets

towards him before he is alerted, enabling you to breach his frontal guard (and even kill him within seconds from the fight's start). This strategy was found by the japanise, I think. For some evil reasons he will never get stunned by flashlight. He can also aim at a very wide arc without having to turn, meaning that he is pretty much impossible to melee kill in any difficulty (if you wanted a challenge?) Takeaki Misawa's comments: - Idle comments: "Yo-ri-to! Come out, come out, wherever you are!", "I'm feeling pretty good.", "Okay, let's play!" - While attacking: "Hm, not bad at all.", "Having fun yet?" (there are certainly more but not written here) Other interesting things: - The red glare around the Pylon is at its largest now. - You can actually harm Misawa even from in front of him, as long as he is not alerted and he is sufficiently far away. Mission accomplished! --------------------Yorito Nagai 23:00 (23:00:00) "Decisive Battle" ----------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on NORMAl: 02:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:53:00 M2: Defeat Otoshigo. Hints 1: The appearance of Otoshigo will change the terrain. Move around and see if there's anything that can be done. Hints 2: Figure out the Otoshigo's attack pattern. Its ramming attack can be fatal, but it can also be used to open new paths. Hints 3: There's a way to defeat the Otoshigo. Search around for something that may be of help. Hard hints 1: Turn on the lights. Differences from M1: - A different boss (duh) - Lighthouse is open Available weapons: - MINIMI 5.56mm Machine Gun (starts with) - 9mm Machine Pistol (starts with) Yorito Nagai: He has a new gun never seen before. Infinite ammo! \m/ - At the start, he says "This is it!"

HARD note: Otoshigo if faster and smarter. Sub-target: Activate the 'Lighthouse.' I'm not sure what use this step has, other than you have to do it to finish this level. Go to the lighthouse and do it. It seems Otoshigo starts smoldering afterwards. Maybe it's for "weakening". HARD note: The next Sub-target is not shown during HARD. Sub-target: Weaken 'Otoshigo.' It may be the safest to stay near the Lighthouse stairs and just shoot a hail of bullets after another at him. There are Shiryos around, but they're all a lot weaker than normally. Sub-target: Make use of the disposal tank. At this time Otoshigo's behaviour turns more hateful and he does his inane rolling moves a lot more often. On the way to the disposal tank (the circular building) you should go and activate the generator that's located behind the ship. Don't be fooled by the tank's collisions. Otoshigo can force his face through them and attack you if you're just close enough. Stay behind the tank and soon you will receive a cutscene of Otoshigo ramming his face in the wastes inside. Sub-target: Defeat 'Otoshigo.' Now you're supposed to throw the small light bulb at Otoshigo. He needs to be very close for you to do that, which is a bad thing. This is the stage where you're most likely to get killed during this level. You're at a unsecure spot near the light - he can do a roll attack from anywhere far away and easily hit you. One way is to wait for him to roll at you and throw the light right before he hits you. But it's risky. Technically you can just tap X and hope for the timing to work. You have a good chance of success this way if you don't have a good timing skill. Just beware the very annoying design flaw of this level: the last SubTarget usually appears at the critical moment you're trying to throw the bulb at Otoshigo, meaning that you can't activate the command for about 10 seconds. Make sure the Sub-target message is shown before you start taking risks. Other interesting things:

- Otoshigo does not heal during the fight. - Like at Shigeru Fujita's first level, the Shiryo will die the instant they touch the flashlight beam. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Yorito Nagai's 24:00 (24:32:22) "Stolen World" ------------------------------------------------------------Not a very happy ending, was it? "Yamibito's Picture Diary" (097) added to archive.

Takeaki Misawa 04:00 (04:42:40) "Apparition" -------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on HARD: 00:39:00 You receive "Military P.R. Magazine" (057). M1: Reach the road to Yamijima Harbor. Hints 1: Find good locations and ambush the enemies to avoid confrontation. Hints 2: Sightjack to find an enemy in blocked areas, it's wise to find another way around. Hints 3: To take out armed enemies, use Sniper mode or ambush them. Hard hints 1: Detour and use caution. Overview: - Location is Gold Mining Housing co. at night and rain. - Level has NO checkpoints. Available weapons: - Type 64 Rifle (with sniper specifications) (starts with it) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by a patroller) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by north-west patroller) - Type 89 Rifle (dropped by a patroller near playing ground) ... NOTE: Weapons list on HARD mode is unclear because it's impossible for you to stick around and try out the different weapons. Basically you will find all the different rifle weapons in varying amounts. Takeaki Misawa: Only seen as a sidekick before this level. His inventory is flashlight, a sniper-equipped Type 64 Rifle and bullets (from total of 110 to 50). - At the beginning he says "I'm starting to enjoy this.", "Why don't you like me?" or "Where are you, Leading Private?" On easy it's possible to simply run through the map and finish the level. The

goal is shown on the map, you've ran much longer distances earlier in this game already. On normal and hard you must stop at times and give them hell, lest Misawa succumbs underpowered. It's just you against them. Remember that all shibitos of this level are the military type. This means they have an advanced A.I. and notice opened doors and follow you immensely long lengths of road. On hard there are quite a many of your enemies, and they all have a deadly aim. You must snipe them from afar. At the very least you must shoot 3 to survive this level - the ones that you see right at the start. If you wait too long at the start, or just shoot badly, two more are alerted to your location. To add injury to insult, your starting location is a one you can will get ambushed from. It's possible for you to get killed from behind if you're too slow. If you're not a fan of action, retreat to the nearest building and wait for the closest enemies to enter. Snipe them dead one by one. You get an Apartment Key from house A's west entrance's mailbox. Unfortunately it can't be used until M2. Mission accomplished! --------------------Takeaki Misawa 04:00 (04:42:40) "Apparition" -------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:08:00 M2 = Reunite with the girl. Lesser objectives: - Search the 'Mailbox' and acquire an item. Hints 1: Access to the Rooftop of Building-B is limited. Hints 2: An item can be used with the Firing Device, but that's not enough. Search the entrance point. Hard hints 1: Warning: Dangerous Materials. Overview: - This level has three checkpoints. 1, as you try to leave A-304 outside, 2, as you blast open the door to B-102, 3, as you defeat Hiroshi Okita. - Optional archives: "Yaminabe" (058), at room B-104's kitchen. Differences to M1: - Level begins with an in-game cutscene. - Shibito placement is different. - New shibito is around, Okita. - New item around, "Electrical Cord". Sub-target: Head for 'A-301'.

This will be a long and eventful mission, especially with these enemies around. Your goal is clear: the room A-301. Unfortunately you can't pass there the natural route because of a sniper (Okita) who will kill you very efficiently if you try to approach it (yes, even on easy). (To complete a lesser objective later on, find an Apartment Key from the Building-A's west entrance mailbox.) As you approach the room the sub-target mentioned you get a cutscene and become CHECKPOINT'D. The game now suggests a different approach for you: Sub-target: Defeat 'Hiroshi Okita' on 'Building-B Rooftop.' Hiroshi Okita: Your nemesis of this level, sitting at the rooftop of Building B and shooting at you rounds of 5 or 10 all the while seemingly oblivious to the need to reload every once in a while. Between every round of shooting he conspicously takes a step forward, and I think this is where the game reloads his gun for him. You're in an unfair position in this fight. He wields a Type 89 Rifle. The balcony A.K.A Run of Death: The long balcony stretch connecting rooms A-301 and A-304. Undoubtetly many players have given in to the temptation to run to the exit, and consequently become crushed. If you want to fool Okita, you can blindspot him very cleverly: turn off your flashlight, then run to the westernmost end (right next to the door you get out). There's some invisible wall floating around this balcony, preventing him from shooting you even as you're in his clear sight. It works the other way around too, though: you can see him, but you can't hit him. But this isn't useful, just prolonging the problem. To enter B-102, you must do several things. 1, get an Electrical Cord from B-302. 2, open the gas valve at the front of B-Building. 3, examine both the B-102's door and then the detonator laying on the ground in front of the B-Building. (you can do 1 and 2 in any order you like, though) Sub-target: Enter building from room 'B-102'. Now you have a convenient chance to complete the lesser objective of going inside B-204 with your Apartment Key and picking up a box of lightbulbs. Okita is on the roof and relatively defenseless. Just sneak up on him and blast him away. Sub-target: Head for 'A-301.' CHECKPOINT.

An easy job concerning you've just become checkpointed and what you've had to endure in this level so far. HARD MODE completion: Instead of having to desperately circle through the level and dying 10000 times in the process, I suggest a quick and dirty Yingpotter-brand strategy for using here. 1, go inside A-building's east entrance. 2, get to the room A-204's balcony. 3, shoot Okita from there. 4, cross the balcony to the other side of the building. 5, get to room A-301. Thank you a million times, Yingpotter! Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Takeaki Misawa's 2 years ago "Curse" --------------------------------------------------"Shintokumaru Magazine" (001) added to archive.

Takeaki Misawa 13:00 (13:00:27) "Nothingness" --------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:27:00 M1: Keep Ichiko Yagura alive. Escape from Fort Ruins. Hints 1: Ensure Ichiko's safety from the Yamibito. Do not focus too much on the situation. Hints 2: Check the map and find an escape route. It helps to go back where you first started. Hard hints 1: Watch out behind you. Overview: - Location: Fort Ruins #1 at daytime but very heavy fog. - This level contains a new type of enemy: Yamibito. (finally!) Available weapons: - Type 64 Rifle (with sniper specifications) (starts with) - Type 89 Assault Rifle Bayonet (first Yamibito drops it) - Yamibito Umbrella (found from Bunker 1) - 9mm Handgun (dropped by Barbette Remains (N) patroller) - Type 89 Rifle (dropped by Weapon Storage patroller) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by fort ceiling sniper) (HARD only) Takeaki Misawa: You know this fella already. His inventory is Type 64 Rifle (with sniper specifications), a total of 140-80 bullets, 5 smoke candles and his usual torch. Sub-target: Defeat the Yamibito pursuing 'Ichiko Yagura.' Yamibito: They are like shibito, except more intelligent, quick and handsome. They can

see in the dark just as well as in the daylight, and yes, they revive. Also, they can both strangle you AND do unarmed fist attacks. So even without weapons they are worse than shibitos. Ok, fine, there's one thing that makes them a lot easier than shibitos: you can stun them with your flashlight. Even if you run wantonly and happen to stumble upon a sniper, he will start writhing in pain for at least about 4 seconds before starting to act normal again. This time is all you need, really. Use flashlight strategically. HARD note: There's a sniper Yamibito right behind you at the beginning. Do a 180, snipe him down, then pick up his weapon. You might be sorry later if you don't, because his route takes him to watch Barbette Remains' and you have to go by there too sooner or later. NORMAL note: The sniper is positioned in a way that's even worse than HARD. It's easy for you to get killed. Ichiko Yagura: In this level you don't have to worry about her so much. She will flee from both you and all the enemies, but nonetheless you must follow her a short way in order to complete the level. You will meet her at the Power Control Station then she will run to the exit of this level. Your job is done. - At the beginning, she shouts "Nooooo!", "Somebody... somebody help me!" - When you meet her, she says "No! Mommy!", "Don't! Stop it!" or "Help me!" - Having almost escaped, she says "A dead end?!" Sub-target: Escape from the 'Fort Ruins.' Now it's only a matter of finding a route. Barbette Remains (N) does not have a route out to the fort's ceiling, so use Barbette Remains (S). There are no major problems on the way (except on HARD, the sniper you met at the start). Other interesting things: - The first Yamibito you meet has the exact same sounds Momiko (the named shibi from Ichifuji's secret 07:00 level) had. Is this what became of her? Mission accomplished! --------------------Takeaki Misawa 13:00 (13:00:27) "Nothingness" --------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on NORMAL: 03:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:37:00

M2: Escape from Fort Ruins with Ichiko Yagura. Lesser objectives: - Hide 'Ichiko Yagura' behind the bushes. Hints 1: Yamibito and Yamirei can't stand the light. Use this to your advantage. Hints 2: Be wary of snipers if Alert mode is activated when you're out in the open. Hints 3: Sniping is effective for taking out distant enemies before you're discovered. Hard hints 1: Give birth to 5 lights. Overview: - Level has two checkpoints: 1, after meeting up with Ichiko. 2, after getting to Barbette Remains (S) (from south?). - Optional archives: "Ke-uke-gen" (071), gained by igniting a smoke candle at the pathway between Weapon Storage #1 and #2 while flashlight is off. (why? I have no idea... learned about this from another FAQ originally.) Sub-target: Meet up with 'Ichiko Yagura.' She's again at Power Control Station. Right after you get her, finish the lesser objective by telling her to hide outside the building. Ichiko Yagura: Again as a normal sidekick. - Manipulable by List Menu commands and berserk - Picks up weapons - Attacks enemies passively - When you meet Ichiko, she says "Someone... come to rescue me? Thank god!" After that it's again finding a good route to use. There are thankfully few snipers, even on hard (if you take care of the one at the start as in M1). A quick and easy level, though the fort itself is big enough to be disparaging. You can attach light bulbs to the sockets near Weapon Storage, but the level can be easily passed without doing that. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Yorito Nagai's 14:00 (14:00:45) "Discharge" ----------------------------------------------------------

Akiko Kiyota 00:00 (0:40:38) "Uneasiness" ----------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:02:00

M1: Reach the road to Uryuga Forest with Soji Abe. Lesser objectives: - Pass through the small window. Acquire item. Hints 1: The sound of a car horn can be used to distract an enemy. Hints 2: Enemies return to their original positions. Move quickly after distracting an enemy. Hints 3: The inside of a car is not safe. You can be shot or dragged out by an enemy. Hard hints 1: Honk the horn. Overview: - Location: Gold Mining Co. Housing, the first time you're here. It's a nasty place. The music is disorienting, everything so damnedestly dilapidated. - This level has 2 checkpoints. 1, after you advance in the car tutorial. 2, after you meet Soji Abe. - The level begins with a medium-length tutorial. Available weapons: - Umbrella (from B-101) - Trowel (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Ice Axe (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Rope Cutter (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Broadaxe (dropped by a patrolling shibito) NOTE: One of these weapons may be a HARD-only weapon. Akiko Kiyota: 29 years old clairvoyant. She has only a flashlight with her. - At the beginning of the level she says "What is happening?", "What is going on?" or "That image... So strange... A different power?" A general hint: you can see which rooms are inaccesible from your map. If a room is not marked in the map's list, you can never get inside it. These rooms are darker hued than other rooms. Sub-target: Get in the car. Forced tutorials: This time it's on car usage. --- "Get in the car by pressing X." --- "Use R1 to go forward, and 'Circle' to brake." "Steer with the left analog stick. Hold R2 to reverse." "To get out of the car, open the List Menu and select 'Exit car.'" "Drive straight along the road." Note that you can't exit the car right now for some reason. If you try to go to the wrong way at any time, the tutorial will reset. --- "Point the lights at the enemies near the veranda. 'Square': Turn headlights on/off."

If you try to leave, the tutorial will reset. You can kill the enemies by just driving over them too - this doesn't always work here though because you might miss one. --- "You can reach higher areas by using the car." "Take the car near the are you wish to climb and use Action Command that appears." "The car will automatically pull up below the higher area." "Pull the car up to the veranda." Sub-target: Use car to climb to the 2nd floor of Building-B. CHECKPOINT. The tutorial will end as soon as you've climbed up to the building. Now you can do whatever you want. You find an Umbrella from the next room's corner. Occasionally there's a Shiryo here. Sub-target: Meet up with Soji Abe. Soji Abe: Before you meet him, he walks docilely in the stretch of an apartment and mutters to himself. You can't alert him by shouting. The game will progress naturally if you just walk close to him. Then he will become an ordinary sidekick for the rest of the level. Pretty much an ordinary anyway... - Not manipulable by List Menu commands - Attacks enemies in self-defense (better than passive) - Picks up weapons - Intelligent weapon upgrade management system? (does he pick up better weapons when getting around them? In my experiences, no...) Sub-target: Ride the car with 'Soji Abe.' CHECKPOINT. Once you enter the car you get to see a cutscene. You automatically get "Akiko's Driver's License" archive (036). Sub-target becomes "Distract the sniper guarding the the (sic) road to 'Uryuga Forest.'" Room A-301: It's door is always locked from the inside, but you can reach it by the bathroom window. Inside there's a Camera, which you need in one of the later missions. This item might be more convenient to pick up during M2, since you need to visit the Building-A's roof in it anyway. End level: There's a sniper waiting for you right next to the level's exit. The game suggests you lure him away with your car's horn, and indeed it's the best strategy normally. If you're on easy, you can just run right up to the exit with very little worries.

Examine a vine growing on the metal fence (when approaching the exit from the south it's on the west side wall) to pick up a new archive "Yami Akebi" (038). Soji Abe's comments: - Before you meet him, he repeats these comments: "I have absolutely no idea what's going on...", "Ryuko, are you really here?", "I can't believe this. I'll go mad if we're on candid camera.", "That dead girl... Who was she? Who's trying to frame me?", "I'm sick of that fortune-telling woman. Yamijima Island... What am I doing here?" - When you first meet him, he says "Whoa! You're here! What's going on?! This is just too much!" - If you attack him enough, he'll say "Eugh... You're disgusting!" or "I've had just about enough of this!" - After the cutscene at the car, he says "Man!" - If you die, he'll say "Hey, hey! Don't do this to me!" Other interesting things: - The entrance doors to the buildings are such you can scoop shibitos with them. It basically means: if you close the door right as they're in front of you, they will get pushed through you inside the house. It's a sort of glitch. - There's a glitch concerning picked up weapons. If you pick up random weapons from your killed enemies and then retry from a checkpoint (forcing you to lose them), those same enemies, when re-killed, have unpickable weapons. I've seen this only happen in this level. - Inside the car you can see Soji if you turn your head to the left. - You can get in car without Soji by alerting him from his location BEFORE you actually enter the building where he is. It's rare, but it can happen. Try it out by putting the car to the veranda, then just messing around with it on that spot, turning to dead angles, etc. When Soji's outside the car, he will head towards Akiko but can't get into the car or do anything else. Yes, you can kill him with your car. - The shibitos outside can see you from the balconies, but they are unable to reach you. - You can break the car's windows with your umbrella. - You can't pick up the sniper's weapon, nor can Soji.

Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Takeaki Misawa's 01:00 (1:09:57) "Nightmare" ----------------------------------------------------------- Who's the little girl? Akiko Kiyota 00:00 (0:40:38) "Uneasiness" ----------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 05:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:56:00 M2: Reach the road to Seresu. Hints 1: Look for places with memories of the past. There could be invaluable clues. Hints 2: Inspect carefully all high areas to find a necessary tool. Hard Hints 1: Search high locations. Overview: - This level has two checkpoints. 1, after picking up Traffic Block Key. 2, after removing the Traffic Block. - The level begins with a short tutorial. Available weapons: - Umbrella (from B-101) - Trowel (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Ice Axe (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Rope Cutter (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Broadaxe (dropped by a patrolling shibito) NOTE: One of these weapons may be a HARD-only weapon. Checkpoint danger: - If you retry from the checkpoint, you lose every other weapon except the umbrella. Weak! Also, the car's location is reset. - Whenever retrying from the last checkpoint, a shibito instantly notices you. Differences from M1: - Level begins with an in-game cutscene. - Soji Abe will not accompany you this time. - You can't enter B-101. - There is no car tutorial. - The car block is removable. Forced tutorials: Not much this time, fortunately. --- "'Akiko Kiyota' has the special power of 'Flashback.'" "When entering a particular spot, there's a brief on-screen change." "Upon seeing the change, attempt to Sightjack." "You may be able to see the remnants of somebody's past memory." "As you search various areas, try to find areas which hold old memories." Sub-target: Acquire a key using 'Flashback.'

The different flashbacks: - Near the playground - some child playing with a robot toy. - Inside the B-Building's first floor stairway corridor (the west side) - a note with an image of a key on it. - Inside the A-Building's first floor stairway corridor (east side) - a note with an image of a robot in it, also the number '203'. After you reach 203 and open a closet, you get the archive "Robo Zoo" (037) in addition to a Traffic Block Key. CHECKPOINT. You receive the Wire from Building-A's rooftop. HARD NOTE: the shibito on the roof has a different weapon: rifle. You can easily sneak past him because there's so much space there. Remove the traffic block from the road leading to east side of Building-A. Sub-target: Reach the road to 'Seresu' with the car. CHECKPOINT. Once you've tied the wire into your car, you can no longer drive with it. You only have the chance to rip the gate open with car, and the instant you choose to do so, you've practically won the level. Other interesting stuff: - Flashbacks can be "locked", but after you leave the area they're available, they will disappear. A video stage, Akiko Kiyota's -29:00 (29:04:06) "Intruder" ---------------------------------------------------------The archive "News Paradox" (003) is automatically gained. - The news clip you hear in the background is exactly the same you get the archive of. The parts you can see of the clip are differently timed, though. - The news clip ends with a piece of local news. On the archive you can see what it's about: "After 44-years hiatus, the Holy Hair Chest Festival held again". (sic) Mission accomplished! ---------------------

Akiko Kiyota's 15:00 (15:31:58) "Wandering" ------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 06:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:45:00 M1: Destroy Ryuhei Mikami.

Lesser objectives: - Acquire item in 'Mikami's House''s kitchen. Hints 1: Sightjack to find Shu. There's something in his line of sight. Hints 2: 'Flashback' can be used at several points. Be sure it's safe before using it. Hints 3: Attack from behind and take an enemy's dropped weapon. Don't let the enemy spot your light. Hard hints 1: Find Shu and what lies ahead in his line of sight. Overview: - Location: Aonoku Settlement, daytime but still it's pretty dark. - This level has 2 checkpoints. 1, after you've get the Trowel. 2, after you pick up Mekkoju. - Optional archives: "Ryuhei's Notebook" (080) from the Mikami House kitchen. Checkpoint danger: After retrying from the last checkpoint, you have about two seconds to move before the Handgun Yamibito notices you and starts to shoot. Available weapons: - Trowel (picked up from the Mikami's House's shed) - Rope Cutter (dropped by a Yamibito patroller) - Hatchet (dropped by Yamibito patroller) - 9mm Handgun (dropped by Yamibito patroller) Akiko Kiyota: Her inventory consists of only her flashlight (except on HARD where she lacks it. Unfair, isn't it?). - At the start she says "Shu...", "Shu... Forgive me..." or "I'm sorry I left you all alone..." Sub-target: Detect the presence of 'Shu Mikami.' HARD note: There's a new Yamibito near your starting location. One of the sightjackable sights is different from the rest. It looks and sounds different, not to mention it conspicuously speaks to itself. - "I'm lonely...", "Kanae..." or "Kanae... Where are you?" - When you find the location, it says "Daddy! Help me!" Sub-target: Acquire a weapon. Move a flowerpot and find a key. Then you notice a Flashback chance. Do it to see a set of dial lock numbers (who has such an ugly breathing voice?). The lock itself is very nearby, so open it. (note: the numbers are random each play, but they do not change if you retry. Good info for speedrunning.) The numbers are a bit hazy in the Flashback, but do your best to make them out. It might

help to also pay attention to the numbers next to the center one, they help too. Sub-target: Acquire the power to destroy 'Ryuhei Mikami.' CHECKPOINT. Ryuhei Mikami part 1: Not quite what you expected, eh? He's big, mean and (like all Yamis of the same type) carries a huge cloud of darkness around with them. After the cutscene he wanders around the Mikami house casually (not going full circle). You will eventually have to beat him, but with the Trowel there's very little you can do. (remember, attacks from the front won't work.) - Random musings: "I wonder where the treasure is?", "Hey! Are we playing hide-and-seek?", "The academic society should be notified about this.", "I'm perfectly normal." - When attacking: "Come on! Wake up!", "Wake up! Okay?" He sometimes (usually when Akiko leaves off to the shrine) climbs up to the roofs of the area and just sits there for periods of time. Surprisingly agile. Approach the Shrine to activate a cutscene. "Ryuhei's Research Notes" (081) added to archive. Pick up the Mekkoju (Shu Mikami). Sub-target: Destroy 'Ryuhei Mikami.' CHECKPOINT. There's a pistol Yamibito nearby. Picking up his weapon additionally yields about 30 bullets (HARD note: you won't get extra bullets) with which to destroy very neatly. A very easy way to destroy Ryuhei (even on HARD) is to locate the spot to which he will fall down from the ceiling. Stand next to the wall - he will jump down he is not alerted until few seconds later and you can kill him with one or two bullets straight to the back (or even striking with the trowel, if you wish). Unfortunately (at least when retrying from the last checkpoint?) this only works 1/3 of the time because Ryuhei has three random locations to which he can spawn to. Only one of them will yield this opportunity. Retry and sightjack him to make sure until you see the correct sight: you need to see an alley right next to the Mikami house. It's easy to recognize. Likewise, it's not hard to navigate yourself to the spot where he will drop down. You will get it right eventually. "Photo of Father and Son" (082) added to archive. Other interesting stuff:

- Don't lure Ryuhei into cramped spaces, such as the pier part of the area. He will endlessly push towards you, enclosing you in a space you can't escape. - Ryuhei is indestructible until you get the Mekkoju. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Ikuko Kifune's 15:00 (15:31:07) "Deja Vu" -------------------------------------------------------Akiko Kiyota's 15:00 (15:31:58) "Wandering" ------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 05:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:34:00 M2: Find out the secret of Kanae. Hints 1: You need to combine 2 tools to reach the place Kanae's secret i hidden. Hints 2: The item obtained by means of "Flashback" is extremely vital. Do not discard it. Hints 3: Sightjack to find Shu. There's something in his line of sight. Hard hints 1: Find Shu and what lies ahead in his line of sight. Overview: - This level has 2 checkpoints. 1, after you've got the trowel. 2, after you get the Hand Rake. Checkpoint danger: If you retry from the first checkpoint, Ryuhei will start from a position right down the stairs, close to you. You must wait a bit for him to move. Trowel (picked up from the Mikami's House's shed) Rope Cutter (dropped by a Yamibito patroller) Hatchet (dropped by Yamibito patroller) 9mm Handgun (dropped by Yamibito patroller) Hand Rake (mandatory)

Sub-target: Use 'Flashback' to find a secret from the past. It might help to go get the trowel as the first thing you do. Otherwise you're defenseless. HARD note: Ryuhei's route extends a full circle around the Mihami house block. Watch out. Pay attention to flashback info. Use the same shortcut Kanae used with Shu, through the gap between building and the rock. Pick up Hand Rake. Get towards the Shrine - there are two flashback sequences there. Witnessing the one with a thrown knife will yield a new Sub-target.

Sub-target: Open the rear entrance of 'Asano's House.' To do this you need the Hand Rake but also Rope. Go pick it up at the Cable Lift. On HARD you may get killed because of the Yamirei, but don't worry: the checkpoint saves the item. The next time around you can go straight to the gate and open it up. Sub-target: Discover the truth behind the secret. You lost both the Hand Rake and the Rope. The end of the level is near. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Akiko Kiyota's 17:00 (17:41:33) "Awakening" ---------------------------------------------------------Oh no... Akiko...

Soji Abe 03:00 (3:47:08) "Stand-in" ----------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 05:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:53:00 M1: Reach the road to Hidaru with Shu Mikami. Lesser objectives: - Acquire item at end of underground passage. Hints 1: To get past a dangerous area, move to a safe location, then use 'Come here' to guide Shu. Hints 2: Use the Hunting Trap well. Triple damage is inflicted when attacking a trapped enemy. It can be cancelled using the List Menu. Hints 3: Sometimes it is safer to hide Shu then proceed alone. Hard hints 1: A trap is handy. "Afternoon Prince" (054) and "Da Gama Magazine" (055) added to archive. Overview: - Location: The fort ruins, not a good place to be. - The level has 2 checkpoints. 1, as you 'Hide' Shu at Power Control Station OR 'Hide' Shu somewhere and move the barrel. 2, as you pick up the Oil Drum Lid. Checkpoint danger: If you retry from a checkpoint, Shu is teleported right next to you. This is a big deal if you're in the fort - a place where Shu never normally has to step inside. Not to mention you lose all other of your weapons except the puny Scantling. However, teleporting Shu can be useful for speeding things up in a speedrun. Regarding the second checkpoint, it seems Shu only appears near you

if you had got near the end of the level before retrying. Weapons available: - Scantling (starts with it), (pickable at Bunker 2 floor) - Ice Axe (dropped by a shibito inside Bunker 1) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by west side gun shibito) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by east side gun shibito) (HARD only) - Rope Cutting Hook (dropped by a patrolling shibito inside Ammo Shaft) - Bark-stripping Sickle (dropped by a patrolling shibito inside Ammo Shaft) - Trowel (dropped by a patroller near the Weapon Storages) Shu Mikami: His grown-up version is here as an escort. He is like the Miyako of Siren 2, following you cumbersomely if at all, requiring you to turn around towards him every once in a while or else he will stop and make strange noises - he becomes "lost" in a way. Instead of how things were in Siren 1, you genuinely have to turn towards him or he will stop moving. It isn't enough that you run at a calm pace. His attributes as a whole are: - Legally Blind (*poor* aim, blindness effect) - Not manipulable by berserk - Picks up weapons - Attacks enemies (unless bare-handed) Shu Mikami's comments: - At the start of the level he says "Somewhere...There's a key which will release all my memories...", "This island... It holds the key to my lost memories." or "Just a little more... A little more and I'll remember everything." - Near the exit he says "It looks a bit high... But I think we can make it." - When you hide him, he says "I think we might need a lid." - As you pick up the lid, (or retry from the respective checkpoint) he says "Looks like this is going to work." Forced tutorials: --- "'Shu Mikami' can't see very well." "However, He can see by Sightjacking the view of others." "Try and keep your eyes on 'Shu' when guiding him along." Sub-target: Find route to 'Cape Hidaru.' Breaker: At the Power Control Station you have a chance to switch power to underground levels on or off. It might help to turn them off because shibitos can't see well in the dark, but you don't have to do it. Oil drum: At the yard there's an examinable oil drum. You have to move its location sooner or later in order to pass the level. You activate a cutscene as you choose to move it around. Unfortunately you can't use it without a lid, which you only find deep down inside the fort. Sub-target: Hide 'Shu Mikami' in a safe location. (if you hadn't already)

The game suggests you hide him inside the Power Control Station. If you do, he says a comment and the game CHECKPOINTs. This checkpoint also activates as you move the barrel IF you had told him to 'Hide' anywhere before this. Sub-target: Search the underground level and find the Oil Drum Lid. NORMAL/EASY NOTE on the gun shibito: There's only one of them, facing towards west yard. After you pick up the Oil Drum Lid he will leave his post and come inside the fort. So at the end of the level, if you return via underground passage, you will meet him. Be careful and only approach him when he's not looking. HARD NOTE on the gun shibito/s: There are two of them, one facing the west side of the level (observing the yard through which you have to run at the beginning of the level) and one facing the east side of the level, switching posts between Barbette Remains (N) and (S). What I mentioned about the west side's sniper applies here too: he will come underground before the end of the level. Therefore, it might be easier to navigate your way through the top level after you get the Lid. You have more room there to avoid the other sniper - he's actually very easy to ambush and knock out too. At the end of the tunnel you get to from Barbette Remains (S) you find a key. Pick it up to complete a lesser objective. Inside the Weapon Storage #3 you find the needed Oil Drum Lid. After you pick it up you get CHECKPOINTed. End level: As you attack the lid, the sub-target changes: "Escape from the Fort Ruins with 'Shu Mikami.'" If Shu is with you, he will automatically climb on the barrel. The exit is not far away. Other interesting stuff: - During this level picked up weapons show only the message "Acquired", with no names following. - At the very end of the level, you can abuse the ledge mechanism and witness a small graphical glitch. Climb on the exit wall and wait for Shu to follow. Attack him (after he has catched you) so that he falls back on the small drum.

Mission accomplished! --------------------Soji Abe 03:00 (3:47:08) "Stand-in" ----------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 05:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:40:00 M2: Find a fossil. Hints 1: If it's hard to proceed further, search for another way. Hard hints 1: When stuck, find another way. Overview: - This level has 2 checkpoints. 1, after you pick up the wooden bat. 2, after you reach the lower areas of the fort. Checkpoint danger: - If you retry from the first checkpoint, you are teleported outside the bunker and to a potentially dangerous area. Shu may appear right next to you as an uninvited guest. - Very inconveniently, he will NOT ALWAYS appear if you retry from the second checkpoint, which is close to the exit. Try retrying again, it might make a difference. Also, try to make him 'Come Here.' Weapons acquirable: - Scantling (starts with it) - Wooden Bat (pickable at Bunker 1) - Ice Axe (dropped by a shibito at the Bunker 1) - Bark-stripping Sickle (dropped by a patrolling shibito inside Ammo Shaft) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by west side gun patroller) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by a shibito at northern Ammo Shaft) Differences to M1: - No tutorial at the start. - Shibito differences. THE most important one: a shibito at the northern side of the Ammo Shaft has a 9mm Machine Pistol. - New weapon around - Wooden Bat. - There's a trap waiting for Soji. (Except on EASY and maybe normal) - No moveable oil drum exists. - The Lid is nowhere to be found. Sub-target: Find a tool in a Bunker, for breaking walls. Bear traps: There are traps set up for Soji at least at two locations in this level, though not necessarily on easy. First one is: Bunker 1 side doorway. Second is: behind the northern Ammo Shaft gun shibito. (I wonder why it's there?)

Sub-target: Discover the hidden room. CHECKPOINT. From now on, with the bat, as you approach these strange looking walls you have the option to break them down. Pretty amusing cutscenes ensue whenever you do this. Navigate in the fort as you would do in M1 (apart from avoiding the new gun shibito). As you inspect the strange wall covering Weapon Storage #2's door... Sub-target: Reach 'Weapon Storage #2' with 'Shu Mikami.' CHECKPOINT'D. The level ends as you break the wall with your Wooden Bat and walk inside with Shu with you. If you don't have Shu with you, you MAY have to go all the way back to the surface to pick him up. Try to retry from the Weapon Storage door checkpoint and see/hope he appears. I'm not sure on the exact mechanism of this checkpoint or what conditions it needs fulfilled for Shu to appear. It mostly works for me. I think the west side gun patroller now moves close to the Barbette Remains (S) and never leaves. Also remember that northern ammo shaft has a gun shibito inside... leaving is a bit of a pickle here. After a cutscene "UMA Fossil" (056) is added to archive. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Shu Mikami's 04:00 (4:03:57) "Strange Conjecture" ---------------------------------------------------------------"Soji's Cigarettes" (059) added to archive.

Soji Abe 12:00 (12:58:10) "Dread" --------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:00:00 "Photo of Soji and Ryuko" (069) added to archive. M1: Head towards Aonoku with Akiko Kiyota. Lesser objectives: - Switch on the 'Cable Lift.' Hints 1: Akiko's survival is crucial. When she's surrounded, use 'Run' and 'Shout.' Hints 2: An enemy caught in a Hunting Trap will suffer triple damage. Also, a Hunting Trap can be deactivated. Hints 3: Beware of a Hunting Trap set by an enemy. You will drop your weapon if caught in one. Hard hints 1: Beware of cunning enemies.

Overview: - It's Yamijima Harbour, at the midst of a foggy day. - The level has 1 checkpoint, after you've won the first fight. Available weapons: - Wooden Bat (starts with) - Yamibito Umbrella (dropped by Yamibito around the level) - Hammer (found from Pressure Mach. Room) - Trowel (dropped by the Pressure Mach. Room Yamibito) - Iron Pipe (dropped by the Work Room Yamibito) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by the sniper) - TOBI Sickle (dropped by a first fight Yamibito x2) (HARD only) - Umbrella? (theoretically dropped by Akiko) Soji Abe: His inventory is today: a flashlight, 3 hunting traps and the Wooden Bat. Akiko Kiyota: Appearing proudly as a sidekick, wielding an umbrella from starting to like her more and more... - Manipulable by List Menu commands and berserk - Attacks enemies in self-defense (yes, that's more - Intelligent weapon upgrade management (if she has weapon, she switches to a better one as soon as one drops the start. I'm than passively) an inferior to the ground)

Akiko Kiyota's comments: - At the start she says "Somebody... I feel somebody's calling me. Will you take me there?" - If you wait by idly, she says "Please stop playing around.", "What's wrong?" or "Please... Pull yourself together!" - If you attack her, she says "No! Stay away!" or "Stay away from me!" - If she needs to get pulled up, she says "Pull me up! Please!", "Sorry, but could you pull me up?" or "Ahh... I can't! Give me a hand!" - After seeing first cutscene, she says "Him... Right now... He...?" - When picking up Cable Lift Key she asks "What's that?" - If Soji dies, she says "No! It can't be!" Sub-target: Get inside the 'Gold Mining Co.' At Gold Mining Co. something scary happens. Then a fight ensues. Akiko is teleported right next to you - not a good thing. There are two Yamibito personae with their own particular brand of umbrellas coming at you. (HARD note: They have different, much stronger weapons.) In my experiences it's useless to tell Akiko to 'Run' because of her A.I.. Instead, you should run outside of the room (the way you came) and 'Shout' so that every enemy will fixate on you. If you get lucky, Akiko stands in the doorway blocking the other Yamibito who is not interested in her. Also keep flashlight on to stun them every once in a while.

Sub-target: Head towards 'Aonoku' with Akiko Kiyota. HARD note: This level contains several hunting traps, but they are always in random locations. They appear on lower difficulties too, I think, but not at this volume. As you progress forward, you pass many interesting rooms. Pressure Mach. Room has a hammer, but the door is locked. You can have the Yamibito inside the room unlock it for you by gaining his attention somehow. Work Room is the nearest thing to a destination you got now. There is a sole Yamibito back against you... and sometimes a trap. Watch out. You should wait until the Yamiperson himself runs out and steps in it (if it is there). Then: pick up "Cable Lift Key" from the table. (suffice it to say, there's something small to do at the Cable Lift in this level. You can do it during M2 too, though.) After you've passed the nearby sniper, you've practically passed the level. You can get to the exit via two different routes, both completely viable. If going by the route where the Cable Lift is not, you can hide Akiko and Soji under the bridge that blocks the sniper's sight, if needed. Just sightjack the sniper to see where he's looking at and make a run for it when you can. HARD note: The sniper has a only two places where he looks. This means you must be quicker than usual. HARD note: There may be a bear trap on the ground in front of you. Trying to disarm it will usually alert the sniper to your presence (a no-win situation). HARD note: There may be a bear trap on the way to the Cable Lift. Other interesting things: - According to Akiko's automatic weapon selection, some of the weapons in this level are thus ordered in quality: Umbrella -> Yamibito Umbrella -> Trowel -> Wooden Bat. Steel Pipe was another one she chose over Trowel. - You find a nail with no definite purpose at Gold Mining Co.'s downstairs. My theory is that by picking it up (and possibly also the hammer), Soji's weapon for the next level is upgraded to Spiked Bat instead of Wooden Bat. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Ryuko Tagawa's -31:00 (-31:59:04) "Resonance"

-----------------------------------------------------------"Ryuko's Diary" (002) added to archive. Soji Abe 12:00 (12:58:10) "Dread" --------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 09:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 07:02:00 M2: Solve the mystery with Akiko Kiyota. Hints 1: Protect Akiko when she is using 'Flashback.' If she is under attack, use 'Shout.' Hints 2: Use the flashlight against the Yamirei. Streetlights can also be very effective. Hints 3: It's dangerous to pass through an unlit path. Try to find a way to illuminate the area. Hard hints 1: Turn on the lights. Overview: - This level has 3 checkpoints. 1, after visiting first location. 2, after Akiko comes back to her senses. 3, After picking up Underground Passage key. (yes, you don't have to open the door) - Optional archives: "Message Bottle" (070) from Turtle Hole. Checkpoint notice: You can do the requirements for the third checkpoint right at the beginning of the stage. This causes the second checkpoint to be skipped altogether, which means that as soon as Akiko snaps to her senses, you can simply 'Retry' and get straight to the level ender. Sweet! Available weapons: - Wooden Bat (starts with it) - Yamibito Umbrella (dropped by Gold Mining Co. Yami) - Iron Pipe (dropped by Work Room Yami) - Trowel (dropped by another Yami) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by the Lighthouse sniper) - Umbrella (near Dolphin Pier's entrance) Differences from M1: - Akiko behaves very differently - Pressure Mach. Room is not accessible Akiko Kiyota: She's oversensitive to the emotions of the place, acting as if drugged and wandering recklessly by herself. She wields no weapon at the beginning of the level and acts completely helpless. It is up to Soji to defend her. She stops quite often as if to sightjack something. During these moments her sightjacked vision becomes completely black. You can hurry her up by giving her head a gentle blow with your weapon. Unless: it is a mandatory stop, in which case you can't skip or speed it up in any way. - Follows a strict route

- Does not pick up weapons - Does not attack enemies There are many Yamirei in Gold Mining Co.. Akiko, on entering, will revert to a horrified vegetative state, making much noise which attracts all the enemies to her. You're alone on this one, so just try to keep them spread out by showing flashlight at them (turn camera towards the enemies with R3). It doesn't matter if you hit Akiko because sidekicks do not get hurt from someone on their own side. (well, they do, but it's so little you can ignore it.) Also, the best thing you can to help yourself is to access the room way before her. This way you can start the fight more controlled and with less worries. There exists a strategy in which Soji opens the room's door as quickly as possible, with the flashlight off and not going inside the room, and all the Yamirei come rushing out, dying instantly as they touch the light. Unfortunately this "fight" is more like some timed puzzle: you're not fighting against quantity but quality. You will only lose time if you don't personally kill many of the Yamirei. Another small tip I can provide you is that you should open up the door from which you're going to exit in a moment before the fight starts. It seems to make the Yamirei spread around less dangerously. Eventually the fight ends and all of the remaining opponents die at once. There is pickable stuff all around but you should ignore most of it (only get yourself a better weapon if possible) because you'll return here later without Akiko acting like this. She's nimble and you may lose her if you're not careful. There are no snipers around so have no fear. Remember that during her mandatory stops (the game keeps count of them) Soji must stay pretty close to her for a bit. Otherwise the level will not continue and Akiko just stays in her trance state until Soji approaches her. HARD note: On the way there is one additional Yamibito to take care of. First Akiko will visit the Cable Lift, then she finds her way near the Passage Hole. If you want, pick up an umbrella for yourself to wield right before Akiko snaps to her senses. Disclaimer: it's a crappy weapon. Sub-target: Search the 'Materials Warehouse.' CHECKPOINT. Akiko Kiyota part 2:

She finally snaps to her senses. Now she acts like a normal sidekick, like she acted in M1. - Manipulable by List Menu commands and berserk - Attacks enemies in self-defense - Intelligent weapon upgrade management You should go and turn on a breaker which is located at Gold Mining Co.'s lower floor. If you turned it on earlier in the level, it's ok. The checkpoint remembers it. Sub-target: Reach 'Yamijima Lighthouse' with 'Akiko Kiyota.' If you had turned on the light, at the middle of the pathway you receive a cutscene in which the lights cut off. You're surprise attacked by a bunch of Yamirei. Don't panic, there aren't many of them and more are not about to spawn. You can even just run past them, even on HARD. If you hadn't turned on the light, there are many more Yamirei in the Passage, not to mention that more do respawn. Go to Turtle Hole to pick up an archive or to the level ender. There's a sniper there you should take care of by using the Camera. (Note: you can only use it if the sniper is not alerted). For the rest of the level you can't control Akiko, but it's not a big deal. She will walk next to the lighthouse chasm and again flashbacks her heart out. Akiko Kiyota's new comments: - At the start she says "Around here... There's so much... Just a little more and I might figure it all out." - During her drugger out period she randomly says "One night... 29 years ago... What happened?", "Who is this?", "Wha... Why?", "The memories... So strong...", "Must find the child...", "The child..." or "I... I... I... I'm..." - At the crossroads she says "What...? Who is that?" (probably referring to Mr. Ohta) - After visiting Cable Lift she says "Good... I can still do this..." - When she snaps out of it she says "This... This is it!" - When at the gate with breakable lock, she says "Looks pretty fragile... Might be able to break it..." - As you turn the breaker on she says "This should make things a little easier." - At Warehouse she says (with a knowing tone of voice) "A key?" - As you unlock Underground Passage, she says "Right... This way!" - At the middle of the Passage, she says "Keep going... Almost there..." - After using Camera, she shouts "Now! Go!" Other interesting stuff:

- If you let Akiko wander inside Gold Mining Co. by herself while Soji is far enough away, a glitch occurs. Akiko will stay put and make the nervous voices she does during the fight, but no enemies are around, and none will come. She is stuck in this state for eternity. You have to restart the stage in this case. - The door to the Underground Passage is not openable or closeable after you retry from the checkpoint. Strange... - If you are too slow and Akiko manages to pick up the umbrella before you, don't worry, as you can always use the checkpoint to retry and try again. You will notice it is laying nearby on the ground, but Akiko is hellbent on picking it up! Attack Akiko and while she's stumbling, beat her to it. Now, what's the use of it? Well... nothing... It just looks cool and is a bit stupid to be wielded by a tough man. In reality it is one of the weakest weapons in the entire game. :) - Akiko's stops are fixed, meaning that she will always stop at the same locales to speak or just act. Once a Yamibito had died on her path, so she did a stop a few steps earlier than usual, right on top of the dead Yamibito. The rest of her stops (for a while) always activated two steps too early too. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Akiko Kiyota's 14:00 (14:01:10) "Memorial" --------------------------------------------------------"Golden Ohsho" (072) and "Fortune-telling File" (073) added to archive.

Soji Abe 19:00 (19:28:17) "Agony" --------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:24:00 M1: Escape to the road to Houya. Hints 1: In guarded areas, you need some sort of distraction. Use the Nut and Hunting Traps. Hints 2: In locations blocked by a Yamibito, search for something that can provide light. Hints 3: Beware of Hunting Trap set by an enemy. You will drop your weapon if caught in one. Hard hints 1: Light can open a new path. Overview:

- Location: Yamijima Gold Dredge, chronologically the last time you visit here. - This level has 2 checkpoints. 1, after you've activated the Incline. 2, after you've rode the Incline. Available weapons: - Wooden Bat/Spiked Bat (starts with) (if you picked up Wooden Bat earlier) (Spiked Bat appears instead of Wooden Bat if you had picked up nail earlier) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by first sniper) - Hammer (big) (dropped by pre-Steel Door Yamibito) (HARD only) - Iron Pipe (dropped by pre-Steel Door Yamibito) - Type 64 Rifle (with sniper specifications) (dropped by Takeaki Misawa) - Hammer (small) (dropped by post-Steel Door Yamibito) Soji Abe: Inventory is a Spiked Bat, 5 Hunting Traps (except on HARD), 5 Nuts and a flashlight. - At the start, he says "Damn! What am I supposed to do?", "Not now..." "This looks bad... Really bad..." Sub-target: Activate the 'Incline.' The map has a room called 'Incline Control Room', so go there. Knock out the sniper on the way if you like - the easiest way up is through the nearmost set of stairs from the start, as the sniper's route doesn't extend there. Another way is to throw a Nut from your starting location, so that the sniper comes down to search for it slowly, giving you unlimited possibilities. HARD note: There's a new patroller near the starting spot. Lure him out to the back so you can kill him without getting the sniper alerted, or just avoid him somehow. Sub-target: Ride the 'Trolley.' CHECKPOINT. Fortunately you can climb on it and ride it even if enemies are alerted. Sub-target: Escape to the road to 'Houya.' CHECKPOINT. Takeaki Misawa: You recognize him by his sexy voice. He is the worst normal Yami you will encounter during this game. He seems to be immune to thrown nuts and is extremely tough. The good part is that if you beat him, you receive his unique weapon, Type 64 Rifle (with sniper specifications). - Random musings: "I'm feeling pretty good.", "Doesn't matter which side you're on." - While attacking: "Come out of your shell." - If trying to escape, "We'll go together!" - If loses PC, he says "Running'll get you nowhere, you know.", "Why don't you just give up?"

Move next to the wall behind the few carts on the east side of the wall to find a breaker you can turn on or off. It activates lights above the aforementioned Yamibito's head, driving him away (well, not always. Sometimes he's just distracted and he changes position. In some cases he even shoots the light.) If Takeaki becomes alerted, he will try to search through the whole area. A good strategy might be to quickly show yourself to him, then escape. Then, while he's rummaging through the back rooms you come out of hiding and run to the exit. There's another patroller Yami nearby, but he is not much trouble. Other interesting things: - Judging from his comments, Misawa's happiness seems to have improved after turning into a Yamibito, unlike with any other character. He must've led a miserable life... - On one playthrough, I turned on the light and when Misawa retreated, attacked him. Eventually he returned to the original spot he began, without his gun. He just stood under the burning light writhing in pain often but not really doing anything about it. It must've been some sort of A.I. breakdown because he actively avoids staying under the light in normal cases. Mission accomplished! --------------------Soji Abe 19:00 (19:28:17) "Agony" --------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 05:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 04:22:00 M2: Reunite with the Dog. Hints 1: Look for Shu's view. There should be something in his line of sight. Hints 2: It might be difficult to chase the dog. Sightjack the dog and Shu's views. Hard hints 1: Find Shu and the Dog. Overview: - This level has 3 checkpoints. 1, after you activate the Incline. 2, after you ride the Incline wagon. 3, after you pick up Blower Machine Room key. Differences from M1: - Shu's spirit looms about...

Shu Mikami: Only available in Sightjack and as atmospheric effects. He speaks to himself and appears at different locations: Incline Control Room, in front of Blower Mach. Room, in front of Steel Door, etc. giving you hints. - Random musings: "Kanae! Kanae!", "Kanae? Where are you?", "Tsukasa? Where are you?", "That wasn't Kanae..." or "Dark... So dark..." You must activate the Incline again, etc. Beginning is pretty much like M1. Sub-target: Reunite with 'Shu Mikami.' Just enter the Storeroom and a cutscene occurs. Deal with Misawa as in M1. Pick up an item from the desk. "Dog Whistle" (085) added to archive. Sub-target: Inspect the 'Guardhouse.' Sub-target: Search the 'Blower Machine Room.' CHECKPOINT. On HARD this segment of the level will be the hardest. Especially if retrying from a checkpoint, because you lose firearms and consequently the sniper has it back. Just try out different solutions. There's no penalty in dying. (except losing time) The best hint I can give is that you should sightjack the sniper and wait 'til he has turned away from you, just to make sure. Same calls for each time you have to run behind the sniper somewhere. After the cutscene Tsukasa runs a short way down near the Guardhouse, then disappears. Follow her and when there, level ends. "Soji's Lighter" (086) added to archive. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Soji Abe's 22:00 (22:58:59) "Explosion" ------------------------------------------------------

A video stage: Soji Abe's 22:00 (22:57:33) "Unforeseen" ------------------------------------------------------This level is not linked to any of the other stages, but is rather got by completing Time Trial mode (on HARD at least, don't know about Normal.)

A video stage: Soji Abe's 24:00 (24:45:54) "Lost World" ------------------------------------------------------This level is not linked to any of the other stages, but is rather got by

collecting 99 of the archives. "National Times" (097) added to archive.

Shigeru Fujita -05:00 (-5:26:51) "Omen" --------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 02:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:29:00 M1: Reach the road to Houya. Lesser objectives: - Acquire an item in the 'Storeroom.' Hints 1: You can only hold 2 weapons. Switch to an unneeded weapon when picking up a new one. Hints 2: Light hurts formless enemies. Locate the key, then find the flashlight in the basement. Hard hints 1: The light is deep down in the dark. Overview: - Location: Yamijima Gold Dredge, at sunset. Check out the difference in lighting between the outdoor and the indoor area. - This level has two checkpoints in it. 1, after picking up the flashlight. 2, beyond Steel Door. They only activate if you do things this order. - You can't sightjack in this level. - You will meet a new type of enemy, Shiryo. Available weapons: - New Nanbu .38 Calibre Revolver (starts with) - Nightstick (starts with) - Hammer (from Blower Machine Room) Shigeru Fujita: A 52-years old policeman. He carries an unique New Nanbu .38 Calibre Revolver with him at all times (25, 15 or 10 bullets), in addition to a nightstick. - At the beginning of the level he says "Looks like more trouble...", "I may've stirred up more trouble..." or "This is more trouble than I expected." Shiryos: You have only seen them until now. They are floating, airy dark forms with a very short longevity. If they grab you and you struggle out of it, they die. If you show a flashlight towards them, they die. If they are exposed to natural light, they die. They can also be shot and dealt with as any other normal enemy in this game. Their strength comes mainly from the fact that they appear in large groups, and can stun you to death by attacking one after another in succession.

Sub-target: Acquire the 'Guardhouse Key.' Blower machine room: This is where you'll find the Guardhouse Key on all difficulties except hard. Not a difficult task to pick it up, except on hard. From here you will also find a hammer, a tough but slow weapon which is pretty fun to wield. Now, if there was only something substantial to use it on... *Glitch alert* - Depending on what order you do things next, you can avoid a swarm of Shiryos later. If you go to the Steel Door now, witness a cutscene, and only then go pick up the flashlight, the Steel Door's first part has next to no enemies around when you return there. Sub-target: Acquire the 'Flashlight.' The flashlight is inside the Guardhouse. Whether or not you have the key you can open its door by attacking or shooting the glass broken and unlocking it from the inside. HARD NOTE: a whole bunch of cloud enemies will ambush you now. If you try to unlock and open the door without doing anything about them, you will very likely get killed. The flashlight is sitting on the table. Pick it up. Sub-target: Go through the 'Steel Door.' Sub-target: Reach the road to 'Houya.' Here the cloudy enemies will spawn half-randomly and at a very rapid pace, making your life difficult even with the flashlight, unless you're playing on easy, in which case they are scarce in numbers. They will grab and stun you to death if they're in larger swarms, but stopping and trying to attack them isn't safe either. I overall advice you to just run past them whenever possible. Just to get an idea on how MANY of them are around on hard, after you've left the place and are near the exit, leave the door open and see how they will rush outside swarmingly and seemingly endlessly. Storeroom: You get there from inside the Break Room. There's a piece of wire on the shelf you must pick up in order to get into one of Ichiko Yagura's later missions. You have completed the lesser objective "Acquire an item in the 'Storeroom.'" End level: You're outside, it's close to sunset. Just run away when you've done everything you think you should've.

Other interesting things: - Shigeru will fall flat on his face if you jump down from any higher area. Apparently he's not in that good a shape anymore at this age. - Don't get discouraged even if the Shiryo kick your ass a couple of times. It is an objective fact that they are at their most dangerous in this level. For example, in other levels they're so weak even their own hits will kill their own kind in an instant. In this one, they easily survive. ALso, in this one they seem to be extra allergic to flashlight, as a compensation of sort. Mission 1 accomplished! ---------------------A video stage, Mamoru Itsuki's 00:00 (-0:01:48) "Suspicion" ----------------------------------------------------------Shigeru Fujita -05:00 (-5:26:51) "Omen" --------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:01:00 M2 = Find ferry. Hints 1: If an item can't be found, find a room you have not entered yet and search it well. Hints 2: Climbing to a higher location can provide an extensive view. Hard Hints 1: Find a room you have not yet entered. Go to a window with a downward view. Overview: - This level has three checkpoints. 1, after picking up flashlight. 2, beyond Steel Door. 3, after having picked up the key to Incl. Contr. Rm. Available weapons: - New Nanbu .38 Calibre Revolver (starts with) - Nightstick (starts with) - Hammer (from Blower Machine Room) Differences from M1: - The guardhouse door is unlocked from the start on the easier difficulties, making Guardhouse Key obsolete. - The door which would lead you to the M1 exit is locked. The beginning of this level is the same as in M1. The main difference is your route. You need a key from Ore-Processing Plant - yes, that's behind the Steel Door. Getting the flashlight beforehand is a good idea if you're on a difficulty over easy.

After picking up the key: Sub-target: Discover the 'ferry.' CHECKPOINT'D. Get out of there alive and head for the Incline Control Room. Incline Control Room: Don't you just love the wooden noises those stairs make? Anyway, head to the highest floor. As soon as you approach the window, a cutscene activates... "Shikai News" (010) is added to the archive. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Yuri Kishida's 01:00 (1:40:07) "Response" --------------------------------------------------------

Shigeru Fujita 05:00 (5:14:55) "Reunion" ---------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:20:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:56:00 M1: Escape from Fort Ruins with Ichiko Yagura. Lesser objectives: - Hide 'Ichiko Yagura' behind the debris. - Turn on light at 'Power Control Station.' Hints 1: There's a limit to ammo. Don't waste a shot. Hints 2: A digging tool can be found in a place where such a tool is commonly required. Hard hints 1: The tool is located where it is commonly required. Overview: - Fort Ruins #1, at night, at rain, etc. - This level has 2 checkpoints. 1, as you switch the lights off (and Mr. Ohta has been killed). 2, as you pick up the Military Shovel. - Optional archives: "Tsukasa's Dog Collar" (060) at the end of the overground tunnel. Acquirable weapons: - New Nambu .38 Calibre Revolver (starts with) - Type 26 Revolver (Mr. Ohta drops it later in the level) - Type 89 Assault Rifle Bayonet (dropped by a military shibito at Barbette Remains) - Type 64 Assault Rifle Bayonet (dropped by a military patroller at Ammo Shaft) - 9mm Handgun (dropped by a military patroller at Ammo Shaft's S side) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by a military patroller at Ammo Shaft's N side) - Military Shovel (found at Ammo Shaft's N side) Shigeru Fujita: He starts the level with only a flashlight and his revolver (with 25 - 10 bullets).

Ichiko Yagura: She's not as helpless as she looks like. For some reason she can pick up heavy weaponry and use it at will. The sidekick privilege of infinite ammo has never felt as good! - Manipulable (List Menu commands and berserk) - Picks up weapons - Attacks enemies passively Ichiko Yagura's comments: - At the start of the level she says "No... I don't want to be like that...", "No... So scared... I can't take this..." or "What...?! What is going on?" - Sometimes she just says "Why is everybody gone...?" or "Oh! I'm so relieved...!" if nothing else's happening. - If you wait idly by later in the level, she says "What's wrong?", "Are you okay?" or "What are you doing?" - If you attack her, she says "No! Mommy!" or "Don't! Stop it!" - When you turn on the lights at PCS, she says "Do you think this might work?" - When she's hiding behind the required debris, she will say "I saw... Something's shining." - After the ensuing cutscene, she says "I wonder what is this for." - If Fujita dies, she says "Mr. Fujita? No..!" Mr. Ohta, part 1: Your antagonist in this level. At the beginning of the level he is unarmed, though you shouldn't take him too lightly in any case because he's an excellent strangler (think of Mina at Risa's level in Siren 1, except less deadly). If you kill him here, he will not revive until much later in the level... His behaviour is slightly strange, as he sometimes, even while alerted, opts to do something else than make pretty little chewing marks on our hapless hero. Sub-target: Defeat 'Tsuneo Ohta.' It's not that difficult. If you're having doubts about using ammo, then melee attack him to death. Sub-target: Go to 'Power Control Station' and turn off the underground lights This Sub-target note will also appear if you try to enter the Ammo Shaft without having killed Mr. Ohta. Why turn off the lights? Well, the shibito can't see in the dark, so it's easier for you to move around. You can manage with or without in any case, but you also get a free checkpoint if you do. Do the lesser objective too while here.

Sub-target: Enter underground level and head for 'Observation Post (S).' CHECKPOINT. After you've entered the Ammo Shaft an invisible time counter starts running. When it runs out (it's maybe 10 seconds at most) or you get far enough, it's time to face... Mr. Ohta, part 2: His speed is triple the times it was before, and he now wields a Type 26 Revolver. He will rush like a madman after you into the tunnel, traversing mostly the same paths you will have to traverse during this level. He's a lot bigger danger to you now than he was before, but he's still manageable. Try to kill him in a controlled situation (when you know where you will meet him, such as right after he revives) and take his weapon to yourself. He's still fast afterwards but not as threatening. The required item is at the northern side of Ammo Shaft, not that far away. You must get past a machine pistol wielding shibito (if you're trying to approach from the east) but he is situated in a good location for your sake: you can easily fool him into wasting all his shots to walls instead of Shigeru, and when he reloads you can run up to him and shoot him. (strafe next to the wall to get him shoot at you...) Sub-target: Open a route to 'Observation Post (S).' CHECKPOINT. It may be the easiest to pass over to the S side of Ammo Shaft from the lowest level of the area, where the weapon storages are. There's a patroller there (with a projectile weapon) but he walks a pre-set route and can be easily dealt with. Sub-target: Escape from 'Observation Post (S).' You can't pass through the hole without Ichiko, so don't even try. (and whenever you pass, Ichiko will teleport right next to you, even if you told her to wait.) There's still a short length of road to pass and some climbing. Enjoy this short and safe area as long as you want, then leave to the only direction you can. Other interesting things: - Ichiko will never pick up the Military Shovel - a good design decision from the gamemakers. If she got a hold of it, you couldn't pass this level. This calls true for shibitos as well.

- The cutscenes of Shigeru and Ichiko passing through the sand-filled corridor look quite different if the lights are left on. Mission accomplished! --------------------Shigeru Fujita 05:00 (5:14:55) "Reunion" ---------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:38:00 M2: Reach Weapon Storage #2 with Ichiko Yagura. Hints 1: Use the Alert System to avoid unexpected dangers. Hard hints 1: Pay attention to alerts. Overview: - This level has two checkpoints. 1, after you shut off underground lights (with Mr. Ohta dead). 2, after you get to the Weapon Storage level. Checkpoint danger: When retrying from the last checkpoint, Mr. Ohta starts from inside the Storage running straight at you. He has his gun, so things can end up ugly. Also, the underground level lights are suddenly turned on. Acquirable weapons: - New Nambu .38 Calibre Revolver (starts with) - Type 26 Revolver (Mr. Ohta drops it later in the level) - Type 89 Assault Rifle Bayonet (dropped by a military shibito at Barbette Remains) - Type 64 Assault Rifle Bayonet (dropped by a military patroller at Ammo Shaft) - 9mm Handgun (dropped by a military patroller at Ammo Shaft's S side) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by a military patroller at Ammo Shaft's N side) NOTE: All of these are not tested. The list is this based on assumption. Differences from M1: - No military shovel - Slightly different shibito placement The beginning of the level is very similar to M1. After turning off the underground lights... Sub-target: Reach 'Weapon Storage #2' with 'Ichiko Yagura.' That's all for the sub-targets. So, it's going to be an easy and straightforward level? Pretty much so. I suggest you approach the weapon storage area by the north side of Ammo Shaft.

You get there very easily. Though there is a sniper there, you can easily trick him into shooting his gun empty using the walls and the ceiling. When he reloads (you can tell because before it he shoots a very short string of bullets) run up to him and destroy him! Let Ichiko pick up his weapon for the fun of it. There's an unwanted guest in the correct Weapon Storage! Lure him out and kill him. Then enter the storage...

Other interesting things: - Imagine my surprise during one of the times I was playing this level: I had killed Ohta and took his gun earlier in the level. I was right next to the final weapon storage when I heard strange extremely quick footsteps. Yup, it was Ohta alright. The bad thing was that out of nowhere he had got a 9mm Machine Pistol in his hand! Ichiko had the nearby sniper's 9mm Machine Pistol, so where did Ohta's copy come from? Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage: Shu Mikami's -06:00 (--:--:--) "In Between" ---------------------------------------------------------"Shikai News" (009) added to archive.

Ichiko Yagura 1:00 (1:20:19) "Loss" ----------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:05:00 M1 = Escape to Forward Deck. Lesser objectives: - Acquire an item in the 'Third Class Cabin.' - Acquire an item on 'Starboard Deck' and use it. Hints 1: Use Sightjack and avoid being seen by the enemy. Hints 2: You can be easily detected when running. Crouching is safer when moving near an enemy. Hard hints 1: A lady waits at the fore of the ship. "Ichiko's Student I.D." (039) is added to the archive. Overview: - Location: The fateful Bright Win. A strange level, being a ship stranded in the woods.

- There's only one checkpoint, as you pick up the Cabin Key. - You begin the stage completely out of stamina. Available weapons: - Deck Brush (pickable from the staircase after riding elevator) (N/A on hard) - Cleaver (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Hand Axe (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Rope Cutting Hook (dropped by a patrolling shibito) Checkpoint danger: - The phone call with Shigeru is not saved if you retry. Don't worry, you don't need it until M2, but still... Ichiko Yagura: A 14-years old schoolgirl. Armed with nothing... - She says at the start of the level "Can't remember... what happened...", "Everybody? Where is everybody?" or "I... What...?" Shigeru Fujita: He starts level next to the emergency exit and tries every locked door in the area, speaking random comments. Then he will run to the Engine Control Room, where he will be chased down by a shibito. After dealing with him he moves around a bit and finally tries to use the phone. (Ichiko can answer it from the Wheelhouse, a cutscene ensues.) He stays next to the phone for a long time, but will eventually leave if you don't answer. Then he walks around the room, doing effectively nothing. (NOTE: You will activate the phone cutscene even now, if you try to answer.) When meeting a shibito at the upper floors, he says "This is too much!". Other random comments are "What is a ferry doing in the woods?" or "A tsunami... Unbelievable! What's going on here?" or "Hello?! Is anybody alive?" After he has spoken with Ichiko, he leaves the room and mutters other lines. "Hang in there...Hang in there." or "Poor thing... Hold on! I'm on my way!" or "I promise! I'll save you!" After that he stays near one of the doors you're supposed to get beyond in M2. If you shout beyond the door, you alert him to your presence, as in M2, but the door won't open. After this, he will go back and re-check all the locked doors, muttering new comments on the way: "What a mess.", "Isn't there somewhere else?", "When will I ever learn?" So in this mission, he isn't meeting you. Don't rely on him to blast a hole in the wall and magically rescue you. Yuri Kishida: She moves around lazily at the Forward Deck, as if waiting for someone or something. You can flash the spotlight at her, she will do what she always does when subjected to light. She hums the "Dance, Maiden Dance"-tune to

herself. She is your goal in M1. Sub-target: Inspect the 'Wheelhouse.' To get to Wheelhouse, you must use the elevator and travel a bit. Watch out for a gun shibito when you go up the stairs. If you opt to go the other way, down the stairs, you find a Deck Brush to use as a weapon. Other than that it's a dead end. HARD NOTE: There's no Deck Brush available. Wheelhouse pastimes: - There's a mandatory Cabin Key on the east table. - There's an archive at the table near the key. "Riko's Record" (041). - You can turn the Forward Deck lights on or off from a console near the phone. - You receive a phone call, which, when answered, yields a cutscene. You only have to answer it in M2. - You can play a spotlight mini game near the windows (at two different spots). Sub-target: Escape to the 'Forward Deck.' CHECKPOINT. Cabins: Both of them, the Third-Class and Second-Class Cabins, have collectibles in them. The former gives you a completed lesser objective, the latter a new archive "Origami Letter" (040). Just search around and you'll find these things. HARD NOTE: There's a new gun wielding shibito right at the Entrance. Be very careful here. Starboard Deck: You will pass this corridor on your way to the exit. Pick up a Crank Handle by reaching in a tight place only a schoolgirl could reach. On the southern wall. Other interesting things: - Could Fujita die before you finish the level/get to him? He has a superior weapon, a revolver, and so his death is extremely unlikely. - It seems the shibito pestering Fujita is ultra-weak. He will die with only one bullet, even on hard. And he will take extremely long to get up again. - You can glitch things up with the spotlight minigame by doing a 180 degree turn, crouching or sightjacking the exact moment after you've pressed X to start the minigame. The game instructions appear to the bottom of the screen, but the game itself remains hidden. You can move like normally, but you can never activate anything with X again (until you retry).

- The elevator is neatly programmed. If you try to run out of the elevator while the doors are closing, the process aborts momentarily. Also, you can see where the elevator is at from a screen next to the door. - The Shibito are able to summon the elevator. - You can't pick up any of the guns your enemies have in this stage. - You can alert the shibitos on the lower floor from the Wheelhouse. Whenever you hear the "enemy is near"-signal, shout or run. They will notice it. Mission accomplished! --------------------Ichiko Yagura 1:00 (1:20:19) "Loss" ----------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 06:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 05:06:00 M2 = Escape from the ferry with Shigeru Fujita. Hints 1: To meet up with Shigeru, you need to get his attention. Try making a loud sound. Hard hints 1: Shout in front of the door. Overview: - This level has three checkpoints. 1, as you pick up the Cabin Key. 2, as you finish the phone call with Fujita. 3, as you meet up with Fujita. - Optional archive: Trophy (042). There's a whole section dedicated to it down below. Available weapons: - Deck Brush (pickable from the a staircase) (N/A on hard) - Cleaver (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Hand Axe (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Rope Cutting Hook (dropped by a patrolling shibito) - Tennis Racket (pickable from a third-class cabin upstairs) - Nightstick (droppable by Shigeru Fujita) - New Nambu .38 Calibre Revolver (droppable by Shigeru Fujita) - Trophy (pickable from the super fast shibito who appears later in the level) Differences from M1: - Yuri Kishida is not around. - You finally meet up with Shigeru. - The phone call with Shigeru IS saved with the checkpoint. - The Second-Class Cabin at the highest floor is eventually enterable. - A new shibito is available. Everything at the beginning works the same way as in M1, except that you need

to answer the phone call Fujita makes. Sub-target: Get the attention of 'Shigeru Fujita.' Shigeru Fujita: He joins your ranks as a semi-independent sidekick, wielding the Nambu. Yeah! - Restricted area of movement - Not manipulable by List Menu commands - Attacks enemies - Picks up weapons Leaving the wrong way: If you try to go to the wrong direction, Fujita will go back next to the door you came from and then enters a concentrated, strange stance. - Follows a pre-set route (e.g. never faces you) - Not manipulable by List Menu commands or berserk - Attacks enemies The spell is broken as soon as you just get close enough to him. What Fujita says: - When you first meet him, he says "Okay, let's get out of here!". - If you attack him and cause him to berserk, he says "Enough is enough!" or "This is too much!" - If you wait idly by, he says "Hey! Is everything okay?", "Hm? What's wrong?" or "Pull yourself together. Okay?" - If you leave the wrong way, he says "Over here! I'll get you out of here." Amusing things to try out: - Acquiring Fujita's weapons. If you attack him, or a shibito attacks him, there's a small chance he drops his weapon. You can even get Nambu for Ichiko, even though it's VERY difficult. - If an enemy (such as Shiryo) attacks Fujita while you're outside the zone he can move in, he will first kill the enemy, then try to run after you before remembering that he can't, and only then will he settle down again. - Sometimes you can get right next to Fujita when he's in his "concentrated strange stance". If you attack him now from behind, he will stumble forward, but he will never face you afterwards or become berserked. Looks a bit funny. Meanwhile, a new shibito enters the scene. He's fast as hell and wielding the strangest thing you've ever seen. He can be found from the Entrance area. If you kill him, you can pick up his weapon and an archive. My recommended method of destroying him is strafing up the stairs on either side of the Entrance. You can see the shibito upstairs. When you're high enough the stairs, he will start

running, and he will always run to the exact opposite direction than from where you are coming from. So the first moment you see him start running, don't run after him but instead go meet him at the lower end of the stairs and in front of the door. Club him to death and pick up his Trophy to receive both an archive and a kick-ass weapon. This method isn't recommended on HARD because there's a sniper nearby. Hmm. Well, I don't have a good HARD strategy for this part, sorry. If you want, you can visit the Second-Class Cabin at the highest floor while you're at it. You find a Tennis Racket there to use as a weapon. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Shigeru Fujita's 02:00 (2:49:11) "Remorse" --------------------------------------------------------"Shigeru's Apology Letter" (049) added to the archive.

Ichiko Yagura 08:00 (8:50:32) "Lone Shadow" ------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:10:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 02:01:00 M1: Hide in Stage Storeroom. Lesser objectives: - Burn the trash 'behind the School Building.' Hints 1: Avoid the runaway car and hear for the school ground. Avoid running too much. Hints 2: The lighter can be used to guide a Shibito. When used, leave immediately. Lure it with fire and smoke and hear for the furnace. Hints 3: Search the area for some kind of weapon that can help you reach your objective. Hard hints 1: Head for the rising smoke. Overview: - Location: Grade/Middle School - a new location for chronologically. - This level has 1 checkpoint, as you reach the stairs to the Playground. - Optional archives: "Yamijima History Book" (066) from Stage Storeroom. Also "Studen't Picture Diary" (067) near the incinerator. Checkpoint danger: You lose all your hard-earned weapons if you retry. However, after retrying you can easily get yourself a weapon by just hiding for 10 secs and waiting for

the car to drive over the lady shibito at the yard. (except on HARD, where she's not there.) Available weapons: - Tennis Racket (from Stage Storeroom) - Cleaver (dropped by female shibito) - Frying Pan (dropped by female shibito) - Iron (dropped by a female shibito near Stage Storeroom) (HARD only) - (there's a rifle but you can't pick it up) Ichiko Yagura: The same as earlier, only now more blood-drenched. - At the beginning of the level she says "I want to go home...", "Help me... mom..." or "I can't remember... Can't remember anything..." Sub-target: Enter the schoolyard from the 'Main Gate.' HARD note: There's a shibito right near where you start from. Other shibito placement is different too. In a moment's notice the nearby car becomes inhabitated and it turns mobile. Abandoned car: It drives around this level. You can sightjack the driver to gain insight on its location at all times. If you get hit, you lose life. It can't get into cramped spaces, so try to stay near walls when it approaches and you'll usually stay safe. As you get to the school gate, you have a chance to "Climb over" it. (but you can choose another route too, if you like) Sub-target: Reach the stairs leading to the 'Playground.' Sub-target: Distract the sniper in front of the 'Playground.' If you choose to use the incinerator to pass the level, you will also complete a lesser objective for one of Yorito's later levels. No need to do anything to the sniper. Just head to the incinerator - the way back - and light it up. Note: if you try to approach the sniper as he's at the incinerator, he will notice you even if he shouldn't. So just ignore him and head for the goal. HARD note: There's a new shibito outside Stage Storeroom. Avoid her. Other interesting things: - If the car manages to kill Ichiko, the driver stops. - It seems our japanise comrades have managed to do all sorts of crazy things in this level. For example: Ichiko getting on the truck (normally you can't

climb it), the truck getting stuck at some part of the level, switching the sniper's weapon to the Tennis Racket... Mission accomplished! --------------------Ichiko Yagura 08:00 (8:50:32) "Lone Shadow" ------------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:40:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 04:00:00 M2: Escape from Grade/Middle School. Hints 1: Although unsuitable as a weapon, there is an item which can be very useful. Think canefully how it can be used. Hints 2: Use an item in the storeroom to stop the runaway car. Be prepared to face some danger. Hard hints 1: The car stops and chaos ensues. Overview: - Level has 2 checkpoints. 1, as you enter the schoolyard. 2, as you pick up the box of nails. Differences from M1: - Car drives different routes - New items Sub-target: Enter the schoolyard from the 'Main Gate.' Sub-target: Inspect the 'Rabbit Hutch.' You can't have a shibito alerted to pick up the next item, so get ready to sneak or alternatively beat someone up. Sub-target: Reach the stairs leading to the 'Playground.' Sub-target: Distract the sniper in front of the 'Playground.' This is done exactly like in M1. Try to avoid the shibitos if you don't have a weapon with you. Oh, there seems to be a shibito going by a route near the incinerator... bad thing. Try to lead her around the corner and then return to be able to light the incinerator. If that doesn't work, manipulate the car to kill one of the shibitos and get her weapon. (easiest spot to do this: right at the beginning) Then you can personally go and send her to sleep. Sub-target: Inspect the 'Stage Storeroom.' Sub-target: Puncture the car's tyre that 'Hiroshi Okita' drives. CHECKPOINT.

So now we know the identity of the mysterious car driver! That bastard! Get back to the lower areas and you automatically have the choice to scatter nails. Do it, then lure the car to the road... NOTE: The sniper's location has changed. He is not at the incinerator any longer - rather, at the lower end of the stairs. Sub-target: Escape from the 'School.' All the shibitos of the level begin a fight to the death with Yamirei. Run to the exit and enjoy several cutscenes on the way. Mission accomplished! ---------------------

Shu Mikami -03:00 (-3:45:12) "Tragedy" -------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:00:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:38:00 M2: Escape from Aonoku Settlement. Lesser objectives: - Acquire an item at 'Mikami House.' Hints 1: Find and meet up with Kanae while avoiding fishermen. Hints 2: Bright areas provide little cover. It's better to move in darker areas. Hints 3: Give something to Kanae for her to distract the fisherman with. Hard hints 1: Follow Kanae. Overview: - Location: Aonoku Settlement, at night, rainstorm... you know the drill. - This level has three checkpoints. 1, after jumping out of the window. 2, after getting to the part where Kanae needs an Empty Can. 3, getting to Asano's House. - You can't sightjack during this level. - Optional archive: "Fisherman's Note" (018), found at the shoreline search the area opposite of Fishing Shack. Differences from M1: - Almost like a completely different mission. Shu Mikami: A 4-years old kid, redux. Has no items, no health. It's game over if an enemy touches you, basically. Fortunately, unlike Harumi in Siren 1, he has a working pair of legs and doesn't move too slow. - At the beginning of the level he says "Daddy..." or "Daddy...noo..." or "Daddy... Kanae..."

Sub-target: Escape from the room. Right at the start, open up Kanae's room's closet and pick up Robo Beast. It is simultaneously an item, an archive (019) and a lesser objective. After you've picked it up it sort of sticks to Shu's hand for the rest of the level. Sub-target: Meet up with 'Kanae.' CHECKPOINT. Now you're at the streets. You will see Kanae at the distance, so approach her. And watch out for enemies too... Fishermen: You've chronologically met them already, when Shu was adult. They're the same bunch of superstitious fisherfolk yet, attacking any foreign/suspicious people in sight. They're quite fast, not even Shu can easily outrun them. They get up pretty fast - even instantly - after being knocked out, so be careful. They have some new taunts in levels which have Kanae in them. These are listed later on... Kanae: This mysteriously named young lady is responsible for Shu's defenses on this level. She's wielding something that looks like a poker, but which in real life is not that much of a comfort. She has low health and will stop periodically because of a tightly programmed set of events which's flow she must obey. She will only stop if a fisherman is alerted, in which case she will rush up to him posthaste and proceed to kick the living crap out of him (best case scenario). Kanae can defeat a fisherman in a fight. On higher difficulties it takes luck, though. Whenever Kanae knocks out a fisherman that you were supposed to get past with some distraction, the puzzle resolves and the level continues like normal. It usually saves time to just deal with the puzzle, but if you want to see Kanae kick some ass, wreak havoc and see how it resolves. - Follows a set route - Not manipulable by berserk or List Menu - Attacks alerted enemies - "Avoids light" At this first stretch of road she does nothing more but just runs until she finds a shortcut. Approach her and the next part will start. Follow her as she goes up the road. Soon, another cutscene will ensue. Sub-target: Find a tool that can be used for distraction.

You will need to find an Empty Can. It's location differs depending on the difficulty, but it's never very hard to reach - except on HARD, where it's at the shoreline, and you will have to sneak/run past two of those fishermen fellas to get there. Don't worry if you get caught: the checkpoint remembers this item, so if you just pick it up before death things will work out. You can't offer Kanae the Can if an enemy is alerted or suspicious. After this bit passes, you will get to Asano's House, where a new bit starts. Sub-target: Figure out a way to distract. CHECKPOINT. Go behind the fence, check out a button on the wall, choose to tell Kanae about the button. Wait for things to resolve, then run with Kanae to the end. Kanae's comments: - When you first meet her, she says "Stay close and follow me." - At the shortcut she says "This place... I..." - After using shortcut she says "Shu...You can do it!..." or "Are you alright, Shu?" - When getting to the first puzzle bit she says "Need a distraction... something to throw." - At the first puzzle bit she periodically repeats "I need something for a distraction..." or "Need something... Need something..." - Completing a puzzle bit, she says "Just a little farther to go... Come on!" - At the second puzzle bit she says "I have to distract him..." - Completing the second puzzle bit, she says "I'll make sure nothing ever hurts you..." - If Shu is captured she says "Shu.. noo!" Other interesting things: - Right after you've met Kanae, you can glitch her route up. You notice how delicately she avoids walking into Shu? By stopping next to the fence near where she's aiming at just the right moment, Kanae will not stop and utter the line "This place... I..." but instead walks right into where she needs to. This saves maybe 2 seconds. - Just like other characters drop their weapon to the ground when they die, Shu drops his Robo Beast. - Asano's House's fence has a gate on the west side you can open and close. THE slowest door animation in the game. The fence has another door to it too, but it opens and closes like the closets in Shu's house, nothing special. - This level has no background music, only rain.

- Does Kanae ever drop her weapon? A video stage, Tsuneo Ohta's -04:00 (-4:00:09) "Rally" -----------------------------------------------------"Ohta Family Picture" (011) added to the archive.

Shu Mikami -02:00 "Chance Meeting" ---------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 03:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:05:00 M1: Escape from Aonoku Settlement. Lesser objectives: - Remember the escape with 'Kanae.' Hints 1: Shu can move while using Sightjack. Hints 2: Push the R3 button to control someone else's movement in Sightjack. Hints 3: Tsusaka follows Shu. Use Tsusaka's view when moving. Hard hints 1: Use the dog's eyes. "Mermaid's Tear" (021) is added to the archive. Overview: - Location: Aonoku Settlement. - This level has only one checkpoint, after you reach the T-junction. - A short tutorial starts the level. - Optional archives: "Shu's Cassette" (023), "Letter to Ryuhei" (024). Both are found inside Shu's house. Available weapons: - Shoehorn (from Mikami house) Level constraints: During this stage you can't use any other views but Sightjack and first person view. This is important because Shu can't see for his life when in FPV. The game explicitly recommends you to sightjack into your guide dogs, Tsukasa's view, and it is in fact greatly helpful. Remember that you can walk and attack and do anything you couldn't normally do while in sightjack with this character. Shu Mikami: A 4-years old kid... wait a minute. 33 years old novelist? How did that happen? You may've deduced out by now that Mikami is not and never will be an offensive powerhouse. The only weapon he can use (other than doing the unarmed

slap) is a pitiful Shoehorn. If he meets an enemy face to face he is the one more likely to get terminated. Tsukasa: Your faithful guide dog. She is basically a sidekick/escort on this level, but she acts very differently from any of the rest of them. - Manipulable ("Come Here", "Wait", "Run", "Hide") - Invincible - Enemies will not react to her - Attacks enemies Fishermen: Your enemies in this stage. They're like shibitos, except that story-wise they are something completely different. You can knock them out, but you can't pick up their weapons. They revive super duper quickly, in less than 10 seconds. They speak to themselves. There are two distinct types of personalities, a scared one and an aggressive one. The first one speaks: ".I am not scared...", "Damn...Damn it!", "Monsters... Who cares...?" "I can do it...really...", "Old man...I'm taking care of everything." The second one speaks: "Old man... I am taking care of everything.", "We have to protect the Island from that witch!", "It's his order... I can't mess up.", "That Witch... Where does it go?", "Don't mess with me! I'll bring it down.", "I'll bring it down! I can do that." I'm not sure if these two types have other differences than their voice. They also have a different set of speeches if they become alerted but lose Shu, but I'll leave listing them to a later level. Forced tutorial: No more than a little strand of a tutorial this time. --- "Shu Mikami can't see very well." "When you Sightjack, you can use a target's view and move by pressing R3 button." "Move using Tsusaka's view." Sub-target: Reach the 'Fishing Shack.' HARD NOTE: The pacing of this level is quite different on hard. This subtarget is instead "Head for the seaside road." The next one activates earlier than on normal and it says "Go past the 'Fishing Shack' and up the southern path." Pick up a Shoehorn if it fancies you, and the nearby archives too. Then leave. HARD NOTE: The nearby fisherman's route extends right to the house. This means

you will be discovered if you exit at the wrong time. Sub-target: Go up the path, south of the 'Fishing Shack.' HARD NOTE: There is an additional fisherman patrolling near the Fishing Shack. Sub-target: Go past the T junction using 'Tsukasa's' view." (CHECKPOINT) You don't actually have to use the view, but to stay safe it's not a bad idea. As you approach the junction, you have the chance for 'Guard', unless you're being chased. This means that Tsukasa will go to a position from where she can see the enemy and his moves. This way you can time your movements more easily. Sub-target: Head towards the road to 'Kaioizaki.' Before you head up the stairs, check out the left side of the wall, a sort of breach in the railing. It will complete a lesser objective "Remember the escape with 'Kanae.'" for one of Akiko's later mission. At the upper end of the stairs there's again a chance for Tsukasa to "Guard". HARD note: Tsuneo Ohta himself is at this level, hanging around the exit roads. End level: The exit is close by, and it doesn't matter if you're chased of not. Head through the open gate and the level is practically over. Other interesting things: - During the special sightjack mode, Shu's eyes are open. During normal sightjack they're mostly closed. - Go to the special sightjack mode so that you can see yourself. Do a normal attack. Before the attack ends, turn off the special mode with R3 but keep pressing R1. Shu will start shaking strangely. - You can attack Tsukasa and hear a 'whop' sound effect. The dog will not get any damage or flinch or make a sound. Mission accomplished! --------------------A video stage, Mamoru Itsuki's 00:00 (0:39:51) "Distrust" ---------------------------------------------------------

Shu Mikami -02:00 "Chance Meeting" ----------------------------------

Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:20:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 01:49:00 M2: Find treasure. Escape from Aonoku Settlement. Hints 1: Shu can move while using Sightjack. Hints 2: Push the R3 button to control someone else's movement in Sightjack. Hints 3: Views other than Tsukasa's, even of an enemy, can be used to avoid detection. Hard hints 1: Use an enemy's eyes. Overview: - This level has two checkpoints. 1, after you reach the seaside road. 2, after you're at the Scrap Material Dump. Available weapons: - Shoehorn (from Mikami house) Differences from M1: - No tutorial at the start. - M1 exit won't work. (A message appears: "Must complete the objective.") Checkpoint abuse danger: The first checkpoint of this mission activates arguably a lot earlier than it should, while its retry point is the same as in M1. In effect it means that you can skip a small portion of this level completely. Good for speedrunning. (note: I first saw this trick used in Yingpotter's Siren 2 speedruns). Otherwise the beginning of this level is exactly the same as in M1. Sub-target: Reach the 'Scrap Material Dump.' Sub-target: Dig up 'Treasure.' CHECKPOINT. Here you can must make Tsukasa "Search". She will move about and then you have the chance to "Dig up" something. (NOTE: You can't do this if you're being chased.) Digging up, you reveal the archive "Shu's Drawing" (022) automatically. End level: You begin this phase by facing a real shibito. Tsukasa is absent, so run out of there with Shu's blurry view or sightjack a shibito that's in front of you. He begins by doing a generic scream, and won't move for about 5 seconds, so you're not in a hurry. Other interesting stuff: - If you had a normal fisherman knocked out at the Scrap Material Dump when the shibito appears: he will soon wake up, and he will most likely notice

Shu sooner or later (if you stick around). The normal fisher and the shibito will not attack each other. The fisher may behave strangely. Once it looked as if there were two normal fisher's in the area, inexplicably. Mission accomplished! ---------------------

Kanae -01:00 (-1:50:46) "Fleeing" --------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 04:30:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 03:21:00 M1 = Reach Dolphin Pier with Shu Mikami Lesser objectives: - Search 'Pressure Mach. Room.' Hints 1: Sightjack to locate Shu. It's game over if Shu is captured by a fisherman. Hints 2: Turn off the streetlight to distract the fisherman. Time it well by using Sightjack. Hints 3: Kanae can hide together with Shu. When being pursued, keep an eye on Shu's moves. Hard hints 1: Pay attention to Shu's moves. Overview: - Location: Yamijima Harbour. - This level has two checkpoints: 1, after you meet up with Shu. 2, after you unlock the locked gate. - Optional archives: "Protest Sign" (029) near the locked Gold Mining Co. door. Don't worry, you get it automatically in M2 anyway. Available weapons: - None! Kanae: The strange named 18-years old lady you've only seen as a sidekick until now. She carries nothing and can't pick up weapons. I think she runs slower than the other characters (except Yuri). She also has that strange stance which activates whenever she's idle, crouching or walking forward and under a light source of any kind. - When the level starts, she says "Shu... Be safe... Please!", "Shu... Shu..." or "Got to hurry... Have to get Shu..."

Fishermen: Same old, except they have some new comments this time around. - When idle and scouting, they say mostly the same things as in Shu's first mission's M2. There are again two personality types among the fishermen, shown by these two sets of comments: 1. "Don't mess with me! I'll bring it down.", "That witch! Where does it go?", "We have to protect the island from that witch!" or "I will bring it down... I can do that!" - The more scared personality says this: "Damn... Dawn it!", "Old man...I'm= taking care of everything.", "I am not scared...", "I can do it...really..." or "Monsters... Who cares...?" - When suspicious and scouting, they say "Come on! I know you're here!" or "You can't fool me!" - When attacking Kanae, they say "You...terrible witch!", "Unforgivable! Be prepared!", "Show yourself! Witch!" or "You can't fool me!" - Three stray comments I've collected are also "Show yourself!", "You can't fool me! Just come out!" and "Come out! You witch." These may be from Shu's mission 1's M2. Sub-target: Turn off the streetlight and distract the fisherman. After the fisherman examines and turns on the streetlight, he leaves to scout to another area. Sub-target: Meet up with Shu Mikami. Shu Mikami: He's hiding somewhere in this level. You get clues using his sight: you see your cross in relation to his location, not to mention that you see couple of strange cables when he looks around... (or barrels and railing, or barrels and soil, as there are three different locations he hides in. They are not hard to find.) - When he's alone and waiting, he says "Kanae, where are you...?", "Kanae... I'm scared... Please hurry." or "What happened to daddy? I'm scared..." - When Kanae meets him, he says "Kanae!" - If you wait uselessly with him next to you, he says "Kanae?" - Near the locked gate, he says "Over here... There's a hole." - After telling him to get the key, he says "I'll... I'll try." - Near the grating he says "Here... looks like a long way down." - When opening the locked gate, he says "Kanae!" He notices you if he hears you or gets close enough when no enemies are alerted. You become CHECKPOINTed. Shu's attributes are now: - Manipulable by List Menu commands - Does not attack enemies - Does not pick up weapons - Can't climb up or jump down anywhere Sub-target: Open door in front of the 'Work Room.'

When you approach the next location, a new enemy appears: Tsuneo Ohta. Tsuneo Ohta part 1: While it may seem that he realizes your presence right from the start, this is not the case. He's not alerted imminently, and he shouts several times before heading your direction.He's wielding a sickle of some sort, and it really packs a punch. Even on easy Kanae dies from just a few hits - not to mention the fishermen who only die of one hit if they get in its way! Note: no matter where Shu was before the cutscene, he is now close to you. After this point, Shu automatically goes to 'Hide' and is not manipulable for a bit. He will go upstairs and attempt to hide behind the table from his pursuers. Shortly after he will start crouchwalking towards Kanae, wherever she is - if she's hiding at another location, Shu might get discovered on the way. So the best solution is to follow Shu and stay behind the Work Room table, wait until Tsuneo passes and leaves again back from where he came from. Tsuneo Ohta part 2: After you've succesfully hid from your captors, he will go to a fisherman that's right after Work Room and speak a few lines. Then, his route goes frantically up and down the set of stairs before Work Room, and he never steps inside Work Room again. If he gets alerted or suspicious, he stays that way for a very long time, so be careful. - When he meets the locked gate-fisherman, he says "Hey, have you seen them!?" and "Hey! Don't let them go!" - When not alerted and just scouting, he says "It's not going to get away from me!", "Where?! Where did it hide?!", "The witch is finally showing itself!", "I won't forgive... that witch for cursing this island!" or "The fool... Tempted by that witch!" - When suspicious and scouting, he says ""Is it here?!", "Don't think you're going to get away!" or "Argh! Where did it go?" - When attacking Kanae, he says "You're not getting away from me, witch!", "Die, witch!", "I won't forgive you, witch!" or "Disappear! Once and for all!" Locked gate: It's locked, but the key is on the other side. In a short 'puzzle' you must let Shu go and fetch the key and unlock the door. Sometimes it takes a very long time until Shu opens the door for you, for some reason. Try to restart from the last checkpoint if it seems you can't pass at all. Sub-target: Reach 'Dolphin Pier.' CHECKPOINT.

This is very easy to do. After you open the gate, even if you're chased, the level ends. (though Shu has to be near you) Other interesting things: - You can complete the level without meeting Tsuneo Ohta by going round the lower road. The bad part is that there are enemies there. But some speedrunners go that way because it's faster. Try it if you want challenge. - A barehanded attack will not 'kill' Shu. - There's a "glitch item" to be picked up. You remember the key that's on the ground that's behind the locked door? It only appears after Tsuneo has had his talk with the other guard near it. Anyway, leave Shu behind safely behind the desk and run to fetch the key yourself. You will find a brand new, shiny... "****"? Hm, never heard of those before. Maybe Kanae just said a dirty word and the game censored it. After all, nothing shows up in your inventory. Mission accomplished! --------------------Kanae -01:00 (-1:50:46) "Fleeing" --------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 05:40:00 Base Time Trial time on HARD: 04:22:00 M2 = Reach Yamijima Lighthouse with Shu Mikami. Hints 1: Tsuneo has to be taken out. Perhaps dropping 'something' on his head... Hints 2: Shu if afraid of heights. When he can't go further, look around for something useful. Hard hints 1: An overhead attack. Overview: - This level has two checkpoints. 1, as you knock out Tsuneo. 2, as you enter Gold Mining Co. - Optional archives: "Employee's Journal" (028) at Gold Mining Co. Differences from M1: - Tsuneo Ohta exists in the level right from the beginning. - New item: Octopus Pot. - Gold Mining Co. door isn't locked. Sub-target: Drive back 'Tsuneo Ohta.' HARD note: The level begins with you being chased. Tsuneo's route is also more elaborate, to your detriment and danger. If he sees doors left opened or the sign toppled over the chasm, he will follow their clues to long distances, so be careful. Also, if he's suspicious, he will enter Pressure Mach. Room

every once in a while too. You're supposed to stun Mr. Ohta with Octopus Pots found from Pressure Mach. Room. Just sightjack Ohta and follow his route. When he stops and is outside Work Room's door (for example, closing or opening it) or looking up at the chasm you can topple the sign over, drop the Pot and he is out of your troubles for the rest of the level. Note that you can't drop it if the sign is toppled over. Sub-target: Meet up with Shu Mikami. CHECKPOINT. HARD note: There's a new patroller going around the route through Land Admin. Building, so if Shu's under the steps leading to there, you should be more careful than usual. Sub-target: Reach the 'Gold Mining Co.' Watch out getting discovered while entering the room: the fisherman you're about to distract can see you up there for a short part of his route. Sub-target: Use the radio to distract the fisherman. CHECKPOINT. "Portable Radio" (028) added to archive. You have some time to escape after the cutscene, depending on where your enemy was before it. As the fisherman notices the static he enters the room after which he walks to the radio and starts staring at it endlessly. Sub-target: Reach the underground passage. Sub-target: Reach 'Yamijima Lighthouse' with 'Shu Mikami.' HARD note: There's another new patroller, this time here at the Passage. You can just run past him if he notices you. If you want, go to Turtle Hole and save a turtle stranded on his back. Seemingly nothing happens... The end of the level is very near. Shu's new comments: - As you approach the radio, he says "What are you going to do with that?" - Near any chasm or drop, he says "I can't do it..." - When having saved the turtle, he says "I wonder if it knows how to get home..." Other interesting things: - There are lice or some other insects at the Turtle Hole. They escape if Kanae runs towards them, though they don't react to Shu. Mission accomplished! ---------------------

A video stage: Tomoe Ohta's 00:00 (00:00:47) "Disappearance" ------------------------------------------------------------

Kyoya Suda 33:00 (33:33:33) "Annihilation" -----------------------------------------"Missing Person Poster" (099) added. "Portable Stereo Player" (100) added. M: Keep defeating Yamirei. Hints 1: Destroy the continuously spawning Yamirei and Yamibito. Hints 2: Go for a high score within this stage's time limit. Points are scored by destroying Yamirei and Yamibito. Overview: - Location: Grade/Middle School, the last time chronologically. - This level has no checkpoints. - This level has a score counter, and your goal is to just pump it up as much as you can. - You can't do Time Trial in this level. - This level can't be accessed on Easy mode. Available weapons: - Homunaragi (starts with) Kyoya Suda: A 16-years old student.. Inventory is L-Shaped Flashlight, Uryen and Homunaragi. Quite stupidly you can't use the two rifles he has strapped to his back. I guess they're just for show. Also, you can't unequip the Homuranagi. - At the start he says "I'll get rid of everything! Everything!", "Back to the grave!" or "Prepare to meet your destiny!" So, some Yamirei appear, you must destroy them and whatever comes after them. After that you change location to some other Grade/Middle School area. Each completed location gives you extra points and precious seconds too. The field of battle is pretty small every time - if you try to leave too far, a message saying "Must end it all-" appears. But this is only good: at least you don't have to try and search the Yamirei too much. At the end of each stage you will have to fight a boss, beginning with one Kou-Yamibito, later two Otsu-Yamibitos, later all of them together! After winning the fight you're awarded extra points and extra time. I'm not sure how are they calculated, or are they completely random. Taking damage or using magic may account to your success.

Kyoya can use mass destructive magic with Uryen. There are two different kinds: "Flame of Purgatory" (which is practically the Uryen attack from Siren 1, only larger and faster) and "Rain of Fire" (which seems to have a slightly bigger area of effect - all around Kyoya and it lasts for a few seconds). You can't use them all the time, but still rather often. You hear a sharp sound when your magic is again useable. At the 'Vacant Lot' there's the car. You can use it to defeat your enemies too. Points list: Yamirei Kou-amibito Otsu-Yamibito Multi-kills Level clear = = = = = 300 points 10000 points 10000 points extra points in few hundreds. random amount? Range is 5000 to 50000.

Hints: - If you see a large cluster of Yamirei, attack them with a magic instead of hacking them off one by one. - Magic is the most useful against normal Yamirei. The boss enemies will not budge or get too much damage. - Magic effects will not reach past obstacles, so watch out where you cast. - Use flashlight manipulatively. If you want the Yamirei to stand still, cast light at them. If you want them to move and attack, don't cast. Also, use your light to stun Kou's and Otsu's when they least expect it for an open attack chance. Other interesting stuff: - You have the chance to Sightjack or 'Shout', though it's completely useless. - Kyoya can't die during this level. - However, Kyoya still has finite stamina. But it seems its restored each time you win a stage. - Even Yamirei who kill each other accidentally give you points. Mission accomplished! ---------------------

Nitaka Ichifuji 07:00 (7:00:00) "Memento" ----------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on HARD: 06:57:00

M: Escape from Houya with Momiko Nabeshima. Hard hints 1: The highest difficulty level! Using Nitaka, find Mimiko and escape together from Houya. Hard hints 2: Be careful when controlling Nitaka. Being a shibito, he lacks certain movement skills. Hard hints 3: Nitaka's flashlight batteries are low. Use it sparingly. Overview: - Location: Gold Mining Co. Housing, almost at the daybreak. - This level has 2 checkpoints. 1, right after the first cutscene. 2, after you locate Momiko. - This level is always on HARD difficulty, even if you access it on other modes. Available weapons: - Type 89 Rifle (starts with) - 9mm Handgun (starts with) - Type 64 Rifle (dropped by sidekick) - 9mm Machine Pistol (dropped by Yamibito) This level will test both your Siren skills and patience. There are horrendously many things that can go wrong during this level. Your characters are slow, Yamibitos revive fast, during each in-game movie time keeps running and that means that you can't help but waste time at several spots of the level... Nitaka Ichifuji: A 39-years old man, occupation is being a shibito. Inventory is L-Shaped Flashlight, Type 89 Rifle (total of 90 ammo) and 9mm Handgun. You die just as easy as normal characters if it gets to it. Not a quickly reviving terror getting to chew other characters' faces off, no. You're weak, you're the victim - one life is all you got. Moves you can't do as a shibito: crouch, 180 degree turn, strafe, strangle. They're also very slow in everything they do, not to mention even the simplest of moves can't be cancelled (e.g. a reload lasts at least 6 seconds, during which you're a sitting duck). The only thing they got working for them is that they turn smoothly. Try it out at the stairways. Not like this with other characters, eh? Unnamed sidekick: He can be told to 'Guard' or 'Come Here.' The level does not end if he dies. After you get to A-301 he stops following you actively. Note: for some reason the 'Guard' or 'Come Here' command has been put to the top of the List Menu. This makes it harder for you to quickly access other options (such as switching weapon). Another planned constraint? Sub-target: Save 'Momiko Nabeshima.'

Get to A-301 and defeat any Yamibito on the way. Sub-target: Search for the 'Iron.' CHECKPOINT. Momiko Nabeshima: A sidekick who just hangs along and who you can't control. She is very vulnerable to your enemies' attacks, and the game does end if she dies. Solution: The Iron is at B-101. *note: from here on there are many branches you can take, including visiting the roof and stealing the weapon of the sniper who resides there. I haven't done enough testing on this level to know the definite intended strategy for this level. The only way I know that works for certain is the strategy SHIN uses, listed below. But I will mention some variables that might get in your way while you're doing your dealings.* Outside of A-301 there's a Yamibito waiting right behind the entrance door. Because of your slow movements, you can't kill him unless you do it using your faster weapon, Handgun (or if you're very lucky). Sneak up to the door and keep your flashlight off. Open the door to stun him and shoot. Just one shot is enough if it's a surprise kill. It's recommended that you take his 9mm Machine Pistol because you might cross paths later in the level. There's a sniper keeping an eye out on the space between the two Buildings. You can easily see him, though: he's at A-Building's third floor balcony. You can snipe him from the front yard without too much hassle. No, you can't drive with the car. You can however climb on top of it and enter the building as Akiko did. I've also seen one video use this route as the escape route (to avoid the sniper outside assumedly). Check out the grotesquely funny climbing animation your character has. Watch out the stairways. The 3rd floor sniper can shoot you dead through the window. In my games this is a very unfair location for you to hang out at. SHIN has a very interesting approach to this level. He shoots to building B's side and manages the B-101 yamibito to come out and open the him. (this yamibito seems to be extra-sensitive to noise of any kind) after shooting that Yami dead he turns around and shoots the 3rd floor dead again. Now he has enough time to both pick up the Iron and leave without getting in too big problems. Sub-target: Reach the road to 'Uryuga Forest.' the door for Then, sniper the level

Do this any route you like. If you had replaced the Machine Pistol Yamibito's gun with your Handgun, he is almost harmless if you happen to meet him again. Leave by the exit near the playground. Other interesting stuff: - Apparently the "picking up nothingness" glitch doesn't happen with shibitos. - Try 'Shouting.' Mission accomplished! ---------------------

4. List of items ---------------Info: - the characters sub-section reveals who get to wield or use a particular item - the number behind a character name means level number - if there's a 'b' behind the number, it means it is M2 for that level - whether one- or two-handed, it doesn't really make a difference other than in the appearance of the weapon. Different characters can wield the same weapons in very different ways. - the list below is complete item-wise as far as I know, but not necessarily appearance-wise. If you know something not listed here, contact me. Flashlights: -----------Flashlight: A regular halogen bulb flashlight. It can be switched on and off with the square button. Characters: Shigeru, Akiko, Soji, Ikuko 2 L-shaped Flashlight: A Self-Defense Force issue white LED flashlight. It can be switched on and off with the Square button. Characters: Yorito, Takeaki, Kyoya, Nitaka LED Light: A white LED torch that's commonly used by news reporters. It can be switched on and off with the Square button.

Characters: Mamoru Guns: ----9mm Handgun: 9mm calibre, 9 rounds Adopted by the Self-Defence Forces in 1982. Carried by officers, gunners, and tank crew. 9mm Machine Pistol: 9mm calibre, 25 rounds Adopted by the Self-Defence Forces in 1999. Carried by paratroopers for self-Defence. Hunter's Sniper Rifle 7.62mm calibre, 5 rounds A hunting rifle for civilian use. MINIMI 5.56 Machine Gun: 5.56 calibre, 200 rounds Also used by the US Armed Forces. Bullets can be fed by either a box or belt magazine. Special: Only available when fighting Otoshigo New Nanbu .38 Calibre Revolver: Uses .38 SP ammo, 5 rounds A revolver carried by police officers. Adopted officially in 1960. Special: Shigeru Fujita's weapon. Type 26 Revolver: 9mm calibre, 6 rounds An old war revolver. Special: Mr. Ohta's weapon. Type 64 Rifle: 7.62mm calibre, 20 rounds Automatic rifle adopted by the SDF in 1964. Still actively used and mass produced. Type 64 Rifle (with sniper specifications): 7.62mm calibre, 20 rounds Automatic rifle adopted by the SDF in 1964. Equipped with sniper tools such as a scope. Special: Takeaki Misawa's weapon

Type 89 Rifle: 5.56mm calibre, 30 rounds Successor to the Type 64 rifle. Can also be used as a sniper rifle. Melee weapons: -------------Bark-stripping Sickle: A lumbering tool. It has a dual-edged blade, which can be used to strip the bark off logs by pulling the handle back and forth. Two-handed Speed: Fast Power: Good Chars: Soji 1 Broadaxe: A type of axe with a broad blade. Used for cutting and chipping wood. Speed: Normal Power: Good Chars: Akiko 1 Cargo Hook: A tool used in packaging, transportation work and handling fish. It has a metal hook at the end of a long handle. One-handed Speed: Fast Power: Unknown Chars: Yorito 2 Cleaver: A heavy Japanese knife with a wide, strong blade. Useful for cutting through bones and flesh in fish or poultry. Speed: Fast Power: Unknown (assumedly medium) Chars: Ichiko 1, Ichiko 2 Crowbar: An iron bar which is used as a lever to split pieces of wood and pull out nails. Speed: Slow Power: Medium

Characters: Mamoru 2, Ichiko 1b DAIKIRI Saw A cross-cut saw used for lumbering. It has large teeth, including some vertical teeth for cutting through trees with hard knots. One-handed Speed: Fast Power: Medium to good Special: Tomoe Ohta's unique weapon. Chars: Mamoru 3, Yorito 2 Deck Brush: A long handled brush for cleaning the deck of a ship. Speed: Fast Power: Weak (unclear) Chars: Ichiko 1, Mamoru 4 Fire Poker: A metal rod with a bent tip. Used to control the flames in a fireplace or furnace by raking the ash and moving firewoods. Speed: Fast Power: Weak to medium. Characters: Mamoru 2 Frying Pan: A cooking utensil used for stir-frying. It has a shallow, metal pan at the end of a handle. Speed: Fast Power: Weak to medium Chars: Ichiko 2 Gaff: A fishing tool with an iron hook at the end of a long handle. Used for pulling up fish, and hitching onto and pulling baskets. Power: Weak to medium. Characters: Mamoru 1 Golf Club: A putter with high resiliency, made with an aluminium head & wide face. Pushes the ball

well, and made for easy, straight putting. Speed: Fast Power: Weak to medium Chars: Ikuko 1a, Ikuko 2 Hand Axe: A small-sized axe for chopping wood. Speed: fast Power: Unknown Chars: Ichiko 1 Hammer: A large, iron hammer used at construction sites for demolition, and to strike and drive in nails. Speed: Slow Power: Good Characters: Shigeru 1, Mamoru 4 Hammer: A tool with an iron hammerhead at the end of a handle. Used to drive nails into wood. Speed: Quite fast Power: Unknown Chars: Soji 2, Soji 3 Hand Rake: A gardening rake with metal tines at the end of a handle. Used for drawing together objects such as fallen leaves. Speed: fast Power: Decent? Chars: Akiko 2b Hatchet: A tool with a wide, thick metal blade at the end of a handle. A versatile tool used for chopping firewood and woodworking. Speed: Fast Power: Medium Chars: Mamoru (at Yorito's 4), Ikuko (at Mamoru's 6, if no Shionagi), Akiko 2, Ichiko 2

Homunaragi: The Kajiro family sword, "Homunaragi." Speed: Fast Power: Great Special: Kyoya Suda's weapon Special 2: Cuts through Kou- and Otsu-Yamibitos frontal defense Chars: Kyoya 1 Ice Axe: A sharp, pointed European montaineering tool made of iron. A walking stick used by climbers for cutting footholds in ice. Speed: Normal Power: Unknown (assumedly medium) Chars: Akiko 1 Iron: HK-703 "Super Electrical Iron," by Roppe Electronics. Utilizes head and water to instantly press clothes wrinkle-free. Speed: Fast Power: Unknown Chars: Ichiko 2 (on HARD) Iron Pipe: A round pipe used on civil engineering and construction sites as plumbing material. One to Two-handed Speed: Slow (with Mamoru), Fast (with Soji) Power: Medium to strong Chars: Mamoru 1b, Mamoru 2, Mamoru 4, Soji 2, Soji 3 Military Shovel: SDF-issued equipment. Has a wide range of uses like for making camp, or for rescue operation. Speed: Normal to fast Power: Medium~ish Special: In Shigeru's level no one but him can pick it up. Chars: Shigeru 2, Yorito 5 Monkey Wrench An wrench (sic) with an adjustable spanner that can be used on bolts and nuts of various sizes.

Speed: Fast Power: WEAK Chars: Mamoru 1b, Mamoru 2b Nightstick: A hard wooden stick carried by police officers for self-defence. Speed: Fast Power: Medium Characters: Shigeru 1, Ichiko 1b, Mamoru 4 Pickaxe: A digging tool. It has a curved metal piece like a crane's bill which tapers to a sharp end fixed to a wooden handle. Speed: Medium Power: Medium to good Characters: Mamoru 2 Rope Cutter: A tool used in packaging, loading and transportation work. It has a short blade at the end of a handle for cutting rope. Speed: Fast Power: Unknown (assumedly weak to medium) Chars: Akiko 1, Akiko 2 Rope Cutting Hook: A tool used in packaging, loading and transportation work. The area for cutting rope is integrated with a metal hook. Speed: Fast Power: Medium (or less) Chars: Ichiko 1 Scantling: A small, rectangular piece of wood that has fallen off of a building structure. Speed: Very fast Power: Weak to medium Characters: Mamoru 1, Soji 1 Shionagi:

The Ohta family sword, "Shionagi." Speed: Fast~ish Power: Very strong Chars: Ikuko (at Mamoru's 6) Shoehorn: A tool made of synthetic resin, used for easing one's heel into a shoe without back strain and without damaging the leather. Speed: Fast Power: Pathetic Characters: Shu 2 Shovel: A tool with metal, spoon-shaped piece at then (sic) end of a handle. Used for moving earth and sand, digging holes and stirring. One to two-handed Speed: Normal Power: Good Characters: Mamoru 3, Ikuko 1b Spiked Bat: A wooden bat with hammered nails, making it a lethal weapon. Speed: Fast Power: Good Note: This weapon is wielded in a different way than Wooden Bat. Chars: Soji 3 (this or Wooden Bat) Tennis Racket: A carbon tennis racket for soft-ball tennis. Has a double-shaft and is light weight, making it easy to use for beginners. Speed: Fast Power: Unknown (assumedly weak to medium) Chars: Ichiko 1b, Ichiko 2 TOBI Sickle: A versatile logging tool. Used to move logs by thrusting the sharp metal tip into it. Two-handed Speed: Fast Power: Good (unclear)

Chars: Soji 2 (HARD only) Trophy: Middle School Prefectural Tennis Tournament (National Preliminaries) runner-up trophy. It's well made and sturdy. Speed: Medium to slow Power: Good Chars: Ichiko 1b Trowel: Used to apply and spread mortar or plaster to walls. One-handed Speed: Fast. Power: Weak to medium. Characters: Mamoru 2, Akiko 1, Akiko 2, Soji 3 Type 64 Assault Rifle Bayonet SDF-issued weapon. For hand-to-hand combat but very versatile. The lock fixture is missing so it can't be attached to a gun. One-handed Speed: Fast Power: Unknown (assumedly medium) Chars: Mamoru (at Yorito's 4), Shigeru 2 Type 89 Assault Rifle Bayonet SDF-issued weapon. For hand-to-hand combat but very versatile. The lock fixture is missing so it can't be attached to a gun. One-handed Speed: Very fast. Power: About medium. Special: The period between first and second attack is very short with Yorito. Chars: Ikuko 1a, Yorito 2

Umbrella: Rain gear. Has a canopy of cloth stretched over a metal frame at the end of a handle. Used to shield oneself from the rain. Speed: Fast. Power: Weak, weak, weak. Chars: Akiko 1, (Sidekick-Akiko during Soji 2), Soji 2b

Wooden Bat: A rubber-ball baseball bat made from the Ash tree. Highly resilient and durable. One-handed Speed: Fast Power: Weak to medium Special: Second hit seems to have a very long reach. Chars: Soji 1b, Soji 2, Soji 3 (if not Spiked bat) Yamibito Umbrella: A broken umbrella dropped by the Yamibito. Speed: Very fast Power: Weak Special: The period between first and second attack is very short with Misawa. Chars: Misawa 2, Soji 2 Items in amounts: ----------------.38 SP Ammo: New Nanbu .38 Calibre ammo 9mm Ammo: Ammo. It can be used with the Type 26 Revolver, 9mm Handgun or the 9mm Machine Pistol. 5.56 Ammo: Ammo. It can be used with the Type 89 Rifle. Empty Can An empty, old juice can found on the road. It makes a loud noise when thrown against hard things like the floor. Chars: Shu 1b Hunting Trap: A relatively weak steel hunting trap with no blades If someone's foot is caught in it, they will be temporarily immobilised. Chars: Soji 1, Soji 2 Nut: A large, heavy nut found in the dredge. It can be thrown to distract the Yamibito. Chars: Soji 3 Octopus Pot An old fishing tool thought to have been

used to catch octopus. Chars: Kanae 1b Small Change A small amount of change that was found. Two 10 yen coins, totalling 20 yen. Chars: Mamoru 3b Smoke Candle: For emergency use, it emits smoke and a flash to catch attention. It can also make a smakescreen when used in a room. Chars: Misawa 2 Key items: ---------21.5mm Flare: Acquired on the Ferry. Used in rescue missions and can be fired with a flare gun. It lasts for a long time and is very bright. Chars: Yorito 2, Yorito 6b Annunaki Remains (Claw): Acquired in Mikami's House. Ryuhei had been studying this artefact. Not officially classified since its origins are too remote. Chars: Akiko 2 Annunaki Remains (Horn): A mysterious object embedded in the Mekkoju tree. Chars: Mamoru 5, Mamoru 6 Apartment Key A key dropped under the mailbox. It can be used to open the door to room B-204. Chars: Takeaki 1 Backdoor Key: A key hid under a flower pot. It can be used to open the backdoor to Mikami's House. Chars: Akiko 2 Blower Machine A key found in It can be used Blower Machine Room Key: the Guardhouse. to open the door to the Room.

Characters: Mamoru 2, Soji 3b

Cabin Key: A key found in the Wheelhouse. The attached chain reads 'Cabin.' Chars: Ichiko 1. Cable Lift Key: A key found in the Work Room. It can be used to move the Cable Lift control device. Chars: Soji 3 Camera: A compact camera dropped in room A-301. Equipped with a self-timer and flash. Chars: Akiko 1. Crane Key: A small key acquired in the Mining Station Lounge. It can be used to open the control board to the crane inside the Pylon. Chars: Ikuko 2 Crank Handle: A crank handle found near the Ferry's lifeboat. It is needed to move the escape boat. Chars: Ichiko 1. Cutting Knife: A small knife discarded in the Rabbit Hutch. It is good for sharpening pencils, cutting cloth, but too weak to be a weapon. Chars: Ichiko 2b. Dog Whistle: Shu Mikami's treasured dog whistle. It produces a sound at a frequency that humans cannot hear. Chars: Soji 3b Electric Ride Battery: A backup battery carelessly stored under the Ferris Wheel. It still has enough charge to power the Electric Ride. Chars: Mamoru 3b. Electrical Cord: An electrical cord found in the Building-B. It can also act as a substitute for the firing device cable. Chars: Takeaki 1(b?)

Firing Device: An electrical firing device dropped at the Park Front Gate. Can be used by connecting it to a cable and TNT. Chars: Takeaki 1(b?) Fishing Line and Hook: A cut fishing line found in the Third-class Cabin. Can be used to pick up things in unreachable places. Chars: Ichiko 1. Flare Gun: Rescue tool held on by Hiroshi Okita. It can be used to fire 21.5mm flares. Chars: Yorito 5b Incline Control Room Key: A key found in the Ore-Processing Plant. It can be used to open the door to the Incline Control Room. Chars: Shigeru 1b Jasper Bracelet: The bracelet that Ichiko Yagura held onto dearly since the horrific events, but lost. The clasp is broken. Chars: Yorito 3b Light Bulb An incandescent light bulb found in room B-204. It lights up when plugged into a socket. Chars: Takeaki 1b Lighter: A lighter dropped in a Weapon Storage that appears to have been used relatively recently. Chars: Ichiko 2. Lighthouse Fuse: A fuse needed to use the emergency storage battery for the lighthouse. Chars: Yorito 5, Yorito 6b Locker Key A key found in the Materials Warehouse. It can be used to open the locker at the Work Room. Chars: Mamoru 1b.

Mekkoju (Shu Mikami): An item, by custom, offered up by each islander. Carving reads 'Shu Mikami.' Found in the settlement's shrine. Chars: Akiko 2 Mekkoju (Tomoe Ohta): An item offered by custom by each islander. Carving reads 'Tomoe Ohta.'. Found in the pylon entwined with the gigantic tree Chars: Mamoru (at Yorito's 4b) Mekkoju (Tsuneo Ohta): Ain item offered by custom by each islander. Carving reads 'Tsuneo Ohta.'. Found in the pylon entwined with the gigantic tree Chars: Mamoru (at Yorito's 4b) Nail: A nail located on a shelf in the Yamijima Gold Dredge. It is used with a hammer to fix wood and other materials in place. Special: The picture shows a messy pile of nails, even though there's only one. Chars: Soji 3 Nail Box: A nail box acquired from a shelf in the Stage Storeroom. It is filled with a lot of old, rusty, and bent nails. Chars: Ichiko 2b. Oil Drum Lid: The old oil-drum lid found in a Weapon Storage. Will fit on an open drum. It is strong enough for a person to stand on it. Chars: Soji 1. Padlock Key A padlock key dropped in Yamijima Amusement Park. Chars: Ikuko 1, Ikuko 2b Playground Key: A key found inside the incinerator. It can be used to gain access into the small playground behind the school. Chars: Yorito 5b (maybe also a?) Pliers: A pair of pliers found in the Custodian's Shack. It can be used to cut wire.

Chars: Mamoru 3b Rabbit Hutch Key: A key picked up using the Fishing Line and Hook. The attached chain reads, "Rabbit" written in childish writing. Chars: Ichiko 2b. Robo Beast: Acquired in Kanae's room in Mikami's House. From the Sushibon Toy Company's 1st series. "Robo Beast.". Shu Mikami's favourite toy. Chars: Shu 1b Rope: A rope left at Yamijima Harbour. It is durable, but not strong enough to hold a person's weigth. Chars: Akiko 2b Stone Ball An out-of-place artefact from an ancient civilisation displayed in the Ore-processing Plant. It is very heavy and rolls easily. Chars: Mamoru 2b. Storeroom Key: A key acquired in the Underground Passage. It can be used to open the door to a storeroom in the Yamijima Gold Dredge. Chars: Soji 1, Soji 3b Ticket Box Key A key found at the Fountain Plaza. It can be used to open the ticket box for the Coffee Cup Ride. Chars: Yorito 1b. Time Capsule Map: A map written by a child for a school event. It is written in something like a code. See Archive No.076 for details. Chars: Yorito 5 TNT: TNT left inside the vehicle Hiroshi Okita was riding. It cannot be used without a detonator. Chars: Yorito 5 Toolbox: A toolbox acquired behind the Yamijima

Grade/Middle School. It can be used to make easy repairs, like changing tires. Chars: Yorito 5 Traffic Barrier Key: A key hidden inside the Robo toy. It can be used to unlock the Traffic barrier. Chars: Akiko 1b. Underground Passage Key: A key dropped in the Materials Warehouse. It can be used to open the door to the Underground Passage. Chars: Soji 2b Vermilion Bracelet: A bracelet fitted with a vermilion stone. It was dropped in the Second-Class Cabin. Chars: Mamoru 4, Mamoru (at Yorito's 4) Wire: A piece of stripped wire. Found in the storeroom inside the Break Room. Characters: Shigeru 1 Wire: Metal wire rope left on the Building-A Rooftop. It can be connected to a car. Chars: Akiko 1.

4. Unsorted extra material -------------------------Theories & Techniques: ---------------------Gliding in Siren 2? In Siren 1, there is a possibility to glitch acceleration (either via a turbo controller or the List Menu) so that your character becomes extremely quick and can even sink to walls. I named this glitch "gliding", who knows if the japanise had found it out even earlier and named it some other way. Anyway, this kind of acceleration abuse is seemingly not possible in Siren 2. Unless something big comes up, I'm forced to acknowledge that this glitch has been fixed and such a technique is not possible in this game... Crouchtap running: If you quickly and stably tap circle while running, you evoke a very queer looking style of movement. If done optimally, it is meagerly faster than normal running - though this differs from character to character: it can be slower too. I think there's a slight momentary speed boost whenever rising

from crouchrunning to normal running to explain this. - Turning works as if you're on rails. - You can't do this on stairs. - Player will not hear any audible running steps, but enemies hear you as if you were running normally. - Character may get tired slightly quicker than when normally running. - You can squeeze through some tight spots doing this. - You avoid wallrams using this, a small bonus. Random notes - Mamoru's crouch-tapping speed is the same as normal running or even slightly slower. Though it looks the funniest when he does it. That many pelvic thrusts a day can't be good for your bones in a long run... - Adult Shu's crouch-tapping speed is slower than normal running. - Ichiko's crouch-tapping running looks like she's headbanding. \m/ - Yorito's crouch-tapping is probably the fastest of them all - especially useful since he often has a rifle with him, making him move EVEN faster. - You can skip most of the short acceleration period characters have when starting to run using this. Good! Saves even more time. - If you do a crouch-uncrouch right at the bottom of the stairs while running, the character does a strange nudge. This may actually save a small amount of time each time it's done, causing your character to 'warp' up the stair a very short length. Pre-emptive 180: Yup, it's in this game too! Basically, after some switches, etc. the game will let you move normally for a short period of time. Use this time period to do a 180 if you so wish. Saves time in most cases.

Unsubtitled enemy speech: ------------------------Shibito taunts: "Hahahaha!" "No escape for you!" "Die! Hahaha!" "It's over... hahaha!" "I'll protect the island..." "You can't hide from me! Hahaha..." Military shibitos say garbled military stuff such as "Commander!" and "Yes sir!" Mr. Ohta: "Die... monster!" "Disappear, once and for all!"

Tomoe Ohta: Something about a lost hair ornament and witches, the usual. Yamibito: --------Female 1: "Ahh, nice weather! I've got to do my laundry." *gargle* Female 2: "Hehehe, you are going down!" Female 3: "Fly, fly, messenger bird..." "You've just died!" Male 1: "It's time to die!" "Yes sir, hahaha!" (while searching) "Are you here?" Male 2: "I want to watch TV." (communicates frustration and boredom of own post) "Let's have fun!" "Hahahaha, you shall die, hahahaha!" Male 3: (each comment very unclear) Male 4: (after losing alert state) "You finally came out." Male 5: "Are you afraid of dying?" Male 6: "Hang in there! Hang in there!" Male 7: "*sigh* It's so boring." Male 8: "You're wasting my time." *sings Yamibito tune* Otsu-Yamibito: "You persistent witch!" Overall this section is far from complete. I'll add to these comments whenever I discern new ones.

5. Legal information, contact info, etc. ---------------------------------------==================================== Copyright 2008 Hannu Ratilainen All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html#SEC1 All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. The newest version of this guide is found at GameFAQs. So check there if you're not certain. ==================================== For comments or criticism, message my Youtube-account or hotmail (which you'll only find at GameFAQs's Contributor Recognition page). http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=AKheon For other gaming (and music) related texts and projects check out my blog: http://akheon.wordpress.com/ Additional thanks go to: -----------------------Yingpotter & co. - for some great strategies in this game. A link to his video collection: http://yingpotter.sakura.ne.jp/SIREN2/MOVIE.htm Haikuro & co. - for some cool Siren and Siren 2 glitches which I had never seen before. A link to their picture gallery: http://thebrave69star.fakefur.jp/siren/index.htm Surrealgamer - check out his Siren 1 & 2 video walkthroughs if you need one: http://uk.youtube.com/user/Surrealgamer Shuhan - for collaborating with me! http://forbiddensirenfan.webs.com/speedruns.htm xAKheonx - my biggest fan? Holds an unofficial fanchannel with nearly identical name. http://uk.youtube.com/user/XAKheonX Forbidden Siren Fan members - noted a couple of bugs

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