2023 Course Guide V1
2023 Course Guide V1
2023 Course Guide V1
All our courses include the Pre-requisites of Introduction to the Pilates Method and Introduction to
Kind Regards
Katrina Edwards,
Director of Training, National Pilates Training
Section Page
- Introduction to Anatomy 6
Getting started
Our uniquely designed Introduction to Pilates course has been created by our Director of Training,
Katrina Edwards. The purpose of this course is to provide you with a deeper understanding of your
own body investing in your own personal health and physical wellbeing for self-care. The
Introduction to Pilates course has been designed to:
• Help you understand the mind-body connection in practise
• Motivate you to make self-care and the practise of the Pilates method and its principles a
part of your everyday routine for improved mental, emotional and physical wellbeing
• Build your confidence
• Encourage self-directed practise
• Give you strategies and tools
The Introduction to Pilates course includes an easy to follow at home activities handout
encouraging daily practice over the course of the 7 modules. The daily practice is supported and
directed by our eLearn resources, alongside a downloadable video library. This Introduction to
Pilates course will build physical confidence giving you strategies to take care of yourself mentally
and physically as part of your day to day living.
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2023 Course Guide
Course Delivery Mode
• Delivery – 100% online, self-directed
• Optional weekly live-streamed movement sessions with Katrina Edwards (included in
course cost)
: $459.00 (includes ITA)
: Complimentary to all enrolling students in all courses with National Pilates Training.
Further Information
Please contact our Course Administrator, Celine Tricarico via email at [email protected]
for further details.
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RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
Prerequisite Course
Students come to National Pilates Training from all walks of life – lawyers, IT professionals,
osteopaths, teachers, dancers, and everything in between. Our diverse student range is one of
the things that people love when they come to study with us.
Some students come to us with a detailed knowledge of human anatomy and physiology – from
their previous studies or their current work position.
Some students come to us with no previous exposure to human movement and body structure
and function. Such students are strongly recommended to undertake a supplementary human
anatomy and physiology course prior to commencing Pilates studies with us.
Students can do such courses via external providers, but why not undertake your anatomy
studies with National Pilates Training? We offer a competitively priced course which has been
expressly designed for the pre-Pilates student. Our Introduction to Anatomy course guides
students through basic anatomy and physiology principles and practical application to
movement. Introduction to Anatomy students will gain an understanding of the body’s skeletal
structure and the role of bones and muscles in relation to human movement.
This course provides articulation to the Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction Pathway, Group Fit
Professional Pilates Instruction Pathway, Professional Pilates Reformer Pathway, and the Diploma
of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT).
Course Description
The Intro to Anatomy course comprises six learning modules, detailed in the following table:
Systems, Planes
In this first unit of Introduction to Anatomy we will be introducing you to the
Muscular and Skeletal systems and their roles within the body. Additionally,
and Movements
we will be going through the terminology of orientation and movement
and deciphering their meanings and well as the physical movement
associated with the terminology.
Lumbar, The structural skeletal characteristics of the lumbar spine paired with the
Abdominals commonly addressed muscles of the lumbar region, abdominal wall, and
and Pelvic pelvic floor. Looking at the origin, insertion, and action of these muscles and
Floor finally the relationship between the lumbopelvic stabilizers.
Thoracic and In the Thoracic and Breathing unit we will look at the structural skeletal
characteristics of the thoracic spine and cage, paired with the commonly
addressed muscles of the thoracic region. From there we look at breathing as
a whole and what muscles are used during passive and forced respiration.
The passageway from the head to the body has many roles in such a small
space. Here we will be looking structural skeletal characteristics and
differences of the cervical spine and its varied range of motion between the
different vertebrae. Paired with the commonly addressed muscles of the
neck, their origin, insertion, and action.
Shoulder The shoulder is one of the largest and most complex set of joints in the body
made up of several bones and joints. We will look at the characteristics of the
shoulder structure and how it moves around the axial skeleton. We will also be
going through the muscles of the rotator cuff, shoulder girdle and their origin,
insertion, and action.
Pelvic Region
The pelvis is a key structure for supporting organs, load distribution and
locomotion and has many supporting muscles and ligaments attached to it.
In this final unit we will go over the basic characteristics of the pelvis as well as
its surrounding musculature and their actions.
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Course Delivery Mode
• Learning materials and resources – self-directed
• Quizzes - directed
Course Cost
: included in ITP enrolment fee
: Complimentary to all enrolling NPT students for all courses with National Pilates Training
Further Information
Please contact our Course Administrator, Celine Tricarico via email at
[email protected] for further details.
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
At National Pilates Training our Group Fit Professional Pilates Instruction Pathway is designed to
introduce you to the concepts and principles of the Pilates method with a comprehensive
approach to the instruction of group matwork and group reformer classes. This Group Fit
Professional Pilates Instruction Pathway is suitable for the fitness professional/personal trainer
looking to upskill and include Pilates into their services. This customised selection of units will offer
the participant the opportunity to understand the concepts and principles of the Pilates
method, applied to the Intro-basic matwork and reformer repertoire creating effective and
efficient programs for private/one to one or group settings adapting to suit all ages, fitness levels
and abilities.
The Group Fit Pilates Professional Instruction provides an accredited outcome of three units of
competency drawn from the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT).
THE FOUNDATIONS NAT10838001 Apply Pilates Method fundamentals to induction and instruction of
INTEGRATED NAT10838002 Plan and instruct an introductory to basic level Pilates Matwork
NAT10838006 Plan and instruct the Pilates studio introductory to basic level Pilates
Reformer repertoire
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
• How to create transitions affecting flow for an effective and continuous workout for
improved strength, fitness, and conditioning
• How to tailor workouts
• Goals of exercises
• Analysis of movement patterns
• Application of functional anatomy
• How to progress and regress the repertoire
• The Reformer and all its moving parts
The Group Fit Professional Pilates Instruction Pathway can be undertaken via the following two
delivery modes:
A minimum of 6 hours per week is required to meet requirements, including observation, work
placement, self-mastery, and self-directed learning tasks.
National Pilates Training
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2023 Course Guide
What is included in the course fees?
The course fees for the Group Fit Professional Pilates Instruction Pathway include:
Delivery Pathway
The Group Fit Professional Pilates Instruction Pathway is delivered in an integrated structure
through a combination of:
Contact Hours – 28 • 2 x Tutorial • In-person scheduled sessions
hours • 3 Teaching Clinics • Optional attendance for 100% online- self-
• Pilates Fundamentals directed students at an additional cost
• Assessment Days
Work Placement • Observation (Obs) Self-mastery comprises of:
38 Total (min) • Teaching (TT) • Unsupervised
(8 observation • Self-mastery • Supervised – Compulsory x2
30 teacher • Self-directed study weekly sessions
training) Teaching hours are a combination of:
• Teaching Clinic hours (TT) built into the delivery
• Assisting hours (TT) where the student is assisting
a senior teacher on the floor through our WPFS
• Teaching at home, friends or at work (TT)
• Observing (Obs) Pilates Anytime classes by
Directed • e-Learn – self-directed approved instructors, NPT’s weekly live online
matwork classes, and observing at affiliate sites.
Distance • Repertoire manuals
Learning hours • Downloadable
resources and tools
• Assessment tasks
Self-Directed • Self-review • Learning done under own guidance
Learning hours • Self-mastery
• e-learning
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2023 Course Guide
Assessment for the Group Fit Professional Pilates Instruction Pathway includes the following:
Online Exams Each of the three e-Learn units are complete with an on-line exam. This online exam has
been designed to enable you to receive immediate feedback improving your capacity
to acquire the necessary knowledge.
• fundamnetalspilates
These exams are a combination of multiple choice, true / false questions.
The online exams are a compulsory part of the Group Fit Professional Pilates Instruction
Pathway for successful completion.
Written Assignment The written assignment demonstrates your understanding of the knowledge acquired in
the self-directed study of the eLearn for the three units of competency.
This assignment is a combination of multiple choice, true / false questions, short- and
long- answer questions, exercise analysis and programming.
The written assignment is a compulsory part of the Group Fit Professional Pilates
Instruction Pathway for successful completion.
A variety of assessment methods are used in alignment with the principles of competency-
based training. Where possible, reasonable adjustments are made for individual needs in
assessment. Individual needs may include:
Provision of personal support services
Allowance for fatigue or medication
Religious/traditional beliefs
Adaptation/s for any injury/physical limitations
Literacy or numeracy difficulty
Using a large print version of any papers
Oral assessment in place of written
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
National Pilates Training includes a structured Work Placement Facilitation Site (WPFS) Program
to enable student placement under faculty members and past graduates as mentors and
supervisors, in a controlled manner.
A minimum of 6 hours per week for the Group Fit Professional Pilates Instruction Pathway is
recommended to meet requirements, including observation, work placement, self-mastery, and
self-directed learning tasks.
Completion of the Group Fit Professional Pilates Instruction Pathway provides a Statement of
Attainment acknowledging partial completion of the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction
(10838NAT). Graduates receive recognition for having completed three accredited units of
competency drawn from the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT). This is not a
formal qualification outcome, but a grouping of units drawn from the Diploma.
Essential texts are:
The Anatomy of Movement by Calais-Germain
The Anatomy of Movement-Exercises by Calais-Germain
Return to Life Through Contrology by J H. Pilates & W. Miller
Muscles Testing and Function with Posture and Pain by F. P. Kendal (et al) (2005)
The recommended reading list provided at the beginning of the course will outline further
relevant texts that will assist learning and comprehension of the course. It is recommended that
each student select materials to purchase from this list for their learning benefit.
Further information
Please contact our Course Administrator Celine Tricarico via email on [email protected]
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
At National Pilates Training our Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction Pathway is designed to
introduce you to the concepts and principles of the Pilates method with a comprehensive
approach to the instruction of group matwork classes. The course will qualify you to teach
matwork classes for a group setting or one to one service. You will be comprehensively trained
in how to instruct the introductory - intermediate Pilates matwork repertoire including small
apparatus, with the ability to create fun and challenging classes promoting the building of
functional core strength, improving physical fitness and mental wellbeing suitably catering for all
ages and fitness levels.
The Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction Pathway is made up of the following endorsed and
Pilates-customised units of competency, drawn from the Diploma of Professional Pilates
Instruction (10838NAT).
THE FOUNDATIONS NAT10838001 Apply Pilates Method fundamentals to induction and instruction of Pilates
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
INTEGRATED NAT10838002 Plan and instruct an introductory to basic level Pilates Matwork class
NAT10838003 Plan and instruct a progressive Pilates Matwork class
NAT10838004 Plan and instruct an intermediate Pilates Matwork class
NAT10838005 Instruct the Pilates studio basic to intermediate Small Apparatus repertoire
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
How can I learn?
To complete this qualification learning can be undertaken via the following two delivery modes:
National Pilates Training
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2023 Course Guide
Delivery Pathway
The Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction Pathway is delivered in an integrated structure
through a combination of:
Contact Hours – 33 • 2 x Tutorials • In-person scheduled sessions
hours • 3 Teaching Clinics • Optional attendance for 100% online- self-
• Pilates Fundamentals directed students at an additional cost
Work Placement ••Assessment
(Obs) Self-mastery comprises of:
100 Total (min) •Teaching (TT) • Unsupervised
(30 observation •Self-mastery • Supervised – Compulsory x2
70 teacher • Self-directed study weekly sessions
training) Teaching hours are a combination of:
• Teaching Clinic hours (TT) built into the delivery
• Assisting hours (TT) where the student is assisting
a senior teacher on the floor through our WPFS
• Teaching at home, friends or at work (TT)
• Observing (Obs) Pilates Anytime classes by
approved instructors, NPT’s weekly live online
matwork classes, and observing at affiliate sites.
Directed • e-Learn – self directed
Distance • Repertoire manuals
Learning – 230 • Downloadable
hours resources and tools
• Assessment tasks
Self-Directed • Self-review • Learning done under own guidance
Learning – 170 • Self-mastery
hours • e-learning
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RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
Assessment for the Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction Pathway includes the following:
Online exams Each of the six e-Learn units are complete with an on-line exam. This online exam has
been designed to enable you to receive immediate feedback improving your
capacity to acquire the necessary knowledge.
These exams are a combination of multiple choice, true / false questions.
The online exams are a compulsory part of the Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction
Pathway for successful completion.
Written Assignment The written assignment demonstrates your understanding of the knowledge acquired
in the self-directed study of the eLearn for the three units of competency.
This assignment is a combination of multiple choice, true / false questions, short- and
long- answer questions, exercise analysis and programming.
The written assignment is a compulsory part of the Professional Pilates Matwork
Instruction Pathway for successful completion.
A variety of assessment methods are used in alignment with the principles of competency-
based training. Where possible, reasonable adjustments are made for individual needs in
assessment. Individual needs may include:
Provision of personal support services
Allowance for fatigue or medication
Religious/traditional beliefs
Adaptation/s for any injury/physical limitations
Literacy or numeracy difficulty
Using a large print version of any papers
Oral assessment in place of written
Work Placement
The work placement component is an essential phase of a student’s training, being able to put
the knowledge into practice, and a key requirement of the industry. A process of logging of
work placement hours has been created whereby the student can carry out work placement
• as an instructor in a professional Pilates studio/gym environment.
• assisting qualified instructors in a Pilates studio/gym environment
• in a student training environment (teaching clinic) where students act as instructors
teaching fellow peers
• in a suitable environment teaching family and friends who have been pre-screened – self
National Pilates Training includes a structured Work Placement Facilitation Site (WPFS) Program to
enable student placement under faculty members and past graduates as mentors and
supervisors, in a controlled manner.
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
Students need to complete 100 work placement hours, comprising:
• 70 teaching hours
• 30 observation hours.
Teaching clinics - Students enrolled in the online- supported “in person” delivery will receive x 5
work placement hours for each x 5-hour teaching clinic attended. Attendance at the x 3
scheduled teaching clinics within the delivery schedules provides a total of 15 teaching hours
(approx. 20% of the total required teaching hours).
Students enrolled in the 100% Online only self-directed model can elect to pay an additional
fee to attend teaching clinics.
People interested in studying the Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction Pathway must have
In addition to the above, applicants from a non-English speaking background are required to
have a minimum standard of English language proficiency to undertake the theoretical study
involved in this course. The level of English language proficiency specified as appropriate for
overseas students of non-English speaking background is prescribed in the following rating
systems and is comparable to the rates used by TAFE colleges for overseas students enrolling in
accredited training programs:
• Test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) 94
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 6.0
Applicants requiring assistance with language development will be advised or available
bridging programs through ACE, TAFE, or English language schools.
Recommended pre-learning/study
National Pilates Training suggested reading list includes the following texts:
The Anatomy of Movement by Calais-Germain
The Anatomy of Movement-Exercises by Calais-Germain
Return to Life Through Contrology by J H. Pilates & W. Miller
Muscles Testing and Function with Posture and Pain by F. P. Kendal (et al) (2005)
The recommended reading list provided at the beginning of the course will outline further
relevant texts that will assist learning and comprehension of the course. It is recommended that
each student select materials to purchase from this list for their learning benefit.
National Pilates Training
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2023 Course Guide
Shealy MD. PhD.
Manual of Structural Kinesiology by Clem W Thompson
Progression pathway
The Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction Pathway articulates directly into the Diploma of
Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT), allowing for a progressive attainment of skills and
knowledge through formal training.
The qualification
Completion of the Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway provides a Statement of
Attainment acknowledging partial completion of the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction
(10838NAT). Graduates receive recognition for having completed four accredited units of
competency drawn from the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT). This is not a
formal qualification outcome, but a grouping of units drawn from the Diploma.
The Pilates Alliance of Australasia (PAA) and AUSactive has a membership structure in place to
allow for reference of training and experience as well as a hierarchy system for achievement
within the industry. As part of membership requirements, a compulsory Professional
Development Points (PDPs) program ensures currency and continued professional
The Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction Pathway will continue to align with expectations set
down by the PAA and AUSactive therefore retain recognition at the relevant membership level.
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2023 Course Guide
Industry Endorsement – CEC’s/PDP’s
The Professional Pilates Matwork Instruction Pathway is endorsed by Pilates Alliance Australasia,
AUSactive, and Physical Activity Australia.
• Ausactive – 15 CEC’s
• Physical Activity Australia – 6 PDP’s
Further Information
Please contact our Course Administrator, Celine Tricarico via email at
[email protected] for further details.
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
The Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway will qualify you to teach reformer classes in a
studio/gym/ fitness setting for a group or one to one service. You will be comprehensively
trained in how to instruct the introductory - intermediate Pilates reformer repertoire including
small props, with the ability to create fun and challenging classes promoting the building of
functional core strength, improving physical fitness and mental wellbeing suitably catering for all
ages and fitness levels. The Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway at National Pilates
Training is designed to equip you with an understanding of the concepts and principles of the
Pilates method for a comprehensive approach to the instruction of group reformer classes.
The Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway is an evidence-based curriculum
acknowledging sports medicine advancements and is up to date with current clinical practise.
The Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway is government accredited and industry
endorsed by Ausactive, Physical Activity Australia, ESSA, providing an accredited outcome of
four units of competency drawn from the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT).
National Pilates Training
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2023 Course Guide
• Goals of exercises
• Analysis of movement patterns
• Application of functional anatomy
• Progressions and regressions
• How to operate the Reformer and all its functioning parts
• Intro- Intermediate level reformer repertoire
• Pre exercise screening induction and Instruction
The Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway can be undertaken via the following two
delivery modes:
National Pilates Training
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2023 Course Guide
Delivery of the Pathway
The Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway is delivered in an integrated structure
through a combination of:
Contact Hours – 29 • 2 x Tutorial • In-person scheduled sessions
hours • 4 Teaching Clinics • Optional attendance for 100% online- self-
• Pilates Fundamentals directed students at an additional cost
• Assessment Days
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
Assessment for the Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway includes the following
Online exams Each of the four e-Learn units are complete with an on-line exam. This online
exam has been designed to enable you to receive immediate feedback
improving your capacity to acquire the necessary knowledge.
• fundamnetalspilates
These exams are a combination of multiple choice, true / false questions.
The online exams are a compulsory part of the Professional Pilates Reformer
Instruction Pathway for successful completion.
Written Assignment The written assignment demonstrates your understanding of the knowledge
acquired in the self-directed study of the eLearn for the three units of
This assignment is a combination of multiple choice, true / false questions,
short- and long- answer questions, exercise analysis and programming.
The written assignment is a compulsory part of the Professional Pilates
Reformer Instruction Pathway for successful completion.
A variety of assessment methods are used in alignment with the principles of competency-
based training. Where possible, reasonable adjustments are made for individual needs in
assessment. Individual needs may include:
Provision of personal support services
Allowance for fatigue or medication
Religious/traditional beliefs
Adaptation/s for any injury/physical limitations
Literacy or numeracy difficulty
Using a large print version of any papers
Oral assessment in place of written
National Pilates Training
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2023 Course Guide
Work placement hours
The required 50 hours of on-the-job training is a crucial phase in the development of the
student’s skills and knowledge. It is essential that students are facilitated in appropriate
environments and under appropriately trained supervisors. National Pilates Training includes a
structured Work Placement Program and hours are logged in the way of:
• scheduled teaching clinics -enabling students to develop and build the practical skills
required supported by our faculty educators
• assisting qualified instructors in a studio/gym setting
• in a student training situation where students teach each other.
• in a student training situation with students teach clients who are willing to attend
sessions taught by students in training
People interested in studying the Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway must have
• Intro to Pilates – gateway program
• Intro to Anatomy or equivalent
• VCE / HSC or equivalent and be physically capable of carrying out the necessary
requirements of Pilates Reformer instructor employment.
In addition to the above, applicants from a non-English speaking background are required to
have a minimum standard of English language proficiency to undertake the theoretical study
involved in this course. The level of English language proficiency specified as appropriate for
overseas students of non-English speaking background is prescribed in the following rating
systems and is comparable to the rates used by TAFE colleges for overseas students enrolling in
accredited training programs:
• Test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) 94
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 6.0
Applicants requiring assistance with language development will be advised or available
bridging programs through ACE, TAFE, or English language schools.
Recommended Resources
Essential texts recommended by National Pilates Training are:
The Anatomy of Movement by Calais-Germain
The Anatomy of Movement-Exercises by Calais-Germain
Return to Life Through Contrology by J H. Pilates & W. Miller
Muscles Testing and Function with Posture and Pain by F. P. Kendal (et al) (2005)
The recommended reading list provided at the beginning of this course will outline further
relevant texts that will assist learning and comprehension of this course. It is recommended that
each student select materials to purchase from this list to supplement learning.
Completion of the Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway provides a Statement of
Attainment acknowledging partial completion of the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction
(10838NAT). Graduates receive recognition for having completed x four accredited units of
competency drawn from the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT). This is not a
formal qualification outcome, but a grouping of units drawn from the Diploma.
The Pilates Alliance of Australasia (PAA) and AUSactive has a membership structure in place to
allow for reference of training and experience as well as a hierarchy system for achievement
within the industry. As part of membership requirements, a compulsory Professional
Development Points (PDPs) program ensures currency and continued professional
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
The Professional Pilates Reformer Instruction Pathway will continue to align with expectations set down
by the PAA and AUSactive therefore retain recognition at the relevant membership level.
Further information
Please contact our Course Administrator Celine Tricarico via email on [email protected]
for further details.
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
The Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT) is a nationally endorsed and
government accredited qualification. This qualification is an entry-level qualification for the
professional Pilates industry. The Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT) is
designed to reflect the role of Pilates Instructors who can work autonomously in a professional
and specialised studio environment. Diploma graduates work with low- risk clients within the
defined range.
The following list details the units comprising the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction
(10838NAT) qualification:
THE FOUNDATIONS NAT10838001 Apply Pilates method fundamentals to induction and instruction of
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
INTEGRATED NAT1083802 Plan and instruct a Pilates Matwork class from foundation to basic
NAT1083803 Plan and instruct a progressive Pilates Matwork class
NAT1083804 Plan and instruct an intermediate Pilates Matwork class
NAT1083805 Instruct the Pilates studio basic to intermediate Small Apparatus
INTEGRATED NAT10838006 Instruct the Pilates studio introductory to basic Reformer repertoire
REPERTOIRE 2 NAT10838007 Instruct the Pilates studio progressive Reformer repertoire
NAT10838008 Instruct the Pilates studio intermediate Reformer repertoire
PROGRAMMING NAT10838011 Plan and instruct Pilates Method programming for postural
assessment and corrections
NAT10838016 Undertake exercise planning and programming for Pilates
Method clients
COMPLETION: Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT)
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
What will I learn?
• The foundation skills and knowledge required to assess, induct, and instruct clients in the
Pilates Method, according to the fundamental concepts, philosophy, and approach of
the works of Joseph Pilates
• Exercise planning and programming
• Postural analysis and appraisal
• Applied correction of faulty posture and postural dysfunction
• Client management, assessment and instructing techniques
• Work Health and Safety and legal requirements within the Pilates industry
• Methods of communication in dealing with clients and colleagues
• Adult learning and instructional techniques for one-on-one and groups
• Interactions and referrals with other health care professionals
• Systematic approaches to Pilates Studio and Matwork programming
• Pilates exercise for special conditions
• Work ethics and professional development
• Pilates repertoire for Mat, Reformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair, Barrels and Small Apparatus
from introductory to intermediate levels.
• Analysis of human movement and biomechanics
• To develop, conduct and evaluate Pilates programs
• Instruct and assess Pilates clients who are apparently healthy or requiring postural
address / low-risk rehabilitation
• Prepare and instruct client Pilates sessions in a variety of contexts including:
• Pilates studio private or semi-private
• Pilates studio group and matwork classes
• Health centres
• Gymnasium group classes
• Home visits
• Corporate classes
• Instruct clients of a low-risk apparently healthy nature, including:
• General conditioning
• Postural correction
• Pregnancy
• Ageing
• Low-risk referrals from allied health practitioners
• Undertake basic dynamic postural screening using applied biomechanics
• Evaluate performance of individual clients or groups and apply teaching methods and
instructional styles in a variety of Pilates settings.
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2023 Course Guide
How can I Learn
The Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction qualification can be undertaken via the following
two delivery modes:
National Pilates Training
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2023 Course Guide
What is included in the course fees?
The course fees for the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT) includes:
• 24/7 access to our NPT eLearn including downloadable resources and tools, repertoire
videos, repertoire workbooks, journals quizzes.
• Scheduled tutorials- for “in person” students. Additional charge for100% online – self-
directed students
• Scheduled teaching clinics for “in person” students. Additional charge for 100%online –
self-directed students
• Work placement hours – teaching clinics hours, logged at x 5 per clinic.
An Online – supported “In-person” student will take approximately 12 -18 months to complete
the qualification (maximum of 18 months)
National Pilates Training
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2023 Course Guide
A variety of assessment methods are used in alignment with the principles of competency-
based training.
Assessment for the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT) includes the following
Online exams Each e-Learn unit is supported by an on-line exam enabling the student to
received immediate feedback improving understanding and assisting
knowledge acquisition.
All Diploma students complete online exams at the conclusion of each
eLearn unit. These assessments are a combination of multiple choice and
true / false questions.
Written Assignments The written assignments require you to demonstrate your understanding of
the knowledge acquired in the eLearn units.
Students completing the Diploma of professional Pilates Instruction
(10838NAT) are required to complete three Written Assignments –
• relating to the study of the Pilates Matwork content,
• relating to working within a Pilates Industry Framework
• relating to the Pilates Studio content.
• these written assignments are a combination of multiple choice, true /
false questions, short- and long-answer questions, exercise analysis,
programming, functional anatomy and WHS questions as relevant.
A variety of assessment methods are used in alignment with the principles of competency-
based training. Where possible, reasonable adjustments are made for individual needs in
assessment. Individual needs may include:
Provision of personal support services
Allowance for fatigue or medication
Religious/traditional beliefs
Adaptation/s for any injury/physical limitations
Literacy or numeracy difficulty
Using a large print version of any papers
Oral assessment in place of written
National Pilates Training
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2023 Course Guide
Work Placement
Students completing the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT) course are
required to complete 300 hours of work placement, comprising
People interested in studying the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT) will need
to complete
In addition to the above, applicants from a non-English speaking background are required to
have a minimum standard of English language proficiency to undertake the theoretical study
involved in this course. The level of English language proficiency specified as appropriate for
overseas students of non-English speaking background is prescribed in the following rating
systems and is comparable to the rates used by TAFE colleges for overseas students enrolling in
accredited training programs:
• Test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) 94
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 6.0
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
Qualification Level
A Pilates studio instructor is a Pilates Studio industry Level 1 teacher working within the Pilates
specialist environment. These people instruct apparently healthy to low- risk clients in the full
scope of the Pilates method work for general conditioning, postural assessment and correction,
and rehabilitation. Pilates studio instructors also devise specific training for apparently healthy or
low-risk clients in private to small group situations.
The Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT) aims to graduate a student to
become a Pilates Studio Instructor of the highest calibre. This is someone who is soundly versed
in the science of human movement, as well as adaptations to given situations, and who has the
creativity to apply solutions in a range of circumstances according to the needs of each
individual. This graduate will be able to work competently with apparently healthy through to
low-risk clients in a comprehensive studio environment and in co-ordination with Allied Health
network personnel.
The Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT) is regarded as entry level into the
Pilates studio industry (Pilates specialist) and is designed to reflect the role of those who can
work autonomously within the defined range, and under limited supervision.
Likely functions within the Pilates industry for those who have this level of competency include
working with clients (e.g., Pilates Instructor) and working within clearly defined contexts (Pilates
or Allied Health environment or similar).
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
Australian Qualifications PAA AUSactive Malpractice/ Able to lead a
Framework (AQF) Level Recognition Recognition Professional Pilates
Indemnity practice/ studio
Enrolled as a student in a
recognised training program Student Membership Student Membership No No
Student Membership
Professional Pilates Matwork or Group Instructor
Reformer Instruction Fitness Pilates Instructor Yes No
Direct Credit (DC), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) & Current Competency (RCC)
Recognition will be given for skills and knowledge gained in other courses, life experience, or
training. DC, RPL and RCC assessment may include a variety of methods such as portfolio,
practical test, demonstration, interview, or a combination of these methods.
The competencies in this qualification may be attained in several ways:
Formal or informal training and education, including training at work/in-house staff
Work placement
General life experience; and / or
Any combination of the above,
All assessment pathways must provide for the recognition of competencies previously attained.
Competencies achieved and currently held by individuals can be formally assessed against the
Units of Competency in this qualification.
Evidence that may be required can include:
A current resume that reflects the student's experience in the Pilates and related
industries (allied health and fitness)
Any certificates or statements of attainment that relate to Pilates instruction
Statement/s of attainment for nationally endorsed competencies that have been
successfully completed
References from employers in relation to professional Pilates instruction
Membership with a recognised Pilates regulatory body
Log/documented evidence of Pilates practical workout sessions, observation hours
and/or assisted teaching
Video of recent practical Pilates instructing session/s
Current Senior First Aid Certificate
Academic transcript of successful completion of Anatomy and Physiology to
intermediate and/or advanced levels.
This course is customised by the delivery of a course structure which is flexible in terms of
recognition of prior learning and previous experience and upon application consideration will
be given to advanced standing and/or credits where appropriate. Our Course Administrator and
Director of Training can issue applications for RPL and DC upon request at the application stage
for entry to the Course.
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
Recommended essential texts
The recommended reading list provided at the beginning of this course will outline further
relevant texts that will assist learning and comprehension of the course. It is recommended that
each student select materials to purchase from this list for their learning benefit.
Further information
Please contact our Course Administrator Celine Tricarico via email on [email protected]
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
The Advanced Diploma of The Pilates Method (10839NAT) is an advanced level, post-graduate
course following on from the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT) or the equivalent
level of pre-requisite training. The Advanced Diploma of The Pilates Method provides the practical
skills and related scientific knowledge required to become a competent and effective practitioner,
health care advisor and therapist in the field of Pilates. Successful completion of this course will
mean graduates are:
• competent at dealing with healthy to moderate risk level clients
• able to teach up to the late intermediate repertoire on all apparatus
• able to manage a Pilates/health practice.
The outcome of the Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method (10839NAT) is a graduate who is
recognised as a Pilates Practitioner.
Functions within the Pilates industry for those with this qualification include:
• Managing and/or administering a Pilates studio practice with responsibility for supervising
and/or managing staff
• Working under guidelines set by medical or allied health professionals in programs or services
related to injury rehabilitation and underlying pathologies
• Working closely with at risk clients in referral with allied health professionals
• Leading and instructing Pilates exercise for clients with musculoskeletal impairment -both
individuals and group
• Leading and instructing Pilates exercise for all client types up to and including late
intermediate repertoire and specific conditioning
• Advanced conditioning and sport / art-specific training and rehabilitation
Qualification Level
As a graduate of the Advanced Diploma of The Pilates Method (10839NAT), you will enter the Pilates
method industry at a senior level. You will work unsupervised with clients of a low to moderate risk
nature, be at the senior supervisory level and may perform studio management duties. You will have
the practical skills and related scientific knowledge required to become a competent and effective
practitioner and health care advisor in the field of Pilates.
Successful graduation gives you immediate eligibility for Level 2 membership as a Pilates Practitioner
with the Pilates Alliance Australasia (PAA). As a Level 2 practitioner you will be consolidating your
journey of learning and have demonstrated your commitment to continuing education by increasing
your skills and understanding of more complex client requirements.
Entry requirements
Minimum pre-requisites and requirements for entry into this course is a successful completion of the
Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (10838NAT), or demonstrated equivalent
This course does not contain limitations on access and equity; however, it reserves the right to refuse
an application for course admission if there is reasonable evidence to suggest that the applicant is
physically incapable of carrying out the normal requirements of Pilates training practice.
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
What will I study?
The following program areas describe the content for the Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method
(10839NAT) qualification:
CARING FOR AT RISK CLIENTELE - This includes advanced anatomy and physiology with
application of advanced knowledge, including Pre-Pilates and specific Pilates repertoire, to
systems of the body, the study of low to moderate level musculoskeletal injuries and
conditions, programming strategies for low to moderate risk client conditions and injuries,
programming strategies for rehabilitation of in depth musculoskeletal injuries, critical analysis
of research relevant to the Pilates method as an allied health modality.
MANAGE A PRACTICE - This includes managing and administering a Pilates studio or
Healthcare practice
INTEGRATED REPERTOIRE 5 - This includes late-intermediate repertoire on the Reformer,
Cadillac (Trap Table), Wunda Chair, High Barrel, Spine Corrector and Low Barrels, Ped-a-Pull,
and all Small Apparatus, as well as Matwork. This repertoire also includes programming
applications and considerations for the Studio and Matwork environment.
The following table lists the units of competency achieved upon successful completion of the
Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method qualification:
STUDIO MANAGEMENT BSBESB406 Establish operational strategies and procedures for new
business ventures
BSBESB407 Manage finances for new business ventures
WORK CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
TAEDEL404 Mentor in the workplace
INTEGRATED NAT10839004 Instruct the late intermediate Matwork and Small Apparatus
REPERTOIRE repertoire
NAT10839007 Instruct the Pilates studio late intermediate Wunda Chair and
Barrels repertoire
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
Delivery and nominal hours
Blended Delivery
The Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method is delivered through a combination of
• Private Mentoring sessions – in person or live streamed with Kath Banks -senior faculty for NPT
• Private sessions – in person or live streamed with Katrina Edwards, Director of Training
• Work Placement - 200 hours of on-the-job practical observation/teaching
• Self-Directed Learning – online/eLearn
-(self-review and self-mastery).
Work placement hours (WP) are practical hours devoted to applying the course content in a studio
environment. For Advanced Diploma students, WP hours can be completed at your principal place
of work or an affiliated studio which has attained our Work Placement Facilitation Site (WPFS)
Self-directed learning hours include sreading and study within the eLearn as well as homework tasks,
self-guided tutorials, self-study, and time spent practising repertoire on the equipment. Your self-
mastery hours are workout hours – students are required to maintain a schedule of workouts at a
minimum of two per week for the duration of the course, with a minimum of one of these weekly
workouts being supervised by a qualified instructor. These workouts are at an additional cost.
In order to complete the course within 2 years, students at this level will be expected to self-
manage the number of minimum hours per week they will need to dedicate to meet the work
requirements. These include work placement hours, self-mastery, and self-directed learning tasks
as outlined above.
Study Approach
Students can undertake the course on a Part-Time or Full-Time basis. Students undertaking the course
as Full-Time study with an aim to complete the program over 18 months will be required to attend all
contact sessions as specified in their enrolment confirmation plus maintain regular weekly directed
distance learning, work placement and self-directed learning hours.
Students undertaking the course as Part Time study with an aim to complete the program over 24
months will be required to attend all contact sessions as specified in their course timetable plus
maintain regular directed distance learning, work placement and self-directed learning hours, either
weekly, fortnightly, or in regular blocks as agreed with National Pilates Training.
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
How will I be assessed?
All units are assessed through a variety of methods in alignment with the principles of competency-
based training. These will include formal assessment by way of practical and written assessments /
assignment tasks / projects and ongoing assessment via self-assessment and supervisor feedback
during all in-person or live-streamed contact sessions. There is an online assessment component to
complete at the end of each unit.
Essential texts are:
• “Principles of Anatomy and Physiology”. Tortora, G. J. & Derrickson, B. (2006) USA: Wiley
• “Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology” Clippinger, K. (2007)
The recommended reading list provided at the beginning of the course will outline further relevant
texts that will assist learning and comprehension of the course. It is recommended that each student
select materials to purchase from this list for their learning benefit.
Direct Credit (DC), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) & Current Competency (RCC)
Recognition will be given for skills and knowledge gained in other courses, life experience, or training.
DC, RPL and RCC assessment may include a variety of methods such as portfolio, practical test,
demonstration, interview, or a combination of these methods.
This course is customised by the delivery of a course structure which is flexible in terms of recognition
of prior learning and previous experience and upon application consideration will be given to
advanced standing and/or credits where appropriate. Our Director of Training can issue applications
for RPL and DC upon request at the application stage for entry to the course.
Evidence that may be required can include:
A current resume that reflects the student's experience in the Pilates and related
industries (allied health and fitness)
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
Any certificates or statements of attainment that relate to Pilates instruction
Statement/s of attainment for nationally endorsed competencies that have been
successfully completed
References from employers in relation to professional Pilates instruction
Membership with a recognised Pilates regulatory body
Log/documented evidence of Pilates practical workout sessions, observation hours
and/or assisted teaching
Video of recent practical Pilates instructing session/s
Current Senior First Aid Certificate
Academic transcript of successful completion of Anatomy and Physiology to
intermediate and/or advanced levels.
Both articulation processes have been devised by Pilates ITC in collaboration with the University of
Canberra. Articulation from the Advanced Diploma effectively credits a year’s worth of subjects from
those required by either degree, thereby reducing study by a full year.
Further information
Please contact Katrina Edwards, Director of Training, for further details
Phone: 0414 645 455
Email: [email protected]
National Pilates Training
RTO 21719
2023 Course Guide
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