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Self Assessment Answers 16 Asal Physics CB

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Exam-style questions and sample answers have been written by the authors. In examinations, the way marks are awarded
may be different.

Coursebook answers
Chapter 16
Self-assessment questions 7 speed = v =ω r = 0.105 × 1.8 = 0.19 cm s-1
1 full circular face of clock = 360°; clock
a  ∆θ 2
face divided into twelve sections, so 8 a  angular speed = = = 0.105 rad s −1
∆t 15
angular displacement of hour hand per
hour = 360°/12 = 30° b speed v = ωr = 0.105 × 50 = 5.2 m s−1
i angular displacement of minute hand =
b  v 7800
half the clock face = 180° 9 ω= = = 1.1× 10 −3 rad s −1
r 7000 ×103
ii angular displacement of hour hand =
10 a 
The gravitational pull of the Earth on the
3.5 × 30° = 105°
2 a Angle of 30° = 30 × π /180 = 0.52 rad
Angle of 90° = 90 × π /180 = 1.57 rad b  he frictional force of the road on the
Angle of 105° = 105 × π /180 = 1.83 rad
c  ension in the string supporting the
b Angle of 0.5 rad = 0.5 × 180 /π = 28.6° pendulum
Angle of 0.75 rad = 0.75 × 180 /π = 43.0°
11 T
 here will be no frictional force between
Angle of π rad = π × 180 /π = 180° the road and the wheels. If the driver turns
Angle of 12 π rad = 12 π × 180/ π = 90° the steering wheel, the car will continue in a
straight line.
c angle of 30° = 30 × π/180 = π/6 rad
12 S
 peed and kinetic energy are scalar quantities,
angle of 120° = 120 × π/180 = 2π/3 rad the others are vectors. Speed is constant;
angle of 270° = 270 × π/180 = 3π/2 rad velocity has a constant magnitude but
continuously changing direction (the direction
angle of 720° = 720 × π/180 = 4π rad
is tangential to the circle); kinetic energy
3  he magnitude of the velocity remains the
T is constant; momentum has a constant
same (the speed is constant). magnitude but continuously changing
4 a 
Speed is a scalar quantity and is constant, direction (the direction is tangential to the
so change in speed = 0 m s−1 circle); the centripetal force has a constant
magnitude but continuously changing
b  elocity changes to be in the opposite
V direction (the direction is always towards
direction, so change in velocity = 0.2 − the centre of the circle); the centripetal
(−0.2) = 0.2 + 0.2 = 0.4 m s−1 acceleration behaves in the same way as the
5  econd hand turns through 360° in 1 minute,
S centripetal force.
or 2π rad in 1 minute, which is 2π/60 rad in
1 second; angular velocity ω = 2π/60 = 0.105 13 acceleration a = ,
rad s−1 r
ω 2r2
6 number of revolutions per second =
a  v = ωr, therefore, v2 = ω2r2 , so a = = ω2r
1200/60 = 20 rev s−1
b angular velocity = 20 × 2π = 40π rad s−1 =
130 rad s−1

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside
1 © Cambridge University Press 2020

 istance travelled for one complete orbit s =

14 d v 2 0.942
b acceleration a = = =1.76 ≈ 1.8 ms −1
2pr = 2 × π × 6400 000 = 4.02 × 107 m r 0.5
 earrange speed v = s/t to give
R tension in string, F = ma = 0.40 × 1.76 =
×107 = 5.08 ×103 s = 1.4 h
0.71 N
t = vs = 4.02
18 a 
 aximum tension in the string = centripetal
15 m s 2 π × 2.3 ×1011
v= = = 2.4 × 10 4 ms −1
force + the weight of the stone, so the t 687 × 24 × 3600
maximum centripetal force = 8.0 − (0.2 × 9.8) b centripetal acceleration,
= 6.04 N v 2 ( 2.4 × 10 4 )2
2 a= = = 2.6 × 10 −3 ms −2
Rearrange centripetal force F = mvr to r 2.3 × 1011
Fr 6.04 × 0.30 c gravitational force = ma = 6.4 × 1023 × 2.6
v= = = 3.0 ms −1 × 10−3 = 1.6 × 1021 N
m 0.20
19 T
 he tension in the string must have a vertical
centripetal force, F = ma = 350 × 103 × 8.8
16 a  component to balance the weight of the bung.
= 3.1 × 106 N
mv 2 20 I n level flight, lift balances the weight. During
b Rearrange centripetal force F = to banking, the vertical component of the lift is
give r
less than the weight, so the aeroplane loses
Fr 3.1× 106 × 6740 × 103 height unless the speed can be increased to
v= = = 7.7 × 103 m −1 provide more lift.
m 350 × 103
s 21 T
 he normal contact force of the wall of the
c Rearrange speed v = to give slide has a horizontal component, which
s 2 π × 6.74 × 106 provides the centripetal force. If you are
t= = = 5.5 × 103 s = 1.5 h going fast, you need a bigger force, so the
v 7.7 × 103
length of day 24 horizontal component must be greater. This
d number of orbits = = 16 happens as you move up the curved wall of
orbital time 1.5
the slide.
time taken for one revolution t = 10/3 =
17 a 
3.33 s
s 2 π × 0.50
v= = = 0.94 m s −1
t 3.33

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside
2 © Cambridge University Press 2020

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