OAP 10 HBLAS Q4 Week 4
OAP 10 HBLAS Q4 Week 4
OAP 10 HBLAS Q4 Week 4
This learning activity sheet covers the importance of feeding and nutrient management and the
minimum requirements in animal nutrition as mandated under the Philippine National Standards
(PNS) of Organic Agriculture.
USDA (2000), IFOAM (2001) and UKROFS (2001) require that poultry and livestock should be fed
100% organically grown feed of good quality. All feeds should come from the farm itself or be
produced within the region. The diet shall be offered to the animals in a form allowing them to execute
their natural feeding behavior and digestive needs. The diet should be balanced according to the
nutritional needs of the animals and should be made of products that are organically grown. The
following are examples of grasses and forages for chicken.
Minimum requirements for animal nutrition (Based on the Philippine National Standards for Organic
Exemptions may be allowed in situations where it proves impossible to obtain adequate organic feeds.
Giving due consideration to the low availability of organic feed and roughage, the following proportion of
feed ration based on the dry matter requirement particular to each animal are allowed:
In the formulation of organic feed, the following ingredients/raw materials are not allowed:
• Synthetic growth promoters or stimulants;
• Synthetic appetizers;
• Preservatives, except when used as a processing aid;
• Artificial coloring agent;
• Urea and other synthetic nitrogen compounds;
• Slaughter waste and other deceased animal parts;
• Droppings, dung, or other manure;
• Feed ingredients subjected to solvent extraction (e.g. with petroleum products);
• Synthetic and/or chemically isolated amino acids;
• Genetically engineered microorganisms or products thereof;
• Synthetic antibiotics; and
• Synthetic and/or chemically isolated vitamins and minerals.
On one hand, apart from above considerations, all animals must have daily access to forage. The diet
shall be offered to the animals in a form allowing them to execute their natural feeding behaviour .This is
why forced feeding is prohibited. On the other hand, supplementation of vitamins and minerals is allowed
for as long as these are obtained from natural sources and there is an established need for
supplementation, as determined by a competent authority. However, if naturally sourced vitamins and
minerals are not available in sufficient quantity or quality, synthetic sources may be used.
Process/ Performed the activity Performed the Was not able to Was not able to
procedure (30%) accurately, followed the activity accurately, perform the activity perform the
procedure correctly and followed the well, followed the activity, followed
executed the activity procedure with procedure with the procedure but
satisfactorily and assistance and minor errors and performed
creatively without supervision. with assistance and unsatisfactorily.
assistance or supervision.
Content (50%) Highly organized and Average logical presentation Idea and concept
logical presentation of organization and of idea or concept is is not logically
idea or concept logical presentation present present in the
of idea or concept output.
Timeliness Finishes work before Finishes 75% of the Finishes 50% of the Finishes 5-10%
(20%) the deadline work work of the work
Do you think understanding chicken nutrition and management and following the standards in
animal nutrition as mandated by the organic agriculture law is essential in organic free range chicken
production in general? Why?
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher