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Quadrilaterals and Other Polygons

Dear Family,
In this chapter, your student will learn the properties of shapes with four
sides, which are also called quadrilaterals. The prefix “quad-” means “four” and
the term “lateral” means “sides.” So, a quadrilateral is a shape with four sides.
One property of quadrilaterals your student will learn about is the relationship
between diagonals. Find a square object such as a tabletop. Encourage your
student to use measuring tape to find the lengths of the two diagonals of the
square object.

• What do you notice about the lengths of the diagonals?

Find other square objects such as a napkin and repeat the experiment.
• Do the lengths of the diagonals show a general pattern?
Find several rectangular objects and measure the diagonals.

• Do the diagonals of rectangles follow the same pattern as the diagonals

for squares?
Try to find other objects that have a surface that is a four-sided shape that
is not a square or a rectangle. Measure and compare the diagonals.
• Do the patterns you noticed for squares and rectangles appear to
extend to other types of quadrilaterals?
Have fun and be creative!

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Quadrilaterals and Other Polygons (continued)
Learning Target Success Criteria
Chapter 7 Understand • I can find angles of polygons.
Quadrilaterals and quadrilaterals and • I can describe properties of parallelograms.
Other Polygons other polygons. • I can use properties of parallelograms.
• I can identify special quadrilaterals.
7.1 Angles of Polygons Find angle measures • I can find the sum of the interior angle measures of a
of polygons. polygon.
• I can find interior angle measures of polygons.
• I can find exterior angle measures of polygons.
7.2 Properties of Prove and use • I can prove properties of parallelograms.
Parallelograms properties of • I can use properties of parallelograms.
parallelograms. • I can solve problems involving parallelograms in the
coordinate plane.
7.3 Proving That a Prove that a • I can identify features of a parallelogram.
Quadrilateral Is a quadrilateral is a • I can prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
Parallelogram parallelogram. • I can find missing lengths that make a quadrilateral a
• I can show that a quadrilateral in the coordinate plane is
a parallelogram.
7.4 Properties of Explain the • I can identify special quadrilaterals.
Special properties of special • I can explain how special parallelograms are related.
Parallelograms parallelograms. • I can find missing measures of special parallelograms.
• I can identify special parallelograms in a coordinate
7.5 Properties of Use properties of • I can identify trapezoids and kites.
Trapezoids and trapezoids and kites • I can use properties of trapezoids and kites to solve
Kites to find measures. problems.
• I can find the length of the midsegment of a trapezoid.
• I can explain the hierarchy of quadrilaterals.

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Cuadriláteros y otros polígonos

Estimada familia:
En este capítulo, su hijo aprenderá las propiedades de formas con cuatro lados,
que también se llaman cuadriláteros. El prefijo “cuad-” significa “cuatro” y el
término “látero” significa “lados”. Entonces, un cuadrilátero es una forma con
cuatro lados.
Una propiedad de los cuadriláteros que aprenderá su hijo es la relación entre
diagonales. Hallen un objeto cuadrado, tal como el tablero de una mesa. Haga
que su hijo use cinta métrica para hallar las longitudes de las dos diagonales
del objeto cuadrado.

• ¿Qué observan sobre las longitudes de las diagonales?

Hallen otros objetos cuadrados, tal como una servilleta, y repitan el
• ¿Las longitudes de las diagonales muestran un patrón en general?
Hallen varios objetos rectangulares y midan las diagonales.

• ¿Las diagonales de los rectángulos siguen el mismo patrón que las

diagonales de los cuadrados?
Traten de hallar otros objetos que tengan una superficie que sea una forma con
cuatro lados que no sea un cuadrado ni un rectángulo. Midan y comparen las
• ¿Los patrones que observaron en los cuadrados y rectángulos parecen
aplicarse a otros tipos de cuadriláteros?
¡Diviértanse y sean creativos!

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Cuadriláteros y otros polígonos (continuación)
Objetivo de
Criterios de éxito
Capítulo 7 Comprender • Puedo encontrar ángulos de polígonos.
Cuadriláteros y otros cuadriláteros y otros • Puedo describir las propiedades de los paralelogramos.
polígonos polígonos. • Puedo usar las propiedades de los paralelogramos.
• Puedo identificar cuadriláteros especiales.
7.1 Ángulos de Encontrar las medidas • Puedo encontrar la suma de las medidas de los ángulos
polígonos de los ángulos interiores de un polígono.
de polígonos. • Puedo encontrar las medidas de los ángulos interiores de
los polígonos.
• Puedo encontrar las medidas de los ángulos exteriores de
los polígonos.
7.2 Propiedades de Probar y usar las • Puedo probar las propiedades de los paralelogramos.
paralelogramos propiedades de los • Puedo usar las propiedades de los paralelogramos.
paralelogramos. • Puedo resolver problemas que involucren paralelogramos
en el plano de coordenadas.
7.3 Probar que un Probar que un • Puedo identificar las características de un paralelogramo.
cuadrilátero es un cuadrilátero es un • Puedo probar que un cuadrilátero es un paralelogramo.
paralelogramo paralelogramo. • Puedo encontrar las longitudes que faltan que hacen que
un cuadrilátero sea un paralelogramo.
• Puedo demostrar que un cuadrilátero en el plano de
coordenadas es un paralelogramo.
7.4 Propiedades de los Explicar las • Puedo identificar cuadriláteros especiales.
paralelogramos propiedades de los • Puedo explicar cómo se relacionan los paralelogramos
especiales paralelogramos especiales.
especiales. • Puedo encontrar las medidas que faltan de los
paralelogramos especiales.
• Puedo identificar paralelogramos especiales en un plano
de coordenadas.
7.5 Propiedades de Usar las propiedades • Puedo identificar trapezoides y rombos.
trapezoides y de trapezoides y • Puedo usar las propiedades de trapezoides y rombos para
rombos rombos para encontrar resolver problemas.
medidas. • Puedo encontrar la longitud del segmento medio de un
• Puedo explicar la jerarquía de los cuadriláteros.

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7.1 Cumulative Practice

For use before Lesson 7.1

Identify all pairs of congruent corresponding parts.

1. 2.

Prerequisite Skills Practice

7.1 For use before Lesson 7.1

Find the value of x.

1. 2.

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7.1 Extra Practice

In Exercises 1 and 2, find the value of x.

1. 2.

In Exercises 3 and 4, find the measures of ∠X and ∠Y.

3. 4.

In Exercises 5 and 6, find the value of x.

5. 6.

7. Find the measure of each interior angle and each exterior angle of a regular 24-gon.

8. Each exterior angle of a regular polygon has a measure of 18°. Find the number of
sides of the regular polygon.

9. A polygon has two pairs of complementary interior angles and three sets of
supplementary interior angles. The sum of the remaining interior angles is 1440°.
How many sides does the polygon have? Explain.

10. The figure shows interior angle measures

of the kite.

a. Find the sum of the measures of the

interior angles of the convex polygon.

b. Find the value of x.

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7.1 Reteach

In a polygon, two vertices that are endpoints of the same side are called consecutive
vertices. A diagonal of a polygon is a segment that joins two nonconsecutive vertices.

Polygon ABCDE

A and B are consecutive vertices.

Vertex B has two diagonals, BD and BE .

As you can see, the diagonals from one vertex divide a polygon into triangles. Dividing
a polygon with n sides into ( n − 2) triangles shows that the sum of the measures of the
interior angles of a polygon is a multiple of 180°.

7.1 Polygon Interior Angles Theorem
The sum of the measures of the interior angles
of a convex n-gon is ( n − 2) • 180°.

m∠1 + m∠2 +  + m∠n = ( n − 2) • 180°

EXAMPLE Finding the Sum of Angle Measures in a Polygon

Find the sum of the measures of the
interior angles of the figure.

The figure is a convex pentagon. It has 5 sides.
Use the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem.

(n − 2) • 180° = (5 − 2) • 180° Substitute 5 for n.

= 3 • 180° Subtract.

= 540° Multiply.

The sum of the measures of the interior angles of the figure is 540°.

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7.1 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Finding the Number of Sides of a Polygon

The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex polygon is 1260°. Classify
the polygon by the number of sides.

Use the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem to write an equation involving the number of
sides n. Then solve the equation to find the number of sides.

(n − 2) • 180° = 1260° Polygon Interior Angles Theorem

n −2 = 7 Divide each side by 180°.

n = 9 Add 2 to each side.

The polygon has 9 sides. It is a nonagon.

7.1 Corollary to the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem
The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360°.

EXAMPLE Finding an Unknown Interior Angle Measure

Find the value of x in the diagram.

The polygon is a quadrilateral. Use the Corollary to the Polygon Interior Angles
Theorem to write an equation involving x. Then solve the equation.

x° + 110° + 120° + 60° = 360° Corollary to the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem

x + 290 = 360 Combine like terms.

x = 70 Subtract 290 from each side.

The value of x is 70.

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7.1 Reteach (continued)

In an equilateral polygon, In an equiangular polygon, A regular polygon is a convex

all sides are congruent. all angles in the interior of polygon that is both equilateral
the polygon are congruent. and equiangular.

EXAMPLE Finding Angle Measures in Polygons

Find the measures of ∠A and ∠D.

Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles.

(n − 2) • 180° = (6 − 2) • 180° = 720° Polygon Interior Angles Theorem

Let x° = m∠A = m∠D. Write an equation involving x and solve the equation.

x° + x° + 140° + 140° + 140° + 140° = 720° Write an equation.

2 x + 560 = 720 Combine like terms.

2 x = 160 Subtract 560 from each side.

x = 80 Divide each side by 2.

So, m∠A = m∠D = 80°.

Unlike the sum of the interior angle measures of a convex polygon, the sum of the exterior
angle measures does not depend on the number of sides of the polygon. The diagrams suggest
that the sum of the measures of the exterior angles, one angle at each vertex, of a pentagon is
360°. In general, this sum is 360° for any convex polygon.

Step 1 Shade one exterior Step 2 Cut out the Step 3 Arrange the exterior
angle at each vertex. exterior angles. angles to form 360°.

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7.1 Reteach (continued)

7.2 Polygon Exterior Angles Theorem
The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a
convex polygon, one angle at each vertex, is 360°.

m∠1 + m∠2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + m∠n = 360°

EXAMPLE Finding an Unknown Exterior Angle Measure

Find the value of x in the diagram.

Use the Polygon Exterior Angles Theorem to write and solve an equation.

2 x° + x° + 62° + 47° + 56° = 360° Polygon Exterior Angles Theorem

3 x + 165 = 360 Combine like terms.

x = 65 Solve for x.

The value of x is 65.

1. Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex 15-gon.

2. The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex polygon is 1620°.
Classify the polygon by the number of sides.

3. Find the value of x. 4. Find the measures of ∠X and ∠Y.

In Exercises 5 and 6, find the value of x.

5. 6.

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7.1 Enrichment and Extension

Angles of Polygons
In Exercises 1–8, use the figure to find the measure of the angle.
1. ∠ A

2. ∠ B

3. ∠C

4. ∠ D

5. ∠ E

6. ∠ F

7. ∠G

8. ∠ H

9. In an equiangular polygon, the measure of each exterior angle is 25% of the

measure of each interior angle. What is the name of the polygon?

10. A and B are regular polygons and A has two more sides than B. The measure
of each interior angle of A is six degrees greater than the measure of each interior
angle of B. How many sides does A have?

11. The heptagon at the right has been

dissected into five triangles with angles
labeled as shown. Use the five triangles
to prove that the sum of the interior
angles of any heptagon is always 900°.

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7.1 Puzzle Time

Why Did The Pioneers Cross The Country In
Covered Wagons?


Complete each exercise. Find the answer in the answer column. Write the word under
the answer in the box containing the exercise letter.

Complete the sentence.

concurrent interior
WAS A. In a polygon, two vertices that are endpoints of the same TO
side are called ____________ vertices.
corner consecutive
B. A(n) _________of a polygon is a segment that joins two
nonconsecutive vertices.
exterior 90°
C. The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a(n)
WAIT _____________ n-gon is ( n − 2) • 180°. THE

midsegment non-convex
D. The sum of the measures of the _____ angles of a
GOLD quadrilateral is 360°. NOW

2520° E. The sum of the measures of the _______ angles of a 120°

A convex polygon, one angle at each vertex, is 360°. WEATHER

diagonal Find the correct answer to the question for the interior convex
angles of the convex polygon. WANT
F. Two angles of a triangle measure 54° and 17°. Find the
acute measure of the third angle. decagon
G. Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of
109° a 14-gon. 130
H. The sum of four angles in a pentagon is 440°. Find the
missing angle measure. 289°
TRAIN I. The sum of three angles in a pentagon is 320°, and the FOR
other two angles are ( x + 30)° and ( x − 70)°. Find x.
100° 2160°
FOR J. What regular polygon has each interior angle measuring YEARS

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7.2 Cumulative Practice

For use before Lesson 7.2

Name two congruent angles.

1. JK ≅ JL 2. WX ≅ WY

Prerequisite Skills Practice

7.2 For use before Lesson 7.2

Write a two-column proof.

1. Given MN ≅ OP , PM ≅ NO

Prove PMN ≅ NOP

2. Given AB ≅ CD , AB ⊥ BD , CD ⊥ BD

Prove AD ≅ BC

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7.2 Extra Practice

In Exercises 1– 4, find the value of each variable in the parallelogram.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. Find the coordinates of the intersection of the diagonals of the parallelogram with
vertices ( − 2, − 4), ( − 4, 4), ( 2, 12), and ( 4, 4).

6. Three vertices of ABCD are A(1, 5), B(1, 1), and D(2, 2). Find the coordinates
of the remaining vertex.

7. Use the diagram to write a two-column proof.

Given CEHF is a parallelogram.

D bisects CE and G bisects FH .

Prove CDF ≅ HGE

8. State whether each statement is always, sometimes, or never true for a parallelogram.
Explain your reasoning.

a. The opposite sides are congruent.

b. All four sides are congruent.

c. The diagonals are congruent.

d. The opposite angles are congruent.

e. The adjacent angles are congruent.

f. The adjacent angles are complementary.

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7.2 Reteach

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with both pairs of

opposite sides parallel. In 
PQRS , PQ  RS and
QR  PS by definition. The theorems below describe
other properties of parallelograms.

7.3 Parallelogram Opposite Sides Theorem
If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram,
then its opposite sides are congruent.

If PQRS is a parallelogram, then

PQ ≅ RS and QR ≅ SP.

7.4 Parallelogram Opposite Angles Theorem

If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram,
then its opposite angles are congruent.

If PQRS is a parallelogram, then

∠P ≅ ∠R and ∠Q ≅ ∠S .

EXAMPLE Using Properties of Parallelograms

Find the values of x and y.

ABCD is a parallelogram by the definition of a parallelogram. Use the Parallelogram
Opposite Sides Theorem to find the value of x.

BC = DA Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.

16 = x + 7 Substitute 16 for BC and x + 7 for DA.

9 = x Subtract 7 from each side.

By the Parallelogram Opposite Angles Theorem, ∠B ≅ ∠D, or m∠B = m∠D.

So, y° = 112°.

In  ABCD, x = 9 and y = 112.

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7.2 Reteach (continued)

The Consecutive Interior Angles Theorem states that if two parallel

lines are cut by a transversal, then the pairs of consecutive interior
angles formed are supplementary.

A pair of consecutive angles in a parallelogram is like a pair of

consecutive interior angles between parallel lines. This similarity
suggests the Parallelogram Consecutive Angles Theorem.

7.5 Parallelogram Consecutive Angles Theorem
If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its
consecutive angles are supplementary.

If PQRS is a parallelogram, then x° + y° = 180°.

7.6 Parallelogram Diagonals Theorem

If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its
diagonals bisect each other.

If PQRS is a parallelogram, then QM ≅ SM

and PM ≅ RM .

EXAMPLE Using Properties of a Parallelogram

ABCD is a parallelogram. Find m∠C.

Use the Parallelogram Consecutive Angles Theorem to find the measure of ∠C.

m∠D + m∠C = 180° Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary.

115° + m∠C = 180° Substitute 115° for m∠D.

m∠C = 65° Subtract 115° from each side.

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7.2 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Writing a Two-Column Proof

Write a two-column proof.

Given ABCD and FGDE are parallelograms.

Prove ∠A ≅ ∠F


1. ABCD and FGDE are parallelograms. 1. Given

2. m∠A + m∠CDA = 180° 2. Parallelogram Consecutive Angles Theorem
3. m∠GDE + m∠CDA = 180° 3. Definition of linear pair
4. m∠A = 180° − m∠CDA, 4. Subtraction Property of Equality
m∠GDE = 180° − m∠CDA
5. m∠A = m∠GDE 5. Transitive Property of Equality
6. ∠ A ≅ ∠ GDE 6. Definition of angle congruence
7. ∠F ≅ ∠GDE 7. Parallelogram Opposite Angles Theorem
8. ∠A ≅ ∠F 8. Transitive Property of Angle Congruence

EXAMPLE Using Parallelograms in the Coordinate Plane

Find the coordinates of the intersection of the diagonals of LMNO with vertices L(2, 6),
M (10, 6), N (8, 0), and O (0, 0).

By the Parallelogram Diagonals Theorem, the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
So, the coordinates of the intersection are the midpoints of diagonals LN and OM . You can
use either diagonal to find the coordinates of the intersection. Use OM to simplify the
calculation because one endpoint is (0, 0).

 10 + 0 6 + 0   10 6
coordinates of midpoint of OM =  ,  =  ,  = (5, 3) Midpoint Formula
 2 2  2 2

The coordinates of the intersection of the diagonals are (5, 3).

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7.2 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Using Parallelograms in the Coordinate Plane

Three vertices of WXYZ are W (−2, −1), X ( −1, 1), and Z (1, − 2). Find the coordinates
of vertex Y.


Step 1 Graph the vertices W, X, and Z.

Step 2 Find the slope of WX .

1 − ( −1) 2
slope of WX = =
−1 − ( −2) 1

Step 3 Start at Z (1, − 2). Use the rise and run from Step 2 to find vertex Y.

A rise of 2 represents a change of 2 units up. A run of 1 represents

a change of 1 unit right.
So, plot the point that is 2 units up and 1 unit right from Z (1, − 2).
The point is ( 2, 0). Label it as vertex Y.

So, the coordinates of vertex Y are ( 2, 0).

1. Find the values of a and b. 2. ABCD is a parallelogram. Find m∠ D.

3. Write a two-column proof.

Given PQRS is a parallelogram.

Prove PQT ≅ RST

4. Find the coordinates of the intersection of the diagonals of KLMN with vertices
K ( −2, −1), L (1, 3), M (6, 3), and N (3, −1).

5. Three vertices of  ABCD are A( −2, 0), B( −3, 3), and D ( 2, 2). Find the coordinates
of vertex C.

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7.2 Enrichment and Extension

Properties of Parallelograms and Diagonals

In Exercises 1– 4, the given coordinates represent three vertices of a parallelogram.
Write the coordinates of each other point that could be the fourth vertex.

1. A( − 5, −1), B ( 2, −1), C ( − 2, − 7) 2. A( 2, 5), B ( −1, 2), C (5, 1)

3. A( a, b), B ( a + 2, b), C ( a + 4, b + 3) ( ) (
4. A( a, b), B a 2 , b , C a 2 , b 2 )
A diagonal is a segment that connects one vertex of a polygon to a nonconsecutive
vertex. You can see from the picture below the diagonals drawn in a square, pentagon,
and hexagon.

5. Complete the chart to the right to show Number of Number of

the number of diagonals in each polygon. sides (n) diagonals (d)

6. Write a formula to find the number of 3

diagonals in any n-gon.
7. How many diagonals does a decagon
have? 13-gon? 5

8. If a polygon has 189 diagonals, how 6

many sides does the polygon have?

9. There are six people in a tennis tournament who will play in round-robin,
in which everyone has to play everyone else.

a. Draw a diagram that would represent this situation.

b. How many games will be played in this tennis tournament?

c. Write a simplified equation for the number of games played in

round-robin play with n players.

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7.2 Puzzle Time

Where Did Columbus Land When He Found America?
Write the letter of each answer in the box containing the exercise number.

Complete the sentence.

1. A ___________ is a quadrilateral with both pairs of
opposite sides parallel. T. bisect A. 42°

2. If a _____________ is a parallelogram, then its D. 40 E. parallelogram

opposite sides are congruent.
L. acute H. 82°
3. If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its
consecutive angles are _____________. M. 17 O. supplementary

4. If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its diagonals C. 98° D. intersect

____________ each other.
E. 108° A. quadrilateral
5. If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its opposite
H. congruent B. 14
angles are _____________.
T. 110° R. triangle
Use the diagram.
E. 10 C. polygon

S. complementary

N. 80

6. KG = 17, KJ = 14. Find GH .

7. m∠GKJ = 86°, m∠GHJ = ( x + 6)°. Find x.

8. KH = 20. Find KF .

9. m∠ HJK = 82°. Find m∠ GKJ .

10. m∠ HJK = 82°. Find m∠ HGK .

3 7 4 10 1 6 8 2 9 5

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7.3 Cumulative Practice

For use before Lesson 7.3

Decide whether the congruence statement is true.

1. VWX ≅ YWZ 2. VWX ≅  XUT

Prerequisite Skills Practice

7.3 For use before Lesson 7.3

Use the points A( − 2, 5) , B( − 5, 1) , and C (3, 2) to find the indicated slope

or length.

1. slope of AB 2. length of AC

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7.3 Extra Practice

In Exercises 1 and 2, state which theorem you can use to show that the
quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
1. 2.

In Exercises 3 and 4, find the value of x that makes the quadrilateral a


3. 4.

In Exercises 5 and 6, graph the quadrilateral with the given vertices in a

coordinate plane. Then show that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

5. W ( − 3, −1), X ( − 3, 4), Y (3, 2), Z (3, − 3) 6. A( − 4, 0), B ( 2, 2), C (5, −1), D ( −1, − 3)

7. Use the diagram to write a two-column proof.

Given ∠ A ≅ ∠ FDE
F is the midpoint of AD.
D is the midpoint of CE.

Prove ABCD is a parallelogram.

8. A quadrilateral has two pairs of congruent angles.

Can you determine whether the quadrilateral is a
parallelogram? Explain your reasoning.

9. An octagon star is shown in the figure on the right.

a. Find m∠ FCG , m∠ BCF , and m∠ D.

b. State which theorem you can use to show

that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
c. The length of AB is three times the length
of AD. Write an expression for the perimeter of
parallelogram ABCD in terms of the variable x.

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7.3 Reteach

Given a parallelogram, you can use the Parallelogram Opposite Sides Theorem and the
Parallelogram Opposite Angles Theorem to prove statements about the sides and angles of the
parallelogram. The converses of the theorems are stated below. You can use these and other
theorems in this lesson to prove that a quadrilateral with certain properties is a parallelogram.

7.7 Parallelogram Opposite Sides Converse
If both pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are
congruent, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
If AB ≅ CD and BC ≅ DA, then ABCD is
a parallelogram.

7.8 Parallelogram Opposite Angles Converse

If both pairs of opposite angles of a quadrilateral are
congruent, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
If ∠A ≅ ∠C and ∠B ≅ ∠D, then ABCD is
a parallelogram.

EXAMPLE Identifying a Parallelogram

Consider quadrilateral PQRS with angles marked as shown. Find m∠S.
Is quadrilateral PQRS a parallelogram? Explain your reasoning.

By the Corollary to the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem, the sum
of the measures of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360°.

m∠P + m∠Q + m∠R + m∠S = 360° Corollary to the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem

45° + 135° + 45° + m∠S = 360° Substitute 45° for m∠P, 135° for m∠Q, and
45° for m∠R.
225° + m∠S = 360° Combine like terms.
m∠S = 135° Subtract 225° from each side.
Both pairs of opposite angles in quadrilateral PQRS are congruent. So, by the Parallelogram
Opposite Angles Converse, PQRS is a parallelogram.

Because m∠S = 135°, quadrilateral PQRS is a parallelogram by the Parallelograms Opposite

Angles Converse.

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7.3 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Finding Side Lengths of a Parallelogram

For what values of x and y is quadrilateral PQRS a parallelogram?

By the Parallelogram Opposite Sides Converse, if both pairs
of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent, then the
quadrilateral is a parallelogram. Find x so that PQ ≅ SR.
PQ = SR Set the segment lengths equal.

x + 8 = 2x − 3 Substitute x + 8 for PQ and 2x – 3 for SR.

11 = x Solve for x.
When x = 11, PQ = 11 + 8 = 19 and SR = 2(11) − 3 = 19. Find y so that
PS ≅ QR.

PS = QR Set the segment lengths equal.

y = x + 4 Substitute y for PS and x + 4 for QR.

y = 11 + 4 Substitute 11 for x.

y = 15 Add.

When x = 11 and y = 15, PS = 15 and QR = 11 + 4 = 15.

Quadrilateral PQRS is a parallelogram when x = 11 and y = 15.

7.9 Opposite Sides Parallel and Congruent Theorem
If one pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are parallel
and congruent, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

If BC  AD and BC ≅ AD, then ABCD is

a parallelogram.

7.10 Parallelogram Diagonals Converse

If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other,
then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

If BD and AC bisect each other, then ABCD is

a parallelogram.

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7.3 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Identifying a Parallelogram

Explain how you know that AB = DC.


In the figure, AD  BC and AD ≅ BC . By the

Opposite Sides Parallel and Congruent Theorem,
quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram. By the
Parallelogram Opposite Sides Theorem, you
know that opposite sides of a parallelogram are
congruent. So, AB = DC.

EXAMPLE Finding Diagonal Lengths of a Parallelogram

For what values of x is quadrilateral CDEF
a parallelogram?


By the Parallelogram Diagonals Converse, if the

diagonals of CDEF bisect each other, then it is a
parallelogram. You are given that CN ≅ EN .
Find x so that FN ≅ DN .

FN = DN Set the segment lengths equal.

4 x − 10 = 2 x Substitute 4x – 10 for FN and 2x for DN.

2 x − 10 = 0 Subtract 2x from each side.

2 x = 10 Add 10 to each side.

x = 5 Divide each side by 2.

When x = 5, FN = 4(5) − 10 = 10 and DN = 2(5) = 10.

Quadrilateral CDEF is a parallelogram when x = 5.

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7.3 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Identifying a Parallelogram in the Coordinate Plane

Show that quadrilateral LMNO is a parallelogram.

Show that opposite sides are congruent. Then apply the
Parallelogram Opposite Sides Converse. First, find LM
and NO to show that LM ≅ NO.
LM = 8 − 2 = 6 NO = 6 − 0 = 6

Because LM = NO = 6, LM ≅ NO.

Next, use the Distance Formula to find MN and OL to show that MN ≅ OL.

MN = (6 − 8)2 + ( 0 − 4)
= ( − 2) 2 + ( − 4)
= 4 + 16 = 2 5

OL = (2 − 0)2 + ( 4 − 0)
= 22 + 42 = 4 + 16 = 2 5

Because MN = OL = 2 5, MN ≅ OL.

LM ≅ NO and MN ≅ OL. So, LMNO is a parallelogram by the Parallelogram

Opposite Sides Converse.

In Exercises 1 and 2, state which theorem you can use to show that the quadrilateral
is a parallelogram.
1. 2.

In Exercises 3 and 4, find the value of x that makes the quadrilateral a parallelogram.
3. 4.

In Exercises 5 and 6, graph the quadrilateral with the given vertices in a coordinate plane.
Then show that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

5. A( − 4, − 2), B( − 2, 1), C ( 4, 1), D( 2, − 2) 6. E( − 4, 1), F ( −1, 5), G(11, 0), H (8, − 4)

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7.3 Enrichment and Extension

Quadrilaterals and Parallelograms

In Exercises 1–8, decide whether you are given enough information to determine
that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
1. The opposite sides are parallel. 2. The opposite sides are congruent.

3. Two pairs of consecutive sides 4. Two pairs of consecutive angles

are congruent. are congruent.

5. The diagonals are congruent. 6. The diagonals bisect each other.

7. All four sides are congruent. 8. The consecutive angles are supplementary.

9. If two opposite angles of a quadrilateral measure 120° and the measures of the
other angles are multiples of 10, what is the probability that the quadrilateral is
a parallelogram?

10. The diagonals of quadrilateral EFGH intersect at D ( −1, 4). Two vertices of
EFGH are E ( 2, 7) and F ( − 3, 5). What must be the coordinates of G and H
to ensure that EFGH is a parallelogram?

11. In the diagram at the right, PQRS

and QTSU are parallelograms.
Is PTRU also a parallelogram?
Explain why or why not.

12. Consider the supplementary angle relationships that you need to know to prove
that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram. Make a conjecture using the least number
of relationships that are necessary.

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7.3 Puzzle Time

What Kind Of Ship Can Last Forever?
Circle the letter of each correct answer in the boxes below. The circled letters will spell
out the answer to the riddle.

Complete the sentence.

1. If both pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are ___________, then the
quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

2. If both pairs of opposite angles of a quadrilateral are congruent, then the

quadrilateral is a __________.

3. If one _____ of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent and parallel,

then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

4. If the diagonals of a quadrilateral ______ each other, then the quadrilateral

is a parallelogram.

5. A quadrilateral is ________ a parallelogram.

Find the indicated measure or find the value of x that would make
the figure a parallelogram.
6. m∠ CDA = m∠CBA = 72°, m∠ DAB = m∠ DCB.
Find m∠DAB.

7. m∠ DAB = m∠DCB = 89°, m∠ CDA = m∠ CBA.

Find m∠CDA.

8. DO = 12, BO = 12, AO = 16. Find CO.

9. DC = 4 x + 2, AB = 5 x − 3, AD = CB. Find x.

10. AD = 2 x + 1, CB = x + 8, DC = AB. Find x.


108° 89° always equal congruent side sometimes 12 72° parallelogram


supplementary 6 pair intersect 16 91° bisect 24 7 5

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7.4 Cumulative Practice

For use before Lesson 7.4

Decide whether enough information is given to prove that the triangles are
congruent using the SAS Congruence Theorem.
1. MNP, OPN 2. GIH , GIJ

Prerequisite Skills Practice

7.4 For use before Lesson 7.4

Use the diagram to determine the measure of the angle.

1. m∠1

2. m∠2

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7.4 Extra Practice

In Exercises 1–5, the diagonals of rhombus ABCD intersect at M. Given that

m∠ MAB = 53°, MB = 16, and AM = 12, find the indicated measure.

1. m∠ AMD

2. m∠ ADM

3. m∠ ACD

4. DM

5. AC

In Exercises 6 and 7, decide whether 

JKLM is a rectangle, a rhombus, or a
square. Give all names that apply. Explain your reasoning.

6. J (3, 5), K (7, 6), L (6, 2), M ( 2, 1) 7. J ( − 4, −1), K ( −1, 5), L(5, 2), M ( 2, − 4)

8. Your friend claims that you can transform every rhombus into a square using a
similarity transformation. Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.

9. A quadrilateral has four congruent angles. Is the quadrilateral a parallelogram?

Explain your reasoning.

10. A quadrilateral has two consecutive right angles. If the quadrilateral is not a
rectangle, can it still be a parallelogram? Explain your reasoning.

11. Will a diagonal of a rectangle ever divide the rectangle into two isosceles
triangles? Explain your reasoning.

12. Use the figure to write a two-column proof.

Given WXYZ is a parallelogram.
∠ XWY ≅ ∠ XYW

Prove WXYZ is a rhombus.

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7.4 Reteach

In this lesson, you will learn about corollaries and theorems that correspond to three special types
of parallelograms: rhombuses, rectangles, and squares.

Key Idea
Rhombuses, Rectangles, and Squares

A rhombus is a parallelogram A rectangle is a parallelogram A square is a parallelogram

with four congruent sides. with four right angles. with four congruent sides and
four right angles.

You can use the corollaries below to prove that a quadrilateral is a rhombus, rectangle, or square,
without first proving that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

7.2 Rhombus Corollary
A quadrilateral is a rhombus if and only if
it has four congruent sides.

ABCD is a rhombus if and only if

AB ≅ BC ≅ CD ≅ AD.

7.3 Rectangle Corollary

A quadrilateral is a rectangle if and only if
it has four right angles.

ABCD is a rectangle if and only if

∠A, ∠B, ∠C , and ∠D are right angles.

7.4 Square Corollary

A quadrilateral is a square if and only if
it is a rhombus and a rectangle.

ABCD is a square if and only if

AB ≅ BC ≅ CD ≅ AD and
∠A, ∠B, ∠C , and ∠D are right angles.

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7.4 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Using Properties of Special Quadrilaterals

For any rectangle FGHI, decide whether the statement is always or sometimes true.
Draw a diagram and explain your reasoning.

a. FG ≅ HI b. FG ≅ GH

a. By definition, a rectangle is a parallelogram with four
right angles. By the Parallelogram Opposite Sides
Theorem, opposite sides of a parallelogram are
congruent. So, FG ≅ HI . The statement is always true.

` b. If rectangle FGHI is a square, then all four sides are

congruent. So, FG ≅ GH when FGHI is a square.
Because not all rectangles are also squares, the
statement is sometimes true.

EXAMPLE Classifying Special Quadrilaterals

Classify the special quadrilateral. Explain your reasoning.

The quadrilateral has four right angles. By the Rectangle Corollary, the quadrilateral
is a rectangle. Because all four sides are not congruent, the rectangle is not a square.

7.11 Rhombus Diagonals Theorem
A parallelogram is a rhombus if and only if its
diagonals are perpendicular.

ABCD is a rhombus if and only if AC

⊥ BD.

7.12 Rhombus Opposite Angles Theorem

A parallelogram is a rhombus if and only if each
diagonal bisects a pair of opposite angles.

 ABCD is a rhombus if and only if AC bisects ∠BCD

and ∠BAD, and BD bisects ∠ ABC and ∠ADC .

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7.4 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Finding Angle Measures in a Rhombus

Find the measures of the numbered angles in rhombus WXYZ.

Use the Rhombus Diagonals Theorem and the Rhombus Opposite
Angles Theorem to find the angle measures.

m∠1 = 90° The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular.

m∠ 2 = 57° Alternate Interior Angles Theorem

m∠1 + m∠ 2 + m∠3 = 180° Triangle Sum Theorem

90° + 57° + m∠3 = 180° Substitute 90° for m∠1 and 57° for m∠2.

m∠3 = 33° Solve for m∠3.

m∠ 4 = 33° Each diagonal of a rhombus bisects a pair of opposite

angles, and m∠3 = 33 °.

So, m∠1 = 90°, m∠2 = 57°, m∠3 = 33°, and m∠4 = 33°.

7.13 Rectangle Diagonals Theorem
A parallelogram is a rectangle if and only if
its diagonals are congruent.

 ABCD is a rectangle if and only if AC ≅ BD.

EXAMPLE Identifying a Rectangle

Determine whether the quadrilateral is a rectangle. Explain.

By the Parallelogram Opposite Sides Converse, if both pairs
of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent, then the
quadrilateral is a parallelogram. Both pairs of opposite sides
are congruent, so the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. By the
Rectangles Diagonals Theorem, the diagonals of a rectangle
are congruent. The diagonals of the quadrilateral are
congruent, so the quadrilateral is a rectangle.

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7.4 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Finding Diagonal Lengths in a Rectangle

In rectangle PQRS, PR = 4 x − 25
and QS = 2 x + 9. Find the lengths
of the diagonals of PQRS.

By the Rectangle Diagonals Theorem, the diagonals of a rectangle are congruent.
Find x so that PR ≅ QS .

PR = QS Set the diagonal lengths equal.

4 x − 25 = 2 x + 9 Substitute 4 x − 25 for PR and 2 x + 9 for QS.

2 x = 34 Subtract 2x from each side and add 25 to each side.

x = 17 Divide each side by 2.

When x = 17, PR = 4(17) − 25 = 43 and QS = 2(17) + 9 = 43.

Each diagonal has a length of 43 units.

In Exercises 1 and 2, for any rectangle ABCD, decide whether the statement is
always or sometimes true. Draw a diagram and explain your reasoning.

1. BC ≅ CD 2. ∠A ≅ ∠B

3. Classify the quadrilateral. Explain 4. Find the measures of the numbered angles
your reasoning. in rhombus ABCD.

5. Determine whether the quadrilateral is a rectangle. Explain.

In Exercises 6 and 7, find the lengths of the diagonals of rectangle JKLM.

6. JL = 3 x + 4 7. JL = 2 x − 6
KM = 4 x − 1 KM = 3 x + 1

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7.4 Enrichment and Extension

Properties of Special Parallelograms

In Exercises 1–3, determine whether the quadrilateral can be a parallelogram. If not,
write impossible. Explain.
1. The diagonals are congruent, but the quadrilateral has no right angles.

2. Each diagonal is 3 centimeters long and the two opposite sides are 2 centimeters long.

3. Two opposite angles are right angles, but the quadrilateral is not a rectangle.

In Exercises 4–7, use the diagram to solve

for the missing variable.
4. Find the value of w.

5. Find the value of x.

6. Find the value of y.

7. Find the value of z.

8. In LMNP shown at the right,

m∠MLN = 32°, m∠NLP = ( x 2 )°,
m∠MNP = 12 x°, and ∠MNP is
an acute angle. Find m∠NLP.

9. Write a coordinate proof of part of the

Rectangles Diagonals Theorem (Hint:
write the vertices in terms of a and b.)
Given DFGH is a parallelogram.

Prove DFGH is a rectangle.

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7.4 Puzzle Time

What Do You Have To Know To Get Top Grades In Geometry?
Write the letter of each answer in the box containing the exercise number.

Complete the sentence.

1. A rhombus is a parallelogram with _______ congruent
sides. E. 118 H. diagonals

2. A rectangle is a parallelogram with four _______ angles. G. two A. four

3. A square is a _______ with four congruent sides and M. square T. kite

four right angles.
L. parallelogram T. none
4. A parallelogram is a rhombus if and only if its _______
are perpendicular. N. 111 O. acute

5. A parallelogram is a rhombus if and only if each L. right D. intersects

diagonal _______ a pair of opposite angles.
G. rhombus R. rectangle
6. A parallelogram is a rectangle if and only if its diagonals
L. bisects A. all
are _______ .
E. 26 S. congruent
Decide whether each is a rhombus, rectangle, square, none
of these, or all of these. O. angles P. 59
7. A( − 8, − 3), B ( − 5, 3), C (1, 0), D ( − 2, − 6)
I. 5 U. 11
8. A( − 6, − 3), B ( − 6, − 8), C ( − 2, − 5), D ( − 2, 0)
R. perpendicular
9. A(− 7, 1), B(− 4, − 4), C (2, 2), D(− 3, 4)

10. Find m∠ BCD in the

rhombus ABCD.

Find the length of the diagonals of rectangle QRST given the following information.
11. QS = 4 x + 6, RT = 6 x − 4

12. QS = 9 x + 12, RT = 11x − 10

7 2 5 9 4 11 1 12 8 3 10 6

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7.5 Cumulative Practice

For use before Lesson 7.5

Find the indicated measure.

1. AD 2. AD

Prerequisite Skills Practice

7.5 For use before Lesson 7.5

Use the diagram to determine the measure of the angle.

1. m∠1

2. m∠ 2

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7.5 Extra Practice

In Exercises 1 and 2, show that the quadrilateral with the given vertices is a trapezoid.
Then decide whether it is isosceles.

1. T ( −1, − 2), U ( −1, 3), V (3, 4), W (3, − 3) 2. P (0, 0), Q ( 2, 4), R (5, 4), S (5, 0)

In Exercises 3 and 4, find the value of x.

3. 4.

In Exercises 5 and 6, give the most specific name for the quadrilateral. Explain your reasoning.
5. 6.

7. Use the diagram to write a two-column proof.

Given VXYZ is a kite.
XY ≅ YZ , WX ≅ UZ
Prove WXV ≅ UZV

8. Three vertices of a trapezoid are given by

(3, − 6), (3, − 2), and (6, −8). Find the
fourth vertex such that the trapezoid is an
isosceles trapezoid.

9. Is it possible to have a concave kite? Explain your reasoning.

10. The diagram shows isosceles trapezoid JKLP with base lengths
a and b, and height c.
a. Explain how you know JKMN is a rectangle. Write the area
of JKMN.
b. Write the formula for the area of  JNP.

c. Write and simplify the formula for the area of trapezoid JKLP.

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7.5 Reteach

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.

The parallel sides are bases.

Base angles of a trapezoid are two consecutive angles whose common

side is a base. A trapezoid has two pairs of base angles. For example,
in trapezoid ABCD, ∠A and ∠D are one pair of base angles, and ∠B
and ∠C are the second pair. The nonparallel sides are the legs
of the trapezoid.

If the legs of a trapezoid are congruent, then the trapezoid is an

isosceles trapezoid.

EXAMPLE Identifying a Trapezoid in the Coordinate Plane

Show that OFGH is a trapezoid. Then decide whether it is isosceles.

Step 1 Compare the slopes of opposite sides.
2−0 2 1−0 1
slope of OF = = =1 slope of HG = = =1
2−0 2 5−4 1
The slopes of OF and HG are the same, so OF  HG.
1−2 1 0−0 0
slope of FG = = − slope of OH = = = 0
5−2 3 4−0 4
The slopes of FG and OH are not the same, so FG is not parallel to OH .

Because OFGH has exactly one pair of parallel sides, it is a trapezoid.

Step 2 Compare the lengths of legs FG and OH .

FG = (2 − 5)2 + (2 − 1)2 = (−3) 2 + 12 = 10 ≈ 3.16 OH = 4 − 0 = 4

Because FG ≠ OH , legs FG and OH are not congruent.

So, OFGH is not an isosceles trapezoid.

7.14 Isosceles Trapezoid Base Angles Theorem
If a trapezoid is isosceles, then each pair of base angles is congruent.

If trapezoid ABCD is isosceles, then ∠A ≅ ∠D and ∠B ≅ ∠C.

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7.5 Reteach (continued)

7.15 Isosceles Trapezoid Base Angles Converse
If a trapezoid has a pair of congruent base angles, then it is an isosceles trapezoid.

If ∠A ≅ ∠D (or if ∠B ≅ ∠C ),
then trapezoid ABCD is isosceles.


7.16 Isosceles Trapezoid Diagonal Theorem

A trapezoid is isosceles if and only if its diagonals are congruent.

Trapezoid ABCD is isosceles if and only if

AC ≅ BD.

EXAMPLE Using Properties of Isosceles Trapezoids

Find m∠Q, m∠R, and m∠S in trapezoid PQRS.

PQRS is an isosceles trapezoid because there is exactly one pair of
parallel sides and the legs are congruent.

Step 1 Find m∠Q. Because ∠P and ∠Q are a pair of base angles, they are congruent.
So, m∠Q = m∠P = 102°.

Step 2 Find m∠R. Because ∠Q and ∠R are consecutive interior angles formed by
QR intersecting two parallel lines, they are supplementary.
So, m∠R = 180° − 102° = 78°.

Step 3 Find m∠ S . Because ∠R and ∠S are a pair of base angles, they are congruent.
So, m∠S = m∠R = 78°.

So, m∠Q = 102°, m∠R = 78°, and m∠S = 78°.

Recall that a midsegment of a triangle is a segment that connects the

midpoints of two sides of the triangle. The midsegment of a trapezoid
is the segment that connects the midpoints of its legs.

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7.5 Reteach (continued)

7.17 Trapezoid Midsegment Theorem
The midsegment of a trapezoid is parallel to each base, and
its length is one-half the sum of the lengths of the bases.

If MN is the midsegment of trapezoid ABCD, then

MN  AB, MN  DC , and MN = 1 ( AB + CD).

EXAMPLE Using the Midsegment of a Trapezoid

In the diagram, MN is the midsegment of trapezoid WXYZ. Find MN.


MN = 1 (WX + ZY ) Trapezoid Midsegment Theorem


= 1 (3 + 9) Substitute 3 for WX and 9 for ZY.

= 6 Simplify.

So, MN is 6 meters.

A kite is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of consecutive

congruent sides, but opposite sides are not congruent.

7.18 Kite Diagonals Theorem
If a quadrilateral is a kite, then its diagonals
are perpendicular.

If quadrilateral ABCD is a kite, then AC ⊥ BD.


7.19 Kite Opposite Angles Theorem

If a quadrilateral is a kite, then exactly one pair
of opposite angles are congruent.
If quadrilateral ABCD is a kite and BC ≅ BA,
then ∠A ≅ ∠C and ∠B ≅ ∠D.

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7.5 Reteach (continued)

EXAMPLE Finding Angle Measures in a Kite

Find m∠ L in the kite shown.

By the Kite Opposite Angles Theorem, KLMN has exactly one pair of congruent opposite angles.
Because ∠K ≅ ∠M , ∠ L and ∠N must be congruent. So, m∠ L = m∠N . Write and solve an
equation to find m∠ L.

m∠ L + m∠N + 94° + 52° = 360° Corollary to the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem

m∠ L + m∠ L + 94° + 52° = 360° Substitute m∠L for m∠N.

2(m∠L) + 146° = 360° Combine like terms.

m∠L = 107° Solve for m∠L.

In Exercises 1 and 2, show that the quadrilateral with the given vertices is a trapezoid.
Then decide whether it is isosceles.

1. A( −2, 6), B (5, 6), C (7, 2), D ( −4, 2) 2. W ( −2, 0), X (0, 4), Y (8, 8), Z ( 4, 0)

3. Find the measure of each angle in 4. Find the length of the midsegment of
trapezoid HJKL. trapezoid ABCD.

In Exercises 5 and 6, find m∠P.

5. 6.

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7.5 Enrichment and Extension

Properties of Trapezoids and Kites

1. Each square section in an iron railing contains four
small kites. The figure shows the dimensions of one
kite. What length of iron is needed to outline one
small kite? How much iron is needed to outline one
complete section, including the square?

2. Find the value(s) of a in the

figure to the right so that
PQRS is isosceles.

3. The perimeter of an isosceles trapezoid ABCD is 27.4 inches. If BC = 2( AB ),

find AD, AB, BC, and CD.

In Exercises 4 and 5, three vertices of isosceles trapezoid WXYZ are given. Find
the coordinates of the point that could be vertex Z.

4. W ( a + 1, 2b), X ( a, b), Y ( a + 3, b) 5. W ( a, b), X ( a, b − c), Y ( a − c, b − 2c)

6. One base of a non-isosceles trapezoid has the vertices ( x, y + z ) and ( x + z , y + 2 z ).

A third vertex is the point ( x, y ). Describe the set of points that could be the fourth

7. If the coordinates A( 2, 5), B (0, 0), and C (5, 2) represent three vertices of convex
kite ABCD, describe the coordinates of each point that could be vertex D.

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7.5 Puzzle Time

What Word Is Always Spelled Incorrectly?
Circle the letter of each correct answer in the boxes below. The circled letters will spell
out the answer to the riddle.

Complete the sentence.

1. A ___________ is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.

2. The parallel sides of a trapezoid are the ___________.

3. Base angles of a trapezoid are two ___________ angles whose common side is a base.

4. The nonparallel sides are the ___________ of the trapezoid.

5. If the legs of a trapezoid are congruent, then the trapezoid is an ___________ trapezoid.

6. A trapezoid is isosceles if and only if its ___________ are congruent.

7. The ___________ of a trapezoid is parallel to each base and its length is one-half
the sum of the lengths of the bases.

8. If a quadrilateral is a ___________, then its diagonals are perpendicular.

Find the indicated measurement using quadrilateral

ABCD as a reference.

9. AD ≅ BC , m∠ D = 75°. Find m∠ A.

10. AB = 17, DC = 25. Find EF .

11. In the diagram, TQ ≅ TS , QR ≅ SR, m∠T = 130°,

m∠ R = 30°. Find m∠TSR.


9 kite 21 point trapezoid 18 100° 3 105° consecutive


bases 21 legs 1 midsegment median diagonals 0 altitude isosceles

320 Geometry Copyright © Big Ideas Learning, LLC

Resources by Chapter All rights reserved.

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