Homework Checked-3

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1. Write meanings of the following phrases?

1. Caused a stir among dervishes: Created excitement or commotion among a group of mystics
or religious dancers known as dervishes. Correct
2. Shrouded in a cloak of mystery: Enveloped in secrecy or obscurity; not easily understood or
explained. Correct
3. Making wild speculations: Formulating far-fetched or unfounded theories or guesses about
something. Correct
4. You must be wondering why I summoned you here: The speaker acknowledges that the
listener is likely curious about the purpose of the meeting. Correct
5. A subject of great consequence: A matter of significant importance or serious impact.
6. An erudite scholar: A highly educated and knowledgeable academic or intellectual. Correct
7. The journey was beset with great danger and unprecedented hardships: The trip was
fraught with significant risks and difficulties that had never been experienced before. Correct
8. My heart rebelled: Felt a strong emotional resistance or conflict. Correct
9. He was robbing me of the chance to meet my friend: He was taking away my opportunity to
see my friend. Correct
10. Retorted in a cold, stern voice: Responded sharply and firmly, conveying a sense of
seriousness or severity. Correct
11. Let’s drop the subject for the time being: Suggesting to stop discussing the topic for now.
12. The garden was frozen stiff: The garden was completely frozen, likely due to cold weather.
13. I caught a sight of a dazzling color: I noticed a bright or striking color that caught my
attention. Correct
14. Piles of snow: Accumulations or large amounts of snow. Correct
15. The landscape changed with remarkable speed: The scenery transformed quickly and
noticeably. Correct
16. The snow melted; trees budded and sparrows and wrens returned: As the snow
disappeared, trees began to grow new leaves, and birds came back. Correct
17. I was stunned: I was shocked or surprised. Correct
18. With a plunging heart, I protested and complained and begged the master: Feeling
anxious or fearful, I expressed my discontent and pleaded with the authority figure. Correct
19. Having endured from winter to spring: Having experienced the difficult transition from
winter to the more pleasant spring season. Correct
20. I could hold my fire from spring to autumn: I could contain my emotions or passions from
spring until autumn. Correct
21. His rejection had not disheartened me: His refusal did not discourage or dismay me.
22. He neither looked away nor dropped the subject: He maintained his gaze and continued
discussing the topic. Correct
23. Instead he gave me a determined nod: He acknowledged my statement with a firm and
resolute gesture. Correct
24. He silently left the room and everyone else followed the suit: He went out without saying
anything, and others also left with him. Correct
25. My heart skipped a beat: I felt a sudden rush of emotion, often due to excitement or
anxiety. Correct
26. He was a complete mystery to me: I found him utterly perplexing and difficult to
understand. Correct
2. Among ninety-nine name of Allah, there is one name Al-Jabbar—the One in whose
dominion nothing happens except that which He has willed. Explain it in your own

Ans: This name shows that Allah has complete authority and control over everything that
happens. It means that nothing occurs unless He has willed it to happen, highlighting His
power and knowledge over all events in the universe. Correct
Al-Jabbar is the name of Allah which shows His power on universe that nothing happens in the
world without His will. Everything that is happening, all occurrences are with his will. He is
omnipotent and all powerful.
3. Explain following rules in your own words.
1. “Loneliness and solitude are two different things. When you are lonely, it is easy to delude
yourself into believing that you are on the right path. Solitude is better for us, as it means
being alone without feeling lonely. But eventually it is best to find a person, the person who
will be your mirror. Remember, only in another person’s heart can you truly see yourself
and the presence of God within you”.

Ans: Loneliness is a negative feeling that can trick you into thinking you are on the right
path, while solitude is being alone in a positive way, without feeling lonely. However, it also
stresses the importance of finding someone special, as this person can help you see yourself
more clearly and recognize the presence of God within you. Ultimately, meaningful
relationships can enhance self-awareness and spiritual growth. Correct

2. “Whatever happens in your life, no matter how troubling things might seem, do not enter
the neighborhood of despair. Even when all doors remain closed, God will open up a new
path only for you. Be thankful! It is easy to be thankful when all is well. A Sufi is thankful
not only for what he has been given but also for all that he has been denied”.

Ans: This rule encourages you to avoid falling into despair, no matter how difficult life may
seem. It reassures you that even when you feel stuck and all options appear closed, God will
create a new path just for you. This rule highlights the importance of gratitude, noting that
it's easy to be thankful when things are going well, but true gratitude comes from recognizing
the value of both what you have and what you have been denied. A Sufi appreciates all
aspects of life, finding meaning in every experience, whether positive or negative. Correct

3. “Patience does not mean to passively endure. It means to be farsighted enough to trust the
end result of a process. What does patience mean? It means to look at the thorn and see
the rose, to look at the night and see the dawn. Impatience means to be so shortsighted as
to not be able to see the outcome. The lovers of God never run out of patience, for they
know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full”.

Ans: This rule explains that patience is not just about passively waiting or enduring
hardships; it involves having the vision to trust that a positive outcome will come from the
process. Patience means recognizing the good (like seeing a rose despite the thorns) and
believing that better times are ahead (like seeing dawn after a dark night). In contrast,
impatience comes from a narrow perspective that fails to see the bigger picture. Those who
love God understand that patience is essential, just as it takes time for a crescent moon to
become full. Correct

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