Lilian Muriuki - Project COMPLETE2
Lilian Muriuki - Project COMPLETE2
Lilian Muriuki - Project COMPLETE2
I declare that this Human Resource Research Project is my original work and has not been submitted to any
institution of higher learning or examinations board for purposes of certification.
HS Number: HS5426
Supervisor’s Declaration
This Human Resource Research Project has been submitted for examination with my approval as the college
Principal’s Declaration
This Human Resource Research Project has been submitted for examination with my approval as the college
This project is dedicated to my family who has given me the moral support in embarking this journey of
conducting my research.
No part of this document should be reproduced without the consent of the author.
I give thanks to the Almighty for the gift of life and health, my family for the support that they have adorned
me. My supervisor Dr. Kepha Ombui (PhD) for the guidance and dedication he has put in ensuring that my
research is a success and to the College of Human Resource Management Nairobi campus for the honor of
ensuring that I have gained the best skills, knowledge and professionalism in my proposal.
1.1 Background to the Research Study..............................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Profile of Kenya Trade Network Agency............................................................................................2
1.2 Research Problem Statement........................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the Research Study................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 General Objective...................................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives.................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Research Questions........................................................................................................................................3
1.5 Significance of the Research Study.............................................................................................................4
1.5.1 The Management....................................................................................................................................4
1.5.2. The Employees.......................................................................................................................................4
1.5.3 Other Organizations...............................................................................................................................4
1.5.4. Academicians.........................................................................................................................................4
1.6 Scope of the Research Study........................................................................................................................4
1.7 Limitations of the Study................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Theoretical Framework of the Research Study..........................................................................................6
2.3 Empirical Literature Review........................................................................................................................8
2.3.1 Team Commitment and Employee Performance...............................................................................8
2.3.2 Level of Trust and Employee Performance........................................................................................9
2.3.3 Team Communication and Employee Performance..........................................................................9
2.3.4 Team Leadership and Employee Performance.................................................................................10
2.3.5 Employee Performance........................................................................................................................11
2.4 Conceptual Framework of the Research Study........................................................................................11
2.4.1 Team Commitment...............................................................................................................................12
2.4.2 Level of Trust........................................................................................................................................12
2.4.3 Team Communication..........................................................................................................................13
2.4.4 Team leadership....................................................................................................................................13
2.5 Chapter Summary........................................................................................................................................14
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................17
3.2 Research Design...........................................................................................................................................17
3.3. Population of the Study..............................................................................................................................17
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques.............................................................................................................18
3.4.1 Sampling Frame....................................................................................................................................18
3.4.2 Sampling Techniques...........................................................................................................................18
3.5 Data Collection.............................................................................................................................................19
3.5.1 Instrumentation.....................................................................................................................................19
3.5.2 Data Collection procedures.................................................................................................................19
3.6 Validity and Reliability...............................................................................................................................19
3.6.1 Validity of Research Instrument.........................................................................................................19
3.6.2 Reliability of the Research Instruments.............................................................................................19
3.7 Data Analysis and Presentation..................................................................................................................20
3.8 Ethical Consideration in the Research Study...........................................................................................20
4.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................21
4.2 Response Rate..............................................................................................................................................21
4.3 Pilot Test Results.....................................................................................................................................21
4.3.1 Reliability Test Results........................................................................................................................21
4.3.2 Validity Test Results............................................................................................................................22
4.4 Demographic Analysis............................................................................................................................22
4.4.1 Age..........................................................................................................................................................22
4.4.2 Gender....................................................................................................................................................22
4.4.3 Level of Education................................................................................................................................23
4.4.4 Length in Service..................................................................................................................................23
4.5 Analysis of Study Variables.......................................................................................................................24
4.5.1 Team Commitment...............................................................................................................................24
4.5.2 Level of Trust........................................................................................................................................25
4.5.3 Team Communication..........................................................................................................................26
4.5.4 Team Leadership...................................................................................................................................27
4.5.5 Employee Performance........................................................................................................................28
4.6 Inferential Analysis......................................................................................................................................28
4.6.1 Correlation Analysis.............................................................................................................................28
4.6.2 Regression Analysis.............................................................................................................................29
4.6.3 Overall Model Summary.....................................................................................................................30
4.6.4 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)........................................................................................................30
4.6.5 Regression Coefficient.........................................................................................................................31
5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................32
5.2 Discussion of the Findings of the Research Study..................................................................................32
5.2.1 Team Commitment and Employee Performance.............................................................................32
5.2.2 Level of Trust and Employee Performance......................................................................................32
5.2.3 Team Communication and Employee Performance........................................................................33
5.2.4 Team Leadership and Employee Performance.................................................................................33
5.3 Conclusion of the Research Study.............................................................................................................33
5.4 Recommendations of the Research Study................................................................................................34
5.4.1 Team Commitment...............................................................................................................................34
5.4.2 Level of Trust........................................................................................................................................34
5.4.3 Team Communication..........................................................................................................................34
5.4.4 Team Leadership...................................................................................................................................34
5.5 Implication of the Research Study on Human Resource Practice.........................................................34
5.6 Recommendation for Further Research....................................................................................................35
APPENDIX II: RESEARCH PERMIT FROM NACOSTI..............................................................................39
EP Employee Performance
HQ Headquarters
Employee performance Markos & Sridevi, (2010) Employee performance describes how employees act at
work and how well they carry out the tasks assigned to them.
Level of trust According to Lewicki & Bies, (2017) trust means that you rely on someone else to
do the right thing. You believe in the person's integrity and strength, to the extent
that you are able to put yourself on the line, at some risk to yourself. Trust is
essential to an effective team, because it provides a sense of safety.
Team commitment According to Becker (2019) commitment means that team members understand
and agree to support team recommendations and decisions. Teams can only move
forward when everyone on the team accepts the decision and stands behind it even
if a team member may have initially been opposed, or proposed a different idea.
Team communication According to Baden Ian Eunson (2015) team communication the accepted social
behaviours of a team (such as expressing ideas, voicing opinions and concerns,
offering help, and resolving conflict), and methods of communication.
Team Leadership According to John C. Maxwell (2016) asserts that team leadership is the skill of
persuading others to work voluntarily toward the attainment of objectives.
The research study analyzed the effect of teamwork on employee performance in Kenya Trade Network
Agency. Employee performance (EP) is how a member of staff fulfills or executes the duties of their role,
completes required tasks, and behaves in the workplace. The term “employee performance” signifies
individual’s work achievement after exerting required effort on the job which is associated through getting a
meaningful work, engaged profile, and compassionate colleagues/employers around. Teamwork on the other
hand is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most
effective and efficient way. In the context of Kenya Trade Network Agency, employee performance is faced
with various challenges among them being not being able to focus on teamwork as a way of enhancing
performance. Teamwork has proven to be closely related to the performance of the individual employee as
it helps to enhance productivity, boosts effectiveness and efficiency at the workplace. According to a study
conducted by Boddy (2010) on improving performance management in modern organization, shows those
employees working within the team can exceed the expectation than when employees work as individual.
However, this might not be the case as a result of absence of teamwork in the organizations, and as a result of
the failure of the organization in coordinating works into specific work groups in order to tap from the
organization human resources. Poor Leadership of the various teams in the set-up has a major impact on
which in the overall affect the organization performance. Therefore, in this research, various variables that
impact performance in the organization are highlighted as team commitment, teams’ level of trust, team
communication and team leadership. This led to the researcher carrying out the study, as teamwork has never
been embraced to enhance employee performance due to lack of team spirit and cohesiveness as well as
proper communication channels. Therefore, this recognizable gap encouraged the researcher of the current
study to carry out this investigation to highlight how teamwork measures such as team members’ trust, team
members’ spirit, team members’ cohesiveness, and team members’ knowledge sharing affect the employee
performance in the study selected. The objectives of the study included the effect of team commitment, level
of trust, team communication, and team leadership in KenTrade. The study adopted the theory on Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs, Bruce Tuckman’s theory, Belbin’s theory and social identity theory. The study adopted
stratified technique as a method of sampling and used questionnaires as a data collection tool. A sample
survey was carried out to seek opinions of respondents on the effect of teamwork on employee performance.
Population Sample of 78 respondents was used which included; directors, managers, senior officers, officers
and support staff. The researcher undertook internal consistency of reliability through the use of Cronbach
Alpha. This can be seen in the findings where team communication came out strongly with an overall mean of
4.01, followed by team commitment with an overall mean of 3.94, followed by team leadership with an
overall mean of 3.92 and lastly level of trust with an overall mean of 3.9. The overall model summary
indicated a degree of variation of adjacent r 2 of 0.84. This therefore implies that there is a correlation between
level of commitment, level of trust, team communication, team leadership and employee performance. The
findings from the study indicated that team commitment, team leadership, level of trust and team
communication have a significant effect on employee performance.
Siahaan et al. (2016) argues that employee performance (EP) is manner in which a staff member carries out or
executes the responsibilities of their role, completes necessary tasks, and acts in the workplace. Employee
performance refers to an individual's success at work after making the necessary effort and is linked to having
meaningful employment, an engaged profile, and kind coworkers or employers nearby.
Employees are usually tasked with various duties and responsibilities, which are normally highlighted in their
job description, and their performance is normally assessed through monitoring how effective they carry out
their duties. In the development of human resources, employee performance inside a corporation is essential
for both employee success and business success. Enhancing these personnel' performance is advantageous for
both the business and the individuals involved. Because theoretically an employee's career advancement can
be advanced with high performance (Siahaan et al., 2016).
Employee performance is the combination of how your staff acts at work and how well they carry out the
tasks you've assigned them. In an effort to provide customers with good value, reduce waste, and run the
business efficiently, your company often sets performance goals for both individual employees and the entire
Jones et al. (2017) suggests that teamwork on the other hand, refers to a group's collective effort to attain a
shared objective or to complete a task as quickly and effectively as possible. This idea is viewed within the
larger context of a team, which is a collection of interdependent individuals working together to achieve a
common objective.
Recent study shows that employee working within the team can produce more output as compared to
individual. To determine the effects of teamwork, esprit de corps (team spirit), team trust, and recognition and
rewards on employee performance, a research study applies a new model of employee performance. In the
modern business world, managers are giving staff members greater opportunities to advance their knowledge
and abilities through collaborative projects (Hartenian, 2013).
Research demonstrates that group problem-solving produces superior results. Organizations that place more of
an emphasis on teams see improvements in worker performance, productivity, and problem-solving at work
(Cohen & Bailey, 2019). If they have a team behind them, people are more inclined to take calculated risks
that result in innovation. Working as a team promotes development of the individual, boosts job satisfaction,
and lessens stress.
Ingram (2017) defines teamwork as a strategy that has a potential to improve the performance of individuals
and organizations, but it needs to be nurtured over time. Teamwork in the workplace gives the company and
employees the ability to become more familiar with each other and learn how to work together. The success of
a company and the growth of individual person both depend on effective teamwork. The development of an
organization's teamwork policy will be aided by an understanding of teamwork. Teams that get along well are
aware of each other's assets and limitations. The ability of team members to divide tasks among those who are
most qualified to complete them is a benefit of excellent collaboration. The creativity and ideas that can come
from group talks are one advantage of working in a team.
1.1.1 Profile of Kenya Trade Network Agency
Kenya Network Trade Agency (KenTrade) is a State Corporation under the National Treasury located in
Nairobi Upper hill. It was established in January 2011 to, implement and manage the National Electronic
Single Window System (Kenya TradeNet System) and to facilitate cross border trade. KenTrade has its
Headquarters (HQ) in upper hill Nairobi and has branches at ICDN-Mombasa Road, Mombasa, Isebania,
Malaba and Busia. Kentrade collaborates with various stakeholders in delivery of its mandate namely KRA,
KenTrade’s vision is making a difference in trade facilitation; its mission is to facilitate trade by simplifying,
harmonizing and automating business processes through management of the TradeNet System and provision
of related services for Kenya’s global competitiveness.
KenTrade’s core values are:
Customer centric, transparency, excellence, innovation and one KenTrade.
1.2 Research Problem Statement
There is inadequate research support to proof the effect of teamwork on employee performance within firms,
and the subject did not attract sufficient research interest. This might be seen from a rarely obtainable
empirical study on this topic. The common independent variables or teamwork measures that the previous
research scholars used to foresee the effect of teamwork on employee performance, range from interpersonal
skills to communication without focusing the capabilities or abilities of the team members, team members’
spirit/esprit de corps, recognition and reward as teamwork measures that can better forecast the effect of
teamwork on employee performance (Anah & Arinze, 2018).
In the context of Kenya Trade Network Agency, employee performance is faced with various challenges
among them being not being able to focus on teamwork as a way of enhancing performance. Teamwork has
proven to be closely related to the performance of the individual employee as it helps to enhance productivity,
boosts effectiveness and efficiency at the workplace.
According to a study conducted by Boddy (2010) on improving performance management in modern
organization, show those employees working within the team can exceed the expectation than when
employees work as individual. However, this might not be the case as a result of absence of teamwork in the
organizations, and as a result of the failure of the organization in coordinating works into specific work groups
in order to tap from the organization human resources.
Poor leadership of the various teams in the set-up has a major impact on which in the overall affect the
organization performance. Therefore, in this research, various variables that impact performance in the
organization are highlighted as team commitment, teams’ level of trust, team communication and team
leadership. According to a recent survey conducted by the HR department of KenTrade, the number of
customer complaints can support this observable challenge which has been on the rise for the past two years.
This has led to the researcher carrying out the study, as teamwork has not been embraced to enhance
employee performance due to lack of team spirit and cohesiveness as well as proper communication channels.
Therefore, this recognizable gap has encouraged the researcher of the current study to carry out this
investigation to highlight how teamwork measures such as team members’ trust, team members’ spirit, team
members’ cohesiveness, and team members’ knowledge sharing affect the employee performance in the study
selected. This study therefore sought to establish the effect of team work on employee performance.
1.3 Objectives of the Research Study
The study was guided by both the general and specific objectives:
Various groups will benefit from the findings of the research study.
The study will help policy makers in organizations that being the top management to embrace the practice of
teamwork to enhance employee productivity. It shall show how managers can organize work to be executed in
teams to enhance performance of employees and in turn promote the growth of the organization. The
management would be enlightened on the need to adopt the approach of teamwork in their organizations to
take advantage of the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees drivable from the approach.
The study will help employees to give an insight on how employees should work as a team to ensure
maximum productivity. They will be made to understand that the advantages in teamwork outweigh the
disadvantage hence the need to ask for it.
Other organizations will benefit from the study, as it will ensure there are policies implemented about
embracing teamwork in order to enhance productivity.
1.5.4. Academicians
The research will also help future researchers who will carry out research on the same topic to learn on
teamwork practices and factors affecting teamwork. It will assist them in identifying the existing gaps and try
to improve on them.
The study focused on the effect of teamwork on employee performance at KenTrade. The study was
undertaken at the company’s headquarters (HQ), which is situated in Upper hill, Nairobi. The target
respondents were employees who are stationed at the company’s headquarters. Primary data was collected
using structured questionnaires. The study was undertaken for the period between July 2022 to November
1.7 Limitations of the Study
Some respondents were hesitant in participating in data collection for fear of being victimized. In order to
address the challenge, the researcher let them know that the information they shared would be treated with
confidentiality give them the confidence to take part in the data collection exercise and that the data was only
to be used for the study.
There was also a challenge in convincing the management of KenTrade to allow its employees to be part of
the sample size as it was deemed as an invasion of privacy. In order to address this, challenge the researcher
explained the purpose of carrying out the research study was for academic purposes and the information was
not to be used against them.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter comprises of both the theoretical and empirical literature, which contains related review to the
research study. It also comprises of the conceptual framework which includes relationships of both variables
of the research study and finally the chapter summary which involves the identification of the gaps which are
reviewed in the empirical literature review as well as the critics of the studies highlighted in the literature
Abraham Maslow created this theory in 1943 with the intention of defining the psychology of human
motivation. Maslow thought that all human beings have needs, ranging from the most basic to the most
complex, that must be met. Before going on to other, more complex requirements, humans will first be
preoccupied by their basic needs, according to Maslow. The next level in the hierarchy will emerge more
strongly and become a driver of actions and ideas once the core needs of a given level are met. Maslow's
thesis emphasized the idea that a met need no longer serves as an active motivator, therefore after it is met, a
person would seek to fulfill a more pressing need.
Maslow therefore proposed that five core needs form the basis for human behavioral motivation. Maslow's
theory presents his hierarchy of needs in a pyramid shape, with basic needs at the bottom of the pyramid and
more high-level, intangible needs at the top as follows;
the point of interest of this theory when it comes to the studies examine is the self-actualization want in which
Maslow noted self-actualization as a “growth want,” and he separated it from the decrease, four ranges on his
hierarchy, which he called “deficiency needs.” according to his idea, in case you fail to satisfy your deficiency
desires, you'll revel in harmful or ugly outcomes. conditions starting from illness and hunger up through
loneliness and self-doubt are the ed81d2c1d705861968d8963ac974ba36 of unmet deficiency desires. by
evaluation, self-actualization desires could make you happier, but you are not harmed when these needs pass
unfulfilled. for that reason, self-actualization desires only end up a concern whilst the other four foundational
wishes are met. consequently, for an person to present the yield the best effects in phrases of productivity they
should have success within the five categories of the hierarchy.
2.2.2 Tuckman’s theory (Bruce Tuckman 1965)
Bruce Tuckman developed this theory in 1965 and it stated that teams would go through 5 stages of
development: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. These stages supposedly start when
the group first meets and last until the project ends. Tuckman's model is significant because it recognizes that
those groups do not start being fully formed, and functioning. He suggests that teams grow through clearly
defined stages, from their creation as groups of individuals to cohesive, task focused teams. Each of these
rhyming stages are aptly named and plays a significant role in building a highly functioning business team.
Meredith Belbin developed this theory in 1981 where he suggested that by understanding your role within a
particular team, you could develop your strengths and manage your weaknesses as a team member, and so
improve how you contribute to the team. He also suggested that a team filled with members that have similar
styles of behaviors or team roles can become unbalanced. For teams to become balanced they have to
comprise of members who have different behavioral styles and who can perform different roles within a team.
Members who have different behavioral styles tend to complement each other therefore promoting
cohesiveness and team spirit as well as encouraging level of trust among the members.
Belbin highlighted the team roles that fall into three broad categories: thought-oriented roles, action-oriented
roles and people-oriented roles.
Henri Tajfel and John Turner proposed this theory in 1970’s and 1980’s and it suggested that individuals
experience collective identity based on their membership in a group, such as racial/ethnic and gender
identities. Social identity theory is built on three key cognitive components: social categorization, social
identification, and social comparison. Generally, individuals wish to maintain a positive social identity by
maintaining their group's favorable social standing over that of relevant out-groups. Members of a team wish
to identify themselves with a group they feel comfortable in due to their common interests. This behavior is
apparent when individuals “pass” as members of another group, or successfully become members of that
Members of a certain group who hold common desires and interests tend to be more committed to the team
hence promoting productivity; their level of trust as well as communication is also highly maintained.
This section reviews the actual studies that are relevant to the research study based on the objectives.
Boakye (2015) carried out a study on the impact of team commitment on employee performance, using
Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital and Ejisu Government Hospital; several measures of team performance
were analyzed including team trust, recognition and rewards. The study used correlational techniques in order
to analyze the relationship between the two variables that is teamwork and organizational performance. The
study found that team commitment is positively and significantly related to organizational performance.
Stackhouse and Turner (2019) carried out a study on the effect of team commitment on employee
performance and argued no corporation could execute at high levels unless every person is committed to the
organization's goals. Therefore, understanding the dedication idea and its application is crucial. The purpose
of the study, which was based on information from the Sugar Factory, was to ascertain how employee
dedication affected the success of the organization. The study identified factors that influence employee
commitment in the study area and also made an effort to recognize the relationship and its effects between
employees' commitment, factors that affect employee commitment, and the relationship and its effects
between employees' dedication models and organizational performance at the Sugar Manufacturing Facility.
Cross-sectional research was used in the study. Four monitoring volunteers and 260 workers were chosen as
the research samples. Standard surveys were given out, completed, and collected. The participant data that
was gathered was examined and analysed using SPSS. Additionally, it was shown that organizational
performance in the study area was impacted by employee commitment. The regression analysis's findings
indicate that employee commitments have an impact on the Sugar Manufacturing Facility's performance.
Therefore, recommendations have been made to increase commitment by purposefully providing incentive
packages and creating a long-term regular training program.
Bedarkar and Pandita (2018) carried out a study on effects of team commitment on employee performance
and argued that commitment is defined as the psychological integration of a person with his or her
organization through a sense of belonging, ownership of organizational goals, and readiness to accept
challenges. Building employee engagement is crucial because without it, a firm will struggle to accomplish its
strategic goals. Employee commitment is a sign of a person's involvement in carrying out his task with
enthusiasm and passion. The level of employee dedication directly affects how well a company performs.
More than what management expects, dedicated personnel can perform their jobs. The key to increasing
output and gaining long-term competitive advantages is high-level dedication. It is crucial for retaining
devoted employees to train them.
Goergen et al. (2013) carried out a study on effects of level of trust on employee performance and focused on
the implications of intra-firm trust for firm performance and finds empirical evidence of a favorable link.
Based on answers to 64 questions about employee communication, profit sharing, internal promotion, staff
turnover, and training, they calculated the level of intra-firm trust. Instead of directly capturing employee
trust, such measures largely served to capture the level of intra-firm trust. It became clear that using more
specific measures of employee trust, analysis of matched employee and firm level data would be a promising
avenue of research to shed more light on the connection between firm success and trust.
Salamon and Robbinson (2008) conducted a study on concept of trust and its effect on performance in an
organisation and established that creating and sustaining your own atmosphere of trust is by providing
employees, teams with the following autonomy, empowerment, flexibility, reward and recognition. In
addition, employees should respond to the larger organizational conditions and the efforts towards building an
atmosphere of trust. Therefore, to create an atmosphere of trust that can lead to effective performance
managers’ actions and employees’ actions therefore must be positive towards building the level of trust in the
organization and understanding the drivers of trust.
Krasman (2013) conducted a study on impact of trust on job performance in an organization views trust
because of effects such as positive attitudes, higher levels of cooperation and other behavior which contributes
to positive business results of an organization. In order to understand trust in organizations it is necessary to
view various dimensions of trust, social circumstances governing the establishment of trust, organizational
foundations for trust and personal dispositions that govern the development of trust. Research in organizations
has shown that the perception of trust must combine both approaches to trust, the organizational and the
individual approaches. When it comes to mutual trust, it is of essential importance to define the reality of the
relationship of mutual trust based on characteristics of the organization and personal characteristics of
Antony (2013) conducted a study, which examined the effect of crew communique on labor productiveness in
civil engineering initiatives at Kampala valuable department. different explanatory variables have been work
period spent in a company, educational qualifications, activate statistics on modifications at work, cooperation
at work, and proper education given to personnel. A degree of the link between team communique and
exertions productivity was additionally covered. It became shown that soliciting for verbal exchange clarity
and spark off statistics approximately modifications impacting the place of business had a substantial effect on
labor productiveness. additionally, managers ought to make sure that workers get hold of good enough
education, make certain cooperation at paintings with the aid of providing incentives, and sooner or later,
create a great conversation approach for timely statistics transmission so as to reach the preferred
productiveness degree.Kube (2014) conducted a study on the effects of communication strategies on
organizational performance at Kenya Ports Authority using a sample size of 250 employees. The major goals
were to determine the effects of formal communication channels on organizational performance and to look
into how an open-door policy on communication affects organizational performance. The research's key
finding was that communication tactics are crucial to excellent performance. According to the research, open
communication environments—where all members of the organization feel free to offer comments, ideas, and
even criticism at any level—are necessary for any organizational performance to be successful.
Kuria (2008) conducted a study to determine effective team communication on organizational performance on
the National Hospital Insurance Fund in Nairobi and discovered that poor communication is a barrier to
effective organizational performance. Effective customer service was the key area where this was observed.
The customer was likely to receive subpar service—the yardstick used to assess individual effectiveness and
overall organizational performance—if one person did not convey information to the other completely.
Dalluay and Jalagat (2016) conducted a study on title Impacts of Leadership effectiveness of Managers and
Department Heads to Employees’ job Satisfaction and Performance on Selected Small-Scale Businesses in
Cavite, Philippines. The sample size used was 150. Survey questions were developed to investigate how
manager leadership styles affected the productivity and contentment of employees. Using the Slovin algorithm
with n = N/ (1+Ne2), 150 respondents were chosen at random from Cavite, Philippines corporations. The
weighted mean, percentages, multiple regression, and correlation coefficient were used to examine the data. In
particular, percentages were employed to examine demographic data (gender, age, length of service and
leadership styles). Surveys on leadership styles were conducted using weighted means, and correlation
coefficient and multiple regression were utilized to examine the relationship between variables affecting job
performance, leadership style, and job happiness. Even while there is still space for growth, the conclusion of
the study was that businesses should constantly make the most of leadership styles that boost employee
performance and work satisfaction.
Widayanti and Putranto (2015) conducted a study on Analyzing the Relationship between Transformational
Leadership and Transactional Leadership Style on Employee Performance in PT.TX Bandung in Indonesia.
The sample size used by the researcher was 92 . The goal of this study was to determine the significance of the
relationship between the two variables and the effects of transactional and transformational leadership on
employee performance. Both primary and secondary data was used in this study. Using the Slovin Theory
technique, the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used to gather the primary data. A secondary
source of information was the office's evaluation of employee performance. Data quality was assessed using
validity and reliability tests. Given that there are multiple independent variables, the link is determined using
multiple regression analysis. Data was sent to be subjected to standard assumption tests like the multi-
collinearity test, normality test, heteroscedasticity test, and autocorrelation test. The findings demonstrated a
beneficial association between transactional and transformative leadership, which influences employee
performance either simultaneously or in part.
Ojokuku et al. (2016) conducted a study on the Impact of team leadership on employee performance: A Case
Study of Nigeria Bank in Nigeria. The sample size used by the researchers was 60. Twenty randomly selected
banks from Ibadan, Nigeria were included in the study. Data was gathered face-to-face from branch managers,
heads of operations, and heads of accounting using a standardized questionnaire. Data were analyzed using an
inferential statistical method, and one hypothesis was developed. The characteristics of the substantial impact
of leadership style on followers and performance were examined using regression analysis. The results
demonstrated a bidirectional relationship between performance and leadership style. Leadership style and
jointly predicted performance showed a variance of 23%.This study concluded that transformational and
democratic leadership styles have positive effect on both performance and followers and are highly
recommended to banks especially in this global competitive environment.
Bizhan et al. (2013) explains that Organizations’ survival in this extremely competitive environment is pegged
on the enhancement of job performance of their employees. Performance is, in fact, a complex subject. The
definition of an organization's successes or failures is another crucial factor. Performance is defined as "the
accomplishment of activities' consequences with assistance from employee's talents who accomplish in some
specific scenario."
Mathis and Jackson (2011) and Armstrong (2012) on their study on employee performance argue that a firm's
internal and external environment, including management support, training culture, organizational climate,
and environmental dynamism, are related to job-related factors like communication, autonomy, and
environment as well as employee-related factors like intrinsic motivation, proactivity, adaptability, skill
flexibility, commitment, and skill level.
Regoniel (2015) defines conceptual framework as an illustration of how a researcher synthesized the available
literature to explain a phenomenon. Given his prior knowledge of other researchers' points of view and his
observations on the topic of research, it lays out the steps that must be taken during the course of the study.
The research study's conceptual framework will include both dependent and independent variables. The
variables will be among the independent variables.
Independent variables Dependent variable
Team Commitment
Team Autonomy
Encourage creativity
Set clear goals and
Level of Trust
Employee Performance
Team Communication
Channel of Effective task completion
communication Quality output
Organizational Optimum productivity
Clarity of message
Team Leadership
Good leadership
Arden Coaching (2022) team commitment is the understanding and acceptance of the ideas and decisions
made by the team. Even if a team member had first objected to or put forth a different concept, all team
members for it to continue ahead must support the decision.
It happens when team members prioritize the team's goals over their own when working together to achieve a
common goal. When: All team members contribute to and concur on goals, the team is more committed to
achieving them.
2.4.2 Level of Trust
Lewicki and Bies (1998) talk about trust as having good expectations about how someone else will behave. In
recent years, trust has taken center stage in a number of business-related research fields, such as teamwork,
organizational relations, leadership, buyer-seller partnerships, strategic alliances, organizational governance,
and so forth. Researches in business usually concur that trust is essential to an efficient, long-lasting corporate
connection as well as organizational governance, drawing on results from the social sciences such as
sociology, psychology, and economics. The ability to cooperate, the promotion of adaptive organizational
forms in network contacts, the reduction of transaction costs, the facilitation and enhancement of strategic
partnerships, and the provision of a key control mechanism are all effects of trust, a fundamental social force.
Team communication refers to the interactions that members of a team have with one another. Emails,
discussions, body language, and other nonverbal cues are all included in this. Strengthening team
communication is essential to the success and continued existence of virtually every firm since different
communication styles provide varied results.
Transmitting and receiving verbal and non-verbal messages constitute the process of communication. When
the intended response or reaction is received, it is said to be effective. The elements of communication include
a sender, a message, a medium, a channel, a receiver, a reaction, and feedback. Communication is a two-way
process. However, having just these components is insufficient; there also needs to be cooperation and
understanding. For effective and meaningful communication, it's crucial to have a shared frame of reference
or context, such as a common language or gesture interpretation. The sender, or communicator, and the
receiver are essentially involved in communication. Both must adhere to a mutually approved code, such as a
language. The "communication environment" is the setting in which the conversation takes place. The code's
contents are transmitted as encoded messages via various channels (air, microphones, bodies, visuals, text,
etc.) through a particular medium (oral, written, or non-verbal). The "code" is not just limited to words; other
aspects of it may include the use of clothing, gestures, and colors.
Team leadership is defined as “the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to
be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared
objectives” (Yukl, 2010, p. 8).
Leadership is simply the skill of inspiring people to strive voluntarily toward the attainment of goals"
(Igbaekemen, 2014). In order to establish an enthusiastic environment and culture within a business,
leadership is essential (Alghazo & Al-Anazi, 2016).
Hurduzue (2015) proclaimed that effective leadership style could promote excellence in the development of
the members of the organization. According to Skoogh (2014), it is safe to say that leadership has played an
important role since the dawn of history of humankind.
Kurt Lewin, a social psychologist, formed the groundwork on the subject in the 1930s, identifying what he
called “three styles of leadership behavior”: Authoritarian Leadership also known as Autocratic, Participative
Leadership also known as democratic and delegated Leadership also known as Laissez-Faire. Over the years
these core styles have been developed and expanded upon by leading business and management writers and
theorists, for example Tannenbaum and Schmidt, Ken Blanchard and Daniel Goleman. Today's leadership and
management education and training mostly use a framework of seven key leadership philosophies. These fall
along a continuum, with a variety of styles in between the autocratic, which is the most rigid and structured
style, and laissez-faire, which is the most flexible and unstructured approach.
Stackhouse and Turner (2019) carried out a study on the effect of team commitment on employee
performance and argued that no firm could perform to high levels unless every staff member is dedicated to
the company's goals. Therefore, understanding the dedication idea and its application is crucial. The purpose
of the study, which was based on information from the Sugar Factory, was to ascertain how employee
dedication affected the success of the organization. The study identified factors that influence employee
commitment in the study area and also made an effort to recognize the relationship and its effects between
employees' commitment, factors that affect employee commitment, and the relationship and its effects
between employees' dedication models and organizational performance at the Sugar Manufacturing Facility.
This is in contrast to the research that was done by Cohen (1991), Mathieu and Zajac (1990), Randall (1990),
Riketta, (2002) who argued that assessment of attitudes like organizational commitment and behavior is too
general and does not refer to specific foci, the relationship between commitment and outcomes, such as
performance, is weak.
Salamon and Robbinson (2008) conducted a study on concept of trust and its effect on performance in an
organization and established that creating and sustaining your own atmosphere of trust is by providing
employees, teams with the following autonomy, empowerment, flexibility, reward and recognition.
Employees should also respond to overall organizational conditions and attempts to foster a trusting
environment. Therefore, managers' and employees' actions must be constructive in order to increase the
degree of trust in the organization and understand the drivers of trust in order to foster an environment of trust
that can result in effective performance. This is contrary to the study conducted by McKnight and Chervany
(2006), where he he notes that the willingness to trust directly influences behavior at the start of a new
relationship, and that these early actions, whether trusting or not, influence how the relationship progresses.
Different tendencies to believe that something presents a risk of trouble shouldn't exist here. As a result, for a
performance to be effective, both parties' relationships must be established on a foundation of trust.
Kube (2014) conducted a study on the effects of team communication on organizational performance at Kenya
Ports Authority using a sample size of 250 employees. The main objective was to determine the effects of
formal communication channels on organizational performance and to look into how an open-door policy on
communication affects organizational performance. The research's key finding was that communication tactics
are crucial to excellent performance. According to the research, open communication environments—where
all members of the organization feel free to offer comments, ideas, and even criticism at any level—are
necessary for any organizational performance to be successful. This is contrary to a study conducted by
Bateman and Snell (2002), some managers believe they should only use one channel to communicate a
message because doing so is more effective. However, multiple channels may be required in some situations,
such as when using virtual terms, where relying solely on e-mail is insufficient. Additionally, managers must
to use voicemail, video conferencing, audio meetings, and face-to-face interactions. It is advantageous for
every team member to be reachable by phone at specific times. Regular face-to-face meetings should be held,
and scheduled virtual sessions should require presence. Multiple channels must be used for two-way
communication and regular status updates.
Ojokuku et al. (2016) conducted a study on the Impact of leadership Style on employee performance: A Case
Study of Nigeria Bank in Nigeria. The sample size used by the researchers is 60. The study contained twenty
of random picked banks in Ibadan, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the heads
of accountants, heads of operations, and branch managers on face-to-face basis. Inferential statistical tool was
used, and one hypothesis was formulated to analyze data. Regression analysis was used to study the
dimensions of significant effect of leadership style on followers and performance. The findings showed that
there was positive and negative correlation between performance and leadership style. There was 23 percent
variance of performance found in leadership style jointly predict organizational performance. This study
concluded that transformational and democratic leadership styles have positive effect on both performance
and followers and are highly recommended to banks especially in this global competitive environment.
On the contrary a company's team leadership is unquestionably thought to have a significant impact on its
success, employee satisfaction, and employee engagement. According to several academics, leaders that
employ effective leadership techniques motivate and support the success of their teams (Bhargavi & Yaseen,
2016). To promote performance levels in the professional development of team members, leaders must utilize
successful leadership philosophies. Organizational effectiveness and leadership philosophies are closely
intertwined. A strong source of sustainable competitive advantage and growth management is considered to be
an effective leadership style (Al Khajeh, 2018). By linking employee success to anticipated incentives and
ensuring that workers have the necessary resources, leadership style helps the organization more effectively
reach its existing goals. Without leadership, there is a greater chance that mistakes will be made and a steadily
declining chance of success. In this approach, leadership encourages people's desire to achieve goals together
with stimuli and chances, and it plays a big part in establishing, promoting, and changing company culture.
Given that power is inherent in leadership, the ability to organize others to fight for shared objectives may be
regarded as leadership. Leadership and results are inextricably linked. In today's international market, where
enterprises must adapt to ever-changing circumstances, leaders face a difficult challenge.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces the research methodology including the research design, population of study,
sampling methodology, and the data collection and analysis procedures as the study adopted both qualitative
and quantitative approach. Data collection was undertaken by means of standardized statistical procedures and
questionnaires were used to capture qualitative and quantitative data from sampled respondents. Key
informants guided interviews were used in cases where owner’s education background makes it difficult
respond to questionnaires.
Research design is a systematic model that enabled the researcher to draw conclusions concerning causal
relationships amongst the variables under investigation (Kothari, 2004). The study aimed at explaining how
independent variable brings about change in the dependent variable (Creswell, 2003) hence establishing the
long-term casual dynamic relationship between the variables under study. The study used a descriptive
research approach to assess how cooperation affects an organization's success. This research design enabled
the researcher to make comparison between the study variables within a single period of time (Creswell,
Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. 2013).
Kothari (2014) defines study population as all the items in any field of inquiry or study. The study population
consisted of staff from Kenya Trade Network Agency registry requested for the purpose of the study and
consisted of 150 staff members from the Headquarters and its regional Offices.
Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) defines target population as the intended group or population whose findings
were used to generalize the entire population. Target population also refers to the larger group from which a
sample is taken from (Kombo & Tromp, 2006). The target population consisted of 96 staff from Kenya Trade
Network Agency based at the Headquarters. The target population is portrayed in the table 3.1.
Morgan (1970) defined sampling as taking a group evenly spread from the target population to give a
representation of the population. The Study will adopt stratified sampling technique which will involve
dividing the entire population into groups of homogenous characteristics called the strata. The population will
be divided into 5 strata namely; directors, managers, senior officers, officers and the support staff.
In order to get an ideal sample size and to obtain a representative sample to be used in the study, stratified
sampling will be done from the targeted group and as well get a manageable size. The sample size of the study
will be determined using the Yamane formula of 1967 as follows;
1+ N ¿ ¿
N=Sample size
E=Level of precision
1+ 97 ¿ ¿
Source Data; HR, Kenya Trade Network Agency (2022)
The study made use of use of both primary data and secondary data. Primary data was collected through the
use of structured questionnaires. According to Nelson 2016, In order to save cost and time and not interfere
with business, the “drop and pick later” method for administering questionnaire was adopted. The data was
encrypted once collected from the respondents to protect their privacy.
Secondary data on the other hand was reviewed through the use public reports, journals, manuals and public
relevant publications.
3.5.2 Data Collection procedures
The study relied on primary data. A questionnaire developed to collect information on the research question.
Prior to the data collection exercise, the researcher was issued with an introductory letter authorizing data
collection from the College of Human Resource Management. A research permit from the National Council
for Science and Technology (NACOSTI) was issued. Interviews for the key informants were used. In order to
save cost and time and not interfere with business, the “drop and pick later” method was adopted. The data
was encrypted once collected from the respondents to protect their privacy. The encryption ensured that only
those who have received the questionnaire were able to fill in the survey
According to Akaker (2007), Validity refers to what extent of data and the ways to receive if the data are
accurate and real. It’s regarded as the most important requirement of measuring tool. The study adopted
content validity through the use of Test-Retest through the help of the supervisor.
Validity indicates that the instrument is testing what it should. The validity of a research study refers to how
well the results among the study participants represent true findings among similar individuals outside the
study. This concept of validity applies to group study as an individual assumption can be true for the other
item in the study population.
Akaker (2007) also states reliability demonstrates that the operation of a study such as the data collection
procedures can be repeated with the same result. It means if the research will repeat with the same measuring
methods, the conclusions will be targeted to be the same (Saunder, 2000). Reliability is concerned with
whether alternative researchers would reveal similar information conducting a similar study. The study will
adopt internal consistency of reliability through the use cronbach’s alpha.
Any value above 0.7 is reliable and acceptable for the study. This was obtained by administering the same test
twice with the test from the second administration will be correlated to stability.
Both quantitative and qualitative data was generated in the course of the study. Quantitative data was analyzed
through the use of SPSS 21. On the other hand, qualitative data was examined using descriptive statistics such
as mean and standard deviation. Through the use of statistical tools like bar graphs and pie charts, quantitative
data was displayed. The presentation of qualitative data, on the contrary hand, was descriptive.
Determination of the co-efficient of correlation was used to establish the strength of the strength of the
relationship between the variables. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also be used to explain the
relationship between the variables. A multiple linear regression analysis model equation was also be used to
explain the relationship between the variables. The model equation is presented as follows.
Y =a+ B1 X 1+ B2 X 2 + B3 X 3 +B 4 X 4
Y= Employee performance
X 1 =Level of Commitment
X 2 = Level of Trust
X 3 = Team Communication
X 4= Team Leadership
a=constant term
B1 , B2 , B3 , B 4=Regression coefficients of X 1 −X 4
E=error term
Ethical consideration is the power difference between the researcher and the participant’s privacy and
confidentiality of information of the participants (Kline, 2010). The researcher was issued with an
introductory letter authorizing data collection from the College of Human Resource Management. The
researcher applied for a research permit from the National Council for Science and Technology (NACOSTI).
The researcher maintained confidentiality and protect the interests of the respondents.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the findings from the research, the interpretation of the data in charts and tables, detailed
discussions. The presentation and interpretation was guided by the objectives of the study. The chapter
examines the data collected with the motive of drawing relevant conclusions. Appropriate data analysis
techniques and presentation methods were used. It will consist of the response rate, pilot test results,
demographic analysis.
Table 4.1 indicates that out of 78 questionnaire issued 72 questionnaires were dully filled and returned this
represent a response rate of 92 percent those not completed were 6 which represent 8 percent non-response
rate. Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) indicate that a response rate of more than 80% is sufficient for a study.
4.3 Pilot Test Results
4.3.1 Reliability Test Results
The researcher undertook internal consistency of reliability through the use of Cronbach Alpha. The results
are presented as shown in table 4.2
From Table 4.2 we get that Team Leadership had the highest reliability of 0.88, followed by Employee
performance with a reliability of 0.87, Level of trust with reliability of 0.85, Team Commitment with
reliability of 0.84 and team communication had the lowest reliability of 0.81.
4.4.1 Age
The researcher targeted respondents of different age groups. The results are as shown in table 4.4
Table 4.3 indicates that a majority of the respondents (n=39) were between 20 and 30 years which represented
54.2 %, followed by respondents (n=21) between 31 and 40 years which represented 29.2%, respondents
(n=11) were between 41 and 50 years, and (n=1) representing 1.4% from respondents above 51 years.
4.4.2 Gender
Both gender participated in the study. In addition, the result represented in the figure 4.1
Male Female
Source Data; HR, Kenya Trade Network Agency (2022)
Out of 72 respondents who participated in the study, 38 were male representing 52.8% while 34 were female
representing 47.2%.
From the findings, 30 of the respondents have an education qualification of a degree representing 41.7%, 26
respondents have Master’s Degree representing 36.1%, followed by those with certificate qualification with 9
respondents representing 12.5%, Diploma qualification with 6 respondents representing 8.3% and one
respondents with PhD qualification representing 1.4% of the questionnaire duly filled and returned.
20.0% 30.6%
10.0% 11.1%
1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years Above 30 Years
From the findings, Majority of the respondents has taken between 1-5 years in service representing 41
respondents translating to 56.9%, followed by 22 respondents who had taken between 6-10 years representing
30.6%, 8 respondents had taken between 11-20 years translating to 11.1% of the respondents and only 1
respondent had been in the service for a duration of above 30 years representing 1.4% of the respondents.
On whether there is autonomy in the organization, the results indicated a mean of 4.04 with a standard
deviation of 0.94. On whether the employees feel more productive rather than when working individually, the
result indicated a mean of 3.82 with a standard deviation of 1.04. On whether the creativity of the teams is
embraced and rewarded, the result indicated a mean of 4.07 and a standard deviation of 0.91. On whether
there is motivation to encouraged creativity at KenTrade, the results indicated a mean of 3.92 and a standard
deviation of 1. On whether the goals and responsibilities of the team members are well outlined, the result
indicated a mean of 3.78 and a standard deviation of 1.01. On whether there is synergy in performing the set
goals among the team members, the results indicated a mean of 4.04 and a standard deviation of 1.01
The overall mean of the study was 3.94. This there implies that Team commitment has an effect on employee
performance in an organization. The finding of this study therefore corroborates studies conducted by
Stackhouse and Turner (2019) who found out team commitment has a significant effect on the employee
performance in an organization.
4.5.2 Level of Trust
The study sought to establish the effect of level of trust on employee performance at Kenya Trade Network
Agency. The results are presented as shown in table 4.6
On whether there is trust among team members in performing tasks assigned in order to achieve the desired
goals, the result indicated a mean of 3.81 with a standard deviation of 1.12. On whether there is integrity in
performing the duties and roles assigned to every member, the result indicated a mean of 3.96 with a standard
deviation of 1.11. On whether there are consequences to team members who do not hold integrity, the result
indicated a mean of 3.83 and a standard deviation of 1.11. On whether there is professionalism among the
team members in executing their tasks, the results indicated a mean of 3.97 and a standard deviation of 0.99.
On whether there is confidentiality among team members in handling sensitive information, the result
indicated a mean of 4.00 and a standard deviation of 0.89. On whether there is enough trainings on duties and
responsibilities to ensure professionalism, the results indicated a mean of 3.83 and a standard deviation of
The overall mean of the study was 3.9. This therefore implies that Level of trust has an effect on employee
performance in an organization. The findings of this study therefore, corroborates studies conducted by
Salamon and Robbinson (2008) who found out that sustaining an atmosphere of trust allows employees to
have autonomy, flexibility in performing their duties therefore creating a significant effect on the employee
performance in an organization.
4.5.3 Team Communication
The study sought to establish the effect of team communication on employee performance at Kenya Trade
Network Agency. The results are presented as shown in table 4.7
On whether there is etiquette in the means of communication whether in verbal or written form, the result
indicated a mean of 4.08 with a standard deviation of 1.00. On whether there is effective channel of
communication at KenTrade, the result indicated a mean of 3.74 with a standard deviation of 1.05. On
whether the culture of Kentrade allows for freedom of speech in addressing the grievances among the team
members, the result indicated a mean of 3.74 and a standard deviation of 1.11. On whether the grievances
presented by team members are heard and actioned, the results indicated a mean of 3.76 and a standard
deviation of 1.11. On whether there is clarity in the message conveyed when delegating duties among the team
members, the result indicated a mean of 3.88 and a standard deviation of 1.00. On whether the members are
allowed to ask for guidance in cases where the message is not clear, the results indicated a mean of 3.88 and a
standard deviation of 1.00.
The overall mean of the study was 4.01. This therefore implies that team communication has an effect on
employee performance in an organization. The findings of this study therefore, corroborate studies conducted
by Kube (2014) who concluded that for any organizational performance to be effective, there should be an
environment which provides an open communication where all members of the organization feel free to share
4.5.4 Team Leadership
The study sought to establish the effect of team leadership on employee performance at Kenya Trade Network
Agency. The results are presented as shown in table 4.8
On whether there the team leaders have the skills and the knowledge to handle the conflicts among team
members, the result indicated a mean of 4.0 and a standard deviation of 0.95. On whether the team leaders
solve conflicts among members in a fair and equitable way, the result indicated a mean 3.9 and a standard
deviation of 1.04. On whether there is democracy, fairness and equity in appointment for team leadership in
KenTrade, the result indicated a mean of 3.75 and a standard deviation of 0.99. On whether there are good
leadership styles in team and the departments, the result indicated a mean of 4.00 and a standard deviation of
1.07. On whether the input of team members is incorporated in decision making by the leadership, the result
indicated a mean of 3.86 and a standard deviation of 0.76. On whether the team leaders lead on the front and
by example, the result indicated a mean of 4.01 and a standard deviation of 0.95.
The overall mean of the study was 3.92. This therefore implies that team leadership has an effect on employee
performance in an organization. The findings of this study therefore, corroborates studies conducted by
Dalluay and Jalagat (2016) who found out that corporations should constantly make the most of leadership
styles which enhances employee performance.
Statement Mean Standard deviation
Team Commitment affect level of employee 4.40 0.78
Level of trust affect the level of employee performance 3.72 0.74
Team communication affect level of employee 4.28 0.77
Team leadership affect level of employee performance 4.32 0.80
Source Data; HR, Kenya Trade Network Agency (2022)
On whether team commitment affects employee performance, the result indicated a mean of 4.40 and a
standard deviation of 0.78. On whether the level of trust affects employee performance, the result indicated a
mean of 3.72 and a standard deviation of 0.74. On whether team communication affects employee
performance, the result indicated a mean of 4.28 and a standard deviation of 0.77. On whether team leadership
affects the level of employee, the result indicated a mean of 3.79 and a standard deviation of 0.67. On whether
team work performance affects employee performance, the result indicated a mean of 3.79 and a standard
deviation of 0.67.
The overall mean of the study was 4.12. This therefore implies that team work, level of trust, team
communication, team leadership and team work performance affect individual employee performance. The
findings of this study therefore, corroborate studies conducted by Boakye (2015) who found out leadership
has a significant effect on the employee performance in an organization.
Sig. (2- 0 0 0 0
N 72 72 72 72 72
Average Pearson 0.652** 0.791** 1 0.76 0.706**
Team Correlation 4**
Sig. (2- 0 0 0 0
N 72 72 72 72 72
Average Pearson 0.680** 0.757** 0.764** 1 0.782**
Team Correlation
Sig. (2- 0 0 0 0
N 72 72 72 72 72
Employee Pearson 0.736** 0.729** 0.706** 0.78 1
Performance Correlation 2**
Sig. (2- 0 0 0 0
N 72 72 72 72 72
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Values for R shows the correlation between independent and dependent in the regression model. 0.84 showed
the correlation between level of commitment, level of trust, team communication, team leadership and
employee performance.
R squared shows the proportion of the variance explained by the regression model. A change in change in the
independent variable leads to a corresponding change in dependent variable by 69 percent. This is shown in
table 4.11
The Analysis of Variance results (ANOVA) indicated that the model of employee performance with team
commitment, level of trust, team communication and team leadership
recruitment at F test =40.287, P > 0.05 indicate that there was a highly significant relationship between
employee performance and team commitment, level of trust, team communication and team leadership at
Kenya Trade Network Agency. The results are shown in the table 4.12
Table 4.12: Analysis of Variance
The ANOVA results indicated that the model of employee performance team commitment, level of trust, team
communication and team leadership with training and development at F-test = 40.278, p > 0.05 indicate that
there was a highly significant relationship between team commitment, level of trust, team communication and
team leadership and employee performance in Kenya Trade Network Agency.
4.6.5 Regression Coefficient
According to the results of the regression, team commitment, level of trust, team communication, team
leadership was found to have a positive influence on employee performance. This is illustrated by the
regression result at 5% level of significance with unstandardized beta coefficient of 0.246 and t-value of 1.648
with a P-value of 0.000. The results are shown in table 4.13
5.1 Introduction
This chapter concludes this report. The research is summarized, and the study's results are examined and
understood. The significance of this research in the immediate context of KenTrade is examined.
Recommendations for further research end the chapter. The scope of the following conclusions is limited to
the context and historical characteristics of KenTrade. The conclusions are relevant to the process of dwelling
evolution in progressive development projects.
The findings indicated that there is a relationship between team commitment and employee performance
where team commitment has a significant effect on employee performance in KenTrade. This has led to
improved performance in KenTrade through ensuring that employees are committed in their execution of
duties. Boakye (2015), who used the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital and the Ejisu Government Hospital in
a study on the effect of team commitment on employee performance, further supports this. Several metrics of
team performance were examined, including team trust, recognition, and rewards. The relationship between
the two variables, teamwork and organizational success, was examined using correlational approaches. The
study discovered a favorable and significant relationship between team commitment and organizational
The findings indicated that there is a correlation between level of trust and employee performance in
KenTrade where level of trust has a significant effect on employee performance. This has led to improved
performance in KenTrade through ensuring that employees have an atmosphere of autonomy and self-
responsibility. This can also be supported by Goergen et al. (2013) who conducted research on the impacts of
trust levels on employee performance with an emphasis on the implications of intra-firm trust for company
performance, provide more support for this. They report empirical evidence of a positive link. Responses to
64 questions about employee communication, profit sharing, internal promotion, staff turnover, and training
were used to calculate the intra-firm trust score. The relationship between business performance and trust
could be better understood by utilizing more specific measures of employee trust, according to studies that
matched employee and firm level data.
5.2.3 Team Communication and Employee Performance
The findings indicated that there is a link between team communication and employee performance in
KenTrade where team communication has a significant effect on employee performance. This has led to
improved performance through ensuring that employees are addressing their grievances through the right
channels and they are being solved accordingly. This can also be supported by Kube (2014) who conducted a
study on the effects of communication strategies on organizational performance at Kenya Ports Authority
using a sample size of 250 employees. The main objective was to investigate how open-door policy of
communication influences organizational performance, and to identify the roles of formal communication
channels on organizational performance. The main conclusion drawn from the research was communication
strategies play a central role in high-performance. The research concluded that for any organizational
performance to be effective, the communication should be an open communication environment is one in
which all members of the organization feel free to share feedback, ideas and even criticism at every level.
The findings indicated that there is a relationship between team leadership and employee performance in
KenTrade where team leadership and styles of leadership have a significant effect on employee performance.
This can be supported by Ojokuku, et al. (2016) who conducted a study on the Impact of team leadership on
employee performance: A Case Study of Nigeria Bank in Nigeria. The sample size used by the researchers is
60. The findings showed that there was positive and negative correlation between performance and leadership
style. There was 23 percent variance of performance found in leadership style jointly predict organizational
performance. This study concluded that transformational and democratic leadership styles have positive effect
on both performance and followers and are highly recommended to banks especially in this global competitive
In conclusion, the organization has created a conducive environment for teamwork; which has improved the
employee performance in KenTrade. This can be seen in the findings where team communication came out
strongly with an overall mean of 4.01, followed by team commitment with an overall mean of 3.94, followed
by team leadership with an overall mean of 3.92 and lastly level of trust with an overall mean of 3.9. This
shows that the organization is making an effort in terms of ensuring that employees have an environment
where they can share their views and ideas and this will lead to improved employee performance. However,
on the other hand the level of trust among employees was not felt strongly in the organization. This shows that
the organization has not yet embraced flexibility and transparency, which are the drivers of trust.
5.4 Recommendations of the Research Study
Based on the findings of the research study the researcher makes certain recommendations for further
5.4.1 Team Commitment
The study found out that the overall mean in the findings was 3.94. This therefore shows that there is a
correlation between team commitment and employee performance. However, there are areas of improvement
that need to be focused on such reinforcing team commitment with reward and recognition in order to ensure
employees are motivated and stay committed to working towards fulfilment of organizational goals.
The study found out that the overall mean in the findings was 3.9. This therefore shows that there is a
relationship between level of trust and employee performance. However, there are areas of improvement that
need to be focused on such as ensuring the organization’s environment allows an avenue of flexibility and
autonomy when performing their duties and understands drivers of trust.
5.4.3 Team Communication
The study found out that the overall mean in the findings was 4.01. This therefore shows that there is a
relationship between team communication and employee performance. However, there are areas of
improvement that need to be focused on such as asking for clarity in communication and giving timely
feedback can lead to improved employee performance as well as creating an environment that allows
employees to freely share their views.
5.4.4 Team Leadership
The study found out that the overall mean in the findings was 3.92. This therefore showed that there is a
relationship between team leadership and employee performance. However, there are areas of improvement
that need to be focused on such as making the most of and exploring the leadership styles which enhances
employee performance.
Based on the findings of this study the human resource practitioners should focus more on how employees
need to be empowered more on sharing their views and ideas by creating forums where employees can share
their grievances and managers can address the issues as well. Open communication strategies also need to be
embraced as they make the employees feel flexible and able to have autonomy in performing their duties
therefore leading to high productivity. Organizations need to set aside a budget to sensitize employees on the
proper channels of communication as well as the right language of communication both orally and verbally.
The overall model summary indicated a degree of variation of adjacent r 2 of 0.84. This therefore implies that
there is a correlation between level of commitment, level of trust, team communication, team leadership and
employee performance. The study indicated the variables covered 69% the researcher therefore is
recommending that other researchers undertake 31%.Since the study was based on a case study the researcher
therefore recommends that similar studies be conducted in other organizations. Since the study was based in a
parastatal the researcher recommends the study to be conducted both private sector and public sector.
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CHRM College
HazinaTradeCentre,1 th floor,
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P.O Box 4322
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Email:[email protected]
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2nd November,2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
This letter serves to confirm that the above named is a bonafide student of College of Human Resource
Management pursuing the Certified Human Resource Management professional course (CHRP) offered at our
As partial fulfilment of her studies, she is required to undertake a Research Project. The candidate proposes to
undertake a research on The Effect of Teamwork on Employee Performance .A Case of Kenya Trade Network
Agency. She wishes to collect data relevant to this research in your organization.
The College of Human Resource Management-CHRM will highly appreciate any assistance accorded to her.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to assist the researcher collect data on the effect of teamwork on
employee performance at Kenya Trade Network Agency. You are kindly requested to respond honestly to all
the statements in this questionnaire. The information you provide shall be treated with utmost confidentiality
and used only for the purpose of academic research.
Age: 20 – 30 years
31 – 40 years
41 – 50 years
6-10 years
11-20 years
21-30 years
Above 30 years
Senior Officer
Support Staff
Rate the extent to which the following statements apply to each of the factors under team commitment, level
of trust, communication, and leadership styles.
On a scale of 1 – 5, indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements using the scale below:
1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3=Neutral 4=Disagree 5=Strongly Disagree.
S.NO. STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5
1 There is team autonomy in the organization
2 Employees feel more productive when working as a
team rather than as individuals
3 Creativity among teams is embraced and rewarded
4 There is motivation to encourage creativity at KenTrade
5 The goals and responsibilities of the team members are
well outlined and set
6 There is synergy in performing the set goals among the
team members
On a scale of 1 – 5, indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements using the scale below:
1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3=Neutral 4=Disagree 5=Strongly Disagree.
S.NO. STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5
1 I trust my team members in performing the tasks
assigned in order to achieve the desired goal.
2 There is integrity in performing the duties and roles
assigned to every team member
3 There are consequences to team members who do not
uphold integrity.
4 There is professionalism among the team members in
executing their tasks.
5 There is confidentiality among the team members in
handling sensitive information.
6 There is enough training on duties and responsibilities
to ensure professionalism
On a scale of 1 – 5, indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements using the scale below:
1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3=Neutral 4=Disagree 5=Strongly Disagree.
S.NO. STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5
1 There is etiquette in the means of communication
whether in verbal or written form.
2 There is an effective channel of communication in
teams at KenTrade
3 The culture of KenTrade allows for freedom of
speech in addressing grievances among team
4 The grievances presented by team members are
heard and actioned.
5 There is clarity in the messages conveyed when
delegating duties among team members.
6 Members of a team are allowed to ask for
guidance in cases where the message is not clear.
On a scale of 1 – 5, indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements using the scale below:
1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3=Neutral 4=Disagree 5=Strongly Disagree.
S.NO. STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5
1 The team leaders have the skills and knowledge to
handle conflicts among team members.
2 Team leaders solve conflicts among members in a fair
and equitable way.
3 There is democracy, fairness and equity in appointment
for team leadership positions at KenTrade
4 There is a good leadership style in teams/departments.
5 The input of team members is incorporated in decision
making by the leadership.
6 Team leaders lead from the front and by example
On a scale of 1 – 5, indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements using the scale below:
1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3=Neutral 4=Disagree 5=Strongly Disagree.
S.NO. STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5
1 There is adequate training among employees to enhance
2 The organization has achieved its targets in the desired
time span.
3 The quality of output in terms of service delivery has
improved since 2021
4 There is less downtime and delays in performing of
tasks and delivery of services
5 I feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation in the
tasks I perform in the organization.
6 The organization has put in place measures and
mechanisms to ensure optimum productivity