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14 Programme Ideals
Final Educational Objectives of Scouting (Rover Section)
The Bharat Scouts and Guides purpose is fulfilled by providing education for life through all the three
states of the Youth (Cub, Scout and Rover) the Association expect that every young man who complete
the full course of the boy programme of the Association will be able to:-
1. Make scouting a way of life.
2. Become an active and participating citizen.
3. Improve skills, vocational and otherwise to be self- dependent & useful to others.
4. Emerge as practical person who has respect for himself and for others and their experiences.
5. Realize that he has a responsibility in the development of his community and undertake Community
Development Projects individually and collectively.
6. Lead a refined religious life in service of man and God/Dharma.
7. Select in future, a right partner for a life of full understanding & adjustment and lead a harmonious life.
8. Do all his best to protect public property.
9. Prepare himself to do his duty to country & develop love for Universal Brotherhood i.e. peace and
goodwill among human beings.
10. Develop a positive attitude to undertake considerable risk for others, making full use of his Rovering
Skills and Values.
11. Work for the upkeep of our National Heritage & Culture with love for Human values.
12. Promote& participate in the developmental activities pertaining to National priorities like National
Integration, Population Education, Conservation, Sanitation etc.
13. Become a Strategic Leader who loves to grow with the group.
14. Have fair understanding of the World Affairs in general.

1.Rover : A boy whether previously a Scout or not and who is a citizen of India and who has
completed 15 years of age may be enlisted as a Rover ASPIRANT, A person who has completed 25 years
of age is not eligible to be a Rover, but he can continue as a service Rover up to the age of 35 years.
(a)Wherever it is necessary, extension be allowed for three years with special permission of the State
Chief Commissioner. He will be eligible for Rashtrapati
Rover Award provided the special permission is granted before completion of 25 years of age and the
same shall be reported to the National Headquarters.
2.Rover Crew :
(a)A Rover Crew shall consist of not less than six Rovers and not more than 24 Rovers.
(b)A Rover Crew shall be a unit of a Group of a Cub Pack, Scout Troop and Rover Crew, Provided
however, where there is no such group a Rover Crew shall be treated as a Group.
(c)Every Rover Crew shall be registered in accordance with the procedure prescribed.
(d)Every Rover Crew shall have a name. Where Rover Crew is a unit of a Group, it shall bear the name of
the Group. The Group may be named after the locality or the Institution or any great personality (Male) of
India. Every Group shall also have a serial number assigned by Local or District Association, as the case
may be.

3.Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Rover Scout Leader :

(i)There shall be a Rover Scout Leader for each Rover Crew; there may be one or more Assistant Rover
Scout Leaders for a Crew at the rate of one Assistant Rover Scout Leader for each six Rover Scouts.
(ii)Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Rover Scout Leader shall be appointed by the State Chief
Commissioner in consultation with concerned State Commissioner on the recommendation of the
concerned District Commissioner and District Chief Commissioner. In case of Local Association through
District Chief Commissioner. On the appointment Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Rover Scout Leader
shall be issued each with a Warrant.
(iii)Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Rover Scout Leader shall function subject to general supervision or
the Group Leader, where there is a Group. Rover Scout Leader shall, in general be incharge of affairs of
Rover Crew. He will, however, delegate matters of discipline, administration and finance of the Rover
Crew to Crew Council. Assistant Rover Scout Leader shall assist Rover Scout Leader.
4.Qualifications for Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Rover Scout Leader :
(i)(a) A person who has completed 25 years of age is eligible for appointment as a Rover Scout Leader.
Provided on special recommendation of concerned District Commissioner, a person who has completed
21 years of age may be appointed as a Rover Scout Leader.
(b)A person who has completed 21 years of age may be appointed as an Assistant Rover Scout Leader.
(ii)He should preferably possess the Degree in any discipline or equivalent qualification. However, in
exceptional cases the condition can be relaxed by the SCC up to Matriculation.
(iii)He shall be a person of good character, conduct and antecedents.
(iv)He must have knowledge of Scout Movement and its methods in particular, an appreciation of its
religious and moral basis and A.P.R.O. in its application to his work.

(v)He must be a person with special aptitude to deal with young men.
(vi)He must satisfactorily complete training prescribed by the National Association with in two years of
his appointment.
(vii)He must be able to obtain use of separate Rover Den for the Rover Crew.
(viii)He must have general knowledge of social needs of the Community.
5.Uniform :
(a)Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Rover Scout Leader shall wear uniform as a Scout Master and
Assistant Scout Master with differences mentioned below :
Rank Badge : Rover Scout Leader shall wear a Rank Badge of Red Colour with red border.
“Assistant Rover Scout Leader shall wear a Rank Badge of Red Colour with green border”.
Working Casual Wear : Working uniform or field activity uniform as optional items with the deep blue
jeans/Trousers/ shorts with plain sky blue colourT-Shirt with collar, having a pocket super imposed with
Scout emblem and dark blue P-Cap with BSG Emblem at the Centre may be worn during the field
activity along with comfortable shoes.
(b)Uniform for Sea Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Sea Rover Scout Leader : Sea Rover Scout Leader
shall wear uniform as for a Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Rover Scout Leader. He shall also wear the
Sea Scout Badge 4 cms. above the right pocket.
(c)Uniform for Air Rover Scout Leader and Assistant Air Rover Scout Leader : Air Rover Scout Leader
and Assistant Air Rover Scout Leader shall wear uniform as for Rover Scout Leader and Asst. Rover
Scout Leader. He shall also wear the Air Scout Badge 4cms. above the right pocket.
6.(a) Rover Mate :
(i)Senior Rover Mate : One of the Rover Mates may be designated as Senior Rover Mate, if so decided by
the Crew. Senior Rover Mate shall wear uniform and badges as a Rover and in addition he shall wear
three Red vertical stripes made of wool or cotton 6 cms long and 1.5 cms wide on the left pocket, the
middle shall be under Membership badge and other two on either side of the badge.
Senior Rover Mate shall Assist Rover Scout Leader.
(ii)Rover Mate : Rover Mate is a Rover Scout elected annually by the Crew with the approval of the
Rover Scout Leader.
There shall be one Mate for every 4 to 6 Rovers.
Rover Mate shall wear uniform as a Rover and in addition he shall wear two red woollen or Cotton
stripes, 6 cms long 1.5 cms. wide vertical on either side of the Membership Badge on the Left pocket of
the shirt.
Rover Mate Shall Assist Rover Scout Leader.
(iv)Second : A Second is appointed by the Rover Mate to Assist him in his duties.
Second shall wear uniform and badges as a Rover and in addition he shall wear one red vertical stripe 6
cms. long and 1.5 cms. wide on the right side of Membership Badge on the left pocket of shirt.
(b)Crew Council :
(i)The Crew Council shall consist of warranted Rover Scout Leaders and Assistant Rover Scout Leader,
Rover Mate and such other Rovers as may be elected by the crew. Any one of the Rover Mates or Rover
will be the Chairman of the Crew Council and one of the members shall function as Secretary.
(ii)The Crew Council shall deal with planning programme and matters of discipline, administration and

finance of Rover Crew.

Note : When size of Rover Crew does not warrant formation of a Crew Council the whole crew may
function as Crew Council provided, however the matters relating exclusively to Rover Aspirant and
Rover shall be dealt with by these Rovers themselves.
(7)Rover : There are three stages in the career of a Rover namely;
(a)Rover Aspirant
(b)Rover and
(c)Rover -in-Service.
A Rover Aspirant can be invested as a Rover only after completion of fifteen years of age and should
have worked for three months for Pravesh Test.
(8)Rover Aspirant :
A.He must have completed fifteen years of age.
B.A Rover Aspirant who had been a Scout or who on admission as Rover Aspirant passes Pravesh Badge
test as laid down for Scout shall wear uniform as a Rover.
(9)PraveshRequirements :
(1)Read and appreciate contents of “Scouting for Boys” and books on Rovering prescribed by the
(2) If a young man has never been a Scout and wishes to join the Crew
afresh, he should qualify for Pravesh requirements of Scout Section and
work for at least three months as a Aspirant Rover before investiture and probation as decided by the crew
after the completion of three months be decided by the Crew Council.
(3)Be able to interpret the Promise and Law as per Rover point of view.

Sea Rover :
In addition to above Pravesh requirements a young man wanting to be a Sea Rover will:-
(1)Have knowledge of water safety rules.

(2)Know the DO’s and DONT’s in a boat.

(3)Have in general, knowledge of a canoe, a boat, a sail, an oars and an anchor.
(4)Learn signaling by Semaphore method.
(5)Know about at least three navigational stars visible in the area.
GrameenRover :
(1)Have a general knowledge of Scout Movement.
(2)Complete all the Pravesh Requirements as prescribed for Rovers at (9)
(1)On Completion of requirements to the satisfaction of the Rover Scout Leader a Rover aspirant shall be
invested as a Rover on making or reaffirming the Scout Promise. He is then eligible to wear membership
(2)Membership Badge shall be a cloth badge with red background and Fleur - de - lis in yellow
superimposed by the Trefoil with Ashoka Chakra also in yellow, in the centre; it shall be worn in the
centre of the pleat of the left pocket of shirt or at the same place on jersey.
(3)This membership badge is issued by the Local or District Association, as the case may be on the
recommendation of the Rover Scout Leader.
Rover Uniform :
(a)A Rover shall wear uniform as a Scout with the differences mentioned here under:
(i)Green flash with letter ‘R’ in red Colour on
Shoulder Straps.
(ii)Shoulder Stripes: Each 5cm long and 1.5cm wide shoulder stripes shall be of Red, Green & Blue
colour Red above and Blue Below.
(iii)Membership Badge: A cloth badge with red background and Fleur-de-lis in yellow superimposed by
the Trefoil with Ashoka Chakra also in yellow in the centre shall be in the centre of the pleat of the left
(b)Sea Rover Uniform : A sea rover shall wear Uniform as for a Rover. He shall also wear the Sea Scout
Badge 4cms. above the right pocket.
(c)Air Rover Uniform : An Air Rover shall wear uniform as for a Rover. He shall also wear the Air Scout
Badge 4cms. above the right pocket.
(d)Grameen Rover Uniform : The Crew in Council of Grameen Rover Crew may either decide to wear
uniform as for Rovers as in Rule 10 (a) or may adopt following changes:
(i)A saffron colour turban in place Blue Beret cap.
(ii)A white dhoti worn in a uniform local pattern in place of shorts or trousers.
(iii)A white colour shirt of Scout pattern if a dhoti is worn.
(iv)Shoes or chappal of local pattern.
(v)Crew scarf.
(vi)Kammar band of saffron colour worn over the shirt.
Grameen Rover:
Prescribed syllabus for all tests assigned for Rovers will be applicable for Grameen Rovers. However,
subjects found difficult or not related to Grameen Rover may be replaced by appropriate local
activities/projects with the permission of SCC on the recommendation of DCC & SOC. The area specific
alternate activities may be allowed by the State Chief Commissioner and certificate to that effect should
be produced in the testing camp.

Scheme for Advancement of a Rover :

(i)A boy of fifteen years of age can be admitted as a Rover Aspirant.
(ii)A Rover Aspirant can be invested as a Rover.
(iii)A Rover Aspirant will work at least for three months to complete Pravesh test before investiture.
(iv)A Pravesh Rover will work at least for six months to qualify for Nipun Badge.
(v)A Nipun Rover will work at least for nine months to qualify for RajyaPuraskar Rover Badge.
(vi)A RajyaPuraskar Rover will work at least for one year to qualify for Rashtrapati Rover Award.
(vii)Efficiency Cords:
Rover Efficiency Cords are made of chiffon threads specially designed will be supplied by N.H.Q. It will
be worn under the right shoulder strap extending the cord to the top of right pocket stitched horizontally
just above the BSG Stripe.
1.AfterNipun Badge, a Rover may earn more proficiency badges.
2.If a Nipun Rover earns seven proficiency badges in all shall be awarded Yellow Cord by the Dist. Chief
3.If a RajyaPuraskar Rover earns twelve proficiency badges in all shall be awardedPurple Cord by the
Dist. Chief Commissioner
4.If a Rashtrapati Rover earns five proficiency badges not earned before shall be awardedTriColour (Blue,
Green & Red) Cord by the Dist. Chief Commissioner in a ceremonial function following soon after the
award of a Cord
Tests for Nipun:
(1)Strive for a happy family and undertake responsible family jobs to give relief to the earning members
of the family.
(2)Develop in consultation with Rover Scout Leader for some typical Hobbies/Vocational Activities such
as Tailoring, Fashion Designing, Candle Making, Screen Printing, Fine Arts, Hair Dressing, Photography,
Modelling etc. which should lead for livelihood and show that the Rover is progressing in them.
(3)Participate in group discussions of your Crew and chair atleast two.
(4)Attend atleast four All Faiths Prayer Meetings of your Crew. And Participate in a service camp for one
(5)Have sufficient knowledge uptoTritiyaSopan Scout in Pioneering, Camping, Estimation, Compass &
Mapping and First Aid for crew outdoor activities and service campaign.
(6)Organise games for children in the mohalla/ village for about a month.
Conduct competitions for children preferably of your locality on a conservation subject.
7)Participate in a debate or a street play on Population Education / Family Life Education
8)Qualify for any one of the Rover Proficiency Badges:
(a)Literacy, (b) Population Education, (c), World Friendship (d) Sanitation Promoter (e) CivilDefence
(9)Associate with any nearby Pack or a Troop or at a LA/DA campsite for three months and render need
based service or Render service for three months in an Institution/Village/Slum area/locality
(10)Participate in any one of the following : 1 Rock Climbing, 2 Trekking, 3 Rafting, 4, Para Sailing, 5
Para jumping, or Complete adventure programme of National Adventure Institute or Other recognized
(11)Practice B.P Six Exercise or Surya Namaskar or Aerobic.
(12)Have knowledge about the Laws for protecting women.
(13)Organise “Campaign to Stop the Violence against Women and Girl Child”.
(14)Visit a factory in the neighborhood of schools/ colleges/residence to understand the manufacturing
process of various products and also to respect the dignity of labour.
Sea Rover:
In addition to above tests for Praveen Badge a Sea Rover will:
(1)Swim fifty meters.
(2)Know about pulling or punting a boat.
(3)Send and receive simple words using Semaphore method of signaling.
(4)Know at least three constellations visible in the area.
(5)Know National Flags of neighboring countries.
Air Rover:
In Addition to tests for Praveen Badge an Air Rover will:
(1)Attend General information Course in Scouting.
(2)Know about a Parachute and Ejection seat in an Aircraft.
(3)Work on an aero model and its maintenance.
(4)Know methods of rescuing a trapped pilot in aircraft involved in an accident.
(5)Know gauges in the Cockpit of an Aircraft.
Grameen Rover:
Prescribed syllabus for all tests assigned for Rovers will be applicable for Grameen Rovers. However,
subjects found difficult or not related to Grameen Rover may be replaced by appropriate local
activities/projects with the permission of SCC on the recommendation of DCC & SOC. The area specific
alternate activities may be allowed by the State Chief Commissioner and certificate to that effect should
be produced in the testing camp.
(i)On completion of the tests to the satisfaction of the independent examiners appointed by Local or
District Association, as the case may be, with the approval of the District Chief Commissioner on the
recommendation of Dist. Org. Commissioner, Nipun Badge is issued by Local / District Association.

(ii)Nipun Badge is a pair of green shoulder flashes of cotton or wool with letter ‘R’ in red at bottom and a
yellow bar under the letter.
(iii)The badge shall be worn on shoulder straps.

13.Tests for RajyaPuraskar.

1).Get the Knowledge of website of Election Commission and help at least two persons to enroll
themselves in the electoral roll.
2).A. Know First Aid, Mapping, Pioneering and Camp craft skills uptoTritiyaSopan
B. Show further progress in Hobbies, Handicrafts and Vocational Skills
3)Study any book of Transaction Analysis and be able to state 3 Ego state and 3 types of transactions
4)Qualify for Ambulance man Badge of Scout Section with knowledge of CPR (Cardio Pulmonary
5)Prepare a paper or give talk on religious tolerance or participate in any religions function other than of
his own and report to the Rover Scout Leader / Crew Council.
6)Render service in an institution/structure/place/ building of public importance/ public garden and look
after its upkeep at least two hours in a week for at least three months.
7)Complete the following
(a)Participate in a Campaign by a Crew to educate people in protecting public properties.
(b)Build a Pioneering Project at the campaign area with the help of Crew and local community.
8)Be able to present culture and heritage of any region of India through modern Audio-visual aids.
9)To inculcate the habit of small saving in to the Rovers through a bank formed by them and also to make

them learn banking operations. Or Guide and

promote at least one Self Help Group of a locality of village/town/city.
10). a) Create an ID in a Social Network and be able
to communicate with at least ten members of
any other states of BSG.
b) Plan and work for a Project at least for a month
in consultation with Rover Scout Leader to
help Children/Aged/Differently able/Sick
persons in an old age home or at an orphanage or at an appropriate place close to locality.
Plan and finance a project with crew members to enrich the life of villagers, staying in a village at least
for a week
11)Have knowledge in
i)Camp Craft :
a.Pitching, striking & packing a Double Fly Tent.
b.Layout of a camp with latrine and a camp kitchen.
c.Cooking enough meal for two persons using backwoodsman method.
ii)Pioneering :
a.Tie and show the use of Double Sheet Bend, Scaffold hitch, Bowline on the bite
b.Various methods of Hold Fast and Anchorages.
c.With the help of other Rovers, build a Pioneering Project using Hold Fast and Anchorages.
a.Know the Triangulation method and make a map of a small area

b.Follow a route of not less than 1km and make a map of the route by Road Traverse method.
12). Work as “Free Being Me Peer educator” for forty eight hours, spread over a period of six months
with at least two hours in a week.
Participate in a sustained community development project at least two hours in a week for six months on
any two of the following subjects:
A.Promote gender equality and empower women
B.Reduce child mortality
C.Improve maternal health
D.Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & other diseases
E.Ensure environmental sustainability.
13)Qualify for Proficiency Badges:
A.Disaster Preparedness Badge
B.Rambler’s Badge or Ecologist Badge
14)Undergo a minimum three nights adventure camp under canvas in an open air or make and stay in a
tree top shelter for one night along with other Rovers.
Sea Rover:
In addition to Nipun Tests given above a Sea Rover will:
(1)Know in general a ship.
(2)Send and receive messages in Semaphore.
(3)Know about the Zodiac.
(4)Know about winds, tides and ocean currents in general.
(5)Be able to read a course on chart and mark a course on a chart.
Air Rover:
In addition to Nipun Tests an Air Rover will:
(1)Know International Emergency Codes of Flying.
(2)Demonstrate Flying an aero model.
(3)Know about rectification of defects in aero model.
(4)Know about Gallantry Awards instituted in the country.
(5)Know principles of fighting a fire in an Aircraft.
(6)Have knowledge of forces acting on an Aircraft in flight.
Grameen Rover:
Prescribed syllabus for all tests assigned for Rovers will be applicable for Grameen Rovers. However,
subjects found difficult or not related to Grameen Rover may be replaced by appropriate local
activities/projects with the permission of SCC on the recommendation of DCC & SOC. The area specific
alternate activities may be allowed by the State Chief Commissioner.
(i)A Nipun Rover who has completed the required syllabus will have to attend the testing camp organised
by the State Association under the supervision of the State Organising Commissioner where the
knowledge and skills of a Rover will be re-tested up to the RajyaPuraskar Rover Stage. The qualified
Rover will be eligible for the RajyaPuraskar Rover Certificate and Badge.
(ii)RajyaPuraskar Rover badge is a pair of shoulder flashes in green of cotton or wool with letter ‘R’ in
red at the bottom and two yellow bars under the letter.
(iii)The badge is worn in place of the Nipun badge.
(iv)RajyaPuraskar Rover is awarded by the Governor or Patron/President of the State Association.
(v)This award is presented by the Governor or Patron/President of the State Association on the
recommendation of State Chief Commissioner and can be withdrawn under compelling circumstances by
State Chief Commissioner.

Rashtrapati Rover Award :

1)TheRashtrapati Rover Award is a unique distinction in the Movement for it alone carries with it a
certificate containing a message from the President of the Indian Union.
2)As a RajyaPuraskar Rover, he will work at least for one year to qualify for the Rashtrapati Rover
3) A Rover is not eligible to qualify for Rashtrapati Rover Award on completion of 25 years of age.
4)The Warranted Rover Leader irrespective of his training qualifications shall inform the NHQ through
proper channel on a prescribed registration form available at State Headquarters/BSG Website that
RajyaPuraskar Rover is preparing for Rashtrapati Rover. In the absence of a Rover Scout Leader, an
Assistant Rover Scout Leader can also recommend.
5)A Rover Scout Leader will recommend only up to 25% Rovers of the total Census of the unit (not
24)forRashtrapati Rover Award in a year. Special Cases could be recommended by the District Chief
Commissioner and State Chief Commissionersubject to maximum of 50% in a year.
6)RajyaPuraskar Rover, who has already fulfilled all required conditions, will have to be tested at
State Level and certified by the State Organising
Commissioner concerned before coming for Rashtrapati Rover Award Testing Camp organised by the
National Association under the supervision of the concerned Assistant Director.
7)At the time of Rashtrapati Award Testing Camp a Rover will produce his individual progress card.
To qualify for the Rashtrapati Rover Award a RajyaPuraskar Rover must complete the following:
Tests for Rashtrapati Rover Award:
1(A) Choose any one of the following and discuss in the Crew Council and submit a report based on
statistics and data collected for approval:
i.Any subject on Current World Affairs.
ii.Any two Regions of World Organisation of Scout Movement (WOSM)
iii.National Affairs i.e. Our Government/ National Development plans and schemes/ National Educational
Policy/ Service Organisations/ Cooperatives etc.
2.Undertake a Community Development Project on Health or Food Production or Environment or
Sanitation or a project suited to the particular area with the approval of Crew Council for at least three
months with the crew and submit a report to the Crew Council.
3.Render service at least for five days in a camp at District/State/National level.
4.Participate in Community Service Project for not less than thirty hours spread over a period of at least
two months and should work once in a week
5.Twenty Four hour Survival Hike: Stay in an open place with another Rover and survive with available
Natural Resources.
Participate in a cross country overnight Adventure Hike.
Participate in Any International Event out of India
International Adventure Programme
6. Develop Internet Friendship with at least twenty members of the movement of other states as well as
other countries
Be a member of Messenger of Peace and upload at least five projects on the MoP website.
Establish a GeetManch through crew and Sing Songs from publications of BSG such as Geet Bharti,
SwarnSwarLehri, Patriotic Songs, Songs Promoting Secularism and National Integration etc. at public
places in a village/town/city for ensuring visibility of the Movement.
7.Qualify for the following Proficiency Badges:
i)Disaster Management
ii)Any one of the following Rover Proficiency
Badges not earned earlier:
2.AIDS Awareness
3.Soil Conservation
4.Family Life Education
5.Blood Donor

Sea Rover:
In addition to tests for Rashtrapati Rover Award mentioned above a Sea Rover will:
(1)Dive, Swim atleast for ten metres under surface.
(2)Learn how to rescue a drowning person.
(3)Have in general, knowledge of shipping in our country.
(4)Have in general, knowledge about our Navy and its Ranks.
(5)Know about ten constellations beyond the Zodiac.
(6)Know about any three methods of splicing and ten knots (bends and hitches used at sea).
(7)Conduct with safety precautions a chartered cruise for children for a distance not exceeding four kilo

Air Rover:
In addition to Rashtrapati Rover Award tests mentioned above an Air Rover will:
(1)Demonstrate skill in Aerobatics with an aero model.
Have an experience in a glider for three times.
In an aircraft for a minimum of half an hour.
(2)Mark International Aircraft / Aerodromes on a world map.
(3)Have knowledge about military Aircrafts used in the neighbouring countries.
(4)Know about signal used by W.R., R.T., A.L.D.S., L.A.M.A., cartridges and smoke bombs.
Grameen Rover:
Prescribed syllabus for all tests assigned for Rovers will be applicable for Grameen Rovers. However,
subjects found difficult or not related to Grameen Rover may be replaced by appropriate local
activities/projects with the permission of SCC on the recommendation of DCC & SOC. The area specific
alternate activities may be allowed by the State Chief Commissioner and certificate to that effect should
be produced in the testing camp.
(i)This award is presented by the President of India on the recommendation of Chief National
Commissioner and can be withdrawn under compelling circumstances by Chief National Commissioner.
(ii)The Chief National Commissioner who is the authority to grant the Rashtrapati Rover Award shall
issue from time to time suitable directions in respect of the badge tests, services, etc.
(iii)On completion of the requirements successfully a RajyaPuraskar Rover shall record his attainments
for the Rashtrapati Rover Award on a prescribed form and submit the same to the National Headquarters
through proper channel. The Rover must, in the opinion of the Crew in Council be setting a personal
example of Scout way of life.
(iv)The Chief National Commissioner shall approve the
Rashtrapati Rover Award on basis of certificates of the examiners and on the recommendations of the
Crew in Council, the concerned District Commissioner and the State Chief Commissioner.
(v)On approval of the Chief National Commissioner, the Rashtrapati Rover Award Certificate is
presented at a formal ceremony by the President of India.
(vi)The Rashtrapati Rover Badge is worn on the left arm.
(vii)Even if a Rover has undergone any training course of the Unit Leader, he will be eligible for
Rashtrapati Award.

15.Rover Proficiency Badges:

Group 1 – Physical Health
i) Climber ii) Explorer
iii) Rambler iv) Rock Climber
v) Self Defence vi) Sportsman
vii) Yoga Instructor viii) Gymnast
ix) Boxer x) Athlete
xi)Free Being Me
Group 2 - Character
i) Family Life Educator ii) Heritage
iii) Personality Development iv) Public Speaker

Group 3 – Hobby
i) Cell Phone Mechanic ii) Computer Operator
iii) Desert Folk iv) First Aider
v) Journalist vi) Motor Mechanic
vii) Photographer viii) Fashion Designer
ix) Modeling x) Fine Art
xi) Hair Dresser xii) Tailor
xiii) Web Safety xiv) Information Technology
Group - 4 Service
i) Blood Donor ii) Civil Defence
iii) Community Worker iv) Disaster Management
v) Literacy vi) Population Education
vii) AIDS Awareness viii) Ambulance man

Group 5 – Conservation
i) Energy Conservation ii) Soil Conservation
iii) Forester iv) World Conservation
v)World Scout Environment
(b)For Sea Rover only:
1. First knot 2. Second knot

(c) For Air Rovers only:

1. Air Host 2. Airman
3. Air Mechanic 4. Air Navigator
5. Air Spotter 6. Aviator
(i)A Rover is eligible to qualify for Rover Proficiency
(ii)The syllabus for these badges is given in Appendix.
(iii)On completion of the tests to the satisfaction of independent examiners appointed by Local / District
Association, as the case may be, with approval of the District Training Commissioner concerned. These
Proficiency Badges shall be issued by the Local / District Association on the basis of the certificates
issued by examiners.
(iv)All these proficiency badges, unless otherwise stated shall be worn on the right arm in parallel rows.
(v)All Proficiency Badges of the Rover section shall be in red on grey background.
16.Rover -in- Service:
(1)During the Rover stage the Rover will participate in various service projects taken up by the Crew.
However on Completion of Rover stage he will embark upon definite jobs of service to the community
either within or outside the Movement.
(2)The Service Project undertaken by the Rover individually or in groups will be of sustained nature and a
record of it will be maintained by the Crew.
(3)On the completion of 21 years of age, Rover should take up responsibility of Adult Leadership in the
17.Hike, Treks and Camps for Rovers:
•Rules for “Scout Section” shall apply.

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