DLL-SHS-BPP - Week 1

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Community Learning Center M.

Delos Elementary
Program ALS SHS
(CLC) School
Learning Facilitator Marygold C. Bello Literacy Level Grade 11
Month and Quarter August 6, 2024/1st Bread and Pastry Production

A. Content Standards/Focus The learners demonstrate competencies of the core concepts and theories in bread and
pastry production

B. Performance Standards/ The learners independently demonstrate core competencies in preparing and producing
Terminal Objectives bakery products

C. Learning Competencies/ Select, measure and weigh required ingredients according to recipe or production
Enabling Objectives requirements.
(Write the LC code for each)
1. Identify baking terms correctly.
2. Discuss the meaning of terminologies used in baking bakery products.
3. Appreciate the importance of understanding baking terminologies.
II. CONTENT (Subject Matter) Baking Terminologies
A. References
1. Session Guides pages
2. Module/Learner’s Materials pages
3. Additional materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal Laptop, TV Monitor, Speaker, movie, fact sheets, activity sheets Visual aid, Evaluation tool,
VEEM project movie selection ( American Girl Stirs up to Success)

B. Other Learning Resources  Activity 3

 Identifying terms through rambled words. Ask representative from the group to identify rambled words.

1. To heat the oven prior to baking to achieve the required

T E A P H E R Answer : P R E H E A T
2. It is a microorganisms that produce carbon dioxide when
mix with carbohydrates, causing the dough to rise.
S E T A Y Answer : Y E A S T
 (Please see the complete tool attached)
Internet//You Tube
A. Springboard/Motivation ASK the learners first about the expectation in the course
(Establishing a purpose for the lesson)

B. Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or Activity

presenting the new lesson)

The teacher will present a movie entitled “American Girl, Stirs up to Success” The movie will be
cut after 10 minutes showing.
Ask the student to use their and art of listening and comprehension during the movie show

 The learners will make a list of easy words that are familiar to them and words that are not
familiar to them. Then elaborate.
 The learners will get a “Punch line/dialogue that they wanted to apply in their lives then

C. Analysis (Presenting examples/Instances Ask the students on the importance of presenting the movie to the class.
of the new lesson)

Guide Questions
1. How did you find the movie?
2. Did you get something new to you? Which part? Why?

 Process the answer of the student.

D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills (sub-activity #1) Distribute hand-outs on Baking Terminologies( by group)
Discussing the meaning of the term

Ask the students to read the definition of the terms and translate into Tagalog for better
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills (sub-activity #1) The teacher will present a game “Pinoy Hinyo” 2 students volunteers in every group.

1 student – as actor and the other one is the one who will guess the word.
(at least 5 words to act and guess)
- Set 1- ( dough, beat, batter, baker, knead)
- Set 2- ( blend, caramelized, oven, cream, shears)
- Set 3- ( egg beater, oven, beating, egg was, cup cake)

 At least 3 pair of students for 3 rounds.

F. Abstraction (Making generalizations

about the lesson)
Ask the learners to look for at least 3 term that they usually used/ apply at home, why?

G. Application (Developing mastery) Identification. Write the correct term being defined in each of the following

H. Valuing (Finding practical applications of

What is the importance of familiarizing the terminologies used in baking bakery products.
concepts and skills in daily living)
I. Evaluation (Assessing learning) Choose 5 baking terms and use it in a sentence (procedural type)
J. Agreement (Additional activities for
Look for 1 recipe/ ingredients including the procedures of a bread or a pastry.
application or remediation)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisory can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials did
I use/discover which I wish to share with
other techers?

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