2024 Regenerative Travel Trends Report
2024 Regenerative Travel Trends Report
2024 Regenerative Travel Trends Report
Photo Courtesy of The Manta Resort
We must adopt regenerative principles and take
Climate change threatens all life on
deliberate actions to heal and restore our planet.
the planet, as well as the very
destinations that tourism relies on.
The core tenets of regeneration implore us
As the planet warms, rising sea levels, to honor the essence of a place, recognizing that
extreme weather, and increasing destinations evolve over time alongside the
temperatures are impacting ecosystems and land, its people, and its wildlife.
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on This 2024 Trend Report will explore how the
Climate Change (IPCC) report finds that there tourism industry can become a catalyst for
is a more than 50% chance that global change. We will discuss how it can empower
temperature rise will reach or surpass 1.5 communities, inspire innovative policy and
degrees C between 2021 and 2040 and tourism governance, drive climate-friendly innovations,
alone is responsible for 8% of the world’s carbon and leverage regenerative agriculture to support
our planet's regeneration while reducing its
carbon footprint.
change threatens all destinations, certain The solution to this challenge lies ahead in
environments and communities are more unity and collaboration. We must come together,
vulnerable than others. The front lines of this recognizing our collective responsibility to be part
crisis include small island states, our precious of this regenerative movement.
2024 Tr a v e l T re n d s
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends Photo Courtesy of The Manta Resort
Emphasis on
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1 Emphasis on Transparent
Sustainability Practices
The demand for transparent sustainability practices in the travel industry is at an all-
time high. In the era of digitalization, travelers are increasingly seeking sustainable
options online, becoming more vigilant against greenwashing. The industry is now
urged to adapt by understanding diverse sustainability contexts and endorsing
proximity tourism and responsible travel. As sustainability becomes more
mainstream in travel, the issue of greenwashing rises concurrently. Consumers are
increasingly discerning, demanding genuine sustainability efforts from brands and
governments. This trend calls for a more nuanced understanding of sustainability,
focusing on creating real impacts rather than obtaining certifications.
Accommodations, like B&Bs, hostels, and hotels, will need to adapt to this directive
by ensuring their sustainability claims are substantiated and verified. This involves a
shift towards more transparent and data-backed sustainability practices. The
Directive's goal is to provide consumers with reliable environmental claims, thereby
enabling them to make informed purchasing decisions and fostering a level playing
field in the market.
For companies, complying with the EU Green Claims Directive will mean developing
a robust environmental claims management framework focusing on integrity,
transparency, and data verification. This will likely involve changes to key elements
of their operating model, including organizational capabilities, data management,
technology, and enhancements to governance structures. The EU Green Claims
Directive will also require external verification of environmental claims, ensuring
that they follow the new requirements.
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The EU Green Claims Directive, set Weeva, established by Julie
to become enforceable around Cheetham in response to the
2026, will require significant post-pandemic era, stands as
changes in how companies a pivotal solution for
currently evidence and accommodation
communicate their environmental benchmarking. This
claims, with implications for both platform, designed as a
regulatory compliance and comprehensive
operational processes. It will apply sustainability management
to a broad scope of companies tool, operates akin to a
operating in the EU, including 'Fitbit' for properties,
those targeting EU consumers streamlining expert
from outside the region. The knowledge and practical
Directive is expected to have a guidance into a format that
notable impact on small and is both accessible and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), efficient. Its core purpose is
given the potential cost and to empower businesses to
complexity of compliance.
seamlessly integrate
sustainable practices into
The EU Green Claims Directive their daily operations.
aims to reduce greenwashing by
setting strict verification and
substantiation standards for
environmental claims, ultimately
contributing to a more sustainable
and responsible travel industry.
— J u l i e C h e e t h a m
w e e va
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
The platform's methodology facilitates a Addressing the challenges of quantifying less
customizable sustainability journey for each tangible elements like cultural and community
impact, Weeva introduces educational materials
business. Weeva goes beyond the and clear progress indicators that demystify the
conventional focus on carbon and water/ process of data tracking for these qualitative
waste management to explore in depth the sectors. Its Business Transparency feature, assists
businesses in making strategic operational
subtler aspects of sustainability such as decisions that positively influence local
conservation, community involvement, cultural communities and preserve cultural heritage.
preservation, and commercial sustainability, all Platforms like Weeva aren't just helpful; they are
framed within The Long Run's 4 Cs model. essential instruments in this transformation
towards a regenerative model of travel. As these
technologies and frameworks take hold, they
don't merely suggest a new direction; they firmly
establish a new standard, compelling the
industry with deeper values of environmental
responsibility and ethical engagement.
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
to Carbon
and Climate
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Commitment to Carbon Neutrality 1 Emphasis on Transparent
and Climate Action Sustainability Practices
The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) was held in
Dubai, the United Arab Emirates in 2023. Despite various critiques of
the event itself and the final Global Stocktake, there were also positive
outcomes of the conference. The latest developments from the United
Nations Tourism (previously UNWTO) at the 2023 United Nations
Climate Change Conference (COP28) demonstrate a significant
commitment from the tourism industry towards climate action. The
focus has been on the implementation of the Glasgow Declaration for
Climate Action on Tourism.
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
As of November 2023, the number of signatories to the Glasgow Declaration
has grown to 857, encompassing participants from over 90 countries. Each
signatory commits to supporting the global goals set by the Paris Agreement,
which include halving emissions by 2030 and reaching Net Zero by 2050.
These commitments are to be supported by annual public reporting on the
implementation of their Climate Action Plans. The developments and
integration of climate action into tourism policies and practices show a
growing awareness and acknowledgment within the industry, committing to
contribute to climate goals.
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Focus on
and Nature
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3 Focus on Biodiversity and
Nature Conservation
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The framework outlines 23 specific targets for 2030, which are
designed to reduce threats to biodiversity, promote its
sustainable use, make sure that genetic resources are being
fairly shared, and improve implementation through inclusive
planning and capacity building. These targets are a roadmap
for immediate action, highlighting critical areas that need
attention to preserve the planet's biological diversity.
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends Photo Courtesy of Matetsi Victoria Falls
The focus on biodiversity is evident in
successfully protecting 136k acres of
wilderness, safeguarding 9 miles of river, and
nurturing over 400 bird and mammal species.
Matetsi Victoria Falls remains a champion of
nature conservation, actively contributing to
the region's biodiversity and ensuring a
sustainable future for Zimbabwe's precious
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
1 Emphasis on Transparent
Empowering Local Communities
4 Sustainability Practices
through Regenerative Travel
Tourism initiatives can become platforms for education, healthcare, and
cultural preservation and transform destinations into thriving ecosystems.
Although regeneration can often be associated with landscapes and the
natural environment, the fundamental cornerstone of regeneration lies in the
community of the land’s inhabitants.
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
"The community repaid their loan in three months,
but the real impact was the empowerment and pride
they experienced in earning money for their family,
beyond the actual money itself."
— D r . s u e S n y m a n
2 0 2 4 Tra ve l T re nds
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends Photo Courtesy of Song Saa Private Island
Song Saa Private Island stands out as a
remarkable example. Melita Koulmandas,
the co-founder of the Song Saa
Foundation, began her journey by picking
up rubbish in Cambodia's Koh Rong
archipelago. This simple act led her to
understand the fragile fishing economy
that was central to the local communities.
68 8 9,925 192
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
Ivan Eskildsen, former Minister of Casa Múcura focuses on co-creating
Tourism in Panama, further community development,
illuminates the importance of acknowledging the critical role of the
indigenous consultation and draws region's biodiversity in Earth's
attention to the fact that over 23% of ecological balance. Alejandra
the land in Panama is managed by collaborates with the School of
indigenous communities. Consulting Ancestral Wisdom, where elders pass
with these populations on how they on medicinal plants, music, cooking,
wish to engage with tourists is vital. and agriculture knowledge to
Eskildsen highlights the importance younger generations. She emphasizes
of respectful interaction and the importance of leaving seeds for
education, urging the need for communities and places visited,
consent and collaboration for highlighting the vital space for
sustainable tourism practices.
climate and social justice awareness
through engagement with local
Similarly, at Tranquilo Bay, Renee initiatives.
Frameworks for
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
5 Governance Frameworks
for Regeneration
Governance and policy are fundamental in establishing a solid foundation for
sustainable and regenerative tourism. Good governance in this context refers to
establishing transparent, accountable, and inclusive policies and regulations that
guarantee that tourism development is sustainable, ethical, and beneficial to both
the environment and local communities. It involves the cooperation and
participation of various stakeholders, including government bodies, local
communities, and the private sector, to create a framework that balances
economic growth with environmental preservation and social equity. Effective
governance in regenerative tourism can contribute to the regeneration of
ecosystems, cultural preservation, and the enhancement of local livelihoods,
setting a path for long-term sustainability and resilience in the face of
environmental challenges.
Another issue for tourists and scientists alike, is biosecurity, as humans can
bring invasive species through their clothes and belongings. The tourism
industry and national science programmes are required to take action to
appropriately clean and disinfect all clothing and equipment before
arriving in Antarctica and again between sites. IAATO has been at the
forefront of stringent biosecurity measures for decades, and holds one of
the worlds most strickt biosecurity protocols. In recognition of the
potential for people to act as vectors for alien species, IAATO formalized
decontamination guidelines for its members more than 20 years ago and
shared these with Antarctic Treaty Parties for consideration amongst the
wider community. It later initiated research to inform the review process
and make the guidelines as robust as possible.
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IAATO’s success in preventing introductions is helped by a comprehensive
program of bio-security measures that begins long before setting foot on
Antarctica. Procedures exist for decontaminating clothing and footwear,
equipment, and transport. Pre-departure advice is provided in the form of
IAATO’s Don’t Pack a Pest pamphlet. There are mandatory briefings for all
visitors, thorough boot and equipment cleaning and disinfecting overseen
by field staff before and after each excursion, and more. There is also
guidance on what to do if a non-native species is discovered in the field.
and chairperson at the Caribbean Alliance of globally. Whether through tourism taxes,
community-based organizations and supporting the equity. Efforts in Antarctica and initiatives like those
environmental challenges.
Influence on
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
“We're proving that regenerative organic
agriculture can out-yield conventional
agriculture while sequestering more carbon -
while cleaning up the water - while cleaning
up the air - and while making you healthier.”
— J e f f t k ac h
C EO o f Ro da l e I n stit u t e
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
The hospitality sector's potential to
affect food production and
between food and its origin.
Agritourism offers memorable 1 Emphasis on Transparent
agriculture is being recognized for
its role in reducing greenhouse gas
experiences and educates visitors
about regenerative agriculture Sustainability Practices
emissions. This trend highlights practices. Jeff extends this
the sector's influence in philosophy to the hospitality
transitioning towards a more industry, urging hotels and
sustainable global food economy.
restaurants to source responsibly,
support local farmers, and benefit
Jeff Tkach, CEO of Rodale Institute, the community while attracting
provides his perspective on more visitors.
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
Playa Viva in Mexico Playa Viva actively involves its
exemplifies regenerative food community in regenerative
practices, with fresh, local agriculture, offering
produce and fosters strong educational programs and
connections with local promoting entrepreneurship
farmers. Their dedication to within this sector, such as
nutrient-rich crops and through a women's
permaculture is part of their cooperative. They encourage
broader commitment to homeowners to set up
enhancing food sovereignty composting sites and invite
and rejuvenating the guests to deepen their
landscape. The Farm Team has understanding of nature's
invested time in interconnectedness. This
understanding local ecological approach aims to inspire the
dynamics, tailoring their local community to transition
farming techniques to these from conventional to
insights. They continuously regenerative farming methods,
evaluate the symbiotic highlighting the shared
relationship between their benefits.
farm and the environment,
synchronizing it with natural
patterns to reduce labor and
increase yield over time.
philosophy with a
commitment to natural, Within The Wild is dedicated
organic, whole foods, focusing to a Farm To Table system that
on growing and foraging as supports the local community,
much as possible. The team sourcing 90% of their food
engages both staff and guests locally or within Alaska. They
in foraging expeditions and rely on Oregon and
educates them on traditional Washington for dairy, as
practices, transforming locally Alaska lacks a dairy industry.
sourced sea lettuce and dulse While some items like organic
into delectable lodge cuisine. wheat and oranges are sourced
Their creative pantry approach from mainland distributors,
avoids single-use plastics and they strive for responsible
waste. The introduction of sourcing. The lodge
greenhouses and high-tunnels, collaborates with the local
both on-site and at Sugpiak native communities
neighboring farms, has to integrate native foodways
allowed for an extended into their culinary experience.
growing season and abundant Their cookbook, available on
harvests. Zero waste and their website, reflects their
utilizing every part of the food, passion for sharing Alaska's
especially in a region where culture and cuisine.
resource efficiency is crucial
Advancements in
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
Decarbonizing the aviation industry remains a
complex challenge requiring coordinated
efforts. While fuel-related emissions are a
primary focus, attention is expanding to the
entire aircraft lifecycle, including waste and
supply chain management. This holistic
approach is crucial for the industry to achieve
net-zero emissions goal by 2050.
Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs), such as advanced biofuels and power-to- To navigate challenges like these, Airlines are now actively addressing
liquid (PtL) fuels, are crucial in decreasing CO2 emissions. However, airlines employ Marginal Abatement food waste through an AI analysis of
scalability is uncertain due to challenges like fuel source availability and the Cost Curves (MACCs), a decision- consumption trends, options for
making tool used to help companies passengers to skip meals,
demand for renewable electricity. The influence of other industries, like assess which strategy will have the collaboration with NGOs for food
marine and road transport, competing for the same sustainable fuel sources most significant impact and the donations, and experimental
further complicates the aviation sector's efforts. This competition affects the lowest cost. This helps them prioritize techniques for turning leftover food
balance of supply and demand for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, impacting its tasks, considering factors like into fuel. Airports also contribute by
market price. Other technological fields, like new propulsion technology and operational measures, fleet renewal, offering expiring food at reduced
advanced analytics for flight planning, also present uncertainties, along with and Sustainable Aviation Fuel.
prices and redistributing items
through nonprofit partnerships, like
navigating regulatory changes and adapting to regional incentives and On a global scale, the International the one between Denver Airport and
penalties that impact the airlines' decarbonization cost. For example, Air Transport Association (IATA) is the non-profit We Don’t Waste. These
Europe's response to the Inflation Reduction Act could influence SAF-related committed to Net Zero carbon initiatives showcase a comprehensive
costs for European airlines, as written out in a comprehensive report by emissions by 2050. The Net Zero approach, contributing to
McKinsey & Company. Tracking Methodology and annual environmental sustainability while
Track Zero report monitor industry also addressing global food insecurity.
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2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
This report reveals the dynamic landscape of To help pave the path for regenerative solutions,
the travel industry, full of innovators, it is imperative to establish innovative
thinkers, and visionaries. Many have already governance and policies, frameworks balancing
translated their ideas into impactful actions, environmental preservation and social equity
inspiring others to follow suit.
with economic growth.
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends
Regenerative Travel taps into the knowledge of internal and
external networks to draw out and share best practices in
regeneration and hospitality. By highlighting practical tools, key
insights, and diverse perspectives, we aim to help hotels align their
operations with their values. Our hotels amplify their individual
efforts by supporting and sharing with the collective, and are held
Regenerative Travel is a travel company that helps travelers and accountable through our standards and ongoing data collection.
businesses develop a regenerative mindset through experiences,
education and practical tools in order to create an equitable and net-
positive future.
make a deeper impact. Regenerative Travel helps hotels measure Contributing Author: Inga Krohn
and communicate their impact across its metrics that Applications for permission to use content from this Best Practice Paper should be addressed to
demonstrate how each property contributes to transform Regenerative Travel at [email protected].
communities and economies towards more regenerative models.
2 0 2 4 Travel Trends