Texas Department of Criminal Justice FY2026-27 Exceptional Items

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Texas Department of Criminal Justice

FY2026-27 Exceptional Items

(in millions)

1 15% Pay Raise for Parole Officers $ 28.0

FY2025 Starting Salary: $47,704; Proposed Starting Salary $54,860
2 10% Pay Raise for Correctional Staff $ 330.6
FY2025 Starting Salary: $47,674; Proposed Starting Salary $52,441
3 Targeted Salary Adjustments to Improve Agency Staffing Levels $ 73.4
(excluding correctional staff, parole officers, and Schedule C employees)

4 Staff Retention Initiatives (65 FTEs) $ 37.5

Learning Management System ($4.1); Wellness Application ($1.8); Correctional Officer
Uniforms ($20.1); Training Center Equipment ($2.1); Employee Support Services and
Training (15 FTEs; $2.5); Training Program Enhancements (50 FTEs; $6.8)

5 Community Supervision and Corrections Departments (CSCDs) $ 117.6

10% Salary Increase ($51.9); Funding for misdemeanors ($16.2); Maintain Residential / Non-
Residential Treatment ($46.5); Pretrial Diversion ($3.0)

6 Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical and Mental $ 12.0

Impairments (TCOOMMI)
Continuation of service levels ($5.9); Dual diagnosis expansion ($6.1)

7 Per Diems for Contracted Facilities $ 65.8

8 Unit Maintenance $ 39.1
9 Major Repair and Restoration of Facilities $ 214.8
10 Capital Equipment $ 54.4
11 Vehicle Replacements $ 43.2
12 Information Technology Staffing Enhancement (74 FTEs) $ 14.0
13 Integration Solutions for CAPPS Related Business Processes $ 19.5
14 Office of Inspector General Crime Management System $ 1.0
15 Video Surveillance Equipment Replacement $ 29.1
16 Telephone System Upgrade $ 22.0
17 Broadband Connectivity Continuation and Expansion $ 29.3
18 Body Cameras Statewide (87 FTEs) $ 85.4
19 Electronic Control Devices for Sergeants $ 7.8
20 Bachelor Officers' Quarters (BOQ) at Clements Unit $ 6.6
21 Unit Re-Openings for Increased Populations (204 FTEs) $ 190.0
22 Expansion Dorms (4,800 beds, 12 dorms) $ 240.0
23 Correctional Managed Health Care $ 404.5
a Maintain current operations $ 95.5 $ 9.2 $ 104.7
b Hospital Galveston Restoration $ 259.2 $ - $ 259.2
c Employee Retention and Workforce Development (50 FTEs) $ 9.7 $ - $ 9.7
d Market adjustments (5%) $ - $ 11.3 $ 11.3
e New positions (Dental/Pharmacy/Mental Health, 48 FTEs) $ 8.6 $ 1.2 $ 9.8
f Capital equipment $ 6.4 $ 3.4 $ 9.8
$ 379.4 $ 25.1 $ 404.5

GRAND TOTAL $ 2,065.5

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