Step 1 - Instructions
Step 1 - Instructions
Step 1 - Instructions
8 Software Instructions
You will need:
Next, you will see the driver installation screen. Click “INSTALL”.
You should receive the message “Driver install success!” If not, STOP and restart your computer to try the
installation again. You may need to right click on the driver.exe file and choose “Run as Administrator”. The
WOT Box will not work until the driver is successfully installed.
Now plug the USB to Serial adapter into your computer. If it was already plugged in, unplug it and plug it back
in again.
Note: if your USB to serial adapter is black or has “2303” written on it, your USB adapter is no longer
supported. Contact us at to order a new 340 adapter.
1. Drag the software from the zip file to your desktop so that you can run it easily.
Step 3 – Using the WOT Box Software
1. Connect the USB to Serial adapter to the WOT Box Serial Port and to your computer.
2. Turn your car key to the "ON" position. Make sure the WOT Box is receiving power from the car before
connecting with the N2MB Software. The LED on the WOT Box must be on for the software to connect.
Note: If the WOT Box does not remain powered with the key in the "on" position, then you will need to start
the car to use the software. Known cars that require this are the Dodge Neon SRT-4 and the Audi A4.
3. Double click on the WOT Box Software on your desktop.
You can safely click “More Info” and then “Run Anyway”. This error happens since this is a new version of
the software that has not been seen by Microsoft enough times yet.
5. The WOT Box software will open. You should not need to select the com port, since “AUTO” is selected by
default. Click “Read”
6. If it does not connect: Make sure you have selected the correct com port. You determine which port is
correct by doing the following. Close the N2MB software, unplug the USB to serial adapter. Open the
N2MB software and note all the com ports that are listed. The correct one will not be any of these. Close
the software again. Reconnect the USB to serial adapter to the computer. Restart the N2MB software. The
new com port that shows up will be the right one. If no new ports show up, then you need to install or
reinstall the driver for the USB to serial adapter.
7. If you are upgrading from an older version of the WOT Box firmware, you will receive the message below
the first time you connect. Click “Yes” to upgrade.
8. If the firmware upgrade is successful, your software should look like this:
9. Setup your settings to match your car by following the instructions below. Recommended settings for
common cars are included below.
6. If the TPS box in the lower left reads DN, click the checkbox for Inverted TPS and click WRITE.
7. If the Clutch box in the lower left reads DN, click the checkbox for Inverted Clutch and click WRITE.
8. Press the clutch down and click READ. Make sure that the clutch box reads DN.
9. Press the accelerator down and click READ.
10. Make sure that the TPS box reads DN. If not, check your wiring.
1. Turn the ignition key on your car to the OFF position. Make sure that the WOT Box LED is NOT on at this
point. If it is still on, unplug the WOT Box from the car at the white harness connector on the box.
2. Connect the USB to Serial adapter to your computer and the WOT Box.
3. Open the WOT Box Software. Click “Options” then “Firmware Recovery”.
4. Select the correct comm port. You can determine which port is correct by doing the following. Close the
N2MB software, unplug the USB to serial adapter. Open the N2MB software and note all the comm ports
that are listed. The correct one will not be any of these. Close the software again. Reconnect the USB to
serial adapter to the computer. Restart the N2MB software. The new comm port that shows up will be the
right one. If no new ports show up, then you need to reinstall the driver for the USB to serial adapter.
5. Click WRITE.
6. When you see the message “Waiting for WOT Box Power”, power on the WOT Box by turning your key to
"on" position. If you unplugged the WOT Box in step 1, plug it back in now.
Note: If your vehicle does not provide power to the WOT Box with the key in the "on" position without the
engine running, you will need start your car in this step. Start from the "off" position and smoothly but quickly
go to the "start" and then "on" position after the engine has started. This will allow continuous power to be
provided to the WOT Box to allow the firmware upgrade to complete. Known cars that require this are the
Dodge Neon SRT-4 and the Audi A4.
If you've performed the procedure correctly, the WOT Box will start to program and the interface will display
the stock settings. Once you see this, the recovery procedure is complete, and you can change the settings
again to match your car. Follow the instructions in the “Configuring the WOT Box to match your car” section.
If you have any trouble running the recovery, a step-by-step video is available here:
Recommended settings for most cars
Below are recommended settings for common cars. If your car is not listed, email us at
12. Finally, select “Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port Version: [10/28/2008]”. Any other version will
not work. If this version is NOT available, return to step 1 and reinstall the driver.
13. Click “Next” and “Close”. If the computer asks you to reboot, you may do that.
14. The exclamation point next to the USB to Serial adapter should now be gone. You will be able to connect
to the WOT Box, using the com port listed on your screen.