Constitutional Law 1 (Midterms)
Constitutional Law 1 (Midterms)
Constitutional Law 1 (Midterms)
principles of
I. Introductory Concepts the
Definitions: Political Law, Constitutional - Constitution +
Law, Constitution. Jurisprudence
- The
A. Definitions constitution
the source of
1. Political Law the powers of
a. That branch of public the state?
law which deals with - IF YOU SAY
the operation and YES, there is
organization of the no
governmental organs Constitution
of the State and can the state
defines the no longer
relationship between exercise its
the State and the powers?
inhabitants of its - What it
territory. actually does
i. Constitutional is tell the state
Law how to
ii. Election Law exercise its
iii. Law on Public power
Officers - Its not the
iv. Administrative source, it's
Law the limitation.
v. Law on Public The moment the state is created power is
Corporations there, as there are inherent powers of the
There are two limbs 1. Police Power
a. Governmental Organs 2. Taxation
b. Relationship between 3. Eminent Domain
the state and the
inhabitants of the “The Limitation to an otherwise limitless
territory power”.
i. This course is - The Nature of the Constitution
about the - FUNDAMENTAL
power and - SUPREME, Doctrine of the
structure of Constitution
the state. - [SUPREMACY]
Kinds of Constitution
Constitutional Law - Written or unwritten
- Is the study of the - Strapped at one particular
Constitution and the time
principles that grow - [i.e Constitution 1987 was
out of the written]
interpretations of the - Rigid or Flexible
provisions of the - Product or gradual political
Constitution. development
- Study the
- Depending on the manner of
changing that Constitution.
Not the frequency.
- Philippine Constitution:
- Rigid:
- Process can be found in
Article 1987 Constitution
- Favorite Topic in the Bar:
Non-Suitability, and
Amendments and Revisions.
Separate concepts:
- Steps
- Proposal Ratification
Section I, and Section II.