Sem VII - Law and Technology - 2024-25

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SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

Program: B.A.,LL.B. (Hons) 8101 & B.B.A.,LL.B. (Hons) 8102 Semester: VI (Batch 2023-28
onwards) & VII (2021-26 &
Course/Module : Law and Technology Module Code:

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Lecture Practical Tutorial Credit Internal Continuous Term End Examinations
(Hours (Hours (Hours per Assessment (ICA) (TEE)(Marks- 50
per week) per week) week) (Marks - 50) in Question Paper)
2 0 0 2 Marks Scaled to 50 Marks Scaled to 50
1. Contract Law, Law of Torts, Constitution & Basics of IPR.
1. This course will provide an overview of selected principles of Law and Technology
and consider the implications of technological innovation, intellectual property rights,
government regulation, trade policy and technical standards for the achievement of
development objectives.
2. Academic commentary and faculty lectures will be used to develop a framework for
analysis of relevant issues.
After completion of the course, students would be able to :
1. To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of key legal concepts, principles, and
terminologies across various legal disciplines pertaining to Technology and Law. (PLO1a)
2. To implement advanced legal reasoning and analytical skills to practical, real-world
scenarios, showcasing the ability to navigate and solve complex legal problems in the
digital era. (PLO2a)
3. To understand and determine the need and implication of Data Privacy in online
transactions and the effects of the DPDP Act. (PLO3a)
4. To establish the co-relation of patent prosecution, antitrust, privacy, cybercrime, biotech,
telecoms, the law affecting the entertainment industry (PLO3b)
Detailed Syllabus: (per session plan)

Unit Description Duration

1 Introduction to Technological Advancements in Legal Field 3 Hrs

 Definition and meaning of “Technology” and “Informatics” and

“Artificial Intelligence”.
 Intersection of Law and Technology
 Technology driven Laws
 Overview of Disruptive Technologies in Law
Basic Reading:

1. Harry Surden, Artificial Intelligence and Law: An Overview, 35

Georgia State U. L. Rev. 4 (2019) (Part I ONLY);
2. Forbes, The Top Ten Artificial Intelligence Trends Everyone Should be
Watching for 2020,
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
3. Bhora, Darshan, and Kuldeep Shravan. “Demystifying the role of
artificial intelligence in legal practice.” Nirma ULJ 8 (2018): 1.
4. Surden, Harry. “Artificial intelligence and law: An overview.” Georgia
State University Law Review 35 (2019): 19-22.

2 Foundations of Legal Technology 3 Hrs

 Legal Technology vs. Legal Informatics

 Blockchain Technology in Law
 Transformation of Legal Practice: An Informatics Perspective
 Virtual Data Rooms and their Application
 Cloud Storage for Legal Information
 Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) Services
Basic Reading:

1. Sharma, Sugam, et al. “Emerging Legal Informatics towards Legal

Innovation: Current status and future challenges and
opportunities.” Legal Information Management 21.3-4 (2021): 218-235.
2. Seipel, Peter. “IT Law in the Framework of Legal
Informatics.” Scandinavian Studies in Law 47 (2004): 31-47.
3. Yeoh, Peter. “Regulatory issues in blockchain technology.” Journal of
Financial Regulation and Compliance 25.2 (2017): 196-208.
4. Gürkaynak, Gönenç, et al. “Intellectual property law and practice in the
blockchain realm.” Computer law & security review 34.4 (2018): 847-862.
5. Lacity, Mary C., and Leslie P. Willcocks. “Legal process outsourcing: the
provider landscape.” Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal 6.2
(2013): 167-183.
6. Noronha, Ernesto, Premilla D’Cruz, and Sarosh Kuruvilla.
“Globalisation of commodification: legal process outsourcing and Indian
lawyers.” Journal of Contemporary Asia 46.4 (2016): 614-640.
3 Corporate Legal Technology I 3 Hrs

 Contracts in the Digital Age

 Digital Signatures and Authentication
 Data Mining and Legal Risk Analysis
 AI and Predictive Coding/Outcomes
Basic Reading:

1. Wang, F. “The incorporation of terms into commercial contracts: a

reassessment in the digital age.” (2016).
2. Madison, Michael J. “Legal-ware: Contract and copyright in the digital
age.” Fordham L. Rev. 67 (1998): 1025.
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

3. Jin, Maozhu, Yanan Wang, and Yucheng Zeng. “Application of data mining
technology in financial risk analysis.” Wireless Personal Communications 102
(2018): 3699-3713.

Reference Reading:
1. Cook, Jack S., and Laura L. Cook. “Social, ethical and legal issues of data
mining.” Data mining: Opportunities and challenges. IGI Global, 2003. 395-420.
2. Cate, Fred H. “Government data mining: The need for a legal
framework.” Harv. CR-CLL Rev. 43 (2017): 435.
3. Kaijser, Per. “On authentication, digital signatures and signature
laws.” Secure Information Networks: Communications and Multimedia Security
IFIP TC6/TC11 Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia
Security (CMS’99) September 20–21, 1999, Leuven, Belgium. Springer US, 2019.
4 Corporate Legal Technology II 3 Hrs

 Compliance, E-Filings, and Regulatory Technology

 E-Discovery, Data Retention Policies, and Institutional Memory
 IT Security Policy and Data Safety in Legal Practice
 Document Automation, Document Management Systems, and Case
Management Systems
Basic Reading:

1 Gotety, Anirudh. "Regulating the Ethics of the Unknown: Analysing

Regulatory Regimes for AI-Based Legal Technology and
Recommendations for Its Regulation in India." NUJS L. Rev. 14 (2021): 1.
2 Boulton, Andy. "E-Discovery Rules and the Plain View Doctrine: The
Scylla and Charybdis of Electronic Document Retention." J. Corp. L. 37
(2017): 435.
3 Mitrakas, Andreas. "Information Security for Legal Safety." Information
Security and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI
Global, 2008. 2422-2431.
4 Ranise, Silvio, and Hari Siswantoro. "Automated legal compliance
checking by security policy analysis." Computer Safety, Reliability, and
Security: SAFECOMP 2017 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR,
TELERISE, and TIPS, Trento, Italy, September 12, 2017, Proceedings 36.
Springer International Publishing, 2017.
5 Data Privacy And Intellectual Property (Ip) 3 Hrs

 Case Studies: Facebook Privacy Breach and Cambridge Analytica

 FTC’s Safe Harbor and Privacy Regulations
 Encryption, Web/Flash Cookies, Data Retention, Anonymization
 Digital Self-Determination and Privacy Torts
 Legal Concepts: “Reasonable Expectation of Privacy,” SSL, 2-Factor
 International Perspective: GDPR Basics
 Data Privacy Legislation in India
 Puttaswamy Judgment
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

 Right to be Forgotten

1 David Lehr & Paul Ohm, playing with the Data: What Legal Scholars
Should Learn About Machine Learning, 51 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 653, 669–
702 (2017) (Part II ONLY),
2 M.C. Elish & danah boyd, Situating Methods in the Magic of Big Data
3 Verma, Amita, Karan Jawanda, and Arshdeep Kaur. "Data Privacy and
Cambridge Analytica: A Case Study." Supremo Amicus 24 (2021): 368.
4 Veer, R. "Connecting the World: Privacy Violations and the Harm
Principle in the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal." (2019)
5 Cortez, Elif Kiesow, ed. Data Protection Around the World: Privacy Laws
in Action. Vol. 33. Springer Nature, 2020.
6 Paul, Greig, and James Irvine. Secure decentralised storage networks. Diss.
University of Strathclyde, 2017.
6 Automation and Informatics In Law 3 Hrs
 Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Field
 Intersection of Law and Technology (Artificial Intelligence)
 Overview of Disruptive Technologies in Law (Artificial Intelligence)
 Artificial Intelligence in Legal Practice
 AI Assistance in Due Diligence
 E-Filings and Paperless Courts
 Automated Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Basic Reading:
1 Marchant, Gary E. "Artificial intelligence and the future of legal practice." ABA
SciTech Law 14.1 (2017).
2 Jung, Jens. "Due diligence during a mergers and acquisition process and the
impact of artificial intelligence." (2019).
3 Zinzuvadia, Raviraj. "Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Legal
Industry." Indian JL & Legal Rsch. 3 (2021): 1.
7 Introduction To Algorithmic Discrimination 3 Hrs
 Understanding Algorithmic Discrimination and Bias
 Impact of Bias in Decision-Making Algorithms
 Debates on Fairness Metrics in Machine Learning
 Mitigating Discrimination in Algorithms
 Legal Perspectives on Algorithmic Discrimination and Anti-
Discrimination Laws
Basic Reading:
Kleinberg, Jon, et al. "Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms." Journal of Legal
Analysis 10 (2018): 113-174.
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

1 Schmidt, Nicholas, and Bryce Stephens. "An introduction to artificial

intelligence and solutions to the problems of algorithmic
discrimination." arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05755 (2019).
2 Nachbar, Thomas B. "Algorithmic fairness, algorithmic
discrimination." Fla. St. UL Rev. 48 (2020): 509
3 Wachter, Sandra. "The theory of artificial immutability: Protecting
algorithmic groups under anti-discrimination law." Tul. L. Rev. 97 (2022):
8 National Security, Drones, and Artificial Intelligence 3 Hrs
 Role of AI in National Security
 Use of Drones and Autonomous Systems in Defense
 Legal and Ethical Implications of AI in National Security
 Challenges of Maintaining Accountability in Autonomous Military
 International Perspectives on AI and Defense
1 Hoadley, Daniel S., and Nathan J. Lucas. "Artificial intelligence and
national security." (2018).
2 Sanclemente, Gaudys L. "Reliability: Understanding cognitive human
bias in artificial intelligence for national security and intelligence
analysis." Security Journal 35.4 (2022): 1328-1348.
3 Gill, Amandeep Singh. "Artificial intelligence and international security:
the long view." Ethics & International Affairs 33.2 (2019): 169-179.
4 Ivey, Matthew. "The ethical midfield in artificial intelligence: Practical
reflections for national security lawyers." Geo. J. Legal Ethics 33 (2020):
5 Liu, Hin-Yan, et al. "Artificial intelligence and legal disruption: a new
model for analysis." Law, Innovation and Technology 12.2 (2020): 205-258.
9 Speech, Algorithms, and The Digital Public Sphere 3 Hrs
 Impact of Algorithms on Digital Speech and Expression (Voice
 Content Moderation and Algorithmic Censorship (Deep Fake Cases)
 Freedom of Speech vs. Harmful Content: Balancing Act
 Social Media Algorithms and Echo Chambers
 Legal Challenges in Regulating Online Speech Algorithms
Matthew Hutson, Robo-writers: the rise and risks of language-generating AI
(Nature 2021),
1 Sears, Alan M. "Algorithmic speech and freedom of expression." Vand.
J. Transnat'l L. 53 (2020): 1327.
2 Balkin, Jack M. "Free speech in the algorithmic society: Big data, private
governance, and new school speech regulation." UCDL rev. 51 (2017):
10 Consumer Protection, Anti-trust, and FTC 3 Hrs
 Algorithmic Price Discrimination and Consumer Rights
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

 Antitrust Implications of AI in Business Practices

 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Regulations on AI and Consumer
 Challenges in Regulating AI-powered Products and Services
 Balancing Innovation and Consumer Safeguards in the Digital
1 Graef, Inge. "Algorithms and Fairness: What Role for Competition Law
in Targeting Price Discrimination towards Ends Consumers?." Colum. J.
Eur. L. 24 (2017): 541.
2 Grochowski, Mateusz, et al. "Algorithmic Price Discrimination and
Consumer Protection. A Digital Arms Race?." A Digital Arms Race (2022):
3 Drechsler, Laura. "The price is (not) right: Data protection and
discrimination in the age of pricing algorithms." European Journal of Law
and Technology (2018) 9.3 (2018).
4 Miller, Tracy. "The Role of Institutions and Policy in Balancing Privacy
and Information Sharing in the Digital Economy." Mercatus Research
Paper (2022).
Total 30 Hrs.
Text Book:
1 Technology Laws Decoded: N. S. Nappinai, Lexis Nexis Publication, 2017 edition.
Reference Books:
1. Richard Susskind - The End of Lawyers? (Introduction to the 2012 ed. paperback)
Any other information :
1. Latest Updated Statutes, Act, Rules and Regulations and Case Law will be taught after discussion
In the Multi-Campus Program Coordination (MPC) Meeting.

Details of Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA): 50 Marks

Description of ICA Marks

Test 1 20
Quiz 10
Group Discussion 10
Class Participation 10
Total Marks 50

Signature Signature
(Prepared by Twinkle Maheshwary & (Approved by Dr. Durgambini Patel, Dean))
Tushar K)
Date:6th April 2024. (27th BOS)

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