Sem VII - Law and Technology - 2024-25
Sem VII - Law and Technology - 2024-25
Sem VII - Law and Technology - 2024-25
Program: B.A.,LL.B. (Hons) 8101 & B.B.A.,LL.B. (Hons) 8102 Semester: VI (Batch 2023-28
onwards) & VII (2021-26 &
Course/Module : Law and Technology Module Code:
3. Bhora, Darshan, and Kuldeep Shravan. “Demystifying the role of
artificial intelligence in legal practice.” Nirma ULJ 8 (2018): 1.
4. Surden, Harry. “Artificial intelligence and law: An overview.” Georgia
State University Law Review 35 (2019): 19-22.
3. Jin, Maozhu, Yanan Wang, and Yucheng Zeng. “Application of data mining
technology in financial risk analysis.” Wireless Personal Communications 102
(2018): 3699-3713.
Reference Reading:
1. Cook, Jack S., and Laura L. Cook. “Social, ethical and legal issues of data
mining.” Data mining: Opportunities and challenges. IGI Global, 2003. 395-420.
2. Cate, Fred H. “Government data mining: The need for a legal
framework.” Harv. CR-CLL Rev. 43 (2017): 435.
3. Kaijser, Per. “On authentication, digital signatures and signature
laws.” Secure Information Networks: Communications and Multimedia Security
IFIP TC6/TC11 Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia
Security (CMS’99) September 20–21, 1999, Leuven, Belgium. Springer US, 2019.
4 Corporate Legal Technology II 3 Hrs
Right to be Forgotten
1 David Lehr & Paul Ohm, playing with the Data: What Legal Scholars
Should Learn About Machine Learning, 51 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 653, 669–
702 (2017) (Part II ONLY),
2 M.C. Elish & danah boyd, Situating Methods in the Magic of Big Data
3 Verma, Amita, Karan Jawanda, and Arshdeep Kaur. "Data Privacy and
Cambridge Analytica: A Case Study." Supremo Amicus 24 (2021): 368.
4 Veer, R. "Connecting the World: Privacy Violations and the Harm
Principle in the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal." (2019)
5 Cortez, Elif Kiesow, ed. Data Protection Around the World: Privacy Laws
in Action. Vol. 33. Springer Nature, 2020.
6 Paul, Greig, and James Irvine. Secure decentralised storage networks. Diss.
University of Strathclyde, 2017.
6 Automation and Informatics In Law 3 Hrs
Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Field
Intersection of Law and Technology (Artificial Intelligence)
Overview of Disruptive Technologies in Law (Artificial Intelligence)
Artificial Intelligence in Legal Practice
AI Assistance in Due Diligence
E-Filings and Paperless Courts
Automated Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Basic Reading:
1 Marchant, Gary E. "Artificial intelligence and the future of legal practice." ABA
SciTech Law 14.1 (2017).
2 Jung, Jens. "Due diligence during a mergers and acquisition process and the
impact of artificial intelligence." (2019).
3 Zinzuvadia, Raviraj. "Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Legal
Industry." Indian JL & Legal Rsch. 3 (2021): 1.
7 Introduction To Algorithmic Discrimination 3 Hrs
Understanding Algorithmic Discrimination and Bias
Impact of Bias in Decision-Making Algorithms
Debates on Fairness Metrics in Machine Learning
Mitigating Discrimination in Algorithms
Legal Perspectives on Algorithmic Discrimination and Anti-
Discrimination Laws
Basic Reading:
Kleinberg, Jon, et al. "Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms." Journal of Legal
Analysis 10 (2018): 113-174.
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
Signature Signature
(Prepared by Twinkle Maheshwary & (Approved by Dr. Durgambini Patel, Dean))
Tushar K)
Date:6th April 2024. (27th BOS)