Ms Excel
Ms Excel
Ms Excel
isMicrosoft Office Excel.A Microsoft Excel has the standardfeature of an electronic spreadsheetwhich
uses cell that are represented inrows and columns designed to perform basic arithmetic operations.It is
also widely used inaccounting and financial applications, aswell as in statistics and
engineeringcalculations.And the program supports anddisplays graphs, charts and histogramsfrom a
given set of groups of data.What is a Worksheet?
That’s right!
By entering information in theform of labels, values and formulas intothe worksheet cell, you create
tables orspreadsheets, useful for summarizing,tabulating, and analyzing data.So, here is how the
Worksheetlooks like.
It is an on
screen spreadsheetthat contains various cells in columnsand rows, Teacher.The Excel WindowIt has 14
parts.By looking and checking yourscratch, we may now enumerate thedifferent part of Microsoft
ExcelWhat is the number 1 part?Very Good!It provides access to the mostcommon Word commands
includingSave, Undo, Repeat and Copy. You cancustomize, add or delete buttons on thistoolbar. Number
2 pleaseTeacher it is the Quick Access Toolbar.Title Bar Teacher
It shows the open program and thename of the open file. Number3It can minimize, maximize,
restoreand close the window. Number 4Provides access to the menu inOffice 2010.When you click this
button it showsthe following menus: Save, Save As,Open, Close, Info, Recent, New, Print,Save and Send,
Help, Add
Ins,Options, Exit. Number 5 pleaseIt contains the commandsorganized in three components.What are
the three components?Very Good!The next is?Ok. It shows the cell reference ofthe active cell. This can
also be used tolocate a cell.The next one is the?And what is that?Very Good! Number 8You got it!It is a
cell that is selected. It isindicated in the Name Box at theFormula Bar. Next word pleaseWindow Control
ButtonsFile MenuRibbona. Tabs
organize relatedcommands. Group name appears belowthe Group ribbonc. Commands
appear within eachgroup Name Box TeacherFormula BarIt is the area where we can enter oredit text or
formulasTeacher, it is Active Cell.Teacher, Cell..
Yes, it is a rectangular area where acolumn and a row intersect.Each cell is identified by a cellreference
which is its column and rowlocation. Number 10Each workbook containsworksheets with sheet tabs
located at the bottom of the worksheet.The sheet tab identifies the name ofthe worksheet ( example
Sheet1, Sheet2,Sheet3 ) Number 11What is Workbook?This is a file that contains one ormore
worksheet, which you can use toorganize various kinds of relatedinformation.And always remember
thatworkbook contains worksheet withsheet tabs located at the bottom of theworksheet. Number 12It
is the main menu and the accessto all programs and files available inyour computer.It is also used to
shut down orrestart your computerSecond to the last wordIt contains the button sized files thatare
open.And finally the last one is?It allows you to easily go to the topor bottom, left or right of the
worksheet.Worksheet TeacherTeacher, Workbook.Start ButtonTask BarTeacher Scroll Bars
So class, those are the different partsof the Microsoft Excel and those partscan be found at the Excel
3. Abstraction
Class, why do you think it isimportant for us to know the different parts of the Microsoft Excel?Why it is
significant for us to knowthe different location of the different parts of the Microsoft Excel.Very well
said.All your answers are correct.Knowing the different parts of theMicrosoft Excel is important for us
toknow how it works so that we can easilyuse or navigate within the MicrosoftExcel.
4. Application
Ok class, can I have here 3 studentswho can point out 3 parts of MicrosoftExcel and tell its function.Very
Good! NextVery well said!Teacher, It is important for us toknow the different parts of MicrosoftExcel for
us to be familiar with them toknow their function and uses in usingthe spreadsheet application.It is
significant for us to know thelocations of the different parts of theMicrosoft Excel for us to use
theapplication well Teacher.( Answers may vary )Student A1. Quick Access Toolbar
shows the cell referenceof the active cell3. Cell
rectangular area where acolumn and a row intersectStudent B1. Formula Bar
shows the open programand the name of the open file3. Ribbon
5. Generalization
You have now learned the different parts of Microsoft Excel.Again, why is it important for us toknow the
function or uses of thedifferent parts of the Microsoft Excel?
main menu and theaccess to all programs and filesavailable in your computer2. Task Bar
allows you to easily goto the top or bottom, left or right of theworksheetIt is important to know the
differentfunction or uses of the different parts ofthe Microsoft Excel for us to use themeasily and
Please get ¼ sheet of pad paper and identify the following statement.1. This is the main set of
command organized by tabs, groups and commands. ---Ribbon2. This is for scrolling to the top or
bottom, left or right. --- Scroll Bar3. Enables access to each individual worksheet. --- Sheet Tabs4. It
shows or displays the formula being used. --- Formula Bar5. Provides access to the menu in Office 2010.
--- File