Diverse Board and Talent NC TECH
Diverse Board and Talent NC TECH
Diverse Board and Talent NC TECH
(a) Write a briefing paper to the chair of the nominations committee which explains how NCTech could
benefit from a more diverse board of directors. (10 marks)
Briefing Paper
TO: Chair, Nomination Committe
Date: Today
This briefing paper explain the benefit of the board diversification to the Nc Tech.
Multiple Talent
The talent from the different group will enhance the knowledge in the board. These different knowlede
will be crucial when we prepare the strategy. SUCH strategy can give the better competiteve edge.
Geographical Diversifications
There will be more growth opportunity in the Nv tech. Proposal of the geographical expansion will be
more easier when the director are apointed from the different geographical area. Example if the
director is appointed from the India then he knows the environement of his/her mations.
Reductions of Discrimations
When the director are appointed from different caste, religions etc then the senior post of the director
will protect the employee from similar background.
The investor will be happier because the Nc Tech is appointing the director from the different
background. This will enhance the reputation of the Nc TECH in the market that can increase its
market share price.
Better Governance
The stakeholder of the NC tech will see it as a more ethical governance practise. The publicity of the
NC tech will be enhanced in the eyes of stakeholer.
When the director are appointed from different background, there is possibility of the innovation
because the director already know the expectation of the people from the cloud provoder. Director can
take the feedback from their society.
Thus the diversified background will give the board more talent, knowledge and different idead that
can understand the expectation of the wider society which will increse the cutsomer number and
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Best Regards
(b) Write an email to the HR director which evaluates the advantages and disadvantages to NCTech of
formally adopting a talent management programme. (16 marks)
Professional skills marks are available for scepticism by probing into the issues relating to introducing
a talent management programme at NCTech. (4 marks) Help PreviousNavigatorNext
TO: HR director
Date: Today
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to give my oponion about the talent management
Advanatage -5
Talent managemnt will attract and acquire the productive employee because there is rigorous talent
acqustion process by the interview, exams etc. Such candidate can be more productive that can
increase the efficiency in the NC tech.
Talent managemnt programme will sharpen the employee skills by giving the trainning that can be
crucial for retention of the client. Train and skillfull employee will increase the client satisfications which
enhnae the growth.
Talent managemnt programme in NcteCH will increase the motivations of its employee. Suitable
performance evaluation will enhances the motivations which is key for employee performance.
Talent managemnt programme in the NctEch will helps to identifications of the non performing
employee. Such employee will be make redudant by the NcTech.
When the key staff leaves the vancangt position will be difficult to feild by the new employee. In
addition there is risk on the industry that the key staff leaves. Insuch situations talent developed by the
NC tEch will fill such vacancy which will reduce the disruption cause by the vacant position of the key
Nc Tech is indutry which needs skills employee, rival will pay significantly higher amount of the
packages in such condition we can not retain our devloped employee.
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Employee are humans so their performance is linked with the moods so the staff turover is high when
they are unhappy. We can not control them becuase they have freedom to shift their jobs.
Performance measurment is more subjective measurment so any mis measurment can down the
motivation of the performing employee who can leave the office.
Some employee who are not good fit for the business needs to be redudant taht can rise the
significant cost.
There will be difficult to the nC TECH to retain its staff becuase the employee can have higher
ex[pectation of senior post, large incentives and share in the company. In such condition it wiull be
difficult to NC Tech to retain the staff.
TALENT MANAGEMNT itself the time consuming and costly process beacue it needs to allocate the
human resiurce, capital and their time.
Best Regards
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