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ENGINE SERVICE » 70-40-1 - 70-40-14 AIR CLEANER ........... Removal And Instatlation - 70-60-14 » 70-60-5 » 70-60-5 - 70-60-4 COOLING FAN... 0... cece ee eres Biower Disassembly And Assembly. Biower Housing Grill Removal And Installation Drive Tension Pulley Removal And installation . Gearbox Assembly...... 7 ‘70-60-12 Gearbox/Biower Housing Removal And Installation... . 70-60-2 Gearbox Checking Backlash . . : 70-60-17 Gearbox Disassembly . .. 70-60-8 Gearbox Parts Identification. . 70-60-7 ENGINE. + 70-80-14 Engine Mount Replacement. -. 70-80-6 Removal And Installation . + 70-80-1 ENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING. . 70-70-1 Checking ..... - 70-70-5 Compression Checking . bees 70-70-41 Fuel Injection Pump Removal And Installation ........ . 70-70-6 Fuel Injector Assembly... 0.00. -.0e eos + 70-70-13 Fuel Injector Checking + 70-70-12 Fuel Injector Disassembly . . o sees 10-7043 Fuel injector Removal And Installation... vee. 20-70-10 Fuel Shut-Off Solenoid Adjusting bec veee sees es 20-7004 Fuel Shut-Off Solenoid Checking. ...... 2+ 70-703 Fuel Shut-Off Solenoid Removal And installation ....... 70-10-4 Glow Plugs Checking. ...... eons +. 70-70-2 Glow Plugs Removal And installation . + 70-70-3 Rocker Arm And Shaft Checking. ........... 0.5. ..- 70-70-45 Timing The Injection Pump ... fovte nesses 70-70-9 Valve Clearance Adjustment 707014 Valve Timing Checking. . 70-70-45 ENGINE SPEED CONTROL. . ee cence es 70-804 Disassembly. ..... (even ers eees sete nesses s 70-204 Removal And Installation. + 70-20-41 FLYWHEEL AND HOUSING. ... cee 70-90-1 Flywheel Removal And Installation ............ 2... 70-9041 Housing Removal And installation... 0.0.0... .-... 70-90-2 Ring Gear Removal And Installation . + 70-90-2 Continued On Next Page 7001 est boyish ed 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE SERVICE (CONT'D) RPM SENSOR . Adjusiment MUFFLER 4 Removal And Installation . RADIATOR Removal And Installation . RECONDITIONING THE ENGINE . . Checking Engine Oil Pressure Checking The Cylinder Bore . Checking The Valve Guide . Connecting Rod Alignment Crankshaft And Bearings Removal And Installation .. Crankshaft Gear Removal And installation . Gylinder Head Disassembly And Assembly. Cylinder Head Removal And Installation . .. Cylinder Head Servicing Cylinder Head Top Clearance . Fuel Camshaft Governor . : Fuel Camshaft Removal And Installation. . Idler Gear And Camshaft Removal And Installation - Oil Pump Removal And Installation... 2... Oil Pump Service... Piston And Connecting Rod Removal And Installation Reconditioning The Valve And Valve Seat Relief Valve ....... Rocker Arm And Shaft Checking... Servicing The Camshaft Servicing The Crankshaft And Beatings Servicing The Idler Gear And Shaft Servicing The Piston And Connecting Rod Timing Gearcase Cover Removal And In: Timing Gears Checking Backlash . Valve Spring. Water Pump Disassembly And Assembly TROUBLESHOOTING Chantee 70-02 - 70-91-41 - 70-91-14 70-30-1 70-30-41 ». 70-50-1 - 70-50-14 70-100-1 - 70-100-17 70-100-27 70-100-4 70-100-22 70-100-22 70-100-15 - 70-100-2 = 70-100-1 - 70-100-3 70-100-3 70-100-14 70-100-14 70-100-10 - « 70-100-15 - 70-10-16 70-100-18 70-100-5 ©. 70-100-17 » 70-100-7 70-100-14 - 70-10-24. 70-100-12 70-100-19 - 70-100-7 70-100-13 70-100-6 70-100-28 763 Bobeat Loader Service Manual: ' : ‘TROUBLESHOOTING Chart The following troubleshooting chart is provided for assistance in locating and comecting problems which are most common. Many of the recommended procedures must be done by authorized Bobeat Service Personne! only ‘Slow cranking ee ‘Engine will not star. % 86.7, 8, 9,11, 12, 13, 1 4,2,8.7,8, 9, 10.77, 12, 13, Difficutt to start. ba, bo, 54 | . “8,9, 40, 47, 12, 13, 18, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22,23, 27,28 29 i ‘Too much fuel consumption. (Black exhaust. - [Blue/white exhaust. [Low oll pressure. ‘Start and stop. 763 Bobcat Loader 70-104 ‘Service Manual‘TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT'D) Chart (Cont'd) ~ KEY TO CORRECT THE CAUSE © 5. Low cranking speed. “32. Not enough oil in the crankcase. “6. Fel tank empty. “8. Switch/sensor is detective “7. Failly stop control operation” “34 Ol pump Wom 8. Plugged fuel line. ~ 35. Relief vaive is sticking open. or ‘36. Relief valve is sticking close wt [10. Restriction in the air cleaner. 37. Broken relief valve spring. 11 Air in the fuel system. 7 38. Faulty suction pipe. 72. Faulty fuel injection pump. ‘89. Plugged oil filter” ~~ Faulty fuel injectors. 46. Piston seizure. 14. Broken injection i Incorrect piston height” |15. Incorrect injection pump timing. 42. Faulty engine mounting. =——sts=~S~S I . Incorrect valve timing. 17. Poor compression. aa ‘44, Faulty thermostat 45. Restriction in water jacket. Damaged Valve stem deliectors. Incorrect tappet adjustment. BT. Coolant level to tow. = ‘Sticking valves.” “5S. Pliigged off pump pipe strainer. ‘26. Incorrect fuel tines 53. Broken valve spring. ¢ er bores 7 84. Damaged Batte ae ‘27; Worn cylinder bores. ~ 70-10-2 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE SPEED CONTROL, Removal And Installation ‘AVOID DEATH + Disconnecting a losening any bya ‘bein, bose, iting. component or apart fadure can cause Bt ame to hop + Keep ot of hs ara when arms are ‘ised unless supperted by 29 anproved ‘tam supper Replace if damaged. exe, ee si Ay WARNING Never work on a machine with the lift arms up unless, the fift arms are secured by an approved lift arm support device. Failure to use an approved lift arm support device can allow the lift arms or attachment to fall and cause injury or death. 2080-0598 ver Raise the jift arms and instal an approved lft arm device, (See Contents, Page 10-01.) Raise the operator cab, (See Contents, Page 10-01.) Remove the two mounting boits (Item t) [Figure 70-20- Y]and nuts from the speed control mounting bracket Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts and nuts evenly until the speed control lever moves back and forth at a comfortable tension, 70-20-41 Figure 70-20-2 Pull the speed contro! away from the loader frame and disconnect the speed conirol rod (item 1) {Figure 70-20- 2} from the contro! instalation: Be sure to install the control rod in the bottom hole of the speed control Figure 70-20-3 Installation: \nstal the slop bracket {Item 1) [Figure 70- 20-3} in the same location. it is necessary tor the front and rear stop on the bracket to be located correctly. Reverse the removal procedure to install the engine speed control Disassembly Loosen the two control lever mounting bolts {item 2) [Figure 70-20-1] and remove the mounting nuts (item 2) [Figure 70-20-3}. Assembly: Do not lubricate the engine speed contro! Replace any wor or damaged paris if necessary. 763 Bobeat Loader Service Manual768 Bobcet Loader 70-202 ‘Service ManualMUFFLER Removal And Instatlation Figure 70-30-1 Open the rear door and raise the rear gril Remove the exhaust pipe clamp (Item 4} [Figure 70-30- 1] from the muller (liom 2) [Figure 70-30-1], Disconnect the exhaust pipe trom the muir. Remove the lett side mounting bolt (Item 3) [Figure 70- 90-1] from the muller. Figure 70-30-2 Reinove the right side mounting bolt (iter 1) [Figure 70- 30-2] from the rufter. Installation: Tighten the muifler mounting bolts to 25-28 ft-lbs, (34-38 Nm) torque. Remove the muftier from the loader. Reverse the removal procedure to install the engine mutter. 783 Bobcat Loader Service Manual** Bobcat. - 763 Bobeat Loader 7030-2 Service ManualAIR CLEANER Removal And Installation Figure 70-40-1 Disconnect the wire harness connector (Item 1) [Figure 70-40-1] from the air cleaner sensor on the air cleaner, Figure 70-40-2 Ree Loosen the hose clamp (item 1) [Figure 70-80-2] on the air cleaner hose. Loosen the clamp (item 2) (Figure 70-40-2} trom the hose on the engine manifold. Remove the two mounting bolts (Item 3) [Figure 70-40- 2] from the top mount of the air cleaner. Figure 70-40.3, Riemove the lower mounting bolt (Item 1) [Figure 70-40- 3] and engine hamess mounting bracket {Item 2) [Figure 70-40-3] from the air cleaner. Instaltation: Tighten the three mounting bolts to 26-28 ftelbs. (84-38 Non) tora Remove the air cleaner from the engine compartment. Reverse the removal procedure to install the air cleaner. 763 Bobcat Loader Service Manual€ » You can be seriously burned. RADIATOR Removal And Installation Figure 70-50-1 Stop the engine and open the rear door. Ay WARNING Do not remove radiator cap when the engine is hot. we2070-1285, ‘Open the drain vaive (Item 1) (Figure 70-50-1} on the engine block and drain the coviant into a container. Figure 70-50-2 Loosen the radiator cap (Itern 1) [Figure 70-50-2} from the radiator fill neck Remove the rear gril. (See Contents, Page 5 4) 70-50-1 Loosen the hose slamp (Item 1) [Figure 70-50-3} from the left side radiator hose and disconnect the hose from the radiator. Remove the radiator mounting bolt (Item 2) (Figure 70- 50-3) Figure 70-50-4 Loosen the hese clamp (Item 1) [Figure 7060-8} trom the right side radiator hose andi disconnect the hose from the radiator. Remove the tadiator mounting bolt (Item 2) {Figure 70- 50-4], 763 Bobost Loader Service ManualRADIATOR (CONT'D) Figure 70-50-7 Removal And Installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-50-5, Lift he radiator (item 1) [Figure 70-50-7] up and remove it from the loader. Reverse the above procedure to install the radiator. natae Remove the two rubber stops (fier 1) [Figure 70-50-5] & [Figure 70-50-6) fram the top of the radiator ‘763 Bobeat Loader 7050-2 Service ManualCOOLING FAN Figure 70-60-3 Drive Tension Pulley Removal And Installation >) Figure 70-60-1 : Installation: Put a small amount of grease around the Loosen the idler pulley bolt (Figure 70-60-1). outside edge (lem 1) [Figure 70-60-3} on the grease rings. Installation: install the retainer bracket (item 1) [Figure 70-60-1] for the fan belt at the 3 o'clock position, Figure 70-60-2 Remove the spacers, bolt and washer from the arm [Figure 70-60-2] 763 Bobcat Loader 70-60-1 Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Drive Tension Pulley Removal And Installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-60-4 emoye the bolt (item 1) [Figure 70-60-2] & [Figure 70- 80-4] from the idfer pulley pivot arm {Item 6) [Figure 70- 60-4), Rernove the thrust washer (item 2) [Figure 70-60-4), © tings (item 3) [Figure 70-60-8} and spring item 4) [Figure 70-60-4], Check all patts for damage or wear and replace them as needed. NoTi + When making any repairs, replace the bronze bushing {Item 5) (Figure 70-60-4] with a new style nylon bushing. Clean all parts and assemble dry. Do not lubricate. (See Parts Manual for correct part numbers.) Reverse the removal procedure to install the tension pultey. 70-602 Gearbow/Biower Housing Removal And Installation Put jackstands under the rear comers of the loader, ‘AVOID DEATH ‘ Discomectng ae losening any hiya lubeline nse, tin, companent or apart fale can aie it seme fo to, 1 Keep of the awa wh far are ‘ised unfos supported by an approves Fi amr suppor. Replace If dareagod. ay A WARNING ‘Never work on a machine with the lift arms up unless the lift arms are secured by an approved lift arm support device. Failure to use an approved lift arm ‘support device can allow the lift arms or attachment to fall and cause injury or death. we-2050-0508 Figure 70-60-5 Raise the lift arms and install an approved ltt arm device, (See Contents, Page 10-01.) Raise the operator cab. (See Contents, Page 10-01.) Remove the hydraulic fluid reservoir. (See Contents, Page 20-01.) Remove the feft gas cylinder mounting bracket (Item 1) [Figure 70-60-5]. (See Contents, Page 50-01 Operator Cab.) 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox/Blower Housing Removal And Installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-60-6 Remove the nuts (Item 1) [Figure 70-60-6] from the u- bolt which mounts the fan belt shied (itern 2) [Figure 70- 60-6} tothe blower fan Remove the fan belt shield (item 2) [Figure 70-60-6] from the biower fan. Installation: Be sure to tighten the shield so it does not Interfere with the fan bel Figure 70-60-7 Disconnect the breather hose (Item 1) [Figure 70-60-7] {from the electrical hamesses on the loadar frame. Installation: Make sure the breather hose is unrest when routing. cted Remove the ian drive belt (ftem 2) [Figure 70-60-7] from the pulley on the blower fan, NOTE: When checking the fan gearbox oil level. be sure the level does not go above the top of the shatt in the gearbox [Figure 70-60-7]. Use a light colored SOW gear lube if the level is low. 763 Bobcat Loader ‘Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox/Blower Housing Removal And Installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-60-8 Figure 70-60-9 Remove the two mounting bolis (item t) (Figure 70-60- 8] end the two spacer tubes (Item 2) (Figure 70-60-8] fram the blower tan, Remove the roar mounting bolt (item 3) [Figure 70-60- 8 Remove the front mounting bolt (Item 4) [Figure 70-60- 8). NOTE: Mounting bolts (Item 3 & 4) [Figure 70-60-8] use wave washer (Item 1) [Figure 70-60-9] to prevent tubes and bolts from falling out of the housing during installation. Installation: Tighten the four mounting bolts to 25-28 t- tbs, (84-38 Nm) torque, 70-604 Figure 70-60-10 Lower the biower fan from the housing until it rasts on the steering linkage plate [Figure 70-60-10}. Figure 70-60-11 Remove the strip of sealant along the top of the blowar housing [Figure 70-60-11] Installation: Use R.TV. sealant to reseal the blower housing. Loosen the electrical harnesses from the frame of the loader, Slide the biower fan and housing forward and remove both frorn the foadir. 763 Bobeat Loader ‘Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Blower Housing Grill Removal And Installation ©, Figure 70-60-12 To replace the blower housing gril, remove the four ‘mounting boits (Item 1} {Figure 70-60-12] from the gui. Install the new gril and replace the mounting bolts. Blower Disassembly And Assembly Figure 70-60-13 Remove the lock nut and spacer [Figure 70-60-13] Jnstallation: Tighten the nut to 45-86 ft-lbs, (61-75 Nm) torque. A WARNING AVOID INJURY OR DEATH Wear safety goggles to prevent eye injury when drilling or grinding. weztoe-86 Figure 70-60-14 Use the following procedure to remove the fan from the shaft Install the nut (llem 1) [Figure 70-60-14] on the tapered shaft to protect the shaft and threads. Install the puller on the fan as shown [Figure 70-60-13} As the center bolt (Iter 2) [Figure 70-60-14] is tightened, periodically strike the bolt head to loosen the fan trom the shaft 783 Bobcat Loader ‘Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Blower Disassembly And Assembly (Cont'd) Figure 70-6015, To remove the blower housing mounting plate, remove the six bolts (Item 1) [Figure 70-60-16} Remove the fan from the tapared shaft (Figure 70-60- 15}. 763 Bobeat Loader 70-606 Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox Parts Identification | 1.Seal | 2.Snap Ring (Small) | 3. Shims (1.0 inch 0.0.) | 4. Bearing 5, Shaft (Long) 6. Shims (2.0 inch 0.0.) 7. Long Key 8, Shaft (Short) 9. Short Key 10. Long Housing 2 Tt Nut | 12. Gear 13. Washer 14. Screw 15, Square Shim +16. Short Housing | 17. Bolt | 48. Snap Ring (Large) 19. Cap 20. Long Housing Assy. 21. Short Housing Assy. 22. Fill Plug 70-80-7 13-1020 | 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManuatCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox Disassembly Figure 70-60-17 NOTE: When repairing the gearbox order the following as needed. 4. Compiete Assembly 2. Long Housing Assembly 3, Long Housing 4, Short Housing Assembly (See Note Below) 5. internal Parts NOTE: The short housing Is only available as an assembly. (See Gearbox Parts Identification fon page 70-60-7) (Order parts from Melroe Parts Sales.) NOTE: Be sure to count the number and thickness of shims during disassembly. Install the shims in the original focation during assembly. NOTE: Always replace seals during assembly. Replace the parts in the gearbox as needed. Remove the fan and blower housing mounting plate. {See Blower Disassembly And Assembly on page 70-60- 8) Long Housing Loosen the set bolls (item 1} [Figure 70-60-17] and semove the pulley (lem 2) [Figure 70-60-17) Remove the long key (item 8) [Figure 70-60-17). Remove the four mounting bolts and the part number tag [Figure 70-60-13] Remove the oil from the gearbox. FAWN es AVOID INJURY OR DEATH Wear safety goggles to prevent eye injury when driling or grinding. a westoere Lp igure 70-60-19 Drill an 1/8 inch (8 mrnj hole in the seal. Use a slide hammer tool to remove the seal [Figure 70-60-19}, 763 Bobest Loader 7060-8 Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox Disassembly (Cont'd) Figure 70-60-20 Ce Remove tho small snap ring [Figure 70-60-20) Figure 70-60-21 Remove the small shims [Figure 70-60-21), Figure 70-60-22 Remove the screw and washer from the shaft [Figure 70-60-22}. igure 70-60-23 Support the fower flange and press the shatt from the bearing (Figure 70-60-23}, NOTE: The gear and the other bearing {pulley end) will be removed with the shaft. 763 Bobcat Loader ‘Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox Disassembly (Cont'd) A WARNING AVOID INJURY OR DEATH Wear safety goggles to prevent eye injury when drilfing or grinding. = we2108-1188 Figure 70-60-26 Support the bearing and press the shaft from the beating [Figure 70-60-24). Figure 70-60-25 Drill an 1/8 inch (3 mm) hole in the seal. Use a slide hammer tool to remove the seal [Figure 70-60-26}. Figure 70-60-27 Short Housing Remove the end cap [Figure 70-60-25}, Use care not fo damage the housing Remove the large snap ring from the flange end of the housing [Figure 70-60-27]. 763 Bobcat Loader 70-60-10 Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox Disassembly (Cont'd) GS Powe 70028 Remove the large shims from the housing [Figure 70-60- 28). NOTE: Use the same size and thickness of shims during assembly. Figure 70-60-29 @ Remove the screw and washer (Item 1) [Figure 70-60- 29] from the shatt. Figure 70-60-30 Remove the snap ring from the cap end of the housing [Figure 70-60-30), Figure 70-60-31 Press the shaft from the housing [Figure 70-60-31), NOTE: Both bearings may come out of the housing with the shatt. if one bearing remains in the housing use a non metal object to tap the bearing trom the housing. 763 Bobcat Loader 70-6041 ‘Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Figure 70-60-34 Gearbox Disassembly (Cont'd) Figure 70-60-32 Remove the key from the shaft [Figure 70-60-34) Gearbox Assembly Press the bearing from the tapered end of the shaft Figure 70-60-35 [Figure 70-60-32], Figure 70-60-33 NOTE: See Gearbox Disassembly on page 70-60-8 when ordering parts for the Fan Gearbox. Press the bearing, shims and gear from the shaft [Figure NOTE: Do not install the seals and cap in the housing 70-60-33), until after the backlash has been checked. NOTE: Use care when pressing the bearings into the aluminum housing. The housing can be damaged if too much pressure is used. NOTE: For procedures requiring the use of LOCTITE #518 adhesive, thoroughly clean and dry affected parts before the application of LOCTITE #518. Long Housing Press a bearing on the short keyed end of the long shaft [Figure 70-60-35}. 763 Bobcat Loader 70-60-12 Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox Assembly (Cont'd) Figure 70-60-36 S Install the long housing on the shait [Figure 70-60-36], Be sure the bearing is evated in the bore at the lower end of the housing, Figure 70-60-37 i i i 4 Install a bearing on the long keyed end of the shaft {Figure 70-60-37) ‘Support the lower bearing and press the other bearing in the housing until the bearings seat in the housing [Figure 70-60-37}. 70-80-13 Figure 70-60-38 install on the bearing, the same number and size shims that were removed during disassembly [Figure 70-60- 38] Figure 70-60-39 Install the small snap ring in the groove above the shims [Figure 70-60-39}, 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox Assembly (Cont'd) Install the gear key in the flange ond of the shatt [Figure 70-60-40), Figure 70-60-41 ‘Align the key and gear, While supporting the bearing on the other end, press the gear cn the shafl until it seats against the hearing [Figure 70-80-41), 70-60-14 Figure 70-60-42 Instali the washer (Item 1) [Figure 70-60-42}, Put liquid adhesive (LOCTITE #242) on the screw threads, install and tighten the screw [Figure 70-60-42), Short Housing Figure 70-60-43 Install a bearing in the flanged end of the housing [Figure 70-60-43}, 763 Bobeat Loader Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) ‘Gearbox Assembly (Cont'd) install the large shims on the bearing (flanged end) {Figure 70-60-44] Figure 70-60-45, Install the farge snap ring in the groove above the shims [Figure 70-60-45) Figure 70-60-46 Inst the short key (Item 1) {Figure 70-60-46] Align and press the gear on the shatt (teeth toward the tapered end of the shaft) [Figure 70-60-46]. Figure 70-60-47 Alter the gear is seated, drive the key down inside the gear key way [Figure 70-60-47]. NOTE: This will prevent damage to the shims when the bearing Is installed later. 763 Bobcat Loader 70-60-15 Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Figure 70-60-50 Gearbox Assembly (Cont'd) Figure 70-60-48 Pa installa bearing on the gear end ofthe shaft [Figure 70- = 60-50} Figure 70-60-51 Install the shaft in the housing, tapered end in the bearing at the round flange end of the housing [Figure 70-60-48}. Figure 70-60-48 Install the snap ring in the groove above the bearing [Figure 70-60-51] Install on the shaft, the same number and size shims that ‘were removed during disassembly [Figure 70-60-49] 763 Bobeat Loader 70-60-16 Service ManvalCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox Assembly (Cont'd) © Figure 70-60-52 instal the washer (Item 1) {Figure 70-60-82] on the shaft. Put liquid adhesive (LOCTITE #242) on the screw threads and install the screw [Figure 70-60-52] Gearbox Checking Backlash Figure 70-60-53 NOTE: For procedures requiring the use of LOCTITE #518 adhesive, thoroughly clean and dry | affected parts before the application of LOCTITE #518, ‘The backlash tolerance between the gears should be 0.005-0.008 inch (0,127-0,208 mm). ‘To check the gear backlash use the following procedure: = Put the short housing in a vise, square flange facing up a8 shown (Figure 70-60-53} instal the same size and number of square shims (it present during disassembly) between the two housings {Figure 70-80-54}, Set the long housing on the short housing with the sealant (LOCTITE 518} which is a gasket eliminator that cures to flexible seal between the mounting suri NOTE: Hf square shims are used, put a small amount of (LOCTITE 518) on both sides of all shims, Figure 70-60-55 Install the Jour mounting bolts through the flange holes [Figure 70-60-55}, Install the part number tag [Figure 70-60-55} Install and tighten the nut to 25-28 fulbs, (34-38 Nm) torque. 763 Bobcat Loader 70-6047 Service ManualCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Gearbox Checking Backlash (Cont'd) Figure 70-60-56 Install the iong key (Item 1) [Figure 70-60-56] and the palloy (Item 2) [Figure 70-60-56] Install a bolt in the sot screw hole to maintain a 1.0 inch (25,4 nm) distance from the shaft center to the bolt head (ic be used with a dial indicator) [Figure 70-60-56), Figure 70-60-57 Put the fan nut (Item 1) [Figure 70-60-57] on the shaft ‘and fighten sr nugly Instal! a locking pliers on the fan nut and support the handle against the long housing [Figure 70-60-87} 70-60-18 Figure 70-60-58 Using a magnetic based dial indicator mounted on a bench vise, touch the dial stam on the bolt (Hem 4) [Figure 70-60-58} Hold the focking pliers against the long housing and rotate the pulley back and forth to read the dial gauge [Figure 70-60-58). Ii the backlash is GREATER than 0,008 inch (0,203 mm), do the following: 1, Remove a square shims) (If present) between the ‘wo housing 2, Remove a tage shim(s) from the tapered end of the short shaft and add a small shim (s) of the same thickness between the bearing and the gear on the screw end of the shatt If the backlash is LESS than 0,008 inch (0.127 mra) do. the following: 1. Adda square shim{s) between the two housings. 2. Remove @ smal! shim(s) between the bearing and the gear on the scrow and of the short shaft and add a large shim(s) of te same thickness between the snap ‘ing and the bearing on the tapered end of the sha 763 Bobcat Loader Service Manual aCOOLING FAN (CONT'D) Figure 70-60-60 Gearbox Checking Backlash (Cont'd) TONG HOUSING ——™ Figure 70-60-59 When the backlash is correct, install the seals. cap and gear oil as follows: Remove the bolts trom the flanges and separate the two housings. Put liquid adhesive (LOCTITE #242) on the outside iarnoter of the seal(s) [Figure 70-60-59}, Install the seal(s) flush with the housing surtace [Figure 70-60-60} & [Figure 70-60-61) lean any ol from the flange surface, Install the tong housing on the short housing flange. Install the four bolts and part number tag. Install and tighten the nuts to 25-26 fi-ibs, (34-38 Nm) torque. NOTE: When filling the fan gearbox with oil, be sure the level does not go above the top of the shaft in the gearbox. Use a light colered 90W gear lube. 763 Bobeat Loader 70-80-19 ‘Service Manual@ @ = Bobcat 763 Bobcat Loader 70-60-20 Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING ‘Compression Checking ©, Figure 70-70-1 The tools fisted will be needed to do the following procedure: MEL10690 - Engine Compression Kit ‘MEL1352 - Compression Adaptar ‘The engine must be at operating temperature Remove the glow plugs. (See Glow Piugs Removal And Installation on page 70-70-3,) Install the correct compression adapter (item 1) [Figure 70-70-1] inio the cylinder head, Figure 70-70-2 Connect the compression gauge to the adapter [Figure 70-70-2}, Make sure the engine speed contro! is fully back (low idle). Disconnect the fuel stop solenoid. Crank the engine with the starter at oranking speed, If the measurement is below the allowable fimit, check the cylinder, piston ring, top clearance, valve and cylinder head. Compression Pressure should be 412-469 PSI (2840- 3293 kPa) Aliowabte Limit (minimum) is 870 PSt (2255 kPa) No more than 10% variance among cylinders. 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Figure 70-70-5 Compression Checking (Cont'd) Figure 70-70-3 Touch one probe to the end of the glow plug and the other probe to the body of glow plug [Figure 70-70-5} ‘The reading must be between 1 and 2 ohms [Figure 70- Push the bution on the compression gauge to release 70-4]. If the resistance is infinite, the coi of the glow plug pressure [Figure 70-70-3], is broken. Connect the fuel stop solenoid, Repeat the procedure for each glow plug. Glow Plugs Checking Reconnect the glow plug cables and teads. Figure 70-70-4 Disconnact the glow plug cables and leads. Use an ohrmmeter to check the glow plugs [Figure 70-70- 4} 2 763 Bobeat Loader 70-70-2 Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Glow Plugs Removal And installation Figure 70-70-6 Disconnect the negative (-) cable from the battery. Ciean the area around the glow plugs. Remove the nut (itor 1) [Figure 70-70-6] from the top of each glow plug, Disconnect the engine hamess wire (ttem 2) [Figure 70- 70-6] from the glow plug. Remove tho glow piug connecting strap (item 3) [Figure 70-706}, Figure 70-70-7 Loosen and remove the giow plug {Item 1) [Figure 70- 70-7), installation: Tighten the glow plug te 14.5-18.1 ft-lbs. (19,6-24.5 Nm) torque. 70-70-83 Figure 70-70-8 Photo [Figure 70-70-8} shows the glow plug assembly removed from the engine. inspect the glow plugs and replace when necossary. Fuel Shut-Olf Solenoid Checking Figure 70-70-9 Stop the enginte and open the rear door [Figure 70-70-9], Disconnect the connector (Item 4) [Figure 70-70-9} from the fue! shut-off solenoid, Use an ohmmater to check the fuel shut-off solenoid. ‘763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Fuel Shut-Off Solenoid Checking (Cont'd) Figure 70-70-10 The reading between Red to Black must be between 10.6 and 11 ohms [Figure 70-70-10} The reading between White to Black must be between.4- 5 ohms, Reconnect connector (Item t) [Figure 70-70-9}, Fuel Shut-Off Solenoid Adjusting Figure 70-70-11 0.050" (1,27 mm) Adjust shutoff linkage for maximum distance of 0.050 inch (1,27 mm} between the lever and stop when solenoid plunger is seated (Figure 70-70-11]. 70-70-8 Fuel Shut-Off Solenoid Removal And Installation Figure 70-70-12 Stop the engine and open the rear door. Disconnect the connector {item 1) {Figure 70-70-12] Figure 70-70-13 Remove the linkage mounting nut (tem 1) [Figure 70- 70-13] from the fuel injector pump. Removing the mounting boks (item 2) [Figure 70-70-13] of the fuel shut-off solenoid, Reverse the above procedure to install the fuel shut-off solenoid, 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Checking >) The injection pump contains parts which have a very close tolerance and its operation has a direct effect on the pertormance of the engine. 7 AEN Ne) Diesel fuel or hydraulic fluid under pressure can penetrate skin or eyes, causing serious injury or death. Fluid leaks under pressure may not be visible. Use a piece of cardboard or wood to find leaks. Do not use your bare hand, Wear safety goggles. If fluid enters skin or eyes, get immediate medical attention from a physician familiar with this injury. 72-0808 The tools listed will be needed to do the following procedure MEL1237 - Adapter Fuel Line MELTI73A - Pressure Gauge To check the discharge pressure at the fuel injection %», pump, use the following procedure: Disconnect @ high pressure fuel line from the injection pump, Loosen the other end of the same fuel line so it can be turned away from the fiting. Figure 70-70-14 — Connect the adapter fuel line (Iter 1) {Figure 70-70-14] to the fitting and connect the pressure gauge (item 2) [Figure 70-70-14}, Tur the flywheel to increase the pressure. If the pressure can not reach the allowable limit, replace the injection ser [2iassicar07 ‘Measure the time needed to decrease the pressure from 2193-1990 PSI (14707 -19721 kPa). If the measurement is less than the allowable fmt, replace the delivery valve, 783 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Fue! Injection Pump Removal And Installation ‘Clean the area around the injection pump thoroug) IMPORTANT Do not bend the high pressure fuel injection tubes when removing or installing them. Figure 70-70-15 Disconnect the high pressute fuel fines (Item 1) [Figure 70-70-15} from the fuet injectors. Figure 70-70-16 Disconnect the fue! shut-off inkage (item 1) [Figure 70- 70-16). 70-706 Disconnect the tue! inet hose (Item 4) [Figure 70-70-17) and the fuel return hose (llem 2} [Figure 70-70-17] from the injection pump vert, Figure 70-70-18 Cap the inlets on the injection pump vent where the hoses were removed {Figure 70-70-18}. Remove the high pressure fuel tines (lem 1) [Figure 70- 70-18] from the injection pump. 763 Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual© sewaror039 ENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Fuel Injection Pump Removal And installation (Cont'd) Remove the seven mounting boks (Item 1) [Figure 70- 70-19} from the intake manifold (tem 2) [Figure 70-70- 19) Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 16-20 ft-bs, (22-27 No) torque. Remove the intake manifold from the engine, Installation: Replace the manifold gasket if itis worn or damaged, Figure 70-70-20 Remove the four mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 70-70- 20] and two nuts (Item 2) [Figure 70-70-20} from the injection pump. Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 16-20 ft-lbs. (22-27 Nm) torque. Welw Ne Do not attempt to maintain or adjust unless you are trained and have the correct equipment. 2028-0268 Figure 70-70-21 Alemove the injection pump (Item 1) [Figure 70-70-21) ‘ang shim{s} from the engine. NOTE: The pin (item 2) [Figure 70-70-21} located on the control rack, needs to be installed correctly during installation. See the following procedure for correct installation. 763 Bobcat Loader ‘Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Fuel Injection Pump Removal And Installation (Cont'd) IMPORTANT Do not attempt to maintain or adjust unless you are trained and have the correct equipment. Figure 70-70-22 Installation: Remove the side cover (Item 1) [Figure 70- 70-22} trom the injection pump chamber, Figure 70-70-23 messeethigcinn 00 Be sure the spring (Item 1) [Figure 70-70-23] is located in the injoction pump chambor as shown, 70-708 Figure 70-70-24 Install the shim{s) (item 1) [Figure 70-70-24] on the injection pump mounting surface. (See Timing The Injection Pump on page 70-70-9,) for information on number of shims used. Figure 70-70-25 Install the injection pump in the engine. Put the pin (item 1} [Figure 70-70-25] on the control rack !n the slot of the fork lever (Item 2) [Figure 70-70-25} focated inside the injection pump chamber. IMPORTANT if the pin is not correctly installed in the fork lever, the engine will run over maximum speed, resulting in serious damage fo the engine. 12086-1105 763 Bobeat Loader Service Manual@ ENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Timing The injection Pump IMPORTANT Do not attempt to maintain or adjust unless you are trained and have the correct equipment. 2028-0289 Figure 70-70-26 Timing the injection pump is done by changing tho number of shims between the injection pump and the injection pump mounting surface Disconnect the number one cylinder high pressure tine from the injection pump. Disconnect the fuel shut-off linkage (Item 1) [Figure 70- 70-26] from the injection pump. Turn the fuel supply lever (Item 2) [Figure 70-70-26] to the ON position (to the right). 70-70-9 Figure 70-70-27 Install a short plastic tube (Item 1) [Figure 70-70-27) in the number one cylinder port of the injection pump. The tube should ft securely in the port and point upward. Figure 70-70-28 Rotation Direction Rotate the engine in the ditection shown [Figure 70-70- 28), Continue rotation untit lywhee! timing mark just appears in the window (iter 1) [Figure 70-70-26} NOTE: The flywheel has two timing marks. The first mark to appear in the window with the rotation shown is 18°. The first mark is used for 753, 763, 773 (Non Turbo) loaders. Rotate slowly until fuel just starts to flow upward into the plastic tube. Atthis instant, the 18° BTDC timing mark on the flywheel should be aligned with the mark in the window (item 1) [Figure 70-70-28} 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT?) ‘Timing The Injection Pump (Cont'd) Figure 70-70-29, 4 shim(s) (Item 1} (Figure 70-70-29} as tthe fue! delivery timing. Adc or subtr needed to adj NOTE: Adding or removing one shim will vary the timing by 1.5°, Adding shims retards timing, 70-70-10 Fuel injector Removal And Installation AWARNING [i Diesel fuel or hydraulic fluid under pressure can penetrate skin or eyes, causing serious injury or death. Fluid leaks under pressure may not be visible. Use a piece of cardboard or wood to find leaks. Do not use your bare hand. Wear safety goggles. If fluid enters skin or eyes, get immediate medical attention from a physician familiar with this injury. w.z072-0090 The following are some problems ct injectors: ised by faulty Engine is hard to start or will not start = Rough engine operation ard idle Engine will not have full power Excessive oxhaust smoke IMPORTANT Do not attempt to maintain or adjust unless you are tralned and have the correct equipment. resets 763 Bobeat Loader ‘Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Fuel Injector Removal And installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-70-30 Figure 70-70-31 Clean area around fuel injectors. Disconnect the fue! retum hoses (tem 1) [Figure 70-70 30] & [Figure 70-70-31] from the injectors, Figure 70-70-32 Disconnect the high pressure fuel lines (ftem 1} [Figure 70-70-32} from the fuel injectors and from the injection pump. Fiemove the high pressure fuel lines from the engine. Figure 70-70-33 Remove the retainer nut from the top of the fuel injectors (tem 1) [Figure 70-70-33). Remove the fuel setum tube (Item 2) [Figure 70-70-33] from the fua! injectors, 763 Bobest Loader 70-70-41 Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Fuel injector Removal And installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-70-34 Remove the injector nozzle {Item 1) [Figure 70-70-34] from the cylinder head, oie : Photo [Figure 70-70-35] shows the injector nozzie removed from the oylinder. Inspect the injector and replace if nocessary, Installation: be sure the nozzie cap (Item 1) [Figure 70- 70-35] and copper washer (Item 2) [Figure 70-70-35} are in the correct postion. install new nozzle cap and copper washer when instaling new or used injectors. 70-7012 Fuel injector Checking IMPORTANT 3 0 not disassemble or est the fuel injector nozzles unless you have the corect service and testing tools The too! listed will be needed to do the following procedure: OEM 1064 - Injector Nozzle Tester ‘Check for inside feakage. Operate the hand lever until the pressure is 1849 PS! (12755 kPa). Keep the nozzle undor this pressure for 10 seconds, check to see if fuel leaks from the nozzle. If fuel leaks, replace the nozzie. Figure 70-70-38 fan ica CORRECT WRONG (OJ (oy @ Check that the spray pattem is correct [Figure 70-70-36] 1, Fuel does not come out the side of the nozzle, 2. Drops of fue! are not present at the nozzle. 3. The injector has an even flow coming from the nozzie. 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Fuel injector Disassembly g>, Figure 70-70-37 (1) Nozzle Holder (2) Adjusting Washer (3) Nozzle Spring (4) Push Rod (5) Distance Piece (6) Nozzle Piece (7) Nozzle RetainingNu Pama Disassemble and clean the injector nozzle. ‘The nozzle release pressure can be adjusted by adding © ‘or removing spacer(s) (Item 2) [Figure 70-70-37] trom the top of the nozzie spring (item 3) (Figure 70-70-37]. Each spacer will change the release pressure by about 142 PSI (980 kPa). Fuel injection Pressure | 1891-2103 PSI (3788-14707 Pay oo 70-70-13 Fuel injector Assembly Figure 70-70-38 Assemble the injector nozzle, Connect the nozzle to the testor with the nozzle down [Figure 70-70-38}. Operate the hand lever at a slow rate and record the opening pressure. if the pressure is not correct, disassemble the nozzle and add or remove spacers (item 2) [Figure 70-70-37] as needed. When the injector nozzle is assombied, tighten the nozzle body to 43-88 ft-Ibs. (69-79 Nm) torque. 783 Bobeat Loader Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Valve Clearance Adjustment Figure 70-70-39 ‘Adjust the valve clearance as follows: Loosen the lock nut (jtern 4) [Figure 70-70-39}, Tum the adjustment sorew (tem 2) [Figure 70-70-99) until the correct clearance is obtained. NOTE: The clearance is measured between the rocker arm and vaive stem tip (Item 3) [Figure 70-70-29}. Adjust the valve clearance as follows: 0071-.0087 inch (0,18-0,22 mm) Intake & Exhaust 70-70-18 Figure 70-70-40 a Figure 70-70-41 vane teintake [1 | EB] 1 = Exhaust Use the following sequence to set the valves [Figure 70- 70-40} & (Figure 70-70-41}: 1. With the rocker arm rocking (valves 7 & 8) on No. 4 oylinder set clearance at No. { oyfinder (valves 1 & 2). 2. With the rocker arm rocking (valves 3 & 4) on No. 2 cylinder set clearance at No. 3 cviinder (valves 5 & 6) 3. With the rocker arm rocking (valves 1 & 2) on No. 1 cylinder sot clearance at No. 4 cylindar (valves 7 & 8) 4. With the rocker am rocking (valves 5 & 6) an No. 3 cylinder set ciearance at No. 2 cylinder (valves 3 & 4). 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING (CONT'D) Rocker Arm And Shaft Checking Figure 70-70-42 Measure the rocker arm 1.0. (Item 1) [Figure 70-70-42} with the inside micrometer. Measure the rocker atm shaft 0.0. (Item 2) (Figure 70- 70-42] with a outside micrometer. if the clearance exceeds the allowabie limit, replace the bushing. 1f the clearance stil exceeds the allowable limit after the bushing is replaced, replace the rocker arm shatt Oil Cidatance Between Racker Arm a Shatt :008°8.60%8 moh | Le (0016-0,098 mm) _| ‘lgwabie imi 8.006 inc (6,48 mi | 0.5501-0.5506 inch (13,973-1.984 mm} 0.5512-0.5519 inch | (14,0-14,018 mm) Rocker Arm Shait 0.D. ~ [Rocker Am iD. 70-70-15 Valve Timing Checking Figure 70-70-43 Ti) idie Gear (2) Idle Cottar (3) External Snap Ring (4) Cam Gear (5) Camshatt Stop the engine and open the rear door. Remove the engine. (See Contents, Page 70-01.) Remove the timing gearcase cover. (See Contents, Page 70-01) Make sure the timing marks are in correct alignment [Figure 70-70-43}. 763 Bobeat Loader Service Manual* Bobcat. - 763 Bobcat Loader 70-70-16 Service ManvalENGINE Removal And installation DANGER "AVOID DEATH : + Discoactng orig any hyeasie bene, hse iting, compare rapat | fs ican came itr fo ep | MES sKeepoct tts area went ars are | \ fscuet sgpotedbyanapposed | SPS ‘ft am suppor Replace if damaged. sy, wad A WARNING Never work on a machine with the lift arms up unless the lift arms are secured by an approved lift arm support device. Failure to use an approved lift arm ‘support device can allow the lift arms or attachment to fall and cause injury of death, Ww 2089-0598 Put jackstands under the rear comers of the loader, Raise the lift arms and install an approved ift arm support device. (See Contents Page 10-01.) Raise the operator cab, (See Contents Page 10-01.) Drain the hydraulic reservoir. (See Contents Page 20- 01) Disconnect the stooring linkage. (Soe Contents Page 30- on) Ramove the battery from the ioader. {See Contents Page 60-01.) Drain the engine coolant from the cooling system. (See Contents Page 70-01.) Figure 70-80-1 Disconnect the engine hamess connector (item 1) [Figure 70-80-1] from the hamess (Earlier models). Figure 70-80-2 Remove the air cleaner. (See Contents Page 70-01.) Remove the mufier. (See Contents Page 70-01.) Mark the four drive motor hoses (Item 1) [Figure 70-80- 2] for correct installation. Disconnect the four drive motor hoses (item 1) [Figure 70-80-2} from the hydrostatic pump. Disconnect the motor case drain hose (Kem 2) [Figure 70-80-2} from the hydrostatic pump. 763 Bobeat Loader Service ManuatENGINE (CONT'D) Removal And installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-80-3 Figure 70-80-5, Remove the mounting bolt item 1) [Figure 70-80-5} and nut from the loft front engine mount. Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 70 (85. Disconnect the wire hamess connector (item 1) [Figure Nm) torque. 70-80-3} from the fuel iavel sender on the fuel tank, Figure 70-80-4 Contents. Page 20-01.) Figure 70-80-6 Disconnect the band pump (tem 1) [Figure 70-B0-6) Disconnect the hoses from the hydraulic pump. (See from the fuel line connected to the fuel tank. Cap the fuel Hines. Remove the mounting bolt (Item 1) {Figure 70-80-4} ancl rut from the right front engine mount. 763 Bobcat Loader 70-80-2 Service ManualENGINE (CONT'D) Figure 70-60-8 Removal And installation (Cont'd) >, Figure 70-80-7 Disconnect the tuel return hose (Item 1) [Figure 70-80-7] from the injector Disconneot the radiator noses (item 1) [Figure 70-80-8] & [Figure 70-80-9} from the engine 763 Bobcat Loader 70-803 Service ManualENGINE (CONT'D) Removal And Installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-80-10 Remove the mounting bolt and cut {Item 1) [Figure 70- 80-10] from the felt rear engine mount. Installation: Tighten the mounting bott 0 70 feb. Nin) torque. (95 Figure 70-80-11 Remove the mounting bott and nut (lem 1) {Figure 70- 80-11] from the right rear engine mount Installation: Tighten the mounting bolt to 70 ft-lbs. (85 Nin) torque. 70-804 Disconnect the engine epeed control rod (tiem 1) {Figure 70-80-12} trom the linkage. Figure 70-80-13 Disconnect the rear light harness connector {Item 1) [Figure 70-80-13} from the engine hamess. Remove the coolant recover tank (Item 2) [Figure 70-80- 13}, mount and belt shiald (lterm 3) [Figure 70-80-13}, Remove the hydraulic filter housing (tem 4) {Figure 70- 80-13]. (See Contents, Page 20-01,) 763 Bobeat Loader Service ManualENGINE (CONT'D) Removal And Installation (Cont'd) A tool needs to fabricated to be used in the removal procedure. This too! allows the engineMydrostatic pump assembly to be lifted evenly for easier removal. Use the dimensions shown in [Figure 70-80-14] to make the engine removal tool Figure 70-80-15 Install the chain hoist on the eyelet (‘tem 1} [Figure 70- 80-15] of the removal toot Fasten a chain to other end of the removal tool with two bolts as shown in [Figure 70-80-18) Fasten securely one end of the chain to one of the lifting brackets on the engine [Figure 70-80-15]. Fasten securely the other end of the chain to the other {iting bracket on the engine [Figure 70-80-15}, NOTE: You may need to adjust the chain which fastens fo the engine a couple of times to reach the correct lifting position. Remove the engine/hydrostatic pump assembly from the loader, Reverse the removal procedure te instalf the engine. 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualENGINE (CONT’D) Figure 70-80-17 Engine Mount Replacement afngine Figure 70-80-18 iacket? a) es ‘Spacer Install the new engine mount as shown in the cut away side view (Figure 70-80-17). RRO NE / Tighten the mounting bolts to 70 ft -bs. (85 Nm) torque, | Use the following procedure to install new engine _—— mounts: | Remove the existing mount from the engine. Refer to | engine semoval and installation for engine mount ——esations. | __ Replace all four engine mounts two front and two rear. os = Use the parts shown to instail the new engine mounts figure 70-80-16) ‘Square Nut (iter 1) - Used on left side engine mounts | Hox Nut (item 2) - Used on right side engine mounts, _—— Mount Washer - (item 3) © Engine Mount - (item 4) Tube Spacer - (item 5) _——_Snubbing Washer - (ter 6) _ Mounting Bol - (tem 7) : 763 Bobeat Loader 70-80-6 ‘Service ManualFLYWHEEL AND HOUSING Flywheel Removal And installation Figure 70-30-1 wd Remove the three belt shield clips (item 1) [Figure 70 90-1] and remove the shield from the drive beit housing, Figure 70-90-2 Loosen and remove the drive belt tension pulley (Item 1) [Figure 70-90-2}, Remove the drive belt. (See Contents, Page 30:01 for drive belt adjustment procedure.) 70-90-4 Figure 70-90-3 Remove the six mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 70-90-3] from the engine flywhi ! (tem 2) [Figure 70-90-3}. Installation: Apply engine oil to the threads and seats before tightening. Tighten to 72-80 ft-lbs. (98-108Nm) torque. Remove the flywhee! from the engine, Installation: Be sure to align the hole (Item 8) {Figure 70-90-3] in the flywheel! with the pin located on the crankshatt Reverse tho removal procedure to instail the flywheei 763 Bobcat Loader Sevice ManualFLYWHEEL AND HOUSING (CONT'D) Ring Gear Removal And Installation Figure 70-90-4 NOTE: Photo's may be different but the procedure is the same for all models. ‘The ring gear (Item 1) {Figure 70-90-4) on the flywheel is. an interference fit, Heat the ring gear enough to expand the gear, Hit the ring gear evenly around the gear 10 remove it from the fiywhes!. Clean the outer surface of the flywhee! thoroughly so the new ring gear will ft smoothly onto the flywheel Clean the new ring gear and heal it to a temperature of 450°-500" F. (282”-260" C.) Fit the ring on the flywteel and be sure the gearis seated correctly. 70-902 Housing Removal And installation Figure 70-90-5 Loosen the drive belt tens 90-5) joner bolt (item 1) [Figure 70- from the housing and remove the drive belt Installation: Tighten the bolt to 25-28 ft-lbs. (34-38Nen} torque. Adjust the drive bell, (See Contents, Page 30-01.) Figure 70-90-6 Remove the six flywheel mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 70-90-6] and remove the engine flywheel Installation: Apply engine oll to the threads and seats before tightening. Tighten the mounting bolts to 72-80 fulbs. (98-198 Nm) torque. 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualFLYWHEEL AND HOUSING (CONTD) Figure 70-90-8 Housing Removal And installation (Cont'd) > Figure 70-90-7 Remove the hydrostatic pump drive pulley mounting nut (tom 1) (Figure 70-90-8] and washer. Installation: Tighten the mounting nut to 178-200 ft-Ibs. Rlemove the four mounting bolts (Iter 1) [Figure 70-90- (237-271 Nm) torque. 7] which fasten the housing on the engine. Figure 70-90-9 Jostallation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 36-40 ft (48-54 Nem) torque, Remove the boits (Item 2) [Figure 70-90-7} which fasten the housing to the engine. Installation: Tighten the moun (62-88 Nm) torque. ig bolts to 60-66 ft-bs, Remove the starter (Item 3) (Figure 70-90-7] from the drive belt housing. (See Contents, Page 60-01.) Install a puller in the drive pulley and remove the pulley from the hydrostatic pump shaft [Figure 70-90-9], installation: install the pulley key in the shaft hefore instatling the drive pulley 76a Bobcat Loader 70-903 ‘Sevice ManualFLYWHEEL AND HOUSING (CONT'D) Housing Removal And Instaliation (Cont'd) Figure 70-90-10 Remove the two mounting bolts (Item 1} [Figure 70-90- 10} from the drive bolt housing which mount the hydrostatic pump te the housing. Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 65-70 ft-lbs. (88-95 Nm) torque. Remove the drive ball tensioner (Item 2) [Figure 70-90- 10} from tha drive bett housing, (See Contents, Page 30- ot) 70-904 Figure 70-90-11 Remove the mounting bolt (item 1) [Figure 70-90-11] from engine coolant tubeline mounting bracket which is attached to the belt shield housing Installation: Tighten the mounting bolt to 25-28 ft-lbs. (84-38 Nm) torque. Remove the blower fan drive belt tensioner assembly ‘Gtom 2) [Figure 70-90-11] from the housing, Remove the drive belt housing, Reverse the removal procedure t0 housing, 763 Bobeat Loader Service ManualRPM SENSOR Adjustment Figure 70-91-1 When reinstalling the RPM sensor, turn the rpin sensor (hem 1) [Figure 70-91-1] in until @ makes contact with the engine flywhes!, Tum the jam nut (item 2) [Figure 70-91-1] until it contacts the flywhee! housing. The jam nut should not be tightenea, it needs to tum with the APM sensor when the sensor is turned back out for adjustment, Figure 70-91-2 Tum the RPM sensor and the jam nut out from the flywheel. Set a clearance of .050 inch (1,27 mm) between the jam nut and the housing with a feeler gauge (item 1) [Figure 70-91-2) NOTE: New RPM sensors have a plastic tip which is - used as a gauge during installation. The > Plastic tip is designed to come off after the engine is started. 783 Boboat Loader 914 Service Manual763 Bobcat Loader 709812 Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE Cylinder Head Removal And Installation Figure 70-100-1 Remove the nuts from the valve cover, remove the valve cover and gasket {Figure 70-100-1]. Figure 70-100-2 Remove the fuel injector nozzles. (Soe Contents, Page 70-01.) Remove the glow plugs. (See Contents, Page 70-01.) Femove the belt shield. (See Contents, Page 30-01.) Remove the alternator. (See Contents, Page 60-01.) Remove the rocker arm and shaft assembly (Mem t) [Figure 70-100-2). Remove the push rods (item 2) [Figure 70-100-2], Remove the intake and oxhaust manifolds. 70-1004 Figure 70-100-3 Remove the water setum hose [Figure 70-100-3} Figure 70-100-4 [ , fe 7 o 3] ° ° ron ; oO ° oO On O 5 8 9 1 GB 8 oO ® | 8 3 4 ee) ove the cylinder head bolts in order of #18 to #1 [Figure 70-100-4]. Jostatlation: Put oil op the bolt threads. Tighten the bots in the correct sequence to 69-72 ft-lbs, (93-98 Nm) torque. NOTE: Retighten the cylinder head bolts in the correct sequence after the engine has been run for 30 minutes. 763 Bobeat Loader Service Maoua)RECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Cylinder Head Removal And Installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-100-5 Remove the valve cap (Kem 1} [Figure 70-100-6) & [Figure 70-100-7] and valve spring collet (Item 2) [Figure 70-100-6] & (Figure 70-100-7] Remove the cylinder head from the engine biock. Remove the valve spring retainer (Kem 3) [Figure 70- 100-6] & [Figure 70-100-7] and the spring (item 4) Installation: Always use new head gasket and new [Figure 70-100-6] & [Figure 70-100-7}. ‘O-ring, Make sure the O-ting is seated over the dowel [Figure 70-100-5], Remove the seai (item 6) [Figure 70-100-6] & [Figure 70-100-7] and the valve (Item 5) [Figure 70-100-6] & Cylinder Head Disassembly And Assembly [Figure 70-100-7} Figure 70-100-6 Figure 70-100-8 co Use a valve spring compressor to compress the valve Remove the thermostat housing. Remave the thermostat spring [Figure 70-100-6} from the cylinder head [Figure 70-100-8] | 763 Bobcat Loader / 70-100-2 Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Cylinder Head Servicing Clean the surface of the cylinder head. Put a straight edge (lle 1) (Figure 70-100-8] on the cylinder head, NOTE: Do not put the straight edge across the combustion chambers. Put the feeler gauge (Item 2) [Figure 70-100-9] between the straight edge and the surface of the cylinder head. | Figure 70-10-10 Put the straight edge on the cylinder nead’s four sides ‘and two diagonal as shown in figure [Figure 70-10-10]. The maximum distortion of the head surface is « 0.002 Inch (+ 0,05 mm). If the measurement exceeds the specification, repiace the cylinder head. 70-1003 Figure 70-10-11 Cylinder Head Top Clearance install the cylinder head gasket, Put the piston (item 1) [Figure 70-100-11} being checked at T..C. Put thiee pieces of 0.060 inch (1,5 mm) diameter solder (item 2) [Figure 70-10-11] on the top of the piston. Use grease to hold them in position. NOTE: Position the solder so they do not touch the valves. ‘Tum the piston to bottom dead center. Install the cylinder head and tighten to the correct torque in the correct sequence. (See Cylinder Head Removal And installation on page 70-100-t.) Tum the crankshaft until the piston excesds T.0.C. Remove the cylinder head. Remove the solder wire measure it. (liom 3) [Figure 70-100-11] and ifthe measurement exceeds the specifications, check the oil clearance of the crank pir journal ar the piston pin. Top Clearance _0.022-0.028 inch (0,58-0,7 mm) 783 Bobcat Loader Sorvice ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Checking The Valve Guide Figure 70-00-12 Remove the valve and spring from the cylinder head. (Soe Cylinder Head Disassembly And Assembly on page 70-100-2,) Clean the valve seat and combustion chamber, Instali the vaive into the guide. Measurement the valve recessing or protusion witha depth gauge [Figure 70- 400-12) Figure 70-10-13 . Recessing I the measurement exceeds the allowable limit, ceplace the valve or oylinder head [Figure 70-10-13}. (Protusion ' [W006 inch 0.15 mem) iRSSEEINAT | 0.076 noh 4 rm) 70-100-8 Remove the carbon from the valve guide. Measure the valve stem 0.0, [Figure 70-100-14}, Measure the vaive guide 1.0. {Figure 70-100-14} Calculate the clearance, if the ciearance exceeds the allowable lim, replace the valve and/or vaive guide. B56 6848 inch (6015-808 mm) Clearance Between Valv and Guide ".6016-0.0086 inch” {0.04-0,07 mm) B 28tegIe sa 58 mm) ee emsoo O72 mm) (Bram ns oe 021" (Oommen To remove and replace the valve guide, make the driver tool as shown in figuro [Figure 70-100-15}. 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Figure 70-10-18 Checking The Valve Guide (Cont'd) S Figure 70-100-16 : 16 Grind the valve seat surface in the cylinder head fo the correct angle [Figure 70-100-18}. Figure 70-100-19 Press the used valve guide out of the cylinder head using the special driver too! [Figure 70-100-16]. zy. Put cil on the outside diameter of the new valve guide. Press the new valve guide inte the cylinder head from the top side. Use the special driver tools (Items 1 & 2) [Figure 70-100-16}, Press the new guide until the tool contacts the cylinder head. Ceres eee Reconditioning The Valve And Valve Seat Figure 70-100-17 [prasasa | Check the seat surface and valve face (ltem 1) [Figure 70-10-19} f the seat surface is too wide, use a 15 degree cutter (item 2) [Figure 70-10-19] to get the correct width (item 3) [Figure 70-10-19}, Vaive Seat Wicth iitake T [Exhaust ~_0.084 inch (2,42 mm) Grind the vatve face to the correct angle using a vaive refacer [Figure 70-10-17]. S 763 Bobcat Loader 70-1005, Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Valve Spring Figure 70-100-20 r en Measure the length of the valve spring, it the ‘measurement is fess than the allowabie tm, replace the Put the spring on a flat surface, place a square on the side of the spring [Figure 70-10-20}. Alotate the spring and measure the maximum tt, ff the measurement exceeds the allowable limit, replace the spring Chic [0.048 ined (4.6 mm) 70-100-6 Figure 70-100-21 Place the spring on a tester and compress to specified length [Figure 70-100-21}. Read the compressed load en the gauge. If the measurement exceeds allowable limit, replace the spxing. Seting Length, Setting Load Allowabie Limit 1.576 inch (35,0 mm) 26.4 ibs. (117.6 N) 228 ibs. GO00N) g 763 Bobeat Loader ‘Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Rocker Arm And Shaft Checking @ Figure 70-100-22 Baer Measure the rocker asm {.0. (Item 1) [Figure 70-100-22} with the inside micrometer Measure the rocker arm shaft O.D. (Item 2) [Figure 70- 100-22] with a outside micrometer. fi the clearance exceeds the allowable limit, replace the bushing. cS if the clearance stil exceeds the allowabie limit alter the bushing is replaced, replace the rocker arm shaft (Oi Giesranée Batween Rooker Arm” Sha "7 6.6006-0.0048 inch O01 iowabie] 3.068 inch (0,18 mim) Limit man : Rocker Arm Si : : [oo. 1 0.8501-0.2506 inch (18,876-13,984 mm} 0.5518 inch (14.0-44,07 mm) 70-100-7 ‘Timing Gearcase Cover Removal And Installation Figure 70-10-23 Remove the ‘uel injection pump. (See Contents, Page 70-01) Remove the oyiindar head, rocker arms and push rods. (See Contents, Page 70-01.) Disconnect the two governor springs {Items 1 & 2) [Figure 70-10-23] from the fork lever (Item 3) [Figure 70-10-23). Figure 70-10-24 Remove the speed control plate with the governor springs [Figure 70-10-24} 783 Bobeat Loader Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Figure 70-10-27 Timing Gearcase Cover Removal And installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-100-25 Remove the bolts from the timing gearcase cover. Installation: Tighten the bolts to 13-15 ft-lbs, (18-20 Nm) torque. Romove the start spring (item 1) [Figure 70-10-25] Figure 70-100-28 from the fork ievar (Item 2) [Figure 70-100-25} ee Installation: Bo caretul; do not drop the spring into the gearcase, Figure 70-100-26 Remove the tming goarcase cover [Figure 70-10-28) Remove the crankshaft pulley nut. Installation: Tighten the nut to 101-116 ftlbs. (137- | 1878) torque | _Use @ puller and remove the crankshalt pulley [Figure /——-70-100-26}, : a : & : 763 Bobcat Loader | 70-100-8 Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Timing Gearease Cover Removal And Installation (Cont'd) Figure 70-10-29, Remove the crankshaft olf slinger (lem 1) [Figure 70- 100-29], O-ring (Item 2) [Figure 70-100-29} and coilar (tem 3) [Figure 70-100-29}, 70-1008 Figure 70-10-30 © Instaltation: install new O-rings and oil seal into the timing gearcase cover [Figure 70-10-20}. NOTE: When a new timing gearcase cover is installed, to establish the correct position of the Injection pump fuel rack stop before removing it from the old timing gearcase cover, the distance from the machined surface of the gearcase (gasket surface) to the end of the stop should be measured. The stop should then be installed in the new gearcase and set to the same distance that was previously measured. Do not try to test operate the engine to ostablish if it has ‘enough power. The adjustment must be set by ‘8 qualified service personnel for the injection pump. 763 Bobeat Loader Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Idler Gear And Camshaft Removal And Installation Figure 70-10-31 Romove the timing goarcase cover. (See Contents. Page 70-01) Remove the snap ring (Item 8) [Figure 70-10-31] from he idler gear shaft ter: 1) [Figure 70-100-31}. Instaltation: Make sure the timing marks are in correct alignment when instaling the timing gears [Figure 70- Figure 70-10-32 Remove the idler gear (item 1) [Figure 70-100-32], Flemove the idler gear collar (item 2) [Figure 70-100-92). Remove the Idler gear shaft mounting boits Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 17-20-ft-Ibs. (23-27 Nim) torque. ‘Align the holes on the camshaft gear with the camshatt retainer plate bolts, & 4 : 100-31}. Remove the bolts. je : Installation: Tighten the camshak retainer bolts 1017-20 ‘ ft-lbs, (23-27 Nm) torque. : Figure 70-10-33 : : q Remove the camshaft from the engine block [Figure 70- : 100-33}. | 760 Bobcat Loader / 70-100-10 Service MaralRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Idler Gear And Camshaft Removal And installation (Cont'd) © riaure 70-1004 i 4~-0.003-0,009" (0,07-0.28mmyPeis82 > Instatiation clearance exceeds the allowabie imi, Camshaft retaner plate (Figure 70-10-24, ( Gatishait tid Bay” | 0.608-0.008 inom (07-022 mm) suableLimt | _ 0.018 inch'(0.9 mmm) Check the camshaft end play, if the replace the ] 1 GS Servicing The Camshaft Figure 70-100-95 Measure the camshaft bearing in the engine block {Figure 70-10-35}. 70-100-11 Figure 70-100-36 | | Measure the camishalt journal {Figure 70-100-36}. Caloulate the oli clearance, ff the clearance exceeds the allowable limit, replace the camshaft Bearing 1.0. Journal 0.0. [4 Gil Clearance of Camshatt 0.002-0.0086 inch (0,08-0,69 mm) “ioumal | Measure the cam lobes at their highest point [Figure 70- 100-37} If the measurement is less than the allowable jimit, place the camshatt. 783 Bobcat Loader Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Servicing The Idler Gear And Shaft Servicing The Camshaft (Cont'd) Figure 70-100-39 Figure 70-100-38 Measure the O.D. of the idler gear shaft [Figure 70-100- 39} Put the camshatt in V-olocks. install a dial indicator [Figure 70-10-38] on the camshalt bearing surface Measure the L.D. of the idler gear bushing [Figure 70- 100-39], Tum the camshaft at a slow rate. if the misalignment excoods the allowable limit, replace the camshatt. If the clearance exceeds the allowable timit, repiace the ( Gaiishait Aigamert bushing. P Allowable Limit” 7 [iis Gear ae ar aD o | Giearance Setwaen idle Shaft & : {dler Gear Bushing : Allowable : iE : : : aa & 763 Bobcat Loader 7o-100-12 ‘Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) ‘Timing Gears Checking Backlash Servicing The idler Gear And Shaft (Cont’a) Figure 70-10-42 eS Figure 70-100-40 _———<<_]) | i i | {370° 95m) | 20" 0820) - i eer J rei wesley, — When the gears are installed, check the backlash of the gears, ‘To replace the idler gear bushing, make a driver tool as, shown in figure [Figure 70-10-40), Install a diat indicator [Figure 70-100-42]. Figure 70-10-41 Hold one gear while turning the other gear (Figure 70- ooo 100-42}. It the backlash exceeds the allowable limit, check the oil clearance of the shaft and gear. if the oil clearance is correct, replace the gear. (Crank Gear & idle Gear | Allowable = Limit i Gain Gear & | idle Gear 6648 Wich (0,048-0.178 mm) VRiiowable ‘0.006 inch (0,15 mm) Limit Use a press and special driver tool, to remove the old “Injection Pump Gear & oT bushing and install the new bushing (Figure 70-100-41]. “Y'0016-6.0048 inch WOAO TIE ramp 0.666 inch (0,48 mim) / Crank | Gear Allowable” 0.006 inch (0,15 mm) Limit T 6:00%6-0.0048 inch (6 040°0,108 mi 783 Bobcat Loader 70-10-13 Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Fuel Camshaft Removal And installation Figure 70-10-43 Femove the timing gearcase cover. (See Contents. Page 70-01) Remove the idler gear, (See Contents, Page 70-01.) Remove the bolt (Hem 1) [Figure 70-100-43} trom the retainer plate (Iter 2) [Figure 70-100-43). Installation; Tighten the bolt to 60-72 in.-ibs. (6,8-8,1 Nm) torque. Remove the fuel camshaft retainer plate (Item 2) [Figure 70-100-43}. Figure 70-10-44 Remove the fuel camshaft and fork lever assembly (item 1) [Figure 70-10-44] at the same time. 70-10-14 Fuel Camshaft Governor Figure 70-100-45 Sa eQ Re” Ysa “ fist ; ff ¢ 1. Start Spring 2. Governor Spring 3. Governor Spring 4, Fork Lever 5. Fork Lever 6. Fork Lever Shaft 7. Fork Lever Holder 8 Governor Lever 9. Fuel Camshaft 10. Governor Ball Case 11. Stee! Balls, 12. Governor Sleeve 13. Stee! Ball [ Fiao08A The governor serves to keep the engine speed constant by automatically adjusting the amount of fuel supplied to the engine according to changes in ihe load. Disassemble and assemble the govemor and fuel camshatt as shown in figure [Figure 70-100-45} Check all the parts for wear or damage and replace as. naeded. 1783 Bobcat Loader Service Manual & GRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Crankshaft Gear Removal And installation Figure 70-100-46 Oil Pump Removal And installation Figure 70-100-47 Remove the timing gearcase cover. (See Contents, Page: 70-01.) Remove the idler gear. (See Contents, Page 70-01.) Remove the crankshaft gear with a puller [Figure 70- 100-46}, Remove the crankshatt key. Instatiation: Install the crankshaft key. Heat the erankshatt gear to 176°F (80°C) and fit it on the crankshaft. oS 70-10-15 Remove the timing gearcase cover. (See Timing Gearcase Cover Removal And installation on page 70- 100-7) Remove the crankshaft gear. Remove the nut from the oil pump shaft. Use a puller to remove the oi! pump gear (Item 1) [Figure 70-10-47] Installation: Tighten the nut on the oil pump shaft to 46- 54 Htlbs, (62-73 Nm) torque. Remove the oil pump mounting bolts. Remove the oil pump (Item 2) (Figure 70-10-47}, Installation: Tighten the oil pump mounting bolts to 60- 72 in.-lbs. (6,9-8,1 Nm) torque. 763 Bobcat Loader Service ManualRECONDITIONING THE ENGINE (CONT'D) Oi! Pump Service Figure 70-100-48 Measure the clearance between the lobes of the inner rotor and outer rotor [Figure 70-100-88). Figure 70-10-49 Measure the clearance between the outer roter and pump body [Figure 70-100-49}. if the clearance excesds the allowable limit, replace the colt puma, Clearance Between inner & Outer Rotor —_0.0089-0,0063 inch (0,10-0,16 mm) Clearance Between Outer Rotor & Body 70-100-16 0.0043-0.0076 inch (0, 11-0, 19 mm) Figure 70-100-50 1 Tre er SE 2 PERFECT CIRCLE PLASTIGA Put a piace of press gauge on the rotor face [Figure 70- 100-50). {install the cover and tighten the bolts, Remove the cover carefully. Measure the width of the press gauge [Figure 70-10-50}, If the clearance exceeds the allowable limit, replace the oll pump, [End Cloare 783 Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual
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Bobcat M444-500-600-610
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women