Tanak Marketing and Digital Strategy

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Task 1: REPOT

Organizational Background

 Name of organization
Dalkeith Engineering
 Type of Organization- Private limited operating in the vehicle suspension industry.
Dalkeith engineering has been in existence since 1993 and it is a registered
organization operating in the commercial sector. {for profit making}
 Size of Organization- The organization currently holds two branches in Zimbabwe
which is the Bulawayo and Harare branch.


2022 600 000 80
2023 800 000 150
2024 1 500 000 150
 Range of products and services -Dalkeith engineering specialize in vehicle
suspension repairs. Customers bring their vehicles both corporates and individuals
for suspension repairs for both small and heavy trucks. Dalkeith also re-
manufactures suspension components which include control arm bushes, draglinks,
ball joints, mounting, as well as general engineering mostly applicable to both light
and heavy vehicle which include radiator reconditioning prop shafts manufacturing
and panel beating.
 Customer base-The organizations customer base can be segmented into B2B
includes the trucking companies holding a huge market share contributing about
50% sales which include J&j transport, Bakers inn, Cailo logistics, Unifreight and
Tinmac. The other 50% comes from B2C which include individual customers coming
through the counter as well as government owned institutions which include Vehicle
inspection department [VID] and Zimbabwe Revenue Authority {ZIMRA}. These
customers are of great importance to Dalkeith engineering as they contribute and
boost the organizations turnover.
 Main Competitors-The main competitors to Dalkeith engineering include Plawn
motors, fast fit, as well as Truckman.



According to research methodologies conducted by Dalkeith engineering through

data collection and survey research the company is experiencing stiff competition
from plawn motors which has a huge market share of 35% followed by fast fit with
25% and other competitors are within the highlighted 10% also including individual
competitors as well.


INTERNAL - Concerned with organization growth They are the decision makers
Management: in terms of turnover and they have the final say
Finance manager They want standard operating about decision making.
Managing Director procedures (SOP) and company They are the ones who release
Group Accountant policies to be followed and funds for implementation of
implemented. ideas and approve budgets.

EXTERNAL Customers need quality services and They contribute to the increase
Customers good turnaround. in sales of the business.
Government The Govt wants organizations to They approve licences and
abide by the laws and policies of conditions which organization
Suppliers Zimbabwe. under.
 The key Customer segments -The key customer segment for Dalkeith engineering is
the high-income earners in the B2B segment. This is the cash cow of the organization
as it provides huge margins of the organizations turnover. Mainly companies in the
bread industry which include baker’s inn, proton and cailo logistics have been the
key customer and most supportive customers to the organization and they have
been loyal to the organization for some time.
 Theme chosen and rationale for choice – LEVERAGING USE OF TECHNOLOGY- This
refers to the use of digital tools in the workplace for the organization to achieve its
goals through updating systems, updating machinery to be automated in the process
of manufacture and train staff on the use of technology(slack 2021). The potential
growth of the organization can be seen through online communication channels that
technology has brought with the use of gadgets which has provided many benefits to
our customers as it is now cheaper and easy for the customers to get in touch with
the organization through online platforms like linked inn, social media pages and
access to website. Things to do with email marketing to customers and well as use of
blogs has also been a benefit that has made the organization benefit more with
technology. This will reduce queues and traffic to the organizations premises and
improve customer satisfaction.
1b A strategic audit of the current situation of Dalkeith Engineering
The situational analysis of Dalkeith Engineering can be assessed using both internal and
external environments that have an impact to the organization.
External environment PESTEL FRAMEWORK
 Political factors-The government of Zimbabwe introduced a policy which restricted
the entry of importation of vehicles more than 10 years old from the date of
manufacture stating that they now need an import license. This policy created a
room for Dalkeith to leverage on the recent models of vehicles coming into
Zimbabwe which include the hybrid vehicles and the electrical vehicles which need
highly advanced diagnostic machines in peaking and addressing vehicle faults.
Currently the organizations has been focusing on the older models suspensions and
repair which do not need advanced equipment hence the organization would
leverage on technology due to implementation of the policy by government.

 Economic Factors- According to Aaron O’Neil 2023 inflation in Zimbabwe rose from
10.61percent in 2018 and jumped to 557.21 percent in 2020 as a result to poor
monitory polices among other causes. These crazy inflation rates hence been a huge
impact to the organization as it trades in Zimbabwean dollar which therefore makes
it difficult for the organization to acquire the US dollar on parallel market which
therefore makes the organization lose value in monitory terms. Hence the
unpredictability of the rates also have an impact on the organization as a whole.

 Socio-Cultural factors- customers have become techno- survey in their buying cycle
through the invention of technology. This has been shown by the sharing of
information on how they experienced the company’s products and services through
social media and digital communication channels. Zimbabwean market has
embraced material culture with the customers owning cars being referred to as the
most wealthy regardless of the distribution of the population in both rural and urban
dwelling (Sommer, Dargay & Gately)

 Technological factors- According to a report by the World Bank, the technology

industry is one of the fastest- growing sectors in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean
government has been proactive in the transformation through the National ICT
Policy as it aims to make information and communication technology the backbone
of economic development. This has a positive impact to the company as it will bring
quick online response and processes faster with the use of internet. The organization
can also benefit from automated response systems creating a better customer
experience. (Chaffey and Chadwick 2017).

 Environmental factors – The Road Structures in Zimbabwe has been left without
improvements since the (1980) hence potholes have developed in access and broken
bridges leaving the organizations customers exposed to the risk of vehicle
suspension failures. Moreover the changes in weather patterns have also lead to the
destruction of roads bridges due to cyclones and bad weather hence Dalkeith
customers are experiencing suspension challenges.

Competitor analysis- porter’s 5 forces framework

Rivalry in the industry  Dalkeith has its key competitors in
the industry which include plawn
motors, fast fit and Truckman
these companies offer the same
products and services which
Dalkeith offers.
 Dalkeith has enjoyed customer life
time value due to quality of service
and good CRM
 Dalkeith offers reconditioning
services unlike other companies
that supply new spares only.
 Key competitors are increasingly
using digital technology
Threat of new entrance
 The industry requires huge capital
investment in acquiring machinery
and equipment. Dalkeith now
enjoys economies of scale due to
large production on suspension
 High switching costs
 The manufacturing and
reconditioning services given by
Dalkeith are unique and require
skilled and specialized professional
with huge experience.
 The internet has opened easy
entry to the retailing of vehicles
Bargaining power of suppliers  Dalkeith deals with quite a number
of suppliers which include
importing from China, South
Africa, India and Dubai.
 The organization can change
suppliers at any given time and the
switching cost from South Africa to
Dubai is low hence there is higher
competition by these suppliers to
provide Dalkeith with spares.
 The internet is also reducing the
bargaining power of suppliers

Bargaining power of buyers  Dalkeith has a big customer base

in the B2B and most of its
customers have big fleet.
 Customers can easily switch to
competition due to information
about competitors being readily
available on the internet hence
switching costs are low.
 Some customers are price
sensitive and some are not.
Threat of substitutes  The customers can get
reconditioned products instead of
new spares the customers
switching to a competitor is high
 Increase in use of internet have
given customers many options

Customer Analysis- 6ws model

WHO- Dalkeith customers are corporate companies with fleet, individuals with cars and
garages and some of the government owned organizations. The customers are located in
Zimbabwe and are between the ages of 18-60years
WHAT- Customers get suspension repairs services which include motor vehicle minor and
major servicing, sale of new spares from the spares shop, manufactured products,
reconditioned and new spares from Dalkeith. Corporates bring their vehicles and loose
spares like draglinks, tierod ends and axles for repair.
WHERE- Customers get services by visiting the 2 branches available in Zimbabwe that is the
Harare branch and the Bulawayo branch. Customers can also get services through our digital
touch points which include website and social media.
WHEN- Customers come frequently whenever they have suspension problems our roads are
not in a good state in Zimbabwe so there is high frequency of customers coming through
and for servicing of vehicles they come after every 5000km travel and 10 000km for bigger
WHY-Customers choose Dalkeith products because they come with a guarantee and they
last longer also the production standard is consistent. The reconditioning of some of
Dalkeith products makes it affordable to the customers.
WHY NOT- Customers do not buy our products sometimes due to poor turnaround and also
our branches are few convenience is the most concern for customers who are in cities far
away from Harare and Bulawayo.
Internal Analysis Mckensey 7s Model

Strategy  Dalkeith engineering pricing is high
at times due to buying of spares
locally. Purchase for resale has
been a reason Dalkeith’s prices are
high hence the organization needs
to focus on importing spares as a
way to offer competitive prices in
the market.
 Dalkeith is operating on its
premises in both Bulawayo and
Harare hence thus a bonus since it
has no rental costs to be met.
 The organization is focusing much
on conventional marketing than
digital marketing
Skills  Dalkeith workforce constitute of
semi-skilled and skilled works
quite a number of them have
gathered experience due to many
years that there have offered
service to the organization.
 Quality suspension diagnosis
dalkeith workforce address the
problem hence it saves a lot of
money from the customers pocket
by not fixing the wrong things.
Structure  Dalkeith has a well-structured
organogram and the reporting
system is such that there is room
to share innovative ideas. It has a
decentralized decision making
procedure however the Managing
Director is the one with the final
 It lacks digital marketing manager

Style  The management style is two-way,

top management involves and
consults employees in decision
Systems  Poor turnaround time. The
organization should maximize on
stocking spares and facilitating the
service exchange program to
improve on turnaround time.

Shared values  The company values are clearly

articulated to everyone. These
include integrity, humility,
energize competence and trust
these create positive culture
Staff  Availability of well experienced
staff in the organization.

SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
 Good reputation  Focusing much on
 Loyal customers conventional selling
 Market leader  Lack of digital
 Participative marketing skills
management style  Lack of agility to
deal with business
 Decrease is sales
for past five years
Opportunities  Market  Hiring skilled digital
 Increase in the use development marketing
of digital through the use of personnel
technology like internet and other
internet, social digital technology  Training employees
media, email and in digital marketing
mobile phones  Introducing digital and innovation
services skills
 Increase in number
of vehicles in  Making use of eco-
Zimbabwe friendly
 Use of eco-friendly manufacturing
technology technology and

 Market penetration
through the digital
Threats   Use of both
 Internet increasing  Creating an conventional
threat of new innovative culture marketing and
entrants, to come up with digital marketing to
bargaining power innovative avoid losing market
of buyers and products, processes share
substitutes and systems
 Key competitors
have better  Invest much in
innovative and digital marketing to
agile skills overcome
 Increase in inflation
1c Objectives
 To achieve 30% customer retention rate every quarter until end of 2026.
 To achieve 15% growth in sales every quarter by January 2026
 To achieve zero claims by December 2024
 To improve customer life time value and repeated business to 50% in the next 6
 To achieve one stop shop through the introduction of at least one new product every
3months up to December 2025
 To increase traffic on social media handles and website from 15 visits a day to 50
visits by December 2025
 To build customer loyalty through referral programs by January 2025

(d) The strategic options to achieve the goals

Segmentation –According to Kotler (2010) segmentation refers to the sub-dividing of
market into homogeneous subsets of customers, where any subset may conceivably be
selected as a market target to be reached with a distinct marketing mix. The organization
has segmented the big cooperates in the B2B which include Baker’s inn, Cailo logistics and
proton (bread industry) these have a greater part of the market share. The customers
search for service information through digital touch points like social media, emails and
website, these customers in the targeted segment are concerned with turnaround and

Segmentation basis Description

Location Business customers in various provinces of
the country
Nature of business Bakeries and transport providers
Size of the organization Big organization that are high income
Buying behavior These customers have huge fleet of trucks
and cars that require regular repairs and
maintenance services

Targeting- refers to the evaluation and selection of appropriate segments and the
development of appropriate efforts (Chaffey & Chadwick 2019). Dalkeith Engineering will
make use of differentiated targeting. This involves serving customers using different
strategies like services and vehicles parts. These B2B customers requires different products
Positioning- Refers to the competitive advantage the organization has over other
competitors (jobber, 2010) which is basically the differentiation of the companies’ goods or
service over other competitors. Dalkeith Engineering leverage on technology and is going to
be positioned as of high quality and high price. The brand must be associated with
innovation and agility.

Perceptual Map
High Quality

High Price Low Price

Plawn motors
Fast Fist

Low Quality
The perceived quality of the organization product will be consistent with the use of the
bushes injection molding machine which the organization has recently acquired which
manufactures vehicle bushes technologically with the click of a button hence reducing
human error.
Growth Strategies

Market penetration Product development

Adoption of digital technology will help to Adoption of digital technology helps to
improve engagement with current introduce online offerings like e-commerce
customers and maintain loyalty services. It helps to produce quality
products and e-service quality
Market development Diversification
Online services help to gain new customers Technological innovation helps to venture
from various corners of the country in new business-like online retailing of
vehicle components

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Digital technology has carious CRM systems like customer database system, automated
customer services, salesforce systems, chatbot and other Artificial Intelligence. The use of
automated service feedback system will help the organization to quickly attend to customer
vehicle within the time its due for service. The use of online bulk email system will also help
increase value to the customers as they get education on how to keep their vehicles in good
state. The availability of the customer experience department within the organization also
creates a competitive advantage as it tries to address customers concerns and always
provide a better experience to the customer there by creating more value to the customer.
e) Tactical mix supporting the strategic options
Dalkeith Engineering manufactures vehicle suspension bushes manually. Technology must
be applied by acquiring a bushes injection model machine as it produces more and
maintains consistency of quality of work free from human error leading to mass production
to meet the demand of customers. Furthermore there should be an online system for
booking customer vehicles for servicing and maintenance in form of a mobile application
which is web based with the aim to improve service delivery for customers. The online
feedback forms should be filled by customers using gadgets as a way to assess the
experience they went through in service delivery.
The organization will adopt price modification strategies. This refers to the charging of
different prices to different customers in the same market. Customers who come through
the website and chat boots will get discounts for suspension check and vehicle servicing.
Customers where visiting the premises of dalkeith physically to get a quotation as well as to
raise an inquiry now the online application system is responsible for the booking facilitating
quotations online where ever the customer is there by reducing costs and attending to their
requirements in time. The customer touch points of dalkeith will be available 24/7 through
the use of websites, social media handles and emails. The customer can do the booking
process relaxed and home and can receive all the information through the service
automation system.
The organization has implemented the referral programs and customer life time value
appreciation packages and prices to recognize customers that have been giving the business
repeated business to increase loyalty to the brand.

Email marketing Use of bulky messages

Rented email list to send adverts

Social media marketing Paid social media adverts on Facebook and

Youtube for example preview adverts
Use of posts and social media managers
Display advertising Put adverts on online publishers for
example banner and video advert
Pay Per Click advertising Use of Google adverts
Mobile marketing Use of own mobile application, SMS and
location-based marketing in which
messages are send based on geographical
Search engine marketing Cost per thousand and cost per acquisition
Online Public Relations Use of brand communities and bloggers
known the vehicle industry
Viral marketing Use of influencers like socialites,
flamboyant business people who drive
expensive cars
Offline advertising Use of highway and major street billboards
Use of trade journals
Use of newspapers
Sales promotions Use of trade discounts for quantities
purchased and loyalty

Use of credit facilities for brand loyalty

Personal selling Increasing the number of field salespeople
who look for new customers, taking orders
and managing relationships
Use of account managers to manage
relationships with key accounts

The organization has many semi- skilled and skilled workforce but most of its operations
were being done manually hence the use of online systems would help monitor process flow
of customers products and also maintain consistence in quality. There is need for training on
how to use advanced machinery so that the organization can leverage on the use of
technology on its internal processes. The online platforms should involve people to respond
to emails, online chat inquiries which requires training on the use of gadgets (Chaffey and
Chadwick, 2019)
Physical evidence
The organization was currently focusing more on the offline physical evidence which was a
catch to local customers who could bring in their vehicles for service and maintenance
however it was a limited reach hence the organization needs to increase online presence
through the updating of a more attractive company website with all products the
organization offers, designing online fliers and social media to improve customer experience
and to gain competitive advantage over other competitors by use of search engines.
Process- refers to the customers experience in service delivery until the customer acquires a
good or service (Chaffey and smith 2012). Dalkeith customers will use mobile phones,
laptops to access the online application to facilitate the booking of vehicle serving and
maintenance. Call back facilities and emails will be used to contact customers that show
interest in getting Dalkeith services. Use of automated customers services for example
automated email response. Use of sales and stock management system that links the
company with customers
The organization is going to work towards brand performance strategy through creation of
systems and SOPs to perform different functionalities. The organization will work on
creating automated online systems responsible for improving lead time, efficiency and
customer service delivery.

Gantt chart showing budget and resources necessary to implement the plan

Digital and Department Period of the Cost in USD

marketing activity responsible for program
Sales Marketing March 2024- $10 000
promotions(predict & inconjuction with December 2025
win, Discounts, sales department
giveaways Diaries, t-
shirts, pens
Social media and Marketing Every quarter for one $3000
email marketing Department year
Customer loyalty Customer experience January2024-july $1200
programs and department 2024
referral programs
Stocking quality Stores department 3 months $5000
spares and procurement
Customer online IT and Customer 3months $800
feedback system and Experience
chat boot system department

Acquiring ICT gadgets IT department 4months $4000

laptops and tablets

Employee trainings Human Resource 6months $3500

SEM ,Website Marketing Manager, 3months every $6000
upgrade and use of Advertising Agencies quarter for one year
Radio Advertising to
increase traffic Marketing Manager January 2024- $24000
December 2024


Activities Metrics Ways of monitoring

Social media marketing Likes, followers, shares, Social media insights,
viewers and interactivity Hootsuite
Email marketing Responses, open through Email monitoring systems
rate, opt in and opt out and email-based surveys
rate, interactivity level and
bounce rate
Display advertising Readers, viewers, Offline and online surveys
impression, clicks, reach and
Search engine marketing Cost per thousand (CPM), Google Analytics
PPC, Cost per Acquisition
Sales promotions Sales Sales and point of sale
Online PR Brand awareness, brand Offline and online survey
image, engagement level Sentiment analysis
and customer loyalty
Personal selling New customer gain, sales, Sales reports
customer gain and loyalty
Automated customers Interactivity level, responses Automated reporting
services and new customer gain systems

Task 2 Justification Report

From: Marketing Manager
Date: 20-05-2024
Subject: Justification of the Plan
Task 2a. Key issues that have most impact

Key issues Areas of most impact

Increase in Objectives-this has led the company to set objectives to retain and
competition maintain customer loyalty
due to the Strategic options- This led to the focus on CRM to avoid losing market
internet share. The brand is positioned as of high quality and high price to
opening up differentiate it from competitors
threat of new Tactics-the marketing is focused to satisfy customers, improve
entrants and engagement and relationships
Decrease in Objectives- increase in sales
sales for the Strategic options-Targeting many segments to increase revenue. Growth
past five years strategies such as market development, product development and
market penetration
Marketing mix- Offering quality products and services to attract
customers, offline and online sales promotions
Increase in the Objectives- improving traffic online and superior customer experience
use of digital Strategic options-targeting online customers, brand association through
technology by digital technology and effective and efficient use of digital technology for
key customers market development, market penetration and product development
Marketing mix- it focuses on investing much in digital marketing
especially on promotion
Lack of agility Marketing mix-on the people element there is need to train employees
and digital on digital marketing
Focusing much Marketing mix- There is integrated marketing mix that consists of both
on offline and online marketing communications tools

Task 2b Justification of objectives

Vision and Mission
The organization exists to deliver quality vehicle products and services to customers in
Zimbabwe. It aims to be best vehicle suspension organization through innovative products,
processes and systems
Core Values
 Innovation
 Customer respect
 Quality products
 Stakeholder relationships
 Community and employee’s welfare

 To achieve 30% customer retention rate every quarter until end of 2026.
Some of the customers have been taken by competitor in the same industry and
attrition ratio has grown in the previous year. This is inline with the core value of
customer respect
 To achieve 15% growth in sales every quarter by January 2026
The volume of business from regular clients has recently decreased and this has affected the
growth in sales. For the company to be the market leader it has to find ways to increase
 To achieve zero claims by December 2024
Come back jobs have been a setback resulting in the usage of more resources and losses in
profits from claims. This is inline with the core value of quality products so that the company
becomes the best one in the industry
 To improve customer life time value and repeated business to 50% in the next 6
The relationship with customers was treated as transactional and there were no increased
relations resulting in more jobs from the same customer. This objective shows customer
respect and sustainable business.
 To achieve one stop shop through the introduction of at least one new product
every 3months up to December 2025
Trends are that no new products were being introduced to the customer hence the existing
are hardly pressed by competition. This objective is inline with the core value of innovation
and business growth
 To increase traffic on social media handles and website from 15 visits a day to 50
visits by December 2025
The organization digital marketing touch points have no appealing content and
advanced automation response system to drive traffic. This shows innovativeness in
order to meet the technological trends
 To build customer loyalty through referral programs by January 2025Very few
referral programs were being implemented and the CRM system is not being fully
utilized to its full potential. The vision and goals aim to be the market leader and this
is achieved through customer loyalty.

Task 2c. Justification of choice of strategy

Market segmentation
Criteria for effective market segmentation includes substantiality, accessible, homogeneity
and heterogeneity as well as actionability, Kotler and Armstrong, (2016)

Criteria Justification
Substantiality The segment consists of big companies that are market leaders and
have high income
Accessibility These organizations are located in major cities which are accessible
and convenient to our branches
Homogeneity and The companies have the same buying behavior. They need regular
heterogeneity vehicle services because they have huge fleet. Some are in the bakery
industry and some in logistics industry, hence this avoids the risk of
focusing on one homogeneous segment
Actionability Delkeith is able to take the right action to satisfy the customers
because it has strong financial base.

Targeting approach
Differentiated targeting is the best approach because customers have different needs.
Bakery segment and logistics segments operates in different industries and the type of
vehicles are different. Hence, they need different vehicle parts and services.

Brand Positioning justification using brand equity pyramid, Keller, (2013)

Brand salience Positioning the brand as of high quality and high price helps to
differentiate the brand in the market and have strong bargaining
Brand meaning Associating the brand with innovation and agility helps to create
good brand image because they customers want innovative
products and processes
Customer response If the brand manages to make use of digital technology it will rate
high among other brands
Brand resonance If the brand manages to deliver value for money it will achieve
high customer loyalty

Task 2d Justification of Marketing mix

Marketing mix Justification

Product Use of eco friendly machinery and equipment helps to improve
productivity and turnaround time hence attracting many
Online booking systems improves customers experience and
Price Customers who come through the website and chat boots will
get discounts for suspension check and vehicle servicing as a way
of promoting customers to use the system which will then help
the organization to calculate metrics like retention rate and
acquisition cost and to also facilitate an efficient booking system
for customer vehicles.

Place Online booking system helps to provide convenience, flexibility

and 24/7 services. Hence this helps gain new customers, retain
them and increase customer lifetime value
Promotion The use of integrated marketing communication helps to reach
all customers. In addition, it provides complementarity and helps
to manage costs.
Digital marketing communications tools helps to create online
brand visibility and improves customer engagement and
research. Hence good relationships are created with customers.
According to Chaffey and Chadwick, (2019) use of digital media
channels helps to achieve the 5s
 Sell-generate online sales
 Save-reducing costs
 Serve-improve online service quality and customer
 Speak-improves communication with customers
 Sizzle-Helps to extend customer value

People Hiring digital marketing personnel and training employees in

digital skills improve customer services and service quality
Processes Use of automated CRM system improves customer engagement
and customer knowledge. Process and service automation will be
implemented to improve customer experience through
communication channels and service delivery this system will
however connect customers social platforms, emails and digital
platforms to facilitate improved customer engagements and
Physical appearance Improving online appearance of digital platforms helps to attract
and retain visitors or users. It improves time spent and
conversion in terms of online sales.

Task 2e Critical success factors

Critical success Explanation
Consistency Ability to meet promise or assurance
Cost Integration of offline and online tools in a cost-effective way
Coverage Ensure the digital media channels use reach the key customer
Complementarity Marketing communications tools must support each other. They
should speak with single voice
Service quality Ensure their transparency, online security, good communication,
responsiveness and customer courtesy
Team work Management, employees and external agents must have shared
objectives and cooperation
Reward system Employees must be given incentives for their innovations and

Task 2f Justification of measures and how results influence continuous improvement plan

Metrics Justification
Customer satisfaction Help to evaluate the quality of products and services.
metrics (customer gain,
retention and loyalty)
Financial metrics (Sales This helps to have sales attribution assessment. To understand
and return on which channels and marketing tools are generating revenue
marketing investment)
Brand awareness Helps to understand brand knowledge that is brand recognition
metrics (brand visibility and brand image.
and recall)
Digital marketing To understand the most effective digital media channel that is
metrics (visitors, users, needed by key segment
followers, engagement
level, PPC, CPM,
bounce rate and
Web analytics (Google These technologies provide extensive, comprehensive and
analytics, email accurate digital metric dashboard which relevant to specific
monitor and social channels
media analytics)
Offline and online Help to obtain customer feedback. Instore surveys are
surveys convenient and helps to reach offline customers

Continuous Improvement Plan

Deming cycle, Sydle, (2024)
The Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle also known as the Deming cycle will be applied, it is a
systematic process for gaining valuable learning and knowledge for the continual
improvement of a product, process or service The W. Edwards Deming Institute (n.d) .The
PDSA cycle will allow PCD to learn from their actions, make data-driven decisions and
continuously improve their product portfolio for sustained business growth.
Plan The metrics will assist in developing future marketing objectives,
strategies, tactics and action plan
Do The organization is able to make improvements on
implementation plan for example budgeting, risk management
and selection of the right methods of monitoring perfomance
Study Helps to analyze the results by having objective and quantitative
parameters needed in order to properly assess process
improvement and quality standards and to compare them to
previous cycles
Act The metrics help to take proper corrective action

Reference List
Chaffey,D and Chadwick, F. E, (2019). Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. 7 th
Ed. UK. Pearson.

Keller.K.L, (2013).Strategic Brand Management, Second Edition. London.Pearson

Kotler and Armstrong, G (2016). Principles of Marketing.10th Ed. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.


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