Anandraj Et Al. - 2008 - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science The Recovery of Microalgal Production and Biomass in A South African Temp
Anandraj Et Al. - 2008 - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science The Recovery of Microalgal Production and Biomass in A South African Temp
Anandraj Et Al. - 2008 - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science The Recovery of Microalgal Production and Biomass in A South African Temp
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Mouth breaching is a recurrent event in temporarily open/closed estuaries (TOCEs). Such disturbances
Received 14 February 2008 result in flushing and sediment scouring, reducing the microalgal biomass stock. The depletion of these
Accepted 30 May 2008 microalgae may have negative repercussions in the form of depleted stocks of commercial fish, game fish,
Available online 7 June 2008
crustaceans and mollusks. The aim of this investigation was therefore: (1) to monitor the recovery of
microalgal biomass and production following a breaching event; and (2) to determine the key envi-
Keywords: ronmental parameters influencing primary production during the open and recovery phases. Phyto-
primary production
plankton and benthic microalgal production was measured (14C-uptake method) successively during the
benthic microalgae
closed, open and recovery phases of the Mdloti TOCE (South Africa). Upon breaching, 94–99% of
temporarily open/closed estuaries microalgal biomass was washed out to sea through flushing and sediment scouring. A temporary
South Africa recovery of phytoplankton and benthic microalgal biomass was observed during the open phase, but this
was not sustained because of continual flushing and scouring of the sediment. During the re-closure
(recovery phase), microalgal biomass immediately increased, reaching pre-breaching levels 35–40 days
following the breaching event. In contrast to biomass, autochthonous pelagic primary production
reached a maximum level (341 mg C m2 h1) during the open phase. Pelagic primary production nor-
malized to biomass (PB) significantly increased during the open phase. This is attributed to a favorable
combination of optimum light conditions, high influx of macronutrients and high water temperatures
(33 C). Similarly, benthic primary production normalized to biomass (PB) peaked during the open phase
(35 mg C mg chl-a1 h1). Multivariate analysis showed that major variations in primary production were
mainly controlled by temperature, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to phosphorus (DIP) molar ratios
(water-column and pore-water) and light extinction (Kd), all of which were regulated by the state of the
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0272-7714/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
600 A. Anandraj et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (2008) 599–606
12 Sept. 03
02 Oct. 03
22 Oct. 03
11 Nov. 03
01 Dec. 03
21 Dec. 03
10 Jan. 04
30 Jan. 04
19 Feb. 04
10 Mar. 04
30 Mar. 04
19 Apr. 04
2.3. Statistical analyses
3. Results
Table 1
Physico-chemical parameters (min–max) measured for the closed, open and
recovery phases. The data are pooled for the lower, middle and upper reaches of the
Mdloti Estuary
26 Sept. 03
14 Nov. 03
17 Feb. 04
24 Feb. 04
05 Mar. 04
29 Mar. 04
06 Apr. 04
12 Apr. 04
sandbar breached twice during this period; a complete breaching ANOVA, p < 0.001) and recovery phases (0.03–21) (Tukey’s HSD,
took place on 11 February and reduced the average water depth p < 0.05). Similarly, pore-water molar ratios of DIN:DIP were sig-
inside the estuary to 0.5 m, while a partial breaching (constricted nificantly higher during the open (3–2364) phase compared to the
mouth) occurred on 17 February 2004. Prior to breaching, the es- closed (0.5–9) (two-way ANOVA, Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.0001) and
tuary remained closed for most of the year, with an average rainfall recovery phases (0.3–1406) (two-way ANOVA, Tukey’s HSD,
of 89 mm recorded during the months of September–November p < 0.05).
2003. During the closed phase, the maximum water depth was
3.4 m. The average monthly rainfall during the recovery phase was 3.2. Microalgal biomass and production
39 mm and at the end of this period, 56 days after the breaching
event, the average water depth was 2 m (lower reaches). During the closed phase (12 Sept.–14 Nov. 2003), phytoplankton
The theoretical euphotic depth was often deeper than the total biomass ranged from 3 (upper reaches) to 96 mg chl-a m2 (lower
water depth during the study period. It ranged from 1 to 14 m, from reaches) (Fig. 3). Two weeks prior to breaching, phytoplankton
0.2 to 92 m and from 1 to 4 m during the closed, open and recovery biomass averaged 49, 76 and 48 mg chl-a m2, and benthic micro-
phases, respectively. The light extinction coefficient, Kd, ranged algal concentrations averaged 57, 195 and 109 mg chl-a m2 in the
from 0.05 to 21 m1 during the open periods, in conjunction with lower, middle and upper reaches, respectively (Fig. 4). The benthic
an increase in silt loading, with the bottom PAR ranging from 7 to (10 mm cores) microalgal biomass was significantly higher than
697 mmol m2 s1 (Fig. 2). Kd decreased during the closed phase, that of the pelagic compartment (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05).
varying between 0.3 and 3 m1 in response to the settling of the Pelagic primary production ranged from 21 (upper reaches) to 96
sediment. At this stage, bottom PAR ranged from 7 to (middle reaches) mg C m2 h1. When normalized to chl-a (pelagic
50 mmol m2 s1. During the recovery phase, Kd varied between 1 PB), these values ranged from 0.8 (lower reaches) to 4 mg C mg chl-
and 4 m1, while bottom PAR ranged from 2 to 90 mmol m2 s1. a1 h1 (middle and upper reaches) (Fig. 5). Benthic primary pro-
Salinity was highest during the open phase, ranging from 1 duction ranged from 0.06 (lower reaches) to 7 mg C m2 h1 (upper
(upper reaches) to 31 (lower reaches). The closed phase was reaches) and from 0 to 0.34 mg C mg chl-a1 h1 (upper reaches)
marked by low salinity at all three reaches (<1). During the when normalized to chl-a (Fig. 6).
recovery period, salinity ranged from 0.9 (upper) to 2.5 (middle). Regarding the open phase (13 Feb.–5 Mar. 2004), 2 days after
Water temperatures during the closed phase ranged from 20 to breaching, the sub-surface phytoplankton biomass averaged 3, 4
24 C, increasing to a maximum of 33 and 26 C during the open and 5 mg chl-a m2 for the lower, middle and upper reaches,
and recovery phases, respectively. respectively, experiencing a 94% loss in total biomass. A rapid
Molar ratios of pelagic DIN:DIP were significantly higher during
the open phase (1–283) than during the closed (0.01–15) (two-way
lower middle upper
lower middle upper
Pelagic PB (mg C chl-a-1 h-1)
Benthic chl-a (mg m-2)
200 20
100 10
12 Sept. 03
19 Sept. 03
26 Sept. 03
10 Oct. 03
14 Nov. 03
13 Feb. 04
17 Feb. 04
20 Feb. 04
24 Feb. 04
27 Feb. 04
05 Mar. 04
23 Mar. 04
29 Mar. 04
02 Apr. 04
06 Apr. 04
08 Apr. 04
12 Apr. 04
15 Apr. 04
12 Sept. 03
19 Sept. 03
26 Sept. 03
10 Oct. 03
14 Nov. 03
13 Feb. 04
17 Feb. 04
05 Mar. 04
23 Mar. 04
29 Mar. 04
02 Apr. 04
06 Apr. 04
08 Apr. 04
12 Apr. 04
15 Apr. 04
20 Feb. 04
24 Feb. 04
27 Feb. 04
Fig. 5. Temporal variations in pelagic primary production normalized by chlorophyll-
Fig. 4. Temporal variations in benthic chlorophyll-a (average SD) at the lower, a (average SD) at the lower (black bars), middle (white bars) and upper (grey bars)
middle and upper reaches for the closed (solid line, 12 Sept–14 Nov 2003), open reaches. Closed phase (solid line, 12 Sept.–14 Nov. 2003), open phase (dotted line, 13–
(dotted line, 13–27 Feb. 2004) and recovery phases (solid line, 23 Mar.–15 Apr. 2004). 27 Feb. 2004) and recovery phases (solid line, 23 Mar.–15 Apr. 2004).
A. Anandraj et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (2008) 599–606 603
1.4 40
lower middle upper
Benthic PB (mg C mg chl-a -1 h-1)
0 0
12 Sept. 03
19 Sept. 03
26 Sept. 03
10 Oct. 03
14 Nov. 03
13 Feb. 04
17 Feb. 04
20 Feb. 04
24 Feb. 04
27 Feb. 04
05 Mar. 04
23 Mar. 04
29 Mar. 04
02 Apr. 04
06 Apr. 04
08 Apr. 04
12 Apr. 04
15 Apr. 04
Fig. 6. Temporal variations in benthic primary production normalized by chlorophyll-a (average SD) at the lower (black bars), middle (white bars) and upper (grey bars) reaches.
Closed phase (solid line, 12 Sept–14 Nov 2003), open phase (dotted line, 13–27 Feb. 2004) and recovery phases (solid line, 23 Mar.–15 Apr. 2004). Data for the lower and middle
reaches are shown on the primary Y-axis and on the secondary Y-axis for the upper reaches.
temporary build-up of the phytoplankton stock was evident 6 days phase (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.001). Benthic microalgal biomass levels
after breaching (17 Feb.), ranging from 31 (upper reaches) to ranged from 15 (upper reaches) to 355 (middle reaches) mg m2.
73 mg chl-a m2 (middle reaches) (Fig. 3). For the entire duration of Tukey’s HSD post hoc test showed a significantly higher benthic
the open phase, water-column integrated microalgal biomass microalgal biomass during the closed and recovery phases
ranged from 1 (upper reaches) to 88 mg m2 (lower reaches) (p < 0.001) compared to the open phase. Similarly, Tukey’s HSD
(Fig. 3). The nanophytoplankton fraction dominated the pelagic post hoc test showed a significant decrease in benthic microalgal
biomass (85%) during this period. Tukey’s HSD post hoc analysis biomass from the closed to the open phase (p < 0.05) with a sig-
showed that benthic microalgal biomass had decreased drastically nificant increase from the open to the recovery phase (p < 0.001).
when the estuary breached (p < 0.05) with levels dropping to During the recovery period, pelagic primary production varied
1 mg chl-a m2 2 days after the initial breaching, i.e. a 99% loss of between 5 (upper reaches) and 115 (middle reaches) mg C m2 h1
biomass. A build-up of the benthic microalgal stock was evident 7 and pelagic PB from 0.2 (upper reaches) to 1.5 (middle reach-
days after the second breaching event when benthic biomass es) mg C mg chl-a1 h1. Both maximum and minimum rates of
attained levels of 58 (upper reaches)–136 mg chl-a m2 (middle benthic primary production were recorded in the middle reaches
reaches). For the duration of the open phase (21 days), benthic (0.06–3 mg C m2 h1). Benthic PB ranged from 0 (upper reaches) to
microalgal biomass ranged from 0.8 (lower reaches) to 316 (upper 0.1 mg C mg chl-a1 h1 (upper reaches). Pelagic primary pro-
reaches) mg m2. duction showed no significant differences between stations
Pelagic primary production ranged from 0.8 (upper reaches) to (p > 0.05) but was significantly higher during the closed than the
341 (middle reaches) mg C m2 h1 and pelagic PB from 0.4 (lower open phase (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.05) only. However, pelagic PB was
reaches) to 59 (upper reaches) mg C mg chl-a1 h1. The maximum significantly higher during both closed and open phases compared
rate of benthic primary production was recorded in the upper to the recovery phase (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.001). Benthic PB was
reaches (16 mg C m2 h1) and the minimum in the lower reaches significantly higher during the breaching period than in the closed
(0.05 mg C m2 h1). Benthic primary production normalized to (p < 0.05) and recovery phases (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.001).
chl-a (benthic PB) ranged from 0 (lower and middle reaches) to
35 mg C mg chl-a1 h1 (upper reaches) (Fig. 6). 3.3. Relationships between biomass, primary production
During the recovery phase (23 Mar.–15 Apr. 2004), phyto- and environmental parameters
plankton biomass ranged from 16 (lower reaches) to 112 (lower
reaches) mg chl-a m2 and once again was dominated by nano- From the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), applied to the
phytoplankton (62%). Phytoplankton biomass was significantly benthic and pelagic parameters, factors one (F1) and two (F2)
higher during the recovery and closed phases compared to the open explained approximately 64 and 66% of the total variance,
604 A. Anandraj et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (2008) 599–606
-1.0 and benthic microalgal biomass were reached 35–40 days follow-
-1.0 -.5 0.0 .5 ing breaching, respectively. The re-closure of the mouth precluded
further losses of microalgae through flushing and scouring, thereby
promoting biomass accumulation. The mainly flagellated nano-
plankton cells, which also dominated this phase, can propel
Pore water DIP
themselves towards zones of greater light intensities (Kirk, 1994)
.5 and so may attain a much higher biomass than micro-
phytoplankton. Furthermore, the high surface area to volume ratio
of nanoplanktonic algae would allow them to compete more effi-
Depth ciently in the reduced light conditions that occurred during the
recovery phase. The maximum concentration of phytoplankton
Pore water DIN Temperature
biomass was actually recorded 6 days after mouth re-closure and
benthic microalgal biomass peaked at 355 mg chl-a m2 (middle
-.5 reaches), 20 days after re-closure of the mouth. The biomass of
phytoplankton was generally lower than that of the benthic
microalgae, as recorded in previous studies (Nozais et al., 2001;
Perissinotto et al., 2003; Anandraj et al., 2007). At the onset of the
-1.0 recovery phase, benthic PB significantly decreased (two-way
-1.0 -.5 0.0 .5 1.0
ANOVA, p < 0.001) as a consequence of a drop in pore-water
Component 1
DIN:DIP molar ratios, water temperature and bottom PAR. Although
Fig. 7. Principal Component Analysis ordination of the physico-chemical parameters pore-water nutrient loading was always above the Redfield ratio
for the pelagic (A) and benthic (B) regions of the Mdloti Estuary. (16:1), benthic PB remained low because of a poor light regime at
A. Anandraj et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (2008) 599–606 605
Table 2
Pearson r and partial correlation coefficients in brackets of pelagic primary production (PPP), pelagic production normalized by biomass (PPPB), benthic primary production
(BPP) and benthic primary production normalized by biomass (BPPB), pelagic principal components (pelagic PC 1 and 2) and benthic principal components (benthic PC 1 and 2)
with environmental variables (pooled data, n ¼ 45) in the Mdloti Estuary. ***p < 0.0001, **p < 0.005, *p < 0.05
the sediment surface. Alternatively, the slurry technique used may in previous studies, the main controlling factors of primary pro-
have induced photoinhibition of shade adapted benthic microalgae. duction are light (Alpine and Cloern, 1988; Barranguet et al., 1998;
Similarly, these sub-optimal conditions significantly lowered Perkins et al., 2001), temperature (Blanchard et al., 1996; Guarini
pelagic PB compared to the open phase (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.001). et al., 1997; Morris and Kromkamp, 2003) and nutrients (Sundbäck
During the recovery phase, both pelagic and benthic PB significantly et al., 2004). These environmental parameters influence primary
decreased, as the corresponding biomass increased. This may be production both individually and collectively in a synergistic way
attributed to re-suspended phytoplankton cells, which contributed (Kocum et al., 2002; Anandraj et al., 2007).
to an increase in Kd and subsequently reduced light availability. In conclusion, the recovery of estuarine primary production and
Alternatively, the decrease in primary production may be the biomass following a breaching event seems to be primarily influ-
consequence of a decline in growth because of reduced nutrient enced by the state of the mouth, which in turn influences envi-
availability. This has been shown in a previous study (Han and ronmental parameters. Optimum light, temperature and nutrient
Furuya, 2000). The recovery phase may therefore represent the levels of the open phase stimulate microalgal primary production,
period when microalgal primary production returns to pre- but continuous flushing and sediment scouring preclude the build-
breaching levels but not necessarily to maximum levels. up of microalgal biomass. Accelerated rates of primary production
During this study, the state of the mouth was primarily re- observed during the open phase stimulated growth of the seed
sponsible for regulating the recovery of microalgal primary pro- community of microalgae, replenishing lost stocks only upon re-
duction and biomass within the Mdloti Estuary. The area has an closure of the estuary’s mouth. The resilience of these benthic and
energetic wave climate with high rates of long-shore and cross- pelagic microalgae following a breaching event suggests that
shore sediment transport and steep, reflective beaches. This gives availability of food for benthic and pelagic grazers may be recon-
rise to a high berm, about 2 m above high tide levels. After stituted almost immediately following the re-closure of the estuary.
breaching, the rebuilding of the berm is controlled mainly by cross- Monitoring the recovery of a TOCE is complex, as the primary
shore sediment transport processes and the magnitude of the river indicators such as biomass, primary production and mouth state
flows (Stretch and Parkinson, 2006). The breaching characteristics may not necessarily recover in synchrony.
for this estuary are discussed by Stretch and Parkinson (2006).
During the open phase, tidal exchange flows are strongly influ- Acknowledgements
enced by the high wave run-up associated with the steep beach
slope. As the sandbar is regenerated, these exchange flows gradu- This project was supported by a grant from a Joint Venture
ally reduce and water levels within the estuary re-stabilize at levels Project between the National Research Foundation (NRF, Pretoria)
above mean sea level. The duration of the open phase (and time and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT).
required to rebuild the berm) may be very short (about 1 week) if We are grateful to Mark Olbers for his invaluable assistance in the
the river flows are low but can also be significantly extended by field. We thank two anonymous referees for their constructive
sustained high flows which contribute to scouring accumulated comments on the manuscript.
marine sediments from the mouth.
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