Week 4

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GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level Grade 12

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area

Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST QUARTER : WEEK 4


At the end of the lesson, the learners are At the end of the lesson, the learners are At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of the lesson, the learners are
expected to… expected to… are expected to… expected to…
1. recognize the roles and functions of 1. identify the specific work areas where 1. identify career opportunities for 1. identify the rights, responsibilities, and
counselors. counselors work. counselors. accountabilities of counselors.
2. recite the roles and functions of 2. show the work settings of counselors. 2. describe the work-related 2. distinguish between ethical and
counselors. 3. explore the importance of the different opportunities for counselors under unethical behavior of counselors.
3. appreciate the unique roles and areas of specialization where counselors different settings. 3. value the rights, responsibilities, and
functions of counselors by answering work. 3. value the importance of the different accountabilities of counselors.
the WH questions and using the graphic career opportunities intended for
organizer counselors.
Professionals and Practitioners in Counseling
A. Content Standard
Undertake participant observation (e.g., a day in a life of a counselor) to adequately document and critique their roles, functions,
B. Performance Standard and competencies.
C. Learning 1. Show understanding of the roles and 2. Identify specific areas in which counselors 3. Identify career opportunities for 4. Value rights, responsibilities, and
Competency/Objectives functions of counselors. work. counselors. accountabilities.
Write the LC code for HUMSS_DIASS12-Ic-6 HUMSS_DIASS12-Ic-7 HUMSS_DIASS12-Ic-8 HUMSS_DIASS12-Ic-9
each. 5. Distinguish between ethical and un
ethical behaviors among counselors.
Deped Module Deped Module Deped Module Deped Module
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Dela Cruz et. al. Discipline and Ideas in Dela Cruz et. al. Discipline and Ideas in Dela Cruz et. al. Discipline and Ideas in Dela Cruz et. al. Discipline and Ideas in
3. Textbook pages Applied Social Sciences Book. 2016.pp. Applied Social Sciences Book 2016.pp. 38- Applied Social Sciences Book 2016.pp. Applied Social Sciences Book 2016.pp.
35-38 39 39-40 41-45
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w Instructional materials: https://www.google.com.ph/sear ch? Magna Carta for Guidance Counselor
ASNE6UebM 1.Power point presentation q=roles+and+functions+of+c
https://www.google.com.ph/searc h? 2.Visual aids ounselor&source=lnms&tbm=isc Instructional materials:
q=roles+and+functions+of+cou h&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNuMiP 1.Power point presentation
nselor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&s qPbTAhXEyrwKHZI4AikQ_AUIB 2.Visual aids
a=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNuMiPqPbT igB&biw=1366&bih=651#tbm=is
AhXEyrwKHZI4AikQ_AUIBigB&bi ch&q=different+career+opportun
B. Other Learning Resource w=1366&bih=651#spf=14950030 35079 ities+of+counselor&spf=149500
Instructional materials:
1. Power point presentation Instructional materials:
2. Visual aids 1. Power point presentation
2. Visual aids
3. Comic strip
4. Magazines and other journals
(3 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
Picture analysis: Processing questions: Guessing game: Dora the Explorer. Drill: Ask: What is the significance of Code of
1. What are the roles and functions of Instructions: Oral recitation At least 5 students will Ethics in a profession?
counselors in relation to their level of 1. Student will be asked to look and explore be asked to name some of the career Ask: What are the examples of ethical
competencies? their imaginary backpack full of the roles opportunities intended for counselors. and unethical behaviour of a professional
2. How does a counselor perform his/her and functions of counselors; counselor?
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
roles and functions? 2. He/she will place one role and function in
presenting the new lesson
the graphic organizer divided into three
columns representing three settings where
counselors work.
3. Using a gray board the students will write
in one word or two their unique experience
in doing the activity.
B. Establishing a purpose for the (7 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Picture Analysis: (10 minutes)
lesson Video presentation about the different roles Puzzle Game Processing Information: Count Me in, Count Me Out: Will I Give
of school counselor: Instructions: 1. The students will be given 1. Describe the different career My Job or Not?
Do the following in your Journals: four pieces of papers to write some roles opportunities for counselors. Instructions:
1. What part of the video clip becomes and functions under specific work setting 2. Ask the students: Using the pictures, 1. The class will be divided into two. The
appealing to you? they remember from the previous activity, identify the career opportunities for first group will choose, “quit the job.” The
2. Identify some of the roles and functions 2. The students will work in dyad using the counselors (the students will be asked second group will choose “stay on the
of counselors shown in the video. four pieces of paper. to answer per group of A for boys and B job.”
3. Why do you think counselors must do 3. The pieces of paper will be broken down for girls) 2. Using the given situations answer the
their roles and functions based on level of into different small parts if needed to 3. Which among the pictures shown you following questions in a form of debate:
competencies? represent the most ideal roles and functions think best represent the type of Why? Which is more ethical? Why is it
of counselors for them. counselor you like? (ask at least two more ethical? Situations:
4. Each partner will try to reconnect the volunteer students) 3. In the area of counselling relationships
pieces of paper as clue to identify the ideal of Code of Ethics, it states that,
role and functions of their partner for a “Counselors should not have any serious
counselor. relationship with clients and do not
counsel person with whom they have
intimate relationship. counselor.
Counselor should not also engage in any
form of intimacies with former client
within a minimum of two years.”
4. If you are a counselor and you have
fallen in love with your client and your
client also fallen in love with you. Since,
it is unethical to pursue on the
relationship; you have to quit your job.
Your job is also important to you. Now,
what will be your decision?
C. Presenting examples/Instances (10 minutes) (5 minutes) 10 (minutes) (5 minutes)
of the new lesson 1. Present and discuss the different roles 1. Present and discuss the specific work 1. Present and discuss the career 1. Present the different Code of Ethics in
and functions of counselors base on areas where counselor work. (power point opportunities for counselors under the the counselling profession in terms of the
competencies (power point presentation) presentation) following work areas: seven section of Code of Ethics of
2. Ask: What are the different roles and 2. Ask: which of the areas of specialization 1.1 the school setting Counselor (Gladding, 2000)
functions of counselors? you think counselors can be more effective? a. school counselor 2. Ask: What are the rights,
How does counselor manage to do his/ her Why do you say so, explain your answer b. guidance counselor responsibilities, and accountabilities of a
unique roles which correspond to his/ her base on your own personal life-experience? c. teacher-counselor practicing counselor?
specific function? d. consultant Give examples.
If you are a counselor, what level of 1.2 the clinical setting
competency do you think would best suit a. clinical counselor
the kind of counselor who works for helping b. counseling therapist
adolescent to cope with problem c. consultant
behaviour? d. behavioral counselor
1.3 the industrial setting
a. human resource officer
b. trainer
c. Industrial counselor
d. Industrial consultant
e. counselor rehabilitation center
1.4 others
2. Ask: which among the presented
career opportunities for counselors do
you think will be easy for them to do?
Why do you say so? Cite some
practical examples?
(5 minutes) (10 minutes)
Discussion on the roles and functions of (10 minutes) (5 minutes) Will I Report My Client or Not?
counselor by answering the WH question Integrative Game: Charade 1. In the area of confidentiality of the
D. Discussing new concepts and using the graphic organizer. Fact or Bluff: Code of Ethics, there is a portion on
practicing new skills # 1 client’s right to privacy. What if the
1. The class will be divided into five Instructions: 1.
groups. The students will counselor, in his/her conversation with
2. For every grou peach member the client, found out that the client
answer in chorus
will be asked to role play any role accidentally killed a person, will you
the given report the client to police or not? Explain
and function of a counselor in
specific work area. questions using your answer.
Processing Questions: “Fact” as True 2. Get volunteers. The first two will get
1. If given a chance, which specific and “Bluff” as the position of disclosing the information
work areas would you like to work? False. to the right authorities. The other two will
Why? take the position of not disclosing the
2. How do you find the Counselor information to the authorities. What is
WHO WHAT WHERE WHY HOW your position? Why?
WHEN work of counselors under 3. Share your answer through the
different areas of specializations? debate.
4. Will I report? Or will I not report?

E. Discussing new concepts and (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes)

practicing new skills # 2 Deepening of discussion on roles and Further discussion Deepening of discussion Ask: Based on the debate, how did you
functions of counselors base on their 1. Present and discuss the different roles 1. Describe the different work come up with your opinion?
competencies. and functions of counselors under given opportunities for counselors (use visual
Group activity specific work areas (power point aids, journals, etc.)
Instructions: presentation). 2. Ask: What are some of the career
1. The class will be divided into five groups. 2. Ask: What are the roles and functions of opportunities for counselors under
2. Each group will role play any of the counselors under various areas of different work areas? Give some
following: specialization. examples.
2.1 Group 1 – Bullying 3. Group Activity: each student will discuss 3. Group Activity: Jigsaw Puzzle
2.2 Group 2 – Teenager’s Suicide to his/her group members his/her own list of Instruction:
2.3 Group 3 – Compulsive gambler the roles and functions of counselor base on 3.1 The students will assemble the cut
2.4 Group 4 – Battered wife areas of specialization. pictures; and
2.5 Group 5 – Poor academic performance 3.2 The students will determine the
specific career opportunities under
specialized work areas per work setting.
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
(10 minutes) Focus Group Discussion (FGD): Formative assessment: Grade as you Info-Test (1-10)
Oral discussion: What are the specific work areas of Go: Instructions: Instruction: In a 1/4 sheet of paper
Instructions: counselors? 1. The class will be called according to distinguish the situation if it is ethical or
1. The students will be asked to recite Which among the work areas of counselors their number in class record using the unethical behaviour of a professional
the roles and functions of counselors do you think is important to help you BINGO. counselors.
2. For every 1 function and role to be discover more about yourself? 2. The student will be asked on career
recited by the student it will Written Activity: opportunities for counselors (Nystul,
correspond to a point following the Reflection Instructions: 2003).
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) intended rubrics. 1. The students will make a short (5 to 10
sentences) reflection papers on the
1.1 my most significant learning about the
1.2 if given a chance to be a counselor,
what type of counselor would you like to be?
2. The reflection papers will be graded using
rubrics following specific criteria.
(5 minutes) (3 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
Ask: If you were to give opinion about the Ask: How do you think a school counselor Ask: If you will be given a chance to be Reflection
G. Finding practical application of important roles and functions of may help you resolve some of your personal a counselor today, what career Ask: If given a chance to work as a
concepts and skills in daily counselors, what would it be? issues and concerns? opportunities will you like to get and be counselor, do you think it will be easy for
living hired? Give your reasons (at least two you to follow and distinguish between the
to three reasons) ethical and unethical behaviors of a
H. Making generalizations and (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Instruction: Two students will be asked to
abstractions about the lesson Present a short video clips depicting the Self- Evaluation Instructions: Instruction: Two students will be asked summarize the topic discussed Guide
everyday roles and functions of counselors. 1. The students will write in their journal their to summarize the topic discussed. question:
Guide Questions: most significant learning about the topic Guide questions: 1. What is the significance of Code of
1. Ask: How do you see the importance of discussed. 1. What are different career Ethics in counselling profession?
the roles and functions of counselor? Do 2. The students will evaluate the learning opportunities for counselors? Expected generalization: The
you think that counselors have unique roles they have from the topic discussed where 2. Describe the work-related counselors’ primary responsibility is to
and functions than other professionals? “5” as the highest “1” as the lowest ( 5 – opportunities available for counselors respect the dignity and to promote the
Why do you say so? outstanding to 1 – poor or no learning at all) under different settings. welfare of clients. They are also
Expected generalization: There are expected to encourage client’s growth.
different types of career opportunities
available for counselors, such as career
in school setting, working as Guidance
Counselor (K-12 or Tertiary), teacher-
guidance, etc, for industrial setting
(counselors for rehabilitation centers
and others), as trainer, screening
officer, HR, etc., for clinical setting, they
can work as clinical counselors,
therapists and the like.
(7 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes)
1. Give at least 4 to 5 roles and functions of Topic Evaluation: Written activity: Essay test Instructions: Quiz No. 2 In a ½ crosswise sheet of
counselors Quiz No. 1 (1-10 items) Instruction: In a 1/4 1. Students will be given set of pictures paper, explain the rights, responsibilities,
2. Name at least some of the activities sheet of paper, ask the students to identity depicting the career opportunities for and accountabilities of counselors. (refer
conducted by counselors in your place which specific work areas counselors are counselors. to the given rubrics)
base on their unique roles and functions? usually employed (Clinical, Industrial and 2. Each student will say something
School settings). about the picture on how he/she can
I. Evaluating learning
1. Make an inventory of students” behavior relate to it.
profile. 3. Students will write a short narrative
2. Interview and do the criteria for the about the reason why they choose the
screening of applicants. picture and how they find it important on
3. Provide a diagnosis of a person with the basis of the career opportunities
personality problem. Etc. only counselors can do.

(3 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (5 minutes)

Additional Activity: The students will Assignment: Assignment: Additional Activity: The students will
interview a counselor working in different Instruction: Do the following Instruction: Make an advanced reading interview a registered guidance
settings (Clinical, Industrial, and School 1. research on the different career and follow the guide questions: counselor and ask the following
settings). opportunities for counselors. 1. search on the code of ethics for questions:
Guide Questions: 2. In your journal list down at least 5 to 10 counselors 1. What is the grimmest experience
1. How do you find yourself working as a career opportunities for counselors. 2. review the code of ethics for he/she encountered to his/her client?
Counselor? 3. Attach some pictures of work place of counselors. 2. How did you handle the situation?
J. Additional activities for
2. Why do you choose to work as a counselors.
application or remediation
Guidance, or Industrial or Clinical Reference: Magna Carta for Licensed
Counselor? Guidance Counselor book or any
3. What do you love most about your roles search engines.
and functions as Counselor?
4. What do you think are your
competencies unique to other professions?


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require


Encouraging students not to hesitate in asking the

Encouraging students not to hesitate in asking the part
Supervise the students on their activity. Knowing that Supervise the students on their activity. Knowing part of the lesson that they do not understand and
of the lesson that they do not understand and
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? the teacher is concern on what they are doing, this that the teacher is concern on what they are encouraging them to share their ideas as well.
Why did these work? encouraging them to share their ideas as well. This
made them do their best to come up with their best doing, this made them do their best to come up This made the teacher confident that 100% of the
made the teacher confident that 100% of the students
output. with their best output. students understand their lesson.
understand their lesson.
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

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