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SEUNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION ,WINNEBA c. the number of people in Ghana divided by the number of.

doctors in Ghana
FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES EDUCATION d. number of doctors divided by number of patients in Ghana
FIRST SEMESTER 2023/2024 ACADEMIC YEAR 7. When the in – migration is more than out – migration,the Net migration will be
MID-SEMESTER EXAMINATION a. Positive. b. negative
COURSE TITTLE: population and Development in Ghana SSE 231 b . Neutral c. Zero
Time allowed:35 minutes 8. Which of the following is not disadvantage of a decreasing population?
Instructions: This paper consists of 30 multiple choice and 10 True Or false questions. Answer all questions a. A large size of the labour force
on this question paper. b. A small size of the market
Student Index Number……………………………………………………..………….………. c. An increase in government expenditure on the aged
Programme of study…………………………………………………………………………… d. Poor expansion capacities of firms
Lecturer’s name……..……….………………………………………………………………... 9. Infant mortality rate does not include
1. Statistical factors that influence human population growth can be termed as a. Post Neonatal Mortality. c. neonatal Mortality
a. population census b. Child mortality. d. death before 6months
b. population 10. Net migration is the difference between
c. Demographics a. cross border migration c. Immigration and emigration
d. Demography b. fertility and migration. d. Mix migration and mid-year population
2. Population is defined as the number of people living in a geographical area in a given period. This 11. At the beginning of the 2023, the total population of Tutuka was one million. At the end of the year,
definition is Ghana statistical service announced that the average population between the start and the end of the year’s
a. Accepted as the field of demographic studies figure for Tutuka was one million five hundred and fifty thousand. This population figure of one million
b. Problematic because demographers define it as such five hundred and fifty thousand stand for …
c. Popular to the field of ecology population a. net population
d. Problematic because it is also means inhabitant and spices. b. mid a-year population
3. Dr. Afari Gyan was a hero in Ghanaian elections. Dr. Tweneboa Kodua therefore decidedto study all the c. total population
occurrences of several events of Dr. Afari Gyan’s lifetime .Dr. Tweneboa Kodua is doing … d. census population
a. life course analysis of Dr. Afari Gyan 12. Which of the following situations would the Ghana Health services exclude from the counting of
b. life span documentary of Dr. Afari Gyan mortality?.A pregnant woman died as a result of :
c. Personality population census of Dr.Afari Gyan a. Complications. c. Premature birth .
d. Dr. Afari Gyan memorial service b. negligence of a nurse. d,. Still birth
4. Ghana total population as a demographic datum is always obtained from its population and housing census. 13. High crude death and high crude birth rates are features of
Mention any other two sources of demographic data in Ghana. a. Over population
a. National population council and elections
b. Stage two of demographic transition theory
b. Sample surveys and research
c. Sample surveys and registration of vital events c. Stage one of the Demographic transition theory
d. Research and elections d. Poor healthcare delivery
5. What population census technique is also considered as counting by proxy?
14. The two main factors that account for differences in stages of Demographic Transition Model are
a. De jure census. c. De factor census
a. Malnutrition and poor healthcare. c. Migration and fertility
b. floating population census d. none of the above
b. Mortality and fertility m. d. fertility and fecundity
6. In a radio discussion, the panel members mentioned that doctor’s patient ratio in Ghana is too high. If
15. Which of the following elements of population growth can render Ghana’s Free SHS unbeneficial to
your elder brother who is illiterate ask you to explain the doctor patient ratio to him ,which of the
following statements will you use ?.It is
a. the Doctors – patients relationships in Ghana. a. High fertility rate d. High mortality rate among the ages
b. number of doctors divided by the number of people in Ghana
b. High emigration rate
c. High immigration rate
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16. Free maternal health care, national health insurance scheme, and free education to girls are all examples c. Population growth has no impact on economic development
of measures that can be taken to ensure anti-natalist population policy. This statement is d. The relationship between population growth and economic development is uncertain
a. true because they all gear towards reducing popopulation size 26. Under what circumstance will immigrants improve productivity of the host country? It is when they
b. true because they all gear towards increasing population size possess
c. false because free maternal health care is not in support of anti-natalist population policy a. alternative skills for production b. mechanic and chemical skills
d. false because education to girls is in support of pro-natalist population policy b. Complementary skills c. Superior skills
17. Positive out-migration can offset natural population in Ghana .This statement is
27. Which of the following factors does not influence fertility rate?
a. false because positive net migration worsens natural population decrease.
a. Economic development c. Access to family planning
b. false because negative net migration increases overall population
c. true because high rate of natural population increase can be offset by a large net out- migration b. Cultural and social norms d. Life expectancy
d. true because natural population increase can be countered by a low level of out-migration. 28. Which of the following situation is a consequence of rapid population growth?
18. “Age Specific Birth Rate depicts a true measure of fertility in a country “. This statement is: a. Decreased pressure on natural resources
a. true, because Age specific Birth Rate measures birth add to the population by the ages group b. Reduced demand for healthcare and education
between 20 to 25 c. Increased strain on infrastructure and services
b. false, because Age specific Birth Rate does not consider the all age structure . d. Lower rates of poverty and unemployment
c. false, because Age specific Birth Rate does not consider the sex structure 29. Which of the following conditions can be true about the relationship between population growth and
d. false, because Age Specific Birth Rate gives a picture of only certain group of people in a poverty?
population a. Population growth can lead to increased poverty
19. The Executive secretary of the National population council has recommended to Ghanaians to give birth b. Population growth can lead to decreased poverty
to a maximum of three children. Such a recommendation is known as an /a c. Population growth has no impact on poverty
a. Pro -natalist population policy. c. Indirect population policy
d. The relationship between population growth and poverty is unclear
b. anti -natalist population policy d . disincentive population policy
20. In general, rapid population growth has adverse effect on 30. All but one of the is a factor that influences population growth
a. The quality of the people a. High birth rate. c. Falling death rate
b. The development of the nation b. Early marriages. d. Contraceptive use
c. Water resources Indicate whether the following statements are true or false
d. The environment 31. Optimum population is favourable economic condition……………….
21. All the following are push factors of rural-urban migration except 32. Migration and natural population growth have no combine effect on economic condition of any
a. decline in rural settlement country…………………………….
b. lack of opportunities in rural areas 33. Karl max main argument to oppose the Malthusian population Theory was that technology can refute
c. attraction of modernity the laws of nature ………………..
d. Poor development infrastructure in rural areas 34. The rate of natural growth can be defined as Mortality rate minus crude birth rate……………….
22. When Lactation suppresses ovulation causes 35. When the death rate decreases and the birth rate increases ,natural population increases………………..
a. amenorrhea
36. Migration in Ghana involves brain drain……………..
b. high fecundity
37. Covid 19 was clear case of Malthus positive population check…...
c. Unwanted pregnancy
d. abortion 38. The operation of the vicious circle of poverty is as a result of high dependency burden …… ….
23. High population growth rate which occurs as a result of net in -migration is likely to lead to high 39. Youthful population pyramid contains more youth between the ages of 20 to 40 years than children
unemployment if the immigrants are and aged ………………….
a. Poor 40. When immigrants posses skills that are substitute to the skills of Ghanaian workers,it will increase
b. rich unemployment among Ghanaians….
c. Skillful and honest
d. from advance countries
24. The most significant factor driving population growth is …………….
a. Natural increase d. Net migration
b. Fertility rate
c. Aging population
25. How does population growth affect economic development?
a. Population growth stimulates economic growth
b. Population growth slows economic development
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