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Review article Prehľadný článok


O. V. Yezhova

Department of Engineering Training Theory and Methodology, HSE

Central Ukrainian Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University
Shevchenka str. 1, Kropyvnytsky, Ukraine
[email protected]

Abstract: The article investigates current state and perspectives of developing sewing nanotechnologies
in sewing cloths by analysing the peculiarities of textile nanotechnologies and the sphere of their
application. Theoretical and information analysis of the patents of the database World Wide EPO
according to the D01D and D06 classes has witnessed a considerable growth in the quantity of registered
patented inventions both in the ways of chemical nanofibre production as well as applying nano-treatments
for finishing textile fabrics. This fact gives us grounds to forecast a vivid growth of textile cloths production
with the help of innovative nanotechnologies in the nearest 10-15 years. This growth will concern not only
chemical fibre and thread production with the help of nanotechnologies, but it will also influence
the methods of finishing in textile cloths by means of the latter ones.
Keywords: textile nanocloths, chemical nanofibre, nano-treatment, prognosis, patent.

1 INTRODUCTION and have new qualities, function and application

Usage of science intensive technologies, namely
nanotechnologies, has gained a considerable priority Nanotechnologies are widely used in different
in textile material development. spheres: i.e. building industry, medical technology,
food production industry and colouring agents [3].
There are several definitions of the notion
Being created in 1986, this technology is considered
«nanotechnology», but we will provide only those
by some experts to be a new technological
of the international standards and organizations.
breakthrough. Jack Uldrich, one of the authors
Technical committee ISO/ТК 229 provides of the handbook in nanotechnologies, states that
the following definition to «nanotechnology» [1]: «nanotechnologies provide for quality improvement
1. Understanding and control of matter and of everything produced with their help» [4]. In March
processes at the nanoscale, typically, but not 2012 he presupposed nanotechnology market has
exclusively, below 100 nanometres in one reached 2.6 billion dollars by 2015.
or more dimensions where the onset of size- The aim of the article is to investigate current state
dependent phenomena usually enables novel and perspectives of developing sewing
applications, nanotechnologies in sewing materials by reaching
2. Utilizing the properties of nanoscale materials that the following objectives:
differ from the properties of individual atoms, - analysis of the current state of art
molecules, and bulk matter, to create improved in nanotechnology use during sewing items
materials, devices, and systems that exploit these production;
new properties.
- prognosis of the nanotechnologies development
According to the international standard [2], in textile material production on the basis
nanotechnology is a set of technological methods, of theoretical and information patents’ analysis.
applied while learning, projecting and producing
materials, devices and systems, including purposeful 2 QUALITIES OF SEWING NANOMATERIALS
control and management of constructing chemical AND THEIR APPLICATION
composition and interrelation between
certain elements of nanorange, out of which those Experts from the NanoPRO magazine introduce a list
systems consist. of advantages, inherent to nanotextile, that includes
their resistance to dirt accumulation, ability of self-
Nanomaterials – are the materials that have such
cleaning, antimicrobial qualities, and so-called
structural elements, geometrical sizes of which
«intelligent» perspectives, like implementation of sun
do not go beyond 100 nm at least in one direction
batteries, sensor indicators, and means of protection

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[5]. The spheres of their usage incorporate medical and resistance to chemical reagents. The sphere
industry, protective ware and casual clothes of such materials usage encompasses production
of improved quality. of special protective clothes against electromagnetic
At the same time, there is not so much research radiation, explosions and chemical substances.
on the risks of nanotechnologies to human health Filling chemical fibres with alumina nanoparticles
and ecology, underline Centres on disease increases their heat and electrical conduction, their
monitoring and prevention. Another statement worthy chemical activity and strength, protection against UV-
of attention concerns introduction of highly-dispersive radiation and fire. Such fibres are used for protective
powders, nano-tubes and other nano-elements into clothes production, e.g. helmets. Syntactical fibres,
the objects of immediate human use, which should filled with nanoparticles of metal oxides such as ТiO2,
not be only aimed at a desirable effect, but should Al2O3, ZnO, MgО, obtain as a result abilities
observe security demands and be economically of photocatalyst function, UV-protection, anti-microbe
appropriate [6]. characteristics, electrical conduction and dirt
The leader in the sphere of invention nanotextile resistance.
materials in the USA is believed to be Nano-Tex Superslim fibres (100 nanometers in diameter)
Company. owning to their high quantity of surface
Due to newly invented technologies of this company, area obtain increased capability of absorption.
materials obtain such qualities as additional fabric Research conducted in England, France, USA and
strength, dirt resistance, one-way water permeability Israel is focused on creation of protein fibres,
from the human body to the outer layer. More than restructuring spider’s web (up to 100 nanometers
80 textile factories are using such innovative in diameter). These light, flexible and strong fibres
materials, which are being supplied to more than 100 will be used in future for production of body armour,
clothes-wear manufacture brands [7]. surgical instruments, fishing rods etc.
Levi Strauss Company uses nanomaterials for 3.2 Use of nanosubstances in finishing of textile
gaining additional fabric elasticity, strength and some fibres
other qualities of their goods [3].
During the finishing nanoparticles are applied
Such clothes-wear brands as Tommy Hilfiger and in a form of nanoemulsion or nanodispersion.
Brooks Brothers are producing dirt-resistant trousers, This makes possible to provide fabrics with water-
shirts and ties [3]. and oil-resistance, low inflammability, dirt resistance,
Production of protective clothes for the employees softness, antistatic and antimicrobial effects, thermo
of nuclear power plants from the new polymer and shape stability, etc.
materials is one more aspect worthy of researching First nanomaterials for fibre evaporation, containing
[8]. silver particles, were produced and released
to the market by Du Pont firm [9]. Now much cheaper
3 TEXTILE NANOMATERIALS PRODUCTION means of finishing are being used for these
While fabrics production nanotechnologies are purposes.
applied in two directions: For example, Teflon finishing guarantees water-, oil-
1) in nanofibre production itself, and dirt resistant effects. At the same time,
nanoparticles do not constitute a barrier for pores
2) in finishing of traditional textile fibres and
of the material and it breathes well [10]. These
materials with the help of nanosubstances.
fabrics are widely used in interior textile production
3.1 Nanofibre production of furniture upholstery, curtains, tablecloths etc.
There are two ways nanofibres are being created: Due to the application of nanoemulsions, new cotton
1) by filling traditional polymers with nanoparticles textile materials have been created with the right side
of different substances; being water-, oil- and dirt resistant, and with
the reverse side staying hydrophilic, i.e. capable
2) by producing super-thing fibres (up to 100 to absorb water. Such materials are used for
nanometres in diameter). producing military, sports and manufacturing clothes.
Fibres filled with nanoparticles have been produced The following article [11] describes the technology for
since 1990 [9]. Such fibres are characterized by manufacturing of planar textile fabrics bonded
a less shrinking ability, diminished inflammability and by the perpendicular lying of polymer melt, where
increased resistance to tear and wear. These threads with nano-coating are probably to be used
characteristics can vary depending on in manufacturing process.
the composition of nanoparticles used.
The article [12] aims to introduce and compare
Carbon nanotubes are being widely used nowadays. spinning methods which are used to create
Fibres with nanotubes woven are 6 times stronger nanofibers and nanofibrous materials.
and 100 times lighter than steel. Additionally,
they may acquire capability to electrical conduction

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Thorough analysis of the perspective directions - «nano» as a key word in the title or in the abstract.
in textile material development for sewing industry Approximately 1753 results found in the Worldwide
allowed us to formulate a working hypothesis: in 10- database for: «nano» in the title or abstract and
15 years’ period of time fibre materials, made with D01D as the IPC classification. Previous search
the help of nano-technologies will be in prevailing resulted in the quantity of 1753 patents in general.
use in future sewing industry. From 2007 till 2016, 1662 patents have been
registered, giving us grounds to consider this decade
4 МETHODOLOGY OF TEXTILE DEVELOPMENT to be an active development period of this branch
PROGNOSIS in material production. Analysis of the patents’
As it has been mentioned [13, p.30] all prognostic distribution according to the years has shown
methods can be divided into: a sweeping growth (by 3.3 times) in the quantity
of patented inventions from 2007 till 2016, – from 66
1) general scientific (or logical means);
to 220, and a slight decline in quantity from 2013 to
2) inter-scientific; 2014, compared with the year of 2012
3) purely scientific. (correspondently 193, 180 and 220 patents)
This research applies hereby inter-scientific method (Figure 1). As a result, our hypothesis, about positive
of extrapolation. This method is based perspectives for developing innovations in the sphere
on the assumption that, some defined tendency of chemical fibres and threads with the help of nano-
either in the past or in present will be true in future as technologies, has proved to be true, forecasting
well, as long as the causing factors do not change. considerable growth of this branch in future.
Analysis of patent information represents here one
of the kinds of scientific and technical development
prognosis with the help of extrapolation method.
In the second half of the ХХ century a technical
invention, described in the patent form was believed
to be introduced into serial industrial production
within 10-16 years [13, p. 56]. Anyhow there is no
verified scientific data proving this time frame today
in the world of highly technologically developed
economy. But there is a world tendency for the time
frame between invention and implementation into
practice to be shortened.
In accordance with the method of technical progress
prognosis on the basis of theoretical and information
patents’ analysis by V.A. Lisichkin [13, p. 72], last 6- Figure 1 Quantity of patents on the ways of producing
year period, named as ground time for prognosis, is chemical nano-fibres and finishing of textile materials with
considered. The first year of the period is believed to nano-treatment (according to the database World Wide
be crucial for defining a starting point. The number EPO retrieved on 24.04.2017)
of patents issued that year is taken as a basic
starting quantity and then compared with the quantity In order to check our working hypothesis in the part
of the patents in the following years. Depending on of finishing textile materials with the help of nano-
the decrease or increase in the patent quantity, technologies, we have conducted patent search
conclusion about positive or negative perspectives according to the class D06 «Treatment of textiles or
of the technological branch development is the like, laundering, flexible materials not otherwise
formulated. Namely this method, with time-frame provided for» with a key word «nano» in the title or
modification to 10 years, has been chosen in this abstract.
research for prognosis of innovative development
Previous search resulted in the following:
in sewing industry [14].
approximately 2367 results found in the Worldwide
database [15] for «nano» in the title or abstract and
D06 as the IPC classification. From the year 2007 till
In order to prove our working hypothesis in the part the year 2016, the quantity of registered patents
of chemical nano-fibre production we have constituted 2178, signalling vivid growth of this
conducted patent search according to the following branch in material production for the last decade
initial conditions: namely. Distribution year per year analysis
- class D01 «Natural or artificial threads or fibres, suggested swift (by 4.7 times) increase
spinning»; sub-class D01D «Mechanical methods in the quantity of patented inventions from the year
or apparatus in the manufacture of artificial of 2007 to the year of 2016 – from 88 to 402
filaments, threads, fibers, bristles or ribbons» [15]; inventions correspondently (Figure 1). As a result,
our hypothesis, about positive perspectives

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