English Exercises
English Exercises
English Exercises
3) Write the correct passive form of the following verbs according to the sentence (use
Am, Is, Are)
5) For each question, choose one word from the word list to complete the sentence. You
may need to change the form of the word.
1. On our bus service, the later you catch a bus, the ______ it is.
2. Harry's always so stressed about work and the ______ time he has for his family,
the more miserable they are.
3. The boss made it clear that the later the project was finished, the ______ the
punishments would be.
4. We have a special offer on at the moment. The ______ shoes you buy, the cheaper
they are per item.
5. This party is a disaster! The ______ people come, the more embarrassing it's going
to be.
6. James is an awful liar. The ______ his stories are, the more ridiculous he looks.
7. I want these t-shirts to be black. Really black, the blacker the ______!
8. What a crazy couple. The more he shouts, the ______ she screams!
6) Fill in the spaces using the prompts given. The first one has been done for you as an
8. The local council want all dog owners to _____________________ to reduce the
problem of strays. (dogs/tag)
9. I broke the heel on my shoe this morning and now I need to _____________________.
10. After the car accident, Cynthia _____________________ and looked as she did
before. (nose/reshape/famous plastic surgeon)
1. If you have __________ time, could you come and have a look at my computer. It's not
working very well.
2. She is quite poor. Ever since she lost her job last year, she's had __________ money.
3. I don't want any more wine, thank you. I have __________ here.
4. Jack has __________ friends and is often at home alone. I worry about him, you know.
5. You know __________ people here, don't you? I'll leave you to chat.
6. That new employee is great. She asked me __________ questions at the start and, since
then, seems to need __________ help. A very independent type!
7. I have __________ patience for your stupid questions Smithers. Now tell me what you
want and stop wasting my time.
9. "How many extra chairs do you need for the dinner tonight?" "__________. We have
almost all the chairs we need."
10. This hotel is __________ better than the one where we were last year! I don't know
why we changed!
8) Rewrite each of these sentences using either "make" or "let". Make sure the tense is
1. If you are in the military, you need permission before leaving the base.
2. Tommy's physics teacher told him his homework was poor and he had to do it again.
5. Dave, give your brother a go on the game. You've had it for an hour!
6. We're not allowed in that field. The farmer gets really angry.