Insight Link 6 - Word List (20220630)

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Insight Link L6

Vocabulary List
Insight Link L6

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Lesson 1 What Do Plants Eat?

No. Word Meaning 뜻

1 survive verb to keep on living 생존하다

2 suspicious adjective feeling that something is wrong 의심스러운

3 conduct verb to do 하다

the act of watching and listening

4 observation noun 관찰

5 discover verb to learn something 발견하다

6 absorb verb to take in something 흡수하다

the main long part of a plant that

7 stem noun 줄기
supports the leaves and flowers

to let something, such as a gas, into

8 release verb 방출하다
the air

9 wonder verb to be curious about something 궁금해하다

to have an opinion about something

10 conclude verb 결론을 내리다
after thinking carefully about it

11 whole adjective complete 전체의

12 partially adverb not completely 부분적으로

a detailed study of something to find

13 research noun 연구
out new information about it

14 dry adjective not wet 마른

15 water verb to pour water on something 물을 주다

16 through preposition by using something ~을 통해

17 process noun a way to do something 과정

18 root noun the part of a plant that grows in dirt 뿌리

19 reach verb to arrive at ~에 이르다

20 magical adjective amazing 멋진

-2- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 2 George Washington Carver

No. Word Meaning 뜻

a person who is owned by another person

1 slave noun 노예
and has to work for them without pay

to try very hard to do something that is

2 struggle verb 투쟁하다

a person who has a lot of knowledge about

3 expert noun 전문가

the amount of something that is produced

4 yield noun 수확량
by a crop

5 recommend verb to suggest that someone do something 추천하다

6 enrich verb to improve the usefulness of something 비옥하게 하다

7 profitable adjective making money 수익성이 있는

to get permission from the government to

8 patent verb be the only person who can make/sell a 특허를 받다
product for a period of time

9 crop noun a plant grown by farmers 농작물

10 ruin verb to destroy 망치다

to present something to the world for the

11 introduce verb 소개하다
first time

12 diverse adjective different from each other 다양한

(학교 등에서) 받아
13 accept verb to allow someone to attend a school
주다, 입학시키다

14 graduate verb to earn a diploma/degree from a school 졸업하다

15 raise verb to take care of and teach a child 기르다

16 field noun an area of study 분야

17 decrease verb to become smaller in amount 감소하다

18 annually adverb every year 매년

19 experiment verb to try a new way of doing something 실험을 하다

20 invention noun a useful new product 발명품

-3- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 3 Leading the Fight against Food Waste

No. Word Meaning 뜻

to feel so hungry that one may become

1 starve verb 굶주리다
sick and/or die

something good that one has

2 achievement noun 업적
succeeded in doing

a group of people working together for

3 organization noun 단체
the same purpose

4 post verb to add a message on an online website 게시하다

5 unidentified adjective not able to tell what something is 정체불명의

to cause someone to do something by

6 persuade verb 설득하다
giving them reasons

7 quantity noun an amount of something 양, 수량

8 discard verb to throw away 버리다

to do something in order to achieve ~에 대해 조치를 취

9 take action phrase
something 하다

10 reduce verb to lower the amount of something 줄이다

11 cover verb to report news about something 취재하다

12 global adjective involving the whole world 세계적인

13 throw away phrase to put something in the trash 버리다

14 currently adverb at the present moment 현재

15 shock verb to be very surprised 충격을 주다

16 suggest verb to give an idea 제안하다

17 offer verb to give 제공하다

an amount of money taken from the

18 discount noun 할인
original sales price

the act of showing that one thinks

19 support noun 지지
something is a good thing

relating to things that are sold in large

20 bulk noun (큰) 규모

-4- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 4 The Case of Borneo

No. Word Meaning 뜻

a substance made by combining two

1 chemical noun or more different 화학 물질

2 concentrated adjective (of a substance) to make stronger 농축된

an animal that is killed by another

3 prey noun 먹이
animal for food

something that can cause someone

4 threat noun 위협

the number of a specific kind of

5 population noun 개체수
animal living in an area

6 delicate adjective easily disturbed 섬세한, 연약한

an animal that kills other animals for

7 predator noun 포식자

8 ecosystem noun everything in an environment 생태계

9 incredibly adverb extremely 엄청나게

10 deadly adjective causing death 치명적인

11 unintended adjective not planned 의도하지 않은

12 damage noun harm 손상

13 annoying adjective feeling a little angry 짜증스러운

14 absorb verb to take in something 흡수하다

15 increase verb to become greater in number 증가하다

16 control verb to limit the growth of something 제한하다

to put an amount of something onto

17 load verb 싣다
something else

18 drop verb to let something fall 떨어뜨리다

a state in which different things occur

19 balance noun 균형
in equal amounts

20 valuable adjective very important 소중한

-5- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 5 Why Does Wind Blow?

No. Word Meaning 뜻

1 spin verb to turn in a circle over and over again 회전시키다

2 heavy adjective having a lot of weight 무거운

the weight of the air in Earth's

3 pressure noun 압력

4 dense adjective having parts that are close together 빽빽한

the top layer of Earth, including water

5 surface noun 표면
and land

6 ability noun the skill to do something 능력

something that is completely different

7 opposite noun 반대
from something else

8 occur verb to happen 일어나다

9 space noun an amount of area that is empty 공간

to move very quickly in a specific

10 rush verb 급히 움직이다

11 be composed of phrase to be made of ~로 구성되어 있다

12 create verb to cause 창조하다

13 warm verb to make something hotter 데우다

14 empty adjective having nothing 비어 있는

15 leave verb to cause something to stay in a place 남기다

the amount by which things are not

16 difference noun 차이

17 farther adverb at a more distant place 더 멀리

18 toward preposition in the direction of something ~쪽으로

19 quickly adverb in a fast manner 빨리

the time when the sun is last seen in

20 sunset noun 해넘이
the evening

-6- (Korean) (English)
Insight Link L6

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Lesson 6 Wind Farms Going Offshore

No. Word Meaning 뜻

a form of energy that travels through

1 electricity noun 전기
wires and provides power

2 generate verb to create 발생시키다

3 renewable adjective can be replaced by nature 재생 가능한

4 plentiful adjective having a great quantity 풍부한

5 ruin verb to destroy 망치다

the features of an area of land, usually

6 landscape noun 풍경
in the countryside

7 solution noun an answer 해결책

8 productive adjective producing a lot 생산적인

9 require verb to need something 필요로 하다

10 downside noun a negative thing about something 불리한 면

11 steady adjective happening continuously 꾸준한

12 promising adjective likely to succeed 유망한

13 imagine verb to think of something that is not real 상상하다

14 attractive adjective being likable 매력적인

a material that creates heat or power

15 fuel noun 연료
when it is burned

making a lot of loud/unpleasant

16 noisy adjective 시끄러운

17 lead verb to bring somewhere 이끌다

18 possible adjective able to be done 가능한

19 type noun a specific kind of thing 유형

20 quite adverb very 꽤, 상당히

-7- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 7 Mobiles: Art in Motion

No. Word Meaning 뜻

to attach something from the top and

1 hang verb leave its other parts free to move 걸다
around in the air

2 sculptor noun a person who makes sculptures 조각가

3 wire noun a long, thin thread of metal 철사

4 connect verb to join together 연결하다

5 attach verb to be connected to 붙이다

6 interact verb to act together with something else 상호 작용을 하다

7 environment noun the surroundings something is in 환경

to make people very interested in

8 fascinate verb 매혹하다

9 gracefully adverb moving in a smooth and pleasing way 우아하게

10 significantly adverb in a noticeable way 중요하게

11 impact noun a strong influence 영향, 충격

12 view verb to look at something carefully ~라고 여기다

13 form noun a type of thing 종류, 유형

14 modern adjective of the present time 현대의

15 talent noun a special ability to do something well 재능

16 mechanical adjective dealing with machines 기계와 관련된

17 nevertheless adverb in spite of that 그렇기는 하지만

18 structure noun the way that something is built 구조

(of art) expressing ideas and emotions

19 abstract adjective through lines, shapes, and colors in a 추상적인
way that does not match real life

20 decade noun a period of ten years 10년

-8- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 8 The Origin of the Winds

No. Word Meaning 뜻

to make something by cutting into a

1 carve verb 조각하다
material, such as wood or metal

2 miraculously adverb in an amazing way 기적적으로

3 lively adjective full of energy 활기 넘치는

4 gust noun a sudden strong wind 돌풍

5 moist adjective a little wet 촉촉한

6 sweep verb to move quickly/powerfully 휘몰아치다

to make oneself ready for something

7 prepare verb 준비하다
that will happen later

8 satisfied adjective feeling pleased with something 만족하는

9 still adjective silent and not moving 고요한

to remove something that is hiding

10 uncover verb 덮개를 벗기다
something else

11 once in a while phrase sometimes 이따금

12 head verb to go toward 향하다

13 rough adjective not calm 거친

14 completely adverb totally 완전히

15 immediately adverb at once 즉시

16 freezing adjective very cold 추운

17 return verb to go back to a place 돌아오다

to do something that shows one's

18 honor verb 기리다, 기념하다
respect for somebody/something

19 bring verb to take something to a place 가져오다

something that has been done by a

20 tradition noun group of people for a very long time 전통
and has much meaning to them

-9- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 9 The History of Numerals

No. Word Meaning 뜻

a symbol that represents a number,

1 numeral noun 숫자
such as 1, 2, etc.

to write something down to be looked

2 record verb 기록하다
at again later

3 prevent verb to stop from happening 막다

to close something tightly so that

4 seal verb 봉하다
nothing can get out or in

5 ordinary adjective normal 평범한, 일반적인

6 complicated adjective hard to understand 복잡한

7 adopt verb to begin to use 택하다

8 standard noun a level of quality 기준

9 pouch noun a small bag 주머니

10 inconvenient adjective causing problems 불편한

11 mean verb to represent something 의미하다

to cause someone to learn about

12 introduce verb 소개하다
something for the first time

a piece of paper that is attached to a

13 price tag noun product and has the product's price 가격표
written on it

a picture that is used instead of words

14 symbol noun 기호, 상징
to mean something

a small object used to represent

15 token noun 토큰
something else

16 error noun a mistake 오류, 실수

17 represent verb to be a symbol of something 나타내다

18 ancient adjective from a very long time ago 고대의

19 develop verb to create 개발하다

20 including preposition having something as part of a group ~을 포함하여

- 10 - (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 10 The Curse of the Ninth

No. Word Meaning 뜻

something bad that happens to

1 curse noun 저주
someone as if by magic

a person who has been hurt by

2 victim noun 희생자
someone else

3 anticipate verb to look forward to something 고대하다, 기대하다

to think that something is responsible

4 blame verb ~을 탓하다
for something bad that has happened

5 previously adverb happening in the past 이전에

6 devise verb to think of a plan 궁리하다

7 affect verb to have power over something 영향을 미치다

a situation where things happen at the

8 coincidence noun 우연의 일치
same time by chance

9 discover verb to learn something 발견하다

10 fear verb to be afraid 두려워하다

11 beat verb to defeat something 이기다, 피하다

12 obviously adverb clearly 분명히

13 superstition noun a belief that is based on magic or fear 미신

14 believe verb to have trust in something 믿다

불행하게도, 유감스럽
15 unfortunately adverb sadly

16 actually adverb really 사실은

17 compose verb to create a song 작곡하다

18 officially adverb in a formal and public way 공식적으로

a person who is mentioned to help

19 example noun 예
explain what one is saying

20 wonder verb to be curious about something 궁금해하다

- 11 - (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 11 Player Numbers in Sports

No. Word Meaning 뜻

1 relationship noun the way in which two things are connected 관계

to put something somewhere so that people

2 display verb 드러내다
can see it

3 identify verb to know who someone is 알아보다

to notice what is different between

4 distinguish verb 구별하다

5 assign verb to give out something 부여하다, 배정하다

6 order noun the way something is organized in a series 순서

7 idol noun a greatly admired person 우상

a rule that does not allow people to do

8 restriction noun 제약

9 along with phrase together ~와 함께

10 match noun a game between two or more players/teams 경기

11 position noun a person's role on a team 위치, 자리

12 retire verb to stop working at a job 은퇴하다

13 jersey noun a shirt worn by a member of a sports team (운동 경기용) 셔츠

the name that is shared by the people from

14 last name noun 성
the same family

15 popular adjective being liked by many people 인기 있는

the person on a team who defends the

16 goalkeeper noun 골키퍼
soccer goal

17 decide verb to make a choice 결정하다

18 weigh verb to find how heavy something is 무게가 ~이다

(in soccer) a player whose main purpose is to

19 striker noun 공격수
score goals

to do something that shows one's respect for

20 honor verb 기리다, 기념하다

- 12 - (Korean) (English)
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Date: Name:

Lesson 12 A Day to Celebrate Pi

No. Word Meaning 뜻

1 celebrate verb to do something special 기념하다

2 infinite adjective neverending 무한한

the relationship between two things

3 ratio noun 비율
represented in numbers

4 mathematician noun an expert in math 수학자

5 calculate verb to find a number by using math 계산하다

describing something that is said in a public

6 official adjective 공식적인
way by someone in a position of power

7 spread verb to cover a wider area 퍼지다

to learn something so well that one can

8 memorize verb 암기하다
remember it perfectly

9 define verb to explain the meaning of something 정의하다

10 pick verb to choose 선택하다

11 come up with verb to think of an idea or way ~을 생각해내다

12 digit noun any of the numbers from zero to nine 자릿수

13 circumference noun the length of the line that goes around a circle 원주, 원둘레

a straight line that goes from one end to the

14 diameter noun 지름
other end and goes through a center point

15 exist verb to be real 존재하다

16 hold verb to have an event 개최하다

to walk with others at the same speed and

17 march verb 행진하다
with the same body movements

making one want to learn more about

18 interesting adjective 흥미로운

an event in which people try to win by being

19 contest noun 대회
better than others

to try to win something that other people also

20 compete verb 경쟁하다

- 13 - (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 13 Our Solar System and Its Planets

No. Word Meaning 뜻

all of space and everything in it, such as

1 universe noun 우주
stars, planets, etc.

a large round object in space, such as

2 planet noun 행성
Earth, that travels around a star

to travel around a planet, sun, etc. in a

3 orbit verb 궤도를 돌다
curved path

4 inner adjective located toward the inside of something 내부의

5 trap verb to stop something from escaping 가두다, 끌어모으다

harsh weather conditions that can include

6 storm noun 폭풍
very strong wind, heavy rain, etc.

7 rotate verb to move in a circle around a fixed center 회전하다

8 quality noun a feature that something has 특성, 자질

9 huge adjective very big 거대한

10 divide verb to split into two or more parts 나누다

11 respect noun a way of thinking about something 측면

12 plentiful adjective having a great quantity 풍부한

13 wonder verb to be curious about something 궁금해하다

14 solar adjective relating to the sun 태양의

15 surface noun the top layer of a planet 표면

describing air that is suitable for living

16 breathable adjective 호흡하기에 적당한
things to breathe

a measurement of how hot or cold

17 temperature noun 온도
something is

the amount by which things are not

18 difference noun 차이

19 well-known adjective being known by many people 잘 알려진

20 amazing adjective causing great surprise/wonder 멋진, 놀라운

- 14 - (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 14 The Tradition of Naming Planets

No. Word Meaning 뜻

1 visible adjective able to be seen 눈에 보이는

a special long tube that people look

2 telescope noun through to see things that are very far 망원경

a person who studies the stars, planets,

3 astronomer noun 천문학자
and other things in space

4 suggest verb to give an idea 제안하다

5 traditional adjective following old ways 전통적인

to make a statement about something in

6 predict verb 예측하다
advance that is based on reason/facts

7 practice noun something that is a habit/tradition 관행, 관례

8 international adjective involving more than one country 국제적인

to use facts or ideas to develop

9 based on phrase ~에 근거하여

10 spread verb to cover a wider area 퍼지다

11 nowadays adverb at the current time 요즘에는

12 handle verb to deal with something 다루다

13 unusual adjective weird or special 특이한

able to be seen with just one's eyes, no

14 naked eye noun [the ~] 육안
devices needed

a person who delivers a message from

15 messenger noun 전달자
one person to another person

16 century noun a period of one hundred years 100년, 세기

17 observe verb to watch something carefully 관측하다

18 location noun a place 위치

19 object noun a thing 물체

a group created by people with the same

20 union noun 연합

- 15 - (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 15 The Voyager Golden Records

No. Word Meaning 뜻

1 launch verb to shoot something into space 발사하다

2 explore verb to travel to learn more about a place 탐험하다

3 mission noun a flight by a spacecraft 임무

to place information in something,

4 store verb 저장하다
such as a disc, computer, etc.

5 academic adjective relating to education 학문적인

6 transportation noun a way of traveling from place to place 교통수단

7 contain verb to include 포함하다

8 content noun the things that are in something 내용

9 numerous adjective many 많은

to get things from different places and

10 collect verb 모으다
put them in the same place

11 encounter verb to meet 마주치다

12 cosmic adjective relating to the universe 우주의

13 spacecraft noun a vehicle used for travel in outer space 우주선

to give information to another person

14 communicate verb 의사소통을 하다
by talking, writing, etc.

15 alien noun a creature that is not from Earth 외계인

to cause someone to learn about

16 introduce verb 소개하다
something for the first time

(referring to chemistry) a series of

17 formula noun letters, symbols, and numbers that 공식
represent the chemicals in a substance

the features of an area of land, usually

18 landscape noun 풍경
in the countryside

a system of communication that

19 language noun 언어
consists of speech and writing

20 float verb to be carried along by water 떠다니다

- 16 - (Korean) (English)
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Date: Name:

Lesson 16 Space Laws

No. Word Meaning 뜻

1 discuss verb to talk about something with someone 논의하다

to create something, such as an

2 establish verb 설립하다
organization, place, etc.

3 prohibit verb to not allow something to happen 금지하다

to take control of a place through military

4 occupy verb 차지하다

to take control of a place and send

5 colonize verb 식민지로 만들다
people to live there

6 state verb to express something in a formal way 명시하다

having the job of taking care of

7 responsible adjective 책임이 있는

8 obtain verb to get 얻다, 입수하다

9 treaty noun an official agreement between countries 조약

10 principle noun a rule 원칙

11 ban verb to not allow people to do something 금하다

12 concerning preposition being about something ~에 관한

a rule created by the government of a

13 law noun 법

14 technology noun machines that are used to solve problems 기술

15 improve verb to become better 개선되다

16 astronaut noun a person who travels into outer space 우주 비행사

relating to the army, air force, marines, or

17 military adjective 군사의

18 benefit noun a good or helpful thing 이익

19 advanced adjective well developed 선진의, 앞선

a valuable substance that is formed

20 mineral noun 광물
naturally in the ground

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- 18 - (Korean) (English)

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