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( 12) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No.: US 11,465,557 B2

Mitchell et al . (45 ) Date of Patent : Oct. 11 , 2022
( 54 ) VEHICLE LATCH WITH INTEGRATED ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
RADAR MODULE CPC .......... B60Q 5/005 ; B60Q 1/323 ; B60Q 1/50 ;
E05B 85/16 ; E05B 85/90
( 71 ) Applicant: MAGNA CLOSURES INC . , See application file for complete search history .
Newmarket (CA)
( 56 ) References Cited
( 72 ) Inventors : J. R. Scott Mitchell , Newmarket ( CA) ;
Stephen James Caron , Aurora ( CA) ; U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Traian Miu , Oakville (CA) ; James J. 6,363,619 B1 * 4/2002 Schirmer GO1M 11/067
Ferri , Maple ( CA) ; Gabriele Wayne 33/600
Sabatini , Keswick (CA) 9,174,517 B2 11/2015 Scheuring et al .
( 73 ) Assignee : MAGNA CLOSURES INC . , ( Continued )
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this CN 101357622 A 2/2009
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 CN 101372200 A 2/2009
U.S.C. 154 ( b) by 755 days . (Continued)
( 21 ) Appl. No .: 16 /373,692 Primary Examiner Hoi C Lau
(74 ) Attorney, Agent , or Firm — Dickinson Wright PLLC
(22) Filed : Apr. 3 , 2019
( 65 ) Prior Publication Data An electronic latch system for a motor vehicle includes an
US 2019/0309564 A1 Oct. 10 , 2019 electronic latch ( e -latch ) including an e - latch controller
within a door of the vehicle . A plurality of radar sensors are
Related U.S. Application Data located within the door for performing non - contact detection
( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62/ 653,822 , filed on Apr. of objects around the vehicle . The radar sensors include an
6 , 2018 , provisional application No. 62 / 725,480 , filed outside - face sensor adjacent an outside face of the door to
on Aug. 31 , 2018 . sense an object within a first sensing zone extending from
the outside face . The radar sensors also include an inner
(51 ) Int. Ci. sensor adjacent an inside surface of the door to sense an
B60Q 5/00 ( 2006.01 ) object within a second sensing zone extending from the
B60Q 1/50 ( 2006.01 ) inside surface . The radar sensors also include a shut - face
(Continued ) sensor adjacent a shut face of the door to sense an object
( 52 ) U.S. Cl.
within aa third sensing zone extending from the shut face . The
e - latch includes a light source for projecting a warning
B60Q 5/006 (2013.01 ) ; B60J 5/04 image and an audio source for generating an audible warn
( 2013.01 ) ; B60J 5/101 (2013.01 ) ; B60Q 1/323 ing
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US 11,465,557 B2
1 2
VEHICLE LATCH WITH INTEGRATED An aspect of the present disclosure is to provide an
RADAR MODULE electronic latch system for a closure member of a motor
vehicle that includes a plurality of non - contact object detec
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED tion (NCOD ) sensors fixed to the closure member, and an
APPLICATIONS 5 angle sensor configured to detect an angle of the closure
member relative to a body of the motor vehicle . The
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional electronic latch system also includes a controller configured
Application No. 62 / 653,822 filed Apr. 6 , 2018 , and U.S. to selectively enable at least one of the NCOD sensors
Provisional Application No. 62 / 725,480 filed Aug. 31 , 2018 .
9 within the plurality of NCOD sensors in response to the
The entire disclosure of the above applications are incorpo- 10 angle of the closure member as detected by the angle sensor .
rated herein by reference . Another aspect of the present disclosure is to provide an
electronic latch system for a closure member of a motor
FIELD vehicle including at least one non -contact objecta detection
(NCOD ) sensor fixed to the closure member, and a controller
The present disclosure relates generally to an electronic configured to selectively enable the at least one NCOD
latch for a motor vehicle in combination with a radar 15 sensor in response to detecting the position of the closure
module, and a method of operating an electronic latch member.
system . It is an aspect of the present disclosure to provide an
electronic latch for a closure member of a motor vehicle , the

BACKGROUND electronic latch includes a latch housing configured to be

20 attached to the closure member, and a latching mechanism
This section provides background information related to disposed within the latch housing and configured to hold the
the present disclosure which is not necessarily prior art. closure member in a closed position . The electronic latch
Motor vehicles are increasingly being equipped with also includes aa latch actuator configured to drive the latching
sensors that detect the environment and terrain surrounding mechanism between a locked condition and an unlocked
the motor vehicle . For example, some vehicles include 25 condition, and a latch controller configured to provide a
sensor systems that provide images of the terrain and / or drive signal to the latch actuator to cause the latching
other objects in the vicinity of the vehicle . Sensing systems mechanism to drive the latch actuator into one of the locked
utilizing radar have also been used to detect the presence and condition or the unlocked condition in response to a com
position of objects near the motor vehicle while the vehicle mand signal. The electronic latch further includes a radar
is moving . The signals and data generated by these sensor module in communication with the latch controller with a
systems can be used by other systems of the motor vehicle 30 radar antenna configured to detect an object in a sensing
to provide safety features such as vehicle control, collision zone .
avoidance, and parking assistance. Such sensing systems are It is another aspect of the present disclosure to provide a
generally used to assist the driver while he or she is driving method of operating an electronic latch system . The method
the motor vehicle and / or to intervene in controlling the 35 includes the step of monitoring a sensing zone adjacent a
vehicle . motor vehicle by a radar sensor disposed within a closure
Additionally, closure members for vehicles (e.g. doors , member of the motor vehicle. The next step of the method
lift gates, etc.) are increasingly provided with powered is communicating a signal from the radar sensor to a latch
actuation mechanisms capable of opening and / or closing the controller disposed within the closure member. The step of
closure members . Some powered actuation systems include communicating the signal from the radar sensor to the latch
a power -operated device such as , for example, an electric 40 controller is performed using a direct communication path
motor and a rotary -to - linear conversion device that are between the radar sensor and the latch controller and without
operable for converting the rotary output of the electric being communicated via an intermediate controller.
motor into translational movement of an extensible member. The method may further include the closure member
One example of such as powered actuation system is shown being a door defining an inner face; and the plurality of radar
commonly - owned U.S. Pat. No. 9,174,517 . Such power 45 sensors
operation can lead to issues with the closure a radar beam including an inner- face sensor configured to project
members unintentionally striking surrounding objects or selectively monitoring through a port in the inner face of the door, and
obstacles . For example, an object near the closure member a given one of the plurality of radar
may obstruct the opening or closing of the closure member sensors depending upon the position of the closure member
and / or the closure member may be damaged if opened under comprises monitoring the inner - face sensor with the door in
power and strikes the obstacle . However, known sensing 50 a second position with the inner - face sensor exposed .
system or obstacle detection systems do not properly address In accordance with yet another aspect there is provided a
potential situations involving obstacles . non - contact proximity detection system for aa closure mem
Thus, there is an increasing need for an obstacle detection ber of a motor vehicle including at least one non - contact
system that prevents the closure member from colliding with object detection (NCOD ) sensor fixed to the closure mem
nearby objects primarily when the vehicle is stationary. 55 ber, and a controller configured to selectively enable the at
Furthermore, other desirable features and characteristics of least one NCOD sensor in response to detecting the position
the present invention will become apparent from the subse- of the closure member .
quent detailed description and the appended claims , taken in These and other aspects and areas of applicability will
conjunction with the accompanying drawings and the fore- become apparent from the description provided herein . The
going technical field and background. 60 description and specific examples in this summary are
intended for purpose of illustration only and are not intended
SUMMARY to limit the scope of the present disclosure .
This section provides a general summary of the present DRAWINGS
disclosure and is not intended to be interpreted as a com- 65
prehensive disclosure of its full scope or all of its features, The drawings described herein are for illustrative pur
aspects and objectives. poses only of selected embodiments and not all implemen
US 11,465,557 B2
3 4
tations , and are not intended to limit the present disclosure FIG . 25 is a block diagram of an electronic latch and a
to only that actually shown . With this in mind, various radar module according to aspects of the disclosure;
features and advantages of example embodiments of the FIG . 26 is a block diagram illustrating a sensor assembly
present disclosure will become apparent from the following utilizing radar according to aspects of the disclosure ;
written description when considered in combination with the 5 FIG . 27 is a flow chart illustrating steps in a method of
appended drawings, in which : operating an electronic latch system ;
FIG . 1 is a side view of a motor vehicle according to FIG . 28 is a flow chart illustrating steps for opening a
aspects of the disclosure; closure member in accordance with aspects of the disclo
FIG . 2 is aa perspective view of a front side door area of sure ;
a motor vehicle according to aspects of the disclosure; 10 FIG . 29 is a flow chart illustrating steps for closing a
FIG . 3 is aa perspective view of a front side door of a motor closure member in accordance with aspects of the disclo
vehicle according to aspects of the disclosure ; sure; and
FIG . 4 is a perspective view of an electronic latch for a FIG . 30 is aa flow chart illustrating steps for non - contact
door of a motor vehicle according to aspects of the disclo- object detection in accordance with aspects of the disclosure .
sure ; 15
FIG . 5 is a perspective view of an electronic latch for a DETAILED DESCRIPTION
door of a motor vehicle according to aspects of the disclo
sure ; In the following description, details are set forth to
FIG . 6 is a perspective view of a portion of aa side door of provide an understanding of the present disclosure. In some
a motor vehicle according to aspects of the disclosure ; 20 instances, certain circuits , structures and techniques have not
FIG . 7 is a cross - sectional view of the side door of FIG . been described or shown in detail in order not to obscure the
6 along plane A - A according to aspects of the disclosure ; disclosure .
FIG . 8 is a cross - sectional view of the door of FIG . 6 In general, the present disclosure relates to an electronic
along plane A - A according to aspects of the disclosure ; latch system 20 of the type well - suited for use in many
FIG . 9 is a perspective view of an electronic latch within 25 applications . More specifically, an electronic latch system
a door of a motor vehicle according to aspects of the with at least one non - contact obstacle detection (NCOD )
disclosure ; sensor, and which may include a plurality of a non - contact
FIG . 10 is a perspective view of an electronic latch for a obstacle detection (NCOD ) sensors , for a motor vehicle
door of a motor vehicle according to aspects of the disclo- closure member and methods of operating the electronic
sure ; 30 latch system is disclosed are disclosed herein . The electronic
FIG . 11 is a perspective view of an electronic latch within latch system is disclosed of this disclosure will be described
a door of a motor vehicle according to aspects of the in conjunction with one or more example embodiments.
disc re ; However, the specific example embodiments disclosed are
FIG . 12 is an exploded view of a radar module according merely provided to describe the inventive concepts, features ,
to aspects of the disclosure ; 35 advantages and objectives with sufficient clarity to permit
FIG . 13 is perspective view showing a front side of the those skilled in this art to understand and practice the
radar module of FIG . 12 according to aspects of the disclo- disclosure. In some embodiments, the plurality of NCOD
sure ; sensors are radar sensors . However, some or all of the
FIG . 14 is perspective view showing a back side of the NCOD sensors may use other sensing means such as infra
radar module of FIG . 12 according to aspects of the disclo- 40 red or sonar .
sure ; Referring to the Figures , wherein like numerals indicate
FIG . 15 is a perspective view of a portion of a door of a corresponding parts throughout the several views , a prox
motor vehicle according to aspects of the disclosure; imity detection system referred to in an illustrative embodi
FIG . 16 is a schematic diagram of a radar transmissive ment as an electronic latch system 20 for a motor vehicle 10
region according to aspects of the disclosure ; 45 is disclosed . Referring to FIG . 1 , a motor vehicle 10 accord
FIG . 17 is a perspective view of an electronic latch for a ing to some embodiments is shown having a body 12 , a front
door of a motor vehicle according to aspects of the disclo- side door 14 , and a rear side door 16 , both pivotably attached
sure ; to the body 12. The motor vehicle 10 includes several
FIG . 18 is a top view of a motor vehicle with aa front side closure members, which may also be called closures , includ
door in aa closed position according to aspects of the disclo- 50 ing the front and rear side doors 14 , 16. An electronic latch
sure ; 22 , which may also be called an e - latch for short, is located
FIG . 19 is a top view of a motor vehicle with aa front side within the front side door 14. The electronic latch 22 may
door in a first partially -opened position according to aspects also be located at other positions , for example within the rear
of the disclosure; side door 16 , or within another closure member, such as a
FIG . 20 is a top view of a motor vehicle with aa front side 55 liftgate, tailgate, and the like without limitation . A remotely
door in a second partially -opened position according to mounted radar module 34 is also located within the front
aspects of the disclosure ; side door 14 and is in communication with the electronic
FIG . 21 is a top view of a motor vehicle with a front side latch 22 by a signal cable 36. Radar module 34 may also be
door in a full opened position according to aspects of the located locally to the electronic latch 22 in a manner as will
disclosure ; 60 be described herein below .
FIG . 22 is a top view of a motor vehicle with a front side In some embodiments an NCOD sensor, also generally
door in a full opened position according to aspects of the referred to as a proximity sensor, such as a radar sensor, is
disclosure ; disposed adjacent an outside face of the door 14 and is
FIG . 23 is aa block diagram of an electronic latch system configured to sense an object within aa first sensing zone that
for a motor vehicle according to aspects of the disclosure ; 65 extends outwardly from the outside face of the door 14 when
FIG . 24 is a block diagram of an electronic latch system the door 14 is in a closed position , and may also be
for a motor vehicle according to aspects of the disclosure ; configured to sense an object within the first sensing zone
US 11,465,557 B2
5 6
114 that extends outwardly from the outside face of the door 62 for receiving a counter - sunk screw (not shown ). A side
14 when the door 14 is in an opened position (as illustra- plate 64 extends perpendicularly to the structural plate 60 .
tively shown in FIG . 22 for example ) and / or when the door The structural plate 60 is illustratively formed from a high
14 is closed ( as illustratively shown in FIG . 18 for example ). strength material, such as metal. The structural plate 60 and
Such an outward - facing radar sensor may be called an 5 the side plate 64 together define the fish mouth opening 46 .
outside - face sensor. The first sensing zone 114 may be An electronic latch printed circuit board (PCB ) , also called
sensed by the outside - face sensor using an outward radar an e - latch PCB 66 is located inside the electronic latch 22
beam 85 , which is described in more detail below with behind the structural plate 60 and is illustratively shown in
reference to FIG . 18 . phantom lines. Illustratively, PCB 66 is shown extending
FIG . 2 is a perspective view of the front side door 14 10 parallel to structural plate 60 , but in other configurations,
according to some embodiments . The front side door 14 , as PCB 66 may extend parallel to side plate 64. The e - latch
shown in FIG . 2 , includes an inside door panel 40 and an PCB 66 includes electronic components for controlling
outside door panel 42. The inside door panel 40 faces the and / or monitoring operation of the electronic latch 22. The
interior of the motor vehicle 10 with the front side door 14 e - latch PCB 66 may hold an e - latch controller 170 (not
in aa closed position . The outside door panel 42 is generally 15 shown on FIG . 4 ) , which is configured to provide a drive
parallel and spaced apart from the inside door panel 40 to signal to the latch actuator to cause the latching mechanism
define an exterior portion of the motor vehicle 10 with the to drive the latch actuator into one of the locked condition
front side door 14 in the closed position . The front side door or the unlocked condition in response to a command signal ,
14 also includes aa shut face panel 44 extending between and for example received from a Body Control Module 138 of
generally transverse to the inside door panel 40 and the 20 the vehicle 10 , or from a door handle switch or sensor or
outside door panel 42. In some embodiments, the each of the FOB , or the like for example. The e - latch PCB 66 may
panels 40 , 42 , 44 of the front side door 14 are formed of monitor one or more sensors or switches to determine one or
sheet metal that is joined to make the front side door 14. The more positions and / or conditions of the door 14 and / or the
panels 40 , 42 , 44 may be joined by welding, adhesive , or by electronic latch 22. For example, the e -latch controller 170
a fastener. Alternatively or additionally, parts of one or more 25 and / or other components on the e - latch PCB 66 may monitor
of the panels 40 , 42 , 44 may be formed from a single piece switches , or for example hall sensors , to determine if the
of metal that is bent or otherwise formed into the individual door 14 is opened , closed , or ajar, and if the electronic latch
panels 40 , 42 , 44. In some embodiments , at least one of the 22 is in a locked or an unlocked condition . For example,
panels 40 , 42 , 44 of the front side door 14 may be formed controller 170 may monitor a hall sensor configured to
of a non -metallic material such as a polymer, plastic , com- 30 detect the position of the latching mechanism 25 , illustra
posite , organic , or other like materials, that is transmissive to tively such as ratchet for example, including a primary
electromagnetic radiation such as radar signals, to construct striker capture position indicating the door 14 is in a fully
the front side door 14 , or part of the front door 14. The latch closed position , or a secondary striker capture position
22 is shown in phantom lines as being located inside of the indicating the door 14 is in the partially closed position .
front side door 14 immediately beneath the shut face panel 35 The latch housing 24 may include one or more housing
44 . extensions 28 , 30 , 32 for accommodating components of one

In some embodiments, and as also shown in FIG . 2 , the or more NCOD sensors . For example, and as shown in FIG .
latch 22 defines aa fish mouth opening 46 that is configured 4 , an upper housing extension 28 extends vertically
to receive aa striker (not shown ) that is fixed to the body 12 upwardly beyond the structural plate 60 and /or the side plate
of the vehicle 10 in order for the latch 22 to engage the 40 64.Alternatively or additionally, and as also shown in FIG .
striker for securing the door 14 in a closed position . The shut 4 , a lower housing extension 30 extends vertically down
face panel 44 defines aa fish mouth aperture 48 that is aligned wardly beyond the structural plate 60 and / or the side plate
with the fish mouth opening 48 of the latch 22 to receive the 64. Alternatively or additionally, and as also shown in FIG .
striker into the latch 22. FIG . 3 shows a perspective view of 4 , a horizontal housing extension 32 extends horizontally
the front side door 14 from outside of the vehicle 10. In some 45 outwardly beyond the structural plate 60. One or more
embodiments, and as shown in FIG . 3 , the front side door 14 housing extensions 28 , 30 , 32 may be formed from a radar
includes an exterior mirror housing 50 holding an exterior transmissive material, such as plastic or the like for allowing
rear view mirror 52 . radar signals to pass through the one or more housing
FIG . 4 shows an example of the electronic latch 22 in extensions 28 , 30 , 32 without any or without significant
accordance with some embodiments. The electronic latch 22 50 attenuation of the radar signal.
includes a latch housing 24 holding a latching mechanism 25 In some embodiments , and as shown in FIG . 4 , each of the
that selectively engages and retains the striker 26 , which is housing extensions 28 , 30 , 32 includes one or more sensor
fixed to the body 12 of the vehicle 10 , for latching and /or PCBs 70 with a radar sensor 72 disposed thereupon. In some
locking the door 14 in a closed position relative to the body embodiments, and as shown in FIG . 4 , the sensor PCBs 70
12 of the vehicle 10. The electronic latch 22 may include a 55 each have a single radar sensor 72 and are separate and
latch actuator (not shown) configured to drive the latching independent from the e - latch PCB 66. In other embodi
mechanism 25 between a locked condition and an unlocked ments , one or more of the sensor PCBs may hold two or
condition . Electronic latch 22 may be embodied for example more radar sensors 72 and / or other components. The sensor
as a latch described in commonly owned U.S. Pat . No. PCBs 70 may each be in communication with the e - latch
9,353,556 entitled “ Electrical vehicle latch ” , the entire con- 60 PCB 66 by one or more wires or cables such that for
tents of which are incorporated herein by reference. example , the radar sensor 72 may be in direct electrical
The electronic latch 22 includes a structural plate 60 communication with the controller 170. Radar sensor 72 is
defining a plurality of mounting holes 62 for attaching the illustratively in electrical communication with controller
latch housing 24 to the shut face panel 44 of the door 14 , 170 to receive signals from controller 170 , such as power
with the structural plate 60 flush against an inside surface of 65 signals and / or control signals , and to provide signals to
the shut face panel 44. The structural plate 60 includes a controller 170 , such as raw radar data and / or processed
frustoconical recess surrounding each of the mounting holes decision signals based on processing of the raw radar
US 11,465,557 B2
7 8
signals. The sensor PCBs 70 may be connected together the corresponding radar beams 84 , 88. In some embodi
and / or to the e - latch PCB 66 in a star topology or a ments , and as shown in FIG . 7 , the radar sensors 72 are
daisy - chain , or any other configuration . In some embodi- recessed behind each of the corresponding ports 82 , 86 ,
ments, one or more of the sensor PCBs 70 may be integrally illustratively shown as an aperture or hole in the sheet metal
formed with the e - latch PCB 66. Alternatively or addition- 5 of panels 40 , 42 , 44. In some embodiments, and shown in the
ally, one or more of the sensor PCBs 70 may connect directly example of the radar sensor 72 adjacent the inward - facing
to the e - latch PCB 66 , for example with one or more pins , port 82 , the radar sensor 72 is at a side of the latch 22
slots , and / or another physical and / or electrical connection .immediately adjacent the associated panel of the door 14 and
In some embodiments, and as shown in FIG . 4 , the recessed behind the corresponding port 82. The resulting
electronic latch 22 may include a projector PCB 76 holding 10 inward radar beam 14 hasa first spread angle al that is
a light source 78. The projector PCB 76 may be stand -alone, limited by the characteristics of the radar sensor 72 and the
connected to the e - latch PCB 66 via a wire or cable .
Alternatively, the projector PCB 76 may be integrally port 82. In other embodiments, and as shown in the example
formed with one of the sensor PCBs 70 and / or with the of the radar sensor a72 adjacent the shut - face port 86 , the
e - latch PCB 66 . 15 radar sensor 72 is at a side of the latch 22 spaced away from
FIG . 5 shows the electronic latch 22 of FIG . 4 in func the associated panel of the door 14 and recessed behind the
tional operation. Specifically, FIG . 5 shows a projected light corresponding port 82. The resulting shut - face radar beam
beam 80 being projected outwardly from the light source 78 . 14 has a second spread angle a2 that is limited by the
FIG . 5 also shows two of the radar sensors 72 disposed in a characteristics of the radar sensor 72 and the port 82 and
plane with the side plate 64 each projecting an inward radar 20 which is narrower than the first spread angle al . In an
beam 84. FIG . 5 also shows three of the radar sensors 72 embodiment, panels 40 , 42 , 44 or a portion of panels 40 , 42 ,
disposed behind or co -planar with the structural plate 60 , 44 , may be formed from aa radar transmissive material, such
each projecting a shut -face radar beam 88 . as a composite or plastic material for example, an aperture
Referring now to FIG . 6 , a perspective view of the front or hole may not be required.

side door 14 in an opened or partially -opened position is 25 FIG . 8 shows a cross - section of other embodiments in
shown . The front side door 14 includes an inner edge 41 which the radar sensors 72 extend through the corresponding
adjacent and extending perpendicularly to the shut face ports 82 , 86. For example, the one or more housing exten
panel 44. In some embodiments, the inner edge 41 may be sions 28 , 30 , 32 enclosing the radar sensors 72 may be
a region of the inside door panel 40 which is painted metal provided to extend through the ports 82 , 86 and configured
and which is not covered with trim such as plastic or fabric. 30 to seal the ports 82 , 86 when the latch 22 is mounted to the
The inner edge 41 defines a pair of inward - facing ports 82 door 14. For example a radome 96 may be positioned within
that are each aligned with a corresponding inward facing one ports 82 , 86 or may be configured to project from ports 82 ,
of the radar sensors 72 for allowing the inward radar beams 86. In some embodiments, portions of one or more of the
84 to project outwardly from the inside door panel 40 and for radar sensors 72 , such as a radar antenna, including for
allowing reflected inward radar beams to be received there 35 example transmit and / or receive antennas, may extend or
through . The inward facing ones of the radar sensors 72 may protrude through a corresponding one of the ports 82 , 86 .
also be called inner sensors, and their associated inward Other portions of the radar sensors 72 may remain recessed
radar beams 84 may sense objects within a second sensing within the door 14. As shown in FIG . 8 , each of the radar
zone 113 that extends outwardly from the inside door panel beams 84 , 88 may have a third spread angle al which is
40. The inner sensors and their associated inward radar 40 wider than each of the first and the second spread angles al ,
beams 84 may be named because of their respective posi- a2 , described above with reference to FIG . 7 .
tions , facing inwardly toward the interior of the vehicle 10 FIG . 9 shows a partial perspective view of a door 14
when the door 14 is in the closed position . including an e -latch 22 in accordance with some embodi
Similarly, the shut face panel 44 defines a pair of shut- face ments . Specifically , the e -latch 22 includes a housing 24
ports 86 , which are each configured aligned with a corre- 45 with a structural plate 60 and a side plate 64 , which each
sponding one of the radar sensors 72 for allowing the may be made of metal . The e - latch 22 includes a pair of
shut - face radar beams 88 to project outwardly from the shut sensor PCBs 70 , with a plurality of radar sensors 72 ( for at
face 44 of the door 14 and for allowing reflected shut - face least one of transmit and receive patch antennas) disposed
radar beams to be received there through. The ones of the upon each of the sensor PCBs 70. The sensor PCBs 70 are
radar sensors 72 that are aligned with the shut - face ports 86 50 disposed perpendicularly to one - another and each of the
may also be called shut face sensors , and their associated sensor PCBs 70 is spaced away from the housing 24 to
shut- face radar beams 88 may sense objects within a third prevent the metal plates 60 , 64 from interfering with opera
sensing zone 116 that extends outwardly from the shut face tion of the radar sensors 72. The inside door panel 40 defines
panel 44. Inward - facing ports 82 and shut - face ports 86 may a single , common inward facing port 82 overlying all of the
be apertures, such as holes , formed in the sheet metal of 55 radar sensors 72 disposed upon a corresponding one of the
panels 40 , 44 , or may be another type of radar transparent sensor PCBs 70. Likewise, the shut face panel 44 defines a
port for allowing transmitted and reflected waves emitted single , common shut- face port 86 overlying all of the radar
and / or received from sensors 72 to pass through without or sensors 72 disposed upon a corresponding one of the sensor
significantly without attenuation . PCBs 70. A cover, such as a plastic plug (not shown) may
FIGS . 7-8 are partial close -up cross -sectional views of the 60 be disposed in one or both of the ports 82 , 86 for protecting
front side door 14 taken through a plane along line A - A , the radar sensors 72 from contaminants such as dust and /or
illustrating the alignment of the shut face port 86 and the moisture while allowing electromagnetic waves , for
inward -facing port 82 with the radar sensors 72 integrated in example transmitted and /or received electromagnetic radar
the latch housing 24. In this illustration, two radar sensors 72 waves to pass through. Alternatively, the sensor PCB 70 may
are provided in the e - latch 22 on perpendicularly extending 65 be provided and aligned with the aperture in the door 14
printed circuit boards 70 , with each of the radar sensors 72 formed by the fish mouth opening 46 and a port formed in
having a different detection zone or coverage , as shown by the metal plates 60 , 64 .
US 11,465,557 B2
9 10
FIG . 10 shows a perspective view of an e - latch system 20 be powered from a separate line and / or from a different
in accordance with some embodiments . Specifically, FIG . 10 power source that is independent of the e - latch 22 .
shows an electronic latch 22 and a remotely -mounted radar FIG . 15 shows a partial perspective view of a vehicle door
module 34 , with a signal cable 36 extending therebetween . 14 in which the inward -facing port 82 is formed from an
In some embodiments, the electronic latch 22 may have one 5 Radio Frequency (RF ) transmissive region 100 in the inner
or more radar sensors 72 integrated therein . In other embodi- edge 41 of the inside door panel 40 , and in which the
ments, the radar sensors 72 may all be located remotely from shut- face port 86 is formed from another RF transmissive
the electronic latch 22. In some embodiments, and as shown region 100 in the shut face panel 44. FIG . 16 shows a
in FIG . 10 , the remotely -mounted radar module 34 includes schematic diagram of the RF transmissive regions 100
a sensor PCB 70 with aa radar sensor 72 disposed thereupon 10 formed using the teachings of commonly owned provisional
for transmitting and receiving radar beams 84 , 88 , which patent having Ser. No. 62 /725,480 , entitled “ Automotive
may be used for non - contact object detection . In some Radar /Lidar behind Reflective Surfaces ”, the entirety of
embodiments, the remotely -mounted radar module 34 which is incorporated by reference herein , and referred to for
includes a sensor PCB 70 with a radar sensor 72 configured illustrating an example of a RF transmissive port. The RF
to transmit raw unprocessed radar received signal data 15 transmissive regions 100 may each comprise a plurality of
captured by the receive patch antenna or antennas to the parallel gaps 102 as shown in FIG . 16 , and the spacing
latch controller 170 for processing by the controller 170 to between adjacent ones of the gaps 102 may be tuned to
determine if an object is present or absent in an associated match the frequency or wavelength of the radar wave . Thus,
sensing zone 112 , 113 , 114 , 116. Controller 170 may be radar waves having misaligned polarization are not allowed
configured to supply electrical power to the radar sensor 72 20 to pass through the ports 82 , 86. In some embodiments, a
and receive radar data over the signal cable 36. In some filler that is electromagnetically transparent can fill the gaps
embodiments, the remotely -mounted radar module 34 102 in the grid formed in the sheet panel 40 , 42 , 44 , and a
includes a sensor PCB 70 with a radar sensor 72 including paint can be form outer surface , concealing the ports 82 , 86 .
a signal processor unit for processing the raw radar received FIG . 17 shows a partial perspective view of a vehicle door
signal data captured by the receive patch antenna or anten- 25 14 including a shut face panel 44 and with an e - latch 22
nas locally to the remotely -mounted radar module 34 and defining multiple shut - face ports 86 each approximately
configured to transmit a data flag, for example as message or coplanar with the shut face panel 44. More specifically , FIG .
signal representing a determination by radar sensor 72 that 17 shows one of the shut - face ports 86 aligned with aa radar
an object is detected or not , as well as other determinations sensor 72 for projecting a shut- face radar beam 88. Another
such as a velocity of the object, an angle or position of the 30 one of the shut - face ports 86 in the e -latch 22 is aligned with
object, and a size of the object, which may be encoded in a an audio source 108 for transmission of an audio signal 110 .
simple communication message indicating to the controller The audio source 108 may be a speaker, a buzzer, chime , or
170 that the radar module 34 has determined or not if an other device capable of generating the audio signal 110 ,
object is present or absent an associated sensing zone 112 , which may be used to warn people in the vicinity of the
113 , 114 , 116. Controller 170 may be configured to supply 35 vehicle 10 of potential danger. Yet another one of the
electrical power to the radar sensor 72 and receive the data shut - face ports 86 in the e - latch 22 is aligned with the light
flag over the signal cable 36. FIG . 11 shows an example source 78 for transmitting the projected light beam 80
e - latch system 20 disposed within a vehicle door 14 that outwardly from the e - latch 22. Specifically, the projected
includes two of the remotely -mounted radar modules 34 light beam 80 may warn people of potential dangers. In
disposed within the vehicle door 14 adjacent the inside door 40 some embodiments, the audio signal 110 and / or the pro
panel 40 and two of the remotely -mounted radar modules 34 jected light beam 80 may be activated and / or change in
disposed within the vehicle door 14 adjacent to the shut face character or intensity by the controller 170 in response to
panel 44. A signal cable 36 connects each of the remotely- detection of an object by one or more non - contact object
mounted radar modules 34 to the electronic latch 22. In other detection sensors , such as one of the radar sensors 72. In
embodiments, there may be more or fewer of the remotely- 45 some embodiments , the audio signal 110 and / or the pro
mounted radar modules 34 adjacent either or both of the jected light beam 80 may be activated and / or change in
door panels 40 , 44 . character or intensity in response to the door 14 being moved
FIGS . 12-14 show various views of a remotely -mounted and / or being in a specific position . For example , the audio
radar module 34 in accordance with some example embodi- signal 110 and / or the projected light beam 80 may be
ments . Specifically, FIG . 12 shows an exploded view of a 50 activated to generate a brief warning signal when the door 14
remotely -mounted radar module 34 with a radar sensor 72 is first started to be partially opened. In some embodiments ,
disposed upon a sensor PCB 70 that is held between a front and as shown in FIG . 17 , the projected light beam 80 may
cover 92 and a back cover 94. A radome 96 covers the radar define a warning image 106 upon a surface. For example, the
sensor 72 and is transmissive to radar beams passing through warning image 106 may appear as a STOP sign or any other
therethrough, while blocking contaminants, such as dust 55 visual image . The warning image 106 may change in color
and / or moisture from coming into contact with the radar and / or shape and may appear as an animated graphic. In
sensor 72. An electrical connector 98 is disposed on the some embodiments, the warning image 106 may define two
sensor PCB 70 opposite the radar sensor 72 for allowing or more different symbols or graphic images in response to
electrical connection to the e - latch 22. FIG . 13 shows aa front different conditions. For example, a yellow warning graphic
view of the remotely -mounted radar module 34 of FIG . 12 60 may be displayed immediately before the door 14 is opened,
in an assembled state. FIG . 14 shows a part perspective which may change to a red stop sign after the door 14 begins
view , part block diagram , showing the back cover 94 of the to open . The red stop sign may flash in response to an object
remotely -mounted radar module 34 , with an electrical inter- being detected in the vicinity of the door 14. Similarly,
connection to the e -latch 22 via a signal cable 36. In some different audio signals 110 may be used in response to
embodiments , the signal cable 36 may provide electrical 65 different conditions .
power to the remotely -mounted radar module 34. In other FIG . 18 is an overhead view of a vehicle 10 in accordance
embodiments, the remotely -mounted radar module 34 may with some embodiments . Specifically, FIG . 18 shows the
US 11,465,557 B2
11 12
vehicle 10 with a front side door 14 in a closed position with FIG . 21 shows an overhead view of a vehicle 10 in
an outward radar beam 85 projecting outwardly therefrom . accordance with some embodiments. Specifically, FIG . 21
Such an outward radar beam 85 may be used to detect shows the vehicle 10 with a front side door 14 in a
objects within a sensing zone 113 adjacent the vehicle 10 fully -opened position . The fully -opened position may
with the door 14 in the closed position , and provide sur- 5 include a range of angular positions relative to the vehicle
rounding environmental information for making a determi- body 12 beyond the second partially -opened position . In the
nation to prevent the door 14 from being commanded to fully -opened position, the inward radar beam 84 may be
move to an open position from the illustrated closed posi- enabled , as shown for detecting objects around and adjacent
tion, or for example provide information to a vehicle system , the vehicle 10. In some embodiments, the functions per
such as a blind spot detection system or lane departure 10 formed by the exterior mirror radar beam 90 when the front
system , or to the Body Control Module, as examples. FIG . side door 14 is closed , may be performed instead by the
18 also shows an exterior mirror radar beam 90 that may be inward radar beam 84 when the front side door 14 is in
projected from the exterior mirror housing 50 for sensing fully -opened position . For example , and as shown in FIG .
objects within a mirror sensing zone 113 adjacent the vehicle 21 , the inward radar beam 84 may be used to detect a cyclist
10 , and particularly for non - contact object detection objects 15 8 approaching the vehicle 10 from the side and from behind .
with the front side door 14 in the closed position . Exterior In another example, the inward radar beam 84 may be used
mirror radar beam 90 generated by a radar sensor 72 to sense an object, such as a person , outside the vehicle 10
mounted within exterior mirror housing 50 and which is and adjacent the rear side door 16 , which may be used to
provided in electrical communication with controller 170 generate a warning and / or to prevent the rear side door 16
may provide proximity detection data ( raw radar data or 20 from being opened and striking such an object.
flags) in combination with outward radar beam 85 for FIG . 22 shows an overhead view of vehicle 10 in
increasing the detection zone adjacent the vehicle 10 . accordance with some embodiments . Specifically, FIG . 22
FIG . 19 shows an overhead view of a vehicle 10 in shows the vehicle 10 with the front side door 14 in a
accordance with some embodiments. Specifically, FIG . 19 fully -opened position , with the inward radar beam 84 , and
shows the vehicle 10 with a front side door 14 in a first 25 the outward radar beam 85 , and the shut- face radar beam 88
partially -opened position , which may include a range of each being active to detect objects within respective sensing
angular positions relative to the vehicle body 12. The shut zones 112 , 114 , 116. In some embodiments , and as shown in
face 44 is exposed , allowing the shut- face radar beam 88 to FIG . 22 , the e - latch 22 may activate and / or monitor both the
be used for non - contact object detection around the vehicle inward radar beam 84 and the shut - face radar beam 88
10. In the example shown in FIG . 19 a cyclist 8 approaching 30 simultaneously, which may provide a greater range of cov
the vehicle 10 from behind may be sensed by the shut - face erage for non - contact object detection than either of the
radar beam 88. In some embodiments, the functions per- inward radar beam 84 or the shut - face radar beam 88 , alone .
formed by the exterior mirror radar beam 90 when the front In some embodi ents , and as shown in FIG . 22 , the e -latch
side door 14 is closed , may be performed instead by the 22 may activate and /or monitor at least one of the inward
shut- face radar beam 88 when the front side door 14 is in 35 radar beam 84 and the shut - face radar beam 88 and the
first partially -opened position , the shut- face radar beam 88 outward radar beam 85 , which may provide a greater and
being able to monitor a detection zone that is obstructed by dynamic range of coverage for non -contact object detection
door 14 as sensed by exterior mirror radar beam 90 as door based on the position of the door 14 , for example the closed
14 moves from the closed position to the partially opened position , the partially opened position , or the fully opened
position . The projected light beam 80 and the audio signal 40 position , and / or on the operating mode of the door 14 , for
110 are each enabled to warn the cyclist 8 of potential danger example the door 14 operating in an opening mode, or in a
due to the opening front side door 14. In some embodiments, closing mode , or in a checked mode ( stopped at an open
the shut- face radar beam 88 may be used in this configura- position )
tion for detecting objects in front of the rear side door 16 , FIG . 23 shows a block diagram of the electronic latch
which may be advantageously used to prevent the rear side 45 system 20 in accordance with some embodiments. Specifi
door 16 from being opened into contact with a detected cally, the electronic latch system 20 includes the e - latch 22 ,
object. which includes a radar sensor 72 , and optionally a light
FIG . 20 shows an overhead view of a vehicle 10 in source 78 , and an audio source 108. The light source 78 may
accordance with some embodiments . Specifically, FIG . 20 include a warning light, as shown for being directly
shows the vehicle 10 with a front side door 14 in aa second 50 observed by a person . Alternatively or additionally, light
partially -opened position , opened beyond the first partially- source 78 may be configured to project a light and / or an
opened position shown in FIG . 19. The second partially- illuminated image upon a surface, such as the ground. A
opened position may include a range of angular positions remotely -mounted radar module 34 is additionally or alter
relative to the vehicle body 12. In this position , the inward natively ( to radar sensor 72 ) connected to the e - latch 22 via
radar beam 84 may be enabled by controller 170 , as shown 55 a signal cable 36. A door controller 130 is in communication
for detecting objects between the front side door 14 and the with the e - latch 22 via a first data line 132. The door
body 12 of the vehicle 10. Such objection detection may be controller 130 may coordinate activities and devices related
used to stop the front side door 14 from closing into contact to an associated door 14 , 16 within the vehicle 10 , such as
with the object. In some embodiments, the inward radar user control switches , latching, power window control,
beam 84 may be used in this configuration for detecting 60 power door actuation , and / or positioning control of an
objects outside of the rear side door 16 , which may be exterior rear view mirror attached to the door 14 , 16. One or
advantageously used to prevent the rear side door 16 from more non - contact object detection sensors 134 may com
being opened into contact with a detected object. Addition- municate with the door controller 130 via a third data line
ally or alternatively, a warning signal may be generated in 136 extending therebetween . The non - contact object detec
response to a detected object, which may signal potential 65 tion sensors 134 may include , for example, radar or infra - red
danger due to contact with the closing front side door 14 (IR) sensors mounted within an exterior mirror housing 50
and / or due to contact to an opening rear side door 16 . and / or on a pillar of the door 14 , 16 .
US 11,465,557 B2
13 14
A body control module 138 may communicate with the an audio source 108 disposed within the e - latch 22. The
door controller 130 via a third data line 140. The body seventh data line 162 may be combined with one or more
control module 138 may coordinate actives in various loca- signal cables 136 , which may be configured as a shared
tions throughout the body 12 of the vehicle 10 , including signal bus .
sensors and / or actuators outside of the doors 14 , 16. The 5 FIG . 25 shows a block diagram of an electronic latch 22
body control module 138 may communicate directly with and a radar module 34 within the electronic latch system 20
e - latch 22 , for example with controller 170 , via a separate in accordance with some embodiments. Specifically, the
data line (not shown) . A door actuator 142 may be used to e - latch 22 includes an e - latch controller 170 which may be
drive one or more the doors 14 , 16 between the opened and a microprocessor, a microcontroller, or an application spe
the closed positions . The door actuator 142 may receive 10 cific integrated circuit . A radar processor module 172 , is
command instructions and / or provide status data to the body located within the e - latch controller 170 for processing
control module 138 via aa fourth data line 144. Alternatively signals from the radar module 34 , for example raw radar
or additionally , the door actuator 142 may receive command signals. The processor module 172 may include hardware,
instructions and / or provide status data directly to the door software, or a combination of hardware and software . The
controller 130 via a fifth data line 146 . 15 e - latch 22 also includes a communications module 174 for
Still referring to FIG . 23 , an angle sensor 148 measures an enabling the e - latch controller 170 to communicate with
angle between the door 14 , 16 and the body of the body 12 external devices , such as the door controller 130 via the first
of the vehicle 10 and communicates the measured angle to data line 132 , which may operate using digital I/ O or a
the body control module 138 via aa sixth data line 150. The communications protocol such as Ethernet, Controller Area
angle sensor 148 may, therefore, be used to determine 20 network (CAN ), Local Interconnect Network (LIN) , or other
whether the door 14 , 16 is in a closed position , a partially communication technique . Additionally or alternatively, the
opened position , or a fully -opened position . In some communications module 174 may facilitate communications
embodiments, the angle sensor 148 may communicate the between the e - latch controller 170 and the radar module 34 .
measured angle directly to the e - latch 22 , as indicated by the FIG . 25 also shows some details of the radar module 34
dashed line . In some embodiments, the angle sensor 148 25 in accordance with some embodiments . Specifically, FIG . 25
may be fixed to the body 12 of the vehicle 10. Alternatively, shows a radar controller 180 , which may be a microcon
the angle sensor 148 may be fixed to the door 14 , 16. In some troller unit ( MCU) . The radar controller 180 may include
embodiments , the angle sensor 148 may be fixed to the one or more microprocessors, application -specific integrated
hinges between the body 12 and the door 14. In some circuits (ASICs ) , hardware , and / or software . The radar con
embodiments , the angle sensor 148 may be fixed to the door 30 troller 180 is in communication with a radar transceiver 182 ,
actuator 142 , for example to measure the extended or which is configured to transmit radar waves , as indicated by
retracted position of an extensible member of the door the arrow labeled TX , and to receive radar waves , as
actuator 142. In some embodi ts , the angle sensor 148 indicated by the arrow labeled RX .
may be fixed to the motor of the door actuator 142 , for In some embodiments, the radar controller 180 may
example to measure the rotations of the motor shaft of the 35 process data , for example raw data, from the radar trans
door actuator 142. In some embodiments, the angle sensor ceiver 182 to determine if the received radar waves indicate
148 may be implemented as a software module provided in the presence of an object. In some other embodiments, the
door controller 130 or Body Controller Module 138 for e - latch controller 170 process the data , for example the raw
counting motor rotations of door actuator 142 causing data, from the radar transceiver 182 to determine whether
back - EMF detected on signal line 144 and processed using 40 the signals received by the from the radar transceiver 182
ripple counting techniques for example. In some embodi- indicate the presence of an object, and / or additional data
ments, the angle sensor 148 may be a hall sensor or switch regarding a detected object, such as position , size , direction
provided in latch 22 to detect a position of the ratchet 25. In and speed of movement, etc. Examples of processing by
some embodiments, the angle sensor 148 may be a combi- either the controller 170 and /or the radar controller 180 may
nation of such door position sensing configurations, and 45 include without limitations applying one or more fast Fou
generally for determining the position of the door 14. As also rier transforms (FFTs) to the radar data, performing filtering
shown in FIG . 23 , the electronic latch system 20 may to the radar data , applying artificial intelligence analysis to
include a power source 152 , such as a battery and / or an the radar data , extracting signal features from the radar data ,
alternator, which may provide electrical power to the e - latch and /or other signal processing such as processing I and Q
22 , the door controller 130 , the body control module 138 , 50 data, with its Amplitude and Phase , by itself to provide
and / or the door actuator 142 , via power cables 154. Power distinct , differentiable signals for a variety of motions of the
source 152 may also provide power directly to remotely- object, applying filters and thresholds that can be applied to
mounted radar module 34 . the raw radar data to obtain more precise information . (i.e.
FIG . 24 shows a block diagram of the electronic latch Micro -Doppler - overlapping FFTs , combining frequency
system 20 in accordance with some embodiments. The 55 and amplitude data to extract distinct shapes for motions ;
e - latch system 20 shown in FIG . 24 is similar to the Frequency Shift Keying — Shifting frequency and using
configuration shown in FIG . 23 , with a few notable excep- Phase information to determine range ; Machine Learning
tions . In some embodiments, and as shown in FIG . 24 , the learning and storing Amplitude signals to make predictions
power cable 154 feeding power to e - latch 22 may be on type of motion . ) , and other processing .
connected to the door controller 130 , which may provide for 60 For example, the radar controller 180 may perform some
simpler wiring and / or connections by combining the power pre -processing upon data from the radar transceiver 182 ,
cable 154 with the first data line 132. A remote warning which may require limited resources, allowing the radar
module 160 , which may include one or both of a light source controller 180 to be aa relatively simple device having a low
78 , and / or an audio source 108 may be mounted separate cost and / or low power demand. The e - latch controller 170
from the e - latch 22 , and connected to the e - latch 22 by a 65 may be a relatively high -powered device, performing the
seventh data line 162. The remote warning module 160 may bulk of the computational load for recognizing objects in
be used in addition to or instead of a light source 78 , and / or signals, for example raw or unprocessed radar data , received
US 11,465,557 B2
15 16
from one or more different radar modules 34. In this way , one receive antenna 202. With such a configuration, the
cost and complexity can be concentrated in the e - latch 22 , radar module 34 is operable to detect a speed / velocity of the
and allowing the radar modules 34 to be relatively inexpen- object 204 using the Doppler Radar principles ( i.e. process
sive and /or to have relatively low power consumption ing by the e - latch controller 170 or a dedicated local
requirements. 5 application specific radar signal processor 180 of the
In some embodiments , the e - latch 22 includes a first received reflected CW radar signal to determine frequency
power supply module 176 , configured to provide regulated shifts of an emitted continuous radiation wave indicative of
electrical power to the various components such as the the speed of the object 204 ) . The radar emitting element 200
e -latch controller 170 and /or the communications module can be also configured to emit frequency modulated con
174 from the power source 152 as delivered via the power 10 tinuous wave ( FMCW) radar. With such a configuration, the
cable 154. As also shown in FIG . 25 , the radar module 34 radar sensor is operable to detect motion characteristics of
may include a second power supply module 184 which may the obstacle 204 using Frequency Modulated Radar tech
receive electrical power from the first power supply module niques, such as its speed or velocity, its distance, its angle
176 of the e - latch via a power cable 154. Second power relative to the radar transceiver 182 , and its size , as
supply module 184 may be a less complex and lower 15 examples.
component count power regulating device compared to first The radar transceiver 182 also includes a signal processor
power supply module 176. In some embodiment, second 206 disposed in communication with the antenna element ( s )
power supply module 184 not be provided, with first power 202 through signal processing elements such as high /low
supply module 176 performing the necessary power condi- gain signal amplifiers 208 , a mixer 210 configured to mix the
tioning and supply management for both the radar sensor 34 20 received signal with a transmitted signal generated by a
and the e - latch 22 , for example for supplying power con- waveform generator 212 and modified by an oscillator 214
sumed by the controller 170 and the radar controller 180 and and received from a splitter 216 for processing the received
radar transceiver 182. In some embodiments, this power reflections ( i.e. the signal processor 206 or the radar con
cable 154 extending between the e - latch 22 and the radar troller 180 can be configured execute instructions stored in
module 34 may be physically combined with the signal 25 a memory to perform calculations on the received reflection
cable 36 to simplify cabling within the door 14 , 16 of the and transmitted radiation signals ( i.e. mixed signals ) to
vehicle 10 . implement the various detection techniques or algorithms,
FIG . 26 is aa block diagram illustrating a sensor assembly for example CW Radar, FMCW Radar, time of flight algo
utilizing radar according to aspects of the disclosure . Spe- rithms within the intermediate radar field , for example the
cifically, FIG . 26 illustrates components within a radar 30 sensing zones described herein , to provide data for deter
module 34. However, other radar sensors 72 , such as those mining the motion, speed , distance, positions and direction
located within the e - latch 22 may have aa similar construc- of the object. For example, the signal processor 206 or the
tion . In some embod ats , the radar module 34 can be radar controller 180 can be configured to process the
configured to emit continuously modulated radiation , ultra- received reflection , or the raw and unprocessed received
wideband radiation , or sub -millimeter -frequency radiation 35 radar signal , to determine aa Doppler shift for calculating the
( e.g. , frequencies forming part of the ISM frequency band speed /velocity of the object 204 , or a frequency shift for
about 24 GHz , or the 60 GHz , or the 80 Hz frequency band calculating the distance and speed of the object 204 .
as examples, but other ranges are also contemplated ). For As illustrated in FIG . 27 , a method 300 of operating an

example , the radar module 34 may be configured to emit electronic latch system 20 is disclosed . The method 300
continuously emitted radiation by a radar emitting element 40 includes the step of 302 monitoring a sensing zone 112 , 113 ,
200 , such as an antenna, or continuous wave ( CW) radar, 114 , 116 adjacent a motor vehicle 10 by a radar sensor 72
known in the art to use Doppler radar techniques, which can disposed within aa closure member of the motor vehicle 10 .
be employed in the radar based sensor as illustrated in FIG . In some embodiments , the closure member may be a side
24 . front door 14 or a side rear door 16 configured to open by
As shown in FIG . 26 , the radar module 34 includes aa radar 45 pivoting relative to a body 12 of the vehicle 10. In other
transceiver 182 configured to transmit and receive radar embodiments, the closure member may be a sliding door or
waves . The radar transceiver 182 includes aa radar emitting panel, or a tailgate or lift gate .
element 200 configured to emit a modulated radio frequency The method 300 also includes the step of 304 communi
( RF ) radiation . Radar emitting element 200 may include cating a signal from the radar sensor 72 to aa latch controller
multiple radar emitting elements 200 , such as radar patch 50 170 disposed within the closure member. The signal may be
antenna ( s) provided on the printed circuit board of radar a simple on / off flag, such as a high or low voltage signal
module 34. Continuous wave ( CW) radar, also known in the transmitted over a communication line between the radar
art to use Doppler radar techniques, may also be employed sensor 72 and the latch controller 170 or may be encapsu
in the radar transceiver 182 illustrated in FIG . 26. Also , the lated in a communication packet as part of aa communication
radar module 34 may be configured for pulsed time - of -flight 55 protocol, indicating the presence of an object. Alternatively,
radar. Frequency Modulated Continuous wave (FMCW ) the signal may include complex data received by the radar
radar, may also be employed in the radar transceiver 182 sensor 72 to be processed by the latch controller 170 to
illustrated in FIG . 26. The radar transceiver 182 includes one determine the presence and / or characteristics of any detected
or more receive elements 202 , such as antenna ( s ), for objects. In some embodiments, the step of 304 communi
receiving the reflections of the transmitted radar waves, 60 cating a signal from the radar sensor 72 to a latch controller
which reflect off of an object 204. The radar emitting 170 is performed using a direct communication path
element 200 may be integrated into the sensor printed circuit between the radar sensor 72 and the latch controller 170 and
board 70 , or integrated into aa radar chip affixed to the sensor without being communicated via an intermediate controller.
printed circuit board 70 . For example, the direct communications path may require
In some embodiments, the radar module 34 may be 65 routing the signal directly from the radar sensor 72 to the
configured to emit and detect continuous wave (CW) radar latch controller 170 and not through an intermediary con
with the radar sensor including one transmit antenna 200 and troller such as a door controller 130 or a controller within the
US 11,465,557 B2
17 18
vehicle body 12 , such as a body control module 138. In other between an extensible member and a housing of the door
words, the e - latch controller 22 may serve as a central actuator 142 , or may be a software component executed by
monitoring point for all of the radar sensors 72 within the controller 170 , or other local door actuator electronic control
door 14 , 16 . unit, for example ripple counting software executed by a
The method 300 may also include the step of 306 iden- 5 local door actuator controller as illustrated for example in
tifying an object 304 within the sensing zone . Step 306 may commonly owned US Patent Application No. US2018 /
include transmitting and receiving signals to and from the
radar sensor 72 within the sensing zone and processing data 0347252 entitled “ Integrated controller with sensors for
electromechanical biasing member ” , the entire contents of
regarding signals received by the radar sensor 72 to deter which are incorporated
mine the presence of an object 204 , and /or characteristics of 10 The method 300 mayherein by reference .
the object 204 , such as size , position, angle, and velocity. tively monitoring a given radar sensorthe72step
also include
of 314 selec
a plurality of
In some embodiments, the step of 306 identifying an radar sensors 72 all disposed within the closure member
object 204 within the sensing zone may include the sub - step depending upon the position of the closure member . For
of 306A processing raw data from the radar sensor 72 by a
radar processor 172 within the latch controller 170. In other 15 example , the closure member may be aa door, such as a front
words, the primary computation in identifying the object side door 14 , including a shut face door panel 44 defining a
204 is performed within the latch controller 170 and not in shut face , and the plurality of radar sensors 72 may include
a remote radar controller 180 . a shut - face sensor 72 configured to project a radar beam 88
In some embodiments , the step of 306 identifying an through a port 86 in the shut face of the door 14. In such a
object 204 within the sensing zone may include the sub -step 20 configuration, the step of 314 selectively monitoring a given
of 306B processing a raw signal from aa radar transceiver 182 radar sensor 72 may include enabling and / or monitoring the
by radar controller 180 to determine whether an object 204 shut- face sensor 72 when the front side door 14 is open to
is present within the sensing zone . In this case , the radar a first partially -open position, such as the position shown in
controller 180 may transmit aa data flag, such as a Boolean FIG . 19 , where the shut face port 86 is uncovered , allowing
data element indicating the presence or absence of the object 25 a shut - face radar beam 88 to extend outwardly from the
204 within the sensing zone . In some embodiments, the shut- face port 86 .
radar controller 180 may transmit additional information In another example case , the closure member may be a
regarding a detected object 204 , such as size, position , door, such as a front side door 14 , including an inside door
velocity , etc. panel 40 defining inner face, and the plurality of radar
The method 300 may also include the step of 308 initi- 30 sensors 72 may include an inner - face sensor 72 configured
ating an action in response to identifying an object 304 to project an inward radar beam 84 through an inward - facing
within the sensing zone . port 82 in the inner face of the door 14. In such a configu
In some embodiments, the step of 308 initiating an action ration , the step of 314 selectively monitoring a given radar
in response to identifying an object 204 within the sensing sensor 72 may include enabling and / or monitoring the
zone may include the sub - step of 308a communicating a 35 inner - face sensor 72 when the front side door 14 is posi
warning by a warning enunciator disposed upon the closure tioned such that the inward -facing port 82 is uncovered ,
member. The warning enunciator may comprise a light allowing an inward radar beam 84 to extend outwardly from
source 78 and /or an audio source 108 , such as a speaker or the inward - facing port 82. Examples of such a position
a buzzer. For example, a warning light beam 80 and / or audio include the second partially - opened position shown in FIG .
signal 110 may be generated in response to detecting an 40 20 or the fully - opened position shown in FIG . 21 .
object 204 that is a person or a vehicle, and which is FIG . 28 shows steps in a method 400 for opening a
potentially subjected to a dangerous condition, such as a closure , such as a door 14 , 16 of a vehicle 10. The method
door of the vehicle 10 being opened into the path of the 400 starts at block 402 and includes receiving a command to
object 204 open the door at step 404. The command may be received
The method 300 may also include the step of 310 moving 45 directly from a user and / or from a controller within the
the closure member by an actuator. For example, where the vehicle 10 .
closure is aa vehicle side door 14 , 16 , a door actuator 142 may The method 400 proceeds by activating a radar unit on the
be configured to move the door 14 , 18 between opened and shut face of the door when the door is opened to a first
closed positions , and vice - versa . An example of a door partially -opened position with the shut face exposed or
actuator is illustrated in commonly owned U.S. Pat . No. 50 presented at step 406. Radar unit on the shut face may be
9,174,517 entitled “ Power Swing Door Actuator” , the entire activated prior to the door opening to a first partially -opened
contents of which are incorporated herein by reference . position and configured ignore or reject any received
In some embodiments, the step of 308 initiating an action reflected radar signals . This step 406 is described in more
in response to identifying an object 204 within the sensing detail above with reference to FIGS . 20-21 .
zone may include the sub - step of 3086 stopping an actuator 55 The method 400 proceeds by deciding if an object was
from moving the closure member. For example, the door detected in the path of the opening door at step 408. If yes ,
actuator 142 can be stopped or paused or reversed in then the method 400 proceeds with stopping the door at step
response to detecting an object 204 in the path of the door 410 and optionally activating a warning system , such as a
to prevent the door 14 , 16 from colliding with the object 204 . warning light and / or sound at step 412. If no , then the
The method 300 may also include the step of 312 deter- 60 method 400 proceeds with continuing to move the door until
mining a position of the closure member relative to the body it reaches the stop position at step 414. The stop position
12 of the motor vehicle 10 by an angle sensor 148. The may be , for example, a fully -opened position .
position of the closure member may be one of several FIG . 29 shows steps in aa method 450 for closing a closure ,
different angular ranges including and extending between a such as a door 14,16 of a vehicle 10. The method 450 starts
fully - closed position and a fully -opened position . Angle 65 at block 452 and includes receiving a command to close the
sensor 148 may be a hardware component configured to door at step 454. The command may be received directly
detect the relative position between two parts, such as from a user and / or from a controller within the vehicle 10 .
US 11,465,557 B2
19 20
The method 450 proceeds by activating a radar unit on the tively enable the at least one NCOD sensor in response to
inner panel the door at step 456. This step 456 is described detecting the position of the closure. The controller 170 may
in more detail above with reference to FIGS . 20-21 . be housed within latch 22 .
The method 450 proceeds by deciding if an object was Clearly, changes may be made to what is described and
detected in the path of the closing door at step 458. If yes , 5 illustrated herein without , however, departing from the
then the method 450 proceeds with stopping the door at step scope defined in the accompanying claims . The non - contact
460 and optionally activating a warning system , such as a obstacle detection system may operate with myriad combi
warning light and / or sound at step 462. If no , then the nations of various types of non - contact sensors and for any
method 450 proceeds with continuing to move the door until closure members of the motor vehicle , for example. In
it reaches the stop position at step 464. The stop position 10 general, the non - contact obstacle detection system may be
may be , for example, a fully -closed position . used also for other purposes, within the motor vehicle , or for
FIG . 30 shows steps in a method 500 for activating different automotive applications.
various non - contact object detection sensors , such as radar The foregoing description of the embodiments has been
sensors based on a position of aa closure member, such as a provided for purposes of illustration and description. It is not
door 14 , 16 of a vehicle 10. The method 500 starts at block 15 intended to be exhaustive or to limit the disclosure . Indi
502 and includes detecting a position of the door 14 , 16 at vidual elements or features of a particular embodiment are
step 504. The position of the door 14 , 16 may be detected by
2 generally not limited to that particular embodiment, but,
a door angle sensor 148 , particularly where the door 14 , 16 where applicable, are interchangeable and can be used in a
is pivotably attached to the body 12 of the vehicle 10 . selected embodiment, even if not specifically shown or
The method 500 includes determining if the door is closed
at step 506 , and if yes , activating an outward - facing radar
20 described . The same may also be varied in many ways. Such
variations are not to be regarded as a departure from the
module at step 508 , for detecting objects for lane departure disclosure , and all such modifications are intended to be
and / or blind spot detection operating modes of the vehicle included within the scope of the disclosure. Those skilled in
10 , for example. An example of these steps 506 , 508 is the art will recognize that concepts disclosed in association
described above with reference to FIG . 18 . 25 with an example switching system can likewise be imple
The method 500 includes determining if the door is open mented into many other systems to control one or more
to a first partially -opened position at step 510 , and if yes , operations and /or functions.
activating a shut- face radar module at step 512 , for detecting Example embodiments are provided so that this disclosure
objects for non - contact obstacle detection for front door and will be thorough, and will fully convey the scope to those
rear door operation , for providing obstacle detection for 30 who are skilled in the art. Numerous specific details are set
warning systems alerting objects approaching the door and/ forth such as examples of specific components, devices , and
or the vehicle rearward the shut face. Shut - face radar module methods, to provide a thorough understanding of embodi
provides a dynamic sensing zone which changes along with ments of the present disclosure . It will be apparent to those
the pivoting of the door, and maintains detecting coverage of skilled in the art that specific details need not be employed ,
a sensing zone as the door pivots . An example of these steps 35 that example embodiments may be embodied in many
510 , 512 is described above with reference to FIG . 19 . different forms and that neither should be construed to limit
The method 500 includes determining if the door is open the scope of the disclosure . In some example embodiments,
to a second partially -opened position at step 514 , and if yes , well -known processes, well -known device structures, and
activating an inner - facing radar module at step 516 , for well - known technologies are not described in detail.
detecting objects for non - contact obstacle detection for rear 40 The terminology used herein is for the purpose of describ
door opening operation and for front door closing operation ing particular example embodiments only and is not
for example, and for providing obstacle detection for warn- intended to be limiting . As used herein , the singular forms
ing systems alerting objects approaching the door and / or the “ a ,” “ an , ” and “ the” may be intended to include the plural
vehicle rearward the inner panel. An example of these steps forms as well , unless the context clearly indicates otherwise .
514 , 516 is described above with reference to FIGS . 20-21 . 45 The terms " comprises, ” “ comprising , ” “ including,” and
A proximity detection system referred to in an illustrative “ having, ” are inclusive and therefore specify the presence of
embodiment as an electronic latch system 20 for a motor stated features, integers, steps, operations, elements, and / or
vehicle 10 is therefore disclosed and includes at least one components, but do not preclude the presence or addition of
proximity sensor such as a radar sensor provided at a distal one or more other features, integers, steps, operations,
end of a vehicle door 14 , opposite the proximate end of 50 elements, components, and / or groups thereof. The method
vehicle door 14 mounted thereto hinges 17. As a result , a steps , processes , and operations described herein are not to
proximity detection system is provided that includes sensing be construed as necessarily requiring their performance in
areas that changes in response to the movement of the door the particular order discussed or illustrated , unless specifi
14 , and which includes at least one proximity sensor which cally identified as an order of performance. It is also to be
can be controlled , such as activated and monitored , during 55 understood that additional or alternative steps may be
such movement of the door 14 and based on the position of employed.
the door 14 for minimizing blind spot obstacle detection When an element or layer is referred to as being “ on , "
zones about the vehicle 10. The electronic latch system 20 “ engaged to , ” “ connected to , " or " coupled to ” another
may illustratively include a latch controller 170 in direct element or layer, it may be directly on , engaged , connected
communication with the at least one proximity sensor, 60 or coupled to the other element or layer, or intervening
without an intermediate controller disposed between the elements or layers may be present. In contrast, when an
communication path between the latch controller 170 and element is referred to as being “ directly on ,” “ directly
the at least one proximity sensor, such as for example the engaged to ,” “ directly connected to ,” or “ directly coupled
radar module 34. There is also provided a vehicle door to ” another element or layer, there may be no intervening
including at least one non - contact object detection (NCOD ) 65 elements or layers present. Other words used to describe the
sensor fixed to the closure , such as door 14 adjacent the shut relationship between elements should be interpreted in a like
face of the door, and a controller 170 configured to selec- fashion ( e.g. , “ between ” versus “ directly between , ” “ adja
US 11,465,557 B2
21 22
cent ” versus " directly adjacent," etc. ). As used herein , the disposed upon the closure member and configured to illu
term “ and /or” includes any and all combinations of one or minate a warning in response to an object being detected in
more of the associated listed items. the sensing zone .
Although the terms first, second, third, etc. may be used 5. A method of operating an electronic latch system ,
herein to describe various elements, components, regions, 5 comprising :
monitoring a sensing zone adjacent a motor vehicle by a
layers and / or sections , these elements, components, regions,
layers and / or sections should not be limited by these terms. radar sensor disposed within a closure member of the
These terms may be only used to distinguish one element, motor vehicle, wherein the radar sensor is one of a
component, region , layer or section from another region , plurality of radar sensors disposed within the closure
layer or section . Terms such as “ first,” “ second , ” and other 10 member;
numerical terms when used herein do not imply a sequence communicating a signal from the radar sensor to the latch
or order unless clearly indicated by the context. Thus, a first controller disposed within the closure member, wherein
element, component, region , layer or section discussed communicating the signal from the radar sensor to the
below could be termed a second element, component, latch controller is performed using a direct communi
region , layer or section without departing from the teachings
15 cation path between the radar sensor and the latch
controller and without being communicated via an
of the example embodiments. intermediate controller ;
Spatially relative terms, such as “ inner ," " outer, " determining a position of the closure member relative to
“ beneath ,” “below ," “ lower ,” “ above," " upper ," and the like, a body of the motor vehicle ;
may be used herein for ease of description to describe one 20 controlling the radar sensor using a latch controller dis
element or feature's relationship to another element (s) or posed within the closure member; and
feature ( s) as illustrated in the figures. Spatially relative terms selectively monitoring a given one of the plurality of radar
may be intended to encompass different orientations of the sensors depending upon the position of the closure
device in use or operation in addition to the orientation member.
depicted in the figures. For example, if the device in the 25 6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:
figures is turned over, elements described as “ below ” or identifying an object within the sensing zone ; and
“ beneath ” other elements or features would then be oriented initiating an action in response to identifying an object
“ above ” the other elements or features . Thus, the example within the sensing zone.
term “ below ” can encompass both an orientation of above 7. The method of claim 6 , wherein initiating an action in
and below. The device may be otherwise oriented (rotated 30 response to identifying an object within the sensing zone
degrees or at other orientations) and the spatially relative further comprises:
descriptions used herein interpreted accordingly. communicating a warning by a warning enunciator dis
posed upon the closure member, and
What is claimed is : wherein the warning enunciator comprises one of a light
1. An electronic latch for a closure member of a motor 35 source or an audio source .
vehicle comprising: 8. The method of claim 6 , further comprising:
a latch housing configured to be attached to the closure transmitting a signal to move the closure member by an
member; actuator; and
a latching mechanism disposed within the latch housing wherein initiating an action in response to identifying an
and configured to hold the closure member in a closed 40 object within the sensing zone further comprises trans
position ; mitting a signal to stop the actuator from moving the
a latch actuator configured to drive the latching mecha closure member.
nism between a locked condition and an unlocked 9. The method of claim 6 , wherein identifying an object
condition ; within the sensing zone comprises one of:
a latch controller configured to provide a drive signal to 45 processing the signal from the radar sensor by a radar
the latch actuator to cause the latching mechanism to processor within the latch controller to determine the
drive the latch actuator into one of the locked condition presence or absence of an object within the sensing
or the unlocked condition in response to a command zone ; or
signal; and processing a raw signal from aa radar transceiver by a radar
a plurality of radar sensors in communication with the 50 controller within the radar sensor to determine the
latch controller and each including at least one radar presence or absence of an object within the sensing
antenna configured to detect an object in a sensing zone .
zone , 10. The method of claim 5 :
wherein the latch controller is configured to determine a wherein the closure member is a door defining a shut face;
position of the closure member relative to a body of the 55 wherein the plurality of radar sensors includes a shut- face
motor vehicle and selectively monitor a given one of sensor configured to project a radar beam through a
the plurality of radar sensors depending upon the port in the shut face of the door; and
position of the closure member. wherein selectively monitoring a given one of the plural
2. The electronic latch of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ity of radar sensors depending upon the position of the
radar antenna of at least one of the radar sensors is disposed 60 closure member comprises monitoring the shut- face
within the latch housing. sensor with the door in a first position with the shut
3. The electronic latch of claim 1 , wherein at least one face sensor exposed.
radar sensor of the plurality of radar sensors is disposed 11. The latch of claim 1 , further comprising a direct
within the closure member and remotely from the latch communication path between at least one radar sensor of the
housing. 65 plurality of radar sensors and the latch controller for com
4. The electronic latch of claim 1 , further comprising a municating a signal from the at least one radar sensor to the
light source in communication with the latch controller and latch controller.
US 11,465,557 B2
23 24
12. The latch of claim 11 , wherein the signal is commu
nicated without being communicated via an intermediate
13. The latch of claim 1 , wherein the at least one radar
antenna is configured to transmit waves and to receive 5
reflected waves , and wherein the closure member includes
sheet metal that is adapted to allow the transmitted waves
and the reflected waves to pass therethrough .
* * *

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