FT Analisis Nuevo TiO2
FT Analisis Nuevo TiO2
FT Analisis Nuevo TiO2
1. Introduction
Dye-sensitized TiO solar cells using reactive ruthenium dyes (N3 dye, cis-
di(thiocyanato)-N,N@-bis(2,2@-bipyridyl-4,4@-dicarboxylic acid)ruthenium(II) complex)
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428 S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441
as sensitizers, porous TiO these types of solar cells, photo-excited electrons are
injected e$ciently from "lms as electron transport layers and organic liquid electro-
lytes containing a redox couple (e.g. I~/I~) as hole transport layer are currently
attracting much interest. This is because of their low cost with quantum e$ciencies
comparable to that of amorphous silicon solar cells [1}3]. In these types of solar cell,
photo-exited electrons are injected e$ciently from excited dye molecules into the
conduction band of the TiO electrode. Mesoporous TiO electrodes with high
2 2
surface area are indispensable (roughness factor '1000) in this system because of
the use of monolayer of dye which is anchored on the TiO electrode that can
absorb solar light e$ciently, much like the thylakoid membrane structures in green
plants [3,4].
Another important characteristic of the dye-sensitized solar cells is an excellent
electron #ow within a porous nanostuctured TiO network [5}12]. The e$cient
electron transport of the injected electrons from dye molecules is essential to obtain
respectable e$ciency in such dye-sensitized solar cells. To explain the electron
transport across the nanocrystalline "lms where macroscopic electrical "elds are
absent, a di!usion model due to electron scattering or hopping phenomena (trapping
and detrapping phenomena), and possibility of tunneling through a potential barrier
of the nanoparticles has been proposed [6]. Recently, the negative charge caused by
electrons trapped in interfacial band-gap states was proposed to enhance the driving
force for the electron transport in the mesoporous TiO electrode. Recently, Motto
transition model has been proposed for the sharp rise in conductivity of the mesopor-
ous anatase TiO "lms; an insulator}metal transition should occur at the initial
charging of the "lms [12]. These mechanistic models for the enhanced conductivity of
mesoporous TiO "lms suggest that the crystalline structure and the grain boundaries
of the mesoporous TiO "lms should be another important factor which determines
the overall e$ciency of the solar cells [13].
In order to obtain higher photoconversion e$ciency in the TiO solar cells,
synthesis of anatase TiO nanocrystallites and preparation of mesoporous TiO
2 2
electrodes using their aqueous suspensions are currently being studied worldwide.
Generally, TiO nanocrystallites are prepared by hydrolysis of titanium alkoxide
followed by autoclaving for several hours above 2003C. The resulting slurry of anatase
TiO nanocrystallites have been used to prepare mesoporous photoanodes for dye-
sensitized solar cells as well as aqueous suspension of commercially available P25
TiO powder (P25-TiO ) [5,13}15]. In the procedure, preparation of TiO seeds as
2 2 2
precursors before autoclaving is known to be a key step for the preparation of
well-de"ned single-phase anatase nanocrystallites. The condensation reaction
and the morphology of "nal TiO nanocrystallites are in#uenced by structures
of the precursors; the substitution of the isopropoxide groups in titanium isopropox-
ide with ethoxy (more hydrolyzable), n-butoxy group (less hydrolyzable), or
acetyl groups lead to more monodispersed and smaller sols due to di!erences in
dispersibility and condensation reaction rates [13]. These observations and facts
suggest that organic groups that may locate at surface of the nanocrystallites should
also play important roles during sintering for preparation of the porous "lms as
S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441 429
2. Experimental procedure
2.1. Apparatus
Porous TiO "lms were prepared using TiO nanocrystallites synthesized by direct
2 2
hydrolysis of titanium n-butoxide in organic solvent under high pressure at high
temperature (150}3003C) (the HyCOM method) [16]. Two kinds of HyCOM-TiO ,
430 S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441
Fig. 1. DSC curves of HyCOM "lm before (a) and after (b) sintering, and that of P25 "lm before (c) and after
(d) sintering at 4503C.
1 We reported previously that HyCOM-TiO showed 4.9% weight loss during thermalysis starting from
1303C to 10003C and no exothermic peaks was detected in the di!erential thermal analysis [17].
432 S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441
Fig. 2. Formation of the chemical bond at the HyCOM-TiO surface during sintering.
was once sintered at 4503C. The eliminated compound was identi"ed as n-butanol by
GC-mass analysis. HyCOM1 was found 1.30 wt% of carbon content by elemental
analysis. Assumed that HyCOM1 consists of 13 nm sized particles, the number of
n-butanol on the one particle was calculated to be more than 620. These facts suggest
that the surface of HyCOM-TiO should be bound by n-butoxy groups to apprecial
extent. In the case of P25-TiO , no exothermic peak was observed either before or
after sintering. The gradual weight loss observed in TGA analysis of HyCOM-TiO
and P25-TiO was ascribed to interparticle neck growth by dehydration during the
sintering as is depicted in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3 shows images of the TiO "lms obtained by scanning electron micrograph at
two di!erent magni"cations, suggesting that the HyCOM "lm is smoother than the
P25 "lm and appears to have smaller crystallites.
X-ray di!raction patterns of the both "lms are shown in Fig. 4. Di!raction signal
assigned to anatase (1 0 1) structure at 25.33 were clearly observed in both HyCOM
and P25 "lms. The di!raction signal at 27.43 due to rutile phase (1 1 0) was not
observed in HyCOM "lm. The intensity ratio of the di!raction re#ects ca. 20%
content of rutile phase in the P25 "lms. Absence of the di!raction due to rutile phase
in the HyCOM "lm indicates that they consist of phase pure anatase as the starting
HyCOM-TiO , [17] and that the sintering process in the "lm fabrication does not
e!ect the crystalline structure.
S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441 433
Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrograph of HyCOM "lm (a, b) and P25-TiO "lm (c, d). Left panels (a, c) are
low resolution and right panels (b, d) are of high resolution.
Fig. 4. X-ray powder di!raction spectra of HyCOM "lm (above), P25-TiO "lm (below).
434 S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441
Fig. 5. Absorption spectra of TiO "lms; thickness of the HyCOM "lms are 2.9 lm (a), 6.3 lm (b), 12.1 lm
(c), and 16.0 lm (d). That of P25-"lm is 11.3 lm (e).
Table 1
Surface area (R. F.) of the "lms
Fig. 5 shows the absorption spectra of HyCOM "lms with di!erent thicknesses and
a P25 "lm of 10 lm thickness. The HyCOM "lms were found more transparent than
the P25 "lm. The absorbance of the HyCOM "lms was less than the P25 "lm, even
when the thickness of HyCOM "lms was larger than the P25 "lm. Steep absorption
onset and lower absorption at longer wavelength region (j'450 nm) of HyCOM
"lms may be due to the absence of light scattering due to the aggregation of
mono-dispersed nanocrystallites of which crystallite size is far less than the
wavelength of visible light.
The roughness factors of the "lms are listed on Table 1 with the surface areas of the
nanocrystalline TiO powders. The "lms made from HyCOM gave two times higher
roughness factors than those made from P25. The high roughness factor of HyCOM
"lm should be attributed to the smaller particle size of HyCOM than P25 as clearly
shown in the di!erence of the BET surface areas.
The HyCOM "lm and the P25 "lm showed the remarkable di!erence in their pore
size distribution (Fig. 6). Both "lms had the very small pores at 5 nm however, only the
HyCOM "lm possessed large amount of mesopores at around 10 nm. On the other
hand, the P25 "lm showed the very broad pore size distribution even larger than
S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441 435
Fig. 6. Pore-size distribution of HyCOM "lm (L) and P25 "lm (]).
Fig. 7. Dependence of the amount of chemisorbed dye on the thickness of HyCOM1 "lms (L), HyCOM2
"lm (n), and P25-TiO "lm (]).
3.2. Dye chemisorption onto the xlms and ewect of sintering temperature
The quantity of chemisorbed dye on the "lm was determined by measuring the
quantity of the dye desorbed into a NaOH solution (0.1 M). Fig. 7 shows that the
quantity of the dye on HyCOM "lms was more than twice as much as on P25 "lm at
comparable thickness and that the dye quantity is proportional to the thickness of
the HyCOM "lms. The HyCOM1 "lm comprised by the smaller size (11 nm) of
436 S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441
Fig. 8. Photocurrent}potential characteristics of the dye-adsorbed HyCOM "lm with thickness of 13.4 lm
(a), 8.5 lm (b), 2.7 lm (c), and under dark (d), determined using three electrodes photo electrochemical cell
(above). Photocurrent}potential characteristics of P25-TiO "lm with thickness of 15.0 lm under illumina-
tion and dark (below).
HyCOM-TiO chemisorbed slightly more dye molecules than the HyCOM2 "lm
(13 nm).
The e!ect of sintering temperature on the dye chemisorption was also examined.
The quantity of the dye on HyCOM1 "lms with the thickness of 4 lm were 0.54, 0.49,
and 0.47]10~7 mol cm~2, when sintered at 350, 450 and 5503C, respectively. Slight
decrease in the dye chemisorption with increase of sintering temperature re#ected the
decrease in the surface area of the "lms owing to necking between the particles.
Fig. 9. Dependence of photocurrent maxima on the amount of chemisorbed dye on HyCOM1 "lms (L),
HyCOM2 "lm (n), and P25-TiO "lm (]).
TiO "lms with thicknesses ranging from ca. 0.6 to 45 lm; under band gap UV
illumination in the presence of formic acid as electron donor, the photocurrent
increased with increase of the "lm thickness [12].
It should be noted that the thin HyCOM "lm (2.7 lm) showed higher photocurrent
(1.0 mA cm~2) than the thick P25 "lm (15 lm thickness, 0.5 mA cm~2), although the
former chemisorbed about one-half of the dye molecules on the latter (Fig. 7). To
evaluate the e$ciency of the dye molecules which generate photocurrent, maximum
values of photocurrent (I ) were plotted as a function of the quantity of chemisorbed
dye molecules per unit area of the "lms in Fig. 9. Photocurrent increased almost
linearly as the amount of the dye molecules increased, although slight saturation of
the photocurrent was observed at large values of the dye-chemisorption
('0.7]10~7 mol cm~2). Higher photocurrent was observed for HyCOM "lms than
for P25 "lms. The HyCOM2 "lm yielded a larger photocurrent than the HyCOM1
"lm, while the chemisorbed dye on the HyCOM1 "lms was comparable or slightly
larger than that of the HyCOM2 "lm.
Importance of light scattering in electrodes was pointed out and better photovoltaic
response was con"rmed especially for the red light by introducing large scattering
particles in the TiO electrodes. The scattering of light does not play a role in the
photovoltaic response of the HyCOM systems, because the HyCOM-TiO "lms are
fully transparent while P25-TiO "lm is translucent or opaque. Generally, lattice
imperfections in crystal such as kink, vacancy, lattice mismatch, interfere with electron
transport in semiconducting materials. Taking into account that P25-TiO is a mix-
ture of ca. 80% anatase and ca.20% rutile nanocrystallites, the higher photocurrent
generation in the dye-chemisorbed HyCOM "lms suggested that electron transport of
photo-injected electron should become e!ective in the single phase anatase HyCOM-
TiO agglomeration.
Grain boundaries between the particles should a!ect the electron transport of
injected electrons as well as the crystallinity of the particles. The present systems of
HyCOM electrodes consist of a few tens nm crystallites, and thus contain a signi"cant
438 S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441
amount of grain boundaries. The higher e$ciency of HyCOM electrodes implies that
not only the single phase anatase crystalline structure but also the smooth neck
growth at the grain boundaries should contribute to the e!ective electron transport.
Linear increment of photocurrent depending on the thickness of the HyCOM "lms
(Fig. 9) also supports the formation of the e!ective crystalline neck growth in the
agglomeration with thickness up to 13 lm. Taking into account the n-butoxide layer
on HyCOM nanocrystallites, the gradual elimination of the butoxide might contrib-
ute to the e!ective crystalline neck growth during sintering of the agglomeration (Fig.
2). Improvement of the e$ciency at the HyCOM "lms sintered at higher temperature
(5503C) was observed, which should be also attributed to the e!ective crystalline
necking at higher temperature.
Photocurrent}voltage characteristics of the dye-chemisorbed HyCOM electrodes
showed slightly positive onset potential of photocurrent (; "0) compared with that
of P25 "lm. In the system of dye-sensitization, values of ; "0, where net photocur-
rent was not observed, re#ect injected electron density of the conduction band under
illumination [21}23]. Although positive shift of ; "0 is generally caused by in-
crement of recombination process of photoinjected electron in conduction band and
electron acceptors at the interface. Such as oxidized dye or I~ in the redox electrolytes,
the observed shift in the system of the HyCOM electrodes should not be attributed to
this e!ect, because such recombination also decreases the photocurrent e$ciency.
Positive ; "0 of the HyCOM-TiO system should be ascribed to intrinsic surface
i 2
properties a!ecting the #at band potential of the electrode. Fig. 8 also shows cur-
rent}potential characteristics of the HyCOM electrode system under dark conditions.
When compared to those of P25 electrode (below), onset potential of the reduction
current under dark was as positive as under illumination. Thus, the positive shift of
; "0 can be attributed to the intrinsic properties of the HyCOM electrode. It is
well-known that proton-rich surface of TiO "lms causes positive shift of the #at-band
potential [14]. Thus, the lower #at band potential, i.e., the more positive shift of ; "0
for the HyCOM electrodes might re#ect more protonated surface, i.e. more acidic
surface of the dye-chemisorbed HyCOM electrodes than that of the P25 electrodes.
Fig. 10. Photocurrent}voltage characteristic of the cells using; HyCOM "lm with the treatment (bold solid
line), HyCOM "lm without the treatment (bold dashed line), P25 "lm with the treatment (solid line), P25
"lm without the treatment (dashed line), determined by the sandwich-type cell. Illuminated light intensity
was 10 mW cm~2 with AM 1.5 spectral irradiance.
Table 2
Photovoltaic properties of dye-sensitized solar cells!
Intensity (mW cm~2) < (V) I (mA cm~2) Fill factor g! (%)
0# 4#
HyCOM "lm 10 0.56 0.75 0.72 3.1
HyCOM "lm/TiCl 10 0.60 0.95 0.73 4.3
HyCOM "lm/TiCl 100 0.62 8.8 0.52 2.8
P25 "lm 10 0.63 0.68 0.69 3.1
P25 "lm/TiCl treatment 10 0.63 0.66 0.66 2.7
P25 "lm/TiCl treatment 100 0.70 6.8 0.55 2.9
!Overall light-to-electric energy conversion e$ciency.
treatment of P25 "lms, however, led to the slight decline of the cell performance. The
post-treatment should result in the formation of fresh TiO layer onto the surface of
porous "lms. The formation of fresh surface should improve inter-connection between
the particles as in the case of the necking during the sintering. The e!ective neck
growth would facilitate the electron transport between the particles, leading to the
improvement of the cell performance. Furthermore, the improved surface layer might
contribute to e!ective adsorption of dye molecules on the TiO "lms [20]. The
e!ective chemisorption should assist e!ective electron injection at the dye-sensitiza-
tion. Such surface activation should occur more e!ectively in the HyCOM "lms than
P25 "lms. Under the AM1.5 conditions (100 mW cm~2), the HyCOM TiO solar cell
(TiCl treatment) gave a less conversion e$ciency when compared with the case of the
440 S. Kambe et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 61 (2000) 427}441
P25 solar cell (TiCl treatment) (Table 2). The di!erence is explained as due to
di!erence in pore size distribution. The HyCOM "lms had the pore size distribution
that ranged from 4 to 20 nm, while the P25 "lms from 4 to 50 nm (Fig. 6). The narrow
pore size distribution is not suitable for di!usion of the hole transporting I~/I~
species in the electrolyte under high light intensity.
4. Conclusions
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