Membrane Co2 Removal

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Oil and Gas: Application Focus

Membrane CO2 Removal Ensure your CO2 removal reliably meets

your daily production quotas and membrane
protection needs.

Process Description
Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) is commonly found in many natural
gas fields, in concentrations up to 80% volume. The
removal of CO 2 is important both from a fuel value
standpoint (increased heating value) and protection against
downstream corrosion. While there are several acid gas
(CO 2 is an acid gas) removal technologies, membranes are
quickly becoming viable candidates. Membrane separation
in this case is by solution diffusion, which means that the
membrane is non-porous and CO 2 dissolves and diffuses
through the solid barrier. The membrane area needed
depends on several parameters (such as hydrocarbon
purity and feed temperature). Membrane elements come in
two flavors, spiral wound or hollow fiber, both intended to
provide the required membrane area in a compact format.
Gas Plant Needs
• Achieve or exceed natural gas production quotas via
The CO 2 removal is carried out with one or two membrane
reliable CO 2 removal from raw natural gases
stages to reduce the area needed for a desired separation.
The permeate gas stream from stage 1 is sent to stage 2 • Protect against ingression of liquids causing swelling and
for additional recovery of hydrocarbons. damage to the polymeric membrane
• Protect against fouling and blockage of flow paths by
entrained solids

Production Challenge / Pall Solution

Challenge Solution
Membrane degradation due Improve your membrane CO2 removal unit efficiency and reliability with effective liquid
to liquid and aerosol ingression and solid removal upstream of the adsorption beds to protect against membrane damage and
coating the membrane surface capacity loss.
leading to swelling and in some • High efficiency SepraSol® Plus liquid/gas coalescers and Medallion™ HP liquid/gas coalescers
cases loss of integrity provide 99.999% removal at 0.3 microns per the DOP test and 1 ppb downstream per the
modified ANSI/CAGI-400-1999 test procedure.

Membrane element fouling Protect membrane flow paths against fouling and plugging through effective solids control.
and plugging due to solids • The DGF Dry Gas Particulate Filter removes contaminants from the untreated hydrocarbon gas
carried by the untreated natural stream before it enters the CO 2 removal unit.
Process Flow Diagram

CO2 lean gas
Sour gas

Stage 1
1 2


Gas particle Liquid/gas

filter coalescer

CO2 rich gas

Stage 2 to further processing


Key Applications / Filter Recommendations (other applications not shown)

Application Pall Product Advantages Customer Benefits
1 Membrane Gas particle filters to control Protect flow paths against fouling Membrane CO2 removal unit
element contaminant ingression into and plugging reliability by elimination of solid
protection membrane separation unit contaminant ingression

2 Membrane Liquid/gas coalescers to remove Remove liquid water and Productivity, reliability and
protection incoming liquids hydrocarbons that shorten on-spec CO2 content via
membrane life and efficiency maintained membrane efficiency
and capacity

Experience Matters
Don’t take our word for it. Just ask the thousands of oil and gas engineers around the world why Pall is their
supplier of choice for filtration and separations solutions. Let them tell you how our extended filter life and
simple maintenance protocols save them time that can be spent on value-add process improvements. Ask
them about the reliability and consistent output from the Pall systems installed in their critical processes. You
don’t want to spend time worrying about your filters and coalescers, and we don’t want you to either.
Contact Pall today and let us put our 50+ years of experience to work for you.

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+1 888 873 7255 toll free US services described herein, the data and procedures are subject to change without
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FCOGMEMCO2EN Produced in the USA June 2015

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