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Distribution of Crops and Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh

Article in Bangladesh Rice Journal · September 2018

DOI: 10.3329/brj.v21i2.38195

123 247,037

7 authors, including:

S. M. Shahidullah Abhijit Saha

Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Bangladesh Rice Research Institute


Md Abdul Muttaleb Masthan Ali

Bangladesh Rice Research Institute HCL


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Bangladesh Rice J. 21 (2) : 1-55, 2017

Distribution of Crops and Cropping

Patterns in Bangladesh
M Nasim1, S M Shahidullah1*, A Saha1, M A Muttaleb1, T L Aditya2, M A Ali2 and M S Kabir3


Agricultural land use and distribution of cultivated crops expressed in cropping pattern (CP) constitute
the base for increasing produtivity. An in-depth study was conducted on the existing CPs of Bangladesh
in each and every upazila (sub-districts) using semi structured questionnaire and data validation by
the stakeholder consultation workshop conducted in each of 64 districts. Three hundred and sixteen
CPs were identified throughout Bangladesh excluding the very minor ones. Topmost five CPs were
only rice containing CPs, which covered 51% of the net cropped area. The most dominant CP was Boro-
Fallow-T. Aman covering 27% of net cropped area. Results on major cropwise CPs, location-wise CPs,
CP diversity and crop diversity etc are also presented herein.
Key words: Land use, cropping pattern, cropping intensity, crop diversity index

INTRODUCTION dependency on absolute agriculture, 45% of

the total labour forces of the country and 16%
Bangladesh, an agriculture dominating of GDP have to rely directly on agriculture
country, belongs to the greatest delta (Ganga- (Anonymous, 2016a). Beside the crop
Brahmaputra and Sundarbans) of the world coverage, the agricultural land is occupied by
criss-crossed by thousands of rivers and forest, mangrove forest, river, lake, bil, haor,
revulets (Fig. 1). The land is enreached with aquaculture, tea and salt pan (Hasan et al., 2013).
fertile alluvial soil. The soil and environment is Lots of crops are cultivated both of tropical and
well suited for different kinds of crops all over temperate origin in this country. Agricultural
the year. About 57% of its total land is arable land use at a local level is expressed by the
(Anonymous, 2016a). The lion share of the total spatial and temporal distribution of crops often
land has been brought under cultivation to expressed as cropping pattern (CP). CP depends
satisfy the demand of teeming millions. Despite on the physiography, environment and socio-
this achivement, a huge population has a limited economic conditions of a particular area.
access to enough land under their jurisdiction
making agriculture a challenging option. On Physiography, ecosystem and environment
the other hand, the yearly transformation Agriculture is predominantly influenced by
of a certain area (0.47%) of arable land from the varying environmental and physiographic
agriculture to non-agriculture use is a grave conditions of an area. Three broad physiographic
concern to agricultural community due to groups are marked in Bangladesh and they
population pressure, urbanization and some belong to three distinct geographical ages as,
non-agricultural purposes. Thus, getting more tertiary hills, pleistocene terraces and recent
food from less land would be one of the most floodplains (Fig. 2). These physiographic
challenging concern for the country even groups are represented by hill soils in south-
having some improvement of the existing eastern and north-eastern areas, accounting
agricultural system. Despite the reduction of for about 12% of the land, terrace soils consist

Rice Farming Systems Division, BRRI, Gazipur; 2Director, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute; 3Director General, Bangladesh Rice

Research Institute, Gazipur; *Corresponding author’s E-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 1. Upazila-wise map of Bangladesh (http://maps.barcapps.gov.bd/index.php?t=administrative).

2 Nasim et al
Fig. 2. Soil physiography and general soil type map of Bangladesh (http://en.banglapedia.org/index.

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 3

of two uplifted blocks in the west and centre temperature comes down and monsoon wind
of the country called Barind and Madhupur ceases. As a result, cold wind flows from the
Tracts, respectively accounting for about 8% north towards the bay. The cold wind mainly
of the land and floodplain soils distributed comes from the Himalaya, which further lowers
across the country accounting for about 80% of the temperature. The winter is designated as
the land. Soil types within these physiographic the dry parts of the year when temperature
groups are classified into 21 general types (Fig. might go down as low as 4-5° C. In contrast,
2). The cultivation practices and type of crops the temperature may goes up beyond 40° C in
are exclusively dependent on these soil types the summer in some places in Bangladesh. The
(FAO, 1988). In addition to physiography extreme climatic events are not uncommon.
and general soil types, water plays a vital The intensity of these events vary with season
role on crop production. As per FAO (1988), or geographical location of the country.
there are five classes of soil based on land In respect to the suitability of growing
level in relation to seasonal flooding. Water crops, FAO (1988) classified the whole land
is generally scarce for cultivation in high into 30 Agroecological regions (AEZ) and 88
and medium highlands. Contrarily medium subregions (Fig. 5). In this system, information
lowland, lowland and very lowland are prone on the environment, which is relevant for land
to flood of varying degrees during monsoon use, was used for the assessment of agricultural
(Fig. 3). Beside these, there are special types potential. By adding and superimposing these
of flood-prone areas mostly confined to the information, those regions and subregions were
northeastern corner of the country called haor, a classified. The following information was taken
saucer-shaped vast depressed area contains bil into account: 1. Physiography (Land forms and
in it and is inundated by water during monsoon soil parent material), 2. Depth and duration of
and is dried up in winter (Fig. 4). Tidal wetland, seasonal flooding, 3. Length of rainfed Kharif
another type of land at the southern part of the and Rabi growing periods, 4. Length of pre-
country greatly influences the crop production Kharif period of unreliable rainfall, 5. Length
practices of the area. These areas are flood free of the cool winter period and 6. Frequency of
zones, however are experienced of high and occurrence of extremely high (>40 oC) summer
low tide every six hours. The tidal wetland is temperature.
of two types, saline and non-saline. The saline
water obviously restricts crop production Agricultural land use
severely. There are lot of charlands along the As described above, the country experiences
rivers and the coastal belt. Most of the areas a lot of environmental variations, so is the
having favourable environments for growing case for land use patterns. The land use in
crops (Fig. 4). However, a significant area with croplands involves: Single crop, double crop,
adverse growing conditions are not unlikely triple crop, quadruple crop, current fallow etc
depending growing season when the crop is in The agricultural land use is highly dynamic in
progress in the field. Bangladesh.
Subtropical monsoon climate prevails in Among the cultivated crops, rice occupies
Bangladesh, which is characterized by wide about 75% of total cropped areas (Anonymous,
seasonal variation and uneven distribution of 2016a). So all the other crops together,
temperature and rainfall. Monsoon wind flow occupy the rest of the cropped area. Rice has
plays a vital role in crop production. During the wide adaptation ability under different
warmer season, the wind brings moisture with agroecological niches of Bangladesh. It can be
it to rain in the rainy season. Along with the cultivated from the slope of the hill to a very
progress of the rainy season, the major rivers deep flooded areas where water depth rises
flow with water from the Himalya up to the around 3 m. It can be cultivated thorughout the
brim causing flood across the country. In winter, year with an adjustment of not experience of

4 Nasim et al
Fig. 3. Flood affected areas of Bangladesh (http://lib.pmo.gov.bd/maps/images/bangladesh/Flood.gif).

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 5

Fig. 4. Adverse ecosystem map of Bangladesh (http://maps.barcapps.gov.bd/index.php?t=adverse_echo_system).

6 Nasim et al
Fig. 5. Agroecological zone map of Bangladesh (http://maps.barcapps.gov.bd/index.php?t=edaphic).

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 7

extreme temperature during the reproductive conditions and thus short period of moisture
phase. Rice is the best-adapted cereal crop in stress or mild submergence may occur. The
the lowland soil in the wet season. No other land is often submersed by flash flood. The
important crops have this ability to cope with water depth varies up to 100 cm and duration
the situation. When the vast areas of our country of flooding is usually not more than 10-12 days.
go under flood water for considerable time in Supplementary irrigation may be necessary.
the wet season, or when intermittent flash flood Both drought and flooding can occur within the
affects majority of our lowlands, or when tide same cropping season.
water rises up and falls down twice a day, rice Deep water. The lowlying lands where
is the only crop option to be suited in those flood water accumulates during rainy season
conditions. Thus rice enables us to bring these and standing water depth vary from 50 cm
vast areas under cultivation in unfavourable to more than 3 m and flooding occurs only
during part of the growing season is called
deep water rice (DWR) ecosystem. Here rice is
Rice growing environments
The International Terminology for Rice direct seeded on unbunded fields. Soil cycles
Growing Environments (Khush, 1984) from flooded to nonflooded conditions. Rice
established a standard classification of rice grows 50 to 60 days in rainfed field subject to
ecosystems. In this system, primary classes are drought or shallow flooding then is flooded to
based on broad areas of sustained water depth. a depth of more than half a meter for a month
Secondary classes are based on subdivisions or longer. The rice plant grows as flood water
of water depths; the dynamics of the water rises and rice is harvested after flood water
regime, including the dependability of water recedes. Rice is often only the crop that can be
supply; and on soil constraints in some cases. grown in the flood-prone areas during flooding
All classes of rice growing environments are period. Catling et al. (1988) defined DWR as rice
widely present in Bangladesh. The primary
that is usually grown on land that is flooded to
classes are briefly defined below:
more than 50 cm depth for one month or more
Irrigated ecosystem. The lands are irrigated
with good water control and have adequate during the growing season. DWR at the early
water supply throughout the growing season. stage suffer from drought and with the onset
Rainfall may supplement irrigation water. Rice of monsoon, it suffers from variable degrees of
is transplanted or direct seeded on puddle soil flooding that may last up to the reproductive
on levelled and bunded field. Lands represent stage. DWR ecosystem is different from tidal
harmonious nature of irrigated areas. Low wetlands where water may rise more than 50
lying areas, especially flood-prone areas are the cm by tidal action but only for a short period
most suitable areas. Most of the rice production in each day and from shallow flash-flood areas
comes from this ecosystem. In Bangladesh, they where rice may be submerged 50 cm or more
are scattered all over the country. but for up to 10-12 days.
Rainfed lowland. Rainfed lowlands are Upland. Naturally well-drained soil with
usually in medium highland areas where rice bunds or unbunded fields without surface
cultivation depends on rainfall. After onset of water accumulation is called upland. Water
rainfall, at some time, rain water accumulates does not stagnant even after heavy rains. Lands
on lands because of continuous and heavy are level to steeply sloping. Crops suffer from
rains. The soil is then puddled and rice is lack of moisture and inadequate nutrition.
usually transplanted on levelled or slightly Rice is direct seeded. Upland rice fields are
slopping bunded or dyked fields with variable mostly cultivated using traditional methods
depth and duration of flooding of rainfall. (predominantly slash and burn) in scattered
Soils alternate from flooded to nonflooded fields. Uplands may encounter severe problems

8 Nasim et al
with hard-pans, low pH sub soil, rapid onset Non-rice crops growing environment
of drought and lack of soil moisture. In the Wheat is cultivated in Rabi season and it
uplands, soils remain aerobic throughout the needs prolonged winter. It is best suited in
season. well drained sandy loam soil, however, it is
Tidal wetland. Tidal wetlands are near cultivated in range of sandy loam to clay loam
the sea coasts and inland estuaries that are soils. It is also suited to medium highland to
directly or indirectly influenced by tides. They medium lowland. Wheat is best suited in cold
are heterogeneous environments. Freshwater winter prone areas of northern districts. Wheat
tidal wetlands in Bangladesh occur near inland covers 5.23%, of the net cropped areas (NCA)
estuaries some distance from the coast. There (Anonymous, 2016b). Maize is cultivated in
is little or no intrusion of saline water. The two seasons, Rabi and Kharif-I. It is suited best
usual feature of these areas is the occurrence in loamy soils. It is found to be the best in the
of daily tidal flooding between 30 to 60 cm northern districts. It is also suited in charlands
depth, with some extremes up to 80 cm from throughout the country. However, in most of
June to September then falling sharply to 20 the potato growing areas maize is followed
cm in late September. The field condition in after potato in Kharif-I season. Maize covers
the high tide is unsuitable for any crop but 3.9% of the NCA (Anonymous, 2016b).
rice. The water levels in coastal rice fields Many of the varieties of pulses and oil seeds
fluctuate. Transplanted rice is grown in this are well suited to our ecosystems. However,
environment and they suffer from daily high pulse and oil seed crops cover only 4.9% and
5.02%, respectively of the NCA (Anonymous,
and low tidal pressure and also high depth of
2016b). Among the pulses, the major crops
standing water. Tall rice seedlings with quick
are grasspea, lentil, chickpea, blackgram and
growing nature are transplanted to withstand
mungbean and the minor ones are pigeonpea,
submergence and tidal pressure as tides rise
fieldpea, fava bean and cowpea. Grasspea,
and fall. Saline water tidal wetland occurs
lentil, chickpea, fieldpea, cowpea and fava
near sea coast and mouth of estuaries and sea
beans are grown during Rabi season. Blackgram
water intrusion takes place. The soil may have
is grown just after the peak of monsoon.
severe problems of salinity and other toxicity. Mungbean is grown in winter and in the late
The soil comes in contact with sea water by winter or in Kharif-I seasonas well. Among the
tidal flooding, direct inundation of sea water oil seed crops, rapeseed and mustard, sesame
and by saline underground water. However, in and groundnut are the major crops while niger,
the rainy season rain water dilutes salts of the safflower, sunflower and soybean are minor
top soil and washes away and leaches the salts ones. Rapeseed and mustard, niger and linseed
and at that time intrusion of saline water is also are grown in the Rabi season while groundnut,
checked by fresh water in the upstream river. sunflower and soybean in both Rabi and Kharif-
So, rice production is possible at that time. The II seasons. Sesame is grown both in Kharif-I and
problem of salinity increases in the dry season. Kharif-II seasons.
In Bangladesh rice is grown in all these Pulses are not evenly distributed in the
ecosystems. Our rice seasons generally fit country. Their cultivation is mainly concentrated
into the primary classes of rice ecosystems. within the gangetic floodplain in the northern
Boro represents irrigated ecosystem, T. Aman districts and in some areas of southern districts.
represents rainfed lowland and tidal wetland, Soils of this area are calcareous from top to
Aus represents upland and B. Aman represents certain depth, loamy in the ridges and clay in
deep water rice ecosystem. However, with the the basin. pH ranges from 6.5-8. Availability of
modern rice varieties, the association between phosphorus, calcium, molybdenum and boron
rice ecotypes and ecosystems is fading (Miah is relatively high, which are important for grain
et al., 2004). legumes. Lentil, blackgram and mungbean

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 9

are grown on high and medium high lands, CP. CP is an important indicator of land use,
moderately well to poorly drained light environment and socio-economic aspects of
textured soils while chickpea and grasspea are farmers of a locality. It indicates the proportion
grown on medium-high to low lands, poorly of areas under different crops in a given time. It
drained heavy textured soils. Grasspea is also indicates the cropping activities in an area.
grown almost all over the country in medium In CP, crops are grown in sequence on same
low and lowlands. Mungbean is grown in loam piece of land in a year. Here succeeding crop
soil. It can also perform well in clay soil if it is is established after the preceding crop has been
well drained. harvested. Thus in CP there is turn around time
Rapeseed and mustard is best grown in and may or may not have a fallow period in a
loamy soils. It can also be cultivated in clay loam season. CP is very important, it allows increase
and silt loam soils. Groundnut is cultivated in in intensity and hence total production in a
sandy loam and sandy soil of charland on the year as well. Climate, environment, resources
river bank or in the basin. High land with sandy and socioeconomic conditions determine the
loam soil is suitable for sesame. CP in an area. Climate and environments play
Jute is cultivated in loamy soils in medium a vital role. Presence of water is an important
highland to medium lowland. It requires natural factor to choose a crop. Economic consideration
water source near the field for its retting. Jute of a farmer like irrigation, inputs, value of crops
cultivation is scattered throughout the country, and decision of farmer and communities and
however, is concentrated in greater Faridpur government policies are also crucial. Based on
and northern districts. It occupies about 8.05% appropriate consideration of all these issues
of NCA (Anonymous, 2016b). farmers make a decision and construct a CP
Sugarcane is cultivated in clay loam, loam with judicious sequence.
and sandy loam soils. It is suited for medium CP or crop sequence is practically an annual
highland and medium lowland. In some sandy strategy to optimize agronomic and economic
loam soils where Boro cultivation is difficult, yield in sustainable manner. CP itself is a
farmers often choose sugarcane in it. It grows dominant management practice in agriculture.
well in the low Ganges river floodplain. This management not only help increase total
Sugarcane covers about 1.25% of NCA production in a year but it influences many
(Anonymous, 2016b). other management practices to be followed in
There are lots of vegetables cultivated in it. It is so vital that many technologies, which
our country. Vegetable is cultivated in fertile are otherwise potential when is practiced
and well-drained soil often near the cities and individually, fail to show its potentiality when
towns. Vegetables are grown round the year they have to be fitted in CP. CP controls many
in three different seasons. Many temperate crop production and soil property issues. Crop
season’s vegetable are well suited to our winter. diversity, input use, management, weed and
disease infestation, soil physical properties like
Cropping pattern bulk density etc, cover crop, green manure,
There are many crop growing niches seen in mulches, organic matter, C-N storage, erosion,
Bangladesh to support an unique biodiversity water infiltration etc are influenced by CP.
of crops throughout the year. Types of crops Thus CP provides us with a complete picture of
cultivated in an area and round the year is agriculture in a locality.
very important to increase the total crop The cropping patterns of Bangladesh
production and productivity in that area. are usually rice-based. However, these are
Distribution of crops in an area round the year diversified as well. The other crops in sequence
can be expressed by CP. The yearly sequence are selected from the non-rice cerelas, pulses,
and spatial arrangement of crops or crops and oil crops, vegetables and fibre crops. Thus rice-
seasonal fallow of a given area are known as based cropping patterns not only provide us

10 Nasim et al
the major source of dietary energy through rice their relation with other land use parameters,
but also supplements our essential diets. groups of CPs according to major crops and
Before 1970 i.e., before the green revolution related information is accumulated in this
era, many cropping patterns were evolved based study. Stakeholders need information on crops,
on the characteristics of traditional varieties, their spatial and temporal distribution, their
age-old management practices, socioeconomic environment and management in different
needs and the existing environments. There areas of the country, which is very vital in
has been a lot of changes and re-adjustments decision making. No study can provide us with
since the green revolution era to date. Many this information. This study is a means to solve
new crop varieties and technologies adaptable the gap on this vital aspect of information. This
to the changing environments are coming up. study has many implications to the concerned
The input-intensive technologies turned many stakeholders. Farmers will have ideas about
his ecosystems and land use and avenue of
direct seeded rice areas into transplanted rice
improvement/intervention. Researchers will
areas for better efficacy of the inputs and ease
have avenues on crops and varieties and their
of management practices. Irrigation and other
areas of improvement, use of inputs tagged
technologies turned many Rabi crop growing
with existing environment and integration
areas into Boro growing areas. Wheat, maize
of component technologies to get potential
and potato areas also increased. As a result, yield of the CP. Policy makers and extension
many Rabi crops including pulses and oil personnel will get ideas on material and capital
seeds failed to accommodate in the systems input mobilization, technology transfer etc
and their areas decreased significantly. Boro to explore the potential yield of the system.
areas increased dramatically. DWR and direct Thus, this study may be considered as vital and
seeded Aus and Aman areas with local varieties unique by its nature.
decreased considerably.
Justification and objective of the study
Uniqueness, usefulness and policy relevance CP brings appropriate crops and management in
of the study in Bangladesh appropriate space and time. Improved formation
Distribution of crops i.e., agricultural land of CP helps to approach the sustainable food
occupied by different crops is an important security. The information related to CP is quite
consideration which is usually expressed by vital to the farmer, researcher and extension
CP. Study of CP has lots of merits. However, experts. Even the policy makers would have
only some sporadic studies are found on this the idea to formulate the policy issues from the
subject (Ali, 2014; Chowdhury et al., 2008; major CPs of the country. Unfortunately, we
Hossain et al., 2016; Shahidullah et al., 2006), have a little updated knowledge about the CP
they are mostly confined for a small locality. of the whole country. It is not known how many
Rice Farming Systems Division of BRRI CPs are there or what is the most dominant CP
conducted an earlier study during the end with its area coverage or related information
of 1990, which was a bit similar to this study all over the country. It is also not known how
based on data collected from DAE on CP (Nur- many CPs are there with a specific crop in it or
E-Elahi et al., 2001). The study was not very CP without rice crops. The present study is an
huge, narrow in presentation, however, district attempt to answer those questions, and aims to
wise major CPs were identified. Contrarily, study agricultural land use and CP and create
current study is huge. It presents information data base on it across the whole country with a
on CPs throughout the country in each and view to exploring the potential of CPs in future
every upazila. List of CPs, their area coverage, from these information.

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 11

METHODOLOGY have to match in their respective coverage. Thus
individual CP coverage data were developed.
The study was conducted following two steps. Data we used in this study were collected
• Collection and analysis of secondary data from DAE. A semi-structured questionnaire
and find out the mismatching of the data. was developed for data collectionon crop, CP,
their area coverage etc for the year of 2014. A
• Conducting stakeholder consultation small team of investigators visited the Deputy
workshop to review, verify and validate Director (DD), DAE office. They collected the
mismatch data discussing with the relevant secondary information of crops, their hecterage
sources and finalize data. from each upazila from the district office. The
questionnaires were then distributed to each
Collection and analysis of secondary data and upazila to collect information on CPs and their
finding mismatch hectarage and other related issues. Upazila
Present study was carried out basically using Agriculture Office filled up the questionnaires
secondary source of information from the and sent back to the investigators. These data
Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE). were analyzed to find out the mismatch of data,
DAE keeps records of crops in every nook and if any, among the data and any query regarding
corner of the country. At the grass root level, them.
in the blocks, Sub Assistant Agriculture Officer
(SAAO) collects data from the field. They use Conducting stakeholder consultation
Mauza map to identify NCA and the land use workshop
for non-agricultural purposes. In the cropped
Two sets of data, one collected from DD Office
area, major crop growing field and their
on crop and their coverage in each upazila and
coverage is also identified. SAAO conducts
the other collected through questionnaire on CP
survey following the possible ways to collect
and their coverage from Upazila Agriculture
data. They collect the list of farmers and their
lands from the manager of each Boro irrigation Office were analyzed. After analysis of the
scheme. They also make list of farmers for the data, usually there were some mismatches of
other major crops like T. Aman, Aus, wheat, data and were some information that needed
jute etc and for minor crops as well. They further clarification. To purify and finalize
collected data by interviewing farmers who this information stakeholder consultation
cultivate different crops, use different varieties workshops were conducted in 64 districts
in respective hecterage. He also uses his own separately to work on upazila level data. A
judgment by his own eye estimation. Finally team of investigators (researchers) visited
observing the actual harvest area, judging by each district and organized a workshop. In the
his own experience, the individual crop, their workshop, DD and district level all concerned
varieties and coverage are identified. By these officers of DAE and from upazila level UAO,
ways they keep data of each and every crop and AEO, UAA, SAPPO, SAAOs of respective
their coverage in his blocks. Combining block upazila attended. In the workshop if there is a
data, union, then upazila, then district data are mismatch of data or any other query on data,
compiled and kept in the record book of DAE. researchers pointed out it for discussion. Then
Thus in each upazila, season wise cultivated the data were finalized. The whole study was
crops and their coverage are recorded. conducted from August 2015 to November
DAE also keeps information on CP. Each 2016, throughout the country.
crop is cultivated in a specific field in a single, Thus the data used for final analysis were the
double, triple or quadruple CP. Based on overviewed data. The CP for the present study
individual crops coverage, the area of a crop with its hectarage means the proportion of areas
in a CP is distributed. Other crops of these CP under different CPs in each upazila in 2014.

12 Nasim et al
Analysis of data season in a CP, e.g., two potato crops in Rabi
Collected data were analyzed using Micro Soft season, a dash is used in between the crops e.g.,
Excel programme. Tally, addition, average and Potato-Potato-Aus- T. Aman. Other than arable
descriptive statistics were used for presentation crops, e.g., orchard fruit crops, plantation tree,
of data. Based on these data, tables were social forest, bamboo bushes, homestead crops,
constructed and discussed accordingly. rooftop crops were not considered as crops of
CP. Very minor CPs in terms of area coverage,
Limitation of the data was not included in our CP list. However, they
The data were collected from administrative were included in ‘Other’ category (Table 2) and
area i.e., from each upazila of the country. So were used in calculation of CP of respective
results were presented easily for upazila, district upazila.
or region. However, among the upazilas there is Fallow. In a temporal distribution of crops in
transboundary ecosystem coverage where parts a land in a year, if a season remains uncultivated
of the upazila are taken into account. Examples it is considered as fallow. Fallow lands may be
are Barind tract, haor areas, tidal wetlands etc converted to cultivated land. Unfavourable
These areas extend transboundary of more weather like flood or socioeconomic conditions
than one upazilas. Exact ecosystem-wise result may cause a land to remain fallow.
presentation is difficult in this study. Primary Current fallow (CF). If a cultivable land
level data collection, ground truthing etc were remains fallow throughout the year, it is
not included in this study. called CF. However, if a land remains fallow
in one season, but cultivated in another season
Relevant terminology
in a year, it is not CF. CF was not considered
Land use. The utilization of surface of a land on
in NCA.
a specific space at a given time is called land use.
Net cropped area (NCA): A cultivable land
When a land is utilized for agricultural purpose,
may be either cultivated or remained fallow
it may be termed as agricultural land use. throughout the year. When a land is cultivated,
CP. The sequence of crops or crops and one or two or three crops round the year may
fallow on a given area in a year. It includes the be cultivated in it. The summation of cultivated
seasonal and annual crops, not the perennial land area of a region is called NCA. Thus, it is
crops. Seasonal crops can be sequenced by other the actual area under crop in a specific year. CF
seasonal crops or fallow. Annual crops may be is not considered in it.
replaced after its harvest. So, these are included Single cropped area/DCA/TCA/QCA: If
in CP. Perennial crops, orchard crops, tree crops only one crop is cultivated in a year in an arable
are not sequenced. So they are excluded from land, the area is called SCA. Using similar sense
the CP. In case of mixed crops or inter crops, double, triple and quadruple crop areas are
the area in which they are cultivated from it, the
portion of area of a companion crop occupied Total cropped area. It is the summation
is calculated using land equivalent ratio. CP is of area cultivated once as well as more than
generally denoted by writing the crop’s name once in a particular year. When two crops in
one after another separated by dash sign. sequence are cultivated in a land in a year, the
Serial of crops indicates the sequence, which is area is counted twice and so on for three and
demarcated by dash sign. If in one season the four crops. Thus it is the summation of SCA x 1,
land remained fallow, instead of crop name DCA x 2, TCA x 3 and QCA x 4.
fallow was written. Writing CP generally Cropping intensity (CI). CI is the ratio of
started from Rabi or Boro season followed by total cropped area and NCA in a particular
Kharif-I or Aus then Kharif-II or Aman season. region in a year. It practically indicates number
The examples are: Potato-Maize-T. Aman, Boro- of crops cultivated in ayear in a specific land. It
Fallow-Fallow etc. If two crops are grown in one is expressed in percentage.

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 13

Annual crops (AC). Annual crops are the in comparison to SCA or TCA except in
crops which are cultivated throughout the year, Narayanganj, Pirojpur, Sirajganj, Sunamganj,
e.g., sugarcane, banana, papaya. These crops Tangail and Rangamati. These districts have
are considered in crops of CP, as in the next more low-lying areas except Rangamati.
year cultivation of these crops may be replaced Therefore, single Boro CP dominated in
by other seasonal crops in sequence. As such those districts. Whereas, in Rangamati, single
they are included in NCA. Contrarily in Boro- season jhum cultivation is dominated. QCA
Fallow-Fallow CP, Boro crop is not an annual was extremely low in most of the districts.
crop but a seasonal crop. It was the highest in Bogra followed by
Fruit crops. Permanent perennial fruit- Naogoan and Jessore. As QCA was very low,
bearing crops. They are not considered in CP as it contributed less to CI i.e., number of crops
they have no sequence. However, annual fruit in yearly sequence. However, the region which
crops i.e., banana, papaya etc are differed from had more TCA, consequently had greater
it and were considered in crops of CP as stated CI. TCA was the highest in Bogra district
above. If arable field crop is cultivated with followed by Naogoan and Dinajpur districts.
fruit trees as intercrop, land equivalent ration Bogra district had the highest CI followed by
of the field crop was considered and this field Kushtia, Laxmipur and Thakurgoan districts.
crop was put into CP. Lowest CI was found in Sunamganj followed
Timber crops and bamboo bushes. Timber by Rangamati and Gopalganj. Sunamganj and
producing permanent and perennial trees and Gopalganj are haor and low lying areas where
bamboo bushes were not considered in CP as scope of cultivation of crops is only possible in
they have no temporal sequence. Rabi season and in Rangamati, a hilly region,
Crop diversity index was calculated by only jhum crops are grown in one season.
using the following equation described by Annual crop (AC) area was the highest in
Kshirsagar et al. (1997). Tangail followed by Natore and Rangamati.
Thus these districts produced more banana,
CDIi = 1 - / c m
aij 2
papaya, turmeric, ginger etc. Table 24 presents
the information on ACs. NCA of the country
was more than 8 million hectares. Population
Where, CDIi: Crop Diversity Index
aij: Area planted to the jth crop in the ith pressure, urbanization and industrialization
location will reduce this figure gradually. However,
Ai: Total area planted under all crops we have to get our future food from this land.
Kabir et al. (2015) mentioned the current NCA
The index is zero for a land area growing to be 7.81 million hectares and they projected
only one crop. It approaches unity as the level it to be 7.71, 7.49 and 7.18 million hectares in
of diversity increases.
2021, 2031 and 2041, respectively. Mymensingh
had the highest NCA followed by Dinajpur
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIN and Naogoan districts. Increased NCA might
be because of bigger geographical area of the
Many striking results were revealed when data districts and increased arable areas as well.
were analyzed by spread-sheet. Table 1 shows The country’s average indicated that DCA was
the district-wise common land use pattern of more than the sum of AC, SCA, TCA QCA and
Bangladesh as represented by annual crop more than twice of the SCA or TCA, separately.
area, SCA, DCA, TCA, QCA, others, NCA QCA was quite negligible, which was 0.22% of
and CI. DCA dominated in different districts the NCA. The average CI was 200%.

14 Nasim et al
Table 1. District-wise land use in Bangladesh (area in hectare), 2014-15.

District SCA DCA TCA QCA Others NCA CI (%)
01 Brahmanbaria 290 59760 67390 10920 50 1040 139450 165
02 Bagerhat 3430 48570 51750 8640 0 1140 113530 161
03 Bandarban 13680 12110 13370 930 0 640 40730 138
04 Barguna 630 19260 41180 37770 0 830 99670 218
05 Barisal 5095 33320 92355 26175 0 1515 158460 192
06 Bhola 5205 9130 105000 65995 0 1050 186380 228
07 Bogra 1520 8940 98550 106610 5070 1460 222150 248
08 Chandpur 945 24100 50200 15480 150 1105 91980 190
09 Chapainawabganj 11160 15280 46170 46980 0 770 120360 217
10 Chittagong 5180 70220 88230 34785 0 1715 200130 180
11 Chuadanga 3400 2220 55880 26110 350 490 88450 224
12 Comilla 980 45675 92540 63550 2300 1855 206900 210
13 CoxBazar 3830 13250 52680 14475 50 1095 85380 197
14 Dhaka 740 17970 32990 15730 0 710 68140 196
15 Dinajpur 4145 800 188505 81350 210 1830 276840 228
16 Faridpur 5590 8530 75990 48750 0 1130 139990 225
17 Feni 280 16300 49785 4810 0 755 71930 183
18 Gaibandha 4110 10540 105980 29680 0 1050 151360 210
19 Gazipur 7520 33775 35095 8250 0 730 85370 161
20 Gopalganj 1790 68200 32775 9665 0 710 113140 146
21 Habiganj 1200 71350 73160 21615 0 1125 168450 170
22 Jamalpur 2810 7950 106340 42600 90 1020 160810 220
23 Jessore 4020 19440 97740 64660 2880 1230 189970 225
24 Jhalakati 2830 10640 29950 7870 0 610 51900 189
25 Jhenaidaha 10150 6790 73590 47780 700 840 139850 223
26 Joypurhat 1500 110 22425 53715 0 750 78500 267
27 Khagrachhari 10220 13140 17960 2170 0 830 44320 151
28 Khulna 1080 54915 65495 4605 0 985 127080 159
29 Kishoreganj 1490 111950 58035 26335 350 1680 199840 156
30 Kurigram 1760 14030 95755 36465 10 1340 149360 214
31 Kushtia 7280 3260 48260 54410 700 870 114780 240
32 Lakshmipur 400 6400 46210 45435 450 1005 99900 240
33 Lalmonirhat 1290 3090 66740 26955 0 765 98840 223
34 Madaripur 1040 16100 44890 20770 0 590 83390 204
35 Magura 1660 2580 28190 42730 0 650 75810 251
36 Manikganj 2350 11500 54070 24680 0 790 93390 212
37 Maulvibazar 1820 48925 66270 9635 0 820 127470 168
38 Meherpur 2340 640 26900 23830 0 380 54090 239
39 Munsiganj 190 17670 39280 3870 0 790 61800 177
40 Mymensingh 6060 34730 208220 38835 100 1715 289660 199
41 Naogaon 2500 33690 143520 86050 3530 1610 270900 221
42 Narail 1670 6450 50330 15110 0 410 73970 210
43 Narayanganj 180 18780 17900 2410 0 410 39680 158
44 Narsingdi 2850 20600 38220 9840 0 730 72240 181
45 Natore 17240 13150 59780 44035 0 1035 135240 210

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 15

Table 1. Continued.
District SCA DCA TCA QCA Other NCA CI (%)
46 Netrokona 310 85560 106545 6005 0 1290 199710 160
47 Nilphamari 2310 2650 81340 34510 0 800 121610 224
48 Noakhali 1540 76910 84750 34215 0 1115 198530 178
49 Pabna 5920 14020 88870 74060 30 1370 184270 230
50 Panchagarh 2310 4130 72200 22860 0 710 102210 216
51 Patuakhali 1345 35950 129250 44035 0 1200 211780 203
52 Pirojpur 2130 36105 35925 7255 0 865 82280 162
53 Rajbari 2360 6670 31800 34390 0 740 75960 234
54 Rajshahi 10420 12320 86100 55820 1100 1360 167120 221
55 Rangamati 14380 17625 10010 910 0 755 43680 128
56 Rangpur 4350 8970 101490 59140 200 1100 175250 227
57 Satkhira 1830 28250 68820 21370 110 1050 121430 193
58 Shariatpur 1260 23185 45540 7250 0 775 78010 178
59 Sherpur 760 4330 77140 17610 0 720 100560 213
60 Sirajganj 2440 27585 111615 40645 0 1235 183520 206
61 Sunamganj 510 206805 55400 3560 0 1135 267410 123
62 Sylhet 1100 110350 88120 8955 0 1625 210150 151
63 Tangail 20250 18640 144385 47820 250 1705 233050 204
64 Thakurgaon 2790 1710 80360 62890 0 640 148390 240
Bangladesh 243765 1787595 4455305 1996365 18680 64790 8566500 200

Table 2. List of cropping patterns in Bangladesh, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

001 Boro−Fallow−T. Aman 2306005 26.919 63 426
002 Boro−Fallow−Fallow 1139530 13.302 59 342
003 Fallow−Fallow−T. Aman 509480 5.947 36 162
004 Boro−Aus−T. Aman 209015 2.440 47 177
005 Fallow−Aus−T. Aman 193275 2.256 30 108
006 Mustard−Boro−T. Aman 184620 2.155 51 203
007 Boro−B.Aman 183070 2.137 32 113
008 Potato−Boro−T. Aman 180380 2.106 33 115
009 Wheat−Jute−T. Aman 147210 1.718 43 216
010 Vegetable−Vegetable−Vegetable 143270 1.672 61 283
011 Mustard−Boro−Fallow 143130 1.671 37 112
012 Grasspea−Fallow−T. Aman 108150 1.262 25 80
013 Maize−Fallow−T. Aman 101460 1.184 39 126
014 Wheat−Fallow−T. Aman 90910 1.061 39 100
015 Mungbean−Fallow−T. Aman 89650 1.047 22 70
016 Grasspea−Aus−T. Aman 81610 0.953 19 61
017 Vegetable−Fallow−T. Aman 74710 0.872 45 170
018 Vegetable−Vegetable−Fallow 63935 0.746 59 168
019 Onion−Jute−T. Aman 54185 0.633 39 102
020 Mungbean−Aus−T. Aman 53730 0.627 14 43
021 Chilli−Fallow−T. Aman 52995 0.619 45 146
022 Lentil−Jute−T. Aman 51875 0.606 34 96
023 Vegetable−Vegetable−T. Aman 51745 0.604 49 127

16 Nasim et al
Table 2. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
024 Wheat−Jute−Fallow 48700 0.568 32 82
025 Potato−Maize−T. Aman 47690 0.557 19 68
026 Boro−Aus−Fallow 45865 0.535 34 71
027 Onion−Jute−Fallow 45200 0.528 29 67
028 Boro−Jute−T. Aman 40440 0.472 19 56
029 Felon−Fallow−T. Aman 37675 0.440 14 53
030 Mustard−Boro−B.Aman 36520 0.426 14 32
031 Wheat−Aus−T. Aman 36425 0.425 35 93
032 Mustard−Jute−T. Aman 32740 0.382 29 64
033 Lentil−Jute−Fallow 32360 0.378 27 67
034 Boro−Fish 31400 0.367 3 17
035 Vegetable−Fallow−Fallow 31115 0.363 35 84
036 Groundnut−Fallow−T. Aman 29210 0.341 23 60
037 Vegetable−Aus−T. Aman 28700 0.335 42 87
038 Water Melon−Fallow−T. Aman 28340 0.331 17 49
039 Potato−Jute−T. Aman 28310 0.330 36 95
040 Potato−B.Aman 23900 0.279 9 25
041 Soybean−Fallow−T. Aman 23670 0.276 5 10
042 Soybean−Aus−T. Aman 23170 0.270 5 8
043 Potato−Fallow−T. Aman 22715 0.265 34 108
044 Potato−Aus−T. Aman 22405 0.262 29 79
045 Wheat−Mungbean−T. Aman 21760 0.254 20 50
046 Grasspea−B.Aman 21480 0.251 21 52
047 Maize−Jute−Fallow 21425 0.250 19 33
048 Maize−Jute−T. Aman 21325 0.249 18 38
049 Vegetable−Boro−T. Aman 21220 0.248 22 42
050 Grasspea−Jute−Fallow 21000 0.245 21 39
051 Fish−T. Aman 20400 0.238 3 8
052 Soybean−Jute−T. Aman 20000 0.233 4 6
053 Potato−Boro−Fallow 19360 0.226 17 27
054 Mustard−Boro−Aus 18140 0.212 10 16
055 Mustard−B.Aman 17210 0.201 12 24
056 Mustard−Jute−Fallow 17180 0.201 16 35
057 Sweet Potato−Fallow−T. Aman 16990 0.198 31 103
058 Groundnut−Fallow−Fallow 16485 0.192 35 76
059 Boro−Jute−Fallow 16370 0.191 19 25
060 Fallow−B.Aman 16360 0.191 15 29
061 Wheat−Maize−T. Aman 16320 0.191 9 14
062 Wheat−Aus−Fallow 16200 0.189 17 26
063 Vegetable−Aus−Fallow 15940 0.186 23 41
064 Tobacco−Jute−T. Aman 15200 0.177 9 19
065 Mustard−Fallow−T. Aman 14870 0.174 33 84
066 Groundnut− Aus−T. Aman 14535 0.170 10 18
067 Potato−Jute−Fallow 14515 0.169 25 53
068 Boro−Sesbania−T. Aman 14490 0.169 20 33
069 Chilli−Aus−T. Aman 14240 0.166 21 38
070 Wheat−B.Aman 13835 0.162 16 32

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 17

Table 2. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
071 Mustard−Aus−T. Aman 13790 0.161 30 52
072 Fallow−Jute−T. Aman 13620 0.159 18 32
073 Maize−Aus−Fallow 13615 0.159 14 18
074 Garlic−Jute−Fallow 13475 0.157 26 48
075 Boro−Vegetable (Float/Norm) 13335 0.156 27 36
076 Boro−Fallow−Blackgram 13270 0.155 27 44
077 Chilli−Jute−Fallow 13260 0.155 22 54
078 Vegetable−Jute−Fallow 13185 0.154 26 47
079 Garlic−Jute−T. Aman 13090 0.153 38 78
080 Wheat−Aus−Blackgram 13000 0.152 6 8
081 Maize−Fallow−Fallow 12920 0.151 22 38
082 Lentil−Fallow−T. Aman 12680 0.148 29 68
083 Potato−Vegetable−T. Aman 12620 0.147 30 59
084 Lentil−Sesame−T. Aman 12450 0.145 14 33
085 Fallow−Aus+Non-rice (jhum) 11900 0.139 3 20
086 Onion−Vegtable−Vegetable 11735 0.137 39 87
087 Fallow−Sesame−T. Aman 11640 0.136 13 20
088 Vegetable−Jute−T. Aman 11305 0.132 25 51
089 Lentil−Aus−T. Aman 11255 0.131 25 46
090 Onion−B.Aman 10905 0.127 14 27
091 Garlic−B.Aman 10850 0.127 15 21
092 Potato−Sesbania 10770 0.126 5 15
093 Wheat−Sesame−T. Aman 10650 0.124 15 33
094 Water Melon−Aus−T. Aman 10355 0.121 11 14
095 Grasspea−Jute−T. Aman 10300 0.120 25 43
096 Potato−Maize−Fallow 9640 0.113 10 16
097 Chilli−Fallow−Fallow 9265 0.108 40 66
098 Sesame−Fallow−T. Aman 9265 0.108 19 31
099 Felon−Aus−T. Aman 9245 0.108 7 16
100 Boro−Sesbania−Fallow 9180 0.107 12 19
101 Chilli−B.Aman 9120 0.106 10 23
102 Chilli−Vegetable−Fallow 8810 0.103 44 104
103 Onion−Aus−Fallow 8705 0.102 12 17
104 Fallow−Fallow−Blackgram 8695 0.102 34 59
105 Boro−Vegetable−T. Aman 8660 0.101 9 16
106 Boro−Aus−Blackgram 8540 0.100 5 5
107 Sweet Potato−Fallow−Fallow 7980 0.093 37 98
108 Mustard−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 7850 0.092 14 30
109 Blackgram−B.Aman 7625 0.089 11 24
110 Chilli−Aus−Fallow 7565 0.088 14 27
111 Tobacco−Maize−T. Aman 7470 0.087 5 12
112 Potato−Boro−Aus 7420 0.087 4 6
113 Coriander−Jute−Fallow 7390 0.086 15 25
114 Chilli−Jute−T. Aman 7250 0.085 20 35
115 Fallow−Vegetable−T. Aman 7130 0.083 16 29
116 Maize−Vegetable−Fallow 7120 0.083 14 19
117 Vegetable−Boro−Fallow 7100 0.083 9 10

18 Nasim et al
Table 2. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
118 Lentil−Mungbean−T. Aman 6955 0.081 11 22
119 Lentil−B.Aman 6550 0.076 16 30
120 Onion−Fallow−T. Aman 6380 0.074 32 64
121 Lentil−Vegetable−Vegetable 6330 0.074 19 30
122 Mustard−Maize−T. Aman 6310 0.074 9 19
123 Wheat−Vegetable−Vegetable 6100 0.071 16 21
124 Tobacco−Aus−T. Aman 6040 0.071 5 12
125 Soybean−B.Aman 5650 0.066 4 4
126 Boro−Fallow−T. Aman +Fish 5410 0.063 3 7
127 Tobacco−Fallow−T. Aman 5310 0.062 7 15
128 Wheat−Vegetable−T. Aman 5205 0.061 15 25
129 Vegetable−B.Aman 5200 0.061 9 17
130 Maize−B.Aman 5030 0.059 10 15
131 Mustard−Aus−Fallow 4935 0.058 15 22
132 Maize−Mungbean−T. Aman 4900 0.057 1 3
133 Mustard−Mungbean−T. Aman 4710 0.055 12 18
134 Chickpea−Fallow−T. Aman 4700 0.055 12 32
135 Grasspea−Boro−Fallow 4690 0.055 8 12
136 Coriander−Jute−T. Aman 4625 0.054 17 30
137 Lentil−Aus−Fallow 4570 0.053 11 15
138 Vegetable−Maize−T. Aman 4500 0.053 9 15
139 Garlic−Vegetable−Vegetable 4385 0.051 27 68
140 Potato−Maize−Aus 4300 0.050 3 4
141 Onion−Aus−T. Aman 4260 0.050 17 26
142 Tobacco−Jute−Fallow 4050 0.047 4 8
143 Wheat−Jute−Blackgram 3910 0.046 7 9
144 Wheat−Fallow−Fallow 3810 0.044 6 8
145 Wheat−Chilli−Fallow 3780 0.044 7 9
146 Maize−Maize−Fallow 3720 0.043 3 5
147 Wheat−Fallow−T. Aman (Orchard) 3700 0.043 1 2
148 Garlic−Fallow−T. Aman 3680 0.043 31 59
149 Lentil−Sesame−Fallow 3680 0.043 15 20
150 Chilli−Boro−Jute 3600 0.042 2 3
151 Maize−Fallow−Blackgram 3600 0.042 4 4
152 Vegetable−Fallow−Blackgram 3525 0.041 16 33
153 Fallow−B.Aus+B.Aman 3470 0.041 3 5
154 Sweet Potato−Jute−Fallow 3380 0.039 13 21
155 Mustard−Sesame−T. Aman 3360 0.039 12 15
156 Vegetable−Onion−Aus 3200 0.037 3 3
157 Tobacco−Aus−Fallow 3180 0.037 5 10
158 Coriander−Fallow−Fallow 3175 0.037 41 64
159 Potato−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 3140 0.037 5 9
160 Onion−Sesame−T. Aman 3080 0.036 4 6
161 Maize−Maize−T. Aman 3070 0.036 6 8
162 Wheat−Maize−Fallow 3070 0.036 2 4
163 Sesame−Fallow−Blackgram 3060 0.036 6 10
164 Maize−Aus−Vegetable 3000 0.035 3 4

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 19

Table 2. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
165 Mustard−Boro−Jute 3000 0.035 5 7
166 Mustard−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2980 0.035 7 13
167 Maize−Aus−T. Aman 2970 0.035 17 27
168 Lentil−Maize−T. Aman 2920 0.034 4 8
169 Wheat−Mungbean−Fallow 2875 0.034 5 7
170 Groundnut−B.Aman 2820 0.033 5 7
171 Lentil−Fallow−Fallow(Orchard) 2780 0.032 3 5
172 Fallow−Sesame+B.Aman 2750 0.032 5 7
173 Potato−Groundnut−T. Aman 2720 0.032 3 5
174 Soybean−Fallow−Fallow 2710 0.032 3 4
175 Grasspea−Boro−B.Aman 2700 0.032 3 3
176 Lentil−Vegetable−T. Aman 2660 0.031 11 11
177 Vegetable−Groundnut−T. Aman 2660 0.031 4 5
178 Pea−B.Aman 2620 0.031 11 16
179 Garlic−Mungbean−T. Aman 2500 0.029 1 2
180 Garlic−Aus−T. Aman 2400 0.028 13 20
181 Millet(Kaon)−Fallow−T. Aman 2390 0.028 6 6
182 Muskmelon−Fallow−T. Aman 2310 0.027 10 23
183 Potato−Aus−Fallow 2310 0.027 13 16
184 Tobacco−Boro−T. Aman 2300 0.027 3 4
185 Blackgram−Jute−Fallow 2295 0.027 12 16
186 Grasspea−Fallow−Fallow 2295 0.027 9 11
187 Fallow−Fallow−T. Aman +Fish 2200 0.026 2 2
188 Potato−Maize−Vegetable 2190 0.026 4 4
189 Coriander−Fallow−T. Aman 2185 0.026 31 62
190 Vegetable−Maize−Fallow 2180 0.025 6 7
191 Potato−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2160 0.025 4 5
192 Sweet Potato−Aus−T. Aman 2150 0.025 2 2
193 Wheat−Mung−Fallow(Orchard) 2150 0.025 2 3
194 Onion−Sesame+B.Aman 2100 0.025 2 3
195 Pea−Jute−Fallow 2100 0.025 10 15
196 Sunflower−Fallow−T. Aman 2100 0.025 7 23
197 Coriander−Vegetable−Fallow 2090 0.024 20 29
198 Potato−Chilli−Fallow 2070 0.024 10 17
199 Potato−Sesame−T. Aman 2060 0.024 15 23
200 Blackgram(Fodder)−Boro−B.Aman 2000 0.023 1 1
201 Wheat−Maize−Vegetable 2000 0.023 2 2
202 Pea−Fallow−T. Aman 1950 0.023 18 27
203 Potato−Sesame−Fallow 1930 0.023 6 10
204 Blackgram−Jute−T. Aman 1900 0.022 11 14
205 Mustard−Aus−Blackgram 1900 0.022 2 2
206 Mustard−Jute−Vegetable 1900 0.022 3 5
207 Wheat−Aus−Onion 1900 0.022 1 1
208 Blackcumin−Jute−Fallow 1840 0.021 6 12
209 Maize−Sesame−T. Aman 1835 0.021 6 9
210 Maize−Vegetable−T. Aman 1810 0.021 11 12
211 Millet(Kaon)+Sesame−Fallow 1810 0.021 5 7

20 Nasim et al
Table 2. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
212 Onion−Aus−Blackgram 1810 0.021 5 6
213 Grasspea−Boro−Aus 1800 0.021 1 1
214 Grasspea−Sesame+B.Aman 1800 0.021 2 2
215 Grasspea−Sesame−T. Aman 1790 0.021 5 6
216 Grasspea−Sesbania−Fallow 1780 0.021 4 4
217 Mustard−B.Aus+B.Aman 1780 0.021 4 4
218 Blackgram−Aus−T. Aman 1735 0.020 10 13
219 Mustard−Sesame+B.Aman 1650 0.019 3 4
220 Tobacco−Sesbania−T. Aman 1620 0.019 1 2
221 Vegetable−Aus−Blackgram 1610 0.019 4 4
222 Grasspea−B.Aus+B.Aman 1580 0.018 6 8
223 Maize−Sesame−Fallow 1580 0.018 6 8
224 Groundnut− Aus−Fallow 1550 0.018 5 5
225 Wheat−Sesame−Fallow 1550 0.018 7 8
226 Groundnut−Jute−T. Aman 1530 0.018 7 13
227 Boro−Fallow−Maize 1500 0.018 1 1
228 Tobacco−Vegetable−Vegetable 1500 0.018 1 1
229 Onion−Maize−T. Aman 1490 0.017 7 9
230 Coriander−B.Aman 1480 0.017 11 11
231 Garlic−Aus−Fallow 1450 0.017 12 15
232 Vegetable−Jute−Vegetable 1450 0.017 5 5
233 Chilli−Vegetable−T. Aman 1405 0.016 15 19
234 Fallow−Aus−Fallow 1400 0.016 3 3
235 Maize−Boro−T. Aman 1400 0.016 2 2
236 Maize−Aus−Blackgram 1370 0.016 3 3
237 Cotton−Aus−Fallow 1330 0.016 3 3
238 Grasspea−Sesame−Fallow 1330 0.016 7 10
239 Groundnut−Fallow−Blackgram 1320 0.015 3 3
240 Wheat−Jute−Vegetable 1320 0.015 6 6
241 Pea−Aus−Vegetable 1310 0.015 7 8
242 Onion−Sesame−Fallow 1270 0.015 8 9
243 Blackcumin−Jute−T. Aman 1260 0.015 6 11
244 Sesame−Aus−Fallow 1190 0.014 3 4
245 Sesame−Aus−T. Aman 1180 0.014 4 5
246 Water Melon−Fallow−Fallow 1165 0.014 9 12
247 Pea−Vegetable−Fallow 1160 0.014 4 5
248 Potato−Mungbean−T. Aman 1140 0.013 11 13
249 Potato−Groundnut 1110 0.013 5 8
250 Tobacco−Fallow−Fallow 1045 0.012 5 8
251 Potato−Maize−Aus−Vegetable 1030 0.012 3 3
252 Fallow−Fallow−T. Aman (Orchard) 1000 0.012 1 1
253 Maize−Sesbania−Fallow 1000 0.012 1 1
254 Lentil−Sesame+B.Aman 980 0.011 1 1
255 Maize−Mungbean−Vegetable 950 0.011 3 3
256 Millet (Cheena)−Fallow−Fallow 935 0.011 5 6
257 Potato−Sweet gourd−Aus 910 0.011 6 8
258 Wheat−Fallow−Blackgram 900 0.011 1 1

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 21

Table 2. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
259 Mustard−Fallow−Fallow 895 0.010 9 13
260 Coriander−Sesame−T. Aman 845 0.010 5 5
261 Vegetable−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 820 0.010 4 5
262 Vegetable−Boro−Jute 800 0.009 2 3
263 Potato+Sweetgourd−Aus−T. Aman 780 0.009 3 5
264 Wheat−Sesame−Blackgram(Orchard) 760 0.009 3 3
265 Sweet Potato−B.Aman 740 0.009 6 6
266 Mustard−Boro−Sesbania 700 0.008 2 2
267 Potato−Boro−Vegetable 700 0.008 4 4
268 Soybean−Aus−Fallow 700 0.008 1 1
269 Sweet Potato−Jute−T. Aman 675 0.008 10 13
270 Maize−Groundnut 620 0.007 1 1
271 Millet(Cheena)−Jute−Fallow 620 0.007 2 2
272 Sesame+B.Aman−Blackgram 600 0.007 1 1
273 Tobacco−Maize−Vegetable 600 0.007 1 1
274 Tobacco−Sesbania 600 0.007 1 1
275 Wheat−Aus−Cotton 600 0.007 1 1
276 Groundnut−Sesame−Fallow 590 0.007 4 5
277 Potato−Boro−Jute 590 0.007 2 2
278 Wheat−Ginger/Turmeric 580 0.007 2 2
279 Sweet Potato−Vegetable−Fallow 540 0.006 5 9
280 Water Melon−B.Aman 535 0.006 3 3
281 Garlic−Fallow−Fallow 530 0.006 10 14
282 Onion−Maize−Fallow 520 0.006 4 4
283 Potato−Onion−T. Aman 510 0.006 2 2
284 Felon−Aus−Fallow 470 0.005 2 3
285 Grasspea−Mungbean−T. Aman 440 0.005 5 5
286 Boro−Maize−Fallow 410 0.005 2 2
287 Potato+Maize−B.Aman 410 0.005 2 3
288 Felon−Fallow−Fallow 380 0.004 3 4
289 Groundnut−Millet(Kaon)−Fallow 380 0.004 2 2
290 Chickpea−Aus−T. Aman 375 0.004 5 7
291 Potato−Sesame−Aus 360 0.004 4 4
292 Boro−Chilli−Fallow 350 0.004 1 1
293 Boro−Maize−Blackgram 350 0.004 1 1
294 Sesame−B.Aman 330 0.004 2 2
295 Garlic+Muskmelon−B.Aman 320 0.004 1 2
296 Garlic+WaterMelon−B.Aman 320 0.004 1 2
297 Mungbean−Jute−Fallow 300 0.004 6 8
298 Sesame−Jute−T. Aman 290 0.003 2 2
299 Chickpea−Jute−T. Aman 270 0.003 7 11
300 Grasspea−Aus−Blackgram 250 0.003 1 1
301 Musk Melon−B.Aman 215 0.003 2 5
302 Potato+Maize−Vegetable−T. Aman 210 0.002 2 2
303 Mustard−Maize−Jute 200 0.002 1 1
304 Vegetab−Onion−Jute−T. Aman 200 0.002 1 1
305 Mungbean−Jute−T. Aman 180 0.002 9 11

22 Nasim et al
Table 2. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
306 Soybean−Jute−Fallow 140 0.002 2 2
307 Sunflower−Jute−Fallow 135 0.002 3 3
308 Mungbean−B.Aus+B.Aman 130 0.002 4 4
309 Musk Melon−Fallow−Fallow 125 0.001 5 5
310 Lentil−Mungbean−Jute−T. Aman 100 0.001 1 1
311 Mustard−Mungbean−Aus−T. Aman 100 0.001 1 1
312 Potato+S. gourd−M.bean−T. Aman 80 0.001 1 1
313 Tobacco−Mungbean−T. Aman 50 0.001 1 1
314 Tobacco−Mungbean−Vegetable 40 0.000 1 1
315 Mungbean−Aus−Fallow 20 0.000 1 1
316 Barley−Fallow−Fallow 15 0.000 1 2
Others 64790 0.756 64 486
Annual crops 243765 2.846 64 486
Net cropped area of Bangladesh 8566500 100.000 64 486

In Bangladesh, 316 CPs were found which in these two seasons brought more area under
deserved to be included in the CP list of the rice cultivation. Hence Boro-Fallow-T. Aman
study excluding the minor ones (Table 2). Boro- became the most dominant CP of the country.
Fallow-T. Aman was the most dominant CP T. Aman is usually cultivated in medium
which occupied 26.92% of the NCA. Whereas highland. Therefore, this CP is practiced in
the last CP was the Barley-Fallow-Fallow which medium highland of the country. All other
occupied only 0.0002% of the NCA. There CPs including ‘Other’ category, that could
had been many more CPs, whose hectarages be few hundreds, constituted the rest 49% of
were quite low, were not considered in the NCA. In Table 2, ‘number of upazila’ indicates
list. Those CPs were kept in ‘Other’ category the existence of a specific CP in total number
where only summation of all of their hectarages of upazilas. The most dominant CP, Boro-
was considered. The most dominant CP, Fallow-T. Aman was present in 426 upazilas out
Boro-Fallow-T. Aman occupied significantly of 486. It was found that higher the percentage
higher percentage of NCA than that of its of NCA occupied by a CP greater the presence
next following CP, Boro-Fallow-Fallow which of the CP in different upazilas. In terms of
occupied less than half of the percentage of area coverage some of the CPs mentioned in
NCA of Boro-Fallow-T. Aman. The next three this study were very minor CPs, such as Boro-
CPs were Fallow-Fallow-T. Aman, Boro-Aus-T. Fallow-Maize, Maize-Sesbania-Fallow etc.
Aman and Fallow-Aus-T. Aman, respectively. These two CPs were present in one upazila only
These five CPs occupied 50.86% of the NCA. with low area coverage.
Interestingly the results unveiled that in these In the earlier table, all the CPs were listed,
foremost five CPs, no other crop than rice was however, in Table 3, CPs with rice exclusively
included. It indicated the dominancy of rice was separated. There were 17 CPs containing
culture in Bangladesh. Sujatha et al. (2011) exclusively rice crops. Foremost five of them
found similar dominancy of rice culture in were most dominant CPs, mentioned in earlier
Tamil Nadu in the neighbouring country, para. Twelve others may be considered as minor.
India. Boro and T. Aman contribute the large Among these minors, in some CPs fishes were
share in crop production. In T. Aman season, included in rainy season. In another CP, single T.
monsoon rain is plenty, however it is usually Aman was cultivated in the orchard where fruit
unreliable whereas in Boro season irrigation is trees were still small. All these 17 CPs occupied
comparatively reliable. Availability of water 54.77% of the NCA. Thus rice exclusive CPs

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 23

Table 3. List of cropping patterns with rice exclusively and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Boro−Fallow−T. Aman 2306005 26.92 63 426
02 Boro−Fallow−Fallow 1139530 13.30 59 342
03 Fallow−Fallow−T. Aman 509480 5.95 36 162
04 Boro−Aus−T. Aman 209015 2.44 47 177
05 Fallow−Aus−T. Aman 193275 2.26 30 108
06 Boro−B.Aman 183070 2.14 32 113
07 Boro−Aus−Fallow 45865 0.54 34 71
08 Boro−Fish 31400 0.37 3 17
09 Fish−T. Aman 20400 0.24 3 8
10 Fallow−B.Aman 16360 0.19 15 29
11 Boro−Sesbania−T. Aman 14490 0.17 20 33
12 Boro−Sesbania−Fallow 9180 0.11 12 19
13 Boro−Fallow−T. Aman +Fish 5410 0.06 3 7
14 Fallow−B.Aus+B.Aman 3470 0.04 3 5
15 Fallow−Fallow−T. Aman +Fish 2200 0.03 2 2
16 Fallow−Aus−Fallow 1400 0.02 3 3
17 F−F−T. Aman (Orchard) 1000 0.01 1 1
Total of exclusive rice area 4691550 54.77 - -

Table 4. List of cropping patterns with Boro crop and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Boro−Fallow−T. Aman 2306005 26.92 63 426
02 Boro−Fallow−Fallow 1139530 13.30 59 342
03 Boro−Aus−T. Aman 209015 2.44 47 177
04 Mustard−Boro−T. Aman 184620 2.16 51 203
05 Boro−B.Aman 183070 2.14 32 113
06 Potato−Boro−T. Aman 180380 2.11 33 115
07 Mustard−Boro−Fallow 143130 1.67 37 112
08 Boro−Aus−Fallow 45865 0.54 34 71
09 Boro−Jute−T. Aman 40440 0.47 19 56
10 Mustard−Boro−B.Aman 36520 0.43 14 32
11 Boro−Fish 31400 0.37 3 17
12 Vegetable−Boro−T. Aman 21220 0.25 22 42
13 Potato−Boro−Fallow 19360 0.23 17 27
14 Mustard−Boro−Aus 18140 0.21 10 16
15 Boro−Jute−Fallow 16370 0.19 19 25
16 Boro−Sesbania−T. Aman 14490 0.17 20 33
17 Boro−Vegetable (Float/Norm) 13335 0.16 27 36
18 Boro−Fallow−Blackgram 13270 0.15 27 44
19 Boro−Sesbania−Fallow 9180 0.11 12 19
20 Boro−Vegetable−T. Aman 8660 0.10 9 16
21 Boro−Aus−Blackgram 8540 0.10 5 5
22 Mustard−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 7850 0.09 14 30
23 Potato−Boro−Aus 7420 0.09 4 6
24 Vegetable−Boro−Fallow 7100 0.08 9 10
25 Boro−Fallow−T. Aman +Fish 5410 0.06 3 7

24 Nasim et al
Table 4. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
26 Grasspea−Boro−Fallow 4690 0.05 8 12
27 Chilli−Boro−Jute 3600 0.04 2 3
28 Potato−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 3140 0.04 5 9
29 Mustard−Boro−Jute 3000 0.04 5 7
30 Mustard−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2980 0.03 7 13
31 Grasspea−Boro−B.Aman 2700 0.03 3 3
32 Tobacco−Boro−T. Aman 2300 0.03 3 4
33 Potato−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2160 0.03 4 5
34 B.gram(Fodder)−Boro−B.Aman 2000 0.02 1 1
35 Grasspea−Boro−Aus 1800 0.02 1 1
36 Boro−Fallow−Maize 1500 0.02 1 1
37 Maize−Boro−T. Aman 1400 0.02 2 2
38 Vegetab−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 820 0.01 4 5
39 Vegetable−Boro−Jute 800 0.01 2 3
40 Mustard−Boro−Sesbania 700 0.01 2 2
41 Potato−Boro−Vegetable 700 0.01 4 4
42 Potato−Boro−Jute 590 0.01 2 2
43 Boro−Maize−Fallow 410 0.00 2 2
44 Boro−Chilli−Fallow 350 0.00 2 1
45 Boro−Maize−Blackgram 350 0.00 1 1
Total Boro area 4706310 54.94 - -

Table 5. List ofcropping patterns with T. Aman rice and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Boro−Fallow−T. Aman 2306005 26.919 63 426
02 Fallow−Fallow−T. Aman 509480 5.947 36 162
03 Boro−Aus−T. Aman 209015 2.440 47 177
04 Fallow−Aus−T. Aman 193275 2.256 30 108
05 Mustard−Boro−T. Aman 184620 2.155 51 203
06 Potato−Boro−T. Aman 180380 2.106 33 115
07 Wheat−Jute−T. Aman 147210 1.718 43 216
08 Grasspea−Fallow−T. Aman 108150 1.262 25 80
09 Maize−Fallow−T. Aman 101460 1.184 39 126
10 Wheat−Fallow−T. Aman 90910 1.061 39 100
11 Mungbean−Fallow−T. Aman 89650 1.047 22 70
12 Grasspea−Aus−T. Aman 81610 0.953 19 61
13 Vegetable−Fallow−T. Aman 74710 0.872 45 170
14 Onion−Jute−T. Aman 54185 0.633 39 102
15 Mungbean−Aus−T. Aman 53730 0.627 14 43
16 Chilli−Fallow−T. Aman 52995 0.619 45 146
17 Lentil−Jute−T. Aman 51875 0.606 34 96
18 Vegetable−Vegetable−T. Aman 51745 0.604 49 127
19 Potato−Maize−T. Aman 47690 0.557 19 68
20 Boro−Jute−T. Aman 40440 0.472 19 56
21 Felon−Fallow−T. Aman 37675 0.440 14 53
22 Mustard−Boro−B.Aman 36520 0.426 14 32
23 Wheat−Aus−T. Aman 36425 0.425 35 93

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 25

Table 5. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
24 Mustard−Jute−T. Aman 32740 0.382 29 64
25 Groundnut−Fallow−T. Aman 29210 0.341 23 60
26 Vegetable−Aus−T. Aman 28700 0.335 42 87
27 Water Melon−Fallow−T. Aman 28340 0.331 17 49
28 Potato−Jute−T. Aman 28310 0.330 36 95
29 Potato−B.Aman 23900 0.279 9 25
30 Soybean−Fallow−T. Aman 23670 0.276 5 10
31 Soybean−Aus−T. Aman 23170 0.270 5 8
32 Potato−Fallow−T. Aman 22715 0.265 34 108
33 Potato−Aus−T. Aman 22405 0.262 29 79
34 Wheat−Mungbean−T. Aman 21760 0.254 20 50
35 Maize−Jute−T. Aman 21325 0.249 18 38
36 Vegetable−Boro−T. Aman 21220 0.248 22 42
37 Fish−T. Aman 20400 0.238 3 8
38 Soybean−Jute−T. Aman 20000 0.233 4 6
39 Sweet Potato−Fallow−T. Aman 16990 0.198 31 103
40 Wheat−Maize−T. Aman 16320 0.191 9 14
41 Tobacco−Jute−T. Aman 15200 0.177 9 19
42 Mustard−Fallow−T. Aman 14870 0.174 33 84
43 Groundnut− Aus−T. Aman 14535 0.170 10 18
44 Boro−Sesbania−T. Aman 14490 0.169 20 33
45 Chilli−Aus−T. Aman 14240 0.166 21 38
46 Mustard−Aus−T. Aman 13790 0.161 30 52
47 Fallow−Jute−T. Aman 13620 0.159 18 32
48 Garlic−Jute−T. Aman 13090 0.153 38 78
49 Lentil−Fallow−T. Aman 12680 0.148 29 68
50 Potato−Vegetable−T. Aman 12620 0.147 30 59
51 Lentil−Sesame−T. Aman 12450 0.145 14 33
52 Fallow−Sesame−T. Aman 11640 0.136 13 20
53 Vegetable−Jute−T. Aman 11305 0.132 25 51
54 Lentil−Aus−T. Aman 11255 0.131 25 46
55 Wheat−Sesame−T. Aman 10650 0.124 15 33
56 Water Melon−Aus−T. Aman 10355 0.121 11 14
57 Grasspea−Jute−T. Aman 10300 0.120 25 43
58 Sesame−Fallow−T. Aman 9265 0.108 19 31
59 Felon−Aus−T. Aman 9245 0.108 7 16
60 Boro−Vegetable−T. Aman 8660 0.101 9 16
61 Mustard−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 7850 0.092 14 30
62 Tobacco−Maize−T. Aman 7470 0.087 5 12
63 Chilli−Jute−T. Aman 7250 0.085 20 35
64 Fallow−Vegetable−T. Aman 7130 0.083 16 29
65 Lentil−Mungbean−T. Aman 6955 0.081 11 22
66 Onion−Fallow−T. Aman 6380 0.074 32 64
67 Mustard−Maize−T. Aman 6310 0.074 9 19
68 Tobacco−Aus−T. Aman 6040 0.071 5 12
69 Boro−Fallow−T. Aman +Fish 5410 0.063 3 7
70 Tobacco−Fallow−T. Aman 5310 0.062 7 15

26 Nasim et al
Table 5. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
71 Wheat−Vegetable−T. Aman 5205 0.061 15 25
72 Maize−Mungbean−T. Aman 4900 0.057 1 3
73 Mustard−Mungbean−T. Aman 4710 0.055 12 18
74 Chickpea−Fallow−T. Aman 4700 0.055 12 32
75 Coriander−Jute−T. Aman 4625 0.054 17 30
76 Vegetable−Maize−T. Aman 4500 0.053 9 15
77 Onion−Aus−T. Aman 4260 0.050 17 26
78 Wheat−Fallow−T. Aman (Orchard) 3700 0.043 1 2
79 Garlic−Fallow−T. Aman 3680 0.043 31 59
80 Mustard−Sesame−T. Aman 3360 0.039 12 15
81 Potato−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 3140 0.037 5 9
82 Onion−Sesame−T. Aman 3080 0.036 4 6
83 Maize−Maize−T. Aman 3070 0.036 6 8
84 Mustard−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2980 0.035 7 13
85 Maize−Aus−T. Aman 2970 0.035 17 27
86 Lentil−Maize−T. Aman 2920 0.034 4 8
87 Potato−Groundnut−T. Aman 2720 0.032 3 5
88 Lentil−Vegetable−T. Aman 2660 0.031 11 11
89 Vegetable−Groundnut−T. Aman 2660 0.031 4 5
90 Garlic−Mungbean−T. Aman 2500 0.029 1 2
91 Garlic−Aus−T. Aman 2400 0.028 13 20
92 Millet(Kaon)−Fallow−T. Aman 2390 0.028 6 6
93 Musk Melon−Fallow−T. Aman 2310 0.027 10 23
94 Tobacco−Boro−T. Aman 2300 0.027 3 4
95 Fallow−Fallow−T. Aman +Fish 2200 0.026 2 2
96 Coriander−Fallow−T. Aman 2185 0.026 31 62
97 Potato−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2160 0.025 4 5
98 Sweet Potato−Aus−T. Aman 2150 0.025 2 2
99 Sunflower−Fallow−T. Aman 2100 0.025 7 23
100 Potato−Sesame−T. Aman 2060 0.024 15 23
101 Pea−Fallow−T. Aman 1950 0.023 18 27
102 Blackgram−Jute−T. Aman 1900 0.022 11 14
103 Maize−Sesame−T. Aman 1835 0.021 6 9
104 Maize−Vegetable−T. Aman 1810 0.021 11 12
105 Grasspea−Sesame−T. Aman 1790 0.021 5 6
106 Blackgram−Aus−T. Aman 1735 0.020 10 13
107 Tobacco−Sesbania−T. Aman 1620 0.019 1 2
108 Groundnut−Jute−T. Aman 1530 0.018 7 13
109 Onion−Maize−T. Aman 1490 0.017 7 9
110 Chilli−Vegetable−T. Aman 1405 0.016 15 19
111 Maize−Boro−T. Aman 1400 0.016 2 2
112 Blackcumin−Jute−T. Aman 1260 0.015 6 11
113 Sesame−Aus−T. Aman 1180 0.014 4 5
114 Potato−Mungbean−T. Aman 1140 0.013 11 13
115 Fallow−Fallow−T. Aman (Orchard) 1000 0.012 1 1
116 Coriander−Sesame− T.Aman 845 0.010 5 5
117 Vegetable−Boro−Aus− T.Aman 820 0.010 4 5
118 Potato+Sweet gourd−Aus− T.Aman 780 0.009 3 5

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 27

Table 5. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
119 Sweet Potato−Jute− T.Aman 675 0.008 10 13
120 Potato−Onion− T.Aman 510 0.006 2 2
121 Grasspea−Mungbean− T.Aman 440 0.005 5 5
122 Chickpea−Aus−T. Aman 375 0.004 5 7
123 Sesame−Jute− T.Aman 290 0.003 2 2
124 Chickpea−Jute−T. Aman 270 0.003 7 11
125 Potato+Maize−Vegetable− T.Aman 210 0.002 2 2
126 Vegetable−Onion−Jute− T.Aman 200 0.002 1 1
127 Mungbean−Jute− T.Aman 180 0.002 9 11
128 Lentil−Mungbean−Jute− T.Aman 100 0.001 1 1
129 Mustard−Mungbean−Aus− T.Aman 100 0.001 1 1
130 Potato+S. gourd−M.bean− T.Aman 80 0.001 1 1
131 Tobacco−Mungbean− T.Aman 50 0.001 1 1
Total of T. Aman 5574860 65.077 - -

Table 6. List ofcropping patterns with B. Aman rice and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Boro−B. Aman 183070 2.14 32 113
02 Mustard−Boro−B. Aman 36520 0.43 14 32
03 Potato−B. Aman 23900 0.28 9 25
04 Grasspea−B. Aman 21480 0.25 21 52
05 Mustard−B. Aman 17210 0.20 12 24
06 Fallow−B. Aman 16360 0.19 15 29
07 Wheat−B. Aman 13835 0.16 16 32
08 Onion−B. Aman 10905 0.13 14 27
09 Garlic−B. Aman 10850 0.13 15 21
10 Chilli−B. Aman 9120 0.11 10 23
11 Blackgram−B. Aman 7625 0.09 11 24
12 Lentil−B. Aman 6550 0.08 16 30
13 Soybean−B. Aman 5650 0.07 4 4
14 Vegetable−B. Aman 5200 0.06 9 17
15 Maize−B. Aman 5030 0.06 10 15
16 Fallow−B. Aus+B. Aman 3470 0.04 3 5
17 Groundnut−B. Aman 2820 0.03 5 7
18 Fallow−Sesame+B. Aman 2750 0.03 5 7
19 Grasspea−Boro−B. Aman 2700 0.03 3 3
20 Pea−B. Aman 2620 0.03 11 16
21 Onion−Sesame+B. Aman 2100 0.02 2 3
22 B.gram(Fodder)−Boro−B.Aman 2000 0.02 1 1
23 Grasspea−Sesame+B. Aman 1800 0.02 2 2
24 Mustard−B.Aus+B. Aman 1780 0.02 4 4
25 Mustard−Sesame+B. Aman 1650 0.02 3 4
26 Grasspea−B.Aus+B. Aman 1580 0.02 6 8
27 Coriander−B. Aman 1480 0.02 11 1
28 Lentil−Sesame+B. Aman 980 0.01 1 1
29 Sweet Potato−B. Aman 740 0.01 6 1
30 Sesame+B. Aman−Blackgram 600 0.01 1 3
31 Water Melon−B. Aman 535 0.01 3 2

28 Nasim et al
Table 6. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
32 Potato+Maize−B. Aman 410 0.00 2 3
33 Sesame−B. Aman 330 0.00 2 2
34 Garlic+Muskmelon−B. Aman 320 0.00 1 2
35 Garlic+Water Melon−B. Aman 320 0.00 1 2
36 Musk Melon−B. Aman 215 0.00 2 5
37 Mungbean−B. Aus+B. Aman 130 0.00 4 4
Total of B. Aman 404635 4.72 - -

Table 7. List of cropping patterns with Aus rice and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Boro−Aus−T. Aman 209015 2.44 47 177
02 Fallow−Aus−T. Aman 193275 2.26 30 108
03 Grasspea−Aus−T. Aman 81610 0.95 19 61
04 Mungbean−Aus−T. Aman 53730 0.63 14 43
05 Boro−Aus−Fallow 45865 0.54 34 71
06 Wheat−Aus−T. Aman 36425 0.43 35 93
07 Vegetable−Aus−T. Aman 28700 0.34 42 87
08 Soybean−Aus−T. Aman 23170 0.27 5 8
09 Potato−Aus−T. Aman 22405 0.26 29 79
10 Mustard−Boro−Aus 18140 0.21 10 16
11 Wheat−Aus−Fallow 16200 0.19 17 26
12 Vegetable−Aus−Fallow 15940 0.19 23 41
13 Groundnut− Aus−T. Aman 14535 0.17 10 18
14 Chilli−Aus−T. Aman 14240 0.17 21 38
15 Mustard−Aus−T. Aman 13790 0.16 30 52
16 Maize−Aus−Fallow 13615 0.16 14 18
17 Wheat−Aus−Blackgram 13000 0.15 6 8
18 Fallow−Aus+Non-rice (zhum) 11900 0.14 3 20
19 Lentil−Aus−T. Aman 11255 0.13 25 46
20 Water Melon−Aus−T. Aman 10355 0.12 11 14
21 Felon−Aus−T. Aman 9245 0.11 7 16
22 Onion−Aus−Fallow 8705 0.10 12 17
23 Boro−Aus−Blackgram 8540 0.10 5 5
24 Mustard−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 7850 0.09 14 30
25 Chilli−Aus−Fallow 7565 0.09 14 27
26 Potato−Boro−Aus 7420 0.09 4 6
27 Tobacco−Aus−T. Aman 6040 0.07 5 12
28 Mustard−Aus−Fallow 4935 0.06 15 22
29 Lentil−Aus−Fallow 4570 0.05 11 15
30 Potato−Maize−Aus 4300 0.05 3 4
31 Onion−Aus−T. Aman 4260 0.05 17 26
32 Fallow−B. Aus+B. Aman 3470 0.04 3 5
33 Vegetable−Onion−Aus 3200 0.04 3 3
34 Tobacco−Aus−Fallow 3180 0.04 5 10
35 Potato−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 3140 0.04 5 9
36 Maize−Aus−Vegetable 3000 0.04 3 4
37 Maize−Aus−T. Aman 2970 0.03 17 27

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 29

Table 7. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
38 Garlic−Aus−T. Aman 2400 0.03 13 20
39 Potato−Aus−Fallow 2310 0.03 13 16
40 Sweet Potato−Aus−T. Aman 2150 0.03 2 2
41 Mustard−Aus−Blackgram 1900 0.02 2 2
42 Wheat−Aus−Onion 1900 0.02 1 1
43 Onion−Aus−Blackgram 1810 0.02 5 6
44 Grasspea−Boro−Aus 1800 0.02 1 1
45 Mustard−B. Aus+B. Aman 1780 0.02 4 4
46 Blackgram−Aus−T. Aman 1735 0.02 10 13
47 Vegetable−Aus−Blackgram 1610 0.02 4 4
48 Grasspea−B.Aus+B. Aman 1580 0.02 6 8
49 Groundnut− Aus−Fallow 1550 0.02 5 5
50 Garlic−Aus−Fallow 1450 0.02 12 15
51 Fallow−Aus−Fallow 1400 0.02 3 3
52 Maize−Aus−Blackgram 1370 0.02 3 3
53 Cotton−Aus−Fallow 1330 0.02 3 3
54 Pea−Aus−Vegetable 1310 0.02 7 8
55 Sesame−Aus−Fallow 1190 0.01 3 4
56 Sesame−Aus−T. Aman 1180 0.01 4 5
57 Potato−Maize−Aus−Vegetab 1030 0.01 3 3
58 Potato−Sweet gourd−Aus 910 0.01 6 8
59 Vegetable−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 820 0.01 4 5
60 Potato+S.gourd−Aus−T. Aman 780 0.01 3 5
61 Soybean−Aus−Fallow 700 0.01 1 1
62 Wheat−Aus−Cotton 600 0.01 1 1
63 Felon−Aus−Fallow 470 0.01 2 3
64 Chickpea−Aus−T. Aman 375 0.00 5 7
65 Potato−Sesame−Aus 360 0.00 4 4
66 Grasspea−Aus−Blackgram 250 0.00 1 1
67 Mungbean−B. Aus+B. Aman 130 0.00 4 4
68 Must.−M.bean−Aus−T.Aman 100 0.00 1 1
69 Mungbean−Aus−Fallow 20 0.00 1 1
Total of Aus 977855 11.41 - -

Table 8. List of cropping patterns exclusively with non-rice crops and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Vegetab−Vegetab−Vegetab 143270 1.672 61 283
02 Vegetable−Vegetable−F 63935 0.746 59 168
03 Wheat−Jute−Fallow 48700 0.568 32 82
04 Onion−Jute−Fallow 45200 0.528 29 67
05 Lentil−Jute−Fallow 32360 0.378 27 67
06 Vegetable−Fallow−Fallow 31115 0.363 35 84
07 Maize−Jute−Fallow 21425 0.250 19 33
08 Grasspea−Jute−Fallow 21000 0.245 21 39
09 Mustard−Jute−Fallow 17180 0.201 16 35
10 Groundnut−Fallow−Fallow 16485 0.192 35 76

30 Nasim et al
Table 8. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
11 Potato−Jute−Fallow 14515 0.169 25 53
12 Garlic−Jute−Fallow 13475 0.157 26 48
13 Chilli−Jute−Fallow 13260 0.155 22 54
14 Vegetable−Jute−Fallow 13185 0.154 26 47
15 Maize−Fallow−Fallow 12920 0.151 22 38
16 Onion−Vegtable−Vegetable 11735 0.137 39 87
17 Potato−Sesbania 10770 0.126 05 15
18 Potato−Maize−Fallow 9640 0.113 10 16
19 Chilli−Fallow−Fallow 9265 0.108 40 66
20 Chilli−Vegetable−Fallow 8810 0.103 44 104
21 Fallow−Fallow−Blackgram 8695 0.102 34 59
22 Sweet Potato−Fallow−Fallow 7980 0.093 37 98
23 Coriander−Jute−Fallow 7390 0.086 15 25
24 Maize−Vegetable−Fallow 7120 0.083 14 19
25 Lentil−Vegetable−Vegetable 6330 0.074 19 30
26 Wheat−Vegetable−Vegetable 6100 0.071 16 21
27 Garlic−Vegetable−Vegetable 4385 0.051 27 68
28 Tobacco−Jute−Fallow 4050 0.047 04 8
29 Wheat−Jute−Blackgram 3910 0.046 07 9
30 Wheat−Fallow−Fallow 3810 0.044 06 8
31 Wheat−Chilli−Fallow 3780 0.044 07 9
32 Maize−Maize−Fallow 3720 0.043 03 5
33 Lentil−Sesame−Fallow 3680 0.043 15 20
34 Maize−Fallow−Blackgram 3600 0.042 04 4
35 Vegetable−Fallow−Blackgram 3525 0.041 16 33
36 Sweet Potato−Jute−Fallow 3380 0.039 13 21
37 Coriander−Fallow−Fallow 3175 0.037 41 64
38 Wheat−Maize−Fallow 3070 0.036 02 4
39 Sesame−Fallow−Blackgram 3060 0.036 06 10
40 Wheat−Mungbean−Fallow 2875 0.034 05 7
41 Lentil−F−F (Orchard) 2780 0.032 03 5
42 Soybean−Fallow−Fallow 2710 0.032 03 4
43 Blackgram−Jute−Fallow 2295 0.027 12 16
44 Grasspea−Fallow−Fallow 2295 0.027 09 11
45 Potato−Maize−Vegetable 2190 0.026 04 4
46 Vegetable−Maize−Fallow 2180 0.025 06 7
47 Wheat−M.bean−F(Orchard) 2150 0.025 02 3
48 Pea−Jute−Fallow 2100 0.025 10 15
49 Coriander−Vegetable−Fallow 2090 0.024 20 29
50 Potato−Chilli−Fallow 2070 0.024 10 17
51 Wheat−Maize−Vegetable 2000 0.023 02 2
52 Potato−Sesame−Fallow 1930 0.023 06 10
53 Mustard−Jute−Vegetable 1900 0.022 03 5
54 Blackcumin−Jute−Fallow 1840 0.021 06 12
55 Millet(Kaon)+Sesame−Fallow 1810 0.021 05 7
56 Grasspea−Sesbania−Fallow 1780 0.021 04 4
57 Maize−Sesame−Fallow 1580 0.018 06 8

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 31

Table 8. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
58 Wheat−Sesame−Fallow 1550 0.018 07 8
59 Tobacco−Vegetab−Vegetab 1500 0.018 01 1
60 Vegetab−Jute−Vegetable 1450 0.017 05 5
61 Grasspea−Sesame−Fallow 1330 0.016 07 10
62 G.nut−Fallow−Blackgram 1320 0.015 03 3
63 Wheat−Jute−Vegetable 1320 0.015 06 6
64 Onion−Sesame−Fallow 1270 0.015 08 9
65 Water Melon−Fallow−Fallow 1165 0.014 09 12
66 Pea−Vegetable−Fallow 1160 0.014 04 5
67 Potato−Groundnut 1110 0.013 05 8
68 Tobacco−Fallow−Fallow 1045 0.012 05 8
69 Maize−Sesbania−Fallow 1000 0.012 01 1
70 Maize−Mungbean−Vegetable 950 0.011 03 3
71 Millet (Cheena)−F−F 935 0.011 05 6
72 Wheat−Fallow−Blackgram 900 0.011 01 1
73 Mustard−Fallow−Fallow 895 0.010 09 13
74 Wheat−Sesame−B.gram(Orchard) 760 0.009 03 3
75 Maize−Groundnut 620 0.007 01 1
76 Millet(Cheena)−Jute−Fallow 620 0.007 02 2
77 Tobacco−Maize−Vegetable 600 0.007 01 1
78 Tobacco−Sesbania 600 0.007 01 1
79 Groundnut−Sesame−Fallow 590 0.007 04 5
80 Wheat−Ginger/Turmeric 580 0.007 02 2
81 Sweet Potato−Vegetable−Fallow 540 0.006 05 9
82 Garlic−Fallow−Fallow 530 0.006 10 14
83 Onion−Maize−Fallow 520 0.006 04 4
84 Felon−Fallow−Fallow 380 0.004 03 4
85 Groundnut−Millet(Kaon)−F 380 0.004 02 2
86 Mungbean−Jute−Fallow 300 0.004 06 8
87 Mustard−Maize−Jute 200 0.002 01 1
88 Soybean−Jute−Fallow 140 0.002 02 2
89 Sunflower−Jute−Fallow 135 0.002 03 3
90 Muskmelon−Fallow−Fallow 125 0.001 05 5
91 Tobacco−Mungbean−Vegetable 40 0.000 01 1
92 Barley−Fallow−Fallow 15 0.000 01 2
Total of exclusive non-rice area 714155 8.337 - -

Table 9. List of wheat-based cropping patterns and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Wheat−Jute−T. Aman 147210 1.72 43 216
02 Wheat−Fallow−T. Aman 90910 1.06 39 100
03 Wheat−Jute−Fallow 48700 0.57 32 82
04 Wheat−Aus−T. Aman 36425 0.43 35 93
05 Wheat−Mungbean−T. Aman 21760 0.25 20 50
06 Wheat−Maize−T. Aman 16320 0.19 9 14
07 Wheat−Aus−Fallow 16200 0.19 17 26
08 Wheat−B. Aman 13835 0.16 16 32
09 Wheat−Aus−Blackgram 13000 0.15 6 8

32 Nasim et al
Table 9. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
10 Wheat−Sesame−T. Aman 10650 0.12 15 33
11 Wheat−Vegetable−Vegetable 6100 0.07 16 21
12 Wheat−Vegetable−T. Aman 5205 0.06 15 25
13 Wheat−Jute−Blackgram 3910 0.05 7 9
14 Wheat−Fallow−Fallow 3810 0.04 6 8
15 Wheat−Chilli−Fallow 3780 0.04 7 9
16 Wheat−F−T. Aman(Orchard) 3700 0.04 1 2
17 Wheat−Maize−Fallow 3070 0.04 2 4
18 Wheat−Mungbean−Fallow 2875 0.03 5 7
19 Wheat−Mungbean−F (Orchard) 2150 0.03 2 3
20 Wheat−Maize−Vegetable 2000 0.02 2 2
21 Wheat−Aus−Onion 1900 0.02 1 1
22 Wheat−Sesame−Fallow 1550 0.02 7 8
23 Wheat−Jute−Vegetable 1320 0.02 6 6
24 Wheat−Fallow−Blackgram 900 0.01 1 1
25 Wheat−Sesame−B.gram(Orchard) 760 0.01 3 3
26 Wheat−Aus−Cotton 600 0.01 1 1
27 Wheat−Ginger/Turmeric 580 0.01 2 2
Total of wheat 459220 5.36 - -

Table 10. List of Maize-based cropping patterns and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Maize−Fallow−T. Aman 101460 1.18 39 126
02 Potato−Maize−T. Aman 47690 0.56 19 68
03 Maize−Jute−Fallow 21425 0.25 19 33
04 Maize−Jute−T. Aman 21325 0.25 18 38
05 Wheat−Maize−T. Aman 16320 0.19 9 14
06 Maize−Aus−Fallow 13615 0.16 14 18
07 Maize−Fallow−Fallow 12920 0.15 22 38
08 Potato−Maize−Fallow 9640 0.11 10 16
09 Tobacco−Maize−T. Aman 7470 0.09 5 12
10 Maize−Vegetable−Fallow 7120 0.08 14 19
11 Mustard−Maize−T. Aman 6310 0.07 9 19
12 Maize−B. Aman 5030 0.06 10 15
13 Maize−Mungbean−T. Aman 4900 0.06 1 3
14 Vegetable−Maize−T. Aman 4500 0.05 9 15
15 Potato−Maize−Aus 4300 0.05 3 4
16 Maize−Maize−Fallow 3720 0.04 3 5
17 Maize−Fallow−Blackgram 3600 0.04 4 4
18 Maize−Maize−T. Aman 3070 0.04 6
19 Wheat−Maize−Fallow 3070 0.04 2 4
20 Maize−Aus−Vegetable 3000 0.04 3 4
21 Maize−Aus−T. Aman 2970 0.03 17 27
22 Lentil−Maize−T. Aman 2920 0.03 4 8
23 Potato−Maize−Vegetable 2190 0.03 4 4
24 Vegetable−Maize−Fallow 2180 0.03 6 7
25 Wheat−Maize−Vegetable 2000 0.02 2 2

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 33

Table 10. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
26 Maize−Sesame−T. Aman 1835 0.02 6 9
27 Maize−Vegetable−T. Aman 1810 0.02 11 12
28 Maize−Sesame−Fallow 1580 0.02 6 8
29 Boro−Fallow−Maize 1500 0.02 1 1
30 Onion−Maize−T. Aman 1490 0.02 7 9
31 Maize−Boro−T. Aman 1400 0.02 2 2
32 Maize−Aus−Blackgram 1370 0.02 3 3
33 Potato−Maize−Aus−Vegetab 1030 0.01 3 3
34 Maize−Sesbania−Fallow 1000 0.01 1 1
35 Maize−Mungbean−Vegetable 950 0.01 3 3
36 Maize−Groundnut 620 0.01 1 1
37 Tobacco−Maize−Vegetable 600 0.01 1 1
38 Onion−Maize−Fallow 520 0.01 4 4
39 Boro−Maize−Fallow 410 0.00 2 2
40 Potato+Maize−B. Aman 410 0.00 2 3
41 Boro−Maize−Blackgram 350 0.00 1 1
42 Potato+Maize−Veg−T.Aman 210 0.00 2 2
43 Mustard−Maize−Jute 200 0.00 1 1
Total of maize 330030 3.85 - -

Table 11. List of cropping patterns with tuber crops and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Potato−Boro−T. Aman 180380 2.11 33 115
02 Potato−Maize−T. Aman 47690 0.56 19 68
03 Potato−Jute−T. Aman 28310 0.33 36 95
04 Potato−B. Aman 23900 0.28 9 25
05 Potato−Fallow−T. Aman 22715 0.27 34 108
06 Potato−Aus−T. Aman 22405 0.26 29 79
07 Potato−Boro−Fallow 19360 0.23 17 27
08 S.Potato−Fallow−T. Aman 16990 0.20 31 103
09 Potato−Jute−Fallow 14515 0.17 25 53
10 Potato−Vegetable−T. Aman 12620 0.15 30 59
11 Potato−Sesbania 10770 0.13 5 15
12 Potato−Maize−Fallow 9640 0.11 10 16
13 Sweet Potato−Fallow−Fallow 7980 0.09 37 98
14 Potato−Boro−Aus 7420 0.09 4 6
15 Potato−Maize−Aus 4300 0.05 3 4
16 Sweet Potato−Jute−Fallow 3380 0.04 13 21
17 Potato−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 3140 0.04 5 9
18 Potato−Groundnut−T. Aman 2720 0.03 3 5
19 Potato−Aus−Fallow 2310 0.03 13 16
20 Potato−Maize−Vegetable 2190 0.03 4 4
21 Potato−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2160 0.03 4 5
22 S.Potato−Aus−T. Aman 2150 0.03 2 2
23 Potato−Chilli−Fallow 2070 0.02 10 17
24 Potato−Sesame−T. Aman 2060 0.02 15 23
25 Potato−Sesame−Fallow 1930 0.02 6 10

34 Nasim et al
Table 11. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
26 Potato−Mungbean−T. Aman 1140 0.01 11 13
27 Potato−Groundnut 1110 0.01 5 8
28 Potato−Maize−Aus−Vegetable 1030 0.01 3 3
29 Potato−Sweet gourd−Aus 910 0.01 6 8
30 Potato+S. gourd−Aus−T. Aman 780 0.01 3 5
31 Sweet Potato−B. Aman 740 0.01 6 6
32 Potato−Boro−Vegetable 700 0.01 4 4
33 Sweet Potato−Jute−T. Aman 675 0.01 10 13
34 Potato−Boro−Jute 590 0.01 2 2
35 Sweet Potato−Vegetable−Fallow 540 0.01 5 9
36 Potato−Onion−T. Aman 510 0.01 2 2
37 Potato+Maize−B. Aman 410 0.00 2 3
38 Potato−Sesame−Aus 360 0.00 4 4
39 Potato+Maize−Vegetab−T. Aman 210 0.00 2 2
40 Potato+S.gourd−Mung−T Aman 80 0.00 1 1
Total of tuber crops 462890 5.40 - -

not only indicated their dominance, but also these CPs, may possess scope of improvement
their combination diversity among themselves in suitable areas by including non-rice crops in
in growing seasons round the year. Because of it and hence increase intensity and diversity.
increasing projected population importance of For example, short duration mustard can be
rice will increase furthermore in future (Kabir included in Boro-Fallow-Fallow CP. Similarly
et al., 2015). In this table, it was noticeable that short duration Rabi crops may be included in
only single rice containing CPs occupied large Fallow-Fallow-T. Aman CP.
area of the country. The most dominant of them Among the rice growing seasons, Boro is
was Boro-Fallow-Fallow followed by Fallow- the most favourable where irrigation is made
Fallow-T. Aman. These two CPs occupied ensured. Though the area coverage of Boro
13.3% and 5.95%of the NCA, respectively and stands second, next to T. Aman, it produces the
together occupied 19.25% of the NCA. Boro- highest amount of rice. Boro rice is cultivated
Fallow-Fallow is practiced in medium lowland in about 4.7 million hectares of land and Boro
to very lowland where inclusion of other crop containing CPs occupied about 55% of NCA
is difficult. However, some of these areas, DWR (Table 4). The highest Boro containing CP was
can be included after Boro or short duration Boro-Fallow- T. Aman with 26.92% of NCA.
mustard can be included before Boro. Farmers The area under this CP was about 2.3 million
are reluctant to cultivate DWR because of its hectares. This CP was followed by Boro-Fallow-
low yield. However, short duration mustard Fallow and then Boro-Aus- T. Aman with 13.3%
can be included in it even with zero tillage. and 2.44 % of NCA. There were also some minor
Single T. Aman CP is practiced in constraints CPs with Boro e.g., Blackgram (Fodder)-Boro-B.
soils e.g., in drought prone Barind tract or in Aman, Grasspea-Boro-Aus etc.
tidal wetland. Soil in Barind tract quickly dries In traditional agriculture, Aman was
up in Rabi season and Rabi crop cultivation considered as the most suited season for rice
is not possible if there is no irrigation facility. culture in Bangladesh. Before the development
In tidal saline wetland, salinity restricts other of modern irrigation system it was only the
crops to be included in dry season. In nonsaline major season for rice culture. Rice requires
tidal wetland, in many areas water recedes enough water for successful culture. Monsoon
late, however inundation by tidal water starts rain provides Aman rice with enough water.
early. So Rabi crop is difficult to grow. Some of However, unlike Boro, it is practically rainfed

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 35

and rainfall in its growing period is unreliable. Rice and other cereal containing CPs
During this time other sources of water like occupied huge areas of the country (Tables 2
flood, tidal water etc may be available and are and 3). Contrarily there were other CPs they
adjusted to its culture. Because of different excluded rice in it. Ninety-two CPs were found
growing environments of Aman rice there are excluding rice (Table 8). These CPs were minor
different types of Aman of which transplanted considering their area coverage and altogether
and broadcasted are the common types. Because they contributed to 8.34% of NCA. Many nonrice
of these varied growing environments, Aman crops are cultivated in our country. Thus their
grows in many CPs. Table 5 presents T. Aman combination in CPs gave rise to a big number
containing CPs. There were 131 CPs containing of list of CPs. Because of some special features,
T. Aman in it. Boro-Fallow-T. Aman was the these CPs were developed without rice in it. As
most dominant CP accounting for about 26.92% for example, in the vicinity of a city, vegetable
of the NCA. The following CPs were Fallow- are more profitable, so farmer grows vegetable
Fallow-T. Aman, Boro-Aus-T. Aman, Fallow- round the year. Similarly in some charlands
Aus-T. Aman accounting for about 5.95%, only groundnut is cultivated successfully and
2.44% and 2.26% of the NCA, respectively. gives rise to a Groundnut-Fallow-Fallow CP.
There were some minor CPs in terms of area There were 27 wheat-based CPs which
coverage containing T. Aman in them. Such occupying 5.36% of NCA (Table 9). Wheat-
as Lentil-Mungbean-Jute-T. Aman, Mustard- Jute-T. Aman was the most dominant CP
Mungbean-Aus-T. Aman, Potato Sweet gourd- followed by Wheat-Fallow-T. Aman with a
Mungbean-T. Aman, Tobacco-Mungbean-T. NCA of 1.72% and 1.06%, respectively.
Aman etc and each of which accounts for about In Bangladesh, maize is cultivated in Rabi
0.001% of NCA, separately. and Kharif-I seasons. In recent years, area and
Broadcast Aman is suited well in flood production of maize increased considerably.
prone areas. Table 6 presents CPs with B. Table 10 presents maize-based CPs. The most
Aman. There were 37 CPs containing B. dominant CP with maize was Maize-Fallow-T.
Aman. The most dominant CP was Boro-B. Aman, which occupied 1.18% of NCA. Maize-
Aman covering about 2.14% of NCA. This was based CPs altogether covered 3.85% of NCA.
followed by Mustard-Boro-B. Aman, Potato- Potato and sweet potato are major tuber
Fallow-B. Aman etc. Some B. Aman rice is crops. These tuber crops occupied 5.4% of the
cultivated as mixed crop with B. Aus or sesame NCA (Table 11). There were 40 CPs containing
where after harvest of Aus or sesame puddling potato or sweet potato. Potato-Boro-T.
is not possible and hence T. Aman cultivation Aman was the most dominant CP which was
is not possible. So, broadcast Aus and Aman
followed by Potato-Maize-T. Aman CP. These
are sown together. In some B. Aman-based CPs
CPs occupied 2.11% and 0.56% of the NCA,
scavenging fish cultivation may be included in
some pocket area in future to utilize the flood
In Bangladesh there are several edible oil
seed crops. Mustard is the major one. Others
Currently, Aus is basically cultured as
transplanted crop. In the table, Aus means T. are very minor. Mustard containing CPs
Aus and in case of broadcast Aus it is denoted are listed in Table 12. There was 24 mustard
by B. Aus. There were 69 CPs containing Aus containing CPs. All these 24 CPs occupied
in it (Table 7). These CPs have the coverage 520,470 hectares of land accounting for over
of 11.41% of NCA. The most dominant CP 6% of the NCA. Among those, the most
containing Aus in it was Boro-Aus-T. Aman dominant CP was Mustard-Boro-T. Aman and
which covered 2.44% of NCA. This CP was it was followed by Mustard-Boro-Fallow which
followed by Fallow-Aus- T. Aman and then occupied 184,620 and 143,130 hectares of land
Grasspea-Aus- T. Aman. and found in 203 and 112 upazilas, respectively.

36 Nasim et al
Table 12. List of mustard-based cropping patterns and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Mustard−Boro−T. Aman 184620 2.16 51 203
02 Mustard−Boro−Fallow 143130 1.67 37 112
03 Mustard−Boro−B. Aman 36520 0.43 14 32
04 Mustard−Jute−T. Aman 32740 0.38 29 64
05 Mustard−Boro−Aus 18140 0.21 10 16
06 Mustard−B. Aman 17210 0.20 12 24
07 Mustard−Jute−Fallow 17180 0.20 16 35
08 Mustard−Fallow−T. Aman 14870 0.17 33 84
09 Mustard−Aus−T. Aman 13790 0.16 30 52
10 Mustard−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 7850 0.09 14 30
11 Mustard−Maize−T. Aman 6310 0.07 9 19
12 Mustard−Aus−Fallow 4935 0.06 15 22
13 Mustard−M.bean−T. Aman 4710 0.05 12 18
14 Mustard−Sesame−T. Aman 3360 0.04 12 15
15 Mustard−Boro−Jute 3000 0.04 5 7
16 Mustard−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2980 0.03 7 13
17 Mustard−Aus−Blackgram 1900 0.02 2 2
18 Mustard−Jute−Vegetable 1900 0.02 3 5
19 Mustard−B. Aus+B. Aman 1780 0.02 4 4
20 Mustard−Sesame+B. Aman 1650 0.02 3 4
21 Mustard−Fallow−Fallow 895 0.01 9 13
22 Mustard−Boro−Sesbania 700 0.01 2 2
23 Mustard−Maize−Jute 200 0.00 1 1
24 Mustard−M.bean−Aus−T.Aman 100 0.00 1 1
Total mustard 520470 6.08 - -

They occupied 2.16% and 1.67% of the NCA. Grasspea, mungbean, lentil, blackgram,
Mustard containing other CPs neither occupied field pea, felon are common pulses of
large area nor showed their presence in greater Bangladesh. Most of the pulses are grown in
number of upazilas. Mustard accompanied Rabi season. Mungbean is grown in Kharif-I and
in these CPs with different rice, maize, jute, blackgram is in Kharif-II seasons. There were
mungbean, sesame etc. 83 CPs containing pulses (Table 14). Pulses
There are other edible oil seed crops, accompanied in these CPs with different
which are minor in terms of area coverage. rices, cereals, jute, oil crops, tuber crops. All
These are sesame, groundnut, soybean,
these 83 CPs together occupied 8.78% of the
sunflower etc. There were 52 CPs containing
NCA. Among those, the most dominant CP
minor edible oil seed crops (Table 13).
The most dominant CP was Groundnut- was Grasspea-Fallow-T. Aman. This CP was
Fallow-T. Aman followed by Soybean- followed by Mungbean-Fallow- T. Aman. The
Fallow-T. Aman. These CPs occupied only corresponding coverages of these two patterns
0.341% and 0.276% of the NCA, respectively. were 108,150 and 89,650 hectares found in
The CP, Groundnut-Fallow-Fallow had low 80 and 70 upazilas, respectively. These CPs
coverage but were present comparatively occupied 1.26% and 1.06% of the NCA. Pulse
higher number of 76 upazilas. All these containing other CPs neither occupied large
CPs, though occupied few areas (2.81% of area nor were present in large number of
NCA), perhaps were well fitted to suitable upazilas. Pulses containing CPs altogether
ecosystems in pocket areas. covered 8.78% of the NCA.

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 37

In Bangladesh there are several fibre crops. sesame etc. Jute containing CPs usually
Jute is the major one. It grows in Kharif-I contained Rabi or Boro crops before jute and
season. There were 56 jute containing CPs T. Aman and fallow after jute.
(Table 15). These 56 CPs occupied 9.09% of the CP with tobacco was cultivated in about
NCA. Among those, the most dominant CP 49,000 hectares of land (Table 16). There were
was Wheat-Jute-T. Aman and it was followed 14 tobacco containing CPs and all of these
by Onion-Jute-T. Aman which occupied together occupied 0.572% of NCA. The most
147,210 and 54,185 hectares of land and were dominant CP with tobacco was Tobacco-
found in 216 and 102 upazilas, respectively. Jute-T. Aman which was followed by Tobacco-
These CPs occupied separately 1.72% and Maize-T. Aman. Tobacco was cultivated only
0.63% of the NCA. Jute containing other CPs in 12 districts in three to four clusters viz,
neither occupied large area nor were present Kushtia, Jhenaidaha, Meherpur, Lalmonirhat,
in large number of upazilas. Jute accompanied Rangpur, Nilphamari, Rangamati, Bandarban,
in these CPs with different rices, mungbean, Khagrachhari, Coxsbazaar and Manikganj.

Table 13. List of cropping pattern with minor oil crops and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

1 Groundnut−Fallow−T. Aman 29210 0.341 23 60
2 Soybean−Fallow−T. Aman 23670 0.276 5 10
3 Soybean−Aus−T. Aman 23170 0.270 5 8
4 Soybean−Jute−T. Aman 20000 0.233 4 6
5 Groundnut−Fallow−Fallow 16485 0.192 35 76
6 Groundnut− Aus−T. Aman 14535 0.170 10 18
7 Lentil−Sesame−T. Aman 12450 0.145 14 33
8 Fallow−Sesame−T. Aman 11640 0.136 13 20
9 Wheat−Sesame−T. Aman 10650 0.124 15 33
10 Sesame−Fallow−T. Aman 9265 0.108 19 31
11 Soybean−B. Aman 5650 0.066 4 4
12 Lentil−Sesame−Fallow 3680 0.043 15 20
13 Mustard−Sesame−T. Aman 3360 0.039 12 15
14 Onion−Sesame−T. Aman 3080 0.036 4 6
15 Sesame−Fallow−Blackgram 3060 0.036 6 10
16 Groundnut−B. Aman 2820 0.033 5 7
17 Fallow−Sesame+B. Aman 2750 0.032 5 7
18 Potato−Groundnut−T. Aman 2720 0.032 3 5
19 Soybean−Fallow−Fallow 2710 0.032 3 4
20 Vegetable−Groundnut−T. Aman 2660 0.031 4 5
21 Onion−Sesame+B. Aman 2100 0.025 2 3
22 Sunflower−Fallow−T. Aman 2100 0.025 7 23
23 Potato−Sesame−T. Aman 2060 0.024 15 23
24 Potato−Sesame−Fallow 1930 0.023 6 10
25 Maize−Sesame−T. Aman 1835 0.021 6 9
26 Millet(Kaon)+Sesame−Fallow 1810 0.021 5 7
27 Grasspea−Sesame+B. Aman 1800 0.021 2 2
28 Grasspea−Sesame−T. Aman 1790 0.021 5 6
29 Mustard−Sesame+B. Aman 1650 0.019 3 4
30 Maize−Sesame−Fallow 1580 0.018 6 8

38 Nasim et al
Table 13. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
31 Wheat−Sesame−Fallow 1550 0.018 7 8
32 Groundnut− Aus−Fallow 1550 0.018 5 5
33 Groundnut−Jute−T.Aman 1530 0.018 7 13
34 Grasspea−Sesame−Fallow 1330 0.016 7 10
35 Groundnut−Fallow−Blackgram 1320 0.015 3 3
36 Onion−Sesame−Fallow 1270 0.015 8 9
37 Sesame−Aus−Fallow 1190 0.014 3 4
38 Sesame−Aus−T. Aman 1180 0.014 4 5
39 Potato−Groundnut 1110 0.013 5 8
40 Lentil−Sesame+B. Aman 980 0.011 1 1
41 Coriander−Sesame−T. Aman 845 0.010 5 5
42 Wheat−Sesame−Blackgram (Orchard) 760 0.009 3 3
43 Soybean−Aus−Fallow 700 0.008 1 1
44 Maize−Groundnut 620 0.007 1 1
45 Sesame+B.Aman−Blackgram 600 0.007 1 1
46 Groundnut−Sesame−Fallow 590 0.007 4 5
47 Groundnut−Millet (kaon)−Fallow 380 0.004 2 2
48 Potato−Sesame−Aus 360 0.004 4 4
49 Sesame−B. Aman 330 0.004 2 2
50 Sesame−Jute−T. Aman 290 0.003 2 2
51 Soybean−Jute−Fallow 140 0.002 2 2
52 Sunflower−Jute−Fallow 135 0.002 3 3
Total for minor edible oil crops 240980 2.813 - -

Table 14. List of cropping patterns with pulse crops and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

1 Grasspea−Fallow−T. Aman 108150 1.26 25 80
2 Mungbean−Fallow−T. Aman 89650 1.05 22 70
3 Grasspea−Aus−T. Aman 81610 0.95 19 61
4 Mungbean−Aus−T. Aman 53730 0.63 14 43
5 Lentil−Jute−T. Aman 51875 0.61 34 96
6 Felon−Fallow−T. Aman 37675 0.44 14 53
7 Lentil−Jute−Fallow 32360 0.38 27 67
8 Wheat−Mungbean−T. Aman 21760 0.25 20 50
9 Grasspea−B. Aman 21480 0.25 21 52
10 Grasspea−Jute−Fallow 21000 0.25 21 39
11 Boro−Fallow−Blackgram 13270 0.15 27 44
12 Wheat−Aus−Blackgram 13000 0.15 6 8
13 Lentil−Fallow−T. Aman 12680 0.15 29 68
14 Lentil−Sesame−T. Aman 12450 0.15 14 33
15 Lentil−Aus−T. Aman 11255 0.13 25 46
16 Grasspea−Jute−T. Aman 10300 0.12 25 43
17 Felon−Aus−T. Aman 9245 0.11 7 16
18 Fallow−Fallow−Blackgram 8695 0.10 34 59
19 Boro−Aus−Blackgram 8540 0.10 5 5
20 Blackgram−B. Aman 7625 0.09 11 24

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 39

Table 14. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
21 Lentil−Mungbean−T. Aman 6955 0.08 11 22
22 Lentil−B. Aman 6550 0.08 16 30
23 Lentil−Vegetable−Vegetable 6330 0.07 19 30
24 Maize−Mungbean−T. Aman 4900 0.06 1 3
25 Mustard−Mungbean−T. Aman 4710 0.05 12 18
26 Chickpea−Fallow−T. Aman 4700 0.05 12 32
27 Grasspea−Boro−Fallow 4690 0.05 8 12
28 Lentil−Aus−Fallow 4570 0.05 11 15
29 Wheat−Jute−Blackgram 3910 0.05 7 9
30 Lentil−Sesame−Fallow 3680 0.04 15 20
31 Maize−Fallow−Blackgram 3600 0.04 4 4
32 Vegetable−Fallow−Blackgram 3525 0.04 16 33
33 Sesame−Fallow−Blackgram 3060 0.04 6 10
34 Lentil−Maize−T. Aman 2920 0.03 4 8
35 Wheat−Mungbean−Fallow 2875 0.03 5 7
36 Lentil−Fallow−Fallow (Orchard) 2780 0.03 3 5
37 Grasspea−Boro−B. Aman 2700 0.03 3 3
38 Lentil−Vegetable−T. Aman 2660 0.03 11 11
39 Fieldpea−B. Aman 2620 0.03 11 16
40 Garlic−Mungbean−T. Aman 2500 0.03 1 2
41 Blackgram−Jute−Fallow 2295 0.03 12 16
42 Grasspea−Fallow−Fallow 2295 0.03 9 11
43 Wheat−Mung−Fallow (Orchard) 2150 0.03 2 3
44 Fieldpea−Jute−Fallow 2100 0.02 10 15
45 Blackgram(Fodder)−Boro−B. Aman 2000 0.02 1 1
46 Fieldpea−Fallow−T. Aman 1950 0.02 18 27
47 Blackgram−Jute−T. Aman 1900 0.02 11 14
48 Mustard−Aus−Blackgram 1900 0.02 2 2
49 Onion−Aus−Blackgram 1810 0.02 5 6
50 Grasspea−Boro−Aus 1800 0.02 1 1
51 Grasspea−Sesame+B. Aman 1800 0.02 2 2
52 Grasspea−Sesame−T. Aman 1790 0.02 5 6
53 Grasspea−Sesbania−Fallow 1780 0.02 4 4
54 Blackgram−Aus−T. Aman 1735 0.02 10 13
55 Vegetab−Aus−Blackgram 1610 0.02 4 4
56 Grasspea−B. Aus+B. Aman 1580 0.02 6 8
57 Maize−Aus−Blackgram 1370 0.02 3 3
58 Grasspea−Sesame−Fallow 1330 0.02 7 10
59 Groundnut−Fallow−Blackgram 1320 0.02 3 3
60 Fieldpea−Aus−Vegetable 1310 0.02 7 8
61 Fieldpea−Vegetable−Fallow 1160 0.01 4 5
62 Potato−Mungbean−T. Aman 1140 0.01 11 13
63 Lentil−Sesame+B. Aman 980 0.01 1 1
64 Maize−Mungbean−Vegetable 950 0.01 3 3
65 Wheat−Fallow−Blackgram 900 0.01 1 1
66 Wheat−Sesame−B.gram (Orchard) 760 0.01 3 3
67 Sesame+B. Aman−Blackgram 600 0.01 1 1

40 Nasim et al
Table 14. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
68 Felon−Aus−Fallow 470 0.01 2 3
69 Grasspea−Mungbean−T. Aman 440 0.01 5 5
70 Felon−Fallow−Fallow 380 0.00 3 4
71 Chickpea−Aus−T. Aman 375 0.00 5 7
72 Boro−Maize−Blackgram 350 0.00 1 8
73 Mungbean−Jute−Fallow 300 0.00 6 8
74 Chickpea−Jute−T. Aman 270 0.00 7 11
75 Grasspea−Aus−Blackgram 250 0.00 1 1
76 Mungbean−Jute−T. Aman 180 0.00 9 11
77 Mungbean−B. Aus+B. Aman 130 0.00 4 4
78 Lentil−Mungbean−Jute−T. Aman 100 0.00 1 1
79 Mustard−Mung−Aus−T. Aman 100 0.00 1 1
80 Potato+S. gourd−Mung−T Aman 80 0.00 1 1
81 Tobacco−Mungbean−T. Aman 50 0.00 1 1
82 Tobacco−Mungbean−Vegetable 40 0.00 1 1
83 Mungbean−Aus−Fallow 20 0.00 1 1
Total of pulses 752435 8.78 - -

Table 15. List of jute-based cropping patterns and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Wheat−Jute−T. Aman 147210 1.72 43 216
02 Onion−Jute−T. Aman 54185 0.63 39 102
03 Lentil−Jute−T. Aman 51875 0.61 34 96
04 Wheat−Jute−Fallow 48700 0.57 32 82
05 Onion−Jute−Fallow 45200 0.53 29 67
06 Boro−Jute−T.Aman 40440 0.47 19 56
07 Mustard−Jute−T. Aman 32740 0.38 29 64
08 Lentil−Jute−Fallow 32360 0.38 27 67
09 Potato−Jute−T. Aman 28310 0.33 36 95
10 Maize−Jute−Fallow 21425 0.25 19 33
11 Maize−Jute−T. Aman 21325 0.25 18 38
12 Grasspea−Jute−Fallow 21000 0.25 21 39
13 Soybean−Jute−T. Aman 20000 0.23 4 6
14 Mustard−Jute−Fallow 17180 0.20 16 35
15 Boro−Jute−Fallow 16370 0.19 19 25
16 Tobacco−Jute−T. Aman 15200 0.18 9 19
17 Potato−Jute−Fallow 14515 0.17 25 53
18 Fallow−Jute−T. Aman 13620 0.16 18 32
19 Garlic−Jute−Fallow 13475 0.16 26 48
20 Chilli−Jute−Fallow 13260 0.15 22 54
21 Vegetable−Jute−Fallow 13185 0.15 26 47
22 Garlic−Jute−T. Aman 13090 0.15 38 78
23 Vegetable−Jute−T. Aman 11305 0.13 25 51
24 Grasspea−Jute−T. Aman 10300 0.12 25 43
25 Coriander−Jute−Fallow 7390 0.09 15 25
26 Chilli−Jute−T. Aman 7250 0.08 20 35
27 Coriander−Jute−T. Aman 4625 0.05 17 30

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 41

Table 15. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
28 Tobacco−Jute−Fallow 4050 0.05 4 8
29 Wheat−Jute−Blackgram 3910 0.05 7 9
30 Chilli−Boro−Jute 3600 0.04 2 3
31 Sweet Potato−Jute−Fallow 3380 0.04 13 21
32 Mustard−Boro−Jute 3000 0.04 5 7
33 Mustard−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2980 0.03 7 13
34 Blackgram−Jute−Fallow 2295 0.03 12 16
35 Potato−Boro−Jute−T. Aman 2160 0.03 4 5
36 Fieldpea−Jute−Fallow 2100 0.02 10 15
37 Blackgram−Jute−T. Aman 1900 0.02 11 14
38 Mustard−Jute−Vegetable 1900 0.02 3 5
39 Blackcumin−Jute−Fallow 1840 0.02 6 12
40 Groundnut−Jute−T. Aman 1530 0.02 7 13
41 Vegetable−Jute−Vegetable 1450 0.02 5 5
42 Wheat−Jute−Vegetable 1320 0.02 6 6
43 Blackcumin−Jute−T. Aman 1260 0.01 6 11
44 Vegetable−Boro−Jute 800 0.01 2 3
45 Sweet Potato−Jute−T. Aman 675 0.01 10 13
46 Millet (Cheena)−Jute−Fallow 620 0.01 2 2
47 Potato−Boro−Jute 590 0.01 2 2
48 Mu ngbean−Jute−Fallow 300 0.00 6 8
49 Sesame−Jute−T. Aman 290 0.00 2 2
50 Chickpea−Jute−T. Aman 270 0.00 7 11
51 Mu stard−Maize−Jute 200 0.00 1 1
52 Veg.−Onion−Jute−T. Aman 200 0.00 1 1
53 Mungbean−Jute−T. Aman 180 0.00 9 11
54 Soybean−Jute−Fallow 140 0.00 2 2
55 Sunflower−Jute−Fallow 135 0.00 3 3
56 Lentil−Mungbean−Jute−T. Aman 100 0.00 1 1
57 Total jute 778710 9.09 - -

Table 16. List of cropping patterns with tobacco and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Tobacco−Jute−T. Aman 15200 0.177 9 19
02 Tobacco−Maize−T. Aman 7470 0.087 5 12
03 Tobacco−Aus−T. Aman 6040 0.071 5 12
04 Tobacco−Fallow−T. Aman 5310 0.062 7 15
05 Tobacco−Jute−Fallow 4050 0.047 4 8
06 Tobacco−Aus−Fallow 3180 0.037 5 10
07 Tobacco−Boro−T. Aman 2300 0.027 3 4
08 Tobacco−Sesbania−T.Aman 1620 0.019 1 2
09 Tobacco−Vegetab−Vegetab 1500 0.018 1 1
10 Tobacco−Fallow−Fallow 1045 0.012 5 8
11 Tobacco−Maize−Vegetable 600 0.007 1 1
12 Tobacco−Sesbania 600 0.007 1 1
13 Tobacco−Mung−T. Aman 50 0.001 1 1
14 Tobacco−Mung−Vegetable 40 0.000 1 1
Total tobacco 49005 0.572 - -

42 Nasim et al
Vegetable is cultivated in fertile and well-drained covered about half of the land area of the first
soil often near the cities and towns. It is grown one and was found to cultivate in 172 upazilas.
round the year in three seasons or in two seasons In low lying areas vegetables are usually not
or in one season in a piece of land (Table 17). suitable. However, in some low lying areas
The most dominant vegetable containing CP is vegetables are successfully cultivated in dhap
Vegetable-Vegetable-Vegetable which covered or in sorjan system or in the bank of the gher.
143,270 hectares of land and 1.67% of NCA Potato, sweet potato and sweet gourd were
and was found to cultivate in 283 upazilas. The considered separately and were not included in
next CP was Vegetable-Fallow-T. Aman which the vegetable containing CP’s table.

Table 17. List of cropping patterns with vegetables and area coverage, 2014-15.

Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila

01 Vegetable−Vegetable−Vegetable 143270 1.672 61 283
02 Vegetable−Fallow−T. Aman 74710 0.872 45 170
03 Vegetable−Vegetable−Fallow 63935 0.746 59 168
04 Vegetab−Vegetable−T. Aman 51745 0.604 49 127
05 Vegetable−Fallow−Fallow 31115 0.363 35 84
06 Vegetable−Aus−T. Aman 28700 0.335 42 87
07 Vegetable−Boro−T. Aman 21220 0.248 22 42
08 Vegetable−Aus−Fallow 15940 0.186 23 41
09 Boro−Vegetable 13335 0.156 27 36
10 Vegetable−Jute−Fallow 13185 0.154 26 47
11 Potato−Vegetable−T. Aman 12620 0.147 30 59
12 Onion−Vegtable−Vegetable 11735 0.137 39 87
13 Vegetable−Jute−T. Aman 11305 0.132 25 51
14 Chilli−Vegetable−Fallow 8810 0.103 44 104
15 Boro−Vegetable−T. Aman 8660 0.101 9 16
16 Fallow−Vegetable−T. Aman 7130 0.083 16 29
17 Maize−Vegetable−Fallow 7120 0.083 14 19
18 Vegetable−Boro−Fallow 7100 0.083 9 10
19 Lentil−Vegetable−Vegetable 6330 0.074 19 30
20 Wheat−Vegetable−Vegetable 6100 0.071 16 21
21 Wheat−Vegetable−T. Aman 5205 0.061 15 25
22 Vegetable−B. Aman 5200 0.061 9 17
23 Vegetable−Maize−T. Aman 4500 0.053 9 15
24 Garlic−Vegetable−Vegetable 4385 0.051 27 68
25 Vegetable−Fallow−Blackgram 3525 0.041 16 33
26 Vegetable−Onion−Aus 3200 0.037 3 3
27 Maize−Aus−Vegetable 3000 0.035 3 4
28 Lentil−Vegetable−T. Aman 2660 0.031 11 11
29 Vegetable−Groundnut−T. Aman 2660 0.031 4 5
30 Potato−Maize−Vegetable 2190 0.026 4 4
31 Vegetable−Maize−Fallow 2180 0.025 6 7
32 Coriander−Vegetable−Fallow 2090 0.024 20 29
33 Wheat−Maize−Vegetable 2000 0.023 2 2
34 Mustard−Jute−Vegetable 1900 0.022 3 5
35 Maize−Vegetable−T. Aman 1810 0.021 11 12

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 43

Table 17. Continued.
Cropping pattern Area (ha) % of NCA No. of district No. of upazila
36 Vegetable−Aus−Blackgram 1610 0.019 4 4
37 Tobacco−Vegetable−Vegetable 1500 0.018 1 1
38 Vegetable−Jute−Vegetable 1450 0.017 5 5
39 Chilli−Vegetable−T. Aman 1405 0.016 15 19
40 Wheat−Jute−Vegetable 1320 0.015 6 6
41 Pea−Aus−Vegetable 1310 0.015 7 8
42 Fieldpea−Vegetable−Fallow 1160 0.014 4 5
43 Potato−Maize−Aus−Vegetable 1030 0.012 3 3
44 Maize−Mungbean−Vegetable 950 0.011 3 3
45 Vegetable−Boro−Aus−T. Aman 820 0.010 4 5
46 Vegetable−Boro−Jute 800 0.009 2 3
47 Potato−Boro−Vegetable 700 0.008 4 4
48 Tobacco−Maize−Vegetable 600 0.007 1 1
49 Sweet Potato−Vegetable−Fallow 540 0.006 5 9
50 Potato+Maize−Vegetable−T. Aman 210 0.002 2 2
51 Vegetable−Onion−Jute−T. Aman 200 0.002 1 1
52 Tobacco−Mungbean−Vegetable 40 0.000 1 1
Total of CP with vegetable 606215 7.077 - -

If a single one CP is considered, its geographical hectares of land. This CP was practiced in
distribution also produce valuable information. 63 districts. However, in Munshiganj, there
Table 18 presents district-wise distribution of was no Boro-Fallow-T. Aman CP. Because
the most dominant CP, Boro-Fallow-T. Aman. here, T. Aman is extremely rare. The lowest
area under this CP was in Borguna. In
This CP generally occupies medium high land
Mymensingh, this CP occupied about 65.13%
area. Maximum area under this CP was in
of its NCA as indicated by ‘% of district NCA’.
Mymensingh district with 188,650 hectares of In Mymensingh, the area under this CP was
land followed by Dinajpur district with 138,400 8.18% of its total area of the country.
Table 18. Distribution of the most dominant Boro-Fallow- T. Aman cropping pattern and area coverage in Bangladesh, 2014-15.

District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in BD

01 Mymensingh 188650 65.13 8.18
02 Dinajpur 138400 49.99 6.00
03 Netrokona 98300 49.22 4.26
04 Gaibandha 96670 63.87 4.19
05 Naogaon 96400 35.59 4.18
06 Tangail 84000 36.04 3.64
07 Kurigram 83500 55.91 3.62
08 Rangpur 81300 46.39 3.53
09 Jessore 80700 42.48 3.50
10 Bogra 80200 36.10 3.48
11 Jamalpur 75300 46.83 3.27
12 Sherpur 69000 68.62 2.99
13 Nilphamari 65300 53.70 2.83
14 Jhenaidaha 54900 39.26 2.38
15 Chittagong 46420 23.19 2.01
16 Thakurgaon 45050 30.36 1.95
17 Lalmonirhat 44600 45.12 1.93

44 Nasim et al
Table 18. Continued.
District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in BD
18 Sunamganj 43100 16.12 1.87
19 CoxBazar 42400 49.66 1.84
20 Satkhira 40950 33.72 1.78
21 Kishoreganj 40300 20.17 1.75
22 Comilla 38710 18.71 1.68
23 Sirajganj 38200 20.82 1.66
24 Bhola 35650 19.13 1.55
25 Sylhet 34200 16.27 1.48
26 B.Baria 34010 24.39 1.47
27 Panchagarh 32400 31.70 1.41
28 Narsingdi 31500 43.60 1.37
29 Barisal 31050 19.59 1.35
30 Chuadanga 28800 32.56 1.25
31 Feni 28800 40.04 1.25
32 Gazipur 27100 31.74 1.18
33 Natore 25490 18.85 1.11
34 Narail 24950 33.73 1.08
35 Maulvibazar 24650 19.34 1.07
36 Rajshahi 22400 13.40 0.97
37 Magura 20800 27.44 0.90
38 Lakshmipur 20200 20.22 0.88
39 Khulna 19870 15.64 0.86
40 Bagerhat 19600 17.26 0.85
41 Joypurhat 19200 24.46 0.83
42 Habiganj 19070 11.32 0.83
43 Kushtia 17900 15.60 0.78
44 Chandpur 14690 15.97 0.64
45 Chapainawabganj 14100 11.71 0.61
46 Noakhali 12460 6.28 0.54
47 Meherpur 9800 18.12 0.42
48 Khagrachhari 9570 21.59 0.42
49 Pabna 8650 4.69 0.38
50 Pirojpur 6540 7.95 0.28
51 Faridpur 6080 4.34 0.26
52 Jhalakati 5450 10.50 0.24
53 Rajbari 5450 7.17 0.24
54 Bandarban 5170 12.69 0.22
55 Rangamati 4660 10.67 0.20
56 Gopalganj 2900 2.56 0.13
57 Narayanganj 2200 5.54 0.10
58 Dhaka 2040 2.99 0.09
59 Madaripur 1800 2.16 0.08
60 Patuakhali 1670 0.79 0.07
61 Shariatpur 1455 1.87 0.06
62 Manikganj 980 1.05 0.04
63 Barguna 350 0.35 0.02
Bangladesh 2306005 26.92 100.00

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 45

Table 19 presents district-wise distribution which was followed by the four districts viz,
of the second most dominant CP, Boro-Fallow- Comilla, Faridpur, Manikganj and Noakhali
Fallow . This CP is usually distributed in low lying each of which cultivated 28 crops. Pabna had
areas like flood-prone areas, haor, bil, charland the highest CP diversity which was followed
and riverbank areas. This CP was dominantly by Rajshahi and then Kushtia. Pabna had the
present in Sunamganj, Kishoreganj, Netrokona highest crop diversity which was followed by
and Gopalganj districts. In Sunamganj, about Rajshahi and then Kushtia as well.
68% of its NCA was under this CP. Therefore,
rest of about 32% of land remained for other
CPs in the district. It indicated the suitability CONCLUSION
of Boro-Fallow-Fallow CP in Sunamganj as it is
mainly consisted of low lying areas. This CP in A better understanding of the crop growing
Sunamganj occupied about 16% of the total of systems is essential to formulate ecologically
this CP in Bangladesh. and socioeconomically sustainable crop
In Bangladesh, in some areas, there are production programme. Therefore, quantitative
some special conditions because of which crop measurement of crop distribution in an area
cultivation is difficult in different seasons, e.g., is very important. To explore the potential of
in saline-prone areas or in tidal nonsaline areas CPs it is necessary to integrate the available
or in extreme drought-prone areas with no technologies to increase the total yield.
irrigation facility. In these areas only T. Aman Extension of agricultural land is not possible
crop is cultivated in Kharif-II season which in Bangladesh. Moreover, NCA is decreasing
gives rise to Fallow-Fallow-T. Aman CP. Table at an alarming rate because of high population
20 presents district-wise distribution of this pressure. Identification of major CPs and
CP. The highest coverage of this CP was found exploring their potential is important. Increase
in Chittagong district which covered 33% of production through utilizing fallow period in CP
the area of this district. This CP in Chittagong can create scope for sustainable improvement
district contributed 13% of this CP’s total of agricultural production system.
coverage of the country. In 36 districts this CP This study had made this scope of
was noticed. improvement by creating relevant data base.
Similarly district-wise distribution of 4th, This study identified all the CPs of Bangladesh.
5th and 6th dominant CPs viz, Boro-Aus- T. Ecologically well adjusted CPs dominated
Aman, Fallow-Aus-T. Aman and Mustard- for their area coverage in appropriate
Boro-T. Aman are presented (Tables 21, 22 and environments. Regional distribution of CPs
23). was also identified. These results will hopefully
Districtwise distribution of AC is presented help further planning of potentials of CPs for
in Table 24.The major ACs viz, banana, betel production.
leaf, ginger, papaya, pineapple, sugarcane and
turmeric were included in it. Individual AC and
total AC area are mentioned in this table. AC
production was the highest in Tangail which
was followed by Natore and then Rangamati.
The authors acknowledge the financial
Districtwise total number of CPs, total
support from the Mujibnagar Integrated
number of crops, diversity index of CPs and
crops are presented in Table 25. Comilla had Agricultural Development Project (BRRI Part),
the highest number of different CPs of 117 Ministry of Agriculture. The research team
which was followed by Kushtia of 116 and gratefully acknowledges very cordial help
then Jessore 101. The maximum number and cooperation from DAE personnel at all
of 30 crops were cultivated in Munshiganj levels. They actively cooperated the research

46 Nasim et al
Table 19. Distribution of the 2nd dominant Boro-Fallow-Fallow cropping pattern and area coverage in Bangladesh, 2014-15.

District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in BD

01 Sunamganj 181600 67.91 15.94
02 Kishoreganj 102000 51.04 8.95
03 Netrokona 78200 39.16 6.86
04 Gopalganj 66300 58.60 5.82
05 B.Baria 58050 41.63 5.09
06 Habiganj 55900 33.18 4.91
07 Sylhet 44450 21.15 3.90
08 Noakhali 43000 21.66 3.77
09 Comilla 34630 16.74 3.04
10 Mymensing 30320 10.47 2.66
11 Gazipur 25150 29.46 2.21
12 Naogaon 24100 8.90 2.11
13 Moulvibazar 22850 17.93 2.01
14 Chandpur 22100 24.03 1.94
15 Sirajganj 21700 11.82 1.90
16 Sariatpur 21500 27.56 1.89
17 Barisal 21450 13.54 1.88
18 Jessore 19030 10.02 1.67
19 Madaripur 18700 22.42 1.64
20 Dhaka 17750 26.05 1.56
21 Munsiganj 16400 26.54 1.44
22 Narayanganj 16400 41.33 1.44
23 Narsingdi 16100 22.29 1.41
24 Bagerhat 13700 12.07 1.20
25 Natore 12830 9.49 1.13
26 Tangail 12550 5.39 1.10
27 Pirojpur 11100 13.49 0.97
28 Kurigram 10600 7.10 0.93
29 Pabna 9600 5.21 0.84
30 Rajshahi 9150 5.48 0.80
31 Rangpur 7470 4.26 0.66
32 Khulna 7150 5.63 0.63
33 Satkhira 7000 5.76 0.61
34 Faridpur 6700 4.79 0.59
35 Gaibandha 6700 4.43 0.59
36 Jhenaidah 6560 4.69 0.58
37 Rajbari 6550 8.62 0.57
38 Narail 6200 8.38 0.54
39 Bogra 6000 2.70 0.53
40 Jamalpur 5180 3.22 0.45
41 Manikganj 5180 5.55 0.45
42 Rangamati 4250 9.73 0.37
43 Laxmipur 4200 4.20 0.37
44 Chapainawabganj 4050 3.36 0.36
45 Sherpur 2950 2.93 0.26
46 Kushtia 2450 2.13 0.22

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 47

Table 19. Continued.
District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in BD
47 Chuadanga 2200 2.49 0.19
48 Jhalkathi 2200 4.24 0.19
49 Lalmonirhat 2100 2.12 0.18
50 Magura 1970 2.60 0.17
51 Nilphamari 1450 1.19 0.13
52 Coxsbazar 860 1.01 0.08
53 Bandarban 700 1.72 0.06
54 Meherpur 600 1.11 0.05
55 Thakurgaon 500 0.34 0.04
56 Chittagong 400 0.20 0.04
57 Patuakhali 350 0.17 0.03
58 Feni 250 0.35 0.02
59 Dinajpur 150 0.05 0.01
Total 1139530 13.30 100.00

Table 20. Distribution of the 3rd dominant Fallow-Fallow-T. Aman cropping pattern and area coverage in Bangladesh, 2014-15.

District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in country

01 Chittagong 66500 33.23 13.05
02 Sylhet 58250 27.72 11.43
03 Khulna 42000 33.05 8.24
04 Patuakhali 35600 16.81 6.99
05 Bagerhat 33700 29.68 6.61
06 Noakhali 32900 16.57 6.46
07 Moulvibazar 25070 19.67 4.92
08 Pirojpur 24620 29.92 4.83
09 Sunamganj 21900 8.19 4.30
10 Satkhira 21200 17.46 4.16
11 Borguna 19200 19.26 3.77
12 Feni 15600 21.69 3.06
13 Habiganj 12340 7.33 2.42
14 Chapainawab 11800 9.80 2.32
15 Barisal 11130 7.02 2.18
16 Coxsbazar 10400 12.18 2.04
17 Khagrachhari 9050 20.42 1.78
18 Jhalkathi 8200 15.80 1.61
19 Gazipur 7850 9.20 1.54
20 Naogaon 7300 2.69 1.43
21 Bhola 7200 3.86 1.41
22 Bandarban 5030 12.35 0.99
23 Netrokona 5000 2.50 0.98
24 Rangamati 3530 8.08 0.69
25 Comilla 3430 1.66 0.67
26 Mymensing 2600 0.90 0.51
27 Kishoreganj 2260 1.13 0.44
28 Tangail 1700 0.73 0.33
29 Bogra 1550 0.70 0.30
30 Sherpur 1320 1.31 0.26
31 Rangpur 350 0.20 0.07

48 Nasim et al
Table 20. Continued.
District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in country
32 Jessore 300 0.16 0.06
33 Dinajpur 200 0.07 0.04
34 Laxmipur 200 0.20 0.04
35 Narsingdi 100 0.14 0.02
36 Panchgarh 100 0.10 0.02
Total 509480 5.95 100.00

Table 21. Distribution of the 4th dominant Boro-Aus-T. Aman cropping pattern and area coverage in Bangladesh, 2014-15.

District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in country

01 Comilla 50680 24.49 24.25
02 Bogra 14290 6.43 6.84
03 Habiganj 14200 8.43 6.79
04 Naogaon 13600 5.02 6.51
05 Kishoreganj 12350 6.18 5.91
06 Jessore 11500 6.05 5.50
07 Bhola 10000 5.37 4.78
08 Chandpur 9280 10.09 4.44
09 Chittagong 9250 4.62 4.43
10 Mymensing 8000 2.76 3.83
11 Kushtia 6650 5.79 3.18
12 Chapainawabganj 6640 5.52 3.18
13 Brahmanbaria 4870 3.49 2.33
14 Rangpur 4570 2.61 2.19
15 Coxsbazar 3500 4.10 1.67
16 Natore 3400 2.51 1.63
17 Moulvibazar 3040 2.38 1.45
18 Pabna 2950 1.60 1.41
19 Satkhira 2780 2.29 1.33
20 Sirajganj 2450 1.34 1.17
21 Laxmipur 2200 2.20 1.05
22 Jhenaidah 1700 1.22 0.81
23 Rajshahi 1650 0.99 0.79
24 Dinajpur 1575 0.57 0.75
25 Sherpur 1350 1.34 0.65
26 Gazipur 1120 1.31 0.54
27 Noakhali 1070 0.54 0.51
28 Bagerhat 950 0.84 0.45
29 Kurigram 880 0.59 0.42
30 Sylhet 600 0.29 0.29
31 Magura 500 0.66 0.24
32 Khagrachhari 200 0.45 0.10
33 Rangamati 200 0.46 0.10
34 Gaibandha 170 0.11 0.08
35 Khulna 165 0.13 0.08
36 Jhalkathi 100 0.19 0.05
37 Pirojpur 100 0.12 0.05

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 49

Table 21. Continued.
District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in country
38 Sariatpur 100 0.13 0.05
39 Narsingdi 90 0.12 0.04
40 Bandarban 80 0.20 0.04
41 Feni 50 0.07 0.02
42 Jamalpur 50 0.03 0.02
43 Rajbari 50 0.07 0.02
44 Patuakhali 30 0.01 0.01
45 Nilphamari 20 0.02 0.01
46 Joypurhat 10 0.01 0.00
47 Tangail 5 0.00 0.00
Total 209015 2.44 100.00

Table 22. Distribution of the 5th dominant Fallow-Aus-T. Aman cropping pattern and area coverage in Bangladesh, 2014-15.

District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in country

01 Sylhet 35600 16.94 18.42
02 Moulvibazar 33900 26.59 17.54
03 Habiganj 23825 14.14 12.33
04 Jhalkathi 12300 23.70 6.36
05 Noakhali 12200 6.15 6.31
06 Chittagong 9290 4.64 4.81
07 Pirojpur 8800 10.70 4.55
08 Borguna 8540 8.57 4.42
09 Barisal 8400 5.30 4.35
10 Mymensing 8400 2.90 4.35
11 Rajshahi 4500 2.69 2.33
12 Feni 4200 5.84 2.17
13 Sunamganj 3730 1.39 1.93
14 Comilla 3350 1.62 1.73
15 Bhola 2900 1.56 1.50
16 Kishoreganj 2200 1.10 1.14
17 Patuakhali 2060 0.97 1.07
18 Bagerhat 1740 1.53 0.90
19 Naogaon 1620 0.60 0.84
20 Laxmipur 1200 1.20 0.62
21 Khagrachhari 1110 2.50 0.57
22 Sherpur 1100 1.09 0.57
23 Brahmanbaria 810 0.58 0.42
24 Netrokona 410 0.21 0.21
25 Satkhira 380 0.31 0.20
26 Coxsbazar 250 0.29 0.13
27 Rangamati 210 0.48 0.11
28 Khulna 100 0.08 0.05
29 Tangail 100 0.04 0.05
30 Gazipur 50 0.06 0.03
Total 193275 2.26 100.00

50 Nasim et al
Table 23. Distribution of the 6th dominant Mustard-Boro-T. Aman cropping pattern and area coverage in Bangladesh, 2014-15.

District Area (ha) % of district NCA % coverage of the pattern in country

01 Naogaon 22600 8.34 12.24
02 Bogra 19800 8.91 10.72
03 Tangail 14150 6.07 7.66
04 Jamalpur 11500 7.15 6.23
05 Dinajpur 10250 3.70 5.55
06 Joypurhat 9900 12.61 5.36
07 Sirajganj 9810 5.35 5.31
08 Kurigram 8000 5.36 4.33
09 Thakurgaon 7650 5.16 4.14
10 Jhenaidaha 7050 5.04 3.82
11 Gaibandha 6650 4.39 3.60
12 Jessore 6000 3.16 3.25
13 Sherpur 5450 5.42 2.95
14 Magura 5100 6.73 2.76
15 Manikganj 4720 5.05 2.56
16 Rangpur 3950 2.25 2.14
17 Mymensing 2930 1.01 1.59
18 Nilphamari 2850 2.34 1.54
19 Bhola 2570 1.38 1.39
20 Meherpur 2400 4.44 1.30
21 Satkhira 2390 1.97 1.29
22 Dhaka 1710 2.51 0.93
23 Narsingdi 1610 2.23 0.87
24 Madaripur 1510 1.81 0.82
25 Kishoreganj 1450 0.73 0.79
26 Lalmonirhat 1390 1.41 0.75
27 Chapainawabganj 1300 1.08 0.70
28 Rajshahi 1250 0.75 0.68
29 Chandpur 1000 1.09 0.54
30 Narail 950 1.28 0.51
31 Netrokona 940 0.47 0.51
32 B.Baria 900 0.65 0.49
33 Panchagarh 820 0.80 0.44
34 Kushtia 700 0.61 0.38
35 Pabna 600 0.33 0.32
36 Natore 500 0.37 0.27
37 Sunamganj 500 0.19 0.27
38 Coxsbazar 420 0.49 0.23
39 Chuadanga 400 0.45 0.22
40 Chittagong 210 0.10 0.11
41 Comilla 200 0.10 0.11
42 Gazipur 110 0.13 0.06
43 Narayanganj 100 0.25 0.05
44 Khulna 80 0.06 0.04
45 Barisal 70 0.04 0.04
46 Habiganj 50 0.03 0.03
47 Rajbari 50 0.07 0.03
48 Faridpur 30 0.02 0.02
49 Lakshmipur 30 0.03 0.02
50 Khagrachhari 10 0.02 0.01
51 Maulvibazar 10 0.01 0.01
Total 184620 2.16 100.00

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 51

Table 24. Distribution of annual crops in different districts of Bangladesh, 2014-15.

District Banana Betel leaf Ginger Papaya Pineapple Sugarcane Turmeric Total
01 Brahmanbaria 17 0 75 34 0 80 84 290
02 Bagerhat 1290 1080 0 110 0 920 30 3430
03 Bandarban 7120 0 1410 840 2835 215 1260 13680
04 Barguna 150 355 0 65 3 57 0 630
05 Barisal 1235 2678 6 465 0 600 111 5095
06 Bhola 2735 510 60 490 15 1060 335 5205
07 Bogra 973 0 128 165 0 84 170 1520
08 Chandpur 195 200 63 15 0 410 62 945
09 Chapainawabganj 590 0 100 220 0 10150 100 11160
10 Chittagong 2320 420 710 842 162 381 345 5180
11 Chuadanga 480 2000 10 10 0 645 255 3400
12 Comilla 286 130 37 71 30 360 66 980
13 Coxsbazar 464 2705 80 136 25 350 70 3830
14 Dhaka 310 0 30 270 0 60 70 740
15 Dinajpur 1095 40 280 55 0 2050 625 4145
16 Faridpur 1315 20 0 480 0 3525 250 5590
17 Feni 95 0 0 35 0 150 0 280
18 Gaibandha 998 130 190 47 0 2415 330 4110
19 Gazipur 3575 0 305 2205 120 775 540 7520
20 Gopalganj 515 5 0 240 0 1020 10 1790
21 Habiganj 157 120 132 98 200 310 183 1200
22 Jamalpur 550 40 70 0 120 1935 95 2810
23 Jessore 1050 1130 50 135 0 475 1180 4020
24 Jhalakati 1515 580 3 420 0 190 122 2830
25 Jhenaidaha 4335 2335 5 495 0 1880 1100 10150
26 Joypurhat 562 0 59 31 0 520 328 1500
27 Khagrachhari 1800 0 3020 160 415 345 4480 10220
28 Khulna 190 570 10 45 0 80 185 1080
29 Kishoreganj 747 0 77 232 0 267 167 1490
30 Kurigram 713 5 350 72 0 270 350 1760
31 Kushtia 2380 2120 25 80 0 1925 750 7280
32 Laksmipur 160 20 0 40 0 140 40 400
33 Lalmonirhat 160 0 330 10 0 110 680 1290
34 Madaripur 210 192 0 140 0 493 5 1040
35 Magura 455 154 0 71 0 200 780 1660
36 Manikganj 110 0 40 50 0 2100 50 2350
37 Maulvibazar 480 25 255 20 750 20 270 1820
38 Meherpur 1460 0 0 0 0 170 710 2340
39 Munsiganj 55 0 15 10 0 85 25 190
40 Mymensingh 435 267 450 136 228 2669 1875 6060
41 Naogaon 730 0 125 150 0 1225 270 2500
42 Narail 255 235 5 35 0 825 315 1670
43 Narayanganj 40 0 0 30 0 110 0 180
44 Narsingdi 2140 300 0 160 190 60 0 2850
45 Natore 1110 10 50 110 0 15040 920 17240
46 Netrokona 27 0 82 32 0 27 142 310
47 Nilphamari 210 0 870 45 0 175 1010 2310

52 Nasim et al
Table 24. Continued.
District Banana Betel leaf Ginger Papaya Pineapple Sugarcane Turmeric Total
48 Noakhali 1350 10 0 68 0 112 0 1540
49 Pabna 305 10 0 90 0 4605 910 5920
50 Panchagarh 175 20 260 5 0 1150 700 2310
51 Patuakhali 353 634 0 90 0 157 111 1345
52 Pirojpur 880 478 8 105 5 373 281 2130
53 Rajbari 600 0 0 25 0 1245 490 2360
54 Rajshahi 1080 295 0 590 0 8045 410 10420
55 Rangamati 7666 0 2420 305 1245 199 2545 14380
56 Rangpur 1285 50 865 50 0 1200 900 4350
57 Satkhira 460 445 10 59 21 132 703 1830
58 Shariatpur 365 80 0 120 0 635 60 1260
59 Sherpur 40 5 270 0 0 25 420 760
60 Sirajganj 280 0 200 120 0 1670 170 2440
61 Sunamganj 145 0 28 100 10 195 32 510
62 Sylhet 68 0 5 759 203 50 15 1100
63 Tangail 6085 30 1685 275 7530 955 3690 20250
64 Thakurgaon 290 0 100 50 0 1950 400 2790
Bangladesh 69221 20433 15358 12413 14107 79651 32582 243765

Table 25. Crop diversity and cropping intensity of different districts in Bangladesh, 2014-15.

No. of identified Diversity index for Crop diversity

District No. of crop C.I. (%)
pattern cropping pattern index (CDI)
01 B.Baria 62 18 0.757 0.883 165
02 Bagerhat 53 20 0.848 0.921 161
03 Bandarban 49 24 0.953 0.963 138
04 Barguna 29 17 0.868 0.939 218
05 Barisal 74 20 0.911 0.955 192
06 Bhola 61 25 0.933 0.972 228
07 Bogra 96 27 0.803 0.925 248
08 Chandpur 74 22 0.880 0.945 190
09 ChapaiN.ganj 62 18 0.944 0.975 217
10 Chittagong 63 25 0.826 0.924 180
11 Chuadanga 48 23 0.867 0.945 224
12 Comilla 117 28 0.868 0.932 210
13 CoxBazar 44 22 0.725 0.856 197
14 Dhaka 67 25 0.889 0.937 196
15 Dinajpur 75 22 0.723 0.889 228
16 Faridpur 96 28 0.942 0.972 225
17 Feni 34 22 0.777 0.879 183
18 Gaibandha 52 23 0.583 0.807 210
19 Gazipur 47 26 0.801 0.880 161
20 Gopalganj 57 25 0.643 0.824 146

Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh 53

Table 25. Continued.
No. of identified Diversity index for Crop diversity
District No. of crop C.I. (%)
pattern cropping pattern index (CDI)
21 Habiganj 46 21 0.827 0.916 170
22 Jamalpur 77 22 0.762 0.898 220
23 Jessore 101 25 0.799 0.920 225
24 Jhalakati 40 21 0.891 0.944 189
25 Jhenaidaha 76 26 0.833 0.931 223
26 Joypurhat 45 19 0.697 0.879 267
27 Khagrachhari 47 23 0.900 0.929 151
28 Khulna 52 21 0.839 0.922 159
29 Kishoreganj 91 21 0.694 0.852 156
30 Kurigram 78 25 0.673 0.854 214
31 Kushtia 116 26 0.955 0.982 240
32 Lakshmipur 44 21 0.878 0.945 240
33 Lalmonirhat 44 22 0.750 0.897 223
34 Madaripur 57 24 0.910 0.967 204
35 Magura 55 26 0.878 0.980 251
36 Manikganj 75 28 0.917 0.958 212
37 Maulvibazar 47 20 0.819 0.894 168
38 Meherpur 40 21 0.932 0.973 239
39 Munsiganj 38 30 0.835 0.915 177
40 Mymensingh 71 24 0.562 0.779 199
41 Naogaon 90 23 0.848 0.936 221
42 Narail 37 21 0.850 0.932 210
43 Narayanganj 45 27 0.800 0.906 158
44 Narsingdi 54 23 0.753 0.861 181
45 Natore 68 22 0.939 0.972 210
46 Netrokona 54 20 0.603 0.746 160
47 Nilphamari 59 21 0.695 0.875 224
48 Noakhali 49 28 0.892 0.953 178
49 Pabna 90 29 0.970 0.987 230
50 Panchagarh 65 24 0.862 0.938 216
51 Patuakhali 51 22 0.893 0.951 203
52 Pirojpur 50 24 0.858 0.930 162
53 Rajbari 50 26 0.937 0.971 234
54 Rajshahi 99 27 0.964 0.984 221
55 Rangamati 41 25 0.944 0.954 128
56 Rangpur 70 22 0.768 0.907 227
57 Satkhira 62 22 0.840 0.923 193
58 Shariatpur 72 25 0.905 0.963 178
59 Sherpur 44 20 0.522 0.785 213
60 Sirajganj 100 30 0.891 0.950 206
61 Sunamganj 52 24 0.506 0.656 123
62 Sylhet 38 21 0.820 0.894 151
63 Tangail 89 29 0.842 0.922 204
64 Thakurgaon 50 23 0.887 0.955 240
Bangladesh 316 48 0.896 0.952 200

54 Nasim et al
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