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The Yenza Report

Yenza is a career pathing and self development app, that is designed to help you gain career clarity in order to make
the right career choices. Making the right career choices has majorly positive compounding effects. So that is why
it’s critical you pursue the right career and these assessment reports are the first step in helping you along your

Our approach is to guide, not tell. We are purposefully not overly prescriptive for two reasons. One; every person is
unique and multifaceted, and therefore it is impossible to pinpoint the exact career someone should pursue. Two; all
the literature shows that when you guide someone to their own conclusions, the effects are far more impactful and
long lasting than simply being told what to do. Yenza means “Do” or “Commit”, so the more actively you engage with
Yenza, the more you will benefit.

Science of Career Success

Research shows that when choosing a career that aligns to your interests, abilities, personality and environment, this
significantly increases your chances of career success. Yenza have built assessments which help you understand all
these factors and we use a smart algorithms to recommend you the right careers.
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Worker Type Report

The Worker Type assessment is a vocational aptitude assessment that will help you learn more about your work
preferences, style and help you establish career direction. No person is just one thing, and we are all multifaceted.
So when using the Worker Type report, pick out the aspects that resonate with you the most and discard those that
don’t. Use the relevant information to guide you further as you start to decide on your preferred career path. You are
shown your primary and secondary Worker Types in your report and it’s fine to have a preference, in fact having a
Worker Type preference will make your career choice easier. If you are equally interested in both Worker Types, then
it’s important you pay close attention to your Personality Traits results to use this information as well as the career
information to determine your most suited careers.

Your Results

Thinker Helper

Thinkers are suited to careers that involve science and analysis including theory and research.
They are likely to be naturally curious and inquisitive people who enjoy studying and
understanding their environment, as well as researching facts to solve problems. They have a
natural tendency towards investigating, and generally prefer not to work with large groups of
people and/or leading, persuading or selling to others. These individuals use their problem-
solving abilities to meet their goals, rather than by leveraging off their relationships with

Values Work Style

Thinkers choose to take their time before making Thinkers are generally cautious and like to make sure
decisions. They think people who rush in without they know all the facts before taking the next step.
considering all the facts are foolish. They believe that They like to read the instructions from front to back, to
numbers and facts don’t lie and value what can be make sure they fully understand what is expected of
shown or proven above anything else. They place great them. They work well in roles which don’t require
importance on having in-depth knowledge of a subject spontaneous decisions and which allow them to spend
before making any decisions. Their greatest gifts are more time on investigation, analysis and
introspection and objectivity. They do a good job of not understanding. At work, people respect and appreciate
letting their emotions affect their judgement and are them for their ability to remain calm and factor in all the
always guided by facts, logic and reason. They love elements to make smart decisions. They can work well
new ideas and get excited when they can investigate a on their own or in small groups and do their best work
problem to solve. They don’t always fit in with everyone when given a quiet space to think. They are excellent
else or convention, because they're always challenging problem solvers who can make objective decisions,
established ideas and systems. with an ability to ‘think outside of the box’.

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Preferences Strengths Characteristics Preferred Tasks

Gaining insight Independent Introspective Researching

Discovering new things Intellectual Curious Analysing
Being curious Logical Rational Problem Solving
Independence Curious Analytical Investigating
Theorising Analytical Intellectual Reporting


Helpers generally come across as sociable and friendly with a preference for people-centric
careers and an inherent enjoyment for serving the needs of others. They are likely to be helpful,
trustworthy, reliable and compassionate. Their natural tendency towards generosity and
patience make them ideal for careers that involve caring for others. They are excellent
communicators and generally do well with coordinating others. They have less focus on
intellectual or physical pursuits. Helpers enjoy working with communities and teams rather
than independently.

Values Work Style

Helpers never fear a tough job as they are naturally Helpers prefer working with people rather than things.
prepared to ‘put their back into it’. They like to make They are excellent problem solvers and know how to
sure everyone is included and that their voices are get people working together to achieve a common
heard. They believe in teamwork and think more things goal. They often find themselves encouraging others,
can be achieved when people work together. They are thereby uplifting and improving their confidence, a
great at putting themselves in someone else’s shoes, quality which makes them a valuable member of any
which makes people comfortable with opening up to team. They are very good at organising events and
them. They often see the positive side of any event and people and have excellent communication skills. They
naturally see the good in people. They are friendly and work well in environments that are social and where
warm and always make time for anyone in need. they get to interact with people. They often understand
what the best course of action to take is for people to
improve their lives. They don’t mind working a few extra
hours when they know that their efforts will help
someone else.

Preferences Strengths Characteristics Preferred Tasks

Compassion Cooperation Caring Teaching

Building relationships Positivity Open Counselling
Empathising Organised Friendly Coordinating
Human connection Good Communication Patient Advising
Helping others Responsible Generous Assisting

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About Worker Types

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Career Matches
When it comes to career matches, we are purposefully not overly prescriptive. You can never say to someone you
should be A,B or C. It’s impossible to know with that level of accuracy. We believe the best approach is to focus your
attention and energy in the right areas and give you all relevant information you need to make the right choices. All
our careers are high demand, high growth careers and for more information, as well as being able to use our filtering
system to hone in on specifics, login to Yenza to explore.

To learn more about a career visit yenza.me/careers and search for the career you are interested in.

Career Matches
Attorney Industrial-Organizational Counselling Psychologist Advocate
Anesthesiologist Psychologist Nurse Occupational Therapist
Physician Assistant Social Worker Social Worker Tutor
Artificial Intelligence Cloud Engineer Data Engineer Dentist
Ecommerce Manager Full stack engineer Industrial Designer Lawyer
Product Owner Conveyancing Secretary Optometrist Pharmacist
Tax Manager Actuary Applications Programmers Back end developer
Business Analyst Cybersecurity Engineer Data Analyst / Statistician Data Capturer
Data Scientist DevOps Engineer IT Consultant Industrial Engineer
Investment Analyst Logistics Manager Market Researcher Paralegal / Legal Assistant
Quantitative Analyst Research Analyst Researcher Software Developer
Solutions Architect Web Administrator Accountant Agricultural Analyst
Agricultural Scientist Agronomist Architect Bio-Resource Engineer
Biotechnologist Family Physician Front End Developer Java Developer
Marketing Analyst Medical & Pathology Mining Engineer Private Equity / Corporate
Laboratory Technician Finance Associate
Radiographer Radiography Technologist Robotics engineer Surgeon
Surgical Technologist Systems Engineer UX/UI Developer Veterinarian
Mathematician / Statistician Caregiver Holistic Healer School Teacher
Waiter/Waitress Campus Director Concierge Human Resources
Intermediate Phase Teacher Mental Health Counselor Midwife Nanny
Nursing Assistant Child Care Worker Community Health Worker Emergency Medical
Technician / Paramedic
Foundation Phase Teacher Massage Therapist Online Teacher Physiotherapist
Sports Coach Tour Guide Career Counsellor/ Academic

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Compass and the Map

When going on a successful journey you will need both a compass and a map. However,
in fast changing times, when the road is unclear, what you'll need the most is a compass,
to make sure you continue in the right direction towards your destination. Our goal at
Yenza is to help you develop your own internal compass that will help you navigate
effectively, making all the right choices along your career journey. We hope these
assessment reports have helped you in building your own compass.

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