List of Figures......................................................................................................................ii
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose..................................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Problem Definition................................................................................................2
1.4 Audience................................................................................................................2
1.5 Tools to be Used....................................................................................................2
1.6 References.............................................................................................................2
1.7 Overview...............................................................................................................2
2. GLOSSARY..............................................................................................................4
2.1 Definitions.............................................................................................................4
2.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................................................4
3. SYSTEM MODEL.......................................................................................................6
3.1 State Transition Diagram.......................................................................................6
3.2 Sequence Diagram.................................................................................................7
3.3 Use Case Diagram.................................................................................................8
3.4 Data Flow Diagram...............................................................................................9
3.5 ER Diagram.........................................................................................................10
4. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT.............................................................................11
4.1 User Class 1- Non Registered Users...................................................................11
4.2 User Class 2- Registered Users...........................................................................12
5. NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................14
5.1 Security Requirements.........................................................................................14
5.2 Performance Requirements.................................................................................14
5.3 Safety Requirements............................................................................................14
6. SYSTEM EVOLUTION............................................................................................15
7. REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION.........................................................................16
7.1 Product Perspective.............................................................................................16
7.1.1 Hardware Interface.......................................................................................16
7.1.2 Memory Constraint......................................................................................16
7.2 Product Function.................................................................................................16
7.3 Database Requirement.........................................................................................16
7.4 User Characteristics.............................................................................................20
7.5 Assumptions and Dependencies..........................................................................20
List of Figures
This document includes software requirements specifications for an e-commerce website
Kinmail. Kinmail is developed to connect buyers and sellers across the country seeking to
buy and sell products online conveniently for free without any third parties in between.
Internet is a great promotional vehicle and communication channel for connecting buyers
and sellers. Consumers can find a product of interest in visiting the website of the retailers
(sellers) directly or by searching among the alternatives using a shopping search engine.
For the consumers searching for cheap products to buy online and sellers desiring to get
some profit out of some unused stuffs, is the best website.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to give a detailed description of the requirements for
“Kinmail”. It will explain system constraints, interface and give a complete declaration
for the development of the system. The website can be used by users to browse, search
and add products to sell to the buyers.
1.2 Scope
charges.So to overcome such concepts we have decided to make a customer to customer
transaction based online system where the buyers and sellers make a reasonable
discussion of the product involved to make a deal among themselves. With the partial
fulfillment of the semester wise project, a need for the study of database and some
designing was a must, and what better a way to study all those than to design a functional
website. Current online websites involves a third party with the charges of shipping
involving many extra charges which is completely reduced in our website, also reducing
the over prince hike in the normal products.
1.4 Audience
People interested in buying and selling their products without the involvement of any
middleman and free of charges are the targeted audience of this platform.
Database: MySQL
1.6 References
Somerville, Software Engineering, 10th ed. England: Addison-Wesley, 2017
1.7 Overview
Kinmail will be a C2C based web platform to buy and sell products without any charges,
similar to a forum of discussion but for posting and buying online products. Since, it will
be designed as a web platform; it can be easily accessed by anyone with Internet access
and web browser in their device. The advantages of our platform are:
2.1 Definitions
2.1.3 Interface
The interaction between a user and system running on a Web server. The user interface is
the Web browser and the Web page it downloaded and rendered.
2.1.4 Class
Class is a blueprint or prototype that defines the variables and the methods common to all
objects of a certain kind.
2.1.5 Attribute
A database attribute is a column name and the content of the fields under it in a table in a
2.2Acronyms and Abbreviations
C2C: Customer to Customer
DB: Database
DESC: Description
State transition diagrams are used to give an abstract description of the behavior of a
system. This behavior is analyzed and represented by a series of events that can occur in
one or more possible states. Here the system is started with an initial state which is black
dot as shown in the above figure. Logged in registered users have privilege to more states
than normal users.
3.2 Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram simply depicts interaction between objects in a sequential order i.e.
the order in which these interactions take place. The above figure shows the interaction of
the user with various objects of the system acted in sequence to carry out several tasks by
3.3 Use Case Diagram
A use case is a representation of a user’s interaction with the system that shows the
relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved.
The above figure shows the use cases of the user in the system. The user must be logged
in to perform use cases like add products, view profile, view products dashboard.
3.4 Data Flow Diagram
3.5 ER Diagram
Figure 5: ER Diagram
An Entity Relationship model (ER model) describes the structure of a database with the
help of ER diagram. An ER diagram shows the relationship among entity sets and can be
later implemented in database. An entity set is a group of similar entities and these
entities can have attributes. Above figure shows the entities along with their attributes and
relationship among them.
DESC: The non-registered users can register into the website by entering first
name, middle name, last name, gender, profile picture, contact number, birthdate,
username, email, password and then verify email. If verification is successful
then the page is redirected to the login page.
DESC: A search bar available in the platform can be used to search for the
required product. Users can also search through the category of products. Users
can input key words in the search bar and if the relevant match is found, then the
title matching the word is displayed otherwise, ‘No products found’ message is
DESC: The information like general details, seller details, product description,
pricing details, delivery and warranty details can be seen.
DESC: Users can contact any developer by clicking the different social media
links associated with the developer for which the information like name, email
and message is required.
4.1.5 Functional Requirement 5
DESC: User can visit help page to view the website user manual. The user manual
contains the instructions on how to register to the platform, deal with forgotten
password, search for products, contact the seller and so on.
DESC: Registered users can log in to the system using their credentials. If
username or email and password match then, users are logged in to the platform
otherwise, error message for invalid username and password is displayed.
DESC: A search bar available in the platform can be used to search for the
required product if available in the database. Both registered and non-registered
users can search through the category of products.
DESC: The information like general details, seller details, product description,
pricing details, delivery and warranty details can be seen like non-registered users.
DESC: Users can add product and its details with their information. They must
specify product name, product category, picture of the product, owner name, and
description of product, price details, product condition, warranty and home
delivery details.
DESC: Users can view their name, gender, username, email, contact number,
birthdate, profile picture
DESC: Users can view the number of products they have added to sell, requested
to buy and been offered for the product they put on sale
DESC: Users can contact any developer by clicking the different social media
links associated with the developer for which the information like name, email
and message is required.
DESC: User can visit help page to view the website user manual. The user manual
contains the instructions on how to register to the platform, deal with forgotten
password, search for products, contact the seller.
The system should meet the following non-functional requirements:
The system evolved by proposing the website with little functionality. We started off by
building the basic register and login system with general authentication requirements. We
worked on the initial requirements and analyzed it in parallel, and several new
requirements came into existence. Later on, we changed the general authentication to
robust authentication system with email verification. Then, we added features like
customer dashboard and customer profile.
General Authentication
Basic Search
Add products
Advanced Search
Customer Dashboard
Customer Profile
The user table is used to store the new users. This table includes id as primary key which
is auto generated and incremented. The user can login to the system by entering valid
username and password. This table also stores information like date of birth, gender
contact number for contacting while buying and selling the products.
This table stores the data of the buyer and seller name/username/email who offers the
product to the customers and also the information of the offers that you have received
from the user or probable buyer.
Every registered user can view the products, buy the product as well as sell their product
by adding their product in their profile which is then posted publicly. This table contains
the basic properties of the products like product name, price, email of the user, and the
category under which it is categorized normally.
This table stores the information of the requests made by the registered user and the
requests made to the user by the probable buyer who are also the registered user on the
site and the requests are stored on the profile page of the user.
Product details
This table contains the detailed information of the products that includes product
name,company, price, condition of the product, for how long it has been used till the date
which is uploaded in the website for the sale including the home delivery service,
warranty period and warranty conditions and extra keywords for the detailed information.
7.4 User Characteristics
The Kinmail platform is used by anyone that has access to the Internet and a web
browser. It is assumed that the user is familiar enough with a computer to operate the
browser, keyboard and mouse.
There are two types of users: Normal User (Non-Registered) and Registered User.
The normal users can use the platform to create an account, browse and search different
products. They can view different products, product details, and contact website user
The registered users have all privilege of normal users. They can add products, view
profiles, and view product dashboard.
We have assumed that all the users using this platform are capable of connecting their
devices to the Internet and navigate the browser on their devices to the address of Kinmail
We have assumed that the Kinmail will be running on a properly working web server and
database system with an Internet connection that allows the system to perform all
communications between the users.