English Version Basic Life Support
English Version Basic Life Support
English Version Basic Life Support
30 chest compressions
Open airway
30 chest compressions : 2
Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation
Chest compression speed
At least 100 times / minute for both children and
Depth of chest compression
Adults: minimum of 2 inches / 5 cm
Children: at least 1/3 AP diameter of the chest
cavity (5cm). Baby: at least 4 cm.
"Push hard and push fast"
Let the chest fully extended back before the next
Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation
The position of the hand:
One hand (the wrist base) placed in the middle of the
chest cavity (the middle bottom of the
breastbone) and a parallel laid hands on it
Mid-line between the nipples no longer be a
reliable benchmark
Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation
For hospitals, emphasized the need for a team
that already has the role of each so that necessary
action can be done simultaneously
Team members have the competence to provide basic
life support
Chest Compression
Place the base of the wrist in
the middle of the sternum
Place the palm of the other
interlock fingers
Perform chest compressions
Speed of at least 100 times
/ minute
Minimum depth of 5 cm
Make sure the chest re-
expand fully before the
next compression
Agonal Breathing
Arise immediately after cardiac arrest. It was up to 40%
in cardiac arrest
Breathing heavily, breathing - breath (gasping)
Known as a sign of cardiac arrest
Agonal breathing considered if the victim is not
A (AIRWAY) – Open and clear airway
Give 2 x aid breathing
1 x respiratory assistance given within 1
second 1 second stop give a
second breath of relief
Provide breathing assistance can be done in
various ways:
Relief from mouth to mouth breathing
Help breathing by using the containment
Relief from mouth to mouth breathing is done by
opening the victim's airway and nostrils shut the
mouth of the victim by covering the entire mouth of
the victim helper
Note the victim's chest should expand each time
the aid was given breath
Help breathing by using bagging-containment
requires skill. Airway is maintained by raising the
lower jaw, press the lid to the face of victims with
and strong enough to squeeze the air pumped by
Note the victim's chest should expand each time
the aid was given breath
The victim is still conscious
(If necessary)
In the unconscious victim
How to:
Apply pressure below
the xiphoid process
Pressure angle of 45
Perform 5 times the
children aged 1-8 years to lay helper,
or the age of 1 -teenage for trained people
child victims by age 1-8 years to lay helper, or the age
of 1 yr s / d for adolescent health
infant victims aged <1 year, but more than 28
days (neonates)
Basically the basic life support for children and infants
using the same circuit with an adult
resuscitation, namely C A B
The pulse also only be done by health workers, the
difference with adults:
Checking the pulse on a.brachialis for babies
Examination of carotid arteries in a.femoralis or
for children
If pulse <60x/minute do chest compression
Chest Compression
If the victim does
not respond or did gasping immediate chest com
pression (Circulation)
For infants chest compression using two pieces
of finger that is placed just below the middle line
between the two nipples. Compression is done by a
depth of 1/3 or 4 cm chest
For child with chest compression bottom of the
wrist (can be 1 or 2 hands) at the center of the
chest to a depth of 1/3 AP diameter or 5 cm
Chest compression
Do not press the xiphoid or the ribs
Do a minimal compression 100x/minute with a
minimum depth of 5 cm for the child and at least
4cm for infants
Push hard and push fast remains valid
Make sure the chest fully extended before the next
The ratio of chest compressions for children and
1 Helper ->30:2
2 Helpers ->15:2
Respiratory assistance
Assisted respiration in infants can be done through
word of mouth or mouth to nose
While doing mouth to aid breathing through the
nose, make sure the victim's mouth is closed; vice
versa if assistance is given breath through the
mouth to mouth
Assisted respiration in children is done through word
of mouth
Breathing assistance can also be done by using
Road blockages Breath
1. In part: do not let children cough and observations
Total: in children: do abdominal thrust until the
blockage is resolved or the victim unconscious
In infants: 5 times back blows followed by chest
compression 5 times
Children less than one year should not abdominal
Foreign objects should only be taken if the visible