Chem Syllabus New
Chem Syllabus New
Chem Syllabus New
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Apayao State College shall provide a supportive environment for The following principles will be observed in performing institutional
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Course Code: ABE 018 Semester: First
Course Title: Chemistry for Engineering Prerequisite : None
Credit: 4.0 units No. of Hours: 6 hours/week
This course provides students with core concepts of chemistry that are important in the practice of engineering
Program Outcomes
Program Outcomes addressed by each Course a b c d e f g h i j k l m
CLO1. Discuss the application of chemistry in generation I I P
of energy
CLO2. Explain chemical principles and concept of I I P
structures and bonding of common materials
CLO3: Discuss the chemical processes that takes place in I I P
the environment
CLO4: Identify key chemistry concepts related to the I I P
specific field of engineering
Note: I=Introductory, P=Practiced,, D=Demonstrative. Each letter indicates the expected level of competency that each course
outcome should provide for each program outcome.
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Week Course Topics Intended Learing Outcomes Teaching and Resources Assesment Task
Learning Learning
Outcomes Activities
Chapter I. Introduction At the end of the chapter, the 1. Lecture Internet/Book 1. Quizzes/Assignments
Atomic Structure students must be able to: 2. Discussion Laptop 2. Midterm Exam (Part)
The periodic table of LCD projector
1 elements 1. Familiarize the basic
Chemical bonding concepts of chemistry
Chapter II. ENERGY At the end of the chapter, the 1. Lecture Internet/Book 3. Quizzes/Assignments
students must be able to: 2. Discussion Laptop 4. Midterm Exam (Part)
Electrochemistry 3. Problem LCD projector Lab 1: Electrolysis
Oxidation- Reduction 1. Familiarize fundamentals of solving
reaction atom and understand the
Electrolysis different approaches to types
CLO 1 Electrochemical energy of chemical bonding
systems 2. Explain the concepts of
electrochemistry and
2-5 Fuels electrochemical
Classification of Fuels phenomenon involved in the
energy storage and energy
Characteristics of good fuel conversion device;
Calorific Value 3. Familiarize wirh the
Analysis of Coal characteristics of fuel and
Biogas solve problems regarding
calorific value of fuels.
6-8 CLO 2 Chapter III. At the end of the chapter, the 1. Lecture Internet/Book 1. Quizzes/Assignments
Chemistry of Engineering students must be able to: 2. Discussion Laptop 2. Midterm Exam (Part)
Materials 3. Problem LCD projector
1. Familiarize with the solving
Basic Concept of crystal different engineering
structure materials: their composition
Metals and applications.
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Basic concepts
Engineered nano-materials
10-13 CLO 3 Chapter IV. At the end of the chapter, the1. Lecture Internet/Book 1. Quizzes/Assignments
Chemistry of Environment students must be able to: 2. Discussion Laptop
3. Problem LCD projector 2. Final Exam (Part)
Chemistry of water 1. Familiarize with the basic solving
Introduction concepts of chemistry of Lab exercise 2: Water
Distribution of Water water and soil Impurities
Chemistry of Water-Structure 2. Illustrate properties and
and Polarity composition of soil and
Properties of Water water.
Sources and Uses of Water: The
Hydrological Cycle Physical and
Chemical Properties of Fresh
Water and Sea Water
Environmental Significance
Coagulation and Sedimentation
Water Quality
Chemical Species in Water
Distribution of Gases in Water
Organic Matter and Dissolved
Humic Substances in Water
Soil Chemistry
Soil colloids
Soil Solution
Cation exchange capacity and
base saturation
Anion exchange capacity
Soil pH and acidity in soils
Alkaline, Saline, and Sodic soils
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Soil as a medium for plant
CLO 4 Chapter V. At the end of the chapter, the 1. Lecture Internet/Book 1. Quizzes/Assignments
Chemical safety students must be able to: 2. Discussion Laptop
Introduction LCD projector
Chemicals 1. Familiarize with the different 2. Final Exam (Part)
14 Managing chemicals safely safety protocols when
handling hazardous
1. CMO-94-s.-2017-BS-Agricultural-and-Biosystems-Engineering.pdf
2. E-learning material on Engineering Chemistry by Sri. Prabodha Kumar Satapathy et. al
3. Engineering Chemistry (Second Edition) by N. Krishnamurthy
4. Engineering Chemistry by Jain
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1. Major exams
2. Quizzes
3. Seatworks
4. Assignments
5. Group Activities
6. Recitation
7. Per unit outputs as specified in the assessment
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