Difficulties and Challenges in Translating English Collocations Into Arabic: The Case of Undergraduate Students
Difficulties and Challenges in Translating English Collocations Into Arabic: The Case of Undergraduate Students
Difficulties and Challenges in Translating English Collocations Into Arabic: The Case of Undergraduate Students
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1 author:
Hadeel Najeeb
Al Farahidi University
All content following this page was uploaded by Hadeel Najeeb on 13 January 2024.
Collocations are “semantically arbitrary restrictions which do not follow logically from
the propositional meaning of a word." (Baker,1992:52).In translation ,collocations are
considered one of the main cohesive devices in any text. Nonetheless, translating collocation
is a real challenge for most students of translation. In an effort to better understand the
challenges and difficulties Iraqi EFL undergraduate students face when translating English
collocations into their Arabic equivalents, the current paper looks into these issues, as well
as the main reasons behind these challenges .To this point fourth year students, Dep. of
translation at Al- Ma’moun University College, who have been studying translation for four
years, were asked to translate ten English collocations into their Arabic equivalence through
a test conducted at the Dep. of translation, and the use of dictionaries were not allowed.
The results showed that Iraqi undergraduate students encounter difficulties and problems
due to their reliance on literal translation techniques and ignorance of the language and
cultural distinctions between English and Arabic in the collocation translation process.
Key words: collocation, New mark Approach , undergraduate students, Translation
1.1 Introduction
The other aspect of communication is translation, which is a significant
human endeavor. It is the means by which many misconceptions and
miscommunications between languages and communities are cleared up. People
from various societies use it as a necessary tool for communication.
It is clear that major errors with grammar, lexis and meaning are frequently
encountered by translators at all levels.
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One of the most problematic areas posed to the students of translation are
lexical ones in which vocabulary is the main component. During the process of
translation, words are typically given the highest emphasis. Moreover, most of the
students commit mistakes in using the literal translation of words an especially in
finding the proper equivalent in Arabic .The primary goal of this paper is to examine
student’s knowledge of how to translate various collocations.. It is an effort to
gauge their level of awareness by looking at their capacity to translate collocation
into Arabic relying on their background knowledge as four-year students of
translation , and difficulties encountered due to differences in the lexical patterning
and the target language.
A collocation is the way in which words are combined in a language to create
natural-sounding speech and writing. Collocations are one of the main cohesive
devices in any text .In a literary text for instance,"collocations are crucial to the text’s
coherence , in addition to the fact that collocations reflect apart of culture”.
(Obeidat and Mahadi, 2019:130).
Since the translation of literature helps in bridging the gap among cultures
,so the translator should be a well- skilled, bilingual as well as bicultural .Usually
,authors and writers of literature express their ideas in a figurative language under
presupposed meaning, using “lexical patterning that include two main
headings.”(Baker , 1992:51).
Collocations are combinations that only sounds natural to native speakers but
not to EFL students, they "Collocations are generally considered to be problematic
to learners of foreign languages" ( Devenyi, 2009: 7). In this regard, Ghazala
(1995:108) refers to collocation by saying that:
A collocation is a grouping of two or more words that consistently appear
together in a variety of linguistic settings .In another words, a specific noun appears
with a specific adjective as in blind confidence ثقة عمياء.A verb and a noun are used
together e.g. “pass a law” ;يسن قانوناadjective +adjective e.g. “alive and kicking” حي
;يرزقadverb+ adverb e.g." willy nilly” ;شاء أم ابىnoun+ noun قلبا وقالبا
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1.2 Collocations
Simply defined, a collocation is a lexical item that inclined to co-occur
regularly in a certain given language (Kharma and Hajjaj, 1997). (Crystal, 1981
printed in Newmark, 1988:212) defines a collocation as a habitual co-occurrence of
individual lexical elements .
Collocations are described by Oxford Collocation Dictionary as the words
mix in a language to make natural –sounding speech and writing. (2007:7).
Recent studies have shown that words play a crucial role in translation since
they are regularly utilized in both spoken and written language and serve a variety
of different functions. These various functions appear to be impeding the
translation process as these word pairings in a language can range from being
straightforward to being fixed and idiomatic. Such collocations are one of the regular
combinations of words that run through the whole of the English language. For
example, ‘strong’ and ‘heavy’ come with ‘wind’ and ‘rain’ respectively to form
group of words that give totally different meanings than their own isolated forms
.Other examples like “brain drain” , “blind confidence”.
According to Newmark ,he defines a collocation as the element of systems
in the lexis of language .It might be syntagmatic or horizontal ,with a shared
structure, or paradigmatic or vertical, with words from the same semantic area that
could function as synonyms or as semantic opposites (1988:114).
1.3 Types of Collocations:
In English , there are many different types of collocation. The researcher in
this work pays particular attention to those that students and translators are most
interested in ,as well as the most crucial ones that are exceedingly common in
language use
The classification of collocation is simply grammatical, according to Benson
etal (1986)and it is based on the grammatical groups of word classes according to
how frequently they occur together in language use. .Ghazala (1995:106-117) state
that there are seven types of collocations where he states the most recurrent in
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language use. Some examples of the different types of collocations are manifested
as follows:
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are some examples of this type ,bees ,cats and dogs are animals and their sounds are
buzz, mew and bark respectively.:
Beez buzzدوي النحل
Cats mew مواء القطط
Dogs bark نباح الكالب
2.1 Collocations as Cohesive Devices
One of the primary cohesive devices in any work is the use of collocations.
Collocations, for example have a significant function in the text cohesiveness.in
addition to that, collocation represent part of culture in literary texts (Obeidat and
Halliday and Hassan (1976) claim that because collocations are viewed in
paradigmatic terms ,they can cross sentence boundaries .In this sense, collocations
offer semantic linkages that are already apparent which can be noticed clearly in the
following example where the words smoking and pipe provide a cohesive device to
the text:
A little fat man of Bombay
Was smoking one very hot day
But a bird called a snipe
Flew away with his pipe
Which vexed the fat man of Bombay
Usually authors and writers of literature express their ideas in a figurative
language, under presupposed meaning, using “lexical patterning that include two
main headings: collocation and idioms and fixed expressions”. (Baker, 1992:51).
Collocations are combinations that only sounds natural to native speakers but
not to EFL students , they “often have to make a special effort to master them
because they are often difficult to guess” (Abdelhamid, 2021:1).
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.Language becomes more natural, vibrant and accurate when collocations are used.
A collocationally rich language “is also more exact” (Oxford Collocation
Dictionary.2009:2).In this regard Sarikas states that collocations are a significant co-
occurrence of words that give the language natural feel in both speech and writing
The precise meaning of a word in any context is defined by that context: by the
words that surround and join with the core word by collocation. Collocations can
assist in establishing this precise meaning.
Collocations make it easier to identify the lexical item that best suits a given context.
For instance, if the term handsome is used, we can assume that the next word will
be a man.
To summarize the aforementioned points, it can be said that collocations refer to
language proficiency.
2.3. Collocations vs. idioms and fixed expressions
Collocations , idioms and fixed expressions are distinguished by Baker as
being at opposite ends of the spectrum from one another in terms of their flexibility
of patterning and transparency of meaning. Collocations are described as “fairly
flexible patterns of language which allow several variations in
Moreover, the sense of idioms “cannot be deduced from their individual
components” (ibid).For instance, the idiom kicked the bucket has nothing to do with
the verb kick in its literal meaning, nor with bucket as a rough cylindrical open
container but rather it refers to someone died (Collins Dictionary).
Palmer (1976:96) adds that “collocation is sometimes highly distinctive and
cannot be easily predicted in terms of the meaning of the related words,” despite the
fact that collocation is very heavily driven by meaning”.
According to Baker , “idioms do not make sense when taken literally, therefore
the harder an expression is to grasp and the less sense it makes in a given context,
the more likely a translator will recognize it as an idiom”.(1992:63-64).
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3.2.2 Procedures
The students were asked to translate five English sentences into Arabic in a thirty
minute time span. The students are asked to translate these sentences into Arabic
paying attention to the words printed in bold type... The use of dictionaries of any
kind is strictly not allowed. The students are asked to write down their translations
under each sentence on a sheet of A4 paper.
Responses are then collected for analysis and assessment. The emphasis of
analysis was on the translation of a collocation within a sentence .The results of
analysis are then examined as well as weaknesses of respondents are analyzed
according to Newmark’s theory ,i.e. whether they are being translated semantically
or communicatively.
3.2.3 Instruments used
The test is made up of five separate sentences each of which contains a certain type
of collocation. The selected sentences below are taken and given to the students:
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1. There is also talk of a brain drain with many academics apply for jobs abroad.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
2. Jackson drew a sword and attacked Caughman as he was searching through trash
bins for recyclables.
From: Vice news (Jan23, 2019)
3. Australia has enjoyed an economic boom, largely untouched by the financial
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The first translator has rendered “brain drain” into غسيل االدمغةwhich literally
means brain wash .Here as it is observed , the translator applied a literal translation
.The translation is semantic and the syntactic and stylistic characteristics are
The second translator used the phrase “ ”استنزاف االدمغةwhich doesn’t give the
accurate and intended meaning for this collocation which is regarded in this sense
inappropriate. The third translator has been good enough to employ communicative
translation to give the exact meaning for this collocation, “ ”هجرة االدمغة.Again the
fourth translator like the second translator rendered it into “”أستنزاف الطاقات العلمية,
with the addition of the phrase الطاقات العلميةscientific abilities, in a step to clarify the
meaning .The fifth translator rendered the collocation into “ ”التالعب الفكريwhich is
completely inappropriate rendering and distorted the original meaning of the
paraphrase .The accepted translation is “ هجرة األدمغةnoun +noun genitive
construction” (Ghazala,1995:110).
T1 .غسيل األدمغة + - - +
brain drain
T2 .استنزاف األدمغة - - - +
T3 .هجرة األدمغة - + + -
T4 .أستنزاف الطاقات العلمية - - - +
T5 .التالعب الفكري - - - +
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سحب جاكسون سيفه من غمده وهاجم كوغمان في الوقت الذي كان يبحث فيه عن مواد قابلة للتدوير في سلة.1
.رفع جاكسون سيفه بينما كان يبحث في سلة النفايات يمكن إعادة تدويرها.2
رسم جاكسون سيفا وهاجم رجال ضخما عندما كان يبحث في سلة القمامة.3
.هاجم جاكسون رعاة البقروأشهر سيفه عندما كان يبحث في القمامة عن مخلفات قالة للتدوير.4
أخرج جاكسون سيفه وهاجم رجال كان يبحث عن مخلفات قابلة للتدوير.5
This collocation consists of two parts a verb drew in its past form+ a noun sword.
As it is observed above from the five renderings above , the first translator
rendered the word drew into سحبin Arabic ,the translation is rather effective since
it can be considered as meaningful and can be regarded as communicative .
The second translator rendered the word drew into رفعwhich is incorrect
because it cannot meet the intended meaning and the style has been distorted and
unaccepted to the Arabic hearer.
The third translator has applied the strategy of literal translation and rendered the
word drew into ;رسمneglecting the connotative meaning of the verb drew. In another
words, the translator replaced the English word drew into its literal meaning رسم
which resulted in a distortion of meaning and thus it is semantic translation.
Translator four used the word أشهرtried to convey the meaning in a more effective
style, which is also communicative and attempted to produce on its readers an effect
as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the source, so it is
communicative translation.
The fifth translator used a kind of descriptive equivalent for the word drew and
rendered it into أخرج. The translation is semantic rather than communicative. The
accepted translation is يستل سيفاand translated into its identical from in Arabic a verb
in its present tense + يستلa noun سيفا.
“The central point here is to match a certain verb with a certain noun in Arabic”.
(ibid: 109).
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.أنتعشت أستراليا بحدوث قفزة في أقتصادها حيث لم يتأثر أقتصاد أستراليا باألزمة المالية.1
.لقد تمتعت استراليا بأزدهار أقتصادي ولم تتأثر باألزمة المالية.2
.تشهد أستراليا قنبلة اقتصادية ولم تتاثر باألزمة المالية.3
المالية باألزمة تتأثر ولم أقتصادي بأزدهار أستراليا تمتعت.4
تمتعت استراليا بانفجار اقتصادي هائل ولم تتأثر باالزمة المالية.5
This collocation consists of adjective economic+ noun boom. “Many examples
can be found in both languages for this most popular type of collocations .Usually
these collocations are translated into identical Arabic ones (i.e. .noun +adjective)”.
The first translator rendered the word boom into قفزةin Arabic which means
jump which does not actually convey the exact and intended meaning of the source
text. So the translator fails to deliver the correct acceptable meaning of the word
boom. “The translator tried to make an equivalent effect”. (Newmark, 1981:39).It is
a semantic translation.
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The second and fourth translators have rendered the word boom in a
communicative way, trying to “produce on its readers an effect as close as possible
to that obtained on the readers of the original”(ibid).Thus it is communicative
The third and the fifth translators used applied literal translation, the third
translator rendered the word boom into قنبلةwhereas the fifth translator rendered the
word boom into ( انفجارword-for –word translation, which is unacceptable translation
and distorts the exact meaning of the original. They are regarded as semantic
translations. The accepted translation for this collocation is . إزدهار أقتصاديThis has
an identical syntactic Arabic equivalent a noun إزدهار+ an adjective إقتصادي.
Table (3) analysis of collocation No.3
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As with collocation No.3, this collocation also consist of an adjective a raging + a
noun storm.
The first translator rendered the collocation raging storm into عاصفة ضخمةa huge
storm , indicating that storm is big in size rather in its effect. The translator fails to
convey the implied meaning of the SL collocation.
The second translator rendered the collocation into فوضى عارمةa complete chaos
which is unacceptable and inappropriate translation .
The third translator made the effort to reach to a suitable equivalent by giving the
translation as عاصفة مسعرة.
The fourth translator translated it into عاصفة قويةstrong storm which is rather
communicative, trying to convey the meaning as naturally and as accurately as
possible .The fifth translator rendered into عاصفة من الغضبa storm of anger
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Like collocation No.1, this type of collocation consists of a noun status +a noun
The first translator renders it into TT (األقتباس الحاليcurrent quotation) which has no
sense and does not correspond to ST. The pitfall of the first translator is that he could
not cope with the exact meaning of this collocation but rather he considers
quotation as an abbreviation of “quo” which is incorrect and distorted the original
The second translator has made his translation into ( الوضع الحاليcurrent state)
which is acceptable and it is communicative translation and close to the original
The third translator has given the exact translation for this collocation which is
,الوضع الراهنand was successful to achieve a certain communicative purpose.
The fourth translator has completely deviated from the original meaning of the
collocation and rendered it into االحصاءات الحاليةthe current statistics which has
nothing to do with the original meaning of the collocation, so it is incorrect as well
as inappropriate.
The fifth translator made his translation into الحالة الحاليةcurrent state ,which
could be considered acceptable and communicative.
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5. Conclusion
Though translating collocation is a hard process and considered as a language-
specific phenomenon which is subject to a variety of linguistic and cultural
differences, yet their great importance in a language cannot be neglected since they
add a special flavor to the language and makes it more beautiful, more rhetorical as
well as more powerful.
Translating collocation from English into Arabic and vice versa involves a variety
of challenges. It is clear that translators face lots of difficulties in translating this
semantic concept , especially undergraduate students due to their lack of vocabulary
and failure to find the proper Arabic equivalent collocation. From the
aforementioned discussions of the students translations of the English collocations
into Arabic, it can be observed that students are unable to cope with the proper
equivalent collocation in Arabic, they rather and in most cases resort to the strategy
of word-for-word translation which results in distortion the original meaning of the
collocation and does not convey the intended meaning.
Finally, undergraduate students need to be more sensitive to the translating of
collocation , more cautious in spotting the correct and suitable collocation in
Arabic, otherwise their Arabic translation would less effective ,weaker and less
inspired that the English source text.
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