White Book - 5 Del
White Book - 5 Del
White Book - 5 Del
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
The death of now deceased Marjan Bozinovski, age 27 is violent, and became as a result of the developed traumatical and haemorhagical shock due to injury caused on the body from a firearm. At the body of the deceased we found burns of third and fourth degree. During the autopsy, the folowing fireweapon wounds were found: Five-weapon wound with entrance at the right side of the thorax from above, with a chanal that goes through the lower lobules of the right lung, right down to the diaphragm, liver and intestines, third lumbal vertebra and exit in the lumbal vertebra on the posterior side of the corps. The direction of the chanal is from up and right forwards left and down, and his length is 25 cm. The second fireweapon wound is with entrance from the posterior side of the body arround the level of the first thoracal vertebra; this chanal goes through the first cervical vertebra, upper lobus of the left lung, the aortha, left down of the diaphragma, stomack, intestines, ending in the the muscles of the internal side of the left pelvis, where the projectile was found. The direction of this wound is from up towards down and to the right above and left and its lenght is 50 cm. The third fireweapon injury has entered the left upper leg and the area of the external side of the upper third of the left upper leg and the chanal goes through the muscles of the left upper leg, left upper leg bove, and ends in the muscles at the internal side of the upper leg, where the proejectile was found. The direction of the chanal is from up and left, towrds below and right, and it`s length is 16 cm. According to the labaratory analyses, the presence of carbonmonoxyde and carboxyhamoglobin in the blood was checked, which means that deceased Marjan Bozinovski was still alive when he was set on fire. Autopsy expert: Doc. d-r Zdravko Cakar Director: Prof. d-r Aleksej Duma
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
white book
7. Kire Kostadinovski
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Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
Institute for Forensic Medicine and Criminalistic at the School of Medicine University at the St. Cyril and Methodius - Skopje
SP. no. 11772/99-2001 Skopje, 29.04.2001
Forensic medical examination of the corpse of the deceased Kire Kostadinovski, age 25, with residence in Bitola, who died at the crime scene, village Vejce, Tetovo, on 28.04.2001, has been perfomed autopsy at the Institute of Forensics and Criminalistic at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje on 29.04.2001, by order of the Investigating Judge Ajrula Idrizi of the Principal Court - Tetovo. Forensic expert: D-r. Zdravko Cakar The autopsy started at 10,00at the report has been made in 2 copies/appendices. CAUSA MORTIS, Schock traumaticus
The death of the deceased Kire KOSTADINOVSKI, age 25 is violent and it is a result of developing a status of heavy shock. This status of shock is due to projectiles penetrating directly in the thorax and abdomen as well as the lethal burns. In addition as an extra factor for the lethal end is poisoning with carbon monoxyde. There were two projectiles found in the body of the now deceased Kire KOSTADINOVSKI. Autopsy expert Zdravko Cakar, Dr. MSc., MA Director Prof. Alaksej Duma, Dr.
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
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8. Milco Stojanovski
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Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
white book
white book
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
President Boris Trajkovski: Shame and defeat to the entire human race
This evil act that caused the death of eight Macedonian soldiers was a great shock for us. I would like to extend my condolences to the families of deceased, who gave their lives defending Macedonia's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Yesterday's act is shame and defeat to the entire human race. Terrorism has noting in common with the rights of Albanians and their demands in Macedonia, nor with the ongoing political dialogue. It is more than clear that the international community will not tolerate this any more. If today we may define the Albanian and militant terrorism, I consider it is a high time to unite and to use all of the resources and possibilities to defeat that terrorism. Therefore, every inch in Macedonia should be checked and I believe that the international community will support us in this action. (Skopje, April 29, 2001)
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
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According to the Albanian Prime Minister's spokesperson, Meta qualified the incident as an act of undermining the process of establishing a dialogue for solving the problems of Albanians in Macedonia in a democratic way, by creating a peaceful coexistence. Meta expressed his condolences for the people who died, and pointed out that the continuation and deepening of the dialogue is the only way to fight and isolate extremism and strengthen stability of Macedonia, which is in the interest of the whole region. (Tirana, April 30)
USA condemns the killing of the eight Macedonian soldiers by the Albanian extremists
The USA condemns the killing of the eight Macedonian soldiers by the Albanian extremists on Saturday's attack near the village of Vejce as unreasonable violent act. The USA call all political parties and groups in Macedonia jointly to condemn this unreasonable act of violence and to continue the started process of the political dialogue. (the statement of State Department Spokesman, Philip Ricker. Washington, April 29 , 2001)
Cowardly acts
I was appalled and outraged by the news of an ambush of Macedonian security forces vehicles near Tetovo, said. I condemn the cowardly acts of the extremists and my message is simple: the violence must end and their tactics will not be successful. (George Robertson, NATO Secretary General. Brussels, April 29, 2001)
Declaration by the European Union on the situation in the Republic of Macedonia The European Union strongly condemns the renewed acts of violence by ethnic Albanian extremists in the northern region of the Republic of Macedonia, including the
white book
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
killing of two soldiers, the occupation of several villages and the taking of hostages. The European Union calls upon the extremists to stop the violence, to release the hostages and withdraw immediately. The European Union emphasizes its continuing strong support for the process of interethnic dialogue that was recently launched by the Republic of Macedonia authorities. The latest provocations underline the need for the Republic of Macedonia government to continue to show restraint and for leaders of all political parties to support the process of peaceful dialogue, to isolate extremists, to condemn the violence and to urge their supporters to remain calm. The European Union condemns the vicious circle of violence and counter-violence from whatever quarter. The Union also urges ethnic Albanian leaders in Kosovo and political leaders in Albania to condemn unambiguously these acts of terrorism and to use their influence to prevent the violence, which threatens the stability of the whole region.
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
white book
June 5, 2001 - Five members of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia, from the reserve staff, were killed in an ambush by the Albanian terrorists at the entrance of the village of Gajre, on the road Tetovo - Popova Sapka. Solders Blagojce Simjanovski, Vlatko Milenkovski and Pece Nakicevski, all from Bitola, Koljo Kitanov from Strumica and one soldier of Albanian nationality from Tetovo, Isak Rufati lost their lives in this coward attack. They were part of the army-police escort of the medical team, from the Tetovo Medical Center, which was directed to offer help to three members of the Macedonian Army and three police officers previously injured in the coordinated attack, committed by the terrorist groups against the posts of the Macedonian security forces in Gajre, Sipkovica and the canyon of the river Pena, near the locality Bajnice.
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Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
40 mm grenade cartridges beside the road on the space between two ambushes
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
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Grenade caused damage at the rear part of the passenger motor vehicle "Zastava Poli"
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Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
One of the burnt bodies of the Macedonian army soldier inside of the "Zastava Poli" vehicle
Burnt body of the Macedonian Army soldier taken out of the vehicle 229
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
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The Army Jeep attacked by hand mortar grenade and automatic weapon
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Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
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1. Blagojce Siljanov
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Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
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2. Isak Rufati
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Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
3. Kole Kitanov
General view of the body (highly visible IV degree burns (carbonized) (1)
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Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA
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4. Pece Maticevski