Hensel 1993
Hensel 1993
Hensel 1993
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to The Plant Cell
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The Plant Cell, Vol. 5, 553-564, May 1993 ? 1993 American Society of Plant Physiologists
Factors that influence the longevity and senescence of photosynthetic tissues of Arabidopsis were investigated. To de?
termine the influence of reproductive development on the timing of somatic tissue senescence, the longevity of rosette
leaves of the Landsberg erecta strain and of isogenic mutant lines in which flowering is delayed (co-2) or sterile flowers
are produced (ms1-Y) were compared. No difference in the timing of senescence of individual leaves was observed be?
tween these lines, indicating that somatic tissue longevity is not governed by reproductive development in this species.
To examine the role of differential gene expression in the process of leaf senescence, cDNA clones representing genes
that are differentially expressed in senescing tissues were isolated. Sequence analysis of one such clone indicated ho?
mology to previously cloned cysteine proteinases, which is consistent with a role for the product of this gene in nitrogen
salvage. RNA gel blot analysis revealed that increased expression of senescence-associated genes is preceded by declines
in photosynthesis and in the expression of photosynthesis-associated genes. A model is presented in which it is postu-
lated that leaf senescence is triggered by age-related declines in photosynthetic processes.
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554 The Plant Cell
Experimental Set Up
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Longevity and Senescence in Arabidopsis
fruit development is accompanied by the sequential senes? somatic tissue senescence was first compared betw
cence of the original leaves of the rosette, as indicated by an wild-type Ler strain and ms1-1, a male-sterile mutant
initial stage of chlorophyll loss, followed by the complete dis- the Ler background (Koornneef et al., 1983). As shown
integration of the leaf tissue (Figure 1C). Developmental arrest ure 2, the absence of fruit development in the ms1-1 l
of the main inflorescence stem, characterized by a cessation not appreciably affect the timing of senescence of eith
of proliferative activity at the apex and a degeneration of the or inflorescence stem tissue. A delay in reproductive de
youngest flower buds, occurred at approximately day 40 ment also failed to have an effect on the longevity of
(Vaughan, 1955; Shannon and Meeks-Wagner, 1991; Alvarez leaves. Leaves of a late-flowering mutant line, co-2 (Rede
et al., 1992). During this later phase, the stem, cauline leaves, Koornneef et al., 1991), senesce over the same period
and seed pods became senescent and the seeds of the next as leaves of wild-type plants, as shown in the mortality
generation reached maturity (Figure 1D). of Figure 3A. A second late-flowering line, fca (Martinez-Z
Based on these general observations, we considered two and Somerville, 1990; Koornneef et al., 1991), was also
distinct processes that govern the course of monocarpic senes? ined with similar results (data not shown).
cence in Arabidopsis: (1) the senescence of the developed An alternative hypothesis for correlative control is the
organ systems, such as leaves, stems, and siliques, which we ent drain hypothesis in which it is postulated that chan
define as somatic senescence and (2) the cessation of gener- source-sink relationships between tissues may govern t
ative activity at the inflorescence meristems, which we refer ing of leaf senescence (Molisch, 1928). One could argu
to as apical arrest. In this study, we focused on the senescence sink demand resulting from inflorescence development
of somatic tissues using primarily the fifth and sixth leaves male-sterile line or from the development of additiona
of the rosette as our model. in the delayed flowering lines was governing leaf sen
The fifth and sixth leaves of the rosette represent the first
To test this possibility, the longevity of rosette leaves w
consistently adult leaves of the Ler strain (as defined for sured
the in the tf/7-2 (terminal flower) mutant line (Shan
Wassilewskija strain by Medford et al., 1992). Under the cul-
ture conditions used, individual leaves progressed through full
expansion to maturity followed by a period of progressive leaf 25 -i ?
yellowing and, finally, a degeneration and complete desicca?
tion of the tissue. This developmental sequence is shown for
leaf 5 in Figures 1E through U. Toobtain data from large popu-
lations of plants in a noninvasive way, we performed our initial
experiments to assess tissue longevity by simply recording
the time from visible emergence (1 to 2 mm) of an individual
leaf or stem internode to the time at which more than 50%
visible degreening of that tissue had occurred. For leaves, the
latter stage was invariably followed by a complete degenera?
tion and death of the tissue within 2 days. In the case of stem
tissue, senescence refers only to the degreening of the pho?
tosynthetic cortical tissues because stems may continue to
function in nutrient transport beyond this stage. Preliminary
ultrastructural analysis of the leaf and stem indicated that
degreening of both mesophyll cells of the leaf and cortical cells
of the stem is associated with the loss of thylakoid structure
and increases in plastoglobuli characteristic of the senescence
6J |1 11 211
syndrome (data not shown) (Thomson and Platt-Aloia, 1987).
Leaf number Internode
Figure 2. Longevity of Individual Leaves and Stem Segments of Wild-
Relationship between Reproduction and Somatic
Type (Ler) and Male-Sterile (ms1-1) Lines.
Tissue Senescence
Plants were grown in 16-hr-light/8-hr-dark cycles. Mean tissue longevity
(? se) is
The sequential senescence of the leaves of the rosette for rosette leaves 1 through 6 (numbered by order of emer?
porally correlated with inflorescence developmentgence from the meristem) is shown. Data for the first two pairs of leaves
(Figure 1).
are averaged because the time of emergence is often indistinguish-
In correlative control models for monocarpic senescence, it
able. Internode 1 is defined as the internode between the first and the
is hypothesized that signals or processes associated with in?
second flower produced on the primary inflorescence meristem. Tis?
florescence and/or fruit development are responsible for the
sue longevity was measured as the time from visual emergence (1
induction of the senescence syndrome in leaves (reviewed
to 2 mm) to inmore than or equal to 50% degreening. For leaf Ler,
Nooden, 1988b). To investigate the relationship between re? ms1-1, n = 45 plants. For internode Ler, n = 19; ms1-1,
n = 137 plants;
productive development and senescence in Arabidopsis,
n = 11.
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556 The Plant Cell
| 75 H system.
To investigate the role of processes intrinsic to the leaf in
the timing of leaf senescence, we examined a number of cel?
?s 5o^
D Ler
? '?
lular parameters for age-related changes. Because the primary
0) function of the mature leaf is photosynthesis, we focused on
? ms1-1 biomarkers associated with photosynthetic function. Results
25 co-2 shown in Figure 4 indicate that C02 fixation rates, while ini-
? ??
tially variable, decline with leaf age almost from the time of
full leaf expansion (Figure 4A). Extractable ribulose bisphos-
phate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity and soluble protein
showed similar declines associated with age (Figures 4B and
4C). The slower decline in Rubisco activity relative to C02 fix?
ation is due in part to the fact that fixation rates were measured
100 H
"% on the whole leaf, and Rubisco activity was determined from
leaf discs taken from the center of the leaf that senesces last
(Figure 1). For leaf discs, the decline in Rubisco preceded the
75 H
3 rapid loss in chlorophyll that is characteristic of the senescence
?*- syndrome (Figure 4D).
50 H
o Ler Isolation of cDNA Clones Representing Genes That
Are Differentially Expressed during Senescence
25-^ ? ff/7-2
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Longevity and Senescence in Arabidopsis 557
in Figure 5B, indicated that both SAG2 and SAG4 are sing
copy genes within the Arabidopsis genome. Partial sequen
analysis (Figure 5C) indicated that SAG2 contains an open rea
ing frame that shares a high degree of derived amino aci
sequence similarity with a family of cysteine proteinases iden
fied in plants and animals (Fuchs and Gassen, 1989; Watan
et al., 1991). The identification of the product of SAG2 as a p
teinase is consistent with a role for this protein in th
mobilization of nitrogen within the leaf during the senescen
phase (Thayer et al., 1987).
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558 The Plant Cell
Y 0 Y 0 Y 0 Y 0 ORYZAIN V DAP************-********17g
12.2 DA*************-******n*162
7.1 ?
ORYZAIN Y p**?**s***R*T**T<.2c2
3.1 - ALEURAIN *****?******T**T*lg6
(A) Age-related expression in leaves and inflorescence stem. RNA gel blot analysis of young, fully ex
degreening tissue (O).
(B) DNA gel blot analysis of genomic DNA digested with EcoRI (E) or Hindlll (H) and probed with eith
size markers are given at the left in kilobases.
(C) DNA sequence analysis of the SAG2 cDNA open reading frame. Comparison of the predicted SAG2
teine proteinases: oryzain y from rice (Watanabe et al., 1991); aleurain from barley (Rogers et al., 19
and Gassen, 1989). Gaps are indicated by dashes and sequence identities by asterisks. The arrow m
to produce the N terminus of the mature protein.
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Longevity and Senescence in Arabidopsis 559
rx 100
75 H
E 50 H
? 25H
Equal loads of total RNA were loaded in each lane and blots were hy?
bridized with 32P-labeled probes. Days from full expansion
(A) Representative autoradiographs of (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F).
Figure 7. Age-Related Changes in Extractable Ribosomal RNA per
(B) CAB. Leaf.
(C) rbcS.
(D) EF-1a. RNA quantities were evaluated by slot-blot analysis of RNA obtained
(E) SAG2. on a per leaf basis. Values were corrected for RNA losses during
(F) SAG4. purification.
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560 The Plant Cell
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Longevity and Senescence in Arabidopsis 56
the needles of some conifers, which are purported to main- all monocarpic plants conform to the predictions of this m
tain photosynthetic competence for years but are characterized As discussed above, the senescence of leaves can be del
by relatively low photosynthetic output (Oren et al., 1986). by removal of fruit in a number of species (Nooden, 19
The processes we have detailed also conform to the genetic even though this treatment does not prevent age-rel
theory of life span evolution known as the antagonistic pleio- declines in photosynthesis. In these systems, the activa
tropy hypothesis first elaborated by Williams (1957) and more of SAG gene expression is apparently not coupled to photo
recently discussed by Rose (Kirkwood and Rose, 1991; Rose, thetic decline but rather depends on other or additio
1991). According to this hypothesis, individual genes that have developmental signals for activation. This possibility i
a positive effect on reproductive fecundity but a negative ef? counted for in our model by the "developmental and age-re
fect on postreproductive survival of the parent will be selected signals" box in Figure 8. The developing Arabidopsis plant
for in evolution. The accumulation of these genes over evolu? parently either does not require these additional regula
tionary time is thought to determine the maximum life span systems or cannot afford them. In any case, the timing of
for a given species. Although this theory is generally applied senescence in Arabidopsis is adapted to the reproductiv
to animals, specific genes and associated mechanisms for an? quirements of the plant; the sequential senescence of
tagonistic pleiotropy have not been well characterized in animal rosette leaves coincides with the period of maximum prim
systems (Finch, 1990). On the other hand, the salvage path? inflorescence development and seed fill (Figure 1).
ways associated with the senescence syndrome in plants What impact does the short life span of Arabidopsis som
provide a clear example of the operation of processes that may tissues have on the longevity of the whole plant? In the
favor reproductive success through remobilization of nutrients the iterative nature of plant development could allow fo
but also lead to decreased fitness (i.e., senescence) of the tis? indefinite life span. In practice, this is true for Arabidopsis o
sues in which they are expressed. in cases where reproductive development is delayed. In
The SAG genes we have identified by differential hybridization case, the primary meristem continues to generate new ro
conform to the theoretical definition of antagonistic pleiotropy leaves for many months (Napp-Zinn, 1985). The transitio
if the encoded proteins function in the mobilization of nutrients, flowering, however, marks the beginning of the end for the
favoring reproduction, and also decrease the viability of the plant because all aerial meristems are converted over
tissues in which they operate. The SAG2 gene, which encodes reproductive development. While the tissues produced by
a cysteine proteinase, may provide a specific case. The de? inflorescence and flower meristems are capable of photo
rived amino acid sequence of this gene shares a high degree thesis, inflorescence meristems have a limited prolifer
of amino acid identity with oryzain y and aleurain, which are capacity; they cease meristematic activity after the pro
specifically expressed in germinating grain seeds and are tion of afew dozen flowers (Shannon and Meeks-Wagner, 1
thought to function in the mobilization of nitrogen from protein Alvarez et al., 1992). Thus, the combination of limited lon
reserves (Rogers et al., 1985; Watanabe et al., 1991). Thus, ity of somatic tissues and the limited proliferative capacit
a role for the SAG2 gene in nutrient mobilization seems likely. the inflorescence meristems ultimately limit the life sp
It is also plausible that the SAG2 gene, in concert with other the adult Arabidopsis plant.
SAG genes, contributes actively to the autolytic process of
senescence that leads to the death of the somatic tissues in
which these genes are expressed. Considering the evolutionary
origin of senescence syndrome-associated salvage pathways,
most of the SAG genes we have identified are expressed at
detectable levels in the young photosynthetically active leaf
(Figure 6; V. Grbic, unpublished results), which is consistent
with a role for some of these genes in the maintenance-related
Seeds for Landsberg erecta (Ler) and the isogenic mutant lines co-2,
turnover of macromolecules (e.g., damaged proteins). This con-
ms1-1, and fca were obtained from A.R. Kranz (Kranz, 1978; Kirchheim
cept is supported by the high degree of amino acid sequenceand Kranz, 1981), Columbia seeds were obtained from Chris Somer-
identity between SAG2 and cathepsin H from animals, which ville (Michigan State University, East Lansing). tfH-2 seeds were
is thought to function in general protein turnover in animal cell
provided by D. Smyth (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
(Alvarez et al., 1992).
lysosomes (Takio et al., 1983). Sequence analysis of additional
SAG gene clones should provide information about how these
differentially expressed genes function in cellular maintenance
Plant Material and Measurements
and senescence.
Assuming that SAG genes are responsible for the progres-
All plants were grown at a density of approximately one plant per 25
sion of senescence in somatic tissues of plants, the regulatory
cm2, at 22?C, and 65 to 85% relative humidity under fluorescent illu?
pathways that govern their expression patterns may actually
mination supplemented with incandescent light (100 to 150 \iE rrr2
determine the longevity of these tissues. We have presented
sec~1) on a 2:1 mixture of Jiffy Mix (Jiffy Products of America, Bata-
an argument that in Arabidopsis, SAG genes are activated
via, IL) toas
perlite with a continuous wicking system of 10% Hoagland's
a consequence of age-related declines in photosynthesis.
solutionNot(Hoagland and Arnon, 1938). All plants were grown under
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562 The Plant Cell
continuous illumination unless otherwise stated. Seeds were surface were washed in 1 x SSPE (0.15 M NaCI, 10 mM sodium phosphate,
sterilized with a 30% bleach and 0.5% Triton solution and stratified 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.2), 0.1% SDS, and then in 0.2 x SSPE, 0.1% SDS,
at 4?C for 24 to 48 hr prior to planting. Leaf and internode longevityeach at 68?C for 45 min, followed by autoradiography overnight. Ra?
were measured as the time from visual emergence (1 mm) to moredioactivity was quantified with a Betagen Betascope 630.
than or equal to 50% degreening. Dry weight was determined from For quantification of rRNA per leaf, 10-fold serial dilutions (103 to
fully mature plants harvested 52 days after planting. Plants were dried106 of total RNA) were slot blotted on nylon membranes and probed
for 3 days at 65?C prior to weighing. with a pea rRNA gene, pHA2 (Polans et al., 1986). rRNA levels were
calculated from the linear range of signals on the slot blot and cor-
rected for losses during extraction using recovery of the 35S-labeled
tracer RNA.
Nucleic Acid Preparation
DNA for gel blot analysis was prepared from 5-week-old plants according
to the method of Shure et al. (1983). Total RNA was prepared as de?DNA Sequencing Analysis
scribed by Puissant and Houdebine (1990). Total RNA was isolated
from a pool of 20 adult leaves (the seventh and eighth leaves to emergeThe dideoxynucleotide chain termination method (Sanger et al., 1977)
was used for sequencing SAG2. Sequencing was done using the Se-
from the primary inflorescence meristem). All nucleic acid prepara?
tions were isolated from tissues of the Columbia strain, except the RNAquenase kit (U.S. Biochemicals) according to the manufacturer's
protocol. The deduced amino acid sequence of the SAG2 polypeptide
for Figure 5A, which was isolated from tissues of the Landsberg strain.
To correct for losses in total RNA during isolation, 35S-labeled RNAwas compared to the GenBank sequence data base using FASTA
was added as a tracer to leaf homogenates. The 35S-labeled tracer (Pearson and Lipman, 1988).
was made from the 1.15-kb Hindlll fragment of the 5' end of the TMK1
gene (Chang et al., 1992), which was cloned into the pGEM-7 plasmid
Biochemical Assays
(Promega). In vitro transcription from the SP6 promoter (Riboprobe
kit; Promega) produced 35S-labeled RNA of ~1 kb in length.
For protein, chlorophyll, and carboxylase activity, each data point
represents the average of three pools of three 0.5-cm2 leaf discs taken
from the middle of the leaf. The discs were frozen immediately in liq?
Screening the cDNA Library
uid nitrogen and stored at -80?C until measurements were made. Discs
used for total chlorophyll measurements were ground in 2 mL of 80%
The cDNA library made from RNA of senescing leaves was provided
acetone and quantified photometrically using the method of Arnon
by M. Michael (CalGene Pacific, Australia). Clones from the amplified
(1949). Initial carboxylase activity was determined by grinding the tis?
cDNA library were screened with 32P-labeled cDNA from green
sue in 2 mL of buffer (100 mM Bicine, pH 7.8, 5 mM MgCI2, 1 mM
(young) and yellow (old) leaves according to the method of Sambrook
EDTA, 5 mM DTT, 1.5% polyvinylpolypyrrolidone) and analyzed pho?
et al. (1989). The screening of 7000 recombinant cDNA clones resulted
tometrically using the method of Sharkey et al. (1991). Soluble protein
in identification of 40 differentially expressed clones belonging to nine
was quantified using 30 nL of the soluble extract from the carboxy?
families that do not cross-hybridize, designated senescence-associated
lase measurements by the method of Bradford (1976) using BSA as
(SAG)1 through SAG9.
the standard.
For DNA gel blots, 3 ng of DNA was digested with EcoRI and Hindlll
C02 assimilation measurements were performed on the fifth leaf
(Promega), fractionated on an 0.8% agarose gel (05 x Tris-borate/EDTA
using the method of Loreto and Sharkey (1990). A 2.0-cm2 area of leaf
electrophoresis buffer), transferred to a nylon membrane (MSI-Magna
was clamped in a 1.59-cm3 aluminum cuvette with glass windows,
NT; Micron Separations Inc, Westborough, MA), and hybridized at 68?C
maintained at 24?C, and illuminated with 150 \iE nrr2 sec~1 white light.
with random primer 32P-labeled probes (Prime-A-Gene; Promega) ac?
Data points represent the average of measurements from three leaves.
cording to standard protocols (Sambrook et al., 1989). For RNA gel
blot analyses, 3 \ig of total RNA was denatured in 70% formamide,
20% formaldehyde, 10% 10 x running buffer (0.25 3-(A/-morpholino) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
propanesulfonic acid, 50 mM sodium acetate, 10 mM EDTA, pH 7.0),
fractionated on an 0.8% agarose gel (1 x running buffer), transferred
to a nylon membrane (MSI-Magna NT; Micron Separations Inc.) withLinda L. Hensel and Vojislava Grbic contributed equally to this work
CE (10 mM sodium citrate, pH 7.0, 1 mM EDTA), and hybridized asWe appreciate the invaluable technical contributions of Sara Patters
was done for DNA gel blot analysis. The chlorophyll alb binding pro?
and the laboratory of Rick Amasino. We thank Michael Michael of C
tein (CAB) probe, pAB 140, was obtained from E. Tobin (University gene Pacific (Victoria, Australia) for the cDNA library from senesc
of California, Los Angeles) (Leutwiler et al., 1986). The ribulose Arabidopsis leaves. We thank Tony Cashmore and Elaine Tobin f
bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit (rbcS) probe, pATS-3, is thea rbcS gene and the CAB gene, respectively. We also thank To
genomic clone that spans the promoter and the 5' half of the coding Sharkey and Rick Amasino for critical reviews of this manuscript. T
sequence of the ATS3B member of the rbcS gene family (Krebberswork presented here was funded by grants from the National Scien
et al., 1988). The elongation factor (EF)-1a probe was made by poly?Foundation (No. DMB-9005164) and National Institute on Aging (N
merase chain reaction amplification with oligonucleotides designed5F32AG05542-02). V.G. and D.A.B. are graduate students in the Univ
to be unique to EF-1a-A1 (Curie et al., 1991), and the amplified frag?
sity of Wisconsin Genetics Program, which is supported by the Natio
ment was cloned into Bluescript KS+ (Stratagene). Hybridized filtersInstitutes of Health (No. GM07133-181).
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Longevity and Senescence in Arabidopsis 563
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