Werewolf Class
Werewolf Class
Werewolf Class
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Christon Suess (Order #43829044)
A lone figure, cloaked in shadow, When you transform, the
occupies the dimmest corner of the equipment you are wearing is either
inn. It's not the darkness that dropped or destroyed.
frightens him, nor the world outside,
Beast Within: Once per day, if
but the untamed beast lurking
reduced to 0 hit points in human
within his own soul. He sits in
form, you transform into your beast
solitude, not out of fear for the
form with 1d12+CON hit points,
world, but out of fear for what he
regardless of previous
might become.
Weapons: Club, Dagger, Javelin,
Terrifying: Monsters roll morale
checks with disadvantage, and you
Armor: Leather Armor have an advantage on intimidation
while you are in beast form.
Hit Points: 1d8 per level
Additionally, the GM may request
Transform: Once per day, you can Wisdom checks for certain events.
assume your beastly shape for 10 Failing these checks results in
rounds. In this form, your natural involuntary transformation.
damage is 2d8. Your maximum HP
increases by 1d12+CON.
2d6 Effect
10-11 You gain 1d4 HP each time you transform into beast form.
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Christon Suess (Order #43829044)
Christon Suess (Order #43829044)