Lano Sir
Lano Sir
Lano Sir
This Agreement of Lease is made and executed in Bangalore on this the 17th day of
AUGUST 2024 [17-08-2024] by and Between
Hereinafter called the ‘LESSOR’ [ Which term shall be taken to mean and include his / her
heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns] of the one part and in favour of
No. 184, Rudrappa Garden,
Austin Town, Viveknagar Post,
Bangalore - 560 047.
Hereinafter called the ‘LESSEE’ [Which term shall be taken to mean and include his / her
heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns] of the other part.
The Lessor is the absolute owner of the schedule premises mournfully described in the
schedule property situated at First Floor, situated at No.15, John Bull Street, ORC Road,
Viveknagar Post, Bangalore - 560 047, that the Lessee approached the Lessor to take the
Schedule Premises on the Lease basis under the following terms and conditions.
1. The agreement is valid for a period of 3 years effective from 17-08-2024 to
17-08-2027 and this agreement shall be renewed on mutual understanding by both the
2. The Lessee shall use the premises for the Residence purpose only and shall not carry out
objection or offensive trade and or activities in the schedule premises.
3. Either party may terminate this lease agreement by giving Three months prior written
4. Not to sublet or assign the interest in the schedule property to anybody else without the
written permission of the Lessor.
5. The Lessee shall keep the schedule premises in good and tenantable condition during his
/ her stay and hand over the same in good condition after the expiry of this agreement.
7. The lessee has paid a sum of Rs.7,50,000/- [Rupees Seven Lakhs and fifty thousand
only] by way of Cash as a Lease Security Deposit to the Owner. And the Owner has
acknowledged receipt of this amount. The owner will refund the same security amount of
Rs.7,50,000/- [Rupees Seven Lakhs fifty thousand only] to the tenant at the time of
vacating the premises without any interest.
10. At the time of vacating owner will deduct Rs. 15,000/- from the lease amount towards
painting and labour charges.
11.The Lessor shall pay all existing and future taxes such as house tax or any other taxes
levied by the appropriate authorities in respect of the schedule premises.
Contd …3
All that piece and parcel of residential Premises situated at First Floor, No.15, John Bull
Street, ORC Road, Viveknagar Post, Bangalore - 560 047. Consisting of One Hall, Two
Bedrooms, One Kitchen, with attached bathroom cum Toilet with electricity and water
In witness whereof, the Owner / Lessor and the Tenant / Lessee above mentioned have
hereunto set their respective hands to this Lease Agreement at Bangalore on the day, month
and year first above mentioned and signed this deed before the following witnesses.
1. LESSOR: ________________
2. LESSEE: __________________