WLP3 7

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Maya, Daanbantayan, Cebu

Grade 10
Quarter 3, Week 7
March 11 – 15, 2024
Year & Day & Time Learning Area Learning Learning Task Mode of
Section Competency Delivery
8:20 – 9:10
Grade 10 SCIENCE - Explain how The teacher discusses the following: Discussion
– Hawk 10:15 – 11:05 Mutation mutations may  Mutations
cause changes in  Mutagens
Grade 10 the structure and  Different Types of Mutations
– Sparrow Monday function of a  Three Types of Substitution Mutation
protein  Kinds of Chromosomal Mutations

Tuesday Directions: For the following activities, choose only one Individual
that you prefer to accomplish. Use another sheet for your Output

1. For example you are given a chance to be one of the

representatives in the “Down Syndrome Awareness
Month Forum”. The activity is to write an inspirational
letter to your fellow youth and friends who are parents or
relatives of a person with Down syndrome. What are the
words of inspiration that you can give to them? You may
use English or vernacular. (50-100 words).

Your sample letter will be rated by your teacher according

to the following criteria:
Standards Rubric
Appropriateness of Topic (Down Syndrome Awareness)
10 points
Accuracy of Details and Information (taken from real
scenario) 5 points
Techniques (persuasiveness/humor in words/English or
vernacular) 5 points
TOTAL - 20 points

2. Not all mutations are bad. There are naturally occurring

genetic mutations that can change the appearance and
traits of flowers, fruit or stems of any plant or crops and
also, there are laboratory-made mutations. These
mutations can be designed by genetic engineers.
Suppose you are a genetic engineer, what gene or trait of
a plant or crop are you going to design (duplicate, insert,
or delete) to help in food production or crop

Draw a sample of that plant or crop showing the good

mutation or trait. (You may label the parts of a crop or
plant or write a brief explanation of the use of that gene in
that plant).
Standards Rubric
Drawing Quality 10 points
Labels 5 points
Required Information (Title, Short Explanation) 5 points
Total: 20 points

Wednesday Evidence of Explain how fossil The teacher discusses the following: Discussion
Evolution records,  Evidence of Evolution
comparative  Geological Time Scale and Evolution of Animals
anatomy, and and Plants
genetic  Evidence of Fossil
information  Comparative Anatomy
provide evidence  Embryology
for evolution

Thursday Activity 1 - I CAN SEE YOU! Individual

I. Material: Activity sheet Activity
II. Procedure: The figure below is a series of skulls and
front leg fossils of organisms believed to be the modern-
day horse's ancestors—answer the following Guide
Questions based on the figure. Please be guided by the
labeled figures below.
III. Guide Questions:
1. Give at least two resemblances between each of the
skulls that might conclude that these are all related
2. What is the most significant change in skull anatomy
from the dawn horse to the modern horse?
3. What is the most significant change in leg anatomy
from the dawn horse to the modern horse?

Friday - Catch-up Fridays

I was able to discuss Nervous System: The Control System of the Body and Protein Synthesis. Then the students were able to describe
how the nervous system coordinates and regulates these feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis and explain how protein is made using
information from DNA.

Prepared by: REGINE C. GOMEZ

Subject Teacher

Recommending Approval:
Junior High School Coordinator



Maya, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Grade 11 & 12
Quarter 3, Week 7
March 11 – 15, 2024
Year & Day & Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Task Mode of
Section Time Delivery

Grade 12 – 2:40 – 3:40 HOMEROOM identify positive ways on Activity 1: Look on the Brighter Side Individual
Cookery/EI GUIDANCE – Live resolving issues that involve Suggested Time Allotment: 20 minutes Output
M Positively oneself and others;
Study the picture below and answer the
following processing questions:
Processing Questions:
1. What do you think is the picture telling us?
2. How do you view the challenges and strife
that you experience in life?
3. Why do you think it is important to look on
the brighter side of life?

Activity 2: Gratitude Graffiti Individual

Suggested Time Allotment: 30 minutes Output
1. With some recyclable materials that can
be found inside your home like old
magazines, newspapers, drawing and
coloring materials, you will create a gratitude
graffiti to be posted in the most visible area
in your home.
2. Add borders and other decorations to
make it visually appealing.
3. Using the sticky notes, write the things
that you consider as blessings in your life
that you should be thankful for (if sticky
notes are not available, you may improvise
by cutting some colored papers in meta-
4. You may also ask a family member to
participate to write the things they are
thankful for in the sticky notes or meta-strips.
5. Organize the things you are thankful into
the following categories: physical, mental,
social, and spiritual.
Processing Questions:
1. How do you find this "Gratitude Graffiti”
2. Is it still possible to count your blessings
during this trying time? How?
3. How can this graffiti activity help you to
remain positive in life?

Grade 12 – 7:30 – 8:20 ENTREPRENEURS identify the seven P’s in the The teacher discusses the following: Discussion
Cookery/EI HIP – 7 P’s of Marketing Mix;  Product
M Marketing and describe the Concept of  Place
Monday Branding Marketing Mix;  Price
 Promotion
 People
 Packaging
 Positioning

Tuesday Paste the P’s Individual

Look for newspapers or magazines. Find Output
and identify pictures related to the P’s in
Marketing Mix. Cut out the pictures, sort and
paste them on the box, then write a short
description on the line next to the picture. Do
it in your activity notebook.

Wednesday appreciate the importance of Direction: Create a Concept Map for the 7 Individual
Marketing Mix and Branding; P’s of Marketing Mix. Create your Concept Activity
Map in your activity notebook.
Rubrics for Scoring
Score Description
15 The illustration of the concept
map is clear and complete.
12 The illustration of the concept
map is complete.
9 The illustration of the concept
map is lacking 1.
6 The illustration of the concept
map is lacking 2
3 The illustration of the concept
map is lacking 3

Thursday develope a Brand Name. My Imaginary Product Individual

Draw your product and give it a name. Output
Follow the task guide bellow. Draw it in your
activity notebook. Then, write a short
explanation by describing the product and
why you come up with its name.

Draw your product in your Activity


Here are some useful phrases that may help

you with your tasks and explanations:
My Target Market is/are
_____________ that is why I choose this
I would like to introduce my new product
I chose the name __________________
You can use it to _____________________.
I chose the Brand Name_______________
because __________________________.

Grade 12 – 9:25 – Work Immersion - get familiarized with the The teacher discusses the following: Discussion
Cookery/EI 10:15 Appreciating the different credentials for a job;  Resume
M Importance  Tips in Writing a Resume
1:00 – 1:50 of Credentials  Application Letter and Its Guidelines
Grade 12 –  Barangay Clearance and Its
SMAW Requirements
1:50 – 2:40  Police Clearance
Grade 12 -  Mayor’s Clearance
SMAW Monday  Medical Certificate
 Job Interview Skills

Tuesday practice filling out forms and Activity 1: My Resume Individual

writing application letter; Directions: Suppose you are applying for a Output
job after graduation this School Year. On a
bond paper prepare a resume following the
simple template below. You may also look
for other templates you can use.

Wednesday Activity 2: Application Letter Making Individual

Directions: Since you have already made Output
your resume, you are now ready to make
your application letter which will be attached
to the resume. On another bond paper,
submit a copy of your application letter
following all the parts. Read again the
sample given on the lesson.

Thursday give the importance of the Activity 3: Mock Interview Individual

functions of credentials for a Directions: Imagine that an employer does Output
job; an interview to you because you are
applying for a job after your Senior HS. Write
your answers on a sheet of paper. Here are
some selected questions that might be
asked from you. Choose at least five (5)
questions and answer them in written form.
Use another sheet of bond paper for your
1. If your colleagues had an opportunity to
tell us your primary strength what would that
be? Your primary weakness-what would that

2. What do you do when others resist of

reject your ideas or actions?

3. What is your interpretation of “success?”

4. Suppose you are in a situation where

deadlines and priorities change frequently
and rapidly. How would you handle it?

5. Tell me about a time when you were a

part of a great team. What was your part in
the success of your team?

6. How would you describe an ideal work

immersion supervisor?

Grade 11 – Satuday FOOD AND LO3. Welcome Customers The teacher discusses the following: Discussion
FBS 7:30 – 4:30 BEVERAGE 3.1 Welcome costumers  Checking Reservation Details
SERVICES – upon arrival in accordance  Reservation Procedure
Welcoming Guests with costumers service  Confirming Reservation once the
standard Guests Arrive
3.2 Check details of  Protocols in Welcoming, Escorting,
reservations based on and Seating Guests
established service standard
3.3 provide clear information Activity: Checking Reservation Details Individual
and description to customer. A guests arrives with his friends and claims Activity
3.4. Escort and seat that he has made reservation days before.
costumers according to table He also emphasized that he gave specific
allocations instructions. How would you verify all the
3.5 Offer available premeal information on the booking sheet to the
services if appropriate. guest?

Welcoming, Escorting, and Seating Guests Performance

Imagine that you are server of a restaurant. Assessment
You have to escort each guest to the best
available seat in the house. Be guided by
the following steps.
1. Dress up as a server.
2. Ask 5 classmates to pretend as your
3. Ask them to enter the room one at a
4. Greet the guests as they enter the
dining area.
5. Offer them the best table available or
ask them where they prefer to sit.
6. Escort them to their table.
7. Do the same with the other guests.

Friday - Catch-up Fridays

For Homeroom Guidance, the students were able to learn how to promote specific laws protecting themselves and others through
awareness campaigns. For Entrepreneurship, the students were able to explain what market research is, understand the meaning of data
gathering, identify the different data gathering techniques, and appreciate the importance of market research. For the Work Immersion, I was able
to accompany the immersion students on their orientation at Cebeco II, Malingin, Bogo City. For the Food and Beverage S ervices, the students
were able to identify flatware, cutlery, hollowware, chinaware, and glassware.

Prepared by: REGINE C. GOMEZ

Subject Teacher

Recommending Approval:
Senior High School Coordinator




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