Usury - The Instrument of World Enslavement

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USURY The Instrument Of World Enslavement

The End Of Economics

from PAID Newsletter, Norwich England, 1989

Define, don't be defined

Before tackling the topic of usury, i.e. interest debt and zero worth
money, we must put it in context. Most importantly, we want to place it
in a context that is of our own defining. This is of fundamental
importance, because the dominant place of the userers has enabled them -
through their high-tech network of money, markets and media - to
impose their definitions upon the rest of humankind. We think of the
problem, and the solution in predefined terms that are not of our own
choosing. If we continue to remain within their sphere of meaning we
will be trapped, unable to make any changes. The first steps that must be
taken towards change and freedom are steps of defining.

If we view the phenomenon of usury from a historical perspective, in a

long shot, so to speak, we can see that it has been limited and forbidden
by every civilisation that valued the higher human qualities, such as trust,
justice, the pursuit of knowledge and the spiritual encounter with the

As is clearly documented in the book, Usury: The Root Cause Of Injustice Of

Our Times, the legalisation of usury in Europe a mere 300 years ago has
permitted the dominance of a new breed of middlemen. They have
conquered the zone of the transaction, totally to the extent that now all of
us are forced to buy and sell in their markets, on their terms, using their
banks, their money, and their technology. Opting out is simply not

The development of centralised banking networks and the creation of

money, both began and remain today, firmly in the hands of private, non-
government, non-elected groups of individuals. The Bank of England,
despite the implications of its name, is not run by the government. The
Federal Reserve Board, a governmentish sounding name if ever there was
one, is not under the control of the US government. Quite the opposite.

The nation state have relinquished power to the supra-national

monetarist elite, who now, almost overtly, dictate domestic policy. The
nation state has become a control-zone within which a particular type of
ID card and a particular paper money must be used. They have no power
of their own. Their leaders are recruited and trained by the monetarists to
carry out their policies, under the camouflage of the democratic process.
Opposition to monetarist policy is seen as a head-on confrontation with
the state, and is either absorbed into the pro/anti dialectical framework
or it is discreetly removed. The dialectic is the defense mechanism of the
userers, and the democratic process their trojan horse.

Britain is a classic example. Mrs. Thatcher, in true corporate raider style,

has stripped the assets of the nation and sold them to the highest bidder,
but who benefits? Certainly not the average citizen who is struggling for
survival under the burden of ever-increasing debt. When Mr. Lawson,
now no doubt destined for even greater things within the corporate
sector, when he said recently that no one was happy to see higher interest
rates, he ommited to add 'except the money-lenders.'

Once all business have to compete with the price of money, and the
gravitational pull towards gigantism, it is inevitable that the small family
business has llittle or no chance of survival. Short people drown first in a
rising tide. The individual, alone with his own debts and anxieties, facing
the might of corporate power, is unlikely to dare to step out of line.

When Mr. Sid Average comes back from the bank, happy that he too is
now an stock-owner, and he can share in the wealth of this great nation,
he is unlikely to be aware that, comes tomorrow or the day after, his
bank, his mortgage company, his employer, his gas, his electricity and
water suppliers, the newspaper and TV companies may all be controlled
by the same group of people. It is not a conspiracy, it is just the way it is.
Once a corporation is on the open market, where all are free to compete
equally and the highest bidder wins, the winner is likely to be the one
with the biggest bank roll. If one group is allowed to print money at will,
and lend it at interest, they are likely to have the biggest roll. Lives are
bought and sold in our free society.

We now find ourselves completely absorbed into the technological

project, which has become the dominant global activity. Everything
becomes an available resource to be used to further the project. Sustaining
the economic structure becomes of paramount importance, as if
everything and everyone depends on it for their survival. Everything is
judged in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, if you cannot
measure it or add it up, then forget it. Quality itself has no value, unless it
means you can charge more because of it.

And what about our humanity, and those things that give our lives
meaning? Once we are subsumed under the dominant technological
project, we become just another available resource. We are redefined. We
are consumers, borrowers, mortgage payers (incorrectly called house
owners), components of a market sector, just another part of the
production and consumption process.

If we are serious about making changes, then we must look deeply into
the causes of our predicament, and be prepared to act in accordance with
what we find, for the current status quo is fuelled by our passivity.
Somewhere along the way we have relinquished responsibility for our
own lives, for our being here. If we do not take our lives into our own
hands, then we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

Hijacked Belief
And so what shall we do, and where do we begin?

If we consider medical analogy at this point it may shed some light on

our situation. Imagine someone with a complicated array of physical
symptoms that refuse to respond to treatment, and continually

Rather than opting for more surgery and wonder drugs, one may find
that on close inspection this person follows a set of behaviour patterns
that are clearly aggravating, or even causing the problem. He may live on
a diet of junk food, alcohol and cigarettes. He may take no exercise and
spend two hours each day driving in rush hour traffic. He may well be so
short of vital nutrients and so full of toxin that his body cannot be other
than a manifestation of that imbalance. On top of all this he may be in the
middle of a breakdown of his marriage, and have a job that he hates but
dares not quit.

Delving deeper, we may find that he is not in any way believe that his
actions are of any consequence, so why should he change. He does not
much like himself or his wife, so why bother.

Clearly, until this person changes his behaviour, his health will not
improve, and until he changes his attitude and his basic beliefs, he will
not be capable of changing his behaviour.

We can see that the events that surrounded the legislation of usury in
England in the late 17th century were actually a manifestation of a shift in
people's basic beliefs. The generally accepted definitions of human being,
and his place and function in existence went through fundamental
changes that are still current today, and indeed underpin every aspect of
modern life.

If you dissolve the universal contract between the Creator and the
created, and declare man the master of the universe, you open the door to
all manner of corruption and imbalance. Man's inner being and his higher
nature are then denied any reality, and will in any case be smothered in
the scramble to get what you can, fuelled by the underlying anxiety out
there, get a job, make some money. BE somebody.

While no one is suggesting that we go back to the worldview of 17th

century England, we would do well to listen to the voices who warned of
what was to come. Throughout the following decades and centuries, we
can consistently hear voices warning that if we do not change our
fundamental ideas about what life is all abouit, we will be heading for
disaster - in this world, never mind the next.

Belief, that most fundamental of all human qualities, was hijacked, and
deflected onto the fantasy wealth, and as it settled on the unkept paper
promises, it gave reality and value to illusion. And so of course the
illusion worked. Everyone believed it.

In The Ten Symphonies of Gorka Konig by Ian Dallas, one of the characters
says, 'As long as you think money is real, you will be an obedient slave. Once
you grasp that it is worthless you recognise poverty in the fantasy money system,
and at the same time real wealth in the world's natural resources, the greatest of
which is man and woman.'

We must re-evaluate our possibilities and realise our potential.

In practical terms this means, quite simply, meeting, studying, discussing,

de-programming, encouraging one another to fulfill our highest
possibilities, for this is the antidote to the drugged sleepwalk that passes
for modern life. Above all it means believing that we can and do make a

The Power of the Butterfly

Reductionist scientific thinking has attempted to shrink life into a set of
linear equations and cashflow charts. Thankfully life is NOT linear, so it
cannot be done, and while their experiments may work on paper and on
the screen, you get a different set of results when things are played out in
real life. Hence that current disaster scenario.

Rational scientific thinking has actually brought itself out of a job,

because, forced to accept that life is a nonlinear event, and attempting to
express probabilities in nonlinear equations, they have found that
nothing can actually be predicted at all, except perhaps the limits of
prediction. An expression of this is the statement by the proponents of the
Chaos theory that a butterfly fluttering its wings on one side of the earth
could cause a hurricane on the other.

So we do not know what effect we are having by our apparently

insignificant meetings and publications. We cannot measure it. What has
been clearly shown is that the outcome of an event is affected by the
aspirations of the participants. We must believe that success is ours for
the taking. Why should it not be?

We are confronting people whose weakness is the very thing that they
believe gives them power. They think that they are in charge of existence,
that they can conquer it, tame it, and make profit out of it.
They do not believe that they will ever face a reckoning for their actions.
And they are wrong.

This is usurious thinking, for this attitude causes the build-up of an ever-
increasing debt that like toxic waste, does not just disappear simply
because you bury it, or export it, or ignore it. The accumulated debts of
injustice are waiting to be collected.

And like a counter balance, the world is waiting for people who are
prepared to fulfill their truly human potential as guardians of the earth
and its inhabitants, of life itself, people who uphold the right and forbid
the wrong. This is not achieved by direct opposition to usurious system
and its masters, for they are strengthened by opposition. It gives them a
reality. Like the classic piece of sixties graffiti said, 'Don't vote, it only
encourages them.' Their fantasy strength is reinforced by opposition to it.
Like the phantom in a nightmare, it will only vanish if it is ignored. The
more you attack it, the bigger it gets.

This tyrannical system will be over come by people who turn away from
it - not by dropping out - but by declaring it a fantasy, and saying, with
certainty, 'That is false, Reality is with us.' The capacity of people to
transform themselves and their lives is the very thing that will conquer. If
we refuse to be owned slaves, then we must be different Affirm the real,
for when the REAL comes, the false must vanish.

People who are bound together with the true human companionship that
comes from undertaking a journey or a task or a commitment that, even
though it might appear too awesome to bear, is in fact the only available
option - these people carry with them the seed of life that is unstoppable.

To do otherwise is to resign oneself to a life of unfulfilled potential and to

being at best, mediocre. The more we meet, and discuss, and learn from
each other, and share life, celebrate life, the more our members will grow
and possibilities will open up, possibilities that we cannot know of or
imagine, until we take the step.

I can do no better than to end with the words of Goethe, that visionary
poet, opponent of usury and protector of humanity.

'Until there is commitment, there is hesistancy, the chance to draw back,

always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there
is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and
splendid plans: that the moment one commits oneself, the Providence
moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never
otherwise have occured. A whole stream of events issues forth from the
decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforseen incidents and
meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed
would have come his way.'
'Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has
genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.'

This is not an economic issue, it is a human one.

PAID - People Against Interest-Debt

PAID Network
120 Armenian Street
10200 Penang
Fax: 604 - 228 2487

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