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Quick walk-through of the Blitz-Krieg campaign (and Win WWII without infantry) by hjpoell@netcast.

nl, edited by RIP "Maybe it's much more fun to find out yourself how to do it, but here is one way to go through the Blitz campaign at 50 prestige, with a score of 300. Forget about infantry You have to create a core that gets you through all the hard scenarios. Buying core units: There is one bug in PzG2 1.0 and even 1.02 that makes infantery obsolete: only the infantery has a chance to get a 'rugged defence' when attacking entrenched enemy units. As AT can't overrun, armor rules in PzG2. Especially the PzIIIE. Why? - the tank is very cheap. - already available in Ciechanow. - just enough initiative and hard attack up to Klin. - low soft attack, so picks up experience quickly." Experience is very important for the tanks: at the end of Klin you want to have 8 5-star tanks, and lots of recon/tank/arty leaders if possible. There are people who believe in a large airforce. At a player prestige level of 100 or more, they are absolutely right: it makes life so much easier. But a fighter or bomber costs as much as two ground units, and those planes won't do much when the whether turns bad. Ten planes doing nothing but flying recon missions will cost you a brilliant victory, or make you sacrifice a unit to get it... Having one plane shot down in Windsor (very likely) means 500 prestige less working for you in Russia. Don't believe me? Try it out. Let's go through the scenario's. Scenario walk-through MADRID - Easy. No matter how you do it: pick up all towns and get a BV. Your first core units can get experience here: fighter or arty and recon. CIECHANOW - Easy. If you get a PzIVD prototype, keep it. If it is the SiG, sell. The early self propelled artillery will run out of ammo all the time and doesn't outrange the 25pounders. Also, sell all infantery, the wheeled recon kart, the 10.5cm arty. Buy six IIIE's, some 15cm arty, two fighters, and two PSW231's. Get all towns and let the core units fight until they are at strength 4 or less. Don't lose any, and don't get replacements! About the arty: you can't afford the luxury of halftracks, just use trucks. They are just fast enough to follow behind the armor. SUOMUSSALMI - Easy. Buy more of the same units. In the north, let a tank, arty and recon have some fun as long as possible. In the south, shell the hell out of the cities and rush the artillery between them. Move some finnish units to your own victory hexes, you lose the game if they get captured by some forgotten russian. Don't move your core units into unexplored terrain, because of the snow you can't see much. Risk the finnish units instead. From Suomussalmi on, keep all your arty protected by at least one air defence unit until all enemy air power is wiped out. LILLEHAMMER - Somewhat difficult. You want to start out with at least 4 arty, 2 fighter, 2 bomber and 2 air defence units. Shell Gjevik and Hamar and keep your planes above them. Usually, you're just in time to take the last city hex. In the east are two towns... They are NOT worth taking, and trying to might cost you the BV. However, some tank or recon must stay around to keep infantery from recapturing Hamar or your own victory hex. Lillehammer

itself stretches out to the east. You don't want to put tanks in a city hex with no artillery support! SEDAN - Somewhat difficult. Buy some PzIVD's now, and deploy 2/3 of your core in the north. All tanks with leaders must be in this group, as it will go to Meziers, Liart, Signy and then Rethel. One tank can defend Mouzon. The rest will take Sedan itself and as many towns as possible. The airfield in the middle has some priority as well, you don't want to fly your planes back to Mouzon. The group in the north must keep going all the time. Use your airforce if something is in the way. The group in the south grows as you buy more land units. Skip Montherme and Vouziers. RACE TO DUNKIRK - Somewhat difficult. By now, your core has maybe 9 tanks, 5 arty, 3 recon, and some more units. The problem is to get ALL the objectives in time. If you don't care about brilliance at all: a normal victory gives 3 bonus scenarios in Africa, plus you go to England in '43 with some Tiger tanks. Okay, you want to let the faster units go to Dunkirk and DG4, while the slower ones take everything in between. Dunkirk needs 3 arty units to take out the forts and the defending infantery, which has the advantage of being surrounded by water. Maybe it's best to let the auxillery units in the east bypass la Bassee, go east then north. There's nothing to defend there anyway. In the west, bypass Gravelines as you probably figuered out already. WINDSOR - Very difficult Got a nice bomber leader? Too bad for you! Germany is in desperate need of prestige, and your airforce must be sold completely to get more air defence. In Windsor, the only thing your planes can do is getting themselves shot down, and you need a lot of firepower on the ground. Without an airforce, and all your units protected by one and arty by two 6/2's, you just made all those Tommy planes and air defence obsolete. I can see one exception: 3-star fighters with recon movement might be good enough to keep... Now the second mistake one can make in Windsor is to get too many units across the Thames river. Don't do it! Your fastest (armor leaders) group should take Egham, Windsor and Maidenhead, and maybe help with sector 4,12 but never stop or cross the Thames. A somewhat smaller group takes London, London and Slouch. Another smaller group takes Caberley, Sandhurst and 4,12. The central airfield can be dealt with in two ways: eiter capture it, or put one or two air defence units near, to keep planes from repairing. Only in the last turns, when Great Brittain doesn't have any plane stronger than 4 or 5 anymore, you can buy a fighter to shoot them down. And even then, watch the AA. KISHINEV - Easy Buy FW-190a fighters, and keep no more than four 6/2's. Buy some Ju87D bombers as well. Waste the auxillery units and get all objectives and other towns and airfields in time. Not very hard to do. NOVGOROD - Somewhat difficult All you have to do here is prepare for the russian supertank in the north, and kill the russian arty before it kills you. Then capture everything. To kill the arty, use your complete airforce and place 15sFH's at the frontline, so that it can fire at their collegues the first turn. The enemy arty is the prime target. Without arty support, the russian infantery is helpless against your supported armor. Don't start crossing the water before killing the 12.2's:the russians will shell/destroy your unit. If the russians capture Staraya Russa, the game is over and you lost. There are two ways to keep the T-34 plus infantery from taking it. One way is to withdraw your artillery and put a maybe overstrength unit in the city. The other is to put some strong tanks in front of Staraya, protected by the line of artillery. In Novgorod and further Russian scenario's, you'll find that there is enough prestige now. Don't overstrengh too much, just buy some new PzIIIH's to help your older but more experienced tanks.

VOLOKOLAMSK - Easy Check your tanks. At the end of Klin you want 8 5-star tanks. If you have 3 5-star, 3 4-star and 4 3-star tanks, it's time to help the two best 3-star tanks by giving them some overstrength and using them to attack infantery in city and forest hexes. Make attacks to the infantery first, so that they stay alive but the predicted losses are something like 1 vs. 4. It helps a lot. Volokolamsk needs 3 groups. As there is only one spot for the middle group, move the aux units first, then add your own. The 88 AT-gun is good bait for the tanks. The russian tanks can stall your advance most, so use the bombers and waste the aux units on them. I guess I don't have to mention which cities can be taken by which groups. Some non-core infantery don't have transport. Take Volokolamsk itself with them, instead of delaying the middle group to do the job. KLIN - Somewhat difficult Klin is a race against the clock. Buy some extra tanks to keep the Germans going, protect your flanks of all the T-34's that will appear out of nowhere. The cities in this scenario will make use of a certain bug more than in any other: creating new units and using them right away. So if you leave units next to an city you couldn't capture yet, make sure they have enough strength. This rule applies for planes as well! Again, you create 3 groups. SAVANNAH - Very hard There are two things that make live rough in Savannah: the USAAF and those T-26 strength 14 tanks. Savannah is also the only scenario (besides Malta) where you can sail some boats around. Not that the outcome of the naval battle is important at all. There is only one thing that really works against the T-26 attacks (which can easily cost you lots of core units): total overstrength King Tigers. Upgrade 8 tanks to King Tiger. Sell the rest. Sell your bombers. Sell all but 2 fighters, or one fighter if you can make a str.15 one of it. Now overstrength the King Tigers. They should all become 15. The second problem is the allied air power. In contrast with the real war, the USA is the first country here to have yet power. The worst thing you can do is trying to get air superiority by upgrading to the FW190d and wasting even more cash on overstrength. Just check your air defence units. If they are like brandnew or have one star, sell them and buy the SdKfz 7/1. Six or so will do. In the south you'll see that you can land a 7/1 on an island so that it will protect three King Tigers. Do it. In the north, land a line of 4 King Tigers and another one east of it. If you don't have the 1.02 patch, you can fire artillery (don't waste money upgrading them to 17sFH!!!) from the water and move them in turn 2. In turn 2, also shoot down the bomber in the south, in fact that is the only thing your fighters have to do here. Fly them to the southeast afterwards, where they won't be found. Blast everything with the King Tigers. Protect them and the arty with the 7/1's. Remember: if you have two Tigers at the end of the scenario, and one is 15 and the other 5, it costs half to get them both at 15 again than two at strength 10. So try to preserve overstrength where possible, there is yet one other scenario to go... OAK RIDGE - Easy Infiltration tactics - if you have a leader like that, put it next to the river and cross it in turn one. Otherwise you'll have to get a bridging infantery. Shell the hell out of the T-26's and blast them with the King Tigers. You can use 8 SdKfz 7/1's here. Protect all arty with 2 7/1's at all times, the USA has got a lot of bombers. Use the non-core fighter to finish the bombers. The fighters can't stop your steamroller anyway. ALTERNATIVE: WINDSOR '43 - Easy In Windsor '43, you can buy Tiger tanks to support the other core units. Don't upgrade to Tigers; just buy them and sell them afterwards, otherwise you'll end up upgrading Tigers to King Tigers in Savannah (the normal Tiger is not good enough against T-26's) and waste 1/2 of the Tiger cost in prestige. To do this, get a normal victory in the Race to Dunkirk. Gives you also 3 extra scenario's in Africa."

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