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3rd Syllabus

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Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session: 2016-17

Course Code CS-301 Title of the Course Design and Analysis of Algorithm L T P C
Year III Semester V 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To analyze the problem and design an efficient algorithm to solve it by using & modifying classical design techniques or
Course Objectives
creating a new solution technique

Course Outcomes
CO1 Would be able to analyze the problem and design an efficient algorithm to solve it by using & modifying classical design techniques or
creating a new solution technique.
CO2 For an algorithm given all the required parameters, would be able to analyze the algorithm and evaluate its utility in the given situation, able to
apply the approach where problem can be solved by smaller input then apply for larger perspective.
CO3 Given more than one solutions for the problem, would be able to evaluate and compare those using standard mathematical techniques and
select the best solution.
CO4 For a design problem given, would be able to compare and evaluate different Data Structures available and modify or create new them for the
CO5 For given different problems, would be able to categorize the different kind of complexities and develop non deterministic solution to
problems having large complexities.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction: Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Growth of Functions: Asymptotic
1 Introduction: Notations, Standard Notations and Common Functions; Recurrence Methods: Substitution 8 1
Method, Iteration Method, Recursion Tree Method, Master’s Method.
Designing of
Algorithms and Divide & Conquer: Heap Sort, Quick Sort, Sorting in Linear Time, Medians and Order
2 8 2
Advanced Data Statistics. Red-Black Trees, Augmenting Data Structure, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps.
Greedy Algorithms: Knapsack Problem, Travelling Salesperson Problem, Minimum Cost
Advanced Design
Spanning Trees: Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prim’s Algorithm. Dynamic Programming: Longest
3 and Analysis 8 3
Common Subsequence, Matrix Chain Multiplication, 0/1 Knapsack Problem, Single Source
Shortest Path: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Bellman Ford Algorithm.
Analysis, Back Accounting Method, Aggregate Method, Potential Method, Introduction, Subset Sum
4 8 4
Tracking: and Problem, n-Queens problem and Introduction, 0/1 Knapsack, 15 Puzzle problem.
Branch & Bound
String Matching Algorithm, The Rabin-Karp Algorithm, The Knuth-MorrisPratt Algorithm. Class P and NP,
5 and Complexity NP-hard Problems, NP-Complete Problems, Polynomial Reduction, Approximation 8 5
Theory Algorithm
Reference Books:
1. Coremen, Rivest, Lisserson, “Algorithms”, PHI.
2. Horwitz & Sahani, Fundamental of Computer Algorithm, Galgotia.
3. Michael T. Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Algorithm Design: Foundation, Analysis and Internet Examples, John Wiley Publications.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

CO1 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3
CO2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1
CO3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 1
CO4 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1
CO5 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS-303 Title of the Course Principles of Operating System L T P C
Year III Semester V 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To introduce students with basic concepts of Operating System, its functions and services.
To critique how memory management is implemented by the operating system, including concepts of paging,
segmentation, paged segmentation etc.
Course Objectives To introduce the concepts of Processes in Operating System and various algorithms to schedule these processes.
To provide the knowledge of basic concepts towards process synchronization, deadlock and related issues.
To gain insight on file management, disk management etc and to become familiar with the protection and security
mechanisms taken by operating system.

Course Outcomes
CO1 The basic concepts of Operating System, its functions and services.
CO2 Design and effective memory management scheme for the operating system where there is less wastage and the response time is quick.
CO3 The basic concepts of Processes in Operating System and the application of various CPU scheduling algorithms.
CO4 Analyse the basic concepts of process synchronization, deadlock and related issues.
CO5 The basic components of file management, disk management etc and will become familiar with the protection and security mechanisms taken
by operating system.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Importance of Operating Systems; Basic Concepts and Terminology; Evolution of Operating
Systems: Batch, Interactive, Time Sharing & Real Time Systems. Operating System
Desktop OS and
1 Structure: Simple Structure, Layered Approach; System Calls; Kernels: overview, objectives 8 1
Mobile OS
of kernel, types of kernels. Architecture, Android OS, iOS, Virtual OS, Cloud OS and their
Introduction, Process Model, Process State, Process Control Block. Overview, benefits of
Process, Threads, threads, types of threads. Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, And Types of Scheduling,
CPU Scheduling
2 Scheduling Algorithms: FCFS, SJF, Round Robin, Priority Scheduling, Multilevel Queue 8 2
and Real Time
Scheduling Scheduling, Multilevel, Feedback Scheduling. Introduction, Uniprocessor scheduling,
Multiprocessor Scheduling.
Principles of Concurrency, Race Condition, Critical Section, Critical Section Problem,
Process Synchronization Mechanism, Semaphores and Classical Problems of Synchronization:
3 Synchronization Bounded Buffer Problem, Readers Writers Problem.Principles, System Model, Deadlock 8 3
and Deadlock Characterization, Methods of Deadlock Handling: Prevention, Avoidance, Detection &
Recovery from Deadlock
Memory Introduction, logical vs. physical address space, swapping, contiguous memoryallocation,
Management and paging, segmentation, segmentation with paging. Introduction, demand paging, performance,
4 8 4
Virtual Memory page replacement, page replacement algorithms (FCFS, LRU, Optimal), allocation of
Management frames, thrashing.Other Memory Management Schemes: Swapping, Overlays.
Device Introduction, types of devices, FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, CSCAN, LOOK, C-LOOK Scheduling
Management, Disk File Systems: file concept, Access Mechanism, directory structure, file system structure,
5 Scheduling and allocation methods (Contiguous, linked, indexed), free-space management (bit vector, linked 8 5
Protection & list, grouping), Directory implementation (linear list, hash table), efficiency & performance.
Reference Books:
1. Galvin, Silberchatz “Operating Systems Principles”, Addision Wesley.
2. Milenekovie, “Operating System Concept”, McGraw Hill.
3. Dietal, “An Introduction to Operating System”, Addion Wesley.
4. Tannenbaum, “Operating System Design And Implementation”, PHI.
5. Galvin, Silberchatz “Operating Systems Principles”, Addision Wesley.

e-Learning Source:
Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)
CO1 3 1 1 3 2 3 1 3 1
CO2 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2
CO3 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 3
CO4 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2
CO5 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS-304 Title of the Course Theory of Automata & Formal Languages L T P C
Year III Semester V 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to the foundations of computability theory. Other objectives
Course Objectives include the application of mathematical techniques and logical reasoning to important problems, and to develop a strong
background in reasoning about finite state automata and formal languages.

Course Outcomes
CO1 To demonstrate computational mathematical models for problem solving and describe howthey relate to formal languages.
CO2 To analyze the relationship among language classes and grammars with the help of Chomsky Hierarchy.
CO3 To apply rigorous formal mathematical model for proving different properties of grammars, languages and automata.
CO4 To apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and computer science theory to the modeling and design of computer based
systems in a way that demonstrates.
CO5 Have an overview of how the theoretical study in this course is applicable to and engineering application like designing the compilers.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Finite state machine, definitions, Finite automaton model, acceptance of
stringsandlanguagesDeterministic Finite Automata(DFA), Nondeterministic Finite Automata
1 Introduction (NFA), NFA with epsilon transition, Language of NFA, Equivalence of NFA and 8 1
DFA, Minimization of Finite Automata, FA with output: Moore and Mealy machine,
Equivalence of Moore and MealyMachine, Applications and Limitation of FA..
Chomsky Hierarchy, Regular Grammars, Unrestricted Grammars, Context Sensitive
Language, Regular expression (RE); Definition, Operators of regular expression and their
Regular expression precedence, Algebraic laws for Regular expressions, Kleen’s Theorem, Regular expression
2 8 2
& Languages to FA, DFA to Regular expression, Arden Theorem, Non-Regular Languages, Pumping
Lemma for regular Languages. Application of Pumping Lemma, Closure properties of
Regular Languages, Decision properties of Regular Languages
Context free grammar (CFG) and Context Free Languages (CFL): Definition, Examples,
Context free
Derivation, Derivation trees, Ambiguity in Grammar, Ambiguous to Unambiguous CFG,
grammar (CFG)
3 Useless symbols, Simplification of CFGs, Normal forms for CFGs: CNF and GNF, Closure 8 3
and Context Free
properties of CFLs, Decision Properties of CFLs: Emptiness, Finiteness and Membership,
Languages (CFL):
Pumping lemma for CFLs.
Push Down Automata (PDA): Description and definition, Instantaneous Description,
Push Down Language of PDA, Acceptance by Final state, Acceptance by empty stack, Deterministic
4 8 4
Automata (PDA): PDA, Equivalence of PDA and CFG, CFG to PDA and PDA to CFG, Two stacks PDA,
Non-Deterministic Push Down Automata.
Turing machines (TM): Basic model, definition and representation, Instantaneous
Description, Language acceptance by TM, Variants of Turing Machine, TM as Computer of
Turing machines Integer functions, Universal TM, Church’s Thesis, Recursive and recursively enumerable
5 8 5
(TM): languages, Halting problem, Introduction to Undecidability, Undecidable problems about
TMs. Post correspondence problem (PCP), Modified PCP, Introduction to recursive function
Reference Books:
1. Hopcroft and Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory Languages and Computation”, Addison Wesley.
2. Mishra & Chandrasekhar, “Theory of Computer Sciences”, PHI.
3. Peter Linz, “An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata”, Jones & Bartlett Learning. Recommended Prerequisite – CS206Co-
requisite - None
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

CO1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3
CO2 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 3
CO3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3
CO4 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 2
CO5 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2020-21
Course Code CS-334 Title of the Course Cloud Computing L T P C
Year III Semester V 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
1. To study the the various paradigm of cloud computing and computing techniques.
2. To study the concepts ,key technologies, strength and limitation of cloud computing and possible application
3. To understand the architecture and infrastructure of cloud computing including SaaS, PaaS,Iaas, public cloud,
Course Objectives
private cloud and hybrid cloud.
4. To study Interpretation of various data, scalability and cloud services to acquire efficient database for cloud

Course Outcomes
CO1 Explain the various paradigm of cloud computing and computing techniques.
CO2 Articulate the concepts ,key technologies, strength and limitation of cloud computing and possible application
CO3 Identify the architecture and infrastructure of cloud computing including SaaS, PaaS, Iaas, public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud.
CO4 Interpret various data, scalability and cloud services to acquire efficient database for cloud storage.
CO5 Describe the appropriate cloud computing solutions and recommendations according to application used.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Historical development, Vision of Cloud Computing, Characteristics of cloud computing as
per NIST, Cloud computing reference model, Cloud computing environments, Cloud
services requirements, Cloud and dynamic infrastructure.
1 Introduction: 8 1
Overview of cloud applications: ECG Analysis in the cloud, Protein structure prediction,
Gene Expression Data Analysis, Satellite Image Processing, CRM and ERP ,Social
Cloud Reference Model, Types of Clouds, Cloud Interoperability & Standards, Scalability
Cloud Computing and Fault Tolerance; Cloud Solutions: Cloud Ecosystem, Cloud Business Process
2 8 2
Architecture: Management, Cloud Service Management. Cloud Offerings: Cloud Analytics, Virtual
Desktop Infrastructure.
Resiliency, Provisioning, Asset management, Concepts of Map reduce, Cloud Governance,
High Availability and Disaster Recovery. Virtualization: Fundamental concepts of
Cloud Management
compute ,storage, networking, desktop and application virtualization .Virtualization benefits,
3 & Virtualization 8 3
server virtualization, Block and file level storage virtualization Hypervisor management
software, Infrastructure Requirements , Virtual LAN(VLAN) and Virtual SAN(VSAN) and
their benefits.
Cloud Information security fundamentals, Cloud security services, Design principles, Secure
4 Cloud Security: Cloud Software Requirements, Policy Implementation, Cloud Computing Security 8 4
Challenges, Virtualization security Management, Cloud Computing Security Architecture.
Market Based
Management of Characterization & Definition, Cloud Federation Stack, Third Party Cloud Services. Case
5 8 5
Clouds, Federated study: Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Hadoop, Amazon.
Clouds/Inter Cloud:
Reference Books:
1. Buyya, Selvi ,” Mastering Cloud Computing “,TMH Pub.
2. Kumar Saurabh, “Cloud Computing” , Wiley Pub.
3. Krutz , Vines, “Cloud Security “ , Wiley Pub.
4. Velte, “Cloud Computing- A Practical Approach” ,TMH Pub.
5. Sosinsky, “Cloud Computing” , Wiley Pub.

e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

CO1 3 3 – – – – – – – – – – – – 3
CO2 3 3 – – – – – – – – – – – – 3
CO3 3 3 3 3 – – – – – – – – 2 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3 – – – – – – – – 2 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 – – – – – – – – 2 3 3
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2021-22
Course Code CS-341 Title of the Course Introduction to Internet of Things L T P C
Year III Semester V 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
1. To understand the concepts of Internet of Things.

2. To introduce the concept of M2M (machine to machine) with necessary protocols

3. To illustrate diverse methods of deploying smart objects and connect them to network.
Course Objectives
4. To introduce the Raspberry PI platform, that is widely used in IoT applications

5. To Infer the role of Data Analytics and Security in IoT

Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the concepts of Internet of Things and can able to build IoT applications.
CO2 Understand IoT sensors and technological challenges faced by IoT devices, with a focus on wireless, energy, power, and sensing modules
CO3 Student must be able to understand the specialized aspects of IoT Devices
CO4 Elaborate the need for Data Analytics and Security in IoT
CO5 Explore and learn about Internet of Things with the help of preparing projects designed for Raspberry Pi

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Defining IoT, Characteristics of IoT, Physical design of IoT, Logical design of IoT,
Introduction to
1 Comparing IoT Architectures , Functional blocks of IoT, Communication models & APIs, 8 1
IoT Challenges.
Wireless medium access issues, MAC protocol survey, Survey routing
2 protocols, Sensors, Actuators and Smart Objects, Sensor Networks, Connecting Smart 8 2
Objects, IoT Access Technologies.
Software defined networks, network function virtualization, difference between SDN and
3 IoT and M2M NFV for IoT, Basics of IoT System Management with NETCOZF, YANG- NETCONF, 8 3
IoT Physical Introduction to Arduino and Raspberry Pi- Installation, Interfaces (serial, SPI, I2C),
4 Devices and Programming – Python program with Raspberry PI focusing on interfacing external gadgets,8 4
Endpoints controlling output, reading input from pins.
IoT Physical Introduction to Cloud Storage models and communication APIs, Web server – Web server
5 Servers and for IoT, Cloud for IoT, An Introduction to Data Analytics for IoT, Big Data Analytics Tools
8 5
Advanced Topics and Technology, Securing IoT, Common Challenges in OT Security,
Reference Books:
1. Raj Kamal, “Internet of Things: Architecture and Design Principles”, 1st Edition,McGraw Hill Education, 2017. (ISBN: 978-9352605224)
2. Internet of Things - A Hands-on Approach, ArshdeepBahga and Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press, 2015, ISBN: 978817371954
3. David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Robert Barton, Jerome Henry,"IoT

e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4
CO 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 2
CO 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2
CO 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2
CO 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 2 1
CO 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 3
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2018-19
Course Code CS-342 Title of the Course DATA COMPRESSION L T P C
Year III Semester V 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
1. Basic knowledge of Data compression
2. Types of data compression
Course Objectives
3. Various techniques o f Data compression
4. Application of data compression

Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the importance of compressions, and different compression models
CO2 Solve the various problems based on lossless compression approach such as Huffman, adaptive Huffman models
CO3 Solve problems using arithmetic and dictionary based compression techniques.
CO4 Apply partial prediction matching, and learn to transformation of source basedon Transform algorithms
CO5 Represent the various dynamic model in the form of structured vector representation

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction Compression Techniques: Loss Less Compression, Lossy Compression, Measures of
Performance, Modeling and Coding. Mathematical Preliminaries for Lossless Compression:
1 A Brief Introduction to Information Theory: - Models: Physical Models, Probability Models, 8 1
Markov Models, Composite Source Model, Coding:-Uniquely Decodable Codes, Prefix
Huffman Coding The Huffman Coding Algorithm: Minimum Variance Huffman Codes, Adaptive Huffman
Coding: Update procedure, Encoding procedure, decoding procedure. Golomb Codes, Rice
2 8 2
Codes, Tunstall codes. Application of Huffman Coding. Text compression, Audio
Arithmetic Coding Coding a Sequence, Generating a Binary Code, Comparison of Binary and Huffman Coding,
Applications: Bi-Level Image Compression-JBIG and JBIG2 Standards. Dictionary
3 Techniques: Introduction, Static Dictionary: - Diagram Coding, Adaptive Dictionary: The 8 3
LZ77 Approach, The LZ78 Approach Applications. Image Compression: The Graphics
Interchange Format (GIF), Compression over Modem.
Prediction with The Basic Algorithm, The ESCAPE SYMBOL, Length of Context, The Exclusion Principle,
4 Partial Match The Burrows-Wheeler Transform, Move-to- Front Coding, CALlC, JPEG-LS, Multi- 8 4
resolution Approaches, Facsimile Encoding, Dynamic Markov Compression.
Quantization Introduction of Scalar and Vector Quantization, Advantages of Vector Quantization Over
5 Scalar Quantization, The Linde-Buzo-Gray Algorithm, Tree Structured Vector Quantizes, 8 5
Structured Vector Quantizes.
Reference Books:
1.Introduction to Data Compression, Second Edition, Khalid Sayood, The Morgan Kaufmann Series

2. Data Compression: The Complete Reference 4th Edition by David Salomon, Springer
3. Text Compression1st Edition by Timothy C. Bell Prentice Hall

4. Elements of Data Compression, Drozdek, Cengage Learning

e-Learning Source:

CO1 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
CO3 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1
CO4 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1
CO5 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS343 Title of the Course Visual Programming Lab L T P C
Year III Semester V 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
This course introduces computer programming using the Visual BASIC programming language with object-oriented
Course Objectives programming principles. Emphasis is on event-driven programming methods, including creating and manipulating
objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Design, create, build, and debug Visual Basic applications.
CO2 Explore Visual Basic’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
CO3 Write and apply decision structures for determining different operations
CO4 Write and apply procedures, sub-procedures, and functions to create manageable code.
CO5 Write Visual Basic programs using object-oriented programming techniques including classes, objects, methods, instance variables,
composition, and inheritance, and polymorphism.

Contact Mapped
S. No. List of Experiments
Hrs. CO

1 Program for a running traffic light application using Visual Basic 2 1

2 Program for design a user friendly menu File Edit Utilities Quit 2 1

3 Program to add two numbers and then transfer the result into INITIAL NO. Text box and then add another number 2 2
to the initial no. do this process 5 times.

4 Program to calculate the Compound Interest. 2 2

5 Design a simple webpage using HTML and DHML to Implement all type of List 2 3

6 Design a simple webpage using HTML5 2 3

7 Write inline, internal and external CSS for a Web Page 2 4

8 Design a Navigation Menu using HTML and CSS 2 4

9 Crete Frame for Separate Web Page 2 5

10 Write a Program to Create Table for Student Cross-List 2 5

Reference Books:

CO1 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 3
CO2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 1
CO3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 2
CO4 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1
CO5 1 2 1 3 2 1 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS 302 Title of the Course Designing and Analysis of Algorithm Lab L T P C
Year III Semester V 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
• To learn the basic concepts of divide and conquers with help of various examples.
• To be able to develop logics which help to find the optimal solution.
Course Objectives • To learn the Dynamic approach to through various problems.
• To learn the uses of augmented data structure and their implementation.
• Learning Backtracking and its implementation.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Able to understand the basic concepts of Divide and conquer their implementation.
CO2 Able to understand and develop solution to optimization problem(Greedy algorithm)
CO3 Able to analyze and develop dynamic solution and implementation
CO4 Develop understanding of Backtracking problems and their implementation
CO5 Understanding and develop the logic to implementation of different augmenting data structures (RB Tree)

Contact Mapped
S. No. List of Experiments
Hrs. CO
1 Introduction 2 1
2 Implement Merge Sort 2 1
3 Implement Quick Sort(Divide & Conquer) 2 2
4 Implement Heap Sort 2 2
5 Implement Knapsack problem (Greedy ALGO.) 2 3
6 Implement of directed and undirected graph 2 3
7 Implement Shortest path by Dijkstra Algorithm 2 4
8 Implement 8- Queen problem(Back Tracking) 2 4
9 Implement Minimal spanning tree by 2 5
10 Kruskal’s Algorithm 2 5
Reference Books:

CO1 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 1
CO2 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1
CO3 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1
CO4 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 1
CO5 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS-313 Title of the Course Microprocessor and its Applications L T P C
Year III Semester VI 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
This course deals with the systematic study of the Architecture and programming issues of 8 bit 8085-microprocessor and
interfacing with other peripheral ICs and co-processor. In addition, a 16-bit microprocessors and other chips (8255, 8251,
Course Objectives 8253 and 8257) are introduced. The aim of this course is to give the students basic knowledge of the microprocessors
(8085 and 8086) needed to develop the systems using it.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the basic architecture of 8085 and 8086.
CO2 Impart the knowledge about the instruction set.
CO3 Understand the basic idea about the data transfer schemes and its applications
CO4 Develop skill in simple program writing for INTEL 8085 and INTEL 8086.
CO5 Understand advance microprocessor, microcontroller and Embedded System.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Category of Memory, Microprocessor, Microcontroller, Buses, machine Language,
Assembly Language, High Level Language, Assembly Language Program Development
1 Tool. 8085 Microprocessor: Architecture, Pin diagram, Instruction Type, Instruction Cycle, 8 1
Timing Diagram, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set. Assembly Programming based on
8085, Interrupt and Interrupt Service Routine.
8086 Microprocessor: Architecture, Pin Diagram, Timing Diagram, Addressing Modes,
2 Instruction Set, Instruction Templates, Assembly Language Programming: Based on 8 2
Procedure, Macros, Number conversion, String operation.
Interfacing with Peripheral Devices and Memory: Types of Transmission, 8257(DMA),
3 8255(PPI), Serial Data Transfer (USART 8251), Keyboard- Display Controller (8279), 8 3
Priority Interrupt Controller( 8259)
Interfacing with Timers and its Applications: Programmable Interval Timer/Counter
4 (8253/8254): Introduction, Modes, Interfacing of 8253, Applications, ADC: Introduction, 8 4
ADC Converters, ADC IC (0808/0809), Interfacing and Application of ADC.
Advanced Microprocessors and Micro-Controller: Introduction to Intel 80186, 80286, 80386
5 and 80486 Microprocessor. Introduction to Embedded System and Microcontrollers, 8051 8 5
Micro-controller: Introduction, Architecture.
Reference Books:
1- R.S. Gaonkar: “Microprocessor architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085/8080”, Penram Publication.

2- B.Ram : “ Fundamental of Microprocessor and Microcomputer”, DhanpatRai Publication, 4th edition.

3- R. Singh and B.P. Singh: “ Microprocessor Interfacing and its application”, New Age International Publishers, 2nd Edition.

4- D.V. Hall: “ Microprocessor Interfacing”, TMH ( Revised 2nd Edition).

e-Learning Source:

CO1 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2
CO2 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
CO3 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2
CO4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 3
CO5 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS- 315 Title of the Course COMPILER DESIGN L T P C
Year III Semester VI 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
The course curriculum helps to understand the concepts of compiler and phases, various translation schemes, the
complexity of the input program, machine dependent code and machine independent code, optimization theory, syntax
Course Objectives
directed translation scheme of the input jobs, role and responsibility of pre-processor in compiler designing and
compiling of the input jobs.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Know about the concepts of a preprocessor, translation rule, cross compiler, assembler loader and linker.
CO2 To know about the basic principles of the compiler, and its constituent parts, algorithms, and data structures required to be used in the
CO3 Know about the concepts of the function and complexity of modern compilers.
CO4 Know about the concepts of code generation algorithms to get the machine code for the optimized code
CO5 Know about the concept flow graph, machine-dependent, and machine-independent optimization, intermediate code ,.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction to Compiler, Phases and Passes, Bootstrapping, Finite State Machines and
Regular Expressions and their Applications to Lexical Analysis, Implementation of Lexical
1 Introduction 8 1
Analysers, Lexical analyser Generator, LEX-compiler, Formal Grammars and their
Application to Syntax Analysis, BNF Notation, Ambiguity, YACC.
The Syntactic Specification of Programming Languages: Context Free Grammars,
Context Free Derivation and Parse Trees, Capabilities of CFG. Basic Parsing Techniques: Parsers, Top
2 8 2
Grammars Down Parsing, Predictive Parsers, LL(1), Shift Reduce Parsing, Operator Precedence
Parsing, Elimination of left recursion
Automatic Construction of Efficient Parsers: LR Parsers, the Canonical Collection of LR(O)
Items, Constructing SLR Parsing Tables, Constructing Canonical LR Parsing Tables,
3 Parsing 8 3
Constructing LALR Parsing Tables, using Ambiguous Grammars, an Automatic Parser
Generator, Implementation of LR Parsing Tables, Constructing LALR Sets of Items.
Syntax-Directed Translation: Syntax-Directed Translation Schemes, Implementation of
Syntax-Directed Translators, Intermediate Code, Postfix Notation, Parse Trees & Syntax
Trees, Three Address Code, Quadruple & Triples, Translation of Assignment Statements,
Syntax-Directed Boolean Expressions, Statements that Alter the Flow of Control, Postfix Translation,
4 8 4
Translation Translation with a Top Down Parser. More About Translation: Array References in
Arithmetic Expressions, Procedures Call, Declarations, Case Statements.

Symbol Tables: Data Structure for Symbols Tables, Representing Scope Information. Run-
Time Administration: Implementation of Simple Stack Allocation Scheme, Storage
5 Symbol Tables Allocation in Block Structured Language. Introduction to Code Optimization: Loop 8 5
Optimization, the DAG Representation of Basic Blocks, Value Numbers and Algebraic
Laws, Global Data-Flow Analysis. Introduction to Code Generation.
Reference Books:
1- Aho, Sethi & Ullman, “Compiler Design”, Addison Wesley.

e-Learning Source:

1- P
CO 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2
CO 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 2
CO 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2
CO 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 3 2
CO 1 1 2 3 5 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS316 Title of the Course COMPILER DESIGN LAB L T P C
Year III Semester V 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
the purpose of this undergraduate course is to impart practical knowledge of the concepts through different experiments
Course Objectives
related to its theoretical course.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Able to understand the basic concepts TOKEN and lexeme, the flow of control

CO2 Able to design and develop various programming concepts, like case statements, and procedure calls.

CO3 Able to analyze and compute first and follow, and used the concept first and follow, to implement various parsing algorithms.

CO4 Able to develop programs on the different parser.

CO5 Able to implement programs on various SDT.

Contact Mapped
S. No. List of Experiments
Hrs. CO
1 Write a program to implement TOKENIZER. 2 1
2 Write a program using call statement and CASE statement. 2 1
3 Write a program to find out FIRST / FOLLOW of grammar. 2 2
4 Evaluate POSTFIX and PREFIX expression with the help of stack. 2 2
5 Write a program to implement OPERATOR PRECEDENCE PARSER. 2 3
6 Design a parser like RECURSIVE DESCENT PARSER. 2 3
8 Design I.R(0) PARSER.. 2 4
9 Write a program to implement TOKENIZER. 2 5
10 Write a program using call statement and CASE statement. 2 5
Reference Books:

CO1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1
CO2 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 1
CO3 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 2
CO4 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 1
CO5 1 2 1 3 2 1 1
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS306 Title of the Course COMPUTER NETWORKS LAB L T P C
Year III Semester V 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
Resource sharing is the main objective of the computer network Lab. The objective of this lab course is to get practical
knowledge of working principles of various communication protocols. Analyse structure and formats of TCP/IP layer
Course Objectives
protocols using network tools such as and network simulators (NS2). This lab provides a practical approach to
Ethernet/Internet networking.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the practical approach to network communication protocols.
CO2 Understand network layers, structure/format and role of each network layer.
CO3 Able to design and implement various network application such as data transmission between client and server, file transfer, real-time
multimedia transmission.
CO4 Understand the various Routing Protocols/Algorithms and Internetworking.
CO5 Understand the structure and organization of computer networks; including the division into network layers, role of each layer, and
relationships between the layers.

Contact Mapped
S. No. List of Experiments
Hrs. CO
1 Simulation of Basic Router Configuration in cisco packet tracer 2 1
Simulation of Router Name and Password in cisco packet tracer
2 2 1
3 Simulation of Banner motd and login in Cisco packet tracer 2 2
Simulation of telnet in Cisco packet tracer
4 2 2

5 Simulation of DHCP in Cisco packet tracer 2 3

Simulation of RIP in cisco packet tracer
6 2 3
.Simulation of OSPF in cisco packet tracer
7 2 4
Simulation of crate and add VLAN in cisco packet tracer
8 2 4
Simulation of STP in cisco packet tracer
9 2 5
Simulation of two router communication in cisco packet Tracer
10 2 5
Reference Books:

CO1 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 3
CO2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1
CO3 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 2
CO4 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1
CO5 1 2 1 3 2 1 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS314 Title of the Course Microprocessor Lab L T P C
Year III Semester V 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To expose students to the operation of typical microprocessor (8086) trainer kit.
Course Objectives To prepare the students to be able to solve different problems by developing differentprograms.
To develop the quality of assessing and analysing the obtained data

Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify relevant information to supplement to the Microprocessor and Microcontroller course6.
CO2 Set up programming strategies and select proper mnemonics and run their program on the training boards.
CO3 Practice different types of programming keeping in mind technical issues and evaluate possible causes of discrepancy in practical experimental
observations in comparison
CO4 Develop testing and experimental procedures on Microprocessor and Microcontroller analyse their operation under different cases.
CO5 Prepare professional quality textual and computational results, incorporating accepted data analysis and synthesis methods, simulation
software, and word‐processing tools.

Contact Mapped
S. No. List of Experiments
Hrs. CO
1 Write a program to two add 16 bit Hexadecimal numberswithout carry. 2 1
2 Write a program to two add 16 bit Hexadecimal numbers withcarry. 2 1
3 Write a program to find the greatest number from an arrayof 10 numbers. 2 2
4 Write a program to calculatethe factorial of a number. 2 2
5 Write a program to multiply two 16-bit numbers resultshould be greater than 16 bit. 2 3
6 Write a program to input 5 numbers and arrange them indescending order. 2 3
7 Write a program to convert the string data it’s Two’scomplement form. 2 4
8 Write a program to multiplytwo 8-bit signed - numbers. 2 4
9 Write a program to read 8 bit data from Port B. Complement this data & send it back to Port A. 2 5
10 Write a program to move ablock of data from one memory location to another. 2 5
Reference Books:

CO1 2 3 2 2 - 1 - - 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
CO2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
CO3 1 2 3 2 - 3 - 2 2 3 1 - 2 1 1
CO4 2 3 - 2 2 1 - 1 2 2 - 2 2 1 1
CO5 1 2 1 2 3 - 2 - 2 2 1 2 2 1 1
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS306 Title of the Course COMPUTER NETWORKS LAB L T P C
Year III Semester V 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
Resource sharing is the main objective of the computer network Lab. The objective of this lab course is to get practical
knowledge of working principles of various communication protocols. Analyse structure and formats of TCP/IP layer
Course Objectives
protocols using network tools such as and network simulators (NS2). This lab provides a practical approach to
Ethernet/Internet networking.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the practical approach to network communication protocols.
CO2 Understand network layers, structure/format and role of each network layer.
CO3 Able to design and implement various network application such as data transmission between client and server, file transfer, real-time
multimedia transmission.
CO4 Understand the various Routing Protocols/Algorithms and Internetworking.
CO5 Understand the structure and organization of computer networks; including the division into network layers, role of each layer, and
relationships between the layers.

Contact Mapped
S. No. List of Experiments
Hrs. CO
1 Simulation of Basic Router Configuration in cisco packet tracer 2 1
2 Simulation of Router Name and Password in cisco packet tracer 2 1
3 Simulation of Banner motd and login in Cisco packet tracer 2 2
4 Simulation of telnet in Cisco packet tracer 2 2
5 Simulation of DHCP in Cisco packet tracer 2 3
6 Simulation of RIP in cisco packet tracer 2 3
7 Simulation of OSPF in cisco packet tracer 2 4
8 Simulation of crate and add VLAN in cisco packet tracer 2 4
9 Simulation of STP in cisco packet tracer 2 5
10 Simulation of two router communication in cisco packet Tracer 2 5
Reference Books:

e-Learning Source:

CO1 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 3
CO2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1
CO3 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 2
CO4 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1
CO5 1 2 1 3 2 1 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2021-22
Course Code CS-345 Title of the Course Advance Computer Architecture L T P C
Year III Semester VI 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
The main aim of the course is to help students understand the effect of modern computer architectures on software and
Course Objectives program performance, and the new developments in computer architecture and how it affects algorithm design. Main
themes include: memory hierarchy, caching, pipelining, parallelism and multiprocessors

Course Outcomes
CO1 Registers, bus as well as memory and its hierarchy and input/output devices.
CO2 Division based algorithms for different representation of data and discuss I/O interfaces,
ports and Data Transfer modes
CO3 Register and stack organization and construct different control units.
CO4 Types of memory and memory mapping of one type with other
CO5 Knowledge about Interconnection Network, non-blocking network, cross bar network, and shuffle exchange network.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction to Computer Architecture, Evolution of Computer Architecture, Parallel
Computing, Parallel Architectural Classification Schemes: Flynn’s, Shores, Feng’s
1 Introduction 8 1
Classification; Performance of Parallel Processors: Speedup Performance Laws, Amdahl
Law, and Gustafson Law, Performance Metrics and Measures.
Pipeline Processing: Introduction to Pipeline Processing, Arithmetic Pipelines, Pipelined
2 Instruction Processing, Instruction Level Parallelism. Interlocks, Hazards, and Hazards 8 2
Detentions & Resolution, Scheduling of Pipelines
Processor Architectures: Superscalar Architecture, Vector Architecture and VLIW
3 Architecture, Super pipeline design, Memory Technology: Cache Architecture; Cache 10 3
Coherence and Synchronization Mechanisms, Shared-Memory Organizations
Synchronous Synchronous parallel processing, SIMD Architecture and programming principals, SIMD
4 10 4
parallel processing parallel algorithm, Data mapping and memory in Array Processor
Interconnection Network, introduction to permutations, group of mapping, decomposition of
Interconnection a permutation into cycles, elementary permutation used in interconnection network,
5 8 5
Network complete non-blocking network, cross bar network, clos network, Benes’s network, shuffle
exchange network
Reference Books:
1. Peterson & Heresy, “Quantitative approach to computer Architecture”,

2. Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture”, McGraw Hill International.

3. “Morgan Kaufman”. Quin, “Parallel computing, Theory & Practices”, McGraw Hill

4. Bhujde, “Parallel Computing”, New Age International Hwang, “Advance ComputerArchitecture

e-Learning Source:

CO1 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2
CO2 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
CO3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2
CO4 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3
CO5 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS-320 Title of the Course Real Time System L T P C
Year III Semester VI 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
Course Objectives To give knowledge and understandings of Real time databases and their applications

Course Outcomes
CO1 Apply the knowledge of operating system concepts to understand real time system concepts like tasks and scheduling.
CO2 Analyze the various parameters related to the different types of scheduling in single processor and multiprocessor environments.
CO3 The basic concepts of real time databases and their applications.
CO4 Apply the basic concepts of fault tolerance and clocks to design an effective real time system.
CO5 Identify the various protocols for effective resource sharing.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction Introduction to Real Time Systems, Structure of Real Time System, Various Classification
1 of Real Time Systems, Embedded System, Characterizing Real Time System & Task, 8 1
Various Issues in Real Time System
Task Assignment Classical Uniprocessor Scheduling Algo- Rate Monotonic, EDF. Uniprocessor Scheduling of
& Scheduling IRIS Tasks, Identical and Nononidentical Linear & Concave Reward Function, 0/1 Reward
2 8 2
Function. Task Assignment Algorithms- Utilization Balancing, A Next-Fit Algorithm for
RM Scheduling, A Myopic Offline Scheduling FAB Algorithm & Buddy Strategy
Real Time Real Time vs. General purpose Database, Main Memory database,
3 Database Concurrency Control Issues, Real Time OS- Threads and Tasks, Kernel, Case Study of 8 3
QNX, VRTX, Vx Works.
Fault Tolerance Introduction Fault, Fault Detection and Error Containment, Redundancy Data Diversity,
Techniques Reversal Checks, Malicious & Integrated Failure Handling. Clock Synchronization:
4 8 4
Introduction Clocks, A Nonfault Tolerant Synchronization Algorithms, Impact of Fault,
Fault Tolerant Synchronization in H/Wand S/W
Real Time Introduction, N/W Topologies, Protocols: Internet & Resource Reservation Protocols, Real
5 8 5
Communication Time Protocol, Contention-Based Protocol.
Reference Books:
1. C.M. Krishna & Shin, “Real Time Systems”, Mc Graw Hill 1985.

2. Jane W.S. LIU, “Real Time Systems”, Pearson Education”.

3. Levi & Agarwal, “Real Time System”, McGraw Hill.

e-Learning Source:

CO1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3
CO2 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3
CO3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2
CO4 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
CO5 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2018-19
Course Code CS-346 Title of the Course Concepts in Advanced Database System L T P C
Year III Semester VI 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To give the knowledge of Advance SQL Queries , which help the student to learn the working of Internal processing of
DBMS, when the query imputed.
To give knowledge and understandings of Distributed database .
Course Objectives
To give the knowledge about database tuning and Explain basic issues of Database security.
To give the knowledge of database tuning and database security.
To give the knowledge about data warehouse , connectivity and different types of emerging databases.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Have knowledge about advance SQL queries and its applications.
CO2 Have knowledge and understanding of distributed database.
CO3 Have knowledge about database tuning and Explain basic issues related to Database security.
CO4 HaveknowledgeaboutPL/SQLanditsimplementationinvariousqueryprocess.
CO5 Have knowledge and understanding of Advanced data bases and data warehouse.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Query Processing Clustering & Indexing, Query Processing, Estimations for Query Processing Cost
and Optimization Algorithms for executing selection Operations, Algorithms for executing Join Operations,
1 Algorithm for executing Project Operations. Query Optimization: Heuristics for Query 8 1
Optimizations, Query Evaluation Plans, Pipelined Evaluations, System Catalogue in
Object Oriented Database Tuning: Database Workloads, Tuning Decisions, DBMS Benchmarks, Multiple
databases Attribute Search Keys, Extended Relational Model & Object Oriented Database System:
2 8 2
Requirement, Properties, Structured Types, Object Identity, Containment, and Class
Hierarchy, Logic Based Data Model, and Nested Relational model.
Distributed Distributed Database System: Structure of Distributed Database, Data Fragmentation, Data
databases Model, Query Processing, Semi Join, Parallel & Pipeline Join, Concurrency Control in
3 8 3
Distributed Database System, Recovery in Distributed Database System, Distributed
Deadlock Detection and Resolution, Commit Protocols
Database Security Database Securities: Database Security, Access Control and Grant & Revoke on Views and
4 Integrity Constraints, Mandatory & Discretionary Access Control, Role of DBA, Security in 8 4
Statistical Databases
Enhanced Enhanced Data Model for Advanced Applications: Database Operating System, Introduction
databases to Temporal Database Concepts, Introduction to Spatial and Multimedia Databases,
5 8 5
Introduction to Data Mining, Introduction to Active Database System & Deductive
Databases, Database Machines, Web Databases.
Reference Books:
1- Majumdar & Bhattacharya, “Database Management System”, TMH.

2- Korth, Silberchatz, Sudarshan, “Database Concepts”, Addison Wesley

3- Elmastri, Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Addison Wesley

4- Date C.J., “An Introduction to Database System”, Addison Wesley.

e-Learning Source:

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4
CO 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 2
CO 3 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 2
CO 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 2
CO 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1
CO 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 3
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS-311 Title of the Course Software Project & Quality Management L T P C
Year III Semester VI 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
1. Explain the basic understanding of software, its characteristics, and importance of following engineering principles
to develop software.
2. Assess the applicability, strengths, and weaknesses of the different development life cycle models to provide real
Course Objectives
world software solutions.
3. To understand various processes of each phase of SDLC and make the students capable to prepare quality
documentation for software development.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Analyze the systematically stepwise project planning.
CO2 Have knowledge of strategic program management, analysis of technical assessment of projects and study and analysis of different Cost-
Benefit Evaluation Techniques.
CO3 Apply, analyze and compare effort estimation and different network planning models.
CO4 Evaluation and analysis of different resources and Critical Path, monitoring and control, Prioritizing monitoring and change control.
CO5 Compare and analyze modern project management, contract management, ISO Standards, CMM, Six Sigma Approach.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction to Overview of Software Project Planning Software Project, Categorization of Software
Project Planning Project, Introduction to Stepwise Project Planning: Identify Project Scope and objectives,
1 8 1
Identify Project Infrastructure, Project Products and Activities, Activity risks, Resource
Allocation, Project Plan Execution
Project Project Evaluation: Strategic Program Management, Technical Assessment, Cost Benefit
Evaluation Analysis, Cash Flow Forecasting, Cost-Benefit Evaluation Techniques: Net profit, Payback
2 8 2
Period, Return on Investment, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Risk Evaluation,
Selection of Technologies, overview of software development models.
Activity Planning Software Effort Estimation an Overview, Project Schedules, Network Planning Models,
3 and Risk Activity Duration Estimation, and Risk Management: Identification, Analysis and 8 3
Management Abatement of Risk
Project Monitoring Resource Allocation: Nature of resources, Identifying Resource Requirements, Scheduling
Resources, Creating Critical Path, Counting the Cost, Cost Schedules. Monitoring and
4 8 4
Control: Visualizing progress, Cost Monitoring, Prioritizing Monitoring, Getting Project
Back to Target, Change Control
Software Quality Contract Management, Human Resource Management, Software Quality Definition,
5 Assurance Software Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance Plan, Quality Matrices, ISO Standards, 8 5
CMM, Six Sigma Approach
Reference Books:
1. Software Project Management by Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell, Third Edition, TMH.

2. Information Technology Project Management by Kathy Schwalbe, International Student Edition, THOMSON Course Technology, 2003.
3. Software Quality by Mordechai Ben-Menachem/Garry S Marliss. Thomson Learning Publication

4. Software Project Management A Unified Framework by Walker Royce. Pearson Education.

e-Learning Source:

2- Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4
CO 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2
CO 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
CO 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2
CO 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 3
CO 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 3
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2021-22
Course Code CS-347 Title of the Course Green Computing L T P C
Year III Semester VI 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To understand various processes of each phase of SDLC and make the students capable to prepare quality documentation
Course Objectives
for software development.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Obtain the fundamentals of green computing and its IT strategies
CO2 Learn about green assets, modeling and information systems
CO3 Acquire knowledge on grid framework
CO4 Understand the concept of green compliance
CO5 Work with case studies

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction Green IT Fundamentals: Business, IT, and the Environment –Environmental Impacts of IT,
Green IT, Holistic Approach to Greening IT, Greening IT, Applying IT for enhancing.
1 8 1
Environmental sustainability, Green IT Standards and Eco-Labelling of IT, Enterprise
Green, IT strategy, Green IT: Burden or Opportunity?
Green Devices and Green Devices Hardware/Software: Introduction, Life Cycle of a device or hardware, Reuse,
2 Hardware with Recycle and Dispose, Energy-saving software techniques, Evaluating and measuring 8 2
Green Software software Impact to platform power
Green Assets and Green Assets: Buildings, Data Centers, Networks, and Devices – Green Business Process
Modeling and Grid Management: Modeling, Optimization, and Collaboration –Green Information Systems:
Framework Design and Development Models.
3 8 3
Virtualization of IT systems – Role of electric utilities, Telecommuting, teleconferencing
and teleporting – Materials recycling – Best ways for Green PC – Green Data center – Green
Grid framework
Green Compliance Socio-cultural aspects of Green IT – Green Enterprise Transformation Roadmap – Green
and Social Aspects Compliance: Protocols, Standards, and Audits – Emergent Carbon Issues: Technologies and
4 Future. 8 4
Introduction, Strategizing Green Initiatives, Implementation of Green IT, Information
Assurance, Communication and Social media
Regulating the Introduction, The regulatory environment and IT manufacturers, Non regulatory government
Green IT and initiatives, Industry associations and standards bodies, Green building standards, Green data
5 CASE STUDIES centers, Social movements and Greenpeace. 8 5
Case Studies – Applying Green IT Strategies and Applications to a Home, Hospital,
Packaging Industry and Telecom Sector.
Reference Books:
1- BhuvanUnhelkar, ―Green IT Strategies and Applications-Using Environmental Intelligence‖, CRC Press, June 2014.

2- Woody Leonhard, Katherine Murray, ―Green Home computing for dummies‖, August 2012.
3- Harnessing Green IT Principles and Practices , San Murugesan, G.R. Gangadharan, Wiley Publication, ISBN:9788126539680

e-Learning Source:

3 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 1
3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3
3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3
2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 1

CO5 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2021-22
Course Code CS-348 Title of the Course Human Computer Interaction L T P C
Year III Semester VI 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To give the knowledge of TCP/IP protocol.
To give the knowledge of packet switching and message switching.
To give the knowledge of sliding window protocol.
To give the knowledge of the CDMA.
To give the knowledge of network layer protocols viz. Ipv4, ARP, RARP.
Course Objectives
To give the knowledge of routing.
To give the knowledge of TCP & UDP.
To give the knowledge of congestion control.
To give the knowledge of quality of service.
To give the knowledge of DNS, FTP, TELNET and remote logging.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Acquire fundamental concepts of computer components functions regarding interaction with human and vice versa
CO2 Analyze interface problems to recognize what design approach and interaction styles are required in the light of usability standards and
CO3 Utilize basic concepts to construct a user-interaction strategy for a given problem its usability evaluation and to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as social, political and ethical norms.
CO4 Ability to design and develop an interface by using appropriate HCI techniques that are preferred by the user.
CO5 Ability to apply different evaluation technique with case studies.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction to user-centric design – case studies, historical evolution, issues and challenges
1 and current trend, Engineering user-centric systems – relation with software engineering, 8 1
iterative life-cycle, prototyping, guidelines, case studies
User-centric computing – framework, introduction to models, model taxonomy,
2 Computational user models (classical) – GOMS, KLM, Fitts’ law, Hick-Hymans law. 8 2

Computational user models (contemporary) 2D and 3D pointing, constrained navigation,

3 mobile typing, touch interaction, Formal models – case study with matrix algebra, 8 3
specification and verification of properties, formal dialog modeling.
Empirical research – research question formulation, experiment design, data analysis,
statistical significance test. Case Study 1- Multi-Key press Hindi Text Input Method on a
4 8 4
Mobile Phone.

User-centric design evaluation – overview of evaluation techniques, expert evaluation, user

evaluation, model-based evaluation with case studies. Case Study 2 – GUI design for a
5 8 5
mobile phone based Matrimonial application.

Reference Books:
1- Samit Bhattacharya (July, 2019). Human-Computer Interaction: User-Centric Computing for Design, McGraw-Hill India, Print Edition: ISBN-13:
978-93-5316-804-9; ISBN-10: 93-5316-804-X, E-book Edition: ISBN-13: 978-93-5316-805-6; ISBN-10: 93-5316-805-8.

2- Dix A., Finlay J.,Abowd G. D. and Beale R. Human Computer Interaction, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, 2005.
3- Preece J., Rogers Y., Sharp H., Baniyon D., Holland S. and Carey T. Human Computer Interaction,Addison-Wesley, 1994.

4- B. Shneiderman; Designing the User Interface,Addison Wesley 2000 (Indian Reprint).

e-Learning Source:

CO1 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2
CO2 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1
CO3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2
CO4 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3
CO5 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS-340 Title of the Course Software Engineering L T P C
Year III Semester V 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
4. Explain the basic understanding of software, its characteristics, and importance of following engineering principles
to develop software.
5. Assess the applicability, strengths, and weaknesses of the different development life cycle models to provide real
world software solutions.
Course Objectives 6. To understand various processes of each phase of SDLC and make the students capable to prepare quality
documentation for software development.
7. To develop effort estimation and risk management skills for developing software.
8. Study of CASE tools, Quality Assurance activities etc. for focusing on quality issues of software.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify the best suitable SDLC model for a given set of user requirements.
CO2 Estimate the total effort, to assess and manage the potential risks involved while developing the software.
CO3 Create a good quality SRS and design a highly cohesive and low coupled software.
CO4 Follow the standard coding guidelines and practices and prepare best possible test cases to uncover errors.
CO5 Work on modern CASE tools and follow the international quality standards to produce good quality software.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Types of Software, Software Characteristics, Quality of a Good Software, Software Myths,
Software Components, Software Crisis, Software Engineering: Definition, Challenges,
Introduction to Software Engineering Processes, Similarity and Differences from Conventional Engineering
1 Software Processes. 8 1
Engineering Software Development Life Cycle Models: Build and Fix Models, Waterfall Model,
Prototyping Model, RAD Model Iterative Enhancement Model, Evolutionary Development
Model and Spiral Model, WINWIN Spiral Model, Fourth Generation Techniques.
Process Planning, Effort Estimation: Uncertainities in Effort Estimation, Building Effort
Estimation Models, A Bottom-Up Estimation Approach, COCOMO Model, Project
Scheduling & Staffing: Overall Scheduling, Detailed Scheduling, Team Structure, Software
Planning a
2 Configuration Management(SCM): - Baselines, Version Control, Change Control & 8 2
Configuration Audit, Risk Management: Reactive and Proactive Risk Strategies, Software
Risks, Risk Analysis, Identification, Projection, Assessment, Monitoring and Managing the
Risk, RMMM Plan.
Software Requirements: Need for SRS, Requirement Process, Problem Analysis: Informal &
formal Approaches, Data Flow Modeling, Object Oriented Modeling, Prototyping,
Requirements Specifications: Characteristics of an SRS, Components of SRS, Specification
Language, Structure of Requirement Document: IEEE Standards for SRS, Validation,
3 Designing and Coding: Designing: Function Oriented Design: Design Principles: Problem 8 3
Analysis and
Partitioning and Hierarchy, Abstraction, Modularity, Top Down and Bottom-Up Strategies,
Module Level Concepts: Coupling, Cohesion; Structure Design Methodology, Verification,
Introduction to Object Oriented Design & User Interface Design, Software Measurement
Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures- Halestead’s Software Science, Function Point
(FP) Based Measures, Cyclomatic Complexity Measures: Control Flow Graphs.
Coding: Programming Principles and Guidelines: Common Coding Errors, Structured
Programming, Information Hiding, Programming Practices, Coding Standards, Coding
Process, Refactoring, Verification: Code Inspection, Static Analysis, Proving Correctness,
Combining Different Techniques, Metrics.
4 Coding & Testing Testing Fundamentals: Error Fault and Failure, Test Oracles, Test Cases and Test Criteria, 8 4
Test Case Execution and Analysis, Unit Testing, Integration Testing: : Top Down and
Bottom up, Acceptance Testing: Alpha and Beta Testing., Regression Testing, functional
and non-functional testing. Testing Techniques: White Box: Logic Coverage, Path Coverage,
Loop Coverage, Data Flow Testing. Black Box Testing: Boundary Value Analysis,
Equivalence Class Testing, state Table Based Testing, Decision Table Based Testing.
CASE Tools, Scope, Benefits of CASE Tool, support in Software Life Cycle, Architecture
Computer Aided of CASE Environment, Types of CASE Tools, Software Reliability and Quality
Software Management: -Software Quality Management: Quality Concepts, Software Quality
5 8 5
Engineering Assurance, Software Reviews, Formal Technical Reviews, and Statistical Quality Assurance.
(CASE) Software Reliability, ISO 9000 Quality Standards,
CMM Levels.
Reference Books:
1. Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Roger S. Pressman, McGraw-Hill International edition.
2. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, by Pankaj Jalote, Narosa Publishing House.
3. Software Engineering by K.K. Agarwal.
4. Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville, Addison-Wesley.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4
CO 3
2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 1
CO 2 1
3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 1
CO 3
3 3 3 2 3 3 2
CO 2 1
3 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 2
CO 1 1
3 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2
2- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS-312 Title of the Course Digital Image Processing L T P C
Year III Semester V 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To explain basics of digital signal processing such as Fourier analysis

To expose students to different low level image processing tasks such as filtering, edge detection etc.
Course Objectives
To impart knowledge of image compression as well as various image Segmentation techniques.

To introduce advanced image processing algorithms for face detection and recognition.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Explain basic image processing techniques for solving real problems
CO2 Apply image processing techniques for solving problems in computer science
CO3 Evaluate algorithms for higher level image processing.
CO4 Develop understanding for object registration and recognition
CO5 Develop an application using existing image processing algorithms

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction and Motivation and Perspective, Applications, Components of Image Processing System,
1 8 1
Fundamentals Element of Visual Perception,A Simple Image Model, Sampling and Quantization.
Introduction; Basic Gray Level Functions – Piecewise-Linear Transformation Functions:
Image Contrast Stretching;Histogram Specification; Histogram Equalization; Local Enhancement;
2 Enhancement in Enhancement using Arithmetic/LogicOperations – Image Subtraction, Image Averaging; 8 2
Spatial Domain Basics of Spatial Filtering; Smoothing - Mean filter, Ordered Statistic Filter; Sharpening –
The Laplacian.
Color Fundamentals, Color Models, ConvertingColors to different models, Color
Transformation, Smoothing andSharpening, Color Segmentation.
Color Image Morphological Image Processing
3 8 3
Processing Introduction, Logic Operations involving Binary Images, Dilation and Erosion, Opening and
Closing,Morphological Algorithms – Boundary Extraction, Region Filling, Extraction of
Connected Components, ConvexHull, Thinning, Thickening.
Introduction, Geometric Transformation – Plane to Plane transformation, Mapping, Stereo
Imaging – Algorithms toEstablish Correspondence, Algorithms to Recover Depth
Segmentation Introduction, Region Extraction, Pixel-Based Approach, Multi-level
4 Registration Thresholding, Local Thresholding, Region-based Approach, Edge and Line Detection: 8 4
Edge Detection, Edge Operators, Pattern Fitting Approach, Edge Linking and Edge
Following, Edge ElementsExtraction by Thresholding, Edge Detector Performance, Line
Detection, Corner Detection.
Representation, Topological Attributes, Geometric Attributes. Description Boundary-based
Description, RegionbasedDescription, Relationship.
5 Feature Extraction Object Recognition 8 5
Deterministic Methods, Clustering, Statistical Classification, Syntactic Recognition, Tree
Search, Graph Matching
Reference Books:
1. Digital Image Processing 2nd Edition, Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods. Published by: PearsonEducation.
2. Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision, R.J. Schalkoff. Published by: John Wiley and Sons, NY.
1. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, A.K. Jain. Published by Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4
CO 3 2
2 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2
CO 1 3
3 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO 3
2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 3 2
CO 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3
CO 3
3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session: 2016-17
Course Code CS310 Title of the Course L T P C
Year III Semester V 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To motivate students to use open source operating systems.

To teach students to setup their own Linux server .

To teach students to setup their own web server and commands

Course Objectives
To learn using MySql as an open source database system.

To learn PHP as open source development programming language.

Course Outcomes
CO1 Explain common open source licenses and the impact of choosing a license to explain open- source project structure and how to successfully
set up a project
CO2 Competent with Linux in their systems Install different useful packages in Linux using RPM can Schedule task automatically and run
administrative commands.
CO3 Able to understand web server easily how to store, process and deliver web pages to the users. How intercommunication is done using by
variety of available Protocols.
CO4 Analyze the existing design of a database schema and apply concepts of normalization to design an optimal database by formulating complex
queries in MySQL.
CO5 Design and develop Client Server applications using open source scripting language. Able how to design GUI Applications in open source
scripting language to evaluate different processes.

Contact Mapped
S. No. List of Experiments
Hrs. CO
Overview of FOSS & Basic Command interface on Linux
1 2 1
Usage of Basic Linux Commands, File and Folder Management Commands
2 2 1
Learning Network related Command and Administrative Commands
3 2 2
Learning Vi Editor & its Modes And GUI Tools
4 2 2
Learning Shell Script, A Shell Script to demonstrate various control Constructs
5 2 3
A Script to check for a file and directory existence in the file system
6 2 3
A Script to execute different command to demonstrate Switch cases statement
7 2 4
A Script to handle command line argument and other Special symbols
8 2 4
Learn how to Compile, Debug & Execute C, C++ & Java Programming Codes without IDEs.
9 2 5
Learning about LAMP STACK its Installation And Configuration on Linux (Ubuntu) and Perform Post Installation
10 Exercises 2 5

Reference Books:

e-Learning Source:

CO1 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 2
CO2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 2
CO3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2
CO4 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
CO5 2 2 2 2 2 1 3
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

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