Neighborhood News: Social Social Social Social Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar

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Neighborhood News


Representing the 1200 households North of East-West Highway, South of Jones
Bridge Road, East of Wisconsin Avenue and West of Columbia Country Club.

Social School Assignments

Calendar By Monica Hayes, Education Chair
By Sandy Spagnolo, East Bethesda residents are system's Long-Range Educational
invited to learn more about the Facilities Planning Policy, the
Social Chair
Montgomery County Public School Board of Education (BOE)
EBCA would like to invite you all (MCPS) Superintendent's determines the scope of a boundary
to Happy Hour on Friday, recommendation to the Board of study. The BOE will hold facilities
November 21st from 5 to 8 p.m. at Education on East Bethesda and boundaries hearing on
Guapos on Wisconsin Avenue. It Elementary School Assignments. November 12th and 13th and will
will be a good reason to get out of The meeting, sponsored by the vote on the Superintendent's
the house and mingle with your EBCA Education Committee, will recommendation on November
fellow neighbors whether they are feature presentations from MCPS 20th.
Elephant, Donkey or Other, and we administrators Mr. Bruce H At the November 10th meeting,
hope you can make it. Please Crispell, Director Division of Long Mr. Crispell and Dr. Stetson will
contact Sandy Spagnolo at Range Planning, and Dr. Frank H. provide the community with
[email protected] if you have any Stetson, Community additional information on the
questions. Superintendent (Bethesda-Chevy Superintendent's October 29th
Our annual EBCA Halloween Chase, Walter Johnson, Wheaton, recommendations. They will
Parade was yet again another big and Whitman Clusters). The describe the potential impacts the
hit. With all of the ghosts and meeting will be held on November recommendation might have on our
goblins, fairies and princess, 10th from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the community and outline next steps
everyone seemed to have a great Lynnbrook Recreation Center. for our community, including a
time. We would like to thank The Superintendent's description of how elementary
Justin Fox for being so creative recommendation to the Board of school transfers will be handled for
with the haunted house. It really Education on East Bethesda the 2009-2010 year if we do not
seemed to get everyone into the Elementary Assignments (which have a change in school
Halloween spirit and the weather was not yet available when this assignments by that time.
was perfect. article went to press) was The Education Committee is
Also, a special thanks to all of scheduled for released on October soliciting your questions for Mr.
the volunteers who helped 29th on the MCPS website at: Crispell and Dr. Stetson in advance
serve the yummy cider and tasty of the meeting to ensure the
treats. Thanks to Sarah departments/planning/ meeting addresses the community’s
Mitchell who was instrumental in CIPMaster_Current.htm. A link to most pressing issues. Please email
making this day happen, Nancy the recommendation will also your questions to
Horton for managing the canned available on October 29th on the [email protected]. Questions
food drive again this year, and a EBCA website, will also be solicited during the
very special thanks to Mr. and If the superintendent meeting.
Mrs. Farrell who donate the recommends a boundary study In related news, about 275
snacks that make the end of the concerning East Bethesda education surveys have been
parade so special every year. We Elementary School assignments, it collected from community residents
hope everyone enjoyed the will be part of the MCPS Capital to date. Initial survey results will
afternoon and had a safe and fun Improvement Plan process and be tabulated based on those
Halloween. timeline. Under the school received by October 31st.
PAGE 2 Neighborhood News NOV 2008

President’s Notebook Community

By Ilaya Hopkins, President
With another successful All of these will have long-term
Halloween parade behind us, it is
good to reflect on all the things we
consequences for our community
and each are discussed in detail in
A Wider
love about our community. The
togetherness, support and
friendliness of East Bethesda is on
articles in this issue of the
newsletter. Whether it is the
Board of Education, the state or
full display when we come together the county, each entity provides Looking for a way to give back
for such a festive celebration. Our opportunities for the public to this holiday? Adopt a family and
concern about others less fortunate weigh in on important help make the season bright. The
in our community is evident, too, matters. Individuals can do this in holidays are just around the corner
as the food collection points for person or in writing. Often, it is a and A Wider Circle needs your
Bethesda Help were overflowing powerful statement to see many help! Last year, A Wider Circle
with donations. As Thanksgiving interested people in the audience provided gifts to more than 800
approaches at the end of this at these public hearings. children and adults who could
month, I remain incredibly grateful I encourage you to read the otherwise not afford presents. This
to be among such a group of information here and on our year, they hope to serve nearly
neighbors and friends. website. If you feel strongly about 1200 community members in need
November is shaping up to be a the impact any of these projects this holiday season!
month full of opportunities to help will have, take a few minutes to In order to accomplish this goal,
impact the future of our area. It is compose your thoughts and send they need your help! You can help
nearly impossible for any one them in. The process will benefit serve those in need by donating
person to be everywhere so I from input of those directly gifts, gift cards, wrapping paper,
encourage you to think about the affected. healthy, non-perishable food, or by
aspects that matter the most to you Thanks again for another volunteering to wrap or deliver
and to take the time to provide fabulous kick-off to the Halloween presents. You may also "adopt" a
your input. EBCA has been festivities, to Sandy Spagnolo, our family to provide them with food
following some of the main areas terrific Social Committee chair, and gifts that they are not able to
over the last several years. The and the rest of the volunteers who afford during the holidays.
three main topics with pulled the event together, to other If you have any questions or
opportunities to weigh in this committee leaders and individuals would like to help out, please
month are elementary school who represent EBCA so admirably, contact A Wider Circle by phone at
assignments, the Purple Line, and and to this month’s sponsors – 301-657-1010 or by email at
improvements to the Medical welcome Suburban Hospital – who [email protected]. Please
Center area. make this newsletter possible. help make a difference in the lives
of our neighbors in need this
holiday season.
Ilaya Hopkins, President
David Saltzman, 1st Vice President
East Bethesda Citizens
Association, Inc.
Tori Hall, 2nd Vice President
A.B. Carneal, Recording Secretary
PO Box 41020 Jack Hayes, Treasurer In the October issue, the article
Bethesda, MD 20824 Dan Fox, Immediate Past President “Purple Line: Waiting for the Andy O’Hare, Crescent Trail Report” incorrectly stated the
Monica Hayes, Education position of the website
Neighborhood News Rebecca Fayed , Membership regarding
Jay Briar, Editor Eleanor Rice, NIH Liaison use of the Capital Crescent Trail.
[email protected] Kevin Kraus, Parks & Playgrounds The organization is in favor of
Sandy Spagnolo, Social Events using the trail but states that the
Sponsorship, Vacant
trail will not be altered by the
[email protected] Dorian Patchin, Website
Purple Line.
Leslie Weber, Welcome Packets
We regret the error.
PAGE 3 Neighborhood News NOV 2008

New EBCA Website Update

Have you seen the new EBCA website? Many between a classic view, for a well organized discussion
residents have already registered, allowing them to or a "recent topics" view to highlight active
receive EBCA e-Alerts directly by email. Registering discussions. Lastly, the Messageboard categories are
is simple. Just provide your name and email and you searchable by visitors. We hope this will be a social
will be signed up. We are also utilizing the calendar networking opportunity for EBCA residents. Of
feature by indicating upcoming events and providing course, if you are really into the social networking
more details there. Be sure to check it out. scene, you can join the EBCA Facebook group where
A great feature of the website is the EBCA you can RSVP for neighborhood events and exchange
Messageboard. There are a number of categories where information with others.
individuals can post announcements, questions, is the service we are using for the
recommendations, or items of general interest. You can website. There have already been some upgrades as
determine whether to receive emails on these subjects new features become available. If there is something
in your mailbox or just remember to check back to the you would like to see on the site, please contact
site periodically to see what is going on. Members can [email protected] to let us know what ideas you
post images, links and more. You can also choose have.

Have you been getting email updates from EBCA for the past few years? If
so, have you signed up for alerts on the new website? Please note that as of
November 1st, we will not be using the old email list provided by Topica. To
make sure you receive EBCA e-alerts, please register now at

11/30/08 11/30/08
PAGE 4 Neighborhood News NOV 2008

How Should I Mulch EBCA

Around Trees? Calendar
By Linda Miller & Kristen Mosbaek
East Bethesda Garden Club Monday, November 10th:
The EBCA Education Committee
My mama always said, For the safety of the plant, keep hosts MCPS staff on school
“Everything in moderation.” Well, all mulch materials away from the assignments. 8 p.m., Lynnbrook
that applies to mulching around bark of the plant. Maintain a two- Recreation Center.
trees too. But you wouldn’t know it to three-inch layer of mulch
by what we see around town; you (shredded bark or composted wood Wednesday & Thursday,
don’t want to create “the mulch chips) that is pulled away from the November 12th & 13th:
volcano.” The following text from trunk or stems. When used MCPS Board of Education public
the Northeastern IPM Center properly, mulch: hearings. 7 p.m., Carver
poster gives sage advice. • Reduces the potential for Educational Services Center, 850
damage from mowers and weed Hungerford Drive, Rockville.
Buried Alive, whips,
Mulching Incorrectly • Stabilizes soil temperatures, Saturday, November 15th:
• Helps control weeds, and America Recycles Day, to see
Too much mulch: more than • Conserves moisture. what Montgomery County is doing
three inches of mulch will not
enhance weed control or moisture A little more about trees... recycling.
moderation, and may harm the
root system. Fall is a perfect time to plant Tuesday, November 18th:
• Deep layers of mulch smother trees. Here are some websites to Maryland Transit Authority
roots by excluding air from the help you pick the perfect tree for Purple Line Public Hearings –
soil. your yard. Open House at 4:30 p.m.
• Over-mulched plants can Washington DC Tree Project: Public Hearing from 5:00 to 9:00
develop unhealthy, fibrous roots p.m. National 4-H Youth
growing from the trunk into Tree Identification: Conference Center at 7100
mulch. These roots are more Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase.
susceptible to drying out. Tough Trees: Friday, November 21st:
Mulch should never be piled up ToughUrbanTrees.html EBCA Happy Hour from 5 to 8
against the trunk or stem of any Tree Experts: p.m. at Guapo’s. Everyone is
plant. “Mulch volcanoes” create welcome.
several future health problems, tree_expert_search.asp
including keeping the bark Wednesday, December 17th:
continuously wet, promoting The East Bethesda Garden Club EBCA cookie exchange and
decease and rapid decay of both the meets at 7:30 on the second General Membership Meeting. 7:30
bark and wood of the plant, Tuesday of each month. Guests are p.m., Lynnbrook Recreation
increasing the plant’s susceptibility always welcome. For more Center.
to temperature extremes in the information about the garden club,
winter, and creating an please contact Nancy at 301-656- See these and other EBCA events
environment for rodent damage. 8754. listed on the Calendar section of Click on the event
to get all the details you need.
Next Garden Club Meeting: For a calendar of events going on
in and around Bethesda, visit
Tuesday, November 11th, 7:30
bcc and eVents Calendar.
PAGE 5 Neighborhood News NOV 2008

Neighborhood BRAC Update:

Roundup Traffic Hotline
Dogs at Lynnbrook Park
Thanks to several neighbors in Transit Authority (WMATA) have
Teachers and the parent council the Glenbrook Village area, we both provided information on
of the Lynbrook Children's Center have been able to work with the possibilities for improvements to
have expressed concern about dogs Navy and their contractor, Clark the area, including intersection
doing their business in the fenced- Construction, to stop construction modifications and a new east side
in playground. Small children play vehicles from using our entrance for the Medical Center
in this playground everyday and it neighborhood streets to access the Metro Station. For more
is not very hygienic for dogs to Naval Hospital base. The Navy information, visit the website at
leave their messes (both peeing has established a hotline to deal
and pooping). If it is all possible, with these and other construction brac. The remaining key, of
please keep your dogs out of the related issues: 301-319-BRAC course, is funding for any of these
playground area so the children of (2722) The NNMC web site, proposals.
East Bethesda can have a clean, allow EBCA is now part of the
playground to play on. s the community to contact NNMC Coalition of Military Medical
and express concerns about day-to- Center Neighbors, a group of
Office Building Development day issues related to construction, surrounding communities who
including safety, noise and other have come together to ensure that
For the office development factors that might negatively the community perspective is part
project at 4500 East-West impact the quality of life for those of the ongoing dialogue on the
Highway, EBCA submitted a letter who live and work near the NNMC future of the Medical Center
to the Planning Board for the campus. The phone will be staffed area. The Coalition will attend two
October 16th hearing on the project weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 important state related meetings
plan. The letter stated concern p.m. with an answering machine including the Maryland
about the vehicular circulation taking calls off-hours. These hours Department of Transportation
pattern. EBCA will continue to may be adjusted during the Road Show on November 13th and
monitor this development and construction process. the Montgomery County
provide more input at the site Work inside the fence of the Delegation Priorities Hearing on
review stage of the process. For National Naval Medical Center November 20th.
more information, please contact (NNMC) continues apace. Soon Both meetings will be held at the
[email protected]. steel will be in the ground and the Executive Office Building’s 1st
new structures will begin to floor auditorium at 101 Monroe
Public Safety emerge. County Executive Ike Street in Rockville. We hope to
Leggett’s BRAC Implementation have a good turnout of concerned
Trust your instincts. Watch out Committee (BIC) continues to meet citizens to show the level of
for your neighbors. If you see the third Tuesday of each month at interest in this area. To stay on
something suspicious, call the the BCC Regional Services top of BRAC related news, join the
Montgomery County Police non- Center. The Maryland State Coalition email list at
emergency number at 301-279- Highway Administration and the
8000. Washington Metropolitan Area CMMCN.

Plans for the proposed Purple Line are ongoing. You can be
heard! For more information on EBCA’s input to the Purple
Line Environmental Impact Statement process, contact EBCA
1st Vice President David Saltzman at [email protected].
PAGE 6 Neighborhood News NOV 2008

Halloween Parade

Halloween photos courtesy of Michael Corcoran.

PAGE 7 Neighborhood News NOV 2008

Sunday, October 26


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Please visit

or call 301-718-9116
Advocate for the best schools for
East Bethesda! Become a
Inside This Issue
member of EBCA today! Education Update .................... 1
Please support our neighborhood activities, this
newsletter, and the community activism that
Gardening Tips......................... 4
makes East Bethesda one of the most desirable
places in which to invest and raise a family. $15 BRAC Traffic Update ............... 5
per member, but additional contributions are
always welcome. Halloween Parade Photos ..... 6-7
EBCA - Membership
P.O. Box 41020
Bethesda, MD 20824 Did you know that this
Members _____________________________________ newsletter is also
Address _____________________________________
Phone _____________________________________ available online?
E-mail _____________________________________

Number of Members _____ x $15 each = $_____

See for
EBCA will not share your contact information with
anyone outside of the organization. this and past issues.

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