Neighborhood News: Social Social Social Social Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar
Neighborhood News: Social Social Social Social Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar
Neighborhood News: Social Social Social Social Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar
Have you been getting email updates from EBCA for the past few years? If
so, have you signed up for alerts on the new website? Please note that as of
November 1st, we will not be using the old email list provided by Topica. To
make sure you receive EBCA e-alerts, please register now at
11/30/08 11/30/08
PAGE 4 Neighborhood News NOV 2008
Plans for the proposed Purple Line are ongoing. You can be
heard! For more information on EBCA’s input to the Purple
Line Environmental Impact Statement process, contact EBCA
1st Vice President David Saltzman at [email protected].
PAGE 6 Neighborhood News NOV 2008
Halloween Parade
Sunday, October 26